The Rev. W. S. CROCKETT, Minister of Tweedsmuir, Convener and General Editor.
The Plight Rev. Professor JAMKS COOPER, D.D., D.Litt., D.C.L.
FRANCIS JAMES GRANT, W.S., Lyon Clerk and Rothesay Herald.
The Rev. Professor JAMES MACKINNON, Ph.D., D.T).
Sir JAMES BALFOUI; PAUL, C.V.O., LL.D., Lord Lyon King-of-Arms.
The Rev. ROBERT W. WEIR, D.I).
The Very Rev. Sir JOUN HERKLESS, D.D.,
Principal of the University of St
The Very Rev. DAVID PAUL, LL.D., Edin
The Rev. JAMES BREBNER, D.D., Forgue
The Rev. THOMAS BURNS, D.D., Edinburgh
The Rev. W. W. COATS, D.D., Brechin
The Rev. J. KING HEWISON, D.D., Rothesay
The Rev. J. MITCHELL, D.D., Mauchline
The Rev. ROBERT PRYDE, D.T)., Glasgow
The Rev. G. WALKER, D.D., Edinburgh
The Rev. J. R. AITKEN, M.A., Edinburgh
The Rev. WILLIAM AULD, B.D., Carnock
The Rev. JAMES W. BLAKE, M.A., Temple
The Rev. JOHN BURLEIGH, Ednani
The Rev. ANDREW BURNS, Fenwick
The Rev. J. A. CAMERON, B.D., Legerwood
The Rev. A. J. CAMPBELL. B.A., Glasgow
The Rev. J. T. Cox, B.D., Dyce
The Rev. A. A. DUNCAN, B.D., Auchterless
The Rev. J. E. GILLESPIE, Kirkgunzeon
The Rev. A. H. GILLIESON, B.D., Olrig
The Rev. GEO. D. HUTTON, M.A., B.Sc.,
The Rev. J. F. LEISIIMAN, M.A., Linton
The Rev. A. J. MACDONALD, Killearnan
The Rev. A. M. MACGREGOR, Lochryan
The Rev. R. D.MACKENZIE, B.D., Kilbarchan
The Rev. JOHN MUIR, B.D., Tester
The Rev. J. MUIRIIEAD, B.D., Avendale
The Rev. J. W. MURRAY, B.A.(Oxon.), Manor
The Rev. W. H. PORTER, Cults, Pitlessie
The Rev. HARRY SMITH, M.A., Old Kil-
The Rev. W. STEPHEN, B.D., Inverkeithing
The Rev. WM. WILSON, M.A., Trossachs
C. E. W. MACPHERSON, Esq., C.A., Edin.
THOMAS REID, Esq., M.A., Lanark
J. H. STEVENSON, Esq., Advocate, Edin.
Revised and continued to the Present Time under the Superintendence
of a Committee appointed by the General Assembly
DELAY in the publication of the second volume oi' the Fa.Kfi is almost
entirely owing to the abnormal conditions occasioned by the War.
During the past year, although most oi' the work was in type,
advantage has been taken to incorporate a considerable amount of fresh
information, and this has been continued to the date of issue.
The Editorial Committee desire to acknowledge dee}) indebtedness
to Clerks of the different Presbyteries, for much valued aid in the
preparation of this volume. The Committee have received assistance
also from a multiplicity of sources which it would be invidious — indeed
impossible — to detail. Every exertion has been made to render the
work as complete and as accurate as possible.
•2lst April 1917.
ABBREVIATIONS ... ... viii
I. Presbytery of Duns ..... 1
II. Presbytery of Chirnside . . . . .30
III. Presbytery of Kelso . 08
IV. Presbytery of Jedburgh . . . . <)S
V. Presbytery of Earlston, sometime called Lander . . 146
VI. Presbytery of Selkirk, formerly Melrose . . . 108
I. Presbytery of Lochmaben ..... 109
II. Presbytery of Langholm ..... 228
III. Presbytery of Annan, formerly Middlebie . . . 241
IV. Presbytery of Dumfries . . . 258
V. Presbytery of Penpont, formerly Sanquhar . . 809
I. Presbytery of Stranraer ..... 830
II. Presbytery of Wigtown ..... 859
III. Presbytery of Kirkcudbright .... 385
pres. .
pro. .
N-V- •
witbout issue
THE Synod Kecords from April 16M9 to April 1661, in three volumes, and a
volume from July 1690 to October 1707, were destroyed at the burning
of the manse of Morebattle, 8th Jan. 1727. The Kecords are complete
from 6th April 1708.
[Proposed to be erected by the (General Assembly, 1581. The Register commences
8th Xov. 1659, and is continued to the present time, with blanks from 24th July 1660 to
7th May 1661, 31st July 1688 to 15th Sept. 1690, 21st Aug. 1733 to 14th April 1735, and
6th Oct. 1749 to 6th March 1770. From 7th Aug. 1690 to 19th Oct. 1698 this Presbytery
was united to that of Chirnside. Each I'resbytery has a copy of the minutes of this
period. The parish of Hilton was in this Presbytery from 22nd Oct. 1707 to 1719.]
[These two parishes were united .soon
after the Reformation. Abbey St Bathans
is named from its patron, Saint Bathan,
second Abbot of lona. There being a
better known church of St Bathan at
Yester, this one came to be called Abbey
St Bathans, i.e. St Bathans belonging to
the Abbey of Dryburgh, which had ex
tensive possessions in the neighbourhood.
St Bathan's Well was near the church.
Towards the end of the thirteenth century,
Ada, Countess of Dunbar, a natural daughter
of William the Lion, founded here a priory
of Cistercian nuns, dedicated to St Mary.
Strafentain, called also Trefontaine, was
evidently dedicated to St Fintan. Its two
names are formed from his, with the Cymric
words Ystred and tref, both meaning hamlet
(Ystred Fintain ; Tref Fintain). In 1450
Strafontain was made a prebend of the
Collegiate Church of St Mary at Dunglass.
Xear the church of Strafontain was founded
in 1218 the hospital of Godscroft.]
1567 1567.
1574 in 1574.
Whittingehame and Tynninghame
in 1570 ; min. at Cranshaws in
1572 ; trans, to Ellem in 1585 ; trans, and
adm. in 1591 : on 7th May 1608 he granted
a discharge to John llenton of Billie for 34s.,
being four terms' rent for the Nunmeadow
of Billie at St Bathans,— [Reg. Assiy.; Milne
Home J/,S',S'., 189.]
1624 M.A. (Edinburgh, 1st Aug. 1590);
min. of Ellem in 1596 ; trans, to
Bunkle in 1599, but again at Ellem in 1607.
He was trans, to this charge by 1624, and
died in April 1628, aged about 58. His
widow raised an action against his successor
as to the aim, when the Lords found, 16th
-Tune 1(529, "that the late niin. having died
before the term, no part of the stipend was
due for that year, and could not be claimed
by his relict and bairns but as ann and no
otherwise, and that they should seek nothing
of crop 1(529."- -[Mat. Reports, 1627 ; Durie's
Dec. ; Morison's Diet. ; Reg. Sec. Ki<j.~\
THOMAS SWINTON, M.A. ; prcs. by
1628 ^'narlcs I- 31st ^av 1628, and adm.
soon after ; trans, to Edrom in 1649.
GEORGE POLLOK, M.A. ; min. in
1650. He conformed, was pres. by
Charles II. 4th, and coll. 20th Oct.
1662 ; trans, to Cockburnspath 2nd Nov.
JAMES COCKBURN, son of Henry C.,
min. of Channelkirk ; 'M.A. (Edin
burgh, May 1653) ; licen. by George,
Bishop of Edinburgh, 5th Nov. 1662 ; pres.
by Charles II. 17th Feb., ord. and coll.
22nd April, adm. and inst. 26th May, all
in 1664 ; trans, to Pencaitland after 21st
May 1674. — [Min. -book Reg. Sec. 8ig., v. ;
Apology for the Clergy. J
JAMES DUNBAR, grandson of Alex-
- 75 ander I), of Boath ; M.A. (King's
College, Aberdeen, 1647) ; chaplain
to the Laird of Innes in 1651 ; tutor to the
Master of Duffus ; licen. by Presb. of Elgin
29th Aug. 1655 ; became min. of Watten
before 1658 ; of Mertoun after 1667 ; pres.
by Charles II. 16th Sept. 1674 ; adm. 12th
Jan. 1675 ; deprived for refusing the Test
in 1681 ; died at Edinburgh, 17th March
1684, aged about 65. He marr. (1) Kathe-
rine Brodie, and had issue — Alexander,
W.S., 1682; Mary (marr. 6th June 1703,
David, son of William Monro of Cul-
craigie) : (2) Lilias Monro (buried in Grey-
friars, 7th Aug. 1694), and had issue —
Lilias, buried 1st May 1693. — [Min.-book
Reg. See. Sig., v. ; Ellcm Xess. Reg. ; Edin.
Mar. Reg. ; Gret/friars llurials ; Geneal. of
D unbar ; Gen. Reg. Sas., xvi.]
ROBERT BOWMAKER, probably son
1682 °^ James -B., portioner of Hutton :
M.A. (Edinburgh 1675); pres. by
Charles II. 17th Feb., and adm. 1st June
1682. He did not take the oath to the
Government, but was allowed to continue
after the Revolution, and died 29th May
1697, aged about 42. — [Min.-book Reg. Sec.
,%., v. ; Old Dec., i. ; MS. Ace. of M/'n,,
GEORGE HOME, M.A, (Glasgow, 18th
July 1672) ; entered the Divinity
Hall there, 13th Oct. 1692 ; licen. by
Presb. of Kelso 23rd Jan. 1694; ord. to
Selkirk 25th Sept. 1694 ; trans, and adm.
28th Feb. 1699 ; died 22nd Sept, 1705, aged
about 54. He marr. Jean Hamilton, who
died 22nd Dec. 1719, aged 64, and had
issue — Ninian. His widow left 1000 merks
" for maintaining a schoolmaster in this
place." — [Lander Tests. ; Tombst. ; Boston's
GEORGE HUME of Abbey St Bathans,
1707 probably son of George H. of the
same (who died July 1693), and his
wife, a daugh. of Patrick Hepburn of Nun-
raw ;. M.A. (Edinburgh 1683); licen. by
United Presb. 28th May 1691 ; called to
Ayton 18th Sept., and ord. 23rd Oct. 1694.
In March 1698 he was called to Abbey St
Bathans, but this was departed from. He
was again called 18th July 1706; adm.
7th Jan. 1707 ; died March 1718, aged
about 55. He marr. Jan. 1700, Rebecca
Pow, who survived him, and had issue —
John, min. of Greenlaw ; Sophia ; Jane. —
[Lander Tests. ; Boston's Memoirs,]
JAMES HALL, M.A. (Edinburgh, llth
1719 ^ay 1^04) > licen. by dissenting mins.
in England in 1714, and ord. by them
in 1715 min. of a Presbyterian congregation
there ; had a testimonial from Presb. of
Edinburgh in Feb. 1717 ; pres. by the
Presb. jure devoluto, and adm. 28th July
1719 ; suspended for having a penny
wedding in his house, which gave great
scandal to the neighbourhood, but was
restored 6th July 1731; died 19th July
1754. He marr. Margaret Johnston, Abbey
St Bathans, who died 20th May 1787, and
had issue • — John ; George ; Janet ; Mar
garet ; James ; Jean ; Marion (marr., pro.
13th Aug. 1752, John Brodie, farmer, Old-
hamstocks). — [Tombst. ; Edin. Mar. Reg.]
ALEXANDER HUME, ord. 9th May
1755 ; trans, to Polwarth 30th Nov.
ADAM MURRAY, trans, from the Low
175g Meeting, Berwick-on-Tweed ; pres.
by George II. 6th Dec. 1758 ; adm.
10th May 1759; trans, to Eccles 10th
March 1774.
JOHN SKED, Keen, by Presb. of Kelso
1774 4th Oct. 1763: pres. by George III.
30th March, and ord. 24th Aug. 1774 ;
died 23rd Jan. 1813, aged 76. To eke out
his scanty living he is said to have made a
basket each day ; and a local poem tells how
once he lost count of the days, and was
found busy at his work on Sunday. He
marr. 9th Feb. 1790, Margaret Renton, who
died 16th Feb. 1796, and had issue-
Margaret, born 9th Feb. 1791 ; William,
born 21st Sept. 1792. Publication— Account
of the Parish (Sinclair's Mat. Ace., xii.). —
Duns, 1752, schoolmaster at Edrom
from 1778 ; licen. by Presb. of
Chirnside 31st March 1789; ord. Aug. 1790
min. of the Presbyterian congregation at
Kirkley, Northumberland ; trans, to Presby
terian Church at Wigton, Cumberland ; pres.
by George III. 16th March, and adm. 3rd
Aug. 1813 ; died unmarr. 23rd Oct. 1822.—
JOHN WALLACE, son of a leather
1823 manufacturer in Dysart, Fife, and
brother of William W., LL.D., Pro
fessor of Mathematics in the Univ. of Edin
burgh; licen. by Presb. of Perth 30th March
1814 ; pres. by George IV. Nov. 1822,
and ord. 26th June 1823. Joined Free
Church in 1843 ; mathematical tutor in
Free Church College, Edinburgh, 1844-55 ;
died 2nd Nov. 1866. He marr. llth March
1825, Christina Young, Edinburgh, and
had issue — Alexander William, M.D., born
18th Feb. 1827. Publication— Account of
the Parish (Neiv Stat. Ace., ii.).
THOMAS DAVIDSON, born 20th May
1843 1815) son °^ Alexander D., min. of
Slamannan ; educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh; licen. by Presb. of Linlithgow;
ord. 28th Sept. 1843 ; died 27th Feb. 1873.
He marr. 22nd Feb. 1848, Henrietta (died
26th Dec. 1906), daugli. of William Proud-
foot, min. of Avendale, and had issue —
Alexander, banker, South Africa, born 21st
Jan. 1849 ; Henrietta Forrester, born 3rd
Aug. 1851 (marr. 1st June 1875, Robert Roy
MacGregor, I.S.O., Secretary of the Con
gested Districts Board for Scotland), died
8th Sept. 1906; William Proudfoot, born
18th Sept. 1853, died in Queensland, 29th
Dec. 1914; Christina Simson, born 10th Jan.
1856 (marr. 6th June 1887, William Lelean,
land agent, Surrey) ; Robert Forrester
Proudfoot, born 13th Feb. 1858 ; David
Thomas, born 2nd May 1860, accidentally
killed at Burntisland on a vessel of which
he was captain, 9th Dec. 1889; George,
born 2nd Aug. 1863, died 1865.
PETER CHRISTIE, born Perth ; edu-
cated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen.
by Presb. of Perth ; assistant at
Keir and at Channelkirk ; pres. by Queen
Victoria; ord. 5th Sept. 1873; res. 16th May
1902; died at Corstorphine, 20th April
1905. He marr. 26th Nov. 1874, Agnes
(died s.jt. 21st May 1910), daugh. of Thomas
Cuthill, Hamilton. He is referred to in
Thomas Carlyle;s Letters as "the little
curate." Publications — Translated Meyer's
Commentary on the New Testament : tit
Matthew, 2 vols. (Clark's Foreign Theological
Library; Edinburgh, 1877-89); Schiirer's
History of the Jews, Division II., vols. i., ii.
(Edinburgh, 1885); KeiFs Manual of Biblical
Arc/twoloy//, vol. i. (Edinburgh, 1887).
WALTER STRANG, M.A. ; ord. 27th
1902 Sept> 1902 ; trans- to Wilton Ghapel,
Glasgow, 12th Jan. 1910.
1910 ^(-lillljU1'oll> 30th March 1869, son of
Lindsay B., teacher, Forgandenny ;
educated at Univs. of Glasgow and Edin
burgh ; licen. by Presb. of Perth 1900 ;
assistant at Forteviot, Arbroath, Kilsyth,
Abernethy ; ord. to Scots Church, Tweed-
mouth, 24th Oct. 1907 ; trans, and adm.
12th May 1910. Marr. 17th Dec. 1907, Alice
Jessie Chalmers, and has issue — William
Cow Lindsay, born 28th June 1908; Con-
stance Emelia Rosa I ):( Hiveira, liorn 2*th
.lane WO'.), Leonard Douglas Graham
Murray, l>orn 4th .March 1911 ; Catherine
Jane Liddle (low Wilson, bom 1st March
(These parishes were united by the I'resb.
and l>y direction ot' Parliament in 1021.
Both belonged to the Bishopric of Dun-
keld, and Bunkle was a mensal church of
the Bishop. In 1060 the choir was in ruins,
and no communion service could be held.
Bunkle Church was used for service till the
Synod of Dunkeld ordered service to be
held only at Preston, which order was
ratified by the Commissioners of Teinds
on 10th February lOGit. The people- of
Bunkle refused to go to Preston, and at
tended conventicles: in 1088 the minister
preached alternately in the two churches.
.In 1718, after an extensive repair, Bunkle
Church was recognised as that of the parish.
It was entirely rebuilt in 1820. A small
semicircular Norman apse marks the site
of the ancient building, believed to be of
the twelfth century.
Preston Church was built apparently in
the thirteenth century, but fell into ruin
after 1718. In 1071 the minister was ordered
to hasten the completion of the church.
In 1683 the windows were ordered to be
"glassed." It is said that the bell of the
church was thrown into a pool in the
Blackadder by the people when they
rabbled Nieolson in 1089.]
JOHN BLACK [BLAKE], exhorter in
1567 1567.
WILLIAM SINCLAIR, reader from 1574
1674 *° ^titi ; pres. to the vicarage by
James VI. 12th March 1582. In 1585
he had Preston also in charge ; removed
there in 1590, but returned in 1597. He
officiated at Preston up to 1016.— [Calder-
wood's Jllst., iv. 604 ; KW/v,,/' J//.W/.]
GEORGE REDPATH, M.A. ; trans, from
Ellem and adm. in 1599 ; re trans, to
Ellem in 1007. [!!«,. ,-lxx/;/.]
MATTHEW CARRAIL, min. in 160
1607 trans, to Edrom in 1612.
-JOHN OA1TTIS [G ALT], probably son
°^ l^rick ^-' nun> °f ^uns ': min. in
1614. On 30th Aug. 1640, he was in
the Castle of Dunglass, with the soldiers
under Thomas, Earl of Haddington, who were
guarding the communications of General
David Leslie, and the Scottish troops serving
in England against Charles I. According to
Scotstarvet, the powder magazine was wil
fully fired by an English page boy, the com
mander, Gait, and about sixty-six others
being killed and thirty-three injured. He
marr. Agnes, daugh. of Patrick Cockburn
of Hlast Borthwick, and had issue — Isabel
(marr. William Measser, advocate).— [AV;/.
Axxt'/. : Balfour's Hist. ]]'<»•/>:* ; Stevenson's
Ifi*t. : Lithgow's (iuxhin<i Terrr* : R<-<j. of
D/edv, ccccxxxvi., 25th Nov. 1630 ; (1 . /,'.
IFai-ninrix, 17th April 1072.]
ROBERT COL I) EN, M.A. (St Andrews
1650 1^-6) ; had been a min. in Ireland, but
was forced, through cruelty of the
Irish rebels, to flee from that country with
his wife and children. A collection for them
was intimated in the Church of Dunferm-
line, 12th March 1043. He became min.
here in 1050, and died after 29th March
1.004. He marr. (1) Helen Aitchison, and
had issue — Helen: (2) Anna, daugh. of
•lames Daes, min. of Earlston, and widow
of .John Trotter in Fogo Bank, who sur
vived him, and had issue — Robert, bursar
of the Presb. of Earlston, 1665-7 ; Alex
ander, his successor here in 1690, after
wards min. of Ox.\i&m.—[Du)t/ermline tiess.
J\e;/. ; Lut/n'ait Sipmd, Jfa<l<H>i<jt<m ,s>xx.
AV/. : G. A\ ItiJtil,., 1 3th May 1003: '/'/(>•
Session Book of Jhinklc, 1899-1900.
GEORGE TROTTER, M.A. : pres. by
1665 til0 curutol's ot James. Marquess of
Douglas, and adm. 25th July 1005 :
trans, to Edrom in 1077.
Andrews. 25th July 1671); adm. 20th
Aug. 1078. Refusing to read the
Proclamation of the Estates or pray for
William and Mary, he was rabbled and the
charge declared vacant from 6th July 1090.
He went to Hutton, and was settled in the
curacy of Holy Island 20th Aug. 170],
where he died 31st Aug. 1711, aged Gf>.
He carried off the Session Register, which
was afterwards in the hands of a descend
ant, Nicolson of Loanend. He marr. 29th
Oct. 1685, Alison Hume, Gordon, and had
issue — Margaret, bapt. 30th July 1G86 ;
Elizabeth, bapt. 14th March 1G88 (marr.
George Nicolson of Loanend), died 1721 ;
Janet, bapt. 2nd Feb. 1690 (marr., pro. 10th
Dec. 1738, Robert Murdoch, merchant, Edin
burgh). — [Cordon tfess. Rc<j. : Tombst. ; J/A'.
Ace. of Min,, 1689; Eclin. Mar. Reg.: The
Session Book of
! pres. by the Duke of Douglas before 24th
Dec. 1761, but owing to dispute as to right
of patronage, not adm. till 19th Sept. 1765 ;
died llth April 1801. He marr. 25th Jan.
1757, Christina Margarita Bakker, a Dutch
; lady, who died 8th Feb. 1796, aged 58, and
had issue an only child — Archibald, captain
in 43rd Foot, born 18th Oct. 1757, died
at Duns, 21st March 1806. Publication-
Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace,,
the above Robert C. ; min. at Ennis-
corthy, Ireland ; adm. 7th Aug. 1690:
trans, to Duns 5th Dec. 1693.
NIXIAN HOME, MA. ; ord. 30th July
1696 : trans, to Sprouston 29th Nov.
WALTER HART, son of James H.,
provost of Jedburgh ; M.A. (Edin
burgh, 13th July 1695): Keen, by
Presb. of Linlithgow 4th Feb. 1702; called
20th Nov. 1705 : ord. 22nd Aug. 1706 ; died
4th June 1761. In the Assembly of 1733
he sympathised with the four Seceders,
but took no further action. He marr. (1)
24th Dec. 1706, Ann, daugh. of Alexander
Daes, merchant, Edinburgh : (2) 26th April
1732, Sarah (died 19th June 1772), daugh.
of John Ker, surgeon, and had issue —
James, licen. by the Northumberland
Classis, approved by the Presb. of Chirn-
side, and became a min. at Doncaster. —
[Lander Tests.; Acts of Ass., 1747 ;
Stevenson's Hist.]
[JAMES BERTRAM, pres. by George
1761 III. 16th Aug. 1761, but not settled.]
ROBERT DOUGLAS, born Cumnock,
1716, son of Robert D., merchant
there ; educated at Univ. of Glas
gow ; licen. by Presb. of Ayr 23rd Dec.
1741 ; ord. by it, 5th Aug. 1747, chaplain
to Lord Drumlanrig's Regiment in the
service of the States General in Holland :
JOHN CAMPBELL, born 1772, son of
James C., Edinburgh : educated at
Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb.
of Edinburgh 30th April 1800: pres. by
Archibald, Lord Douglas : ord. 18th March
1802; died unmarr. 18th July 1818.—
Presb. of Glasgow 27th March 1805 :
schoolmaster of Erskine ; pres. by
Archibald, Lord Douglas, Oct. 1818; ord.
18th March 1819. Joined Free Church
1843 ; dep. by Free Church Presb. of Edin
burgh ; died at Musselburgh, 27th Sept.
1853. He man'. 3rd Oct. 1809, Jane
M'Kean, who died 18th Feb. 1849, and
had issue — Jean Forrester, born 14th July
1810 (marr. 14th April 1835, Henry Cun
ningham Graham, W.S.), died llth Dec.
1839 ; Agnes, born llth Aug. 1812 (marr.
George Lawrie, surgeon, Provost of Mussel-
burgh), died 25th Jan. 1890. Publication
— Account of the Parish (Neu> fitat. Ace.).
JOHN DUNLOP, born Flemington,
Ay ton, 1809, son of George D. and
Jane Renton Gibson ; educated at
Ayton School and Univ. of Edinburgh ;
ord. 22nd Dec. 1843 ; died at Bournemouth,
unmarr., 19th Jan. 1880.
Glasgow, 8th Jan. 1853, son of Hugh
Mair and Marion Young Ronald, and
nephew of John Mair, D.D., min. of South-
dean ; educated at High School and Univ.
of Glasgow ; licen. by Presb. of Paisley
4th July 1877 ; ord. to Heatherlie Church,
Selkirk, 10th Jan. 1878 ; trans, and adm.
(assistant and successor) 8th Jan. 1880.
Marr. Mth July 1880, Jane, daugh. of
Dr Thomas Miller and Jane Barclay,
and has issue- Jane Barclay Miller, l»orn
Mth April 1881 (marr. 20th Aug. 1914,
George Morton Cotton, C.A.): Minnie
Ronald, born 19th Nov. 1882; Lilian,
born 9th March 1885 (marr. 14th July
1910, William Stewart Rutherford, solicitor,
I'aris). Publications — 7J«/?«'£ Elocution
(London, 1880); Rupert Hor-ncHffSs Mis
sion. (Glasgow, 1890); Rrmli Your Boots,
Sir? (Glasgow, 1890); /fan-;/ Jefre;/, tin'
Sc</>tic (Glasgow, 1891); Lac/iie Wulson's
\Vandi-i-iin_i Wit /i, iJ Worldly \Vixdnm
(Leicester, 1903).
[The church was dedicated to St Ninian.
A new building was erected in 1739, at a
considerable distance from the older site.
This church was restored in 1900. A
sculptured coat of the royal arms transferred
from the earlier edifice was placed there
probably because the Crown had anciently
patrimonial rights in the parish.]
NICOL BUDDIE, reader in 1507; re-
1567 lnovc<1" to Abbey St Bathans in
1572 Tynninghame and Whittingchame in
1570; adm. in 1572; in 1574 Ellem
and Abbey St Bathans were also in his
charge ; removed to Ellem before 1585.
ALKXAXDKi: S \VIXTOX of Greenrig,
1593 I'N'^Hv son of John S., sixteenth
of Swinton ; M.A. (Edinburgh, 12th
Aug. 1592) ; pres. by James VI. before 2nd
June 1593; died before 21st Feb. 1595.—
\_Rfi.l. Ass i</.]
JOHN HEPBURN, M.A., one of the
1596 ()1'i«'illil1 students at the Univ. of
Edinburgh; min. of Glenholm 12th
May 1592; trans, to Mertoun 1594; pres.
by James VI. 21st Feb. 1595, and adm. in
1590; the presentation was renewed 13th
Feb. 1597. In 1007 he was sent to Black
ness Castle for defying the Privy Council.
He was still min. ;in 1611.— [TtV/. Assiy. ;
/'/•/'•// Council TiV/., viii., 12.]
1615 lf"03) : mm- m 1015; he was pres.
to vicarage of Coldingham by James
VI. before 10th April 1015, but continued
here, and was a member of Assembly in
1045. The charge was vacant in Oct. 1052.
-[AVf/. ,sVr. A' A/. : Mat. Reports, 1027 ; Arts
of Ass.]
JOHN FOORD was on the Exercise at
1655 Chirnside, and had a testimonial to
Presb. of Haddington 10th May
1037 ; min. here in 1055. He conformed,
and was coll. 17th Aug. 1003 ; died between
18th Aug. and Nov. 1074. He marr. 8th
April 1062, Helen Swinton, Haddington,
and had issue— John ; Robert ; Alexander ;
William : Margaret. — [Haddinyton Sets.
Re<i. ; Lander Tests. ; Rerj. Coll at.]
JOHN SWINTON, M.A. (Edinburgh,
1674 18th July 1664); licen. by George,
Bishop of Edinburgh, 26th March
1005 ; ord. to Wamphray 14th Dec. 1665 ;
trans, and adm. 21st Oct. 1674; died
between 25th March 1706 and 5th Sept.
1710. He marr. Katherine (died in Edin
burgh, 25th Aug. 1719), second daugh. of
George Gray, town clerk of Haddington,
and had issue— John ; Helen (marr. 30th
Nov. 1709, James Gray, merchant, Edin
burgh); Jean (marr., pro. 23rd May 1714,
George Syme, slater, Canongate) ; and a
daugh. (marr. Kirkwood). — [Ren.
Col/at. ; Haddinr/ton Presb. and Test. Re/js. ;
El/em Session Retj.; J/,S'. Ace. of Min.] Rule's
Sec. Vindication; (,'. R. Sas., xxxiii., 240.]
JOHN CAMPBELL, M.A. (Edinburgh,
1706 28th June 1697); chaplain to Sir
John Swinton of that ilk in 1700;
licen. by Presb. of Chirnside 4th Nov!
1701 ; called 8th Nov. 1705 ; ord. (assistant
and successor) 28th March 1706 ; died 16th
Jan. 1759, aged 83. He marr. 12th June
1707, Elizabeth Craig, North Berwick,
and had issue.— [A'. Berwick Sess. Reg. •
Lauder Tests.]
RICHARD SCOTT, ord. 20th Sept.
1759 1759 : trans, to Ewes 17th Sept. 1761.
RALPH DRUMMOND, licen. by Presb.
of Edinburgh 25th March 1761 ; ord.
6th May 1762 ; died 20th March
1784, aged 65. He marr. before 1754,
Jean Trail, who died 21st July 1797, and
had issue— Elizabeth, born 9th Oct. 1754,
died at Edinburgh, 10th July 1828 ; John,
born 16th Nov. 1755 ; Jean, born 22nd July
1757, died 30th Aug. 1769; George, his
successor; Isobel, born 16th Aug. 1763,
died young.
ceding; pres. by Charles Watson of
Saughton and Cranshaws in 1784 ;
ord. 3rd May 1785 ; trans, to Mordington
20th April 1792.
Charles Watson of Saughton and
Cranshaws; ord. 27th Sept. 1792;
trans, to Moffat 15th Feb. 1801.
DAVID TOD [TODD], M.A., a native
of Portmoak ; educated at Univ. of
St Andrews ; licen. by Presb. of
Kirkcaldy 24th Nov. 1779 ; went to London
in 1788 as assistant to John Patrick, D.D.,
min. of Peter Street Presbyterian Church,
Soho, and was ord. by the Scots Presb.
there, 3rd Feb. 1790, as colleague and suc
cessor. He res. that position in 1794. He
was presented by Charles AVatson of Saugh
ton and Cranshaws, and adin. to this charge
24th Sept. 1801 ; died 18th Feb. 1813. He
marr. 18th June 1807, Elizabeth Thomson,
who died 27th Nov. 1857, and had issue—
Isobel, born 5th May 1808; Robert, born
1st Jan. 1811; Janet, born 26th Jan. 1813.—
[Wilson's Dissenting Churches, iv. ; P>lack's
The Scots Churches in England, 229.]
July 1787, eldest son of William S.,
D.D., min. of Hacklington ; educated
at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of
Haddington 20th Oct. 1812 ; pres. by James
Watson of Saughton and Cranshaws, and
ord. 23rd Sept. 1813 ; died 3rd March 1853.
He marr. 9th June 1847, Margaret Ann
(died 19th April 1903), daugh. of William
Anderson, Longformacus, and Ann Philips,
and had issue — John Hope Knox, banker,
Edinburgh, born 27th July 1848, died 12th
April 1875; Wilhelmina, born 24th July
1851 (marr. 23rd Dec. 1892, John Dodds,
schoolmaster of Bowden) ; James Hope
(posthumous), born 16th Aug. 1853, died
25th March 1856. Publication — Account
of the Parish (New Stat. Ace., ii.).
23rd Sept, 1853; trans, to Oldham-
stocks 23rd March 1876.
JAMES FORBES, trans, from Milton,
Kirkcaldy, and adm. 7th Sept. 1876;
trans, to Cults, Fife, 4th July 1879.
Prestonpans 1st Sept. 1845, son of
Andrew S. and Christian Kent ; edu
cated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; MA. (1873) ;
missionary at Newcraighall ; assistant at
Newington, Edinburgh ; ord. 13th Nov.
1879; died 14th July 1914. He marr. 9th Nov.
1885, Mary Ann, daugh. of Robert Pringle,
schoolmaster, Cranshaws, and had issue —
Andrew Robert Bridges, born 6th Dec.
1886, died llth Aug. 1906 ; Robert Bridges,
born 14th July 1888; Jane Alston Hum
phry, born 15th April 1890; Mary
Christian Kent, born 6th July 1893;
Christian Kent, born llth Jan. 1896;
Richard Humphry, born 20th April 1898;
Donald David, born 23rd Oct. 1900.
THOMAS GILLIESON, min. of Craig-
millar Chapel-of-Ease (vide Vol. L,
p. 174) ; adm. to this charge 6th Nov.
1914. He had a son, Thomas Lindsay, born
30th Oct. 1915.
[Became in 1342 a prebend of the Col
legiate Church of Dunbar, and was served
by a vicar. The dedication is uncertain,
but the fair day was the Monday after
Trinity Sunday. The church demolished
in 1790 had a burgess loft, dated 1572. It
was proposed by the Synod, 10th July
1611, to make Birkenside a separate charge,
but this was not carried out. Birkenside
is now called Chapel, and marks the site
of a chapel dedicated to St Magdalene. It
was formerly the kirklands of Ellem, and
was perhaps the same as the " Bona Hospi-
talis de Duns."]
JO MX YOrXG, trans, tmm Xorth
Berwick in Xov. 1508 : trans, to .led
burgh i'iid Aug. 1509.
1569 reader.
.IOHX P.KXXETT, min. of Ik-riot, was
1581 'I1VS- ^ '';unes ^TI- -nil May 1581.
On 3rd May 1582 he gave an obliga
tion to .lames Colvill of Easter Wemyss.
in acknowledgment of his services in pro
viding him to the parsonage of Duns, vacant
through the death of the last parson, Sir
Daniel Home of Fishwick. to lease to him
or certain others the teind sheaves and the
kirklands of Dims. He demitted previous
to 20th .Ian. 1582-3. and remained at
1582 Abernethy and Abdie as min. in 1507 :
trans, to Edrom after 1 1th June 1573,
having also 'Duns, Langton, Fogo, and
Polwarth in his charge. Transferred to
Duns about 1582, and pres. by James VI.
20th -lime 1582. In 1581 he and Clapper-
ton of Coldstream were appointed to form
a Presbytery in the Merse. He was seized
and taken to Edinburgh by the archers of
the guard, 25th May 158-4 : still min. 10th
July 1011, though in "inability and auld
age." He man1. Isobel Gibb, and had issue
-Alexander, min. of Polwarth : and prob
ably John, min. of Bunkle. —[Fife Inhih.,
20th Dec. 1590 ; Jtrif. Assi';/. : ' Dalkeith
I'resh. and St Ainli-eii:* Si/nod Keys.;
Calderwood's ///.<, iv.. 72: Butler's Al«-r-
iiff/if/, 339.]
1585 mentioned as min. of Dims in 1585.
1585 TOX< °f tllC fami'y °f TX of Co1-
grain, Dumbartonshire, and brother
of Sir Robert D. of Montjoy, Conservator
of the Privileges of the Scots Xation in
the Low Countries. Three persons at this
time, viz., Bennett, Oaittis, and Danielston, \
claimed to have been lawfully provided !
to the parsonage and vicarage of Duns.
Danielston obtained a decreet of the Court
of Session against the others, and the
parishioners were ordered to pay their dues
to him. Hi Feb. 1585-0 the parishioners com
plained to the Court that they were being
pursued for payment not only by Danielston,
but by certain assignees of Robert Colvill
of Cleish, who had a lease of the parsonage
dues from Bennett and Gaittis. The Court
remitted the matter to the Commissioners
at Edinburgh for inquiries, and on 4th
July 1587 it was settled in favour of
Danielston. On 2nd Feb. 1587-8 he got a
Crown charter of the kirklands of Duns,
called Priestside, and other lands., but
certain houses and lands called the Teind-
hill were reserved to the minister of the
parish. He had sasine in these lands 13th
.Jan. 1588-9. He died between 10th Dec.
1001, when he sold the kirklands to Sir
George Home of Wedderburn. and 20th
Jan. 1002, when his son William granted a
charter of them. He ma IT. Janet Ramsay,
and had issue — William. — [Re<t. Assi;i. ;
Milne Home JAS'.S'., 74, 251 : Reg. ^f<^(|.
Xi<j.. v., 1447.]
JAMES GAITTIS, trans, from Langton :
1607 adm. in 1007
about 1579, only son of John W. of
Lathockar, Fife: M.A. (St Andrews
1000): min. of Mutton in 1000: trans, and
adm. in 1013. He was a member of the Perth
Assembly in 1018; was called before the
Court of High Commission in 1020, when
he had a conference with Archbishop
Spottiswood, and maintained that kneeling
at the Communion was "contrary to its in
stitution." He was pres. by Charles I. on
4th May to the second prebend of Durham,
and installed canon 7th June 1034. This
he held in conjunction, probably the only
instance of an English prebendal stall
being held by a min. of the Church of
Scotland. He died Xov. 1030. He marr.
(1) Margaret Cockburn, and had issue —
David : (2) Janet Murray, and had issue
— Tohn, who succeeded to Lathockar ; and
a daugh., who, being reduced to straits,
received £3 from the session of Tester,
10th April 1664. Publications— The Chris
tian Sijnagogue, wherein is, contayned the
diverse Reading, the ri(/ht Poi/nting, Trans
lation, and Collation of Scripture with
Scripture, etc. (London, 1023: 4th ed.,
1633); The Portraiture of the Imaye of
Cod in Man (London, 1027 : 3rd ed., 1636) :
An Explication of the Judicial Lave* of
Moses (London, 1632): An Explanation of
the Ceremonial Laves of Moses (London.
1032): An Exposition of the Mora II La<«,
or Ten Commandments, etc. (London, 1632) :
Exercitations Divine, containing diver*-
Questions and Solutions for the rifjht Under-
standing of the Scriptures (London, 1634) :
Observations, Naturoll and Mo-raff, with a
short Treatise of the Numbers, Weight*, and
Measures ttsed by the Ifi-brews (London,
1636); see The Works of Mr John Weenies
of Lathockar, 4 vols. (London, 1636). —
[E<fin. Conn<\, Iladdington, Tester Ses*.,
ami Lander Text. Regs. : Wodrou' MSS.,
and MS. liio'i., in. : Calderwood's Hist.,
vii. : Douglas /jaronar/e : Hutchinson's
Durham, ii. : Diet. Nat. J>io<j.~\
ANDREW HOLLO, M.A., inin. in 1637 :
was ^ei'' ^'*V ^ie ^'en- Assembly, 14tn
Dec. 1638, "for signing a declinature
of their authority from ignorance, he having
been brought up in the principles of the
Episcopal Church." On petitioning (ap
parently on the same day), he was allowed
to delete his signature, and declare his
recantation in the parish church, on
which he was reponed. "One Shepherd,
a inin. about Dundee, came in that day,
as the other one Bollock, inin. at Dunce,
confessing their fault and ignorance in
subscryving the Assembly's declinature,
and entreating they might get leave to
putt out their own names. It was granted
them on assurance of their publick repent
ance for this fault." He was again dep.
by the Assembly in July 1649, a sentence
which was recalled by the Synod of Perth
and Stirling, 13th Oct. 1652, when he was
adm. to Dunning. — [Baillie's Letters ; Peter-
kin's Records ; Acts of Ass. ; Balfour's Hist.
Works ; Stevenson's History.]
1Q52 from North Leith, and adm. llth
May 1652 ; app. Archbishop of
Glasgow 1661 (q.v.).
1663 ^°l'e8'e) Aberdeen, 1611); min. of
Garvock in 1615, of Ecclesgreig before
1619, of Dundee in 1635 : coll. 5th Aug. 1663 :
died 13th Sept. 1664, aged about 73. He
niarr. (cont. 19th and 23rd Nov. 1616)
Janet, daugh. of David Lindsay, min. of
South Leith, and had issue — Margaret.
[P. C. Re<j., 3rd ser., viii., 154.]
WILLIAM GRAY, second son of
1666 ^ TiHiam (!., min. of Auchterless ;
M.A. (Marischal College, Aberdeen,
1638); min. of Foulis before 10th March
1658; adm. to Auchterless about 1660;
coll. 1st May 1666: burgess of Aberdeen
29th April 1668: deprived by the Privy
Council, 3rd Sept. 1689, for failing to read
the proclamation of the Estates and to pray
for their Majesties William and Mary. He
died in Oct. 1689. He marr. Ann (bapt.
21st Aug. 1639), tenth daugh. of Sir William
Gray of Pittendrum, and had issue — John,
Keeper of the Register of Sasines in the
County of Berwick, and in 1724 Baron
Bailie of Duns : William, merchant, Edin
burgh : Margaret (marr. James Haliburton
of Wattriebutts, in the Carse of Gowrie, son
of George H., Bishop of Dunkeld). — [Key.
Coll. ; Lander Texts. ; Peterkin'.s Constitu
tion of thi- Church : MS. Act-, of Min.,
168!): /)></. AW. fr'eii., 7338; Aberdeen Bnr-
<jess Roil ; J//sc. New Spaldimj Club, ii.,
427 ; Fonff/ce J'rexb.
from Bunkle, and adm. 5th Dec.
1693 : trans, to Oxnam 8th May
[The parish was vacant for over three
years, notwithstanding several presenta
tions, all of which were rejected.]
burgh, 13th July 1695); licen. by
Presb. of Edinburgh 3rd Sept. 1701 ;
sometime in charge of the meeting-house
at Haddington, when the Episcopalians
kept possession of the parish church there ;
called 18th June, and ord. 24th Sept. 1703 ;
died 2nd Sept, 1736, aged about 62. He
marr. (1) 3rd Feb. 1704, Grizel, daugh.
of Thomas Hunter, writer, Edinburgh,
and had issue — Elizabeth (marr. (1) Alex
ander Spittall, lieut. 2nd Dragoons, and (2)
10th Aug. 1735, David Spens, W.S.), died
23rd June 1787 ; Jean died 2Gth Aug. 1736 ;
(2) March 1731, Jean, daugh. of Alexander
Trotter of Cattleshiel, Longformacus, who
survived him, and niarr. llth Aug. 1737,
Martin Eccles, surgeon, Edinburgh. — [ Wod-
roic J/XS'. ; Laid/er Tests.]
ROGER MOODIE, eldest son of George
173g M., min. of Fogo ; M.A. (Edinburgh,
27th May 1719); Keen, by Presb. of
Duns 4th Feb. 1724 ; pres. by Robert, Lord
Blantyre (who had obtained a disposition
of the patronage from Hay of Drumelzier,
who did not qualify) Feb. 1737. Much
opposition was shown by the parishioners.
On appeal the Assembly ordered the ordi
nation to be proceeded with, which was
done under protection of a military force,
15th March 1739. This led to the forma
tion of the East or Antiburgher Church in
the town in 1742. M. died 26th April 1748,
aged about 47. He marr. Grace Venice
(probably a sister of William V., Keen, by
Presb. of Chirnside in 1708) ; she died 30th
Dec. 1788.— [Lauder Tests.]
ADAM DICKSON, M.A. ; pres. by John
1750 Hay of Belton, 27th Aug. 1748. In
opposition to this presentation a call
was given to James Lindsay, min. of Dun-
barney, and the case was taken to the
House of Lords. On a decision of that
Court, the Assembly ordered D. to be ord.
21st Sept. 1750. This was done as in the
previous case, under the protection of the
military. (The Relief, or South Church,
was formed by the protesters) ; trans, to
Whittingehame 22nd June 1769. — [Morren's
Ann. ; Council's Par. Lai'1.]
1769 Keen, by Presb. of Chirnside 2nd
Aug. 1761 ; ord. with the view of pro
ceeding to America ; adm. here 26th Sept.
1769 ; D.D. (St Andrews, 25th April 1781) ;
died llth March 1797. When visiting at
Berrywell, near Duns, Robert Burns heard
B. preach, 6th May 1787. He had selected
a text which contained a severe denuncia
tion of obstinate sinners. In the course of
the sermon Burns observed Miss Ainslie (his
host's sister) turning over the leaves of her
Bible with much earnestness, in search of
the text. He immediately wrote the follow
ing lines, and handed them to her :
" Fair maid, you need not take the hint,
Xor idle texts pursue :
'Twas guilty sinners that he meant,
Not angels such as you."
Of Bowmaker, Burns writes in his diary :
" A man of strong lungs and pretty
judicious remark : but ill-skilled in pro
priety, and altogether unconscious of his
want of it." He marr. Mary Watson, who
died at Oatfield, 20th Oct. 1816, aged 79,
and had issue— Jean, born 19th April 1768 ;
Alexander, wine merchant, London, born
31st July 1777. Publication — Account of
the Parish (Sinclair's 8tnt. Ace., iv.). —
[Tomlst.; Wallace's Burns, ii., 103.]
April 1766, eldest son of Andrew C.,
gardener to Lord Morton at Aber-
dour Castle ; educated at Univ. of Edin
burgh ; Keen, by Presb. of Kelso 7th Sept.
1790; assisted William Shiels, min. of
Westruther, in his boarding academy there ;
assistant at Duns ; pres. by Robert Hay of
Drumelzier (after ascertaining the desire of
the people), and ord. 9th Nov. 1797 ; died
suddenly, 9th Jan. 1847. He marr. (1) 24th
Nov. 1797, Hyndmer (died 14th Jan. 1806),
daugh. of James Barclay, rector of the
Grammar School, Dalkeith, and had issue
—Andrew, born 13th March 1800, died 4th
Nov. 1825 ; George, born 14th Nov. 1804,
died in Canada : (2) 14th Nov. 1808, Jane
Johnston or Trotter (died 2nd Oct. 1836),
and had issue — John and James, who died
young. Publication— Account of the Parish
(New Stat. Ace., ii.).
1843 23rd May 1789, son of Henry R.,
merchant, Glasgow. Originally bred
to the law, and adm. W.S. 1811. Conducted
the Marchmont case before the House of
Lords. Licen. by Presb. of Selkirk 7th
July 1829 ; ord. min. of Longformacus 6th
Sept. 1830 ; trans, to this parish, and adm.
(assistant and successor) 19th Oct. 1843;
died 15th April 1862. He marr. (1) 2nd
Oct. 1818, Agnes (died 22nd Feb. 1824),
daugh. of Archibald Gilchrist, merchant,
Edinburgh, and had issue — Henry, at the
English Bar, born 4th May 1819 : (2) 29th
Nov. 1831, Elizabeth (died 27th April 1885),
daugh. of John Home of Stirkoke, and had
issue — Elizabeth, born 22nd March 1834,
died unmarr. 2nd Sept. 1916; John,
Geelong, Victoria, born 18th Feb. 1836;
William, planter in Tirhoot, India, born
8th May 1838 ; James, planter in Assam,
born 28th Dec. 1840. Publication— Account
of the Parish (New Xtat. Ace., ii.).
JOHN MACLEOD, B.A. ; trans, from
Newton-on-Ayr, and adm. 18th Sept.
trang_ to (jjovan 7th Jan. 1875.
from Skehnorlie, and adm. 19th Aug.
1875 : trans, to North Leith 4th Oct.
WILLIAM MEN7JES, born 14th Aug.
1837, eldest son of Robert M., D.D.,
1878 min. of Hoddom ; educated at Edin
burgh Academy and Univ. of Edinburgh ;
licen. by Presb. of Annan ; app. to Kilmun
1862 ; ord. to Second Charge, Ayr, 7th
May 1863 ; trans, to Gladsmuir 20th July
1871 ; trans, to Innerleithen 13th Jan.
1876 ; trans, and adm. 21st March 1878 ;
died 13th Sept, 1881. He marr. 30th June
1862, Helen (died 29th Jan. 1885), daugh.
of John Clark, D.D., min. of Dunoon, and
had issue — Robert William, merchant,
born 1st April 1864, died in London, 3rd
Sept. 1915 : Margaret Helen, born 29th
Nov. 1866; John Clark, born 26th Aug.
1869, died 10th Aug. 1872 ; James Morris,
M.B., C.M., born 17th Nov. 1871 ; Joanna
Clark, born 4th Oct. 1873, died 22nd Oct.
1887 ; Edward Gordon Dewar, M.B., C.M.,
born 17th Aug. 1876 ; Catherine Cowan,
born 6th July 1879, died 3rd Nov. 1890.
Tannadice, 13th Feb. 1849, son of
William H., schoolmaster, and
Margaret Barren ; educated at Montrose
Academy and Aberdeen Univ. ; M.A.
(1868) ; licen. by Presb. of Aberdeen 1871 ;
assistant at St Mark's, Dundee, and East
Parish, Aberdeen ; ord. to Lumphanan 12th
Feb. 1875 ; trans, and adm. 5th May 1882 ;
died 24th Sept. 1906. He marr. 12th April
1883, Florence Elizabeth, daugh. of Hugh
Fenton, Aston Hall, Hawarden, Flintshire,
and had issue — Vere Fenton, Adelaide,
South Australia, born 15th May 1889 ;
Agnes Govan, hospital nurse, born 27th
July 1890 ; Arthur Terrant Ashby, born
13th Aug. 1892 ; James Herbert Grassland,
lieut. 8th Durham Light Infantry, born 25th
June 1894, died of wounds in France, 24th
Jan. 1916 ; Sidney William Barron, born
15th Feb. 1896 ; Francis, Edgar, and Cons
tance, who all died young.
Whangerai, New Zealand, Kith May
1871, son of John W., min. of Glen-
buck ; educated at Glasgow High School
and Univ.; M.A. (1895); licen. by Presb.
of Ayr 1895 ; ord. to Patna 14th May 1896 ;
trans, and adm. 15th March 1907. Marr.
14th Aug. 1907, Margaret Rachel, daugh.
of William Kilpatrick, and has issue — John
Ewing, born 16th March 1911.
[Built in 1839 as an extension church,
George Buchan of Kelloe being one of its
chief promoters. In 1843 the minister and
all his congregation joined the Free Church,
retaining the building as their property.]
WILLIAM COUSIN, born 29th Oct.
1812 ; son of John C., builder, Edin
burgh (descended from a Huguenot
family, members of which left France at
the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes),
and Isabella Paterson ; educated at Edin
burgh Academy and Univ. ; licen. by
Presb. of Edinburgh ; ord. 20th March
1840. Joined the Free Church, and be
came min. of Duns Free Church, 1843 ;
of Scots Church, Brompton, London, 1844 ;
of Free Church, Irvine, 1850 ; of Free
Church, Melrose, 1859 ; died 1st Aug. 1883.
He marr. 1847, Anne Ross (born 27th April
1824, died 6th Dec. 1906), only child of
David Ross Cundell, M.D., Leith, and Anne
Parker. She was widely known as authoress
of " The Sands of Time are Sinking," and
other hymns (vide Immanvel's Land and
at ln-r y/m-.s), and had issue — John William,
author of A Short .liioyrnphical Dictionar;/
<>f Kmjl'itli Lif<',-<tti<r<',l)OYT\ 13th Felt. isj(t,
died 17th Dee. 1910 : David Ross, born 5th
Sept. 1851 : Anne Parker, born :>th Jan.
1854; George, born 13tli Get. 1858, died
22nd Oct. 1880: William Victor, fruit
t'armiT. born iith Nov. I860: Isabella Wil-
helinina, born 3rd Aug. 1864 (marr. 18th
Dec. 188!), James Macdonald, W.S.), died
.May 1890.
[Prior to 12-18 the church was dedicated
to St Cnthbert, but on 4th Oct. of that
year Bishop David de Bernham consecrated
i new church in honour of St Andrew.
This was rebuilt and enlarged in 1774.
The parish was divided of old into four
parts, called the Quarters of Eccles. St
Andrew's Quarter in the west, was attached
to the parish church. The others were
connected with the chapels of St John, on
the north at Mersington : Our Lady, on
the east at the Chapel Knowe of Leitholm ;
and St Magdalene on the south at Birg-
hain, where the graveyard has remained.
In the seventeenth century the Indulged
Presbyterians used the ancient chapel of
St John at Mersington. A priory of Cis
tercian nuns, dedicated to St Mary, was
founded at Eccles in 1156 by Gospatrick,
third Earl of Dunbar. It was burned down
by the Earl of Hertford in 1545, and was
not restored. Some remains of it can be
seen at Eccles House. A tall wheel-headed
cross stands in the vicinity of Crosshall
ROBERT FRENCH, probably seventh
1567 son °f Robert F. of Thornydykes ;
min. in 1567 ; pres. to the vicarage
of Greenlaw by James VI. 23rd April 1573 ;
trans, to Home in 1574, but returned in
1596, and was still min. in 1601.— [Key.
Mi n. ; Key. Assiy.~\
1574 1574 to 1576.
WILLIAM MURRAY, reader, 1576 to
1576 1580.
[WILLIAM WEMYSS, M.A. : was app.
1607 to 1)e :ulni- 3r(1 March 1607, but
nothing further was done, "be
ressioun that the parochineris withstood
his admission/''' He was afterwards min.
of Roxburgh.— Jedhuryh J'rert. 7iV/.]
JAMES KIJKXCH. M.A. ; trans, from
1607 I'ome and adm. in 1607, having
Home and Stichill also in charge :
returned to Home in 1608.
ALEXANDER HOME, pres. to the
1609 vicara§c ])y Ja'»es VI. 21st March
1609: trans, to Ayton in 1618.
DAVID HOME, mentioned as "late
1622 min." 17th Sept. 1622. He marr.
(name unknown), and had issue-
Alexander.— [Key. Sec. SlyJ]
Andrews 1616); mentioned as min.
in 1622: clem, previous to 22nd Oct.
1622, and perhaps trans, to Banchory-
HENRY BLYTH, M.A. (St Andrews
]")9'^): adm. to Second Charge,
Canon gate. 6th April 1598: trans.
to First Charge about 1601 ; deprived by
High ( 'ommission 26th Jan. 1620 ; pres.
by James VI. 22nd Oct. 1622, and again
by Charles I. 29th June 1633. He died
at Edinburgh Feb. 1635, aged about 62,
and was buried in Holyrood Kirk. He
marr. (1) Katharine Oliphant, who died
before 1600, and had issue — Frederick ;
Janet ; Margaret : (2) 23rd May 1605^
Agnes Hart, who died 9th March 1649,
and had issue— John, min. of Ochiltree ;
Helen, bapt. 28th March 1606; Elizabeth;
Agnes ; Christian ; Henry.— [Key. Sec. Siy. :
OW De-'., i., ii., iv. : Eclin. Tests. ; Inq.
Ret. Gen., 2117; Row's Hist. : Bannatmie
JOHN HOME, son of David H. of
1635 ^odsc1'01^ ; was probably tutor in
the family of John Home of Black-
adder : pres. by Charles I. 2nd March
1635 ; member of Glasgow Assembly in
1638, and of Commissions, 1642-6 ; still
min. 19th Oct. 1647, but under process,
which was still pending in 1649. In 1644
he and his sister Anna Home published at
their own expense their father's Jffxtori/
of the Douglases. The Earl of Angus j
obtained an injunction against its sale, j
but this was withdrawn after two years, j
— [Re<j. Sec. Si<j. ; Acts of Ays. Comm/*.,
1646-7 ; Bannatyne Jlliscell., iii. ; Eraser's j
Douglas Jjook, i. ; Maxwell's House of \
Douglas, ii., p. 192.]
SAMUEL DOUGLAS, second son of
Archibald 1). of Pittendreich : M.A.
(Edinburgh, 26th July 1634); min.
of Coldingham 6th May 1641 ; dep. in 1648 ; ;
reponed in 16f>l ; adm. after Oct. 1652 ; \
died Dec. following, aged about 39. lie
niarr. Elizabeth, daugh. of Henry Home of i
Kames, and had issue — John, bursar of the
Presb. ; Alexander, min. of Longformactis.
D.'s widow and children had £100 allowed
by Parliament from vacant stipends, 27th ;
June 1661, on account of their suft'erings i
in the royal cause. — [Lander Test*.: A<-tx ,
Parl, vii.]
JOHX JAM1ESOX, son of William J.,
min. of Jedburgh : M.A. (St An
drews, llth May 1(537); produced !
testimonials from Presb. of Jedburgh 5th
May 1652, and from Presbs. of Cupar and
Kirkcaldy, and Session of Mevtoun, of his j
sound and faithful teaching, and godly life
and conversation ; min. in 1654 ; deprived
by Act of Parliament llth June, and
Decreet of the Privy Council 1st Oct. 1662.
Publication — Reltellio debellafa, two ser
mons (Edinburgh, 1661).— [Baillie's Lett. :
Wodrow's Hist.]
second son of George R. of Fairning-
ton, and Elizabeth, daugh. of Andrew
Ker of Littledean ; M.A. (Edinburgh, 26th
July 1649) ; ord. by the Protesting brethren,
probably early in 1655. A letter was laid
before the Presb. of Jedburgh, 24th Jan.
1655, "complaining of the unrulie and
extraordinary actings of some of their
number (James Ker of Abbotrule, and John
Scott of Hawick, with others), at the pre
tended admission of A. P>.," when the
Presb. sustained the complaint, John
Livingston of Ancrum dissenting. R.
seems to have been set aside by the Synod
previous to the Restoration ; was school
master of Prestonpans in 1662 ; master of
the Grammar School of Jedburgh ; rector
of the High School of Edinburgh, 8th Oct.
1669, where he died in May 1672.— [./«/-
burgh J'resb. and Edin. Re<j. (Bur.) ;
Baillie's Lett. ; Steven's High School, 73 ;
Watson's Jedburt/h Grammar School.]
JOHX COOK. M.A, (St Andrews 1648) ;
prcs. by James, Earl of Home; ord.
and coll. 21st July, and adm. 25th
Aug. 1663. Deprived by the Privy Council,
3rd Sept. 1689, for neither reading the Pro
clamation of the Estates, nor praying for
their Majesties William and Mary. The
Presb. ordered the Laird of Tofts to de
mand the keys of the church from C.,
or the Countess Dowager of Home, 'and
this demand being ignored, the doors were
opened under warrant of the Sheriff. C.
died in 1691, aged about 63. He raarr.
Margaret, daugh. of John Home of Kelloe,
who survived him. — [ Tests. ; Raj.
Coltat. : Old Dn:, i. ; MS. Acr. of Min.,
1689 ; Mem. of </. J>r>/son ; Peterkin's
Constitution of the Chwc/t.]
JAMES BALFOUR,a native of Duns;
1687 M.A. (Edinburgh, 7th Jan. 1681);
attended the first meeting of Presby
terian ministers after the Toleration, 6th
July 1687, and was settled in the meeting
house at Mersington ; was one of the
original members of the United Presb., 7th
Aug. 1690, and a member of the first
General Assembly after the Revolution, but
was dep. 17th Feb. 1691, for adultery. He
was proposed as catechist at Duns in 1700,
but not appointed. — {Lothian Syn. Re<j. ;
Boston's Mem. ; Re<j. Gen. Ass., 1690; Scot.
I'resb. Eloq.]
JOHX LAUDER, probably brother of
Alexander L., min. of Mordington ;
called 14th April, and ord. 28th May
1691. While Robert Wilson, min. of Mel-
rose, was conducting the ordination service,
" compeared the lairds of Kames, Belchester,
Xewland, Xewtown, and others, with
Xinian Mercer, notary public, making
public interruption, l>y taking instruments
in the hands of the fore.said notary, uttering
reproachful expressions and threatenings
to resist in case of procedure, which
occasioned some clamour and noise amongs
the people, upon which my lord Mersingtoi
(Sir Alex. Swinton), took instruments, not
withstanding of all which the minister
present proceeded to ordination, after tin
people settled and composed, and thereaftei
appointed collation and institution to be
given as usual." L. got the stipend oi
Lilliesleaf for ] GOO, having served there 01
the call of sundry parishioners, was '<
member of Assembly in 1092, and dice
in July 1729. He marr. (cont. 14th
April 1710) Margaret, daugh. of Archibald
Borthwick of Sauchnell (who marr. (2),
pro. 3rd July 1731, James Ramsay, min.
of Kelso), and had issue— Margaret (marr.
April 1730, Mark Sandilands, merchant,
Edinburgh). — [Lander Text*.: R<-<j. (,'en.
Ass.: Old Dec., i. : FountainhaH's Dec., i. ;
Xe<i' Stat. Acr.. ii.]
1731 son °f Jonn D., min. of Colclingbam ;
M.A. (( Jlasgow, 20th Oct. 1724); licen.
by Presb. of I'hirnside 28th Oct. 1728 ; pres.
by William, Earl of Home, and by George II.,
Oth Sept. 1729 : had his settlement approved
by the Commission of Assembly 12th Aug.
1730, and was ord. 4th Feb. 1731. He as
sumed the name of Sandilands on succeed
ing to the entailed estate of Couston, in
right of his mother, who was a daugh. of the
Hon. William S. He was one of those who
attended the theatre on the first produc
tion of Doubts, 14th Dec. 1756, for which
lie expressed regret, and was rebuked. He
died 13th June 1773, in his 69th year.
He marr., before his ordination, Jean (died
Oth April 1789), daugh. of David Hume,
depute clerk of Session, and had issue-
Matthew of Couston, W.S., died 3rd Aug.
321 ; Elizabeth (marr. Patrick Smith) ;
Mary; John; Jean (marr. 10th Jan. 1706^
James Dickson of Antonshill ; David;
Frances (marr., pro. 2nd Jan. 1786, Walter
Home, major 42nd Reg.), died 27th Feb.
1800; Margaret.— [Acts of Ass. ; Douglas's
Peerage, ii., 594 ; Tombst.]
ADAM MURRAY, teacher at Ladykirk
in 1749 ; licen. by the Presbyterian
Classis of Northumberland 5th June
1 754, and admitted as a probationer by the
Presb. of Kelso 2nd July following ; ord.
min. of the Low Meeting, Berwick-on-
Tweed, 10th May 1756; trans, to Abbey
St Bathans 10th May 1759; pres. by
George III. 1st July 1773; trans, and adm.
10th March 1774; died 19th Jan. 1797, in
his 71st year. He marr. (1) before 1759,
Isobel Marshall, who died 15th Jan. 1771,
and had issue— Thomas, min. of Channel-
kirk: Ann, born 27th Dec. 1761, and Mar
garet, born 24th Sept. 1762, both of whom
died llth Aug. 1764; William, born 24th
Jan. 1707: (2) 20th Feb. 1779, Christian
Bell, Fogo, who died at Birgham, 30th June
1818, aged 90.
JAMES BAIRD, trans, from Legerwood ;
1797 pres. by George III., and adm. 20th
July 1797; trans, to Swinton 18th
April 1805.
JAMES THOMSON, born Crietf, 9th
18Q5 May 1768. second son of John T.
and Elizabeth Ewan ; educated at
the parish school of Crieft' and Univ. of
Edinburgh; licen. by Presb. of Hadding-
ton 6th Aug. 1793 ; assistant to his uncle,
John Ewan, min. of Whittingehame ; pres.
by George III., and ord. 20th Sept. 1805 ;
D.D. (St Andrews, 16th July 1842) ; res.
1847, and died in London, 28th Nov. 1855.
He marr. 10th Oct. 1805, Elizabeth (died
7th Aug. 1851), eldest daugh. of James
Skene, Aberdeen, and had issue— Andrew
Skene, preacher; Robert Dundas, M.D.,
F.R.S., Prof, of Chemistry, St Thomas's
Hospital, London, born 21st Sept. 1810,
died 17th Aug. 1864; James, chairman of
the Government Bank of Madras, born
17th Aug. 1812 ; Eliza, born 1815. Publica
tions — The Rise, Progress, and Consequences
of the J^cir Opinions and Principles latch/
'ntroduced into France (Edinburgh, 1799);
Expository Lectures on St Luke, 3 vols!
Edinburgh, 1853); Exposition of the Acts
>f the Apostles (London, 1854); "Sketch of
he Present State of Agriculture in Berwick-
hire " (contributed to his brother Thomas
Thomson's Annals of Philosophy, i. ii.). He
edited the third edition of the Encyclopaedia
Britannica, writing the articles on " Scrip
ture," " Septuagint," " Superstition," etc. ;
and prepared an edition of the Spectator,
with biographies of the contributors, 8 vols.
(Newcastle, 1799).— [Tomlst. ; Diet. Nat.
Biog. ; Literary (,'aictte, 1 856, p. 58.]
born EdinburSh> 13th ^arch 1824,
son of James W. and Janet Ruther
ford ; educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ;
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh ; pres. by
Queen Victoria, and ord. (assistant and
successor) 20th April 1848 ; clerk of Presb. ;
died 6th Feb. 1891. He niarr. 14th Nov.
1848, Emily Farquhar (died 17th March
1899), daugh. of Peter Drummond, min.
of Kirkmichael, Perthshire, and had issue
— Katherine Drummond, born 20th Oct.
1849 ; James Hiram, probationer in charge
of Cellardyke Chapel, author [under the
name of "Andrew Cheviot "] of The Provost
of St Foins ; Trick, Trial and Triumph ;
Slack A<jnes, etc. ; editor of Proverbs, Pro
verbial Expressions and Popular Rhymes
of Scotland (Paisley, 1890), born 27th Oct.
1852, died 24th Jan. 1903 ; Jessie Ruther
ford, born llth Sept. 1855.
JOHN JOHNSTON, born Kilbirnie,
1891 2Gtli 1)ec> 1864' son of Thonms J>
and Margaret Langwill : educated at
Dairy School, and High School and Univ.
of Glasgow; M.A. (1885), B.D. (1888);
licen. by Presb. of Irvine, 1888 ; assistant
at Strachur, and at St Stephen's Parish,
Glasgow ; ord. 29th July 1891. Marr. 20th
March 1900, George, daugh. of George Greig
of Eccles, W.S., and Isabella Richardson
[Was given to the Abbey of Kelso about
1159 by Gospatrick, third Earl of Dunbar.
In 1683 the church was in great disrepair.
The Harcarse aisle may be a reconstruc
tion of the old chancel. There was in the
parish a chapel of St Nicholas, granted
by Patrick Corbet to the monks of Kelso
between 1280 and 1297. This, called the
Chapel of the Lord William, son of the
Earl, was consecrated by Bishop David de
Bernham, 2nd April 1242. The parish
church was consecrated 29th March 1243.
A restoration in 1755 destroyed most of the
antique features of the church.]
DONALD BALFOUR, reader from 1574
1574 to 1590.
WILLIAM METHVEN, son of John M.,
citizen of St Andrews. He was at
Hutton in 1585 when Horndean,
Fishwick, and Swinton were all in his
charge ; trans, to Langton in 1585 ; pres.
by James VI. to the vicarage of Swinton
23rd May 1586; dem. before 27th March
1587 ; aclm. to this charge after 158!),
but returned to Langton in 1591 ; was
retrans. in 1595 ; was a member of As
sembly, 1602, 1608 ; pres. by James VI.
June 1614 ; called before the Court of
High Commission in 1620 ; dem. before 4th
Aug. 1626, and died in 1634, aged 75. He
niarr. before Nov. 1591, Agnes Cockburn,
widow of James Craig, sheriff clerk of
Berwick, and had issue — James, his suc
cessor ; Matthew, apprenticed 8th May
1616 to David Lawson, merchant, Edin
burgh ; Agnes (niarr. Robert Home, min.
of Greenlaw). — [Fife Mas., vii., 176; Re<j.
Assi'j. ; Calderwood's Hist. ; Booke of the
Kirk , Milne Home J\ISS., 55.]
JAMES METHVEN, son of preceding;
pres. by Charles I. 4th Aug. 1626;
died in 1660, aged 74. It is said
that descendants of his were living in
Manchester, Burntisland, and Berwick-on-
Tweed in 1830. — [Re<j. Sec. Si<j. ; Tombst. ;
Stat. Reports, 1627.]
JOHN PRINGLE, only son of George
P. of Balrnungo, major in the service
of Gustavus Adolphus, and Eliza
beth, daugh. of Sir Patrick Ruthven, Earl
of Forth and Brentford : M.A. (St Andrews
1645). Conforming to Episcopacy, he was
pres. by Charles II. in 1660 ; was coll. 26th
Dec. 1664, and died 22nd Feb. 1682, aged 54.
He marr. 5th Feb. 1662, Jean, daugh. of
John Shaw, min. of Selkirk, and had issue
— James ; Alexander ; John, called eldest
son and heir in 1687, ancestor of the family
of Whytbank and Yair ; George ; Elspeth ;
Ann. — [Jnq. Ret. Fife, 874, ami G'eu. 6613 ;
Douglas's r,nr»na<je: Louder Tests.: AV/. him, and had issue— Grisell (marr. April
'ombst.: epitaph in Robson:s 1760, Andrew Jollie, tailor, Edinburgh);
Churches and Churchyards of />/vvV/>-/mr, Andrew ; William.— (Tom^. ; Marchmont
11 3-1 :. and the If umes of Polwarth.}
1682 ^n^rcws- 24th July 1609); probably
son or grandson of James M., min.
of this parish : bursar of Presb. of Duns in
1069; ord. and coll. to Hilton 25th March
1675 ; trans, and inst, 3rd July 1082 :
deprived by the Privy Council, 17th Sept.
1689, for not muling the Proclamation of
the Estates, and not praying for William
and Mary. Fie was allowed to occupy the
manse for some years afterwards. Joined
the Church of England, and inst. to the
curacy of Tweedmouth and An croft, North
umberland, 19th June 1703 ; died 14th April
1731, in his 90th year, and was buried
on the north side of the altar at Tweed-
mouth. He marr. Margaret. !> sprung from
a worthy and ancient house in Scotland :;
(surname unknown), who died 9th June
1730, aged 81, and had issue— George :
Jean ; Isabel ; James.— [St Andrews Tests. :
Peterkin's Constitution of the. Church :
MS. Arc. of Min., 1689; Tombs!.: Hutchin-
son's Northumberland, ii. ; Haine's North
GEORGE MOODIE, M.A. (Edinburgh
1693 166y); licen. by Alexander, Bishop
of Edinburgh, 16th April 1673; ord.
to Fala 12th May 1074 ; deprived for re
fusing the Test in 1681 ; received into
communion by Presb. of Edinburgh before
7th March 1693; called before 14th, and
adm. to this charge 27th Sept, 1693 ; died
May 1721, aged 76. He marr. Elizabeth
Calderwood, and had issue -- William ;
Roger, min. of Duns ; and a daugh. (marr.
- Cowbary, mason, Queensferry). -
[Lander Tests.: Tombst.}
WILLIAM HOME, born Greenlaw, 1st
1722 July 168G; educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh : licen. by Presb. of .
Chirnside 27th Nov. 1716 ; pres. by George '.
I. 26th Sept. 1721: ord. 8th May 1722; l
died 18th Nov. 1756. He marr., pro. 3rd I
Aug. 1729, Isabella, daugh. of William j
Oliphant, min. of Smailhulm, uho survived
WILLIAM HOME, bapt. 26th Xov.
171°> tllird son of Baiter H. of
Bassendean, and Janet, daugh. of
Gabriel Seniple, min. of Jedburgh ; licen.
by Presb. of Earlston 6th Xov. 1733; ord.
min. of Polwarth 7th Jan. 1735: pres.
by George II. 10th Dec. 1756: trans, and
adm. 2 1st Sept. 1758: app. chaplain of
Edinburgh Castle in 1778, but did the
duty by deputy; died 30th Oct. 1784. He
marr. 19th March 1737, Mary (died 10th
, Sept. 1788), daugh. of Robert Roddam of
Ewart, Northumberland, and had issue—
Mary, born before 1741 (marr. 15th July
1770, John Home, min. of Athelstaneford,
: author of Doi<<ila*j : Walter, colonel 42nd
Kegt., served through the American War
of Independence, born 4th Oct. 1742, died
before 27th Feb. 1800; Robert, min. of Pol
warth : Janet, born 22nd Dee. 1748, died
21th March 1765; Elizabeth, born 19th May
1756 (marr. 19th Sept. 1782, Christopher
Tait, min. of Kincardine-in-Menteith), died
4th Jan. 1806 ; Roddam of Longformacus,
Admiral R.N., died at Inveresk 13th Feb.
1801 ; Luke, captain 16th Foot, died about
1/98; John of Bassendean, captain H.E.I.C.S.
—[Scots May., xix. ; Morren's Ann., ii., 168 ;
Carlyle's A-utob. ; CvncaL of Home.}
JOHX TODD, born 17th Dec, 1743, son
1785 of. John T., min. of Ladykirk ; ord.
min. of the Presbyterian congrega
tion at Longframlington, Northumberland,
Nov. 1767; pres. by George III. 26th
March, and adm. 21st Sept, 1785; died
unmarr. 23rd Jan. 1814, aged 70. Publica
tion — Account of the Parish (Sinclair's
Stat. Ace., xx.).— [Tombst.}
GEORGE M'LEAN, born Dysart : son
1814 of A1«x"-nder M. ; was schoolmaster
of Coldstream ; educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh; licen. by Presb. of Chirnside
28th March 1797; pres. by George, Prince
Regent, 26th Feb., and ord. 1st Sept. 1814;
died 20th Dec. 1840. He marr. before 1787^
Alison Johnston, who died 2nd Feb. 1840,'
and had issue- Christian, born 9th July
1788 (marr. 25th June 1819, Adam Johnston);
Margaret, born 13th July 1789 (marr. 18th
Dec. 1823, John Turnbull of Humebyres) ;
Esther, born 28th Sept. 1791, died unmarr.
at Kelso, 20th April 1849. Publication—
Account of the Parish (Xei/< Stat. Ace., ii.).
JOHN BA1LLIE, born Fala Hall, Stow,
1841 23rcl Augl 181G' son of Jamcs B-
(a kinsman of Joanna Baillie) and
Isabella Harvey ; educated at Stow Parish
School, Univ. of Edinburgh (where he won
six gold medals), and at Gonvillc arid Caius
College, Cambridge; licen. by Presb. of
Earlston 29th June 1840; assistant at St
John's, Leith ; ord. 30th July 1841. Joined
the Free Church ; min. of Free Church,
Linlithgow, 1843-53. Joined the Church of
England ; min. of Percy Chapel, London,
1857; rector of Wyvenhoe, Essex, 1867;
D.D. (Trinity College, Cambridge, 3rd Feb.
1876); died 17th June 189<». He marr. (1)
8th Sept. 1847, Anne (died April 1854),
da ugh. of Richard Hough ton, Liverpool,
and had issue — James liichard, Indian
Civil Service, born 16th June 1848; Eleanor
Jane, born Aug. 1849 ; Richard Houghton,
M.D., bom 25th Dec. 1850, died 9th April
1897; John Harvey Johnson, M.D., born
4th April 1854, died 31st Jan. 1891 : (2)
1861, Elizabeth Clara Chippendale (died
1889), daugh. of General Latter, H.E.I.C.S.,
and had issue — Ernest Cecil, born 21st
April 1864; Algernon Harold, major Nor
folk Regiment, born 22nd April 1866.
Publications— Memoir of William Hepburn
llenitson (London, 1851) ; The Missionar;/
of Kilman]/ (Edinburgh, 1853); Memoir of
Adelaide Newton (London, 1854) ; Life
Studies (London, 1857); Thoughts and
Aphorisms on the Christian Life (London,
1857); An Earnest Ministry (London,
1857); God's Avenger, or England's present
Duty in India (London, 1857); Rivers in,
the Dfsei't, or Mission Scenes in, Burma)t
(London, 1858) ; tit Augustine : a Bio
graphical M^emoir (London, 1859) ; Memoir
of Captain Jkite, R.N. (London, 1859) ;
Scenes of Life, Historical and Biographical
(London, 1861); Grace Abounding (London,
1861); Christ Our Life (London, 1864);
The Comforter (London, 1866) ; Coming
\ Events, or Thouglds on the Anti-Christ
| (London, 1869); Modern Preaching (Lon
don, 1870): Church- and State in England
j (London, 1872); What to Preach, avd
' /iota to Preach (London, 1875); Pleasant
i Mcmorii't (London, 1878); and others,
| besides several works of which he was
editor.— [Private information.]
22nd Sept. 1843 ; trans, to Second
Charge, Canongate, Edinburgh, 13th
| March 1845.
1845 F()OT> boni 27th Dec- 1817' elde'st
son of William P., min. of Shotts,
• afterwards of Avendalc ; educated at
j Strathaven school and Univ. of Glasgow ;
B.A. (1837); licen. by Presb. of Hamilton;
; assistant at Avendale and at Gilmerton ;
I ord. to North Esk 5th Jan. 1844 ; adm. to
this parish 4th July 1845 ; died unmarr.
5th March 1891. Publication— " Ministers
of the Synod of and Teviotdale,"
contributed to The Berwickshire News.
born 10th -July 1862, son of James
S. S., min. of Eday ; educ. at Univs.
of St Andrews and Edinburgh ; M.A. (St
Andrews 1«82) ; licen. by Presb. of Edin
burgh ; assistant at Brechin, Tranent, and
Lady Tester's, Edinburgh ; ord. 13th Aug.
1891 ; died 4th April 1913. He marr.
27th June 1893, Marion Ellison Somer-
ville, daugh. of William Cockburn Stark,
Edinburgh, and had issue — Hester Ada,
born 6th May 1894; Wellesley Sidney
Cockburn Cray, born 18th June 1900;
Horace Deans, born 28th Aug. 1905. Pub
lication— I W.s Vitw (Edinburgh, 1906).
SON, born 20th Sept. 1884, son of
Joseph Sage F., min. of Burnt-
island ; educated at High School and
Univ. of Edinburgh; M.A. (1906), B.D.
(1909) ; licen. by Presb. of Kirkcaldy 1909 ;
assistant at Alloa and St Stephen's,
Edinburgh; ord. 21st Aug. 1913. He
raarr. 23rd June 1914, Evelyn A'iolet
Emily, youngest daugli. of James Oliver.
[Previous to the Reformation the church
belonged to the Abbey of Kelso. It was
dedicated by David de Bernham, 4th April
1242. There is no record of a patron saint,
but a fair was held here on St Helen's Day.
The- tower was built originally as a jail, in
1712. In a charter of 1159 chapels at
Lambden and llalyburton are mentioned.
There was also a chapel at Rowiestone.]
CHARLES HOME, reader in 1507. He
held also the chaplaincy at Haly-
JOHN AFFLECK, last of the Romish
priests, conformed, and was reader
in 1509.
WILLIAM ERASER, reader from 1570
1570 to 1590.
ROBERT FRENCH, pres. to the vicarage
^ ''ames VI- "23rfl April 1573 ; trans.
to Home about 1574.
DAVID HOME, younger son of John
^' °^ ^meweHs ,; M.A. (Edinburgh
1588) ; orcl. to Chirnside in 1593 ; pres.
by Sir George Home of Greenlaw ; trans.
and adm. before March 1003. He was
nominated constant Moderator of Presb.
by the Assembly at Linlithgow ; was a
member of Assembly in 1008 ; acquired a
feu-right to the lands of The Tenandry of
Greenlaw in 1017; was tutor of Xinewells
in 1019 ; was called before the Court of
High Commission in 1020, and died in
April 1037, aged about 09. He marr.
Magdalen Auchencraw, "life-renter of a
third of the West Mains of Chirnside,"
perhaps as widow of one of the Spences
of West Mains and Hardens. She pre
deceased him.— [Milne Home Papers, 233 ;
Re<j. of Assifj. • Reij. Pr'nnj Counc. \ Jf(»j.
of Deeds, ccclxxiii., 232 ; Gen. Re<j. of Sa*.,
xxxviii., 209 ; Berwickshire County Records,
Deeds, Hi., 159; Louder Tests.] Row's and
Stevenson's /fists.]
DAVID SPEXCE is referred to in a
1638 lhinutc> dated llth Sept. 1055,
quoted at a visitation at Greenlaw
on 28th Xov. 1GG4. He is then described
as the last min. there. He is apparently
the same as D. S. of Chirnside West
Mains, and Hardens. He marr. before
1035, Barbara, daugh. of Andrew Logan of
Coitfield, and had issue — Samuel : James.
ROBERT HOME of Greenlaw Castle,
descended from the Homes of
Polwarth; M.A. (St Andrews 1617) ;
tutor and servitor at Redbraes, 1619-31 ;
ord. to Ellem in 1635 ; trans, and adm. in
1645 ; died 12th Dec. 1673, in his 79th year.
He was one of those appointed to revise
the metrical psalms, 1650 edition. He
marr. Agnes, daugli. of William Methven,
min. of Fogo, and had issue — William
of Greenlaw Castle, apprenticed to Robert
Campbell, apothecary, Edinburgh, 30th
Aug. 1654, sometime Sheriff-substitute of
the county, died 1703 ; James, apprenticed
to Thomas Trotter, cordwainer, Edinburgh,
2nd June 1652 ; Margaret (marr. 28th Oct.
1603, George Holiwell, min. of Polwarth).
He had various mortgages on land in
Berwickshire, and by a loan to Sir Patrick
Hume, first Earl of Marchmont, he acquired
Greenlaw Castle. This loan was repaid by
Alexander, the second Earl, sixty-four years
later. [Among the descendants of his son
William, were — Anne Home, minor poetess,
wife of John Hunter, the anatomist ;
Mary, wife of Robert Mylne, architect ;
Sir Everard Home, Bart., a distinguished
surgeon ; and Duncan Charles Home, V.C.,
" the hero of the Kashmir Gate,'' at the
i Siege of Delhi, 1857 (Lord Roberts' Forly-
one Years in, India}.'} — [Peebles Prc*l>. :
Lander Tests. ; Reg. Old Dec., i. ; Baillie's
Lett. : Family Papers.]
JOHN HOME, eldest son of John II.
| of Kelloe; licen. by George, Bishop of
Edinburgh, 17th June 1073: pres.
by Sir Patrick Hume of Polwarth, Bart. ;
adm. 10th May, and coll. llth Aug. 1074;
i deprived by Privy Council 17th Sept. 1689,
for failing to read the Proclamation of the
Estates and to pray for William and Mary.
For some years he ministered in the
Episcopal meeting - house at Eyemouth,
but was dep. by Presb. of Chirnside, 20th
April 1718, for baptizing the children of
persons of scandalous character. As he
continued in his post there, the Presb.
appealed to the Justices, who held that he
came under the Act of Toleration. The
Court of Justiciary on 29th May 1719 in
hibited him. He retired to Herdrig, in
Eccles parish, and on 5th March 1721 was
warned by the Sheriff that his chapel
would be shut up if he allowed more than
eight persons beyond his own family to
attend. He succeeded to Kelloe. but sold
the lands in 1710. He died in 1740. He
marr. Rachel, daugh. of James Home, nrin.
of Coklstream, and had issue — Mar
garet (marr. 1st June 1715, John Gow,
student of divinity). — [Marchmont and
the Humes of Pol war th ; Key. Colt 'at. : JAS'.
Ace. of Mia. ; Sheri/ Court Decree*, 1722-25,
p. 3f>6 : Lander Tests.}
called Oct. 1692; ord. 21st March
1693; trans, to Polwarth 12th
July 1709.
DAVID BROWX, M.A. ; called 31st
Oct. 1706 ; ord. (assistant and suc
cessor) 4th June 1707; trans, to
Gordon 25th Xov. 1708.
of Earlston 23rd Jan. 1707 ; assistant
1 71 1
at Gordon; called 5th Sept. 1710;
ord. (5th Feb. 1711; died Sept. 1724. lie
marr. 19th May 1719, Marjory, third
daugh. of Sir Alexander Purves of that
ilk, 'Bart., and had issue— Helen (marr.,
pro. llth Sept. 1743, George Home, baker,
Edinburgh) ; James, jeweller, Edinburgh ;
Elizabeth. — [Douglas's naye : Lander
THOMAS TURXBULL, pres. by Alex
ander, Earl of Marchmont, and ord.
3rd Aug. 1725 ; trans, to Borthwick
16th June 1734.
j 1724; ord. to Polwarth 29th Aug. 1727;
trans, and adm. 26th Sept. 1734: died 13th
I Dec. 1777. He marr. Charlotte, daugh. of
; Charles Bellingham, deputy governor of
j Dumbarton Castle, and Lady Julian Hume,
; daugh. of Patrick, first Earl of Marchmont,
and had issue — Alexander, min. of Polwarth ;
George, lieut. R.X., who was named one of
the heirs in the will of Hugh, last Earl of
Marchmont ; Julian (a daugh.). Publication
— Se/'inons -upon Religious and Practical
Si/lji'i-tx (Edinburgh, 1775). — [Lauder Tests.;
. ; Marchmont and the Humes <>f
tli. 163 Gibson's An Old Ikrw'vk-
JOHN HUME of Abbey St Bathans,
born 1700, son of George H. of
Abbey, min. of Abbey St Bathans ;
licen. by Presb. of Chirnside 27th Oct.
WILLIAM SIMSOX, pres. by Hugh,
Earl of Marchmont, and ord. 3rd
Dec. 1778; trans, to Swinton 13th
June 1799.
JOHX STEWAUT, licen. by Presb. of
Perth 31st Aug. 1785, and ord.
25th Jan. 1797 chaplain to the Fife
Fencible Cavalry ; pres. by the Trustee on
the Marchmont Estate, and adm. 26th Sept.
1799; died 6th Feb. 1804, aged 42. He
marr. 15th Aug. 1803, Jane Henderson,
who marr. again 10th Aug. 1807.— [See
Autobiography of [his grand-nephew] AVr.
William Arnot, Edinburgh.]
JAMES LUKE, licen. by Presb. of Dal-
14 keith 24th Xov. 1795 ; assistant to
Hugh Blair, D.D., St Giles, Edin
burgh ; morning lecturer by appointment
of the Town Council 13th March 1801 ;
pres. by John Wauchope, Trustee on the
Marchmont Estate, and ord. 30th Aug.
1804 ; died from the effects of a fall from
his horse (an old Waterloo charger), 9th
Sept. 1820. He marr. 4th Oct. 1804, Eli/a,
youngest daugh. of Adam Keir, baker,
Edinburgh. She died without issue, 21st
Sept. 1859.— [Tomlst.}
ABRAHAM HOME of Windshiel and
1821 ('unsoreen> born 25th Dec. 1775,
son of George H., min. of Ay ton ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen.
by Presb. of Chirnside 25th July 1797;
ord. to Ay ton 29th Aug. 1799 ; pres. by
Sir William Purves - Hume - Campbell of
Marchmont, Hart., trans, and aclm. 29th
March 1821 : dem. 31st May 1844. He
dem. his charge at Ayton 2!)th March
1«14, expecting to become the heir of
George Home of Paxton, with whom he
lived for a time. A difference arose ,
through his refusal to marry Home's niece,
Nancy Stephen, the adopted daughter of
Xinian Home, Governor of Grenada.
Abraham returned to the ministry, but
retained the annuity of £300 given him
by Home of Paxton when he resigned
Ayton. He died at Gunsgreen, Eyemouth,
3rd May 185G. He marr. 30th April 1821,
Susan (died 20th March 1831), eldest daugh.
of Patrick Anderson, W.S., and had issue
—George ; Patrick, M.D. ; Susan ; Anne
Mary ; Margaret. Publication — Account
of the Parish (Xew Mat. Ace., ii.). —
[Memoirs of An Aristocrat.]
Kirkmahoe, Dumfriesshire, 26th June
1800, son of James W. ; educated
at Edinburgh Univ. ; licen. by Presb. of
Penpont; ord. to Legerwood 17th April
1834 ; trans, and adm. 2nd Aug. 1844 ;
died 26th June 1881. He marr. 28th Aug.
1834, Elizabeth M'Feegan, Keir, who died
12th Dec. 1870, and had issue — Janet, born
9th Aug. 1835 (marr. 21st June 1870, Robert
Forrester Hardy, banker, Duns), died 18th
Dec. 1914 [under the pen-name of " Janet
Gordon " she wrote The Council* of Castle
Connell, Champion* of the Reformation,
The Sjianisli Inquisition, Afloat and Ashore
u'ith Sir Walter Raleigh, and other works] ;
Elizabeth, born 18th Dec. 1836; James, min.
of Ghannelkirk ; Jane, born 7th Sept. 1840,
died unmarr. 30th March 1908. Publication
— " The Town and Parish of Greenlaw ;:
(History of Berwickshire Naturalists' Chib,
ord. 5th Jan. 1882 ; trans, to Kirk-
newton 18th May 1886.
barton, Co. Londonderry, 31st March
1851, son of Hugh M. and Margaret
Campbell ; educated at Magec College,
Londonderry, Xcw College and Univ. of
Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of Glencler-
mot, Ireland, 1873; ord. to Milford, Co.
Donegal, 1st Oct. 1873 ; trans, to Buncrana,
Co. Donegal, 25th Jan. 1881 ; adm. to St
Paul's Chapel, Leith, in April 1883 ; trans,
and adm. 23rd Sept. 1886. Marr. 21st June
1881, Annie, daugh. of Robert Ross, D.D.,
min. of Carlisle Road Church, Londonderry,
and Margaret Jane Christie, and has issue
—Margaret, born 13th Oct. 1883 ; Robert
Ross, solicitor, born 4th Oct. 1890.
1916 GlasS°w> 14tl1 Aug. 1859, son of
James T., builder, and Margaret
Reid ; educated at St Enoch's School and
Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by Presb. of
Glasgow ; assistant at Kilbarchan and St
Mark's, Dundee ; ord. to East Parish,
Greenock, 8th Xov. 1887 ; trans, (assistant
and successor), and adm. 6th Jan. 1916.
Marr. llth May 1905, Henrietta Hamilton,
third daugh. of Matthew Hill, Greenock.
[Founded by the Original Burgher
Synod, 17th July 1800. In 1839 the con
gregation joined the Church of Scotland.
Having taken part in the. Secession of
1843, they, along with other parishioners
of Greenlaw, formed the Free Church in
the parish.]
JAMES YOUNG, ord. 3rd June 1834.
Joined the Church of Scotland in
1839 ; dem. in 1841. He served for a
time at Berbice, British Guiana. Having
returned to Scotland, he eventually resided
at Broughty-Ferry, where he gave occasional
supply in the Free Church. He died 3rd
Xov. 1882, aged 82.
JOHX FAIRBAIRX, born Halyburton,
1842 Greenlaw, llth Feb. 1808, second son
of John F., farmer, and Jessie John
ston, Middlestots ; was brother of Patrick
F., Principal of the Free Church College,
Glasgow ; educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ;
sometime tutor at Cairnie, Fife ; licen. by
Presb. of Cupar in 1832 ; app. by the
Glasgow Colonial Society, 15th March 1833,
for service in Canada ; min. at Ramsay,
Canada, 1833-42 ; adm. to this charge 9th
July 1842. Joined the Free Church ; min.
of Greenlaw Free Church 1843-91 ; died
at Dunbar, 3rd April 1895. Ho marr.
(1) Mary Wilson, Campbellfield, Glasgow,
and had issue — John, merchant, Rock-
hampton, Queensland, died 1st Jan. 1901 :
(2) Agnes Copland (died 29th July 1887,
aged 7G), daugh. of John Turnbull, Eye-
mouth, and sister of John T., rnin. of that
parish.— [The Harder Almanw, 1896.]
[Previous to the Reformation the church,
dedicated to St Cuthbert, belonged to the
Abbey of Kelso. The original edifice stood
in the old churchyard, near Langton House.
A church was built in 1798 at the village of
Gavinton. This was replaced in 1872 by
a new building.]
JOHN LEITCH, reader 1574 to
1574 1580.
JOHN HOME, trans, from Hut ton in
1585, when Fogo also was under his
care ; trans, to Ay ton in 1586. —
[Reg. Assig.]
WILLIAM METHVEN, trans, from
Hutton, and adm. in 1586 ; pres. by
James VI. to the vicarage of Swinton
25th May 1586; clem, before 27th April
1587 ; trans, to Fogo in 1590, but returned in
1591 ; was a member of Assemblyiin 1593,
and again trans, to Fogo after 1595. — [Reg.
JAMES GAITTIS [GALT], trans, from
1596 Ellem in 1596 ; pres. to the vicarage
by James VI. 6th Feb. 1601 ; trans,
to Duns before 1607.—- [Reg. Assiy.]
1Q08 burgh, 28th July 1599) ; pres. to the
vicarage by James VI. 23rd Nov.
1608 ; summoned before the Court of High
Commission in 1620 ; died in 1653, aged
about 74. He marr, Maria Turnbull and
had issue— John, apprenticed to Gilbert
Muir, merchant, Edinburgh, 15th March
1643; Robert.— [.Pro*. £k., John Hay, ix.,
125, 26th July 1625 ; Reg. Assig. ; Old Dec.,
ii. ; Lander Tests. ; Stat. Reports, 1627 ;
Calderwood's Hist., vii., 425.]
JOHN BURNE, born 1615 ; M.A. (Glas
gow 1634). He was settled here in
1659. He refused to conform to
Episcopacy, but was protected by Sir
Archibald Cockburn of Langton, and con
tinued till his death, between 21st Nov.
1672 and 25th March 1673. In Sept. 1668
he was reported to the Bishop for allowing
John Vcitch, the suspended min. of West-
ruther, to dispense the Communion in the
parish to a vast assemblage from all parts of
the Border. He refused the Presbytery's
offer to supply his pulpit, and permitted
deposed ministers and students to share
his pastoral duties. The Presb. complained
that " great crowds with itching ears flock
to hear those intruders, to the contempt
of authority, both civil and ecclesiastical,
and to the no small scandal of all well-
affected persons." He marr., and had issue
William, alive in 1689 : George, appren
ticed to James Stewart, druggist, Edin
burgh, 15th Nov. 1665.— \Bunlde Sess. Reg. ;
Tombst. : Wodrow's Hist.]
ROBERT HAPPER, licen. by George,
1677 Bishop of Edinburgh, 4th May 1665 ;
pres. by Sir Archibald Cockburn of
Langton ; coll. 7th and adm. 27th Feb.
1677 ; continued 1st Nov. 1681, and was
probably deprived on account of the Test. —
[Reg. Collat. ; Tombst.]
LUKE OGLE, M.A., born 1610, eldest
1679 son °^ ^Ch0las O-> °f tnc Eglingharn
branch of this widely-spread North
umberland family ; was vicar of Ingram,
from which he was driven by the Act of
Uniformity. He became lecturer in Ber
wick, but was ejected along with Wressel
the vicar, in 1662. While resident in
Berwick he served in the ministry at
Ancroft, but was seized by Lord Wid-
drington, Governor of Berwick, and im-
prisoned for six weeks. Being admitted
to bail. In1 was released and confined to the
town and its liberties. After getting free
of this restraint, he visited friends in
Kngland and in Scotland, where he often
took part in conventicles. Many gatherings
were held at this time at Lintlaw, Blanerne
House, the house of the Laird of Abbey,
Duns Law. and Xisbet, where John Welch,
" so much talked about/'' was the preacher.
At Langton Ogle preached and baptized,
and drew great crowds, and was on 19th
Sept. 1071 inhibited by the Archbishop of
St Andrews. Returning to .Berwick, he
was again banished, and went to London.
General Monk offered to procure him a
bishopric if he would conform, but Ogle
answered that '' the height of his ambition
was only to live <|iiietly and peaceably
among his own people. If that could not
lie obtained, he must submit to "Providence."
Auain he was imprisoned for some months,
on pretence of a plot being discovered
among Presbyterians in the south of
England. He retired to his estate of
Bowsden, where he conducted meetings
that later formed the beginning of the
congregation of Barmoor or Lowick. He
was indulged here by the Privy Council,
20th Sept. 107!*, and officiated in the
Langton Byre Hater mistakenly called the
Episcopal Meeting-house), in 1085 he was
a prisoner at Wooler for five weeks, which
nearly cost him his life. On the Indulgence
of 1087 he returned to Berwick and mini
stered to a large congregation. This
developed later into the High and the
Low Meetings, and is now represented by
St Andrew's, Church of Scotland. He
received calls from the parish of Kelso
and the city of Edinburgh, but declined
to remove, and died April 1090. He marr.
(pro. Feb. 1057), Mary, daugli. of Arthur
Foster, parish of Kirkandrews, Cumber
land, and had issue— Samuel of Bowsden,
who sat in Parliament for Berwick, and
died Commissioner of the Revenue for
Ireland, 10th March 1718.— [L'ennck Jfe,/.
(Bur.} : Fuller's ; Wodrow's Hist. :
Calamy's Ejected J/™., ii. ; Hutchinson's
Northumberland; Livingston's Life;
PATRICK WALKER, born 1053 ; M.A.
1682 ^ Andrews, 20th July 1670) :
passed trials before the Presb. there,
and was recommended for license 20th Jan.
1075 ; was a bursar in 1081, and on second
ary trials for St Monans when he was
pres. to this parish, and adm. 28th March
i 1082 : deprived by Privy Council 3rd Sept.
1089, for neither reading the Proclamation
: of Estates, nor praying for William and
Mary ; lie went to Oxford, but becoming
chaplain to David, Viscount Stormont,
returned and took up residence at Scone,
where he was served with a libel and
: inhibited by the Presb. 13th Sept. 1710.
He died unmarr. at Comlongan, Dumfries-
i shire, 28th March 1727. — [Peterkin's Con
stitution of the Clturch : MS. Ace. of Miti.,
1089: Tombst.]
JOHN DYSART, M.A. : trans, from
1691 i^ton, Northumberland, and adm.
30th April 1091 : trans, to Colding-
ham, by advice of the Privy Council, 24th
July 1094.
JOHX DAWSOX, eldest son of James
1698 ' ^ *n Harpertoun : M.A. (Edinburgh,
9th July 1094); "preacher of the
Gospel in the parish of Edrom " in 1698;
ord. 14th July 1098 : died Xov. 1726, aged
about 53. He marr. (pro. 10th April 1698),
Elizabeth Allan, "attending the Countess
of Sutherland," and had issue— James, his
successor. — [Roxburgh #«.«., vii., 18 ; L<
Ti-xt*. : Boston's .1
JAMES DAWSOX, M.A., son of pre-
ceding : pres. by Sir Alexander
Cockburn of Langton, and ord. 18th
Aug 1727: trans, to St Cuthbert's Parish,
| Edinburgh, 15th Feb. 1734.
JAMES LAURIE, M.A. : pres. by Sir
1734 Alexander Cockburn of Langton,
Aug. 1733, and ord. 8th Jan. 1734;
trans, to Hawick 7th Oct. 1757.
DAVID JOHNSTON, ord. nth May
1758 1758; trans, to North Leith llth
July 1765.
born 1741, son of William S., prin
cipal clerk of Chancery, and Ann
Drummond, heiress of Concraig, to which
estate he ultimately succeeded and took
the name of Drummond ; educated at
Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of
Edinburgh 25th April 1764; ord. 24th July
1766 ; died 26th Jan. 1789. He marr. 27th
Dec. 1769, Sophia (died 20th July 1803),
claugli. of John Gowdie, min. of Earlston,
and had issue — Catherine, died in infancy :
William, born 8th May 1773 : John, born
7th Xov. 1774; Andrew, died in infancy:
Walter, born 12th July 1777 ; Ann Drum
mond, born 12th July 1779 (marr. Thomas
Thomson, min. of St James; Place Relief
Church, Edinburgh), died at Polmont, 8th
May 1848.
ALEXANDER GIRVAN, tutor in the
family of James, Earl of Laudcrdale ;
licen. by Presb. of Lander 5th April
1775 ; ord. to Lunan 18th April 1782 ; pres.
by Miss Elizabeth Gavin of Langton ; trans,
and adm. 30th Oct. 1789 ; died 25th June
1809, aged 57. He marr. Isabella Edmon-
ston, who died 5th May 1840, and had issue —
James : Andrew, accountant in Edinburgh ;
Isabella, died 1st June 1827 ; Mary, died
young. Publication — Account of the Parish
(Sinclair's Stat. Ace., xiv.).
JOHN BROWN, born 9th May 1778,
only son of Thomas B., shoemaker,
Glasgow ; educated under Prof. Law-
son in the Associate Burgher Hall, Selkirk ;
called to Chapel Street Congregation,
Hamilton, but the Presb. refused to sustain
the call. He joined the Church of Scotland,
and was licen. by Presb. of Glasgow 8th
June 1803; ord. to Gartmore 13th June
1805 ; pres. by Mary, Countess of Breadal-
bane ; trans, and adm. 28th June 1810 ;
D.D. (Glasgow, Nov. 1815). Joined the
Free Church ; min. of Langton Free Church
1843-48 ; died 25th June 1848. He marr.
Marjory (died 7th Oct. 1863), daugh. of
George Graham of Duniverig, and had
issue — Elizabeth, died young; Thomas,
D.D., min. of Kinneff and of Dean Free
Church, Edinburgh, Moderator of Free
Church Assembly 1890, author of Annals
of the Disruption, born 23rd April 1811,
died 4th April 1893; Sir John Campbell,
K.C.B., surgeon - general, born 13th May
1813, served with distinction in India, died
27th July 1890; Elizabeth Gavin, born
20th March 1815 (marr. John Thomson,
min. of Mariners' Church, Leith) ; Janet,
born Kith Jan. 1817; Marjory, born 9th
Feb. 1819 ; Agnes, born 31st July 1821 ;
Margaret, born 27th Aug. 1823; George,
born 13th June 1825; Graham, born f>th
March 1829; -lane Anne, born 13th Jan.
1832. Publications — Vindication of the
Presbyterian Form of Church < Internment
(Edinburgh, 1805) ; Exercises for the Young
(Edinburgh, 1824) ; The Testimony of Ex
perience to the Utility and Necessity of
Sabbath Schools (Edinburgh, 1826); Ait
Examination of the Sentiments of /Socinians
and Arians, respecting the meritorious cause
of the Forgiveness of Sin (Edinburgh,
1827) ; Letter to Dr Chalmers, on the extent
of the powers which ought to be vested in
the people in the Settlement of Ministers
(Edinburgh, 1833) ; The Exclusive claims of
Pmeyite Episcopalians to the Christian
Ministry hi<lefensille (Edinburgh, 1842) ;
l>ri<f Statement of Facts, respecting certain,
interview* with Her Majesty's Ministers
(Edinburgh, 1842) ; many contributions to
the Edinburgh Christian Instructor ; Ac
count of the Parish (New Stat. Ace., ii.).
—[Diet. Nat. Biog.~\
DAVID DUNLOP, probably son of
David D., Kilpatrick ; educated at
Univ. of Glasgow and United Seces
sion Divinity Hall. Joined the Church of
Scotland; ord. 1st March 1844; died un-
marr. 4th April 1864.
born 30th Aug. 1836, son of James
1864 Stormonth D. of Lednathie, W.S.,
Kelso, and Elizabeth Moir, daugh. of
James Tod of Deanston ; educated at
Edinburgh Univ.; licen. by Presb. of
Kelso 12th July 1859; ord. 18th Aug.
1864 ; died unmarr. 5th July 1867. Publi
cation— Sermons preached in the Church
of a Country Parish, posthumous (private
circulation : Kelso, 1869.)
deen. 2:2 ml Xov. 1820, son of James
15. and Jessie Largie ; educated at
Grammar School and Marischal College,
Aberdeen: M.A. (1810); schoolmaster of
Monymusk, 1813-0: liccn. by Presb. of
Garioch 7th May 18 10 ; assistant at
Invercsk ; ord. to Stobo 19th July 1850;
trans, and adin. 10th Oct. 1807 ; died 14th
May 1892. lie marr. 17th Oct. 1850,
.lanettr (died ]2th March 1*92). daugh. of
\Villiam Bryce, D.D., min. of Aberdour,
and had issue — Jane Graham, l>orn 23rd
Sept. 1851 ; James William, min. of Temple :
George Alexander Bryce, merchant, America,
born 30th Jan. 1855; Isabella Elizabeth
Janette, horn 8th Aug. 185* (marr. William
Johnstonc Walker). Publications — Eng
land tfixf S<-<,t1an<l ax hitlitoiced hi/ tlie
Reformation, Blackwell Prize Kssay (Kdin-
burgh, 1875) ; Accent and Rhythm e.>']>l«rn<-d
l>y the Law of Monoprewures (Part I.,
1888); sometime editor of the J/?Wo/m/-y
Record of the Church of Scotland.
JOHX PEATTTE, born stli July 1858,
son of John P., Edinburgh ; educated
at Edinburgh Univ. : M.A. (1885) ;
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh in 1887 ;
assistant at Alloa: orcl. 14th Sept. 1892.
Marr. 28th Felt. 1893, Margaret Crombie
( Irant, Alloa.
[The church of Longformacus was dedi
cated by Bishop David cle Bernham, llth
March 1243. In 1667 the choir was in
ruins, the church itself being "very ruinous."
It was rebuilt on the old foundations in
1730. and a thorough renovation was made
in 1895. Our Lady's Well is on the Dye
Water, about a quarter of a mile east of
the village. The parish was long united
to Mordington, but was disjoined in 1666.
Longformacus and Ellem were united in
1712. and Ellem church was disused.]
1585 °f Da.vid 8' of that ilk '> mentioned
as min. in 1585 (Arfs and Dec.,
clviii., 110). See Mordington.
JOHX DOUGLAS, M.A. ; settled here
in 1594 ; trans, to Canonbie in 1600.
GEOBGE RULE, brother of Robert R.
of Peel walls, Ay ton ; M.A. (St
Andrews 1000); adm. before 27th
May 1007 ; a member of Assembly in 1638 ;
pres. to Lennel by Charles I., 1st Oct. 1041,
but not settled. The parish was vacant by
Oct. 1052. He marr. Anna Johnston, and
had issue— Gilbert [it is not unlikely that
this was Gilbert Rule, afterwards Principal
' of Edinburgh Univ.. though some accounts
i give Elgin as his birthplace] ; Archibald,
: probably bailie in Edinburgh ; Isobel; Anna
(marr., cont. 27th Sept. 1000, Alexander
Hume of Abbey St Bathans). — Reg. Sec.
Si'.l. : Gen. Raj. />«.<., Hi., 254 ; llerti'id-
Sat., i., 330 : Milne Home MSS., 70.]
THOMAS WOLFE, M.A. (St Andrews
1025); assistant to preceding in
April 1040 ; licen. by George, Bishop
of Edinburgh, 7th Xov. 1002 : ord. and
coll. 10th Jan., and adm. 2nd Feb. 1668 ;
was still in the charge 24th Oct. 1071.—
[Innenvick Sexs. Reg. ; Re<j. of C'oUat.}
16?2 24th Oct., and coll. 7th Dec. 1672 :
trans, to Coldingham in 1077. ~[AV/.
of Co! laf.]
JOHX BROWN, M.A. : adm. 24th Sept.
1678 1678 ; trans, to Ellem 1st March 1684.
ROBERT SMITH, born 1660, son of
William S., portioner of Monkton-
liall, and Margaret Carse ; M..A.
(Edinburgh, 4th Aug. 1677) : tutor in the
family of Robert, Viscount Oxfuird ; passed
trials for license before Presb. of Dalkeith,
and was recommended to the Bishop 4th
Oct. 1683; pres. July 1684; clem. 10th
June 1714, when he retired to Dunbar.
He marr. Janet Taylor, and had issue-
John, min. of Kincardine - in - Menteith ;
William, min. of Cranstoun. — [Dunlar
Presb. Reg.; JAS'. Ace. of Min.; J/,S'. Pedigree
Li/on Office; A"./>. Advertiser, 20th Xov.
DANIEL SINCLAIR, M. A. (Edinburgh,
2nd April 1705) ; licen. by Presb. of
Caithness 30th May 1711 ; pres. by
Sir Robert Sinclair of Longformacus in
Dec. 1714; ord. 5th May 171,"); died 25th
Nov. 1734, aged about 48. He marr. Feb.
1729, Elizabeth, daugh. of Robert Hamilton
of Airdrie, who survived him. — [Lawler
Tests. ; Tombst.]
ROBERT MONTEITH, born 1707, son
of James M., min. of Borgue ; M.A.
(Glasgow, 29th April 1726): licen.
by Presb. of Kirkcudbright 7th July 1731 ;
called 31st March, and ord. 12th June 1735 ;
died 11 th Dec. 1776. He is frequently
mentioned in the Autobiography of Carlyle
of Inveresk, while his conduct as a volunteer
at Prestonpans is sarcastically described in
Skirving;s ballad of "Tranent Muir." He
marr. 21st March 1744, Mary (died Feb.
1795), daugh. of John Scott, attorney in
Berwick, and had issue — Basil, bom 28th
Feb. 1745 ; Agnes, born 27th Oct. 1747 ;
Mary, born 24th Nov. 1748 (marr. 6th Nov.
1774, Thomas Clark, tenant in Tiptoe,
Northumberland) : Sinclair, born 20th July
1750 ; James, born 30th Oct. 1751 ;
Christian, born 18th Oct. 1753 ; Alex-
andrina, born 30th Nov. 1754, died 15th
June 1762; Henry, born 6th July 1756;
David, born 28th Dec. 1761. Publication—
The Eights of the Clergy to Ajq>ear in
Defence of the Liberties of their Country, a
sermon (Edinburgh, 1747).— [Tombst. \ Car-
lyle'.s Autob. ; Hogg's Jacobite Belies, ii.]
SELBY ORD, min. for eleven years of a
Presbyterian congregation at Cocker-
mouth ; pres. by Thomas Rait of
Longformacus, and adm, 25th July 1777 ;
died 10th July 1814, aged 72. He had con
siderable medical knowledge, which was
useful to his people. He marr. Esther
Sergant, who died 20th Sept. 1787, and
had issue — Nancy or Ann, born 24th June
1772 (marr. 8th April 1806, Houliston) ;
Margaret, born 1775 (marr. 28th July 1808,
John Dods, farmer, Stoneypath) ; Edward,
born 20th Aug. 1779, joined the army, died
18th Dec. 1807 ; Thomas, born 1785, died at
Biggar, 27th Dec. 1859, was widely known
as a circus proprietor and equestrian. It
is stated that he always conducted his
troupe in a body to the parish church in
the place they happened to be of a Sun
day. Publication— Account of the Parish
(Sinclair's Mat. Ace., i.).— [Scottish Notes
and Queries, 2nd scr., ii., 107 ; A Sketch of
the Life of Thomas Ord, 1902.]
GEORGE BELL, born 1788, son of
George B., Cummertrees ; became
schoolmaster of Kirkmahoe ; tutor
in the family of Professor James Home,
M.D., of Cowdenknowes, Earlston ; licen.
by Presb. of Laucler 23rd Sept. 1813 : pres.
by John Home of Longformacus, and ord.
llth Feb. 1815 ; died 8th Feb. 1830. He
marr. 22nd June 1818, Elizabeth Easton or
Watson, a widow, who died 15th Aug. 1871,
and had issue — Margaret, born 25th April
1819 ; Elizabeth, born 25th Nov. 1820 ;
Susan Greig, born 7th June 1822 ; George,
born 19th March 1824 ; Walter, born 4th
May 1826 ; Robert, born 3rd March 1828.
John Home of Longformacus, and
ord. 6th Sept, 1830 : trans, to Duns
19th Oct. 1843.
WALTER WEIR, born 2nd March 1796,
son of Robert W., merchant, Leith,
and Margaret Main ; educated at
Leith High School and Univ. of Edin
burgh ; was in early life a merchant in
Leith ; licen. by Presb. of Lochcarron 10th
July 1832 ; assistant at Innerwick and at
Cupar-Fife; ord. to Walls and Flotta,
Orkney, 19th July 1837 ; trans, and adm.
25th Jan. 1844 ; died 10th April 1871. He
marr. 1st Oct. 1839, Jane M'Cormick (died
25th Sept. 1880), daugh. of Henry David
Hill, D.D., Prof, of Greek in the Univ. of
St Andrews, and sometime min. of North
Berwick, and had issue — Robert Walter,
D.D., min. of Greyfriars, Dumfries.
Publications— The Highway of Holiness
(Edinburgh, 1849) ; The Hidden One (Edin
burgh, 1858); The First Fruits of Europe
unto Christ (Edinburgh, 1870). — [Vide
Glimpses into the Fast in Lammermuir,
p. 128.]
GEORGE COOK J.orn 30th An-. ]«-lO,
1871 son °^ *'eorov ^'-) I*-"-, '"in. of
Borgue ; educated at Academy and
Tniy. of Edinburgh : M.A. (1866), B.D.
(1869); licen. l»y Presb. of Kirkcudbright
1809; assistant at Ihvncss and at Newton-
on-Ayr : ord. 7th Sept. 1871; died 25th
March 1801. He marr. !)th March 1875,
llelfii, daugh. of Walter Scott Lorrain
of Loaningdale, Biggar, and had issue —
George, tea planter, Ceylon, born 17th
March 1870, died Oth June 1915: Walter
Lorrain, Canadian Pacific Hallway, born
18th Nov. 1880: Henry Pattullo, M.B..
I. M.S., born 13th Xov. 1882. Publication
—Ed. fifth edition of his uncle I )r John
Cook's ,sV///Vs of jr/v'/.v, efi: (Edinburgh,
L891 -^•^•> P'-D-j assistant to preceding;
ord. 10th July 1891 ; trans, to St
Bernard's, Edinburgh, 22nd Oct. 1897.
1898 ^>orn Coatbridge, 1st July 1870, son
of Thomas White H. and Elizabeth
Burn Davidson ; educated at Hutcheson's
Grammar School and Univ. of (Glasgow :
M.A. (1890); Keen, by Presb. of Glasgow
Oth May 1890; missionary at Arcllui ;
assistant at St Enoch's Parish, Glasgow:
ord. 11 th March 1898: dem. 24th Nov.
1910: settled in British Columbia as a
real estate agent. Marr. 5th June 1900,
Frances, claugh. of John Baird and Elizabeth
M'Laws, and has issue — Francis William,
born 20th Oct. 1901 ; Evan Thomson
Davidson, born 6th March 1905 ; James
Alexander, born 8th Aug. 1907.
19U MADILL, B.A.; ord. 9th March
1911 ; trans, to Second Charge,
Elgin, 8th April 1910.
1916 Lowick, Northumberland, 24th April
1886, son of John Brotherston K.
and Roberta Spence ; educated at George
Watson's College, Edinburgh, and Edin
burgh Univ.; M.A. (March 1911); Keen,
by Presb. of Edinburgh Oth May 1914 :
assistant at St George's - in - the - Fields,
Glasgow; ord. 2Gth July, 1910.
[Of the church dedicated by David de
Rcrnham, llth March 1243, little more
than the foundations now remain. Tho
parish was united to Longformaeus by the
Commissioners of Teinds, ]3th Feb. 1712.J
IJ.()BEirr FLINT, reader from 1507 to
1567 1585.
MATTHEW LIDDELL, trans, from
1585 Cranshaws, and adm. in 1585,
having also Cranshaws and Abbey
St Bathans in charge, but in 1590 only the
latter : trans, to Abbey St Bathans in 1591.
— [/fy/. A*s!<i.~\
min. in 1594; trans, to Drumelxier
in 1595.— [fiey. Assi'/.]
1595 159f)j trans, to Langton that or
following year. -[/.V.v. Js.-vV/.]
charge in 1590 ; trans, to Jiunkle in
1599, but returned previous to 1008 :
trans, to Abbey St Bathans before 1024.—
[/rV/. A ***<(.-]
1624 schoolmaster at Ayton ; min. in
1024: still min. in 1030.— [Re<j. of
Deeds, cccxcviii., 19th Sept. 1027: Acts
and Dec., cccxxxvii., 205.]
ROBERT HOME, M.A. ; min. in 1035 ;
1635 trans, to Greenlaw before 1645.
PATRICK HOME, M.A., min. in 1047 ;
1647 was Pro^alt)ly trans, to Hutton in
WILLIAM HOME, pres. to Edrom 22nd
1662 May 1648 ; adm. here in 1652 ; still
min. 17th March 1653 ; shortly after
wards he was trans, to Avton,
ZACHARY WILKIE, son of Robert W.,
4 min. of the College Kirk, Glasgow,
and brother of John W. of Broom-, ancestor of the Foulden family :
M.-A. (Glasgow 1644). He was named after
Zachary Boyd, min. of the Barony Parish,
Glasgow, who left him a legacy of 100
merks, loth Jan. 1652. He became
chaplain to George, Karl of Linlithgow,
with whom he was residing, 20th Sept.
1641) ; adm. to this parish 13th April 1654 ;
conforming to Episcopacy, he was coll.
18th June 1663, and died Dec. 1683, aged
about 60. He marr. (1) Margaret ( 'ockburn,
whose will is dated 1657 : (2) April 1669,
Margaret Sim son of Innerwick. — [Dall^itli
Prfsb. ', Innerwick »SV»x Reg.: L<tn<l>-r
Tests.-. Reg. Coll at.}
JOHN BROWN, M.A. (Edinburgh
1684 1^73); adm. to Longformacus 24th
Sept. 1678 ; trans, and adm. 1st
March, and inst. 3rd April 1684; died
between 21st Oct. 1713 and 1st June 1714,
aged about 61.— [JAS'. Ace. of If in., 1689 :
Rule's Sec. Vindication}
[A church was built here about the year
900. On 7th April 1242 a new church,
dedicated to St Mungo, was consecrated
by Bishop David de Bernham. it was re
built in 1378, and again in 1703. by Sir
Patrick Hume, first Earl of Marchmont.
There still remains under the east end
the vaulted burial aisle where Sir Patrick
was concealed in 1684. The pulpit frontal
was the work of his daughter, Lady Grisell
ADAM HUME, third son of Sir Patrick
15QO H., fourth of Polwarth, and Eliza
beth, daugh. of Sir Patrick Hepburn
of Waughton ; was rector at the Reforma
tion. He conformed to the Protestant
faith, and died in 1593. He marr. Christian
Stewart, and had issue — Alexander, died
30th Nov. 1637 ; Patrick, apprenticed to
Thomas Admistoun, merchant, Edinburgh,
17th April 1605 ; Margaret (marr. (1), cont.
llth July 1586, Patrick Hepburn of East
Craigs, and (2) Richard Admistoun of that
ilk) ; Helen (marr. Alexander Cass, min. of
this parish).-- {/fty/. of Deeds, xii., xxxviii.,
ccxc., 153 ; Scots Peerage, vi., 7 ; Tomlst. ;
Marchmont Peerage Case}
1567 1580.
BELL, reader, 1567 to
DAVID FORSYTH, trans, from Bolton ;
adm. about 1585 ; trans, to Logenvood
about 1592.— [Reg. Assig.}
GALT], son of Patrick (!., miu. of
Duns: M.A. (Edinburgh, 12th Aug.
1591) ; min. here in 1593 ; member of
Assembly in 1602 ; died 6th Nov. 1603,
aged about 32. — [Milne Home J/,S'*S'. ; Key.
Assig. ; Edin. Tests. ; Rooke. of the Kirk}
[COLIN ROW, min. of Drumekier, was
allowed to demit that parish on
1 £>O4
account of insufficiency of stipend.
When the Presbytery met to examine him
with a view to settlement here, an anony
mous letter was read, dated 5th Nov. 1604 :
"There are reports that another is being-
pushed for the place, and R.'s modesty
may prevent him doing justice to himself,
yet Demosthenes in his youth stood dumb
before the people. As the Lord will reward
you, have regard to the honest innocency
of that simple soul." This appeal was un
successful, but he was settled at St Quivox
soon afterwards. — I* relies P resit. Reg}
William C., portioner of Monkton-
hall, and uncle of Robert Carson,
min. of Newton ; M.A. (Edinburgh, 29th
July 1600) ; min. in 1604 ; was a member
of the Glasgow Assembly in 1638 : also
of the Commission of Assembly in 1644,
1646. He died 2nd Aug. 1651, in his 74th
year. He marr. Helen, daugh. of Adam
Hume, min. of this parish in 1560, and had
issue— Agnes, "gudwyfe of the Rig," who
probably marr. in 1645 Ninian Home of
Kennetsidehead. — [Reg. Assig.; Lauder
Tests. ; Tonibst., Baillie's Letters ; Steven
son's Hist. ; Peterkin's Records.}
from Dunbar ; adm. before 18th June
' . .
1652 ; conforming to Episcopacy, nc
was coll. 10th Oct. 1662; trans, to Lennel
between 25th Aug. and 29th Dec. 1603.
1664 Thomas H., bailie of Selkirk :
tutor to Sir Patrick Hume, after
wards Earl of Marchmont ; M.A. (Edin
burgh, 23rd July 1648): coll. to Hilton
16th Oct. 1662 ; ])res. by Sir Patrick
Hume ; trans, and inst. 10th May 1664 :
died 24th Aug. 1701 (the age [67] given
on his tombstone is probably a mistake).
He marr. 28th Oct. 1663, Margaret, daugh.
of Robert I fume, min. of Greenlaw, and
had issue — seven sons, among whom were
Robert, vicar of Limber Magna, Lincoln
shire ; Walter, periwig-maker, 1 )uns ; and
four daughs. A portrait of George Holi-
well was in possession of his descendant,
John Ford, provost of Duns, 1916.—
[Lander Tests. ; Polmartk Reg. (Bapt.} ;
Tomlst.; MS. Ace. of Min., 1689; Rule's
Sec. Vindication ; Craig-Brown's Selkirk
shire : Maddison's Lincolnshire Pedigrees.]
son of Andrew B. of Sauchnell ;
M.A. (Edinburgh, 14th July 1659);
licen. after 6th July 1687 ; ord. to Green-
law 21st March 1693 ; chaplain to Lord
Polwarth's Dragoons in 1708; trans, and
adm. 25th Aug. 1709; died March 1727,
aged about 88. He marr. (1) (name un
known), and had issue — Patrick, merchant,
Leith, <le jure sixteenth Lord Borthwick,
(whose great-grandson, Cunninghame B.,
successfully claimed the peerage before
the House of Lords in 1870), died 6th Oct.
1772; Elizabeth (marr. Robert Davidson
of Marchcleuch) : (2) 17th Jan. 1701,
Catherine, daugh. of James Lawson of
Cairnmuir, and had issue— Barbara, bapt.
9th Sept. 1703 (marr. 12th March 1732,
Patrick Hepburn, writer, Edinburgh);
Catherine, who died young. — [Edin. Mar.
Reg. ; Scots Peerage, ii., 103.]
JOHN HUME of Abbey St Bathans,
1727 Pres- by Alexander, Earl of March
mont, and ord. 29th Aug. 1727;
trans, to Greenlaw 26th Sept. 1734.
WILLIAM HOME, ord. 7th Jan. 1735 ;
1735 trans, to Fogo 21st Sept. 1758.
ALEXANDER HUME, son of John H.
of Abbey St Bathans, min. here ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ;
licen. by Presb. of Duns in 1753; ord.
to Abbey St Bathans 9th May 1755;
trans, and adm. 30th Nov. 1758 ; died
30th July 1768. He marr. (1) 4th Oct.
1755, Agnes (died 29th Dec. 1764), daugh.
of William Bryden, baxter burgess, Edin
burgh, and had issue — Elizabeth, born
15th Sept. 1756 ; Charlotte, born 9th Oct.
1758 ; Jean, born 9th Nov. 1759 ; Ann,
born 27th April 1763, died 25th Jan. 1764 ;
John, born 1st Dec. 1764 : (2) 22nd July
1765, Janet, daugh. of James Jamieson,
tenant in Easter Gamelshiel, and had
issue— Elspeth, born 21st Feb. 1767; Alex
ander (posthumous), born 3rd Sept. 1768.
She marr. again in Oct. 1779, Thomas
Jeffrey, in Whitsome Parish, and in 1783
raised an action of declarator of nullity
of marriage, but was unsuccessful. Up to
Whitsunday 1782 she had imposed on the
Ministers' Widows' Fund by drawing an
annuity as a widow ; and to prevent
similar frauds, an action was raised by
the Collector against her and her husband,
who were found liable in reparation by the
Lord Ordinary (Gardenstone). — {Consist.
Processes, &c., Scot. Record Soci/., No. 776 ;
Lander Tests. ; Trustees' Reports.]
ROBERT HOME, born 30th Oct. 1744,
son of William H., min. of this
parish in 1735, and afterwards of
Fogo ; educated at Edinburgh Univ. ;
called 20th April, and ord. 21st Sept. 1769 ;
was chaplain of Edinburgh Castle, but
discharged the duties by deputy; died
FATHER OF THE CHURCH, 25th March 1838.
He marr. 25th Dec. 1777, Elizabeth (died
27th April 1822), daugh. of James Murray
of Wooplaw, and had issue — Margaret,
born 24th Jan. 1779 (marr. 4th Dec. 1798,
John Murray of Mitchelston and Torquhan,
Stow), died 9th March 1801 ; Joan, born
in or about 1780 (marr. 25th Dec. 1806,
Carlyle Bell, W.S.), died 6th Jan. 1820;
Mary, born 15th May 1781, died unmarr.
14th Nov. 1851 ; Janet Gullan, born 10th
April 1785, died unmarr. 1808 ; Sarah Rod-
dam, born 25th April 1787, died unmarr.
1811 ; Frances Dysart, born 20th July
1789, died unmarr. 12th Aug. 1820 ; Grisell
Scott, born 30th Oct. 1791, died unmarr.
1831 ; Elizabeth Murray, born 16th April
1793, died unmarr. 7th Dec. 1825 ; William,
midshipman R.N., born 24th July 1794,
died 8th June 1816, as the result of
exposure, at the siege of New Orleans ;
James Gabriel Murray, captain 22nd Bengal
Native Infantry, born 15th Sept. 1795, died
at St Helena, 3rd May 1826; Charlotte
Dorothea, born 7th Feb. 1797, died un
marr. 8th Feb. 1859; Walter, his suc
cessor ; James Murray, brevet-major 36th
Foot, born 4th Oct. 1799, served in Lower
Canada Campaign, 1814, retired 1852, be
came agent on the Irish estates of the
Earl of Listowel, and died at Dumfries,
21st Feb. 1868 ; Luke Roddam, captain 7th
Bombay Cavalry, born 15th Dec. 1800, died
at sea, near Madagascar, 26th March 1826 ;
Robina, born 23rd Nov. 1802, died unmarr.
1829. Publication — Account of the Parish
(Sinclair's Stat. Ace., xvii.).
WALTER HOME, born 30th June 1798,
1823 tnircl son °f preceding; educated
at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by
Presb. of Duns 7th May 1822 ; pres. by Sir
William Purves Hume Campbell of March-
mont, Bart., and ord. (assistant and suc
cessor) 17th April 1823; res. 25th Oct.
1881 ; died FATHER OF THE CHURCH, at
Edinburgh, 17th Oct. 1886. He marr. 10th
Jan. 1839, Mary (born 1st May 1809, died
29th Oct. 1902), youngest daugh. of John
Murray of Wooplaw, and had issue — Robert,
min. of Swinton ; John Murray, banker,
Edinburgh, born 25th Feb. 1842, died 18th
May 1912; Margaret Gairdner, born 13th
July 1844, died unmarr. 29th Jan. 1878;
Elizabeth Murray, bora 9th Feb. 1847,
died unmarr. 22nd March 1877 ; Mary,
born 14th April 1849, died unmarr. 1st
Feb. 1883. Publication— Account of the
Parish (New Stat. Ace., ii.). — [Geneal. of
Hume ; Border Almanac, 1887.]
Feb. 1850, son of William Strachan
W., min. of Foveran ; educated at
Univs. of St Andrews and Aberdeen ;
M.A. (St Andrews 1870) ; licen. by Presb.
of Aberdeen in 1874 ; assistant at St
Mary's, Dundee, St Columba's, Oban,
and at Govan ; ord. (assistant and suc
cessor) to Durris llth April 1878 ; trans,
and adm. 21st March 1882 ; clerk of
Presb. 1891. Marr. 28th April 1891,
Margaret, daugh. of John Dick Mathie,
writer, Stirling, and has issue — Charles
Cecil, lieut. K.O.S.B., born 8th Feb.
1895; Francis Clifford, lieut. K.O.S.B.,
born 20th July 1896; Margaret Evelyn,
born 27th May 1898, died 23rd Jan.
[Proposed to lie erected by the General Assembly, 15S1. From 7th Aug. 1690 to
1 9th Oct. 1098 this Presbytery was united to Duns. The Register begins 7th Aug.
1090, and is continued to the present time, the only blank being from 7th Jan. to 27th
March 1694. The Registers previous to 1690 were carried oft' at the 'Revolution by
some of the outed ministers, and were never recovered.]
[A church, dedicated to St Denys,
existed here before the close of the
twelfth century. St Ebba's Well is near.
Lamberton, united to Ayton in 1627, Avas
annexed to Mordington in 1050. A hand
some church was built at Ayton in 1805,
at the expense of Alexander Mitchell-Innea
of Ayton.]
JOHN FLINT, reader. He frequently
appears as a witness to charters of
the Prior of Coldingham from 1552
onwards, and signs as '' priest of the Diocese
of St Andrews." In 1574 he was vicar
pensioner of Ayton. and was summoned
for irregularities in connection with the
administration of the sacraments. He
compeared before the Assembly, and was
ordered to abstain from all functions within
the kirk " till the Superintendent of Lothian
try his ability and learning." He continued
reader until 1580.
ROBERT HISLOP, pres. to the vicar
age by James VI. (with Lamberton
lOOO 1 11- \ 11-11
also under his care) 28th reb. 1585;
trans, to Whitsome in 1586.
JOHN HOME, trans, from Langton ;
pres. to the vicarage by James VI.
10th Nov. 1586; dem. 12th Feb.
min. of Ladykirk in 1007.
WILLIAM HOGG [HOG], son and heir
1601 °^ Thomas H., burgess of Canongate,
Edinburgh : M.A. (Edinl>urgli, 12th
Aug. 1592); pres. to the vicarage of Gala-
shiels by James VI. Jlth Nov. 1599; pres.
to the vicarage of this parish by James
VI. l*th Feb. 1001, and again 23rd Jan.
1011. He was one of forty-two who signed
the Protest against the introduction of
Episcopacy, 1st July 1606. In June 1609
he was a witness at the trial of Logan of
Restalrig. He died Dec. 1610, aged 38.
He marr. (name untraced), and had issue —
William of Bogend. advocate, ancestor of
the Hogs of Harcarse and of Newliston,
died 21st Nov. 1065; James, apprenticed
to John Cor, tailor, Edinburgh, 24th June
1629. — [Key. .SVc. Si;/. : Pitcairn's Crim.
Trials, ii. ; Acts of J'arl. ; Carr's Colluiy-
Itn.iu : Row's Hist. : Forfar Inhih., 17th
Dec. 1597 ; Nisbef's Ihmldic Plates.']
ALEXANDER HOME, M.A., probably
son of David H., min. of Colding
ham ; pres. by James VI. to the
vicarage of Eccles 21st March 1609 : pres.
by James VI. 20th Feb. 1617; called
before the Court of High Commission in
1620 ; died in 1626. He marr. Jean, daugh.
of Alexander Home, Crossgait of Colding
ham, who succeeded him in lands that had
belonged to the chaplaincy of the Virgin
Mary there, and in other properties. Their
son, James, was min. of Coldstream.— [(,'.
R. Inhilj., 27th March 1616, 19th Sept.
GEORGE HOME, M.A. (St Andrews
1627 1615) ; was on the exercise at Had-
dington 12th July 1626 ; pres. by
Charles I. 26th Jan. 1627 ; dep., and the
parish vacant 8th Feb. 1650. Contribu
tions were made on his behalf by the
Sessions of Smailholm, 23rd July 1654, and
Tranent, llth Nov. 1655. He was im
prisoned for debt in the Edinburgh Tol-
booth, but released 19th Jan. 1658. An
Act of Parliament, 18th June 1661, ordered
a year's stipend of Foulden to be paid for
his service there, from 1st Dec. 1659 to 31st
Aug. 1660. He marr. Grizel, only daugh.
of Alexander Hamilton, Prestonpans, and
had issue — George, eldest son, who had a
charter of the waulk mill of West Reston,
6th March 1645 : Alexander : Robert ; Mar
garet. — [Ifaddiityton and jUa?ke/'t/i Presb.
Reys. ; Smailholm and Tranent >Sesa. Reys. ;
Reg. >SVc. Siy. \ Act* ParL, vii. ; Rey. of
Deed*, xx., 63 ; Old Edin. Ch<l> Book, 1912,
p. 120; Rey. May. Siy. ; JJcrwicJc Max.,
iv., 13; 0. R. Horniny^ 7th Oct. 1669.]
ALEXANDER GIBSON, of the family
1652 °^ Gibson of Durie ; M..A. (Edinburgh,
4th July 1630); Keen, by Presb. of
Dalkeith 28th March 1633; adm. to the
Second Charge of South Leith in 1640. The
Kirk-session, 6th Jan. 1646, petitioned the
Presb. to use its influence with the patron,
Lord Balmerino, to advance him to the
First Charge. The Commission of As
sembly reminded them that they had no
right to interfere with the patron's choice.
For two years he discharged all the duties
of the First Charge, and "because of his
extraordinary pains during the pestilence,"
the Session, on 9th May 1647, presented
him with 800 merks in addition to his
regular stipend. When the English took
possession of Leith in 1650, he removed,
and was app. to supply Dunblane "until
it sal please God he get back." He was
adm. to this charge after 12th March 1652,
and died in Oct. of the same year, aged
about 42. He marr. 9th April 1646, Jean
(dead before llth Oct. 1652), daugh. of
William Meiklejohn, tailor, burgess of
Edinburgh, and had issue — an only daugh.,
Jean (marr. 2nd Jan. 1666, Hugh M'Cul-
loch, writer, Edinburgh). — [Y/. 7i'. InMb.,
30th Oct. 1666 ; Print/ Seal Eny. Rey., i.,
WILLIAM HOME, trans, from Ellem,
and adm. after 17th March 1653 :
conforming to Episcopacy, he was
pres. by Charles II. 4th Oct. 1662 ; coll.
20th Jan. 1663; trans, to Loudoun 13th
Oct. 1664.
1667 na^ve °f Ross-shire : M.A. (King's
College, Aberdeen, 13th July 1658);
licen. by George, Bishop of Edinburgh,
18th Aug. 1665; ord. and coll. 29th March
1667 : pres. by Charles II. 3rd April 1668 ;
deprived by the Privy Council, 12th Sept.
1689, for neither reading the Proclamation
of the Estates, nor praying for William and
Mary, but for King James, and for not
observing the Thanksgiving. He wrent
afterwards to Ireland. — [AV</. Coll at-. ;
Min. - book R c,'/. >SVr. *SV;/., v. ; Lander
Tests. : J/X Ace. of Min., 1689.]
GEORGE HUME of Abbey St Bathan.s,
M.A. : called 18th Sept., and ord.
23rd Oct. 1694 : trans, on second
call, to Abbey St Bathans 7th Jan. 1707.
THOMAS ANDERSON, licen. by Presb.
1712 of Dalkeith 24tn ^ePt- 170° ; orcl- to
Eclrom 25th Sept. 1701 ; called 20th
Nov. 1711; tran.s. and adm. 27th March
1712 : died llth March 1751. He marr. 4th
June 1702, Christian (died 22nd June 1759),
daugh. of Henry Ferguson, bailie of Edin
burgh, and had issue — Henry ; John, died
in East Indies ; Isobel ; Christian ; Eliza
beth.— [Edin. Rey. Mar.]
PATRICK HEPBURN, son of William
H., min. of Foulis-Wester ; app. a
teacher in George Heriot's Hospital,
| Edinburgh, 25th May 1725 ; ord. to Walston
I 14th Aug. 1734 ; pres. by the Presb. Jure
devoluto 17th Nov. 1752; trans, and adm.
14th June 1753 ; died 15th Aug. 1772, aged
71. He marr. 16th Dec. 1734, Mary (died
, 6th Feb. 1792), daugh. of William Oliphant,
inin. of Smailholm, and had Issue — Mary ;
William: Isobcl (marr. James Hart, min.
at Doneaster, Yorks, son of Walter II.. min.
of Bunkle): Jean. [7WW.]
(ir-X)TIGE HOME of Cunsgreen and
Monkrig, born 12th Dec. 1749, son
of Abraham H., min. of Whittinge-
hame : licen. by Presb. of Duns 1st Dec.
1771 : iires. by George TIT. loth Sept.
1772 : orcl. 13th May 1773: dem. 25th
June 1816 : died at Gunsgreen 1st Sept.
1830. He marr. 7th Oct. 177-1, his cousin,
Margaret (died 2nd Dec. 1828. aged 81).
daugh. of Robert llobertson of Prenderguest
and Brownsbank, and had issue — Abraham.
his successor : Margaret Ann : Elizabeth,
liorn 6th May 1778 (marr. George Tough,
min. of this parish) : Hay, born 13th Nov.
1779, died unmarr. ; Jean, born 2.">th May
1782 (marr. .Jan. 1811, William Forman
Home of \Yeclderburn). Publication —
Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Xfaf.
Ace., i.).
A 1MI A I [AM HOME of (Junsgivui, son
I79g of preceding; pres. by George III.,
and ord. (assistant and successor)
29th Aug. 1799; dem. 29th March 1814.
In 1S21 he was settled at ( ireenlaw.
(iKOIiCE TOUCH, born 1774, a native
1814 °^ ^iuburgh > licen. by that Prcsb.
28th Nov. 1798; ord. by North
umberland Presbyterian Classis 17th March
1802; min. of the High Meeting, Berwick -
on-Tweed ; adm. min. of Beath 17th July
1812 ; pres. by (ieorge, Prince Regent, 15th
April, and adm. (assistant and successor)
13th Oct. 1814 ; died at Edinburgh, 29th
July 1842. He showed considerable in
genuity as a mechanic, and made an orrery
on an improved plan, which was presented
to (ieorge IV. on his visit to Edinburgh,
26th Aug. 1822. He marr. 12th Feb. 1814,
Elizabeth (died at Edinburgh, 9th June
1849), daugh. of (ieorge Home, min. of
this parish, and had issue - Margaret Hay
Home, authoress of The. Ojt'criny (Edin
burgh, 1851), Slathered Fragments (Edin
burgh, 1864), and other poems, died 21st
July 1863 ; Mary Anne, born 5th July 1814
(marr. Piobert Lorimer, M.D., 1 laddington).
Publications — Britain's Borrow and Con-
solation, a sermon (Edinburgh, 1820);
Account of the Parish (Xeic titat. Ace.,
ii.). — [Tonibst. n} Ediii. Philosaph. Trans.;
Roi/al Visit; Modern Scottish Poets, v., 286.]
DANIEL CAMEKON, born 180G, son
of Duncan C., Glasgow, and Agnes
Cameron ; educated at Univ. of
(ilasgow; licen. by Presb. of Glasgow 1st
Oct. 1834 ; ord. to Bridgegate, Glasgow.
21st April 1836; trans, and adm. 13th
April 1843; died 22nd May 1882. He
marr. 12th Dec. 1836, Amelia Xisbett or
Henderson, ('ilasgow, who died 8th Aug.
1874, and had issue — Amelia Nisbett,
died 1st Jan. 185"): Daniel, min. of
Heriot. — ['/'//<• Wheat and the Chaff, 29.]
AIKEN, born Old Machar, 22nd
Jan. 1857, son of James A. and
Ann Isabella Keid : M.A. (Aberdeen 1877),
B.D. (Edinburgh 1880) ; licen. by Presb. of
Edinburgh in 1880; some time a private
tutor : assistant at Angle Park Chapel,
afterwards St Michael's, Edinburgh : ord.
30th Nov. 1882 ; secretary of the Berwick
shire Naturalists'' Club, 1903. Publications
-—Ed. ///Wo/-// [Proceedings] of the Bcnvick-
thire Naturalists' Cl-ub, from 1903.
[Originally a prebend of the collegiate
church of Dunbar, and afterwards of that
of Dunglass. Of the church built about
1150, the fine Norman doorway and part of
the south wall have survived many changes.
An old tower with vaulted chambers was
taken down in 1750. In 1907 the church
was the subject of an extensive restora
tion, when a tower and hall were added
by Edward, second Lord Tweedmouth, in
memory of his wife, Lady Fanny Churchill.
In 1912 the third Lord Tweedmouth erected
an ornamental gateway to the churchyard,
in memory of his father.]
NINIAN FORMAN, reader, 1567 to
1567 1591.
THOMAS STORIE had at different
times Bunkle, Preston, Foulden, and
Hutton under his charge. He re
sided here from 1578 to 1585, when he
returned to Foulden.
THOMAS CRANSTOUN, mentioned as
min. in 1585. In 1590 the parsonage
was vacant by non-residence. — \_K<'(l-
CHARLES HOME, styled prebendary
. in 158(5. He was probably the C. H.
wlio was reader at Home 1571-4,
and again 1578-85.
DAVID HOME, M.A. : adm. min. in
1593 1593; trans, to Oreenlaw in 1(503.
1607 ^01 many years in the family of
Itobert Logan of Restalrig ; min. in
1007. In June 1009 he was a witness at
the trial of Logan for high treason, llr
was called before the Court of High Coin-
mission in 1020. He was dead by 7th
April 1049, aged 70. He marr. before
June 1009, Janet Craw or Auchincraw
(died Nov. 1035), sister of Patrick C.,
"above the gate of Swynewood," and of
Elizabeth, wife of Peter Home of Ayton,
and had issue — Patrick : John : Margaret ;
Euphan : Mary. — \_Ke<j. Assiy. : Key. Old
Dec., iv. ; Cromarty's Hist. Ace. ; Pitcairn's
Grim. Trials, ii. ; Lander Tests. ; Carr's
Coldinyham ; Calderwood's Hist. ; Council
on. Tithes, iii. ; Milne Home JAS'/S'., 230,
239 : fr'cn. Key. Xas., xxx., 100.]
PATRICK SMITH, son of preceding,
1645 with whom he was conjoined as min.
in 1045 : M.A. (Edinburgh, 22nd July
1037). The Assembly of 1049 approved
of a sentence of suspension passed upon
him. In 1047 and 1049 he was served
heir to lands in West Keston belonging
to his mother. — [Peterkin's Records ; Milne
Home MSS., 236.]
FRANCIS CROW [CRAW], born 1027,
- son of Patrick C. of Heughhead, and
Elizabeth, daugh. of John Clapper-
ton, min. of Coldstream : educated in
France under Louis du Moulin : was for
a time usher under Webb, a schoolmaster
in Berwick, and graduated M.A. at St
Andrews, 22nd July 1047. He was min.
of this parish in 1053, and belonged to the
Protesting party. He confessed himself
guilty of immorality, and fled the country
in 1058. Some time afterwards he wa.s
presented to the vicarage of Hundon in
Suffolk, but was ejected in 1002, under
the Act of Uniformity. He then preached
at Ovington in Essex, Clare in the same
county, and Bury St Edmunds, sometimes
every day in the week. Having suffered
persecution, he emigrated to Jamaica in
1080. Under the Act of Toleration he
returned to England and resumed his
labours at Clare, where he died in 1092.
Publications — The Vanity and Impiety of
Judicial Astrology (London, 1690); Men-
sal ia tiao'd, or Meditations on the Lord's
Xni»j>er., Wherein the Nature of the Holy
Sacrament is explained. . . . To ichic/t is
jn'fji.i't a brief account of the author's life
and death (London, 16Q3).—[Da/keith 2'resl.
llcy. ; Lament's Diary ; Calamy's Noncon
formist's Memorial (Palmer'), iii., 200-70;
Diet. Nat. Jjioy.]
in 1059. Conforming to Episcopacy,
he was coll. 25th Nov. 1002 ; was
proposed for Tranent 15th Dec. 1005 ;
trans, to Morebattle after Feb. 10(59.
JAMES LAWTIE, son of Alexander L.
of Killhill ; pres. in April, coll. 12th
and adm. 26th Aug. 1009 ; deprived
by the Privy Council 10th Sept. 1089, for
not reading the Proclamation of the Estates,
nor ] >raying for King AVilliam and Queen
! Mary. He carried off the kirk-session books
and the keys of the kirk box, and these
' were recovered only under order of the
i Sheriff. He opened an Episcopal meeting-
i house in Eyemouth, and died there, Jan.
1694. He marr. (1) Jean Home, and had
issue — Margaret ; Marion ; Alexander : (2)
in Dec. 1679, Anna, sister of AVilliam Blair
of Balgillo, and had issue — lean ; Anna ;
James ; Isobel ; Elizabeth ; Helen ; Kathe-
I rine, three of whom were served heirs,
22nd July 1097. — [Duns l'i-a-,1. ll«j,': L<tn<lcr
Texts. ; Roj. <if ('ollnf.\ In'/. l!<'t. d'cv..
7875; J/X. A<r. of Min., 1089; Carr's
Col<ti)i<ili<tni (where he is culled John}. 107 :
(,'. R. Sat., xli., 343 : G. If. InhH>., 22nd
-Ian. 1081: Morrison's Dirt., xviii.]
1)0rn 23ic* ^u"' 1(;24) at I)rylmrsn,
parish of Mertoun ; a younger son
of Ralph E. of Shielfield, Channelkirk, by
his second wife, Janet Wilson. [Ralph of
Shielfield was grandson of James E. of
Balgonie, brother of the fourth Lord
Erskine, ancestor of the Earls of Mar. |
He studied at Edinburgh Univ., gradu
ated M.A. 15th April 1045, and was prob
ably licen. by Prcsb. of Earlston. In 10-19
(or according to Calamy and Palmer in
1659) he was ord. to Cornhill, in North-
umberland, but was ejected by the Act of
Uniformity on St Bartholomew's Day, 25th
Aug. 1002. lie resided for some years at
Dryburgh, exercising his ministry as oppor
tunity offered, till April 1082, when he was
seized by Urquhart of Meldrum, leader of
the troops on the Borders, and imprisoned
successively at Melrose, Jedburgh, and
Edinburgh. Arraigned before the Privy
Council, he was asked by Sir George
Mackenzie if he would give his bond to
cease preaching at conventicles. His reply
was : " My Lord, I have my commission
from Christ, and though I were within an
hour of my death I durst not lay it down
at any mortal man's foot/' He was fined
5000 merks, and condemned' to the Bass till
payment of the fine. As his health was
bad, he requested leave to go out of the
kingdom, and gave security for the money.
He then spent two years and a half with
his family at Parkridge, near Carlisle, after
which, on the invitation of Philip Grey of
Preston, he went to reside at Monilaws,
near his former charge of Cornhill. In
1685 he was imprisoned with Luke Ogle at
AVooler and at Newcastle, but was freed
shortly after by the passing of the Act of
Indemnity. He took up residence at New
ton, or Ravelaw, in Whitsome Parish, and
ministered there for a time, when young
Thomas Boston was one of his hearers.
He was called to this charge, and adm. 18th
Sept. 1690. He died 10th Aug. 1696. He
marr. (1) 1652, Jean (died 9th March 1070),
daugh. of David Brown of Park, Earlston,
and had issue — Jean, born at Oalashiels,
2,8th June 1053 (marr. 17th Dec. 1086,
George Balderston, surgeon, Edinburgh);
Elizabeth, born at Wooler, 1st May 1655,
died young: Philip, rector of Knaresdale,
Northumberland, born at Wooler, 27th
Dec. 1657: Katherine, born at Cornhill,
12th Aug. 1659: Elizabeth, born 7th Feb.
1000; John, born at Dryburgh, 29th April
1003 : Rachel, born at Dryburgh, 2nd Nov.
1665 : William, born at Dryburgh, 8th Oct.
1669: (2) 1st Sept. 1674, Margaret (died
14th Jan. 1725), daugh. of Hugh Halcro,
Fsle of Weir, Rousay, Orkney, and Margaret
Stewart, and had issue — Ebenezer, min. at
Portmoak, born at Dryburgh, 22nd June
1680, and Ralph, min. of Dunfermline,
born at Monilaws, 15th March 1085,
Founders of the Secession Church (1732);
Margaret, born at Carlisle, 17th Jan. 1683.
— [A'elso Pi'exli. Ri'<j*. ; Christian M<i;/., vii. :
Calamy :s Contimiation, ii. ; Eraser's Lire*
of E. nnil R. ErsJiinc ; Brown's Gospel
Trutk; Dirt. Xnt. ]>ioy.\ MacEwen's T/ir
AY,s/r//<r,s ; E. E. Scott's Erskine-IIalcro
Genealogy; Taits Harder Clnwh Life, ii.,
69; J. Wood Brown's Covenanters of the
WILLIAM MILLER, M.A.; called 27th
trans, to Meigle 1702. — [A eta of
Ass., 1701, 1702.]
: ]-:()lJ(.JE HOME of Broadhaugh, second
son of Alexander H. of Kennetside-
head, who was put to death as a
Covenanter in 1082, and Jean Home; licen.
by Presb. of Duns Gth Oct. 1702: called
18th Oct. 1703, and ord. 13th March 1704 ;
died 5th Oct. 1755. He marr. 19th Aug.
1706, Catherine (bapt. 20th -Jan. 1678, died
17J5), daugh. of -John Home of Ninewells,
and aunt of David H., the historian, and
had issue — Alexander, min. of Stichill ;
Abraham, his successor; Rachel, bapt. llth
-Ian. 1713: Joseph, bapt. 26th Feb. 1714;
George, baker, Edinburgh, bapt. 7th June
1716; Margaret, bapt. 25th March 1718
(marr. 23rd Nov. 1743, Robert Robertson
of Prenderguest), died 30th July 1780.
After his death a dispute arose between
his executors and Walter Anderson, his suc
cessor, concerning the half-year's stipend,
it being argued that but for the change in
the calendar in 1752 II. would have died
before Michaelmas. The Lords of Session
decided that the old calendar ruled, and
that H. died before Michaelmas according
to that style. — [Lander Test*.; Morrison's
Dec., xvii.]
ABRAHAM HOME, son of preceding:
17 ^ ord. (assistant) 17th Feb. 1741. The
patron, William Hall of Whitehall,
raised an action in the Court of Session
against the Presb., which was settled by
the minute being altered to state that he
had been ord. assistant only. I )espite this,
he sat and voted regularly at the Presb.
meetings, even when his father also voted.
He was trans, to Whittingehame 23rd
March 1748.
burgh, 18th March 1742) : licen. by
I'resb. of Duns 5th Xov. 1744;
assistant at Chirnside in 1750: pres. by
William Hall of Whitehall, and' ord. l.'Uli
May 1750 ; D.D. (Marischal College, Aber
deen, 1769) ; died unmarr., 2nd June 1800.
Publications — The. History of Crucsm, Kitnj
of Ltjdia, in four parts (Edinburgh, 1755):
The History of France duriny the Rcirjns
of Fraud* II. and Charles IX., 2 vols.
(London, 1769); The History of France
from the Commencement of the Reign of
Henri/ III., and the Rise of the Catholic
League to the Peace of Vervins and the.
Establishment of the Famous Edict of
Nantes in the Rcvjn of Henri/ IV., and
from the Commencement of the Revjn of
Louis X1I1. to the (General Peace of
Minister, 3 vols. (London, 1775-83); The
Philosophy of Ancient Greece Investi
gated (London, 1791) ; Lectures on Parts
and Portions of the Psalms of David
(Edinburgh, 1797): Account of the Parish
(Sinclair's Xtat, Ace., xiv.). — [Morrison's
Dec., xvii. ; Scots Ma<j., xix. ; Diet. Nut.
THOMAS LOGAN, a native of Carn-
wath ; M.D. (Edinburgh 1799) ; was
the friend and associate of John
Leyden, Brougham, Thomas Brown, and
others, who formed a society known as the
Academy of Physics, of which Logan was
joint secretary ; licen. by Presb. of Lanark
30th July 1800 ; pres. by Sir James Hall of
Dunglass, Bart., and ord. 16th April 1801 ;
died 30th Jan. 1838, aged 61. He marr.
27th March 1804, Agnes Watt, Symington,
Lanarkshire, who died 21st Aug. 1813, and
had issue — James, min. of Swinton ; Eliza
beth ; Agnes; Euphemia. Publication —
Diaxertatio mediea inauffuralis de Dys
pepsia (Edinburgh, 1799). — [Chambers's
liioij. Diet.]
JAMES WILSON, born 23rd June
1838 1809' fiftl1 son of (;eol'Se W->
fanner, Chapelhill and Cockburns-
path Tower ; educated at Univ. of Glas
gow : licen. by Presb. of Dunbar 3rd April
1833 ; assistant to preceding ; pres. by Sir
John Hall of Dunglass, Bart., and ord. 14th
May 1838 ; died unmarr., 8th May 1870.
born Fraserburgh, Oth March 1834,
son of John S., Elgin, and Elizabeth
Williamson : educated at Elgin Academy
(dux 1851), at King's College, Aberdeen,
and Univ. of Edinburgh; schoolmaster of
Alves, 1854-0 : assistant to Professor of
Humanity at Edinburgh Univ. in 185S ;
licen. by Presb. of Elgin llth May 1804;
Inspector of Church Schools in Scotland in
18(55 (of which he reorganised 250); pre
pared for the S.P.C.K. the statement for
them on their schools presented to Com
mission to enquire into Scottish Schools in
1807 ; pres. by Alexander Mitchell-lnnes
of Ayton, and ord. 30th Sept. 1870; retired
to Edinburgh in 1909.
ALFRED M'KEACHIE, born Newton-
1909 ^tewart> 4tl1 July 1882> son of Alex"
ander M. and Jean Goudie ; educated
at Ewart High School, Newton-Stewart ;
M.A. (St Andrews 1904); licen. by Presb.
of St Andrews 25th May 1906 ; missionary
at Blairmoor, Alberta, Canada ; assistant
at Inveresk ; ord. (assistant and successor)
3rd Sept. 1909. Marr. 30th April 1912,
Sybella Leonore, daugh. of David Hunter
and Elizabeth Graham, and widow of
George J)uncan Sloan, M.F.., Ch.B., and
has issue— Moira Scott, born 12th Aug.
1914 ; Kenneth Alfred Alexander, born
2nd Xov. 191 G.
[The church, dedicated to St Mary,
belonged to the Priory of Coldingham till
the Reformation. On the high promon
tory of St Abb's Head in this parish, St
Ebba, daughter of Ethelfrith, King of
Northumberland, and sister of St Oswald,
founded a double convent of monks and
nuns. This she ruled as abbess till her
deatli in 683. Some years later the build
ing was destroyed by fire. In 1090 King
Edgar founded a Benedictine priory, dedi
cated to the Virgin Mary, St Cuthbert,
and St Ebba, It was built at Coldingham,
over two miles inland, from the remains
on St Abb's Head. In 1509 the monastery
passed under the rule of the Abbey of
Dunfermline, After the Reformation the
priory church was used for parochial pur
poses, and much of the ancient structure
survives in the existing parish church.]
WILLIAM LAMB, one of those whom
the first General Assembly of the
1567 Reformed Church, 20th Dec. 1560,
thought " apt and able to minister " ; adm.
in 1567. In 1574 Ayton and Lamberton
were in the charge. He died llth March
1583, and in his will he commends "his
spirit to God, his bodie to be erdit in the
kirkyaird of C., willing and beseking the
parochinars thereof to ordour that place
to be mair cumlie and decentlie kept then
it hes been in tyme bygane." — [JJooke of
the Kirk; Reg. Min. and Assi'j. ; Keith's
Hist. ; Calderwood's flist., ii., 45].
DAVID FORSYTH, reader; trans, to
1571 Bolton in 1580.
DAVID HOME, min. of Foulden in
1567, of Oldhamstocks in 1569, of
1584 Aldcambus in 1580, and of this
charge in 1584. He was a member of
Assembly May 1586, and dissented from
the annulling of the sentence of excom
munication against Archbishop Adamson.
He was pres. to the vicarage before 14th
June 1592, and was dead by 1600. He
marr. Janet Hopper [Happer], who in
1600 occupied a cottage and two acres in
Coldingham, and had issue — David, M.A. ;
Alexander, M.A,, Commendator of Eccles,
probably also min. of that parish ; Thomas ;
William, lessee of the teinds of Eccles in
1620. Publication — Three Letters (vide
}Vodrow M~iscelL). — [Jjerwick .S'a.s., iv., 94 ;.
Key. Astiy. : Rey. of Deeds, xxxi. ; Row's
and Calderwood's llixts. ; Milne JFom<
MSS.) 54, 196: Eeij. of Deeds, civ., 6th
Feb. 1605.]
Andrews 1582); schoolmaster of this
parish in 1590 ; min. in 1593 : with
Smith of Chirnside and Home of Ayton
he was a witness at the trial of Logan of
Restalrig, 1609, and was then aged 50. He
was pres. to the vicarage by James VI.
before 7th June 1611, and died before 1630.
He marr. Christian Lichtharnes, who sur
vived him, and had issue — Alexander,
apprenticed to Moses Wallace, skinner,
Edinburgh, 8th Xov. 1609 : Alison (marr.,
cont. 26th March 1630, Robert Air in
Renton). — [AVv/. Atsiy.; Pit cairn's (Jriin.
Trials, ii. ; Carr's Hist. : liey. of Deeds,
cccclviii., 244.]
WILLIAM DOUGLAS of Stoneypath,
\Vhittingehame ; pres. to the vicar
age by James VI. 7th Feb. 1615 ;
was one of fifty mins. who signed a Pro
test to Parliament in favour of the Liber
ties of the Kirk, 27th June 1617 : trans,
to Whittingehame in 1621, but apparently
not settled there until 1627. — [Calder
wood's Hist., ii., 126 : iii., 675 ; iv., 649.]
wood, eldest son of Christopher K. ;
M.A, (Edinburgh, 25th July 1612);
min. of Spott in 1618 ; pres. by James VI.
22nd Jan. 1622 ; dem. before 10th Jan.
1639. His demission was refused, and he
was dep. before 6th May 1641 for adultery.
He died before 1646. He marr. (1) 24th
May 1617, Marion, daugh. of Edward
Hepburn, min. of Prestonkirk, and had
issue— Anna (marr. William Paxton, por-
tioner of West Reston) ; Alison ; Margaret :
(2) 27th June 1039, Agnes, daugh. of
Thomas Mawer, advocate, and had issue
— Patrick ; Christopher.— [Reg. Sec. Sig. ;
Edin. Marr. Rey. : Acts Part. ; Baillie's
Lett. ; Stevenson's Hist. ; Milne Home,
MSS., 193 ; Gen. Rey. Sets., xli. 174, xlix. 44 :
G. K. Tnhib., 14th Jan. 1605, 24th Aug.
1GGG, and 21st Dec. 1007.]
to John, Lord Linton ; afterwards Arch
bishop of Glasgow and of St Andrews ;
was pres. by Charles I., 10th Jan. 1039, but
not settled.— Rey. Sec. Sig.]
SAMUEL DOUGLAS, M.A. ; pres. by
Charles I. Gth May 1041 ; suspended
June 1048, and dep. by the Presb.
On the recommendation of the Assembly,
the Commission on 14th Feb. 1051 "do
open his mouth and declare him to be in
capacity for the ministry " ; trans, to Eccles
after Oct. 1052.— [Key. Sec. Sig.: Ifaddiiigf»,i
Pre&b. Rey. ; Acts of Ass. ; Baillie's Letters.]
DAVID HUME, son and heir of James
H. of Whitsomehill ; M.A. (Edin
burgh, 30th July 1646); adm. in
1658; deprived by Act of Parliament llth
June, and Decreet of Privy Council 1st
Oct. 1662. He preached in the house of a
Mrs Paton, Edinburgh, in the beginning of
1669 ; for this the Provost and Magistrates
were fined £50. A warrant was issued for
his apprehension by the Privy Council, 4th
June 1674, and letters of intercommuning
were passed against him 3rd Aug. 1676.
He opposed the Indulgence, and joined the
field preachers in 1679, but did not go to
an extreme length. He was one of two
deputies who interviewed the Duke of
Monmouth before the battle of Bothwell
Bridge. After the defeat of the Cov
enanters, he took refuge in Holland, and
appeared in a long list of those declared
fugitive, 5th May 1684. He returned, and
died at Edinburgh, 15th Dec. 1687, aged
about 62. He was buried in Greyfriars.
He marr. (name unknown), and had issue
— a son, James, apprenticed to Jamos Home,
merchant, 7th Feb. 1677 ; Catherine, buried
22nd Nov. 1670. He left a journal in MS.
which has not been recovered. — [Berwick
Sas., iv., 94 ; Wodrow's Hist., ii. 234. iii.
106 ; Edin. Guild Reg. ; Acts Parl., vii. ;
Inq. Ret. Gen., 4804 ; Brown's Covenanters
of the Merse.]
1663 1003 ; trans, to Eclrom in 100").
1665 TYNE], M.A. (Edinburgh, 23rd July
1025) ; passed trials before the Presb.
and got a testimonial for license 3rd Oct.
1627 ; pres. to Garvald, and inst. 13th Sept,
1637 ; dep. 4th Oct. 1649 for " profanation
of the name of God," etc. He intruded at
Drumoak in 1053, but was rcponed to the
ministry 2nd Feb. 1054, on condition that
he should not accept a charge without
special consent of the Presb. He was
pres. to Edrom, and coll. there llth Nov.
1662. In the following year he exchanged
with the min. of this charge ; was pres.
by Charles II. 17th Feb. 1604 ; adm. in
1005, and was still min. llth Oct. 1GG8.
He marr. before 3rd Jan. 1044 (name un
known), and had a son, James, who received
300 merks under the will of his relative,
Thomas Bannatyne of Newhall, 30th Nov.
1044.— \_Rey. See. Sig. ; Ilutton Sess. Rey. ;
Haddinytoii Pres//. Rey.']
Samuel D., min. here in 1041 ; M.A.
(Edinburgh 1GG9) ; adm. min. of
Longformacus in 1G72 ; pres. by Charles
II. 15th Oct. 1077 ; deprived by the Privy
Council, 8th Sept, 1689, for not reading the
Proclamation of the Estates, nor praying
for William and Mary. He was accused
of taking away the Presb. Records. He
died Jan. 1704, aged about 55. He marr.
Margaret Bannatyne, probably daugh. of
his predecessor, and had issue — Samuel
of Burnhouses ; Helen (marr. 27th Dec.
1729, John Johnston, writer, Edinburgh) ;
Katherine (marr. July 1735, Yaxly David
son, merchant, Edinburgh). — [Min.-book
Rey. Sec. Sir/., v. ; MS. Ace. of Min., 1689 ;
Edinburgh Marriage Reg. ; Treasury Sed.
Rook, 22nd July 1696.]
[The parish w;is vacant for several years,
the majority of the heritors being in
sympathy \vitli the Episcopal mins. who
conducted services at Coldingham and
Eycmoutli. Ultimately the Synod sent
assessors to assist the 1'ivsb. in their choice
of a minister.]
JOHN DYSART, born 1660: M.A.
((ilasgow 1080): ord. min. of a
Presbyterian congregation at I hdton,
Northumberland, 1080 : adm. min. of Lang-
ton 30th April 1091 ; elected by the Presb.
jure <?e>'o/i(to 1st May, trans, and adm. 24th
July 1 694 . It was necessary to call a military
force to prevent a riot at his settlement,
and for some time afterwards he carried
two pistols to the pulpit, which he laid
down openly on each side of him. He
died before Jan. 1720, leaving £200 to the
poor of the parish. He was a man of great
force of character and strength of will, and
a resolute defender of the Presbyterian
cause. During his ministry he held 1169
meetings of his Kirk-session, and most of
the leading men of his parish were at one
time or other brought before it. By the
close of his ministry he had made himself
a power in the district, and even those
opposed to his church views recognised his
sincerity and courage. He marr. (1) 17th
Jan. 1699, Elizabeth (died May 1702),
daugh. of John Bishop, Cockburnspath,
and had issue — John ; Elizabeth (marr. her
father's successor) ; a son, who died at birth,
1702: (2) 31st Dec. 1703, Mary, daugh. of
the Hon. William Sanclilands of Couston,
son of John, fourth Lord Torphichen, and
widow of Major Menzies of Culdares. and
had issue— Matthew, min. of Eccles. l).;s
widow gifted to the Kirk-session a silver
cup and a pewter baptismal basin, 7th
April n%<o.—[Edin. Marr. and Set*. Key*. :
Boston's Jfem.; Carr's Hist.; Murray's Blot/.
Ami. : Thomson's Coldinr/ham ; Notes !»/
C. ft. Romanes.]
ROBERT BRYDONE, M.A. (Edinburgh,
21st April 1709): liccn. by Presb. of
Edinburgh 3rd June 1719; elected
by the Town Council of that city conjunct
preacher at Skinner's Hall (Chapel-of-Ease)
in Dec. following; called to this parish
15th Sept. 1724: pres. by George I. 31st
Jan., and ord. (colleague and successor)
nth May 172.1: died 17th March 1761,
aged 74. He marr. 3rd June 1727, Eliza
beth Dysart (died 20th May 1764), only
daugh. of his predecessor, and had issue —
nine children, who all died in comparative
youth, except John, born 9th Jan. 1730,
died 17;").") ; Matthew, merchant, Berwick,
born 3rd Feb. 1731 : Patrick, F.P..S.,
author of A Tour throuyh Xicili/ anil
Ma/fa, born 5th Jan. 1736, died 19th
June 1818; Robert, born 23rd March 1740.
[Patrick B. marr. Mary, eldest daugh. of
Principal Roller tson of Edinburgh Univ.,
and by her had three daughs.— Mary, wife
of the second Earl of Minto ; Elizabeth,
wife of Admiral Sir Charles Adam of
Blairadam ; Williamina. who marr. Gilbert
Elliot, D.D., Dean of Bristol. He is
thus alluded to in Marmion, canto vi.,
stanza 18 —
" Hard by in hospitable shade [Lennel House]
A reverend pilgrim dwells.
Well worth the whole Bernardino brood
That ere wore sandal, frock, or hood."
Robert Burns visited Patrick Brydone at
Lennel, 7th May 1787, and wrote of Mrs
B. as "a most elegant woman in person
and manner, and the tones of her voice
remarkably sweet."]— [Tomlst. : Carr's I fist.-.
Murray's Bio<j. Ann. ; Diet. Nat. Bio<j. :
Wallace's Burns, ii., 104.]
JOHN JOLLY, liccn. by Presb. of
1761 Chirnside 4th Jan. 1757 ; ord. min.
of Simprin 12th May 1757 ; pres.
by George III. 1st May, and trans, and
adm. 17th Sept. 1761 ; died 9th Nov. 1792,
aged 60. He marr. (1) 27th Oct. 1757,
Jean Waddell, who died without issue, 31st
Dec. 1783: (2) 18th Sept. 1787, Elizabeth
Paxton, .Berwick, who died without issue
at Lochcarron, 18th Dec. 1829, aged 73. —
JAMES LANDELL, born 1756, son of
1793 "WMiara L., farmer, Coldinghamlaw ;
M.A. (Edinburgh); licen. by the
Northumberland Classis in 1781, and ord.
by it 8th March 1787, min. of the Scots
Church, Widdrington ; pres. in April, and
adm. 13th Aug. 1793; killed by & fall
from his horse, 18th April 1827. He was
a cultured musician, and the composer of
Coldinrjhwn, and other psalm tunes. He
marr. 6th Jan. 177G, Janet Harriot, who
died 15th Aug. 1840, and had issue— Grace,
born 14th Oct. 1776; William, bora 6th
July 1778, educated for the ministry and
applied for license, but withdrew and
became Supervisor of Excise; Margaret, j
born 26th Sept. 1780 (marr. David Walker, !
schoolmaster of Earlston), died 31st Oct. 1
1852; James, lieut. 60th Foot, born 9th j
Nov. 1783; George Richardson, lieut. of '.
Marines, lost his right arm at Trafalgar,
born 2nd May 1785; Thomas, born 23rd
Dec. 1786 ; Harriet, born 18th April 1788
(marr. 2nd July 1810, William Hose);
Alexander Renton, born 13th Sept. 1792;
Jane Home, born 24th Sept, 1796 (marr.
Samuel Watson).— [Tombst.]
son of Alexander R. of Frcnderguest,
and Philadelphia, daugh. of Robert
Lambe, vicar of Norham ; educated at
Univ. of Edinburgh; licen. by Presb. of
Chirnside 10th Aug. 1824 ; pres. by George
IV. 28th May, and ord. 20th Sept. 1827;
died 6th July 1847. He marr. 17th Feb.
1829, Jane (died 20th Dec. 1843, aged 38),
eldest daugh. of John Dickson of Peelwalls,
Ayton, and had issue— Alexander Phila
delphia Lambe, M.D., bom 25th Dec. 1829 ;
John Dickson, born 1st Aug. 1831 ; George
Hogarth, born 30th Aug. 1834.
DAVID MUNRO, born St Andrews,
2nd Oct. 1817, son of Alexander M.
and Isabella Walker ; educated at
Univ. of St Andrews; licen. by Presb.
of St Andrews 1839 ; assistant at Ceres,
Muthill, Drainie; ord. to Scots Church,
Tweedmouth, 17th April 1845; pres. by
Queen Victoria ; trans, and adm. 5th Nov.
1847 ; died 24th Oct. 1902. He marr. 31st
Oct. 1854, Margaret (died at Dunbar, 14th
June 1909), daugh. of Robert Stevenson,
farmer, Lowick, and Dorothy Main, and
had issue— Isabella Walker, born 19th Aug.
1855 (marr. 1880, Thomas Cormack, captain
in the Merchant Service) ; David Alexander
Stevenson, born 29th Jan. 1857; Robert
Stevenson, born 19th Feb. 1859 ; Thomas
Murray, born 2nd Aug. 1863; Sarah
Margaret, born 30th July 1865 (marr. 1896,
James Purves, tea-planter, India); Mary
Ann Helena, born 19th May 1867 ; William
Lockhart, born 7th June 1872, died 27th
Sept, 1876 ; Edith Grace, born 4th Sept.
born Edinburgh, 1st March 1872,
son of Donald L., Surveyor of Taxes,
Argyllshire, and Catherine, daugh. of
Thomas Alexander, farmer, Aberdeenshire ;
educated at Edinburgh Academy; M.A.
(Edinburgh 1891), B.D. (1896); licen. by
Presb. of Edinburgh May 1896 ; assistant
at St Cuthbert's, Edinburgh ; ord. (assist
ant and successor) 4th Nov. 1898. Marr.
(1) 10th April 1901, Edith Home (died 9th
Jan. 1902), youngest daugh. of Sir Samuel
Stirling, Bart,, of Glorat and Renton :
(2) 6th Sept, 1904, Annie, daugh. of George
Gilchrist, farmer, Coldingham, and Jessie
Lyon Dunlop, and has issue— Allan Donald,
born 3rd Dec. 1907; Jessie Dunlop, born
15th April 1910 ; Sheila and Eileen (twins),
born 7th Oct. 1913.
[A priory of Cistercian nuns was founded
at Coldstream in 1125, by Gospatrick, third
Earl of Dunbar. To it belonged the Parish
Kirk of Lennel and the chapels of the
Hirsel and St Mary;s, Bassendean (in West-
ruther). This convent was destroyed by the
English in 1 545. Its lands were afterwards
alienated by royal grants. The church of
Lennel was dedicated by Bishop David de
Bernham, 31st March 1243. The chapel
of the Hirsel disappeared before 1627,
and was never afterwards rebuilt. The
church of Lennel, of twelfth-century work,
was for long the parish church. In 1705,
because the building was ruinous and too
small, a new church was erected at Cold-
stream by Charles, Earl of Home. The
Earl of Haddington and Ker of Graden in
the Merse repaired the old church at Lennel
and removed the stone roof, but in 1718 the
new building in Coldstream was declared
the parish church. A new church was
erected in 15)09.]
1574 JOHN LYCHTBODTE, reader.
JOHN CLAPPERTOX, a native of the
1576 county, was in 1570 exhorter at
Livingston ; trans, to Jfutton in
l.")71 : ti-an.s. and adni. in 1570, when
Simprin also was in the charge ; app. by
the Ceneral Assembly that year as Visitor
of Merse and Laininennuir : this was
several times renewed: in 1583 his dis
trict extended from the Forth to Berwick,
lie was apprehended, 25th May 1584, by
two archers of the Guard, and taken to
Edinburgh. He was charged, 7th Dec.
following, with not giving obedience to
his Ordinary, and was one of those who
signed an address to the King on that
matter. At the Assembly, 1586, he
dissented against annulling the sentence
which had been passed upon Archbishop
A damson. While acting as one of the
Commissioners of the Assembly at Edin
burgh, he was ordered by His Majesty,
21th Nov. 155)0, to leave within twenty-four
hours and attend his congregation. By
the Assembly, 1000, he was appointed con
stant Moderator of the Presb., which was
enjoined by the Privy Council, 17th Jan.
thereafter, to receive him as such within
twenty-four hours after notice, under pain
of rebellion. Charged by the Synod to
demit that office, he did so, for which he
was called before the Privy Council, where
he expressed his readiness to accept it
of new. After this he appears to have
been wholly submissive to the measures
of the Court. He died in 1017. He was
a member of at least sixteen General
Assemblies. Calderwood says of him,
"The man was ambitious, and readie to
embrace any preferment.''" He marr. (1)
1574, Joanna Spence, Chirnside, and had
issue — Samuel Spence, colonel of horse
under C-ustavus Adolphus, and Governor
of Finland, born 1570, died at Womer,
1022 ; Christian, born 1580 (marr. 1600,'
Alexander Lander of Gunsgreen) ; Anne,'
bapt. at East Xisbet Chape], 1585 (marr!
1604, Kobert Brounfield of Todridge) ; Mar
garet, born 1589 (marr. 1010, Robert
Lauder, W.S., Edinburgh); Elspeth, born
1592 (marr. 1013, Patrick Craw of Heug-
head); John, min. of Ednam ; George,
born 1598 : (-2) 1011, Barbara Seton of
Xottridge, near ITaddington, and had
! issue— William, min. of Coldstream; Pat-
I rick, born 1015. His widow survived him
and marr. secondly, Andrew Ramsay, min.
of Eyemouth, and thirdly, John Poole in
, Tranent). — [Reg. Assiy. : Reg. of Deeds,
xxxi., xxxvi. ; Reg. Priri/ Count-. : tit
Amlreu's >'////. mid Test. Regs.: Hook? <>j
tin Kirk ; Calderwood's /fist., iv., 72 :
Pitcairn's Ciim. Trials, ii. ; Inq. R(<t. G'en.,
1097 ; Re*,, of Deed*, ccccx., 370 : -/. R.
Jtdtll., 10th Dec. 1017: Act* niid Dee.,
\ cccxxxii., 372.]
FRANCIS HEPBURX, son of Francis
161? H. and Margaret Cockburn ; M.A.
(Kdinburgh, 25th July 1012); pres.
by James VI. 18th Nov. 1017; was still
min. 23rd Nov. 1038, but subsequently
deprived. He had issue— Thomas, eldest
son.— [AVf/. See. tiif/. : tied. Hool; of Te'nuh :
Stat. Rep., 1027 ; Re<j. of Dee<h, dxxx., 113 ;
(,'. It. Inhih., Oth Sept, 1037.]
son of John C1., who was min. in 1570,
mentioned as min. in 1035). Pie died
before 19th Jan. 1642. His brother Patrick-
was his heir.— [Gen. Reg. tins., 1., 343.]
1641 1G41 J trans, to Oldhamstocks in
1042.-[AV/. Sec. Sic/.}
JAMES HOME, son of Alexander H.,
1642 min< of Ayton; pres. by Charles 1.
1st Dec. 1041 ; adm. in 1042 ; still
min. in 1053, but was probably deprived ;
died before 14th Jan. 1071. He marr.
Janet, daugh. of John Arnot of Hoprig,
and had issue— James, writer, Edinburgh,
his heir; Margaret, died 1700; Jean (marr.
Alexander Kinnear, writer, Edinburgh);
Rachel (marr. John Home, min. of Greeii-
law).— [Reg. Sec. Sig. ; Peebles Presb. Reg.\
Inq. Ret. Gen,, 5387, and Henrick, 381;
G. R. Sns.t Iv., 395.]
1659 *AW) ^"^' ^t Andrews, r)tn June
1638): ord. to Lander in 1652;
trans, and adm. in 1659 ; deprived by Act
of Parliament llth June, and Decreet of
Privy Council 1st Oct. 1662 ; died before
2nd April 1685. He marr. Isabel Mait-
land, probably of the Lauderdale family,
and had issue — James, his heir ; Margaret,
assisted by the Presb. in 1700 as "the
daughter of an outed minister"; William,
buried in Greyfriars, Edinburgh, 17th
March 1692. — [>'//«, (Keho Presl.) fief/.;
Lothian Xyn. Rey. ; Edin. Rey. A'ax. : Wod-
row's Hint. ; Inq. Ret. (Jen., Berwick, 420,
and (!en., 6634.]
. _ R., min. of Cranstoun ; M.A. (St
Andrews, 2nd May 1639) ; adm.
(assistant) at Dunbar 19th April 1644 ;
trans, to Folwarth, and adm. before 18th
June 1652 ; conforming to Episcopacy, he
was coll. 16th Oct. 1662 ; trans, and adm.
after 25th Aug. 1663; died May 1685.
Ho marr. Agnes (died 29th May 1694),
daugh. of Andrew Stevenson, min. of Dun-
bar, in whose right he entered burgess and
guild-brother of Edinburgh, 10th April 1678,
and had issue— Andrew ; Patrick, min. of
of Eclrom, ultimately vicar of Berwick-on-
Tweed, who was served heir 26th Jan. 1700.
— [Duns Presb. and Edin. Guild Regs. ; :
Lander Tests.; Greyfriars Burials; Inq. \
Ret. Gen., 8200.]
THOMAS BLAIR, M.A. (St Andrews,
1686 14th March 1672) ; was a preacher
13th June 1680 ; inst. to Tynning-
hame 26th May 1684 ; trans, and adm.
before 19th Jan. 1686 ; deprived by the '
Privy Council, 26th Sept. 1689, for not
praying for King William and Queen
Mary, nor reading the Proclamation of the
Estates. In 1713 he was in charge of
Cornhill, Northumberland, and in 1728 he
was inst. to the united curacies of Cornhill
and Branxton ; died 23rd Aug. 1736, aged j
about 85. He marr. Christian (died 23rd i
June 1729), daugh. of Sir William Eliott
of Stobs, Bart., and had issue — David,
bursar of Theology, Presb. of Kirkcaldy,
1692, 1693.— [T'l/nninnJiame and Scoonie
Sess. Regs.; Cornhill Reg. (Bur.) ; Hutchin-
son's Northumberland, i. : MX. Ace. of
Min., 1689 ; Peterkin's Gonstit. of the
JAMES ARMSTRONG, mentioned as
min. when first meeting of Presb.
is recorded 7th Aug. 1690 ; trans, to
Canonbie 21st March 1694.— [Rey. Gen.
Ass., 1690, 1692.]
JOHN POW, son of Robert P., notary,
1694 Eycmouth; M.A. (Edinburgh, 9th
July 1688); licen. by Presb. of
Chirnsidc, and ord. 7th Aug. 1694 ; died
5th Jan. 1735, aged about 67. He marr.
Jean Marjoribanks, who died 3rd Feb.
1763, and had issue — Robert, merchant,
and bailie of Coldstream ; John, M.A.,
licen. 1729 ; Elizabeth, born 1723 (marr.
John Forman, ancestor of the Formans of
Craigpark, Ratho). William Pow, licen. in
1745, was probably a son. — [Lander Tests. ;
Boston's Mem.]
WILLIAM WILSON, a teacher in
George Heriot's Hospital 20th June
1720; M.A. (Edinburgh, 13th Dec.
1720); licen. by Presb. of Hamilton 31st
Oct. 1732 ; pres. by Thomas, Lord Binning,
and ord. 30th Oct. 1735 ; died 16th June
1777. He marr. 9th June 1737, Agnes
(died 7th July 1784), daugh. of Thomas
Chatto of Mainhouse, and had issue —
John, born 18th April 1738; Thomas,
born 19th Sept. 1739; Janet, born 22nd
Nov. 1741 ; Andrew, born 30th Jan. 1744 ;
Mary, born 30th Oct. 1745, died 19th Oct.
1763; Charlotte, born llth Nov. 1752;
Jean, died 26th June 1815. — [Steven's Mem.
of HeriotJ]
JAMES BELL, born 1742, son of Robert
B., min. of Avendale, and nephew
of James Thomson, author of The
Seasons, whom he succeeded in the small
estate of Wideopen, which he afterwards
sold. He was educated by his uncle,
Robert Thomson, schoolmaster of Lanark,
and at the Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by
Presb. of Hamilton 25th Feb. 1766; app.
preacher ID Univ. of Glasgow: pros. l>y
Thomas, Marl of Haddington, Aug. 1777.
Delay was occasioned by a competing
presentation from the Crown in favour
of Alexander Cirvan. afterwards min. of
Langton. The Lords of Session decided
in favour of B., and he was ord. 24th Sept.
177S: J).|). (Glasgow, 4th Dec. 1789): died
!)th Aug. 17!)4. He marr. !)th April 1779,
Annie (died 17th Oct. 1820, aged 74),
sister of Thomas Clark, min. of Eagles-
ham, and had issue — Robert, born 5th Feb.
1780 ; Thomas, born 4th May 1781 ; James
Thomson, born 28th June 1782: Carolina
Home, born 29th Aug. 1784 ; Margaret,
born 27th Oct. 1785; Elizabeth, born 30th
Jan. 1787, died unmarr. 1876 [vide Joid'nnl
of Sir Walter Scott, 7th March 1828]:
Charles Hamilton, born 17th April 1789:
John, major H.E.I.C.S., born 3rd Jan.
1791 ; Beatrix, born 2nd June 1792. Publi-
cations — Sermons prat died before the U/rit>.
<>f (,'las.ijow (revised by Principal Robert
son ; London, 1790) ; Account of the Parish
(Sinclair's Stat. Ace., iv.).— [Scottish .AV/.,
iii. ; Cleland's Ann., i.]
ROBERT SCOTT, bred a tailor; edu-
17gs cated at the parish school of Temple
and at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen.
by Presb. of Chirnside 31st Jan. 1786 : ord.
min. of Legerwood 9th May 1793 ; pres. by
Charles, Earl of Haddington, 25th Nov.
1794 ; adm. 3rd July 1795 ; died unmarr.
17th Jan. 1830, aged 77.
(Edinburgh, 1840); Account of the Parish
(Setf Stat. Ace., ii.)
^u"- 1798' son °^ tleorge G., min.
of Athelstaneford ; educated at High
School and Univ. of Edinburgh : licen. by
Presb. of Dunbar 5th Dec. 1821 ; assistant in
Tron Parish, Edinburgh ; pres. by the Com
missioner of Thomas, Earl of Haddington,
30th Jan., and ord. 14th May 1830 : died at
Edinburgh, 5th July 1859. He marr. 5th
Feb. 1833, Jane Gilloch Morgan, who died
15th May 1858, aged 45, and had issue —
George Morgan, born 6th Feb. 1834 ;
Margaret Gibson, born 4th Oct. 1836, died
31st Oct. 1844. Publications — A Sermon
Breached at Coldstream (Edinburgh, 1831) ;
Prayers for the IT^- of his Parishioners
1827, son of Archibald X., min. of
the Chapel-of-Ease, Xorth Albion
Street, Glasgow ; educated at Univ. of
Glasgow : licen. by Presb. of Glasgow ; ord.
to St Stephen's Parish, Glasgow, 24th March
1853 ; pres. by George, Earl of Haddington ;
trans, and adm. 26th Jan. 1860; died 7th
July 1898. He marr. 12th June 1855,
Mary Eliza (died 26th April 1895), daugh.
of John Allan, writer, Glasgow, and had
issue — Archibald, born 2nd April 1856;
Alexander Allan, born 2nd March 1862 ;
Helen Christina Margaret, born 16th May
1865 : Francis Walter, born 21st Oct.
ord. 23rd Dec. 1898 ; trans, to Elder
Park Parish. Govan, 16th Mav 1912.
Glasgow, 12th April 1887, son of
David T. and Isabella Fraser ; M.A.,
B.D. (Aberdeen); licen. by Presb. of
Glasgow in 1910; assistant at Maxwell
Parish, Glasgow; ord. 20th Sept. 1912;
lieut. llth Black Watch, and saw service
in France, 1914-16.
[The church was granted to Coldingham
Priory by Earl Gospatrick in 1139. There
were subordinate chapels at Kimmerghame,
Blackadder, East Nisbet, and Earlston.
By 1450 land at Kelloe was granted to
found the prebend of Kelloe in the col
legiate church of Dunglass, and a papal
bull of 1459 gave to Dunglass the vicarage
of Edrom. The old Norman church was
taken down in 1737, all that survives being
a fine doorway, and a transept chapel
built in 1499 by Robert Blackadder, Arch
bishop of Glasgow, whose ancestors held
the lands of Blackadder in the parish.]
1570 1570.
from Abernethy after llth June
1573, when Duns, Langton, Fogo,
and Pohvarth were also in the charge. He
removed to Duns between 1580 and 1582. —
[Rey. Assi'y.]
WILLIAM CABEAIL, reader, 1574 to
1580 ; min. in 1583 ; died previous to
12th July 1612. He marr. (name
unknown), and had issue — Matthew, his
successor ; Patrick, wright ; Christian
(marr. Robert Mackie). — [Rey. Min. ; .Key.
Assiy. ; Rey. of Deeds, cclxxxv., 15th July
1619 ; <Y. R. Has., xlvii., 183.]
MATTHEW CARRAIL, son of preced
ing ; adm. to P>unkle in 1007 ; pros.
by James VI. 8th July 1012, and
adm. soon after ; clerk of Presb. 1C42 ;
died before 20th Aug. 1G4C. He marr. 8th
April 1007, Elizabeth Adamson. — [Re-y.
Assiy. : Old De<\, ii. ; Rey. Sec. Siy. : Edin.
Marr. Rey.]
JOHN HOME, min. of Eyemouth in
1027 ; prcs. by Charles I. 20th Aug.
1646 1040, and adm. soon afterwards ;
died in April 10-18. He marr. (1) Barbara
Home : (2) before 1042, Jean Home, who
survived him, and had a "house at Eye-
mouth bought with her a win money/''
They had a son, John, whom he designed
"to be brought up at the schools/' — [Key.
Sec. Siy. ; Lander Tests. ; Berwick Has., iii.,
192, 1035, and 365, 1642.]
[WILLIAM HUME, pres. by Charles I.
22nd May 1648. On 24th May he
was apparently under scandal, as
the Presb. of Chirnside was warned not
to put him on the leet for any kirk until
he should be tried and cleared. He was
probably never settled in this charge, and
may be the W. H. who was collated to
Ayton in 1663, and min. of Loudoun in
1664. — Rey. Sec. Siy. ; Peterkin's Records.]
164g burgh, 25th July 1618)] min. of
Abbey St Bathans in 1628 ; trans.
and adm. in 1649 ; died in 1661, aged about
64. He marr. Isabella, probably daugh. of
George Dunbar of Avache, who survived
him. — [Acts of Ass.; Edin. Rey. Sas.;
Tomlst.\ Rey. Sec. Siy. : Morrison's Dec., x,]
formerly of Garvald ; pres. by
Charles II. 25th May 1661, 22nd
Feb. and 4th Oct. 1662; coll. llth Nov.
following ; again pres. Oth March 1003.
He exchanged with the min. of Colding-
ham, and removed there in 1005.— [Key.
Sec. Siy. •. Rey. Co!/.]
Andrews 1051) ; min. of Colding-
ham in 1003: prcs. by Charles II.
17th Feb. 1004; coll. 3rd Feb. 1065; died
April 1077, aged about 46. He marr.
Anna Home, who survived him. — [Rey.
Sec. Siy. ; Rey CoHat. ; Lander 7V.<?/x.]
from Bunkle ; pres. by Charles
II. 7th May 1677, and adm. soon
afterwards : trans, to Second Charge, Tron
Parish, Edinburgh, 1082.— [Min. -look Rey.
Sec. Siy., v.]
]{., min. of Coldstream ; M.A. (Edin
burgh 1603) ; adm. min. of Cumbrae
in 1682 ; pres. by Charles II. 5th June 1082,
and adm. soon afterwards. He was inst.
vicar of Berwick-on-Tweed 29th July 1080,
and died unmarr. after 26th Jan. 1700,
aged about 59. — [Min.-look Rey. Sec. Siy. ;
Fuller's and Scott's Hist.*, of Berwick ;
Berwick Rey. Burials; Liq. Ret. Gen., 8200.]
JOHN BARCLAY, pres. by James VII.
7 21st April 1687 ; deprived by Privy
Council, 8th Sept. 1689, for neither
reading the Proclamation of the Estates,
nor praying for William and Mary, but for
James VII.— [MS. Ace. of Min., 1689 :
Peterkin's Constitution of the Church.]
ANDREW GUTHRIE, ord. 10th Oct.
1690; trans, to Peterhead 19th
April 1699.
[JOHN DAWSON, M.A., described as
"preacher of the Gospel in the
parish of Edrom in 1098 ;; ; min. of
Langton that year.]
Juno' ani1 ord' 25th |Sel't- 1701 ;
trans, to Ayton 27th March 171-2.
Colclstream,born 1077, son of Captain
Alexander T., who fought at Killic-
crankie (of the old Merse family of T. of
Printonan): M.A. (Edinburgh, 29th April
1701). In 1704 he was a teacher at Cold-
stream : liccn. by of Chirnside 29th
.luly 1712 ; pres. by the Presb. t////r devo/ttto
2Sth July, and ord. 10th Sept. 1713; died
29th Dec. 1758. He marr. (pro. 3rd July
1720), Helen, eldest daugh. of John Tulli-
delph, min. of Dunbarney, and had issue —
Alexander, born 4th Dec. 1724; Catherine
(marr. James Thomson, min. of Kin-
goldrum) : Margaret (marr., pro. 19th Aug.
1764, William Smith, merchant, Dundee). —
[Memoir of 7?. Trotter : Isabella Trotter's
Family Memoirs ; Ea*t Galloway Skctdien :
E'Hn. Test*. : E<lhi. Marr. AV;/.]
175_ born 1730, third son of George R.,
min. of Ladykirk ; licen. by Presb.
of Kelso 4th Oct. 1757; pres. by George
II. 16th April, and ord. 27th Sept. 1759;
died 10th Sept. 1797. He marr. 26th
March 1766, Sarah (died 17th Dec. 1777),
probably daugh. of Walter Hart, min. of
Bunkle, and had issue — George, born 22nd
March 1767; \Valter, born 16th Dec. 1768 ;
Philip, born llth Sept. 1770; 'William
Alexander, born 5th Dec. 1773 ; Alex
ander, born 16th July 1777. Publication —
Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat.
Ace., i.). — [Tombst.~]
JOHN HASTIE, born 1762, son of John
17g7 H., Dunsyre ; became schoolmaster
of Dunsyre, and was subsequently
tutor in the family of George Buchan of
Kelloe : licen. by Presb. of Duns 2nd Sept.
1788 ; pres. by George III. Nov. 1796 ; ord.
(assistant and successor) 23rd Feb. 1797 ;
died suddenly, 20th Nov. 1822. He marr.
3rd June 1803, Sarah (died 19th Nov. 1842),
daugh. of John Logan of New Edrom, and
had issue — Helen, born 25th Aug. 1804 ;
Elizabeth, born 30th Nov. 1807 (marr.
David Logan, Forney Castle) : Sarah, born
13th Dec. 1810; John Logan, born 18th
July 1813.— [7 Ww.]
1823 *n i^; fourth son of James (•.,
fanner, Kilmaurs ; M.A. (Glasgow
1811); licen. by Presb. of Irvine 6th May
1817 ; assistant at Jedlmrgh ; pres. by
George IV. in Feb., and ord. 21st Aug.
1823; died 31st May 1849. He marr.
27th Nov. 1845, Esther Bell, who marr.
again 15th June 1852. Publication— Ac
count of the Parish (S'ew S'tat. Ace., ii.).
JAMES WILSON, licen. by Presb. of
184g Edinburgh ; assistant at Greenside :
ord. to the Chapel-of-Ease, New
Rothesay, 1847 ; pres. by Queen Victoria,
trans, and aclm. 23rd Nov. 1849 ; clem.
16th May 1872 ; died uninarr. in Australia,
15th Aug. 1895.
ant and successor at West Linton ;
pres. by Queen Victoria, and aclm.
5th Sept. 1872; trans, to St George's
Parish, Glasgow, 27th July 1882.
1883 town> C°- Kildare, 9th July 1849,
son of Joseph S., C.E. ; educated
at Belfast, Princeton Univ., U.S.A., and
Edinburgh Univ.; licen. by Presb. of
Lexington, Virginia, 1875; ord. to Church-
ville, Virginia, 9th Oct. 1875 ; min. of
Pvichmond Church, Philadelphia, 1877-81 ;
aclm. a min. of the Church of Scotland
in 1881 ; min. of St Paul's Chapel, Leith,
1881 ; adm. to this charge 3rd Jan. 1883.
Marr. (1) 5th April 1876, Mary (died 27th
Jan. 1912), daugh. of Henry Henderson,
min. of Kinclaven, and has issue — Henry
Henderson, lecturer at Dundee Technical
College, born 23rd Jan. 1877 ; David Mac-
duff Frederick, Director of Education,
Soudan Government, Egypt, born 9th Dec.
1878 ; Isabella Mary, born 8th Jan. 1882 :
(2) 20th Aug. 1913, Elizabeth Jackson.
1911 01C^ (ass^stant and successor) 15th
Dec. 1911 ; trans, to Second Charge,
St Andrews, 6th Jan. 1916.
ANDREW RAMSAY, pros, by -lames
VI. 7th Feb. 1015; died between
20th Nov. 1623 and 31st Oct. 1027.
He marr. Barbara Seton (widow of John
Clapperton, min. of Coldstream, \vlio sur
vived him, and marr. (3) John Poole in
Tranent), and had issue — Robert, servitor
to George, 'Earl of Winton.— [Rey. Sec. Siy. ;
Prestonpans ties*. Rey. ; Lander Tests. ', Imj.
Jiet. Gen., 3271 ; Milne Home MSS. (Hist.
MS. Com., 92).]
JOHN HOME, trans, from Ladykirk ;
i«27 l)rcH- UY Charles 1. 31st Oct. 1627;
trans, to Edrom in 1G4G.
JAMES STRATON, M.A. ; pres. by
Charles I. 8th Nov. 1647 ; trans, to
Gordon in 1662.
1916 5^1 April 18G'i'> son °f Alexander M.
and Christina Maccoll ; educated at
Univs. of Edinburgh and Glasgow ; licen. j
by Presb. of Dunblane 1895 ; assistant
at Middle Parish Paisley ; ord. to Beach
Mission, Broughty Ferry, 28th Dec. 1899 :
adm. to Buckhaven 23rd Feb. 1905 ; trans,
to Stronsay (assistant and successor) 17th
Dec. 1907 ; trans, to Lairg 2nd Aug. 1912 ; j
trans, and adm. (assistant and successor)
22nd May 1916. Marr. 1st June 1905,
Elizabeth Skene Blacklaws, and has issue
— Elizabeth Christina Kennedy, born 12th
March 1907 j Mabel Mary Watson, born
13th March 1909.
[Disjoined from Coldingham and erected
by James VI. 27th Jan. 1G1«. A new
church was built in 1812, and repaired
in 1902.]
JOHN JOHNSTON, chaplain in 1597.
1597 He marr. Katherine Mitchelson.
son of Andrew B., min. of Colding
ham ; pres. by Charles II. 9th June,
ord. and coll. llth Sept. 1665 ; died in
[Min.-lf>ok Rey. Sec. Siy.] Key.
GILBERT INNES, son of James limes
of Tillouries ; M.A. (Marischal Col
lege, Aberdeen, 1669) ; Johnston
divinity bursar there, 1669-73 ; pres. by
Charles II. 6th June, ord. and coll. 23rd
Sept. 1673. The parish was vacant by
1677 ; no reason is stated in the Presb.
Register.— \_Rcy. Sec. Siy., v. ; Rey. Collat.]
JOHN AVILKIE, probably a member of
the Foulden family ; chaplain to
Lady Khmoull ; entered on trials
for license before Presb. of Perth 10th Jan.
1665 ; coll. 14th May 1669 to Kirknewton ;
trans, to Ratho in 1674 ; pres. by Charles II.
23rd March 1677, and adm. soon after ; died
in 1683. — \_Rey. Collat.; Lanark Fresh.
l\«j.\ .Ifin.-l/ooJi L'et/. 1'riv. Seal, v.]
less Cockburnspath : M.A. (Glasgow
1653); licen. by Presb. of Dum
barton : assistant at Dunbar 5th July
1659; ord. to Foulden after nth July
1660 ; conformed to Episcopacy, and coll.
27th Oct. 1662 ; trans, to Greyfriars, Edin
burgh, 1664 ; clem, in 1669 ; coll. to
Cockburnspath after 27th Sept. 1671 ;
deprived in 1681 for refusing the Test ;
pres. to this charge by Charles II. 14th
Sept. 1683 ; deprived by the Privy Council,
12th Sept. 1689, for not reading the
Proclamation of the Estates, etc. He was
dead in 1699. He marr. Margaret Law,
and had issue — Margaret (marr. 13th June
1682, Robert Lawson, min. of Libberton,
Lanarkshire) : David ; Archibald, bursar of
Presb. of Dunbar 4th April 1682, died
1683 ; Thomas ; Ann. — [Min.-book Rey.
Sec. Sly., v. ; J/,S'. Ace. of Min., Ki89 ; (,'. It.
Sas., Ixxv., 81 ; D unbar Prcsb,, Cockburm-
path, Wkittinyeliame, and liinerwick Sess.
Reys. ; Edin. ttapt. Rcy-~\
JAMES RAMSAY, M.A.; called 7th
March, and ord. 9th May 1693 ; trans,
to Kelso 24th Sept. 1707.
17th June, and ord. 2nd Sept. 1708 ;
trans, to Hunibie 28th June 1715.
relative of .lohn Simson, Professor of
Divinity at < llasgow ; educated at
Glasgow Univ.: licen. by Presb. of Duns
Gth June 170-1 : ord. to Siinprin '23rd
Se])t. 1707 : pres. by the Presb. jure
ilrrvluto 31st Jan., trans, and adm. 15th
March 1716 : died 3rd Jan. 1737. aged 58.
He niarr. Sarah Watson, who died 23rd
Jan. 175(1. and had issue— James, his suc
cessor; Margaret (marr. George Craw of
Xetherbyres) ; Grace (marr. Andrew Edgar,
merchant, Eyemouth).
JAMES ALLAN, born 1713, son of
preceding: M.A. (Edinburgh, 12th
May 1732); licen. by Presb. 31st
Aug. 1736; pres. by George 11. 23rd March,
and ord. 18th Aug. 1737 ; died unmarr.
7th May 1767. Publication — Moderation
Explained <nul Recommended, a sermon
(Edinburgh, 1749).
THOMAS TAIT, a native of Whitsome ;
licen. by Presb. of Chirnside 25th
1767 March 17(50: pres. by George II.
26th May, and ord. 24th Sept. 1767; died
unmarr. 25th Jan. 1776.
High Meeting, Berwick-on-Tweed :
pres. by George IIJ. 21th Feb.,
trans, and adm. 16th Aug. 1776 (in the
churchyard, owing to the great crowd
present) ; trans, to AVhitekirk 7th April
GEOHGE TODD [TOD], ord. to the
Scots Church, Tweedmouth, 16th
May 1783; pres. by George III.
30th April, and adm. 15th Sept. 1785 :
trans, to Ladykirk 17th Sept. 1801.
JAMES SMITH, licen. by Presb. of
Dunblane 26th March 1793; ord.
802 (by Presb. of Chirnside) 29th Aug.
L797 min. of the Low Meeting, Berwick-on-
Tweed ; pres. by George III. 20th March,
and adm. 6th May 1802 ; D.D. (Edinburgh,
16th Sept. 1809) ; died 9th Oct. 1825. He
was an accomplished ( Ireek scholar. He
marr. 14th May 1805, Jane FTome (died
4th Dec. 1841), niece of his predecessor
and daugh. of John Forman, attorney,
Berwick, and sister of John and William
Forman Home of Wedderburn. Publica
tion - Edited and revised Schrevelius'
Lc,i'!c<jii Manuale (!r<wu - Latimim <•>
Latino-Grax-um (Edinburgh, 1810).
JOHN" TUKXBULL, born in or about
1797, son of John T., merchant,
and Catherine Martin: educated at
Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of
Chirnside 13th June 1820 : pres. by George
IV. 26th March, and ord. (assistant and
successor) 9th May 1822. Joined the Free
Church; min. of Free Church, Eyemouth,
1843: died 3rd March 1870. He marr.
6th Sept. 1855, Christina Short Keid, who
died 12th April 1868, aged 55. Publica
tion — Account of the Parish (A~tw Stat.
J(r., ii.).
JOHN MURDOCH, pres. by Queen
Victoria, and ord. 12th Jan. 1844:
trans, to Kirkpatrick-Fleming, 21st
April 1845.
STEPHEN BELL, son of John B.,
845 Supervisor of Excise, and J ane Shaw;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ;
licen. by Presb. of ( Jreenock ; assistant at
Brydekirk; pres. by Queen Victoria, and ord.
31st July 1845 ; died 20th Dec. 1881. He
marr. 5th Aug. 1862, Margaret Thomson
(born 4th May 1833, killed in a carriage
accident at Haslemere, Surrey, 9th Aug.
1890), younger daugh. of Henry Beveridge,
advocate, of Inzievar, Torryburn, Fife.
See Poems ami Otlicr Pieces, by Margaret
T. Bell ["E.V.O.E.;;] (London, 1894). He
distinguished himself by his exertions for
the widows and orphans of those drowned
in the memorable fishing disaster of 14th
Oct. 1881, when 189 fishermen were lost
in a great storm off the Berwickshire coast,
of whom 129 belonged to Evemouth.
Bury, 3rd Nov. 1841, son of Andrew
M. and Jemima Dempster ; educated
at Univ. of Edinburgh; licen. by Presb. of
Edinburgh ; ord. to the Gaelic Parish,
Greenock, 19th Nov. 1878 ; trans, and adm.
16th May 1882 ; died 25th Feb. 1899. He
marr. 12th Nov. 1874, Agnes Jane Balfour
Oregor, born 17th Feb. 1846.
JAMES WALLACE, M.A., B.l). ; ord.
1899 4tl1 AUS> 18"; trailS< t0 >Second
Charge, St Andrews, 25th June 1003.
Paisley, 16th March 1863, son of
John K. and Williamina Black ;
educated at public school and Philp:s
Institution, Kirkcaldy ; M.A. (Edinburgh
1886), B.D. (1889) : licen. by Presb. of Edin
burgh May 1889 ; assistant at Ferintosh
and at Earlston : ord. by Presb. of Earl-
ston, 3rd Sept. 1893, chaplain at Belgaum,
India, under the Colonial Committee; res.
Oct. 1895 ; app. to St Stephen's Chapel-of-
Ease, Inverness, 1897 ; adm. to Logie-
Almond 25th Jan. 1900 ; trans, and adm.
20th Nov. 1903. Marr. (1) 10th Sept.
1893, Jessie (died 2«th Feb. 1896), daugh.
of James Dougall, min. of Stoneykirk,
and has issue Norman Dougall, 2nd lieut.
K.O.S.15., born 22nd Nov. 1895: (2) 4th
July 1900, Helen, daugh. of James Mac-
donald, Morayston, Inverness.
[The parish of Foulden belonged to the
Priory of Coldingham until the Reforma-
tion. The church was rebuilt in 178(5.
Nunlands, in the parish, was long held by
Dryburgh Abbey. The Commissioners of
the two kingdoms met in the church of
Foulden on 24th March 1587, to discuss
the recent execution of Mary, Queen of
1563 15fi3> iinc* cnaPlain of St Leonard's
Chapel, near Lasswade. He was
still referred to as " parson ;; in 1593. His
son George was min. of this charge in 1574.
—[Prot. JJk. of Uilbert G'rote, 246.]
DAVID HOME, min. in 1567; trans, to
1567 Oldhamstocks 1st May 1569.— [AV/.
1572 nuis *n 1;"^2 ' trans- to Ancrum Nov.
following. — [Beg. Min.]
1574 AYILLJ AM CROMBIE, reader.
(GEORGE RAMSAY, trans, from Car-
rington, when Chirnside and Preston
were in the charge. In the General
Assembly 1575 he was accused of non-
residence, but was trans, to Dalkeith that
year. — [Key. Assi<j.\ Calderwood's /fist.,
iii., 350.]
THOMAS ST01ME, min. in 1576 ; trans.
to Chirnside. He returned about
1585 : still min. in 1594, having
Hutton also in charge, with Fishwick
added in 1595; trans, to Hutton in that
or following year. — [7iV/. Assiy. ; Calder-
wood:s //V.s'f., i\-., 72, 424; vii., 105.]
TOBIAS RAMSAY, brother of William
1596 ^' °^ ^"unlands : was min. in 1596,
and a member of Assembly 10th
Nov. 1602; app. Moderator of the Synod
at I )uns Oct. 1607, contrary to the Act of
Assembly of 1606, which enacted that a
constant Moderator should be appointed.
For this lie and the clerk of Synod were
ordered by the Privy Council to repair to
Blackness within forty - eight hours, but
they preferred to withdraw themselves for
a time. He was still min. in 1611. — [(/. A'.
Jtiliili., 2nd series, vi., 203; Rf<j. Asxi-</. ;
Calderwood's Hist., vi., 681 ; Melvill's
A ittob.]
OLIYER COLT, eldest son of Oliver C.,
1614 a(lvocate> an(l brother of Adam C.,
min. of Inveresk (ancestor of the
Colts of Inveresk and Gartsherrie) ;
Regent of Humanity in the Univ. of
Edinburgh ; M.A. (Edinburgh, 30th July
1597) : adm. min. of the Second Charge,
Holyroodhouse [Canongate], 1611 ; trans,
and adm. in 1614 ; pres. to the vicarage
of Lamberton by James YI. loth Dec.
1616; "died in peace, after many labours,"
1631. He marr. Helen, eldest daugh. by
second marriage of William Kellie of East-
barns, Dunbar, W.S. (who survived him,
and marr. secondly, her husband's sue-
ressor), and had issue— William, his heir :
Robert.- [Crawfurd's T/'/''. of Edin. j AV;/.
Ass///. ; AV''/- Sec. Si'/. : Ifistory of the. Colt
Familit, pp. 96-125: I 'rot. J>k. of A.
Cuthrie, iii., 159.]
THOMAS RAMSAY of Nether Mord
ington, of the family of Ramsay of
Edington, was an expectant in the
Synod of St Andrews 4th Sept. 1611, and
settled here in 1630; member of Assembly,
1638, 1639, and 1645 ; died Sept. 1650. He
marr. Helen Kellie, widow of his pre
decessor, and had issue— Thomas, min. of
Mordington: Robert: Jean: Helen (marr.
23rd Oct. 1667, James Aitkenhead. apothe
cary), buried in Greyfriars, Edinburgh, 3rd
May 1685.— [St Andrews S//n. R<'<j. : Edin.
JJaj>t., .Marr., and liur. Jtegs. ; Old Dec.,
ii. ; Edinburgh and Lander Tests.: Acts
of Ass. : Fountainhall's Dec., i. ; In//. Ret.,
Berwick, 291, Jfaddnigton, 450, 457, and
(,'en., 1783: Assembfi/ Com. Records, 1646-7
(Scot. Jlist. Soc.).]
JAMES TWEEDIE, M.A. (Edinburgh,
July 1643). In 1650 the Commission
of Assembly appointed him chaplain
to the garrison at Stirling ; adm. to this
charge in 1652. He joined the Protesters,
and died 1659, aged about 36. He marr.
(name unknown), and had issue — Eliza
beth, only daugh.— [Dalkeit/t 2'rcsb. Re,j. ;
Livingston's Life; Acts of Part.; <!. R.
liiltib., 25th Aug. 1674.]
GEORGE HOME, formerly at Ay ton,
served here from 1st Dec. 1659 to
31st Aug. 1660, and obtained an Act
of Parliament for a year's stipend, 18th June
1661.— [Acts of Par/., vii.]
DAVID STIRLING, M.A,; ord. after
llth July 1660 ; conformed to
Episcopacy ; was coll. 27th Oct.
1662 ; trans, to Greyfriars, Edinburgh, in
1664. -[AV/. of Col la t.]
PATRICK SHARPE, eldest son of
Patrick S., min. of East Kilbride, and
Janet Wilkie of the Foulden family ;
educated at Univ. of Glasgow; ord. and
coll. 15th Sept. 1665; probably deprived
for refusing the Test in 1681. He was
alive Sept. 1692, when he had sasine of
land at Limekilns.- [AV/. Sas. : Lanark
(Xctln-r Ward) : AV/. Collat.}
burgh 1674) ; schoolmaster of Airth ;
was inst. 13th April 1682: deserted
his charge Ang. 1696 : went to England
and obtained a parochial cure. He marr.
Agnes, sister of William Methven, min.
of Fogo, and had issue— David : Agnes:
William : Janet : Margaret. — [Stirl/ii'j
/'/•<'.</,. /I'c't.: Laader Te*t*.\ MS. Ace. of
J//«,, 1689.]
11OBEUT PA1 IK, educated at Univ. of
Glasgow ; called 15th Nov. 1698,
and ord. 19th Sept. 1699; died 25th
Dec. 1754. He marr. Sept. 1729, Eliza
beth, daugh. of James llamsay, min. of
Kelso : she survived him, marr. again, and
died 19th June 1780.— [Boston's Mem.]
JOHN BUCHANAN, licen. by Presb.
of Lanark: assistant to preceding
in 1751 : pres. by James Wilkie of
Foulden, and ord. 18th Sept. 1755. Before
ordination he gave a written promise to
Mr Wilkie to be content with any repairs
done by him upon the manse, and for this
he was suspended by the Presb. for one
month. During his ministry there were
repeated visitations by the Presb., and
appeals to the civil courts. The heritors
were finally forced to build a new church
and manse, furnish a grass glebe, and
augment the stipend. On one occasion the
General Assembly allowed 13. a sum of £10
towards his legal expenses. He died 9th
June 1785, in his 78th year. He marr. 16th
Dec. 1758, Jane (died 19th Feb. 1823),
daugh. of Richard Bell, min. of Mording-
ton, and had issue — Richard, D.D., min. of
the English Presbyterian Church, Amster
dam, born 21st Oct. 1759, died 1794; Helen,
born 30th Nov. 1760 : John, bom 18th Sept.
1763; Jean, born 1765, died young; Jean,
born 8th May 1767.
DAVID YOUNG, born 1751: M.A. ;
ord. by Presb. of Edinburgh 12th
May 1784, as min. of the Presby
terian congregation at Glanton, North-
umberland ; pres. to this parish by James
Wilkie of Foulden Nov. 1785 ; adm. 23rd
March 1786; died 6th July 1812. He
inarr. 20th May 1770, Jane Davidson,
who died 6th Oct. 1836, and had issue-
Catherine, born 26th Aug. 1771 ; George,
born 26th June 1774 ; John, born 4th
Aug. 1775 ; Jean, born 2nd Sept. 1776 ;
David, born Gtli Jan. 1780 ; Alexander,
born 15th Feb. 1782; Richard, born 16th
Nov. 1785 ; Elizabeth, born 15th Dec. 1787 ;
Robert, born 3rd Aug. 1789; Christian,
born 27th April 1791 (marr. llth Nov. 1813,
Peter Macgregor, merchant, Edinburgh) ;
Andrew, H.E.I.C.S., born 13th Feb. 1793 ;
Mary (marr. 18th March 1825, Robert Bruce
of Burravoe, Shetland) ; Eliza (marr. 1st
Aug. 1825, Alexander Gilkie, surveyor,
Edinburgh). Publication— Account of the
Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Acc.).~[7'ombst.]
JOHN EDGAR, M.A. ; trans, from
1813 Symington, Lanarkshire ; pres. by
James Wilkie of Foulden, and adm.
24th June 1813; trans, to Hutton 10th
May 1821.
1821 18t^ '^U^ ^97, son °f Alexander C.
(a native of Aldcambus), Professor
of Humanity in the Univ. of Edinburgh,
was twin brother of Sir Robert C., Bart.,
Professor of Materia Mcdica in the Univ. of
Edinburgh ; educated at High School and
Univ. there ; Keen, by Presb. of Chirnside
8th Aug. 1820; pres. by the trustees of
James Wilkie of Foulden, and ord. 20th
Sept. 1821 ; died 20th May 1874. He
marr. (1) 7th June 1825, Helen (died 21st
Feb. 1839), youngest daugh. of William
Cameron, min. of Kirknewton, and had
issue — Alexander, born 17th April 1826,
died in Australia (date unknown) ; William
Cameron, born 18th June 1827, drowned in
Queensland, 3rd Feb. 1874 ; Agnes Mont
gomery, born 26th Feb. 1829 (marr. John
Beddoe, M.D.), died 6th Nov. 1914 ; Mar
garet, born 1st March 1831 (marr. William
Sillar), died 27th March 1901 ; John Robert,
born 28th May 1832, died at sea, 14th Jan.
1849 ; Thomas Macknight, born 22nd Nov.
1833, died 10th May 1834 ; Thomas Mac-
knight Cameron, sheep farmer, born 15th
April 1835, died in Australia, 1886 ; Robert,
a successful Queensland pioneer, born 8th
Jan. 1837, died at Burwell Park, Louth,
Lincolnshire, 25th" October 1915 [he gave
£200 to supplement the stipend, in memory
of his father] ; Cameron, born 30th Jan.
1839, killed by pirates in China : (2) 28th
April 1843, Isabella (died 23rd Jan. 1883),
daugh. of James Simson, Manchester, and
widow of Charles Brown, Foulden West
Mains, and had issue — Eliza Isabella, born
loth April 1844, died 21st March 1869.
Publication — Account of the Parish (Nevj
Stat. Ace., ii.).— [Steven's High School, 99 ;
Carr's Coldinghcyn ; Tomlst.]
1874 1874 ; trans, to Ratho 17th Nov. 1876.
1877 ord. 10th May 1877 ; trans, to Craigie
17th Jan. 1883.
1883 May 1883> trans- to Bellahouston,
Glasgow, 29th June 1886.
JOHN REID, born Edinburgh, 17th
Jan. 1857, son of John R., leather
merchant, and Mary Brown ; M.A.
(Edinburgh 1880) ; licen. by Presb. of Edin
burgh 1883 ; assistant at Strathmiglo and
Corstorphine ; ord. 21st Sept. 1886. Marr.
24th Nov. 1886, Martha Craig, daugh.
of John Gilchrist, Virginia City, Nevada,
U.S.A., and Mary Craig, and has issue —
John Stewart Gilchrist, lieut. R.N., born
22nd Aug. 1887 ; William Leonard, capt.
2nd Dorsetshire Regiment, born 28th May
1889, killed in action at Shaiba, Lower
Mesopotamia, 14th April 1915 ; Charles
Barrington Balfour, corporal R.E. (T.),
born 18th June 1892 ; Robert Payton, 2nd
lieut, K.O.S.B., born 31st July 1897;
Alexander Chalmers, born 30th March
1901 ; George Cecil, born 28th Sept. 1905,
died 25th Jan. 1907. Publication— Eila,
and Other Poems (Glasgow, 1912) [Modern
Scottish Poets, iv.].
[In early times the Priory of Coldingham
had a chapel at West Ren ton, dedicated to
St Nicholas. But no services were after
wards available for the western portion of
Coldingham Parish till 1790, when Sir John
Stirling of Glorat and Renton proposed that
his chaplain should preach at Renton. A
chapel-of-ease was opened, 26th Jan. 1794.
In 1836 a church was built at Houndwoocl,
and this parish was erected by the Court
of Teinds, 9th July 1851. The church
was renovated and considerably enlarged
in 1900.]
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh 25th
Aug. 1790 ; tutor and chaplain in
the family of Sir John Stirling of Glorat,
Bart. ; called 6th Feb., and ord. llth Sept.
1794; dem. in order to go as a missionary
to Jamaica, under the Edinburgh Mission
ary Society, 24th Sept. 1799; died at
Kingston, 5th June 1800.— [Dickson's Serm.,
1799 ; Missionary Mag., v.]
GEORGE MARSHALL, ord. 26th June
1800; trans, to Bressay, Shetland,
14th May 1811.
JOHN DUNCAN, app. to Ken ton in
1832; ord. 15th Dec. 1836; trans, to
Ceres 7th Nov. 1837.
JOHN ROBERTSON, ord. llth May
1838 ; trans, to Whitsome 2nd Nov.
[From 1843 to 1851 the chapel was
served by licentiates, and by the minister
of Coldingham.]
Fife, 27th June 1820, son of Andrew
D. and Margaret Elder ; educated
at Univ. of St Andrews ; ord. first min.
of the Relief Church, Largs, 22nd April
1845. He res. in the following year and
joined the Church of Scotland ; adm. min.
of the Scots Church, Tweedmouth, 29th
March 1848 ; adm. to this charge 14th Oct.
1S51 ; died 25th Sept. 1879. He marr. 6th
Jan. 1846, Isabella Samson, who died 9th
Oct. 1894, and had issue — Andrew, born
18th June 1848 ; John Samson, born 19th
April 1850, died 16th Aug. 1853; David,
born 21st March 1854 ; Charles, born 18th
Dec. 1855; Catherine Murdoch Samson,
born 19th March 1858 ; James, born llth
June 1860.
born Inverness, 21st Nov. 1852, son
of John B. and Catherine Ross ;
M.A, (Aberdeen 1873), B.I). (1876); assist
ant at Peterhead and at Trinity Parish,
Edinburgh; ord. 30th March 1880; died
llth July 1898. He marr. 30th March
1881, Mary (died 29th May 1903), daugh. of
John M'Ewen, min. of Dyke, and had issue
—John, born 14th March 1882; George,
born 9th Feb. 1884, died 23rd June 1898 ;
Henry, born llth March 1886; Mary
Grisell, born 9th April 1888 (marr. 4th
Aug. 1910, Andrew William Lehmann,
engineer, Chili).
B.D. ; ord. 9th Dec. 1898 ; trans, to
Callander 27th Feb. 1903.
MILLER, M.A., B.D. ; ord. llth
Sept. 1903 ; trans, to Helensburgh
29th June 1909.
shiels, 18th March 1883, son of John
C. and Euphemia M'Lachlan ; edu
cated at Galashiels Academy and Univ. of
St Andrews; M.A. (1904), B.D. (1907);
licen. by Presb. of Selkirk 14th May 1907 ;
assistant at Alloa ; ord. 10th Dec. 1909;
trans, to Aberlady, and adm. 10th Dec.
1914. Marr. 7th Oct. 1911, Mary Dishart,
daugh. of Charles Ness, St Andrews, and
Mary Anderson Smith.
Steinmanhill, Fy vie, 2nd April 1888,
son of John D., F.E.I.S., and Mar
garet Hunter ; educated at Fyvie, Falkirk
High School, and Univ. of Glasgow;
M.A. (1908), B.D. (1911); licen. by
Presb. of Stirling 1911 ; assistant at
Forfar and Riccarton (Kilmarnock) ; ord.
30th April 1915. Marr. 14th July 1915,
Jessie, younger daugh. of Bruce Doig,
[These two parishes were united in 1614.
Hutton Church, dedicated by Bishop David
de Bernham, 6th April 1243, was rebuilt in
1785. A new church was erected in 1820.
The church bell is dated 1661. The Hos
pital of St John the Evangelist at Hutton
is mentioned in the thirteenth century.
Fishwick was granted to the monks of
St Cuthbert, at Durham, by King Edgar,
between 1098 and 1107, and is named in
the charter of confirmation by David I.
in 1126. Fishwick church stood in the old
churchyard on the banks of the Tweed.
It was replaced about 1825 by a mortuary
chapel for the proprietors of Broadmeadows
and Fishwick.]
HUBERT DOUGLAS, exhorter at Fish
wick and at Horndean 1567 to
1568 HUBERT FYNNIE, reader.
JOHN CLAPPERTON, trans, from
Livingston, entered Feb. 1571 ; in
1574 Horndean, Lennel, arid Up
setlington were all in the charge ; trans.
to Coldstream [Lennel] about 1576.
1574 GEORGE SIMSON, reader.
1574 CHESTER], min. of Fishwick in
1574 ; returned to Upsetlington
[Ladykirk] in 1576.
JUHX HUME, with Horndean and
Fishwick in his charge ; min. in 1578 ;
trans, to Langton about 1585.
WILLIAM METHVEN, min. in 1585;
Swinton and the others above named
were also in his charge ; trans, to
LangtOB by 1586.
1586 in 1586 ; was pres. to Yetholm by
James VI. Before 4th May 1594, but
not settled. The General Assembly of that
month appointed him to reside with Alex
ander, Lord Home, " as his ordinarie pastor,"
to convert him from Romanism ; trans, to
Smailholm about 1594.
THOMAS STORIE, trans, from Foulden,
and adm. about 1596 ; trans, to Bas-
sendean [Westruther] about 1597.
Andrews 1591); went to Aldcambus
in 1595 ; adm. here about 1599 ; still
min. in 1607. — [Key. Assiy.]
THOMAS OGILVIE, probably tutor to
Lord Home at St Andrews, from
whom he received the prebend of
Upsetlington in 1570, which he held till
1578, when it was awarded to Patrick
Home. In 1585 he was min. of Whitsome,
with Upsetlington also in the charge. He
is said to have been min. here in 1607,
and was alive 6th July 1614, when he drew
a portion of the stipend of this parish. —
[Key. Assiy. ; Milne Hoine M88., 48.]
JUHN WEMYSS, M.A. ; min. in 1608 ;
1608 trans, to Duns in 1613.
ALAN LUNDIE, M.A. (St Andrews,
10th Dec. 1586) ; pres. to the vicarage
of St Boswells by James VI. 7th
April 1596. He was charged by the Presb.,
20th Sept. 1606, "with negligence in his
calling, and not administering the com
munion, overstrait in exacting the vicar
age, ane player at cairdis, blamet with
bearing companie, and impatient of re
proof and admonition." He was again
admonished, 3rd April 1610, to "attend
his ministrie and increase in diligence " ;
trans, to Hassendean in 1610 ; to Channel-
kirk after llth June 1611 ; pres. by James
VI. 15th April 1614 ; dem. previous to 28th
Sept. 1636, and was alive 5th Aug. 1644.
He marr. Agnes Trotter, and had issue —
James, his successor ; John of Todrig ;
William ; Andrew. — [Rey. Assiy. ; Reg. Sec.
tiiy.; Acts of Part.; G. R. Sas., lv., 171; Ber
wick Sas., ii., 125 ; (!. R. >S'««., xxxix., 32.]
JAMES LUNDIE, son of preceding;
1636 I)res> by Charles L 28t}l SePt- 1636 ;
dep. in 1649. He died before 15th
March 1692. He marr. Katherine, daugh.
of James Hume of Abbey St Bathans, and
had issue — James of Tlutton - Spittal, a
property still held by his descendants.
— \_Rc<J. 8ec. <SV;/. ; Itiijyar Fresh. Reg. ;
Lander Tests. ; Peterkin's .Records.']
PATRICK HOME, trans, probably from
1649 Ellemford, and adm. before 24th -I um>
1649 : conformed to Episcopacy, and
coll. -2nd Dec. 1002; died Feb. 1079. He
marr. Nov. 1049, Margaret, daugh. of Alex
ander Kinnear, min. of Whitsome, and had
issue— Alexander, M.A.; William; Margaret
(marr. George Davidson, min. of Whit
some).— [/iVy. ,SVv. Si</. ; Lander Tests., Rea.
of Collat. ; G. R. InJnb., 27th Jan. 1675.]
JOHN ORR. pres. by Charles II. 12th
1680 Dec- 1GT9 > ord- in 168° ; dei>- ljy the
Synod for drunkenness, and died at
the end of Jan. 1694, while his appeal to
the Assembly was still unheard. He marr.
Elizabeth Pearson, who survived him. and
had issue.— [Reg. Sec. My. ; Tombst. ;' J/,V.
Ace. of Min. : Treat. Re>/., iv., 269.]
GILBERT LAURIE, of Crossrig, M.A.
1693 (Edinburgh 1673); took refuge in
Holland; ord. by Scots Presb. of
London in 1686; went to America, but
returned, and became colleague to Luke
Ogle at Berwick-on-Tweed ; adm. to this
parish 19th Dec. 1693; died 3rd Sept. 1727,
aged about 75. He marr. (1) Katherine
Home, who died in 1695, and had issue
—Gilbert of Crossrig, surgeon, Edinburgh,
died 15th Sept. 1744 : (2) (name unknown),
who died 18th April 1721, and had issue
— Sarah (marr. James Christie, min.
of Simprin); Andrew; Katherine (marr.
Robert Lamb, younger of Old Green-
law); Marjory; George; Rebecca (marr.
19th Aug. 1710, George Balderston, surgeon,
St Christophers).— [Tombst.]
ROBERT WAUGH, chaplain to Mrs
1730 Sydserff of Ruchlaw, and to Sir
Francis Kinloch of Gilmerton ; Keen
by Presb. of Dunbar 1st April 1713 : chap
lain at Hutton Hall ; pres. by George II
29th Dec. 1727, and by William, Earl of
Home, Jan. 1728. The presentation was
opposed for two years and a half by the
Presb. and by almost all the parishioners
but the Assembly peremptorily ordered
his settlement. He was ord. 23rd June
1730, under protection of the Sheriff and
a force of military, despite the barricading
of the church doors. A Burgher church
formed at Horndean was a result of this
appointment. He died 23rd Feb. 1756,
aged 71. He marr. 23rd April 1733, Isobel
(died without issue, 22nd Sept. 1703),
daugh. of John Murray in Stenton Parish.
— [Lander Teats. : \Vod row's Anal, and
Corresp.; Tombst.; Act* of Ass., 1728-30.]
[GEORGE BELL, a relative of Thomas
Ker of Broadmeadows ; licen. by Presb.
of Chirnside 27th Sept. 1737; pres. by
William, Earl of Home, June 1756. After
three years' delay in the law courts, the
right of patronage was declared to belong
to the Crown.]
born 1721, second son of George R.,
min. of Ladykirk ; licen. by Presb.
of Kelso 2nd July 1745 ; pres. by George
II. 30th July 1756; ord. 3rd May 1759;
died 18th May 1788. He marr. 13th Oct.
1768, Alison Hume, who died 7th Aug.
1790, s.j). Publications — Bodkins' Consola
tions of Philosophy, translated, with notes
and illustrations (London, 1785). He re
vised his brother George's Border History
(London, 1776).- [Tombst.; Diet. Nat. JJioy.;
Notes and Queries, 2nd series, viii., 227.]
ADAM LANDELLS, min. at Etal ;
pres. by George III. 1st Nov. 1788 ;
adm. 19th March 1789; trans, to
Whitsome 8th Feb. 1821.
JOHN EDGAR, born 19th May 1785,
son of Andrew E., Eyemouth, a
cadet of Wedderlie, and Alison
Bogue; M.A. (St Andrews); licen. by
Presb. of Chirnside 12th Aug. 1808 ;
assistant at Dunbar; ord. to Symington,
Lanarkshire, 26th April 1810; trans, to
Foulden 24th June 1813 ; pres. by George
IV., trans, and adm. 10th May 1821 ; died
2nd April 1858. He marr. 7th June 1814,
Jessie (died 23rd Oct. 1868), daugh. of
Abraham Logan, Lintlaw and Burnhouses,
and had issue— Andrew, studied divinity,
but became a barrister of the Inner
Temple, author of The Scottish House of
Edgar, LL.D. (Edinburgh 1867), born 9th
Aug. 1815, died in or about 1885 ; Abraham,
merchant, Glasgow, born 13th Dec. 1816 ;
James, born 20th Aug. 1818 ; Janet, born
23rd Oct. 1820 ; Alice, born 6th Feb. 1822 ;
John George, miscellaneous writer, editor
of Every Boy's Magazine, born 29th April
1827, died 22nd April 1864 ; Elizabeth, born
30th March 1829 ; Patrick, born 18th Aug.
1831 ; Georgina, born 18th Aug. 1833 (marr.
Charles Stuart, M.D., Chirnside) ; Kichard
David, born 12th Jan. 1836. Publications
— A Sermon preached in the Church of
Symington (Edinburgh, 1812) ; Account
of the Parish and General Observations
on the County (New Stat. Ace., ii.).
ROBERT KIRKE, born Cainiesburn,
New Kilpatrick, 26th Sept. 1820,
1858 son of Thomas K. and Mary Kin-
loch ; educated at Glasgow Univ. ; licen.
by Presb. of Dumbarton May 1845 ; ord.
by Presb. of Greenock to Newark Chapel,
Port-Glasgow, llth Sept, 1845 ; inducted
to Middle Parish, Paisley, 3rd April 1849 ;
trans, and adm. 6th Oct. 1858; D.D.
(Glasgow 1872); died at Devon Lodge,
Dollar, 14th Jan. 1907. He marr. 9th
Dec. 1847, Margaret Williamson (born 21st
Feb. 1827, died 22nd Dec. 1910), daugli.
of Andrew Nicol, Carnwath, and had issue
— Mary Janet, born 21st July 1849 (marr.
(1) Colin M'Isaac, M.A., headmaster of
Government Provincial School, Calicut,
Madras ; (2) Joseph Burnet, chaplain of St
Andrew's Church, Colombo) ; Robert, born
19th Nov. 1850, studied at Glasgow Univ.,
licen. by Presb. of Chirnside, elected min. of
Roxburgh 27th Sept., but died before ordina
tion, 10th Oct. 1875 ; Margaret Williamson
Nicol, born 2nd Oct. 1852 (marr. Michael
Cochran, Professor of Chemistry, Ceylon
Medical College) ; Helen Elizabeth, born
4th Sept. 1859 (marr. Alexander Milne,
min. of Gourock). Publication — How to
Train Up a Child.
Creich, Fife, 20th Sept. 1879, son of
George Ireland L., schoolmaster, and
Elizabeth Smith ; educated at High School,
Dundee ; M.A. (St Andrews 1901) ; licen.
by Presb. of Cupar 1904 ; assistant at West
Parish, Aberdeen, and at Lady Glenorchy's,
Edinburgh ; ord. (assistant and successor),
llth May 1906.
[The church of St Mary at Ladykirk was
built by James IV. in 1500, as the result of
a vow made by him when nearly drowned
in the Tweed. The Royal Treasurer's
Accounts between 1500 and 1513, the year
of Flodden, contain entries of many valu
able gifts from the king, who was a
frequent visitor to Our Lady Kirk of Steill,
as the church was called — " steill '; being the
term applied to the deep salmon pools in
the river, in which the royal founder had
almost lost his life. The church was a
constant meeting-place for the Wardens
of the Marches, and the last treaty between
Scotland and England was signed within
its walls. It was restored in 1743, and
again in 1861, and except for a four-sided
dome with belfry added to the tower at
the former date, the building is little
altered from its original appearance. The
church of Horndean was dedicated by
Bishop David de Bernham, 4th April 1243.
After 1600 Upsetlington and Horndean
were united. At the Chapel Park stood
the ancient church of Upsetlington, while
near Horndean Church Robert Bisset of
Upsetlington founded, in the twelfth cen
tury, a Hospital of St Leonard. Wells
dedicated to St Mary and to St Anne are
in the parish.]
CHESTER], reader Nov. 1570 ; adm.
min. in 1576 ; trans, to Hilton about
JAMES ROSS, reader at Horndean 1st
1575 May 1575, and still there in 1591.
JOHN HOME, formerly of Ay ton ;
adm. in 1607 ; trans, to Eyemouth
7 in 1627.
DAVID HOME, son of James II., min.
16g4 of Hilton : M.A. i,St Andrews 1625);
min. in 1634 ; died before -24th
March 1650, aged 45. He left an only
daugh. Margaret. — [Haddington 7Vt>>;'. ;
/iV/. i»r' Deeds, cccexiii.. 39 : Lander Tests. :
Mel rose Par. Reg.}
burgh, loth July 1641) : of the house
of Fedderate. in Ruehan : was a
candidate for the office of Regent of
Humanity in Univ. of Edinburgh in 1644 :
adm. in 1651 : conforming to Episcopacy,
he was coll. in 1662 : dep. 28th Aug. 1690.'
The Assembly. 13th Nov. following, re
ferred his case to the Commission, in order
" to procure him some livelihood because
of his age and infirmity," and at the settle
ment of his successor the Presb. allowed
him 200 merks yearly out of the stipend ;
he died in 1695, aged 84. He marr., and
had issue— William, apprentice to David
Lindsay, merchant. Edinburgh. 21st June
1682. — [Craufurd's Edin. Univ.; Edin.
fr'uild Reg. : J/>'. Ace. or' Min.. 16S9 :
Fountainhall's Dec. : Macfarlane's MSS. :
Hist. Ace. Gen. Ass., 1690: Rule's Sec.
Vindication : Sage's IVorks, i.]
WILLIAM GULL AX, appears on the
169-1 P°rteous R°U> along with his wife, as
residing at Coldingham Loanhead.
He gave a bond of £100 not to attend
conventicles. In June 1692 he was called
to Dunfermline, and ord. 24th Aug. : he
was adm. here 4th Dec. 1694 ; killed by a
fall from his horse March 1697. He marr.
Janet, probably daugh. of Alexander Home
of Houndwood and Fernyside, and grand-
daugh. of Alexander H. of Houndwood,
min. of Dunbar, and had issue — John.
Presb. bursar, 6th April 1697 : Gabriel,'
min. of Dryfesdale. — [Eurhton Presb.
Reg.: Macfarlane G'eog. Coll., i., 380.]
1697 burSh 1688) -: licen- by Presb. of Lin-
lithgow 17th June 1696 ; called 29th
June, and ord. 16th Sept. 1697 ; died 29th
Jan. 1711, aged about 63. His wife died
before 10th May 1723. and had issue-
John: Hugh: Jean.— [Stctnton Sess. Reg. :
Lander Tests. : .Mac/arlane f?eog. Coll.. i.,
1712 M.A. (Edinburgh, 26th June 1699):
licen. by Presb. of Duns 23rd April
1706: called 18th March, and ord. 19th
June 1712 : died 31st Aug. 1740. aged about
62. He marr. Ann Watson, who died 22nd
Feb. 1765, and had issue — George, min. of
Stiehill : Philip, min. of Hutton : William,
min. of Edrom : Elizabeth.— [Lander Tests.]
JOHN TODD [TOD], tutor in the family
of Ninian Home of Billie, min. of
Sprouston : licen. by Presb. of Duns
6th April 1736: pres. by William, Earl of
: Home, and by Ueorgv II. 6th Feb., and
adm. 9th July 1741 : died 29th Sept. 1786.
He marr. at Etal. 4th June 1741, Jean
(died 26th March 1794\ youngest daugh.
of Ceorge Home of Wedderburn. and had
issue— John, min. of Fogo : George, born
19th March 1746. died 17th Sept. 1746:
James (a twin), succeeded to Wedderburn
and assumed the name of Home, born 19th
j March 1746, died llth May 1821 : Mar-
;. garet, born 24th March 1747 (marr. 1779,
John Forman, mason, Xorham). died 1820
[their son William succeeded to Wedder
burn, Billie, and Paxton] : George, a suc
cessor in this parish : Jean, born 22nd
March 1751. T. was the hero of Lady
Xairne's song. "John Tod." — [Xisbet'.s
Heraldic Plates : Burkes Landed Gentry ;
Milnt Homt J/,»'., 12; Henderson's Ladii
Xairne and Her Songs, 46.]
[ROBERT PEARSOX, M.A. : min. of
1787 BiS§ar • Pres- by George III. March
1787: died 1st Aug. 1787, without
being settled.]
THOMAS MILL, born 1755, son of John
1788 M., schoolmaster of Earlston ; edu
cated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen.
by Presb. of Lauder 4th Sept. 1781 ; pres.
by George III. 6th Oct. 1787 ; ord. 1st May
1788 ; dep. 2nd Oct. 1800, for non-residence
and neglect of his official duty. He resided
afterwards at Coldstream, and was in the
habit of celebrating marriages on the Border.
He died in poverty 20th March 1800. Pub
lications— Two .single Discourses On 1.1 w
Immutability of Jwus Cltrixt (Edinburgh,
1 800;; Upon Tkouyhtawl KeJlection(BeTV/i<k ,
1802); Account of the Parish (Sinclair's,^/./.
A cc. , vi i i . ). [Coldxtrmm .SV.s.s. AV/. |
aKOHOETOI)D[TOD],born 20th F<-b.
1710, fourth son of John T., iriin. in
1741 ; educated at Univ. of Edin
burgh ; licen. by 1'resb. of Chirnside 30th
Aug. 1771 ; f>rd. niin. at Kirkley or Thorny-
ford Northumberland, 10th Aug. 177",;
trans, to Tweedmouth 10th May 1783 ; adm.
to Eyeinouth 15th Sept. 1785; pres. by
George 111. 12th March, trans, and ad in.
to this charge 17th Sept. 1801 ; died un-
rriarr. 22nd March 1810. Dr Hew Scott of
the l'"<ixti, was his assistant for a time.
[Memoir of l!ol,<-rt Xlnri/ of AVs//«//A, 35. |
Edinburgh, 10th Dec. 1700, third son
of Alexander It. of Prenderguest, and
Philadelphia, only child of Robert Lambc,
vicar of Xorham ; educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh; licen. by I' of Chirnside
8th June, pres. by George, Prince Regent,
same month, and ord. 23rd Sept. 1810:
died at Dumfries, 12th Jan. 1842. He
rnarr. Oth Dec. 1820, Elizabeth (died 7th
Jan. 1887), daugh. of Charles Kennedy, of
St Catherine's, Midlothian, and had issue
—Margaret, born 22nd April 1822 (rnarr.
(1) • - Mitchell; (2; William Mackay);
Alexander Keith, born Oth Feb. 1*25,
killed at Harper's Ferry, U.S.A., 1805;
George Andrew, born Oth Nov. 1*32. Pub
lications Remark* on, the. ,S'oo><// lately
established for Imi>romn<j the. Hyste.m of
Church Patronage. in Gotland (Edinburgh,
1820); Account of the I'arish (New MM.
4 <T., ii.).
Argyllshire, 1814, son of Duncan
M.; educated at Univ. of Glasgow; licen.
by Presb. of Glasgow; ord. 18th Aug.
1842 ; died 10th Feb. 1855. He marr. 10th
Oct. 1844, Esther (died 20th Dec. 1857,
aged 34), daugh. of Thomas Douglas, Cold-
JOHN STEVKNSON, born 3rd Nov.
1708, eldest son of William S.,
1855 farmer, parish of Campsie, and
Marjory, daugh. of William Ferrie of
Newlands; M.A. (Glasgow 1810): licen.
by Presb. of Glasgow 10th June 1818 :
ord. by Presb. of Glasgow as missionary
of the Scottish Missionary Society at
Bombay in 1823; missionary at Hurnee
and Poona; pres. by the High Court of
Directors H.K.I.C., and adm. junior chap-
Iain, Bombay, 30th April 1831; D.D. (St
Andrews 10th Jan. 1830;; pres. to senior
chaplaincy in 1811; dern. in 1854; adm.
to this charge 5th July 1855; died llth
Aug. 1858. He was a /ealous missionary,
a distinguished Sanskrit scholar, and one
of the pioneer editors and translators of
Vedic literature ; a founder of the liombai/
(;aze,t,te,M\(\ joint editor for its first three
years; intimately acquainted with native
thought and native languages and dialects ;
was President of the Royal Asiatic Society
(Bombay Branch;, and of the Govern
ment Committee for examining Officers of
the United Services in native languages.
A "Stevenson Scholarship" was founded
at the General Assembly's Institution at
Bombay on his departure from India. He
marr. 20th Aug. 18^3, Laura Turton (born
20th Jan. 1700, died at Mofl'at, 25th July
1870;, second daugh. of John Gordon of
Renn'yhill, Lanarkshire, and Helen, daugh.
of Captain Pelharn Maitland of Belrnont,
arid had issue Helen, born Sept. 1825
(marr. Major, afterwards Lieut. -gen. Sir
George Inglis Jarnieson, K. C.S.I.;, died
Feb. 1854: Henry Maithnd Gordon, licen
tiate of the Church of Scotland, born
14th Oct. 1820, died urirnarr., 1808; John
Gordon, student in arts, Edinburgh, born
llth Jan. 1831, died unrnarr., 22nd May
1840; William Ferrie, lieut. Bombay Artil
lery, born 14th June 1832, died unrnarr.,
1850 ; Alexander Joseph Wolfe, ensign 18th
Bombay Infantry, born 3rd Aug. 1833,
drowned off Aden, 27th Dec. 1855; Pobert
James, rriin. of Dolphinton ; Marjory Mary,
born 25th Oct. 1830, died uniriarr. ; Laura
Turton Gordon, born 2nd Sept. 1841 (rnarr.
- Neithardt, Dresden); also two sons
named William, who died in infancy. Dr S.
was conversant with twenty-two languages ;
his eldest claugh. Helen was acquainted
with twelve. Publications— Dialogues le-
ti/'een certain tirahmant, Mcwattas, and
Others, ami a Christian, on the Hindoo and
Christ in, i Kelly ions . . . Tram, from, the
Maratta (London, 1830); The Threefold
Science, or Snnhitd of the lU>j-i<eda, trans
lated, with the original Sanskrit (Bom
bay, 1833); Principles of the. Mahratti
Grammar (Bombay, 1833) • Translation of
the Sanhitd of the Mma-reda (London,
1842) ; Sama-veda, edited from J/,SW. (1843);
Kali>a Sutra and Navti Tatva, illustrative
of the Jain religion and philosophy (1848) ;
Hindoo Caste . . . and the Connection of
Caste with the Sepoy Mutiny (London,
1858). Papers on the "Kanheri. Nasik,
and Sahyadri Inscriptions of the Bombay
Presidency," and on the "Comparative
Vocabulary of the Non-Sanskrit Vocables
of the Indian Vernacular Languages. "
[Buckland's Diet, of Indian Bio
WILLIAM DOBIE, born 22nd Sept.
1859 1824> son of Thomas D., Lockerbie
and Catherine M'Gregor ; educated
at Univ. of St Andrews • licen. by Presb
of Cupar : ord. to North Esk Chapel-of-
Ease, 15th Dec. 1853 : adm. to this charge
17th March 1859; died at Crieff, 2nd
Aug. 1904. He marr. (1) 4th July 1854
Martha Ann Scott (died 5th Feb. 1864)'
daugh. of William Cruickshank, Trailflat,
Lochmaben, and Elizabeth Carruthers, and
had issue- William Cruickshank, born 26th
June 1857 ; John, M.A., B.D., Professor of
Hebrew and Oriental Languages, Univ of
Edinburgh (y.y.); David Robertson, M.D
F.R.C.S.E., born 9th Jan. 1861 ; Elizabeth
Catherine M'Gregor, born 19th Dec, 1863
(marr. (1) David Ross Stewart, advocate •
(2) 2nd Nov. 1905, A. Lome Campbell'
architect, Edinburgh) : (2) 28th Aug 1877'
Janet Stuart (died 17th Nov. 1906) only
daugh. of John Cleugh, Musselbur-h
Publications- "On Skeletons found at
Ladykirk Church"; "On an old Grave at
Ladykirk Church"; "Notes on Ladykirk
Parish'' (Hist, of JJennd-shire Nat Chtl,
1879-81, 1885-86, 1890-91 )
1905 14th Ju]y 186~, son of John M.,
min. of Kippen; educated at High
School, Univ. of Glasgow, and Univ. of
Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh
14th May 1890; assistant at Eurobank,
Keith, Peebles, and East Parish, Aberdeen ;
ord. 17th March 1905. Marr. 29th June
1909, Alice Paxton, daugh. of William
Barrow Macqueen, Procurator - Fiscal of
I Berwickshire, and Mary Ewart, daugh. of
James Paxton, Dundee, and has issue -
Alice Mary, born 3rd Dec. 1910. Publica
tion-" Ladykirk, or the Kirk of Steill,
Berwickshire'" (Tram. Scot. Ecclesiolomcal
AV., 1915).
.— Longformacus, seventeen
miles distant, was conjoined with Mording-
ton for a time, but the two became separate
parishes in 1666. The patron proposed to
unite Mordington to Foulden in 1719, and
the Court of Session approved, but no
urther steps were taken. Another abor
tive attempt was made to unite these two
parishes in 1750. The ancient church is
now represented by a burial vault in
a disused churchyard near Mordington
House. A new church was built in 1869.
Bernard de Linton, Chancellor of Scot
land, was rector of Mordington circa
Lamberton.— Originally a chapel of Cold-
mgham, was united to Foulden in 1616 to
Ayton in 1627, and finally to Mordington
8th Feb. 1650. The church was dedicated
to St Lambert. Here in 1502 the Princess
Margaret, daugh. of Henry VIII., was re
ceived by the Scottish Commissioners on
her entry into Scotland previous to her
marriage to James IV. The ruins of the
church are visible in an old churchyard
close to the boundary of the Liberties of
ROBERT FYNNIE, reader here and at
1568 Hut ton.
ROBERT DOUGLAS, vicar and ex-
horter at Fishwick and Horndean,
1567-72 ; adm. by John, Archbishop
of St Andrews, in 1573, Longformacus being
in the charge in 1574. He was charged
with non-residence by the Assembly in
1575, and died before llth April 1581.—
[Booke of the Kirk ; Calderwood's Hist.,
iii., 303 ; Reg. Min. ; Wodrow Miscell.]
THOMAS JANE, reader at Lamber-
1574 ton.
1581 ^ramond ; pres. to Longformacus
and Mordington by James VI. llth
April 1581 ; trans, to Nenthorn 15th May
ROWLE [RULE], vide Longformacus. In
1627 the number of communicants was
"ane hundrethe or thairby," with "great
necessitie of ane skule, for not ane of the
paroche can reid nor wryt except the
minister." — Stat. Reports, 1627.]
THOMAS RAMSAY, eldest son of
Tuoraas ft-> m^n- °f Foulden ; M.A.
(St Andrews 1642) ; adm. March
1648. He joined the Protesters ; with
Guthrie and others he was seized at a
private meeting, and committed to Edin
burgh Castle, 23rd Aug. 1660, but was
liberated shortly afterwards in a state of
mental derangement. His stipend was
sequestrated by the Committee of Estates,
25th Sept. following, on the ground that
he had subscribed " ane dangerous and
seditious paper tending to the disturbance
of the peace of the kingdom.'1 He refused
to conform to Episcopacy in 1662, but was
allowed to remain in his charge, " it being
one of the smallest charges, not sixty com
municants and not a hundred persons, and
one of the smallest stipends.'" Owing to
his having permitted "several vagrant
preachers and indulged ministers to occupy
his pulpit," the Privy Council, 4th April
1679, ordered him to be ejected. He was
imprisoned in Edinburgh Castle in 1680,
but released on account of sickness, and
refusing to take the Test, was deprived in
1682. He petitioned the Committee of
Estates in 1689, and was restored to his
ministry ; was a member of Assembly in
1690, and died June 1695. He marr. and
had issue — James, bursar in divinity ;
William, bursar in philosophy ; Rachel ;
Jean, who died at Duns in 1729, having
from 1710 received help from the Presb. ;
Margaret (marr., cont. 16th Nov. 1674,
Patrick Temple, portioner of Linton) ;
Elizabeth (marr. a surgeon in the king's
service).— [Acts of Parl., vii., ix. ; Nicoll's
and Lament's Diaries ; Baillie's Lett. ; Wod-
row's Hist. ; Inq. Ret., Berwick, 291 ;
Church of Scotland Commission Records,
1646, 1649-50 ; Lander Tests. ; Edin. Reg.
Bur.; Boston's Memoirs; Scot. Presb. Eloq.;
Haddington Inhib., xviii., 102 ; Charity
Roll, 1696.]
GEORGE BARCLAY, a native of
Buchan; M.A. (King's College, Aber
deen, 1677); pros, by the creditors
of James, Lord Mordington, 1682 ; de
prived by the Committee of Estates, 6th
May 1689, for not reading the Proclama
tion of the Estates ; he had an Exchequer
pension of £25 from the rents of the
Bishopric of Ross, 21st Oct. 1712, and
another of £100 stg. after the death of
Bishop Rose of Edinburgh, 12th Sept.
1716; died in Edinburgh, 6th Feb. 1724,
aged 63. He marr. (name unknown), and
had issue— Cecilia, born 31st Dec. 1689
(marr. Arthur Irvine in Milton of Drum),
died 29th Nov. 1775; Christian, died
before 1740.
THOMAS RAMSAY, M.A., above men-
1689 tioned (q.v.).
brother of John L., min. of Eccles ;
M.A. (Edinburgh, 2nd July 1684);
ord. 29th Oct. 1695 ; died at Edinburgh,
27th June 1719, aged 51. Publications—
The Ancient Bishops considered, both with
respect to the extent of their Jurisdiction
and nature of their Power (Edinburgh,
1707); The Divine Institution of Bishops
having Churches consisting of many Con
gregations, examined by Scripture (London,
1711); A Vindication of the Ministers and
ii'j Elders i/'ho have taken tlie Abjura
tion (anon. ; Edinburgh, 1712). — \_Edin.Reg.
Jim:; Jlosfo/t .Vein.: Wodrow's Anal, and
JOHN LAW [LOW], licen. by Presb. of
1721 Peebles 28th July 1703; ord. 10th
Sept. 1706 min. of a Presbyterian
congregation at Newcastle ; pres. by
rrhomas Hay of Mordington 29th April,
and adm. 16th Xov. 1721 ; died 2 nth Dec.
1735. Ife marr. Jane Mitchell, who died
1st Dec. 1762, and had issue — William;
Katherine ; Jane.- [Lander Tests.]
RICHARD BELL, M.A. (Edinburgh,
1786 9th May 1722): licen. by Presb. of
Kelso 3rd Jan. 1727 ; pres. by
Thomas Hay of Mordington, and ord. 6th
June 1736; died 8th Jan. 1773, aged 72.
He marr. 21st June 1733, Helen, daugh. of
Malcolm Macfarlane, tailor, Edinburgh,
and had issue— Jean, born llth April 1734
(marr. John Buchanan, min. of Foulden) ;
Margaret, born 17th March 1735; Cecil,
born 4th March 1736; Thomas, born 2nd
June 1737 : John, born 30th .Sept. 1739,
licen. by Presb. of Chirnside 31st Aug.
1762; Mark, born 10th June 1743, died
10th Feb. 1749; Pilchard, born 21st June
1745 ; Helen, born 1st June 1746, died 14th
Feb. 1749 ; Susan, born 10th Jan. 1749 :
Robert, born 26th May 1753. His widow
marr. again, and died 19th June 1780.
JAMES SMITH, licen. by Presb. of
1773 Chirnside 25th June 1771 ; pres. by
Alexander Hay of Mordington, and
ord. 23rd Sept. 1773; died 1st .July 1791,
aged 54. He marr. 25th April 1785, Isobel
Dewar, who died 6th April 1828, aged 83. —
GEORGE DRUMMOXD, trans, from
1792 Cranshaws ; pres. by Alexander
Renton of Lamberton, and adm.
19th April 1792 ; trans, to Whitsome 13th
Nov. 1800.
WILLIAM DAVIDSON, born 1736, son
1801 of Edward P., min. of Castlegarth
Presbyterian Church, Newcastle ;
licen. by Presb. of Kelso 1760; ord. min.
of Castlegarth Presbyterian Church, New
castle, 10th Nov. 1762; adm. to this parish
14th May 1801 ; died 24th June 1804. He
marr. 7th June 1777, Jane (died in 1821),
daugh. of Edward Aitken, min. of Castle
garth Church, Newcastle, and had issue —
an only son, Edward Aitken, born 4th
April 1778, who was grandfather of Sir
Thomas Milvain, K.C.B., K.C., M.P., Judge
Advocate-General. — [TomJ>sf.]
GEORGE CHALMERS, educated at
isos ^Tniy- °f Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb.
of Dalkeith 24th Nov. 1795; pres.
by Alexander Renton of Lamberton, and
ord. 2nd May 1805; died 21st Feb. 1831,
aged 64. He marr. 13th June 1809, Mary
Caddy, who died 20th Pec. 1872, without
1832 1808 > son °^ George K., teacher,
Edinburgh; M.A. (Edinburgh, 12th
April 1828); licen. by Presb. of Hadding-
ton 8th July 1831 ; pres. by Trustees of
Alexander Renton of Mordington. The
settlement was delayed in consequence of
an opposing presentation by Alexander
Campbell Renton, with consent of his father,
to John Robertson, probationer, but the
Court of Session preferring that of the
Trustees, K. was ord. 6th Sept. 1832. Joined
Free Church ; min. of Free Church, East
Wemyss, 14th March 1844 ; died 12th April
1891. He marr. 12th March 1834, Jessie
(died 29th Nov. 1893), daugh. of William
Angus, teacher, Glasgow, and had issue-
George Halley, born 28th Feb. 1835 ;
William Angus, LL.D. (Glasgow), Prof, of
Moral Philosophy, Univ. of St Andrews,
1876-1902, editor and biographer of Words
worth, born 22nd Feb. 1836, died 4th
March 1916 ; Elizabeth Bannerman, born
3rd July 1837 (marr. Thomas Bywater,
factor on Wemyss Estate), died 12th Dec.
1915 ; Helen Hunter, born 3rd Jan. 1839 ;
Andrew Halley, born 30th March 1840;
Alexander Angus, M.P., Keswick, born 7th
Oct. 1842 ; Adam Cairns, born 1845.
CHARLES BLAIR, born 1797, son of
Andrew B., farmer, and Helen Ducat ;
educated at Univ. of St Andrews ;
licen. by Presb. of Meigle ; tutor in the
family of Campbell Renton of Mording-
ton ; pres. by John Campbell Renton of
Mordington, and ord. 31st Aug. 1843 ; died
unmarr., 21st Nov. 1870.
trans, from Inverteil, and adm. 22nd
June 1871 : trans, to Queensferry
3rd Dec. 1884.
HUGH FLEMING, born 9th Dec. 1855,
second son of Andrew F., farmer,
Calla, Carnwath, and Helen Val-
lance ; educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ;
Keen, by Presb. of Edinburgh 1880;
assistant at Dalserf and at Hamilton ; ord.
12th May 1885 ; clerk of Presb. 190G.
[The whole manor of Swinton was part
of a gift by King Edgar, for the endow
ment of Coldingham Priory, about 1100.
The church, dedicated to St Mary, and
built shortly after that date, was held by
Coldingham ; portions of the east, south
and west walls belong to the original
edifice. A feuars' aisle was added in
1782, and alterations were made in 1792
and 1800. In 1909 the church was largely
rebuilt. A very ancient effigy in it is held
to represent Sir Alan de Swinton, who
died about 1200. The bell, in use, is dated
1499, and is inscribed Maria est nomen
meum. Simprin was united to Swinton
in 1761.]
and vicar from 1567 to 1576. In
15617 1569 he was summoned before the
Privy Council.
ROBERT LANDELS, reader from 1579
1579 to 1580.
ROBERT HISLOP, trans, from Whit-
some, and adm. 1590 ; retrans. to
about 1595.— [Reg. Assig.}
1595; pres. by James VI. 30th Jan.
160-. . (jem> between 1st June and
Gth July 1632. A decree against him as
a "userer" was pronounced by the Privy
Council 16th July 1642. He marr., and
had issue— George, apprenticed to William
Wilands, lorimer, Edinburgh, 14th Dec.
1608; Isobel, second daugh. (marr. John
Cass in Swinton).— [Reg. Assig.; Lander
Tests. ; Bannatyne MiscelL, iii. ; Mat. Re
ports, 1627 ; Rey. of Deeds, cclxxxv., 18th
June 1619.]
brother of John S. of that ilk;
1632 M.A. (St Andrews 1616); pres. by
Charles I. 6th July 1632 ; member of As
sembly in 1638 : died after 2nd Sept. 1647,
aged about 54. He marr. Jean Cockburn.
— [Reg. Sec. tii<j. ; Acts of Ass. ; Stevenson's
Hist. ; Su'intons of that Ilk, 55 ; Reg. of
Deeds, 13th Nov. 1663.]
EDWARD JAMESON, M.A. ; min. in
1647. He joined the Protesters in
1647 1651. In 1654 he was appointed a
Commissioner by the Privy Council of
England for authorising admissions to the
ministry in the provinces of Lothian, Merse,
and Teviotdale ; dep. in 1661 for his op
position to the Government, A decreet
was passed against him and others, 16th
July 1671, for preaching at conventicles,
on which he was outlawed, 3rd Aug. 1676.
In 1679, when many Presbyterians were
confined for not condemning the Rising
at Bothwell, or the murder of Archbishop
Sharp, he reasoned with them and got
several of them liberated, on their signing
a bond not to take up arms against His
Majesty in future. He returned in 1687.
—[Tombst.; Livingston's Life; WTodrow's
Hist, and Anal.; Nicoll's Diary; Kirkton's
PATRICK SWINTON, a cadet of the
Swintons of that ilk; M.A. (Edin
burgh, 15th June 1651); licen. by
George, Bishop of Edinburgh, 27th Feb.
1663; passed trials for ordination before
the Presb. of Duns 21st April that year;
ord. to Crossmichael in 1663; trans, to
Borgue; pres. by Charles II. 12th Feb.,
and coll. 14th March 1668 ; still min. 20th
Oct. 1685, but the charge was vacant in
1689. He marr. Isobel Home, and had
issue— Patrick, M.A. ; Thomas ; Alexander ;
Agnes; Tsobel, bapt. 20th Oct. 1667.—
[Miii.-book Ji'c;/. ,SVc. Sit/., v. ; Rfij. Co/ fat. ;
01<1 Dec., iii. ; Tombtt. : lFa<ll!ii.<itoii, Presb.
Jifj. ; J//5. Ace. of Mfit. liaj. of Deeds,
Durie, 17th Jan. 1089; Edin. 7>a/tt. .Reg.]
mentioned ; returned and attended
the first meeting of Presbyterian
mins. after the Toleration Gth July 1087 ;
he was restored by Act of Parliament 25th
April 1090. He dem. 9th April 1691, and
was afterwards niin. of Monimail.
1691 8ept- 1691 > trans- to Xewbattle 18th
April 1095.
forged testimonials of license from the
united Presb. of Kirkcaldy and Duuferm-
line, was called. When this was dis
covered, the General Assembly on 31st
Dec. 1695 app. him to be censured by the
Presbs. of Duns, Chirnside, and Selkirk.
This was done from the several pulpits
of those Presbyteries, 12th Jan. 1696.—
Acts of Ass., 1095.]
JOHX LITHGOW, probably of the
1696 family of Lithgow of Drygrange;
studied at the Univ. of Utrecht;
licen. and ord. by the Scots Presb. in
London ; called to this parish 26th March,
and adm. 20th April 1696 ; died 9th April
1711. He marr. Anne, daugh. of James,
second son of Alexander Home of Bassen-
dean, and had issue — Janet (marr. 12th
Sept. 1718, James Davidson, bookseller,
Edinburgh); Anne (marr. 7th April 1726,
Henry Robertson, apothecary, Edinburgh).
—[Duns Presb. Key.; Boston's Mem.]
HEXRY VETTCH, second son of
1712 ^illiam V., tenant in Redpath,
Earlston, a cadet of Dawyck ; M.A.
(Edinburgh, llth May 1704); licen. by
Presb. of Chirnside 20th May 1712; called
31st May, pres. by Presb. jure devohito
4th Nov., and ord. 2nd Dec. 1712: died
25th Nov. 1753, aged 09. He marr. (1)
29th June 1721, Martha, daugh. of John
Gardner, merchant burgess of Edinburgh,
and had issue— William, died 1726 ; John,
writer, Edinburgh, ancestor of the Eliock
family ; James, tenant in Mersington :
(2) 25th April 1728, Frances (died 14th
Sept. 1741), only surviving child of Sir
John Swinton of that ilk by his first wife,
Sarah Welsh, and had issue — Frances,
born 26th Aug. 1733 (marr. 29th Oct.
1751, John Watson of Overmains). — [St
Cutkbert'sRey. (Marr. and Bapt.) ; Lander
Tests.; Burke's Landed Gentry; Xwintons
of that Ilk, 77.]
GEORGE CUPPLES, born 1727, son of
1754 Wiliiam C., min. of Kirkoswald;
M.A. (Glasgow 1746); licen. by
Presb. of Dalkeith 1st Sept. 1752; pres.
by George II. 25th March, and ord. 22nd
Aug. 1754; died 14th Sept. 1798. He
marr. 26th June 1760, Isabella (died at
Legerwood, 12th Dec. 1817), only daugh.
of John Waugh, min. of Whitsome, and
had issue— Mary, born 8th April 1707, died
4th Oct. 1779; William, born 7th Feb.
1709, died young; John, born 24th Dec.
1770, died while a student at Glasgow
Univ., 24th May 1788 ; Jean Kennedy,
born 31st Aug. 1772 ; Margaret Mitchelson,
born 25th March 1774; Henrietta Camp
bell, born 18th Nov. 1770; William, born
llth Jan. 1779; Charles, born 20th April,
died 29th Dec. 1780; Charles, born 12th
March 1782; Robert, born 13th Jan. 1784;
George, min. of Legerwood, afterwards of
Stirling, born 15th July 1780. Publica
tions—Accounts of Swinton and Simprin,
and of Whitsome and Hilton (Sinclair's Stat.
Ace., vi., xvi.).— [Tomlst. ; Carlyle's Autob.]
WILLIAM SIMSOX, born 1747, son of
1799 -^atthew S., merchant, Glasgow;
educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; licen.
by Presb. of Chirnside 24th Feb., and ord.
to Greenlaw 3rd Dec. 1778 ; pres. by George
III. Feb. 1799 ; trans, and adm. 13th June
1799; died unmarr., 20th Sept. 1804. Pub
lication—Account of Greenlaw (Sinclair's
Mat. Ace., xiv.).~[Tombst.]
JAMES BAIRD, probably son of Thomas
1805 •^•' Eastwood ; educated at Univ. of
Glasgow; licen. by Presb. of Ayr
28th July 1784; ord. to Legerwood 17th
Sept. 1795; trans, to Eccles 20th July
1797 ; pres. by George III., trans, and adm.
18th April 1805; died llth Feb. 1814. He
marr. 25th Dec. 1795, Sarah Nicholls, who
died 20th Dec. 1838, and had issue— Eliza
beth, born 10th Oct. 1796; John, rain, of
Yetholm; Andrew, min. of Cockburnspath;
James, born 25th Nov. 1801 ; William,
M.D., F.R.S., Curator of the Zoological
Department in the British Museum, author
of Cyclopaedia of the Natural Sciences, and
Memoir of his brother John, born llth Jan.
1803, died 27th Jan. 1872.— [Hist. Berwick
shire Nat. Club, 1869-72 ; Diet. Nat. Bioy.}
JOHN HUNTER, pros, by George,
Prince Regent, and ord. 28th Sept.
1814 ; trans, to Iron Parish, Edin
burgh, 27th Sept. 1832.
JAMES LOGAN, born 10th Jan. 1805,
1833 only son °^ Thomas L., M.D., min.
of Chirnside ; educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh; Keen, by Presb. of Chirnside
27th June 1826 ; pres. by William IV. 26th
Nov. 1832; ord. 7th March 1833; died
unman-. 17th May 1868. Publication-
Account of the Parish (Neu> Stat.
Ace., ii.).
ROBERT HOME, born 6th Nov. 1839,
eldest son of Walter H., min. of
Polwarth ; educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of Duns ; ord.
(assistant and successor) at Glencairn 7th
July 1864 ; trans, and adm. 8th Oct. 1868 ;
died 7th Nov. 1877. He marr. 26th April
1871, Annie Lydia Keith (died 9th Sept.
1875), daugh. of Archibald Adam Swinton,
I.C.S., and sister of Captain George Her
bert Tayler Swinton of Swinton, and had
issue — Walter Gabriel, major 6th Dragoon
Guards, served in South Africa, born 25th
Oct. 1872, died of wounds in France, 15th
Nov. 1914; George Archibald Swinton,
lieut.-colonel 5th Dragoon Guards, served
in South Africa and France, born 25th
April 1875.
ALEXANDER MILNE, trans, from St
Andrews, Dundee, and adm. 13th
June 1878; trans, to Gourock 24th
22nd July 1860, son of Thomas
Gordon, D.D., min. of Newbattle ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; M.A.
(1880); licen. by Presb. of Dalkeith 1883;
assistant at Bothkennar ; ord. 10th Feb.
1885 ; died unmarr. 6th Aug. 1891.
July 1884.
MACDONALD, born Fashodale,
Ardnamurchan, 27th May 1857, son
of John M. and Christina, daugh. of John
Farquharson; educated at Sharped Institu
tion, Perth ; M.A. (Edinburgh 1885) ; tutor
to the family of the Duke of Atholl 1882-5 ;
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh April 1886;
assistant at West Coates, Edinburgh ; ord.
to Second 'Charge, Cupar, Fife, 12th April
1888 ; trans, and adm. 6th Feb. 1892. Marr.
1st Aug. 1888, Eleanor Emma (died 31, st
Dec. 1916), daugh. of William M'Corquodale
and Margaret Farquharson, and has issue
—Ian Farquharson, lieut. R.F.A.,born 28th
April 1889 ; Eleonora Margaret, born 15th
Aug. 1891 (marr. 27th June 1916, Thomas
Sinclair, Lieut. R.N.V.R.). Publications —
Ed. Boston's Soliloquy on the Art of Man
Fishing (Paisley, 1890); The Colonel and
the Clachan ; contributor to Hastings' Dic
tionary of Texts.
[Previous to the Reformation the church,
dedicated by Bishop David de Bernhain,
25th June 1247, belonged to the Abbey of
Kelso. It fell into ruin after the parish
was united to Swinton, 27th Sept. 1761.]
1576 THOMAS WATSON, reader.
JAMES SIM SON, reader from 1578 to
1578 1580.
THOMAS BONAR, M.A. (St Andrews);
min. of Aldcambus in 1599 ; pres. to
the vicarage of Simprin and Ald
cambus by James VI. 7th Feb. 1606 ; died
before 7th April 1632.— [Rey. 8ec. 8ig.; Reg.
Assiy. ; Bannatyne Miscell., iii.]
JOHN MACMATH, M.A. (Edinburgh,
24th July 1619); pres. by Charles
I. 7th April 1632; dep. 4th Sept.
1638 (sentence confirmed by Assembly llth
JAMES SANDERSON, a native of
Coldstream, where lie succeeded as
heir to houses and lands (perhaps
Whitrig, where there was a family of his
name); M.A. (Edinburgh, 27th July 1663);
licen. by George, Bishop of Edinburgh, 2nd
Jan. 1666 ; ord. and coll. 22nd Oct. 1668 ;
died June 1671, aged about 28. He marr.
Bessie Craw, and had issue — Robert ;
Isobel. — [Reg, Coll at. ; Lander Tests.]
GEORGE WILSON, formerly of Kil-
lellan, Renfrewshire ; coll. 12th Sept.
1672; trans, to Westruther in 1683.
— [Keg. Collat.]
JAMES ADAMSON, son of James A. ;
M.A. (Edinburgh, 27th July 1663);
ord. to Kelton 29th April 1668;
outed by the rabble in 1689. He came to
Dec. following), for deserting his parish,
declining the authority of the Presb.,
teaching Arminian doctrines, etc. He had
£100 stg. out of the vacant stipends allowed
by Parliament, 21st June 1661. In 1664
he was chaplain to the Earl of Home. —
[AV/. Sec. <SY;/. ; Old Dec., ii. ; Acts of Par/.,
vii. ; Baillie;s Lett., Stevenson's Hist.']
ROBERT MELYILL,son of Sir Andrew
M. of Woodend and Garvock, and
brother of Sir James M. of Hall-
hill, Fife ; was assistant to Robert Col-
vill, min. of Culross, Nov. 1629 ; pres. by
Charles I., and adm. to this parish previous
to llth Oct. 1641 ; was chaplain with the
Scottish army at Newcastle in 1644 ; died
between 1652 and 25th Aug. 1654. lie
marr. Catherine Melvill, who survived
him, and had issue — John, apprenticed to
Robert Aitchison, merchant, Edinburgh,
28th June 1648 ; Margaret.— [Livingston's >
Charac. ; Re<j. tiec. Si'j. ', Raith Papers ;
Burntisland Sess. Rey.] Lander Tests.;
Row's and Stevenson's Hists. ; Aiton's
Life of Henderson.]
JAMES GIBSON, M.A. (Glasgow 1657) ;
mentioned as min. in 1668 ; died 2nd
March 1668, aged about 32. He
marr. (name unknown), who survived him.
— [ Tombst.]
this parish that year, but was deprived
3rd Sept. by the Privy Council, for not
reading the Proclamation of the Estates,
nor praying for William and Mary, but for
James A'll. He was one of those who
conducted Episcopal services at Ayton and
Coldingham, and was dep. 10th Nov. 1696.
He died at Edinburgh, llth Aug. 1713, aged
64. He marr. Jane Rigg, and had issue —
Samuel, eldest son; Henrietta.— [J/,V. Ace.
of Min., 1689 ; Dumfries 8as., i., 270 ; Re<j.
of Deeds, Mack., 23rd Feb. 1709; List <>j
Disorderly Persons.]
JOHN MOIR, son of Alexander M.,
1691 sniith, Aberdeen ; M.A. (Marisehal
College, Aberdeen, 1685) ; became
.schoolmaster of Wemyss : having acknow
ledged his fault in taking Episcopal orders
as a deacon, he was licen. by Presb. of
Kirkcaldy 14th July 1691, and ord. 24th
Dec. that year : died after 14th Nov.
1693. He marr. Elizabeth Erskine (alive
in 1711), and had four children. In April
1700 his widow had £30 allowed her by
the Synod out of the Centesima Fund.
— [Charity Papers ; Anderson's Fasti A cad.
Mariscall , ii., 252.]
THOMAS BOSTON, M.A. ; called llth
1699 Aug., and ord. 21st Sept. 1699;
trans, to Ettrick 1st May 1707.
17()17 10th July, and ord. 23rd Sept. 1707 ;
trans, to Eyemouth 15th March 1716.
JAMES CHRISTIE, M.A. ; called in
1717 Oct. 1716 ; pres. by Presb. jure
devoluto 6th Nov. following, and
ord. 19th March 1717 ; trans, to Morebattle
4th March 1725.
JAMES LANDRETH, M.A. (Edinburgh,
1725 12th April 1715) ; chaplain to Sir
James Stewart of Goodtrees ; licen.
by Presb. of Hamilton 26th May 1724 ;
pres. by Sir Archibald Cockburn of Lang-
ton 31st Aug. 1725 ; called 16th, and ord.
23rd Sept. 1725 ; died unmarr. 3rd Oct.
1756, aged 64. He was clerk of the Synod.
He established one of the earliest Sunday
Schools in Scotland, and he is frequently
referred to in Dr Alexander Carlyle's Auto
biography as " Honest James. ;' — [Lander
Tests. ; Tombst. ; Carlyle's Avtob.]
JOHN JOLLY, pres. by George II. 4th
March, and ord. 12th May 1757;
trans, to Coldingham 17th Sept.
[A church, which stood in the church
yard of Whitsome, was repaired in 1718.
Its choir and nave were both thatched.
In 1803 a new church was built on the
western slope of Hardie's Hill. A chancel
was added in 1912, and other improve
ments were made. A building at Rave-
law, or Old Newton, was used as a
meeting-house by Henry Erskine from 1087
to 1(590.]
1552 1552 ; continued probably to 1560.
JAMES SETON, mentioned as min. in
1562 1562 anc* 15<78< ^-e had a son,
George, apprenticed to John Dun
can, goldsmith, Edinburgh, 13th June 1578.
—[Milne Home MSS., 42, 48, 239.]
HUGH HUDSON, who held the prebend
of Upsetlington in the collegiate
church of Dunglas from 1556 to
1589, was reader here in 1567, and exhorter
in 1574. He was probably min. till 1585.—
[Milne Home MSS., 42, 47, 239.]
THOMAS OGILVIE, probably min. in
1585 1585, when Upsetlington also was
in his charge; afterwards min. of
Hutton. — [Rey. Assiy.]
ROBERT HISLOP, min. of Ayton in
1586 1585 > ac^m- nere in 1586 ; trans,
to Swinton in 1590, but returned
in 1595, and died 25th June 1607.—
\_Re<j. Assifj. ; Calderwood's Hist., iv.,
160g burgh, 26th July 1600); pres. by
Lord Scott of Buccleuch in 1608 ; he
was called before the Court of High Com
mission in 1619 and 1620 ; was one of the
commissioners for maintenance of church
discipline 21st Oct. 1634 ; was a member
of Assembly, 1645 and 1646 ; died before
17th Sept. 1647. He marr. Nicolas, sister
and heir of John Eclington of Harcas, and
had issue — James, apprenticed to Patrick
Forbes, merchant, Edinburgh, 24th March
1629 ; John, his heir ; Margaret (marr.
1649, Patrick Hume, min. of Hutton), re
commended for charity by the Synod 13th
April 1680. He was owner of lands in
Hutton Parish, as appears from a charter
of Sir David Home of Wedderburn, 1645.
— [Rey. Assiy. : Stat. Reports ; Privy
Comic. Rey., 2nd series, iv., 519 ; G. R.
Sas., Ivii., 212 ; Rey. of Deeds, cclviii., 7th
Feb. 1617 ; Inq. Ret. Gen., 3922 ; Maitland
MiscelL, ii. ; Milne Home M8S., 233.]
1658 Andrews, llth May 1637): min.
in 1658: died March 1067, aged
about 50. He marr., and had issue —
an only daugh., Janet, to whom Peter
Hay of Muirtoun was trustee as near
est of kin. — [Hutton Sess. Rey. ; Lander
Tests. ; Inq. Ret. de Tut., 925.]
GEORGE DAVIDSON, probably son of
John D., portioner of Upsetlington,
who was a witness to the charter of
Sir David Home in 1645, mentioned above ;
M.A. (Edinburgh, 30th June 1658) ; became
min. of Rerrick before 1664; trans, to
Anwoth in 1666 ; trans., ord., and coll. 24th
Jan. 1668 ; died before 5th Feb. 1686, when
his forfeited estate was granted to Alex
ander Davidson, vicar of Norham. He
marr. July 1669, Margaret, daugh. of Patrick
Hume, min. of Hutton, and had with
other issue — Margaret, recommended for
charity by the Synod, 9th Oct. 1686.—
[Rey. Collat. ; Rey. Sec. Siy. ; Pearce's
Sons of the Clergy, 158.]
ADAM WADDELL, probably son of
Richard \V., min. of Kelso: M.A.
(Edinburgh, 18th Dec. 1678); pres.
by George Home of Wedderburn 6th
March, and coll. before 20th Oct. 1685.
He died in 1713, aged about 55. He marr.
Katherine (died at Edinburgh, 19th Feb.
1748), daugh. of David Swinton of Loch-
toun, merchant, Edinburgh, and had issue
— Agnes (marr. Alexander Pollock, surgeon,
Dundee) : Margaret (marr. 19th Oct. 1735,
Thomas Mabon, preacher, probably son of
Thomas M., min. of Gordon). — \_IIaddiiiy-
t(»i PrcKb. Rc<j. ; JAS'. Ace. of Min. ; Edin.
Marr. AV/.l
[HEXRY KPvSKIXE, M.A., called after
the Toleration to the meeting-house
at Old Xe\vton, or Ravelaw, and adin.
•Sept. 1687 ; trans, to Chirnside 18th Sept.
JOHN VEITCH, grandson of William
\7., min. of Westruther ; licen. by
Presb. of Jedburgh 25th Jan. 1710;
assistant to William Veitch, min. of Dum
fries, probably a relative' : pros, by George
Home of Wedderburn 24th May, and by the
Presb. jure dc^oluto 7th Sept. 1714 ; ord.
14th April 1715 ; died May 1722. He marr.
July 1717, Elizabeth Blair, who died Dec.
1746, and had issue — a daugh. who is
mentioned in the register as Peggie. —
\_Lauder Tests. ; Mem. of Wm. Vcitcli ;
Kirkcwlb right Executry Papers, 22nd May
JAMES COL DEN, born 1696, son of
1723 ^"ex;inder C., min. of Oxnam ; licen.
by Presb. of Jedburgh 4th April
1722; pres. by Xinian Home of Wedder
burn 30th Oct. 1722 ; ord. 10th Sept. 1723 ;
died 20th Sept. 1754. He marr. 19th March
1724, Lilias (died 10th Jan. 1768), eldest
daugh. of George Byers, min. of St Boswells,
and had issue — Alexander ; George, died in
1750; Katherine, born 19th April 1732;
John, born 28th April 1733; Jean, born
16th April 1735 : Elizabeth, born 28th June
1737 ; William, born 17th Oct. 1740 : Lilias,
born 19th Xov. 1743, died 13th Dec. 1745.
— \_Lauder Tests.]
JOHN WAUGH, a native of Berwick-
shire, nephew of Robert W., min. of
Hutton ; licen. by L'rosb. of Earlston
3rd April 1739; ord. in 1743 min. of
Presbyterian Church at Alnwick ; pres.
by Captain George Johnston of Kimmer-
ghame Nov. 1754: adin. 16th May 1755;
died 26th June 1800, aged 87. He marr.
3rd Oct. 1744, Mary Mason, who died
15th Dec. 1784, and had issue— Isabella,
born 28th July 1748 (marr. 26th June 1766,
George Cupples, min. of S win ton) ; Robert,
surgeon, 93rd Foot, born 5th June 1750;
John, min. of Menmuir, born 9th Jan.
1800 'son °^ K'alph D., min. of Cranshaws ;
ord. min. of Cranshaws 3rd May
1785; trans, to Mordington 20th April
1792 ; pres. by Francis, Earl of Wemyss,
trans, and adm. 13th Nov. 1800 ; died 7th
Aug. 1820. He marr. 17th April 1810, Mar
garet (died without issue, 28th Dec. 1822),
daugh. of Andrew Cunningham, gardener
to Lord Morton at Aberdour Castle, and
sister of George C., min. of Duns. Publi
cations — Account of Cranshaws and of
Mordington (Sinclair's Stat. Ace., vi.,
ADAM LAN] JELLS, licen. by North-
1821 uinberland Presbyterian Classis and
Presb. of Duns; ord. 10th Oct. 1776,
min. at Etal : trans, to Hutton 19th March
1789; pres. by William Berry of Whitsome
Hill, Dec. 1820 ; adm. 8th Feb. 1821 ; died
25th May 1838, aged 90. He marr. 20th
Jan. 1779, Christian Watherstone, who died
s.p. 5th May 1841. Publication — Account
of Hutton (Sinclair's Stat. Ace., iv.).
[JOSEPH STEVENSON, born Berwick -
on-Tweed, 27th Nov. 1806, eldest son of
Robert S., surgeon, and Elizabeth Wilson :
educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by
Presb. of Chirnside 8th Sept. 1829 ; em
ployed in the MS. department of the
British Museum, 1831-4, and a subcom-
missioner of the Public Records, 1834-8 ;
pres. by John Wilson of Whitsome Hill in
1838. Objection to his appointment was
taken by George Fulton Knight, inin. of
Mordington, on the ground that several of
S.'s children had been baptized by clergy
men of the Church of England. The Synod
ordered the Presb. to proceed with the
ordination. Letters in S.'s favour were
produced from Sir Henry Ellis, Prof. Fraser-
Tytler, and many well-Known men. On a
second appeal being begun by Knight, S.
withdrew from the presentation. In 1839
he entered the Church of England ; was
librarian to the Dean and Chapter of
Durham in 1841 ; honorary MA. (Durham
1844) ; curate of St Giles, Durham, 1847 ;
vicar of Leighton-Buzzard, Bedfordshire.
1849-02. In 1863 he joined the Church
of Rome, and was a priest in 1872. From
1872 to 1876 he studied the Archives in the
Vatican Library at Home. In 1877 lie
entered Roehampton College as a Novice
of the Society of Jesus, and in 1885 became
professed of the three vows ; LL.D. (St
Andrews 1893); died at London, 8th Feb.
1895. He marr. 19th Sept. 1831, Mary Ann
(died llth July 1869), daugh. of John Craig,
Mount Florida, Glasgow, and had issue.
He was an archivist and historical writer
of much distinction, whose pen for more
than sixty years was never idle. He did
important work for the Rolls Series, and
edited numerous volumes for the Bannatyne,
Maitland, and Roxburghe Clubs, as well as
the Surtees and other learned Societies. The
Diet. j.Yat. Bioy. furnishes a complete list of
these.— Vide Pollen's "Memoir" in The Month
(March and April 1895); The Tablet, 16th
Feb. 1895 : The Athenwnm, 16th Feb. 1895.]
ROBERT CO WE, born Bunimoutli, 1st
1839 Dec. 1804, son of Henry C. ; edu
cated at Berwick Grammar School
and Univ. of Edinburgh ; M.A. (22nd April
1826); tutor in the family of Angus
Makellar, D.D., min. of Pencaitland ; Keen,
by Presb. of Chirnside 28th Sept. 1830 ;
assistant at Whitsome : ord. (at Huttonj
19th April 1832, min. of 'the High Meeting,
Berwick-on -Tweed ; pres. by John Wilson
of Whitsome Hill: trans, and adm. 28th
March 1839. Joined the Free Church;
adm. min. of the Free Church, Portobello,
2nd Nov. 1843; trans, to St Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, Manchester, 5th Nov.
| 1845, and to Free St Stephen's, Glasgow,
< 17th May 1849; died 20th Oct. 1867. He
marr. 3rd Aug. 1852, Hannah Watson, who
died 26th Dec. 1886, and had issue — Henry,
; died aged 17 ; Hannah (marr. Kirkland,
Oregon, U.S.A.). Publications— Ao Truth,
^Y<j A?/V(Edin., 1849); The Gift and theGauge
(Edin., 1855); Christian Responsibiliti/,
Memoir [by James Freer] (Glasgow, 1868).
JOHN ROBERTSON, born 2nd Jan.
1843 18u0' son of Jolm 1>l"> farmei'5 Wincl-
shiel, and Margaret Edington ; edu
cated at Univ. of Edinburgh : licen. by
'< Presb. of Duns 4th April 1825 ; assistant at
: Dunbar, 1825-33; ord. to Houndwood llth
i May 1838 ; trans, and adm. 2nd Nov. 1843 ;
died 27th Oct. 1865. He marr. (1) 25th Dec.
1833, Margaret (died 6th Aug. 1839), daugh.
; of AVilliam Sibbald, D.D., min. of Hadding-
ton, and had issue — Elphinstone Margaret,
1 born 19th Oct. 1834 (marr. James Heriot
of Beriotbank), died 10th July 1914 ; John
• Alexander, his successor : (2) 22nd Dec.
1841, Catherine (died 5th Nov. 1867), daugh.
i of George Logan, Edrom, and widow of
Thomas Logan, Whitsoinelaws.
1866 k°rn 19tn ^Prtf 183C> S0il °f preced
ing ; educated at Edinburgh Univ. :
licen. by Presb. of Chirnside in 1859 ;
assistant at Old Greyfriars, Edinburgh ;
j ord. 2nd Aug. 1866 ; clerk of Presb. 1870 ;
! clerk of Synod 1899. Marr. 27th Aug.
! 1867, Helen Stenhouse, who died 26th
Jan. 1911, and had issue— John Alexander,
M.D., born 29th Aug. 1868, died at Matjes-
fontein, Cape Colony, 22nd Sept. 1903;
Catherine Purves Logan, born 2nd March
1872 (marr. 20th Jan. 1898, William
M'Dowall Selby, M.B., C.M., Port William);
Stenhouse, born 12th Nov. 1875, died 10th
Jan. 1880 ; William Sibbald, M.D., born 8th
March 1881.— [Vide Memorial Sketch of
John. A. Robertson, M.D., by the Hon.
Lord Low, 1904.]
1906 •^••D- ', ord. (assistant and successor)
17th Aug. 1906; trans, to Steven
Memorial Church, Bellahouston, Glasgow,
21st Feb. 1911.
HUGH PARK REID, born Chalmer-
1911 stone' Stai1'' Ayrshire, 17th May
1871, son of Hugh R. and Mary
Young ; educated at Ayr Academy and
Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of
Ayr May 1896 ; assistant at Muirkirk, and
at St Vincent's and Sandyford parishes,
Glasgow ; ord. 1st Sept. 1901 ; min. of St
Andrew's Church, Alexandria, Egypt ; acted
as consular chaplain ; res. in 1910 ; adra. to
this charge (assistant and successor) 9th
June 1911. Marr. 10th Sept, 1901, Martha,
daugh. of Henry MacRostie, Kirkcolm, and
has issue — Hugh Alexander Calderwood,
born 12th April 1903; Ronald Park, born
1st May 1908; Kathleen Mary, born 29th
Jan. 1914.
[Of the church consecrated by David de
Bernham on 2nd April 1 243, only a small
fragment is now standing. The site is a
grassy knowe close to the farm steading
of Hilton, and about a mile east of Whit-
some. The parish was united to Whitsome
by the Lords Commissioners of Teinds,
19th June 1734. It included the lands of
Otterburn, which later were annexed to
Longformacus. The parish was in the
Presb. of Duns from 22nd Oct. 1707 to Oct.
JOHN LIGHTBODY, reader from 1576
1576 to 1585.
Upsetlington [Ladykirk] in 1570;
min. at Fish wick in 1574; returned
to Upsetlington in 1576 ; trans, and adm.
about 1585 ; died 24th Oct. 1598. He
granted a lease of the teind sheaves to
James Home of Wedderburn. He marr.
Beatrix Forman, who survived him, and
had issue — George. — [ Wodrow Miscell. ;
Rey. Assig. ; Milne Home MSS., 57.]
JAMES HOME, second son of Sir
-David HL of Wedderburn ; adm. 5th
Dec. 1609; still min. in 1634. He
marr. (1) before 1597, Isabel (dead by
1605), daugh. of Patrick Home of Pol-
warth, and widow of Thomas Cranstoun of
Corsbie, Legerwood : (2) Jean, sister of
David Cockburn in Goffrarig, and had
issue— David, min. of Ladykirk ; James ;
also a natural son, John, who witnessed a
deed in 1620.— [AV/. of Assi'j. ; Ihmnatyne
Miscell. ; Reg. of Deeds, cccclxxii., 169 ;
Milne Home J/A',5'., 88.]
DANIEL DOUGLAS, min. 1650 to
1650 1662. See below.
16th Oct. 1662; trans, to Polwarth
in 1664.— [Reg. of Collat.}
JOHN HEPBURN, M.A. ; ord. and
coll. 28th Oct. 1664; trans, to
Earlston in 1673.— [Reg. Sec. Sig. ;
Reg. Collat.'}
WILLIAM METHVEN, M.A. ; ord. and
coll. 25th March 1675 ; trans, to
1675 Fogo in 1682.-[AVr/. of Collat.}
SIMON WYLD, mentioned as min. in
1683 ; trans, to Wauchope after 14th
Oct. 1684.
JOHN HOME of Broomhouse, Edrom,
min. in 1689 ; deprived by the Act of
Parliament 25th April 1690, restoring
Presbyterian mins. He opened a meeting
house at Coldingham, and with John Home
of Kelloe, min. of Greenlaw, and other
outed mins., carried on Episcopal services
there, also at Eyemouth and Ay ton, and
latterly at Prenderguest. He died at
Whitfield, 15th May 1717, and was buried
at Edrom.— [MS. Ace. of Min., 1689 ; Duns
Presb. and Coldingham, Sess. Regs.}
DANIEL DOUGLAS, born 1619, eldest
son of John D., min. of Crail ; M.A.
(St Andrews 1644) ; adm. after 24th
Feb. 1650. He joined the Protesters in
1651, and was deprived on or before the
establishment of Episcopacy in 1662. He
preached much at conventicles, and baptized
and married in the district. For a time
he resided in Holland, but was restored by
the Act of Parliament 25th April 1690. He
died 24th July 1705. He is said to have
been "a simple man as to the world, yet of
more learning and ingenuity than most."
The local saying, however, is, " Like Daniel
Douglas, more plain than pleasant.'"'' In his
old age, the Presb. rebuked him more than
once for his unsuitable language in the
pulpit. He marr. Margaret, sister of James
Hutcheson, min. of Killellan [Houston],
and bad issue— Mary.— [Fife >Sas., xix., 34 ;
Pittenweem Hess, and Dalkeitk Fresh. Keys.;
Livingston's Life ; Wodrow's /fist. : Inq.
Ret. Je Tut., 1143; Tombst. : Scot. Fresb.
Eloq. ; Brown's Covenanters of the Merse,
184 ; Berwick Sas., i., 96.]
1706 in 1700.— [6'. R. Sas., xc., 295.]
WILLIAM WILSON, schoolmaster at
1707 Stichill ; licen. by Presb. of Kelso
2nd March 1701 ; called 13th March,
and ord. 4th Sept, 1707; died unraarr. 3rd
May 1731, aged 68.
( JEOliUE HUME, pres. by Robert John-
1732 stone °f Hilton, and ord. 16th March
1732; trans, to Whittingehame 21st
April 1736.
[Proposed to be erected by the General Assembly, April 1581, but in 1593 the parishes
of Kelso, Linton, Makerstoun, Morebattle, Mow, Roxburgh, Sprouston, and Yetholm
were still in the Presb. of Jedburgh, while those of Ednam, Home, Nenthorn, and Stichill
were in that of Duns. The Register begins 19th Oct. 1609. There are blanks from 12th
.Dec. 1648 to 1st May 1649 ; 2nd April 1661 to 28th Oct. 1662 ; and 16th Oct. 1683 to 17th
March 1691.]
[King Edgar, who reigned from 1097 to
1107, granted the lands now forming this
parish to Thor, an Englishman. Thor
built a church dedicated to St Cuthbert,
and, with the king's consent, endowed it
with a ploughgate of land. This is the
earliest recorded case of the erection of
a parish in Scotland. There was here a
hospital of St Leonard, known as Ednam
JOHN BROWN, last of the Roman
incumbents. He probably conformed.
— [Reg. Sec. Sig., ii., 40.]
THOMAS AITKIN, reader in 1574. In
1576 Makerstoun and Nenthorn were
in his charge ; trans, to Yetholm
in 1579.
1579 1579 ; trans, to Mertoun about 1580.
DUNCAN WALKER, reader at Borth-
wick from 1576 to 1580; min. here
in 1585. In 1593, Bassendean [West-
ruther], Nenthorn, and Gordon were in the
charge, Makerstoun being excluded ; pres.
to the vicarage of Nenthorn by James
VI. before 24th May 1594; died previous
to 17th May 1599.— [Reg. Assig. ; Dalkeith
PrcKl. Reg. • Calderwood's Hist,, iv., 604.]
THOMAS PORTEOUS, min. in 1599 ;
pres. to the vicarage by James VI.
before 30th March 1602 ; died in May
1617. He marr. Agnes Crichton (who sur
vived him, and marr. secondly, John Rich
ardson, merchant burgess of Edinburgh),
and had issue — Andrew ; John, apprenticed
to Thomas Douglas, hatmaker, Edinburgh,
1st Oct. 1634 ; James ; Janet ; Agnes. —
[Edin. Inhib., xix., 104 ; Reg. Assig. ; Reg.
Sec. Sig. ', Haddington and Jedburgh Presb.
1617 born 1595; son of John C., min. of
Lennel [Coldstream] ; M.A. (Edin
burgh, 22nd July 1615) ; pres. by James VI.
17th May 1617. He was called before the
Court of High Commission in 1620. Per
mission was given him by the Archbishop
of St Andrews to leave his Presb. [Duns]
and join that of Kelso, llth July 1620. He
was dep. after 29th Sept. 1639 and before
2nd Sept. 1641, and died before 24th Aug.
1655 [according to another account, in 1651.]
He marr. Jean Stirling, and left issue— John,
min. of Yarrow ; George of Wyliecleuch. —
[Reg. Sec. Sig.; Lander Tests.; Stat. Reports,
1627 ; Baillie's Lett. ; Inq. Ret. Gen., 1097.]
JOHN SOMERVILLE, son of James,
1639 second son of James, fifth Lord
Somerville ; M.A. (Edinburgh, 25th
July 1624); became schoolmaster of More-
battle; licen. by Presb. of Lanark before
27th Feb. 1627; ord. (at Kelso) 5th, and
adm. 8th Oct. 1639. He joined the Pro
testers in 1651, was dep. by the Synod in
Oct. 1660. and was still alive 20th Feb.
1666. He acquired property in Teviotdale,
and marr. Margaret Knox, who was allowed
the vacant stipend, 20th Nov. 1660, and had
issue — James, student at Univ. of Edin
burgh, drowned while bathing in the Water
of Leith ; Robert, alive in 1679.— [Her/. Sec.
Sifj. ; Livingston's Life : Wodrow's Hist. ;
Mem. of the Somervilles, i., 440 ; Scots Peer
age, viii., 22.]
ROBERT YOUNG, tutor to Alexander,
Lord Coldingham, son of James
Home of Cowdenknowes, third Earl
of Home ; pres. by Charles II. 8th July.
and adm. before 18th Dec. 1661 ; died April
1668.— [Min.-book Key. Prir. Seal, v.]
ADAM PEACOCK, M.A. ; pres. by
Charles II. 21st Oct. 1668 ; ord. after
27th April, and adm. 27th May 1669 ;
trans, to Morebattle llth Jan. 1683.
WILLIAM SPEED, son of George S.,
min. of Aberlour ; M.A. (King's Col
lege, Aberdeen, 1656) ; schoolmaster
of Elgin, 1656-61 ; passed trials before the
Presb. of Elgin, and recommended to the
Bishop for license 4th Nov. 1663 ; ord. at
Elgin 17th Aug., and adm. to Botriphnie
24th Aug. 1664 ; pres. by Charles II. 10th
Jan., trans., coll., and inst. 20th Feb. 1633 ;
deprived by the Privy Council 3rd Sept.
1689, for neither reading the Proclamation
of the Estates nor praying for William and
Mary, but praying for James VII. He sub
sequently resided at Netherbyres, Ayton,
where he died before 23rd April 1706. He
marr. Magdalen Craw, and had an only
daugh., Margaret (marr. George Craw of
Netherbyres). — [Min.-book Reg. Priv. Seal,
v. ; Lander Tests. ; Peterkin's Constitution
of the Church ; MS. Ace. of Min., 1689.]
THOMAS THOMSON, M.A. ; ord. 12th
1692 *^u^ 1(^2 > trans% to Southdean 6th
Nov. 1700.
WILLIAM BAXTER, M.A. ; called 6th
17Q2 Nov. 1701 ; ord. 12th Feb. 1702 ;
trans, to Sprouston 2nd Aug. 1722.
THOMAS POLLOK, son of Allan P.,
1723 Porti°ner °f Craigton, and Elspeth,
daugh. of Thomas Paton of Craigton ;
M.A. (Glasgow, 7th July 1715); licen. by
Presb. of Paisley 1st May 1718 ; pres. by
George II. 5th Jan., and ord. 21st
June 1723; died 16th May 1764, aged
about 69. He marr. 2nd Sept. 1724, Alison
Mason, who died 29th July 1788, and had
issue — Allan ; James ; Isobel ; John ; Jean ;
George, born 14th Jan. 1732 ; Thomas,
D.D., vicar of Grittleton, Wilts, born 25th
Jan. 1736, died 29th Sept. 1801 ; Alison,
born 17th July 1740 ; Elizabeth, born 6th
July 1743; Mary, born 14th June 1750.
Publication — A Synod Sermon, to ivhich is
added a Discourse on the Happiness of G'od.
(Edinburgh, 1734).— [Acts of Ass., 1723.]
DAVID DICKSON, son of George D.
17eg and Catherine Hamilton, Whitehill,
Earlston ; licen. by Presb. of Kelso
1st June 1742; pres. by George III. 26th
Oct. 1764; ord. 21st March 1765; died un-
marr. 3rd June 1795, in his 75th year.
Publication— Account of the Parish (Sin
clair's Stat. Ace., xi.). — [T
17Q6 Presb. of Kelso 6th Oct. 1772 ; ord.
min. of Pottergate Presbyterian
Church, Alnwick, 1774; pres. by George
III. 30th July 1795, and adm. 15th March
1796; died 27th Feb. 1819, in his 77th
year. He marr. 26th Sept. 1781, Margaret
Wilkinson, and had issue — Margaret, born
17th July 1782 ; Alexander, born 19th Nov.
JOSEPH THOMSON, pres. by George,
Prince Regent, 21st March, and ord.
3rd Aug. 1819 ; trans, to Morebattle
30th May 1844.
WILLIAM LAMB, born Hawick, 10th
Sept. 1814, son of Walter L. ; edu
cated at Edinburgh High School
and Univ. ; licen. by Presb. of Jedburgh ;
preacher at Caerlanrig; pres. by Queen
Victoria 17th Aug., and ord. 14th Nov.
1844 : clerk of Presb. 1846-77 : died 10th
Aug. 1877. He marr. 28th Jan. 1869,
Christian Archibald MacDongall, daugh.
of Joseph Yair, niin. of Eckforcl, and had
issue — Helen Josephine, born 19th Nov.
1869 ; Walter, min. of Lander, Christian
Mary, born 6th July 1*73 ; William, born
9th March 1874 : George, born 8th Dec.
1875: John Yair, born 23rd March 1877.
JOHN BURLEIGH, born Glasgow 8th
'^-y ^r>1' son °^ J°nn B. and Helen
Borland ; educated at Univ. of Glas
gow : licen. by Presb. of Glasgow 13th
June 1877 ; assistant at Maxwell Parish,
Glasgow ; ord. 14th March 1878 ; clerk of
Presb. 1900: clerk of Synod 1911. Man'.
•2nd Feb. 1892, Agnes Ann, daugh. of Thomas
Henderson, farmer, Boon and Shidlaw,
and Jessie Stewart, and has issue — John
Henderson Seaforth, M.A., Lieut. K.O.S.B.,
born 19th May 1894 ; Thomas Huntlywood,
R.A.M.C., born 30th Sept. 1895. Publica
tion — Ednam and Its Indwell erx (Glasgow,
[AV.w.— The church was dedicated to St
Mary. Prior to the Pie-formation it belonged
to the Abbey of Kelso. About 1648, the
abbey, which had suffered considerably at
the hands of Hertford during his invasion
of Scotland in 1515, was put into repair
and fitted up as the parish church. Tt con
tinued to be so used until 1773, when the
present curiously shaped octagonal church
was erected.
Maxwell.— The church of Maxwell, dedi
cated to St Michael, was situated near
the junction of Tweed and Teviot. It
was named, from the pool on the Tweed
there, Maccus' Wheel (Anglo-Saxon wiel, a
pool). No trace of the church exists, but
a number of tombstones, brought from
its churchyard, are deposited in an open
space within the policies of Springwood
Park. At Harlawe, near the head of the
Burn of Wooden in the parish of Maxwell,
there was a chapel of St Thomas the
Martyr. In 1180 this was given by Herbert
of Maxwell to the parish church of Max
well. Afterwards it passed into the hands
of the Abbey of Kelso. The English
destroyed it in 1545.
AV James''*, Ro,rhur<jh. — This was the
parish of the Royal Burgh of Roxburgh.
The church was dedicated on 17th April
1 134. It belonged to the Abbey of Kelso.
The English ruined the church in 1425.
The church was soon rebuilt, but was
utterly destroyed, along with the towns
of Roxburgh and Kelso, during the invasion
of 1545. Its site was on the Tweed at the
place called St James's Green, where St
James's Fair has continued to be held on
or about the saint's day. There remain
only the foundations of a large church
with aisles and columns. The hospital of
Fairnington, within the parish of St James,
is mentioned as early as 1186.]
ADAM CLERK, exhorter here and at
1569 Nisbet.
PAUL KNOX, possibly son of William K.,
1574 merchant, Prestonpans, a brother of
the Reformer; M.A. (St Andrews
1571); min. in 1574, when Ednam, Maker-
stoun, and Nenthorn were in the charge.
He was still min. 1st May 1575.— [Rey.
Axs/t/.-, Wodrow MisceU. ; Knox;s Works
(preface), vi. ; M'Crie's Kno.>\ ii. : Haig's
1 fist or i / of Kelso.'}
1576 1576. He had charge of Sprouston,
Maxwell, and Lempitlaw, instead of
the parishes mentioned above : trans, to
Cambuslung before 1580.— [Key. Assiy.]
1678 to 1580.— [Reg. Assir,.]
WILLIAM BALFOUR, son and heir of
158g William B., citizen of St Andrews :
min. in 1585 ; app. by the Privy
Council 6th March 1589 a commissioner
for the preservation of true religion in
Roxburghshire ; trans, to Maxwell in 1590,
when Sprouston and Lempitlaw were also
in the charge, but returned in 1591 ; pres.
to the vicarage of Maxwell by James VI.
2nd Feb. and 4th May 1G04 ; died before
15th Nov. 1605. He marr., and had issue
—John, served heir, 12th July 1615, pro
bably rain, of Linton.— [Reg. of Deeds, xlv.,
277 ; Key. Assig. ; Calderwood's Hist., iv.,
604 ; Wodrow Miscell. ; Book?, of the Kirk ;
Inq. Ret. Edin., 353.]
JAMES KNOX, son of William K., min.
of Cockpen, was probably grand-
nephew of the Reformer, and nephew
of Paul K., min. in 1574; M.A. (Edin
burgh) ; regent in the Univ. of Edinburgh ;
adm. here in 1605 (Maxwell being also in
the charge, to the vicarage of which he was
pres. by James VI. 15th Nov. 1605) ; pres.
to the vicarage of Kelso 25th May 1609,
and again 22nd April 1610. He was app.
constant Moderator of Presbytery by the
Assembly at Linlithgow in 1606, and the
Presb. were ordered by the Privy Council,
17th Jan. following, to acknowledge him
as such within twenty-four hours, under
pain of rebellion. This was at first
resisted, but afterwards accepted. He
was a member of Assembly, 1610 and 1618.
He dem. before 24th June, and died in
Aug. 1633, aged about 58. He used as a
dwelling-place vaults in the ruined abbey,
one as a hall and kitchen, another as a
bedchamber and closet, He marr. about
1605, Martha Borthwick, and had issue-
Robert, his successor; Martha, bapt. 31st
May 1608 ; James, bapt. 4th Nov. 1611 ;
Elizabeth, bapt. 12th Sept. 1612 ; William,
born 1614; Rachel, bapt. 2nd June 1616;
Agnes, bapt. 7th Oct. 1617 ; Jean, bapt.
16th Dec. 1618; Alexander, bapt. 1619.—
[Calderwood's Hist., vi., 658 ; Haig's Hist,
of Kelso ; Beg. Assig. ; Privy Comic. Reg. ;
Booke of the Kirk ; Bannatyne Miscell., iii. ;
Crawford's Knox Genealogy.]
ROBERT KNOX, bapt, 30th Dec. 1606,
eldest son of preceding ; M.A. (Edin-
1633 burgh, 23rd July 1625) ; while living
at Cranstoun he was adm. to the Exercise
at Dalkeith 8th Dec. 1631 ; pres. by
Charles I. 24th June, and adm. by John,
Bishop of Caithness, 30th July 1633. He
preached before Parliament 8th Aug., and
before the King 12th Sept. 1641 ; was a
member of Assembly, 1643, 1644, 1646-8;
was imprisoned in 1654 for naming Charles
II. in his prayers ; died at Edinburgh, 15th
May 1658. He marr. (1) March 1638, Mar
garet, daugh. of John Ker of Lochtour :
(2) 15th June 1643, Elizabeth, second
daugh. of Sir John Murray of Philiphaugh,
Bart. ; she, " in consideration of her hus
band's suffer ings for his affection and loyalty
to his sovereign," obtained an Act of Parlia
ment, 22nd March 1661, conferring on her
and her children the stipend vacant after
his death. By her he had issue — Robert ;
John ; Joan.— [Reg. Sec. Sig. ; Old Dec.,
iii. ; Sasines, xxvii. ; Edin. Reg. (Bur.) ;
Lament's Diary ; Douglas's Baronage ; Acts
of Ass. and Parl., vii. ; Baillie's Lett. ;
Balfour's Hist. Works, ii. ; Inq. Ret. fre/i.,
2949 ; KHOJC Genealogy, .]
from Stenton, and adm. 14th May
1660 ; trans, to St Mungo's, Glasgow,
28th March 1682.
JAMES LORIMER, M.A. ; coll. before
10th, and inst, 17th April 1683;
D D (gt Andrews, 29th July 1683) ;
pres. to Professorship of Divinity at St
Andrews 22nd May 1686 (</.><.).
JAMES GRAY, M.A. (Edinburgh, 20th
March 1671); licen. by Presb. of
Haddington in 1679; adm. to Second
Charge, Haddington, 20th Jan. 1681 ;
deprived by the Test Act in 1681 ; adm.
here before 5th June 1687 ; deprived by
the Privy Council 3rd Sept. 1689, for
neither reading the Proclamation of the
Estates nor praying for William and Mary,
but for King James. James Gray, min. of
Inncrleithen, was probably his son.— [Peter-
kin's Constitut. of the Church ; MS. Ace. of
Min., 1689 ; Monro's Apology for the Church
of Scotland ; Haig's Hist, of Kelso.]
[JOHN DICKSON, M.A. ; formerly of
Rutherglen, officiated in a meeting
house here after the Toleration 1687.
He returned to Rutherglen 25th April 1690.]
WILLIAM JACK, sometime min. at
16g5 Clapham, London; jidm. min. of
P.iggar 2Sth April 1692 : called Nov.
1694 : trans, and adm. 24th Jan. 1695 :
died apparently unman1., after Oct. 1699 •
[Haig's /fitt.]
JAMES RAMSAY, born 1072, probably
1707 of the family of Ramsay of Edington ;
M.A. (St Andrews, 23rd July 1G87) :
licen. by Presb. of Duns and Chirnside 1st
Xov. 1692 : ord. to Eyemouth 9th May
1693: called 5th Sept. 1700; trans, and
adm. 24th Sept, 1707. In 1714 he was one
of the deputation sent by the General
Assembly to congratulate George T. on
his succession to the throne. In 1715.
and again in 1745, he used his influence
with the people to oppose the Jaco
bite army. He was Dean of the Chapel
Hoyal 6th March 1716, but was deprived in
1726 on a change of Government. He was
Moderator of Assembly llth May 1738,
and again 14th May 1741 ; died FATHEI:
OF THE CHUKCII, 3rd July 1749. At the
meeting of Commission, 7th Xov. 1 706, he
moved a protest against the sitting of
bishops in the United Parliament, which
was carried by a majority of 59 to 17.
The closing address of his second moderator-
ship was contained in a single sentence :
'It is with pleasure I can observe that
the affairs of this Assembly have, by the
good hand of God upon us, been managed
with great decency and remarkable unan
imity." He was a man of great natural
gifts, of a sturdy bodily frame, of much
shrewd common sense together with a great
deal of humour. He was in the habit of
walking to Edinburgh to the Assembly.
He marr. (1) before 1695, Alison, claugh.
of William Nisbet, merchant, Eyemouth,
and had issue— Jean (marr. 14th Oct. 1727,
William Hume, younger of Scotshouse) •
(2) 3rd July 1731, Margaret (died 28th Nov.
1768), daugh. of Archibald Borthwick of
Sauchnell, and widow of John Lauder, min.
of Eccles, and had issue— Elizabeth (marr.
Robert Park, min. of Foulden). Publica
tions— Letter from a Gentleman to a Member
of Parliament concerning Toleration (Edin
burgh, 1703) ; Remark upon the Cane of the
Episcopal Clergy and those of the Episco
palian P-vsuaswn (Edinburgh, 1703);
Toleration'* Fence, Removed (Edinburgh,
1703): An Examination of Three Prelati-
cal /'inttji/tfcf* (Edinburgh, 1703).- [Vett.
AY;/. ,Vas., Ixviii , 107 ; Boston's Memoir* :
Witherspoon's Ecclesiastical Charact< /•-
isticK : Ocl,tert ;/,•<• J/,SX : Wod row's Anal. :
Haig's Ifitt. of Keho : Morren's Antiah:
Tait's lloi-iler C//»rc/i A//V. i.]
CORNELITS LUX DIE, born nth Aug.
1750 ^lfi> third son of Archibald L., min.
of Saltoun : licen. by Presb. of Had-
dington 5th Feb. 1745: pres. by Robert,
Duke of Roxburghe, in Oct. 1749 : ord.
4th July 1750 ; died 17th Jan. 1«00. "His
primitive integrity, universal benevolence,
and the gentleness and simplicity of his
character endeared him to all classes of
the community.''' He marr. 27th Aug.
1762, Mary (died 1st May 1801, aged 68),
daugh. of William Ronald of Williams-
craig. Provost of Linlithgow, and had
issue— Mary, born 13th Jan. 1761 (marr.
16th July 1784, John Wood, min. of the
Presbyterian Church, Crookham) ; Archi
bald, born 15th July 1765, died at Xice,
23rd Jan. 1789 : Jean, born l*th May 1767 ;
Margaret, born 25th Jan. 1769, died 12th
June 1787; Rachel, born 27th Xov. 1770,
died 14th Xov. 1771: William, born 19th
July 1772, died 8th Jan. 1774; Robert,
min. of this parish : Elizabeth, born
26th April 1776, died 22nd Feb. 1795;
Marion, born llth Aug. 1777, died 4th
Feb. 1786 ; Catherine, born 16th May 1779,
died l84I.—[Tombst.; Sinclair's Stat. Ace.,
x. ; Haig's I Tint, of KeJxo : Mason's Keho
LESLIE MOODIE, trans, from Xewton ;
isoo pres> by Jonn' Duke °f Roxburghe,
25th Feb., and adm. 14th Aug. 1800 ;
trans, to Inveresk 27th June 1806.
ROBERT LUXDIE, born 4th July 1774,
1807 son of ComeKus L., min. in 1750;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh;
ord. to Gordon 26th March 1801 ; pres. by
the three rival claimants to the dukedom
of Roxburghe, viz., John Bellenden Ker,
25th, Walter Ker of Littledean, 29th,
and Sir James Norcliffe Innes, Bart.,
30th Aug. 1806; trans, and adm. 26th
March 1807 ; died (in his garden, with
Bonnet's Christian's Orator// in his hand,
open at the close of " Meditations on
Heaven") 16th April 1832. He marr. 27th
April 1813, Mary, youngest daugh. of
George Grey of West Orel and Milfield,
and Mary Burn (she survived him, and
marr. secondly, Henry Duncan, D.D., min.
of Ruth well), and Lad issue— Mary, author
of the hymn " Jesus, Tender Shepherd, hear
me,;; born 26th April 1814 (marr. llth -July
1836, William Wallace Duncan, min. of
Cleish). died 5th Jan. 1840 [vide Menunr
of Mary Lundie Duncan, by her Mother];
Cornelius, railway engineer and director,
born 29th May 1815, died at Cardiff, 12th
Feb. 1908 ; Susanna Isabella, born 6th May
1817, died 14th Aug. 1826; Jane Catherine,
born 1st Dec. 1821 (marr. Horatius Bonar,
D.D., min. of the North Church, Kelso) ;
George Archibald, missionary in Samoa,
born 31st Dec. 1819, died Sept. 1841 [vide
Missionary/ Life in Samoa, as exhibited in
the Journals of G. A. Limdie, edited by his
Mother]; Robert Henry, D.D., min. of
Fairfield Presbyterian Church, Liverpool,
Moderator (1884) of Presb. Church of
England, born 5th Xov. 1824, died 20th Jan.
1895. Publications — Gleanings of Pastoral
Addresses (Edinburgh, 1832) ; Character of
the Rev. T. 8. Hardie ; Report of the Proceed
ings and Delate in the General Assembly
respecting the Election of Mr Leslie to the
Mathematical Chair (Edinburgh, 1805) ;
articles in The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia. —
[Baird's and Hunter's Funeral Sermons ;
Gleanings ; Haig's Hist. ; Lady Hall's Dr
Duncan of Ruthv'ell ,~]
1832 ^••A- '> Pres- by" James Henry Robert,
Duke of Roxburghe, and his curators,
28th July, and adm. 27th Sept. 1832 ; trans.
to West Parish, Greenock, 23rd Nov. 1843.
JAMES SMITH, born Glasgow 1804,
1844 e^est son °f William S. ; educated
at Univ. of Glasgow, and Theological
Hall of the Relief Church ; ord. min. of
the Relief Congregation, Campbeltown,
26th Aug. 1829. Joined the Church of
Scotland in 1835 ; adm. min. of Chalmers
Parish, Glasgow, 26th March 1840; trans,
and adm. to Borthwick 19th Nov. 1841 ;
pres. by James Henry, Duke of Roxburghe ;
trans, and adm. 28th March 1844; died
at Glenearn, Perthshire, 23rd Oct. 1879.
He marr. (1) 20th Oct. 1829, Agnes (died
30th Jan. 1845), daugh. of John Fyfe,
Glasgow, and had issue — William Henry,
born 10th April 1832, died 17th April 1848 ;
Agnes Bowie, born 6th May 1834 (marr.
Charles Maclean of Glenearn), died 5th
June 1879 ; James, born 5th April 1836,
died at Aleppo, 17th Nov. 1857; John
Fyfe, born 26th Feb. 1838, died at Tangiers,
8th July 1858; Emily Dewar, died 25th
April 1857, aged 15: (2) 13th Nov. 1846,
Margaret (died s.p. 14th Jan. 1848), daugh.
of John Swinton of Swinton, advocate, and
Mary Anne Hepburne of Clerkington : (3)
30th Nov. 1864, Mary Ann Gosset who died
17th Oct. 1877. Publication— An Exposi
tion of the Principles of the Relief Church
and of the Proceedings of the Relief Synod,
in the Campleltoivn Case (Edinburgh, 1837)
[one of the most important law cases which
ever occurred affecting Dissenters]. — [The
Wheat and the Chaff, 24 ; Struthers' History
of the Relief Church ; Small's History of
U.P. Congregations, ii,, 187.]
B.D. ; trans, from North Parish,
Greenock, and adm. (assistant and
successor) 10th Sept, 1874 ; trans, to
Maxwell Parish, Glasgow, 7th June 1877.
DAVID HUNTER, M.A., B.D. ; ord.
1878 (assistant and successor) 23rd Jan.
1878 ; trans, to St Mary's Parish,
Partick, 5th Oct. 1882.
born Montrose, 18th Aug. 1856, son
of Thomas N., shipowner, and Jane,
daugh. of William Adam Smith, min. of
Towie ; educated at Montrose Academy,
Aberdeen Grammar School, Aberdeen and
Edinburgh Univs. ; M.A. (Aberdeen 1876) ;
Hcen. by Presb. of Edinburgh 1879 ; assist-
ant at Xewington, Edinburgh, and Park
Parish, Glasgow; ord. 8th March 1883;
died 7th April 191(5. He inarr. 4th March
1884, Sara, daugh. of \Yilliam tVEstcrre
Pioberts, merchant, Glasgow, and had issue
Thomas Disney Cordon, .solicitor, born
1st July 1885; Annie Evelyn, born 7th
April 1887 : William d'Esterre, born 19th
June 1888: Charles John, born Oth Xov.
translated from the parish of St
Serf, Edinburgh (</.>.'.), and adm. 21st
Sept. 191(5.
[A church, built and endowed largely by
the munificence of James Nisbet, publisher,
London (a native of Spylaw, Kelso), was
opened on 2Gth Xov. 1837. The Free
Church retained possession of the building
from 1843 to 1865. Disjoined from the
parish of Kelso, and erected into a parish
quoad sacra, 1868.]
HOEATIUS BOXAE, born Edinburgh,
1837 19th Dec. 1808, seventh son of James
B., second solicitor of Excise, and
Marjory Pyott or Maitland, daugh. of
James Pyott, bailie of Montrose ; educated
at High School and Univ. of Edinburgh ;
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh, 23rd April
1833; assistant at St John's Parish, Leith ;
app. by the managers, and ord. to this
charge 30th Xov. 1837. Joined the Free
Church ; min. of Kelso Free Church 1843 ;
D.D. (King's College, Aberdeen, 9th April
1853); trans, to Chalmers Memorial Free
Church, Grange, Edinburgh, 7th June 1866 ;
Moderator of the Free Church 1883; died
31st July 1889. A popular evangelical
preacher, and a notable writer of hymns
which arc used in Christian worship all
over the world. Some of his books had a
large circulation : of God's Way of Peace,
no fewer than 285,000 copies were sold.
He marr. 16th Aug. 1843, Jane Catherine
(died 3rd Dec. 1884), third daugh. of Kobert
Lundie, min. of Kelso, and had issue —
Mary Lundie, born 14th June 1844 (marr.
29th Aug. 1876, George Theophilus Dodds,
M'All Mission, Paris) ; James, born 25th
May, died 19th July 1847 ; Marjory Emily
Jane, born 29th Aug. 1849, died 28th June
1850 ; Christian Cornelia, born 10th Oct.
1852, died 17th July 1869; Lucy Jane,
born 22nd Sept. 1854, died 20th Aug. 1858 ;
Eliza Maitland, born 10th Sept. 1857 ;
Horatius Xinian, sometime min. of U.F.
Church, Saltoun, born 2nd April 1860 ;
Emily Florence, born 26th Dec. 1861
(marr. 2nd Aug. 1894, Duncan Clark Mac-
Xicol, min. of Stockbridge U.F. Church,
Edinburgh) ; Henry Kobert, born 17th Dec.
1865, died 26th March 1869. Publications—
The Night of Weeping (London, 1845) ; The
Stor;/ of G race (London, 1847) ; Prophetical
Landmarks (London, 1847) ; The Coming
and Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ
(Kelso, 1849) ; The Morning of Joy (London,
1850) ; Man : His Religion and His World
(London, 1851) ; A Stranger Here (London,
1852); The Eternal Day (London, 1854);
The Desert of Sinai (London, 1857) ;
Hymns of Faitli and Hope (translated
into French), 3 vols. (London, 1857, 1861,
1866) ; The Land of Promise — a Spring
Journey from Beersheha to Sidon (London,
1858); God's Way of Peace (French,
German, and Gaelic translations ; London,
1862) ; Fifty-two Short Sermons for Family
Reading (London, 1863) ; God's Way of
Hall ness (London, 1864) ; Lyra Consola-
tionis (London, 1865) ; Days and Nights in
the East (London, 1866) ; Catechisms of the
Scottish Reformation (London, 1866); Light
and Truth : Bible Thoughts and Themes, 5
vols. (London, 1868-72) ; Life of Rev. John
Milne of Perth (London, 1869) ; Lays of the
Holy Land (London, 1870); The Song of
the New Creation (London, 1872) ; The
Everlasting Righteousness (London, 1873) ;
The Christ of God (London, 1874); The
Old Gospel (London, 1874); Earth's
Morning (London, 1875) ; The Rent Veil
(London, 1875) ; Words to Winners of
Souls (London, 1877) ; My Old Letters (an
autobiographical poem; London, 1877);
Hymns of the Nativity (London, 1879) ;
The White Fields of France (London,
1879) ; Communion Hymns (London,
1881) ; Memoir of G. T. Dodds of Pans
(London, 1884) ; Until the Day Break
(London, 1890) ; and many other smaller
books, with a large number of tracts, of
which the most notable was the ;' Kelso :;
series (1846). He edited The Presbyterian,
Review, The Quarterly Journal of Prophecy,
The Christian Treasury, and The Border
Watch. — [Horatius Bonar, D.D. : a Memo
rial (1890), has a complete Bonar bibli
ography ; Introduction to Hymns by
Horatius Bonar, selected and arranged
by H. N. Bonar (1904); Julian's Diet.
of Hymnolog;/ ; Diet. J\Tat. Bioij.; The
Scotsman, 19th Dec. 1908.]
PETEE M'KERRON, born Aberlour,
1865 12th Aug. 1832, son of Peter M'K.,
farmer, Craighead, Aberlour ; edu
cated at Univs. of Aberdeen and Edin
burgh ; M.A. (King's College, Aberdeen,
1854); licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh
1859 ; sometime teacher in Portobello ;
ord. 27th April 1865 ; died 20th Aug.
1890. He marr. 26th Aug. 1862, Annie,
daugh. of David Denholm, Carberry Mains,
Midlothian, and had issue — David Den-
holm, M.A., min. of Maxton ; Peter, born
12th July 1865, died 21st March 1911 ;
Janet Steed man, born 10th April 1867
(marr. 1st Aug. 1903, Alexander Munro) ;
Isabella Gordon, born 5th June 1869 (marr.
3rd Sept. 1891, John Stuart Thomson);
Robert Gordon, M.A., I.C.S., born 31st
May 1871 ; James Steedman, born 24th
Aug. 1873, died 19th Jan. 1904 ; Helen
Kate, born 8th Aug. 1875, died 1st Jan.
1895 ; Annie Elizabeth Mary, born 15th
Feb. 1877 (marr. 27th Jan. 1915, Archi
bald Dunbar) ; George Grant, M.A.,
LL.B., born 13th Jan. 1879 ; Agnes Jane,
born 14th May 1882, died 20th Dec.
1891 SON, ord. 12th March 1891 ; trans.
to St Paul's Parish, Leith, 23rd Nov.
1899 m~h May 1899 ; trans, and adm. to
Makerstoun, 19th Sept. 1916.
[The church of Linton can be traced
back to 1127, when Blahan, "Presbyter of
Linton," was present at a meeting of the
clergy of England and Scotland for the
consecration of Robert, Bishop of St
Andrews. Edward, "parson of Linton,"
figures in 1160; and Patrick, "parson of
Linton," witnesses a Melrose charter in
Alexander IF.'s reign. Over the door of
the ancient church is sculptured the figure
of a mounted knight in combat with a
dragon. This is deemed a representation
of St Michael, or possibly of St George.
Prior to the Reformation, Linton was an
independent rectory, the patronage being
vested in the Lords Somerville. At Hose-
law, in the upper end of the parish, close
to the English Border, stood a chapel
dedicated to St Machuit. It belonged
to the Abbey of Kelso. The chapel
ruins, encircled by a small burial-ground,
were still visible in the eighteenth
century. Almost on the old site a
modern chapel of Hoseiaw was erected
by public subscription in 1906, as a
memorial of the Very Rev. Thomas Leish-
man, D.D.]
THOMAS M OF FAT, probably an
old priest ; reader, Nov. 1571 to
and vicar, with consent of Hew,
Lord Somerville, let the glebe and
kirklands to Walter Ker of Littledean,
in June 1586. — [Laiii'j Charters, p.
JOHN BALFOUR, M.A., probably a
son of William B., min. of Kelso ;
pres. by the Presb. jure devoluto
15th, and inst. 29th March 1610. He held
Yetholm in conjunction, where, apparently,
he resided. " He taught not at the kirk of
Linton, because it was altogether ruinous."
He dem. in April 1616 (vide Yetholm).—
\_Booke of the Kirk.}
ROBERT KER, prcs. by Sir Robert Ker,
probably of the Hirsel ; first appears
at Kelso on 2nd Feb. 1G19, bearing a
letter from Archbishop Spottiswood to the
Presb., desiring them to send R. K. "to
Linton to teach." He was aclm. (at Peebles)
in Sept. of that year. In 1621 he was accused
of marrying James, eldest son of Arch
bishop Law, to Margaret Haitlie of Meller-
stain, in Smailholm Church, without pro
clamation of banns. "As the Archbishop had
a double interest in the affair, the Presb.
wrote to ask his advice, and, in reply, the
prelate sent a judicious letter, which buried
the matter :: (LeishmaiVs Linton). He died
between 16th March and 18th May 1658.
He marr. Agnes Arrat, and had issue —
Jane (marr. John Ker of Lochinches) ;
Isobel.— [Melrose Presb. RefjJ\
ROBERT BO YD, son of Robert B.
of Cranberries, Kilwinning ; M.A.
(Glasgow 1644); chaplain to James,
Earl of Home; called 25th July, and
adm. 22nd Sept. 1658; deprived in 1662;
ministered under indulgence at West Kil-
bride. In 1684, refusing to give a bond
that he would not minister anywhere in
Scotland, he was imprisoned, and after
wards " confined to a house in Edinburgh."
He returned to Linton in 1690.
JOHN BROWN, M.A.; trans, from
1664 Tinwald; Pres. by William, Earl of
Lothian ; coll. before 30th Aug., and
inst. 6th Sept. 1664 ; trans, to Westerkirk
in 1683.
JOHX WILKIE, pres. 10th July, ord.
1683 after 29th Aug., and inst. 19th Sept.
1683. Refusing to pray for William
and Mary, he was deprived 17th Sept.
1689. He settled in Kelso, where he
ministered to a congregation of Xonjurors.
— [Peterkin's Constit. of the Church ; J/,s'.
Ace. of Miii., 1689.]
ROBERT BOYI), M.A., above noticed ;
1690 restored by Act of Parliament 25th
April 1690 ; dem. on account of age
llth May 1697. "He was a very knowing
man, and of great experience in matters of
discipline." He marr. Elizabeth Stirling.
—[(Mas. Com. Dec., 22nd April 1691 ; Reg.
Gen. Ass., 1690 ; Oil Dec., i. ; Wodrow's
WALTER DOUGLAS, born 1673,
1698 vounoer son °f Douglas of Bonjed-
ward ; Keen, by Presb. of Middlebie ;
called 20th July, and ord. 15th Sept. 1698 ;
died between 7th Nov. and 5th Dec. 1727.
He marr., and had issue — Elizabeth ; Isobel
(marr. Charles Douglas, min. of Cavers) ;
Willielmina (marr. Dr John Tait, physician,
Dalkeith). The pediment of D.'s tomb
stone, bearing the family arms and motto —
Honor et Amor — now forms a tympanum
to the vestry door of the church. Publi
cation — Eleven Sacramental Sermons (Edin-
! burgh, 1725).
GEORGE HALL, born 1680, son of
1728 Robert Hall of Haughhead, and
grandson of Henry Hall, the Coven-
; anter ; M.A. (Edinburgh, 26th June 1699) ;
chaplain to Pringle of Torsonce ; Keen, by
Presb. of Earlston 8th Aug. 1706; chaplain
to Thomas, Earl of Haddington ; ord. to
Abbotrule 23rd Sept. 1714; pres. by James
Murray of Cherrytrees ; trans, and adm. 24th
Oct. 1728 ; died 30th Nov. 1740. He marr.
17th July 1716, Emily (died at Edinburgh,
1768), daugh. of Andrew Duncan, Scone,
and had issue— Patrick ; Gilbert ; Robert,
bursar of the Presb. ; Jean (marr. April
1748, Colin Campbell, writer, Edinburgh).
Publication— Practical Sermons on Several
Subjects (Edinburgh, 1732).
JAMES TURNBULL, born Sprouston,
174g 1718 ; liccn. by pres. of Kelso 7th
Sept. 1742 ; pres. by John Pi ingle of
Haining, Senator of the College of Justice,
and ord. 20th July 1743; clerk of Presb.;
| died 13th Oct. 1780. He marr. (1) 31st
Aug. 1752, Rebecca (died 25th March 1753,
aged 20), daugh. of Andrew Ker Read [Reid],
portioner of Hoselaw : (2) 1st Jan. 1759,
Cecilia Rutherford, who died at London,
1795, and had issue— Frances, born 5th
Nov. 1759, died 7th Oct. 1764; Robert,
born 18th April 1761 ; Sarah, born 1st
July 1763; Thomas, born 27th Jan. 1766;
William, born 20th Sept., died 13th Oct.
1768; Cecilia, born 29th July 1771.-
[Tombst. ; Pedigree of Ker-Reid, 15.]
ANDREW OGILVIE, born 20th Juno
1781 1732) fourteentn cllild of ^illiam O->
tenant of Broadhaugh. on Teviot ;
liccn. })y Presb. of Langholm 5th Sept.
1758 ; ord. by the Northumberland Classis
min. of Groatmarket Meeting-house, New-
castle-on-Tyne, 14th Oct. 1759 ; pres. by
John Pringle of Clifton, and adm. 31st
July 1781 : died 15th Jan. 1805. He
marr. 9th Nov. 17G7, Alice Lomax, who
died 12th Jan. 1808, and had issue-
Eleanor, born 31st Jan. 1709 : Jane, born
25th Aug. 1770; Margaret, born 31st
March 1772 ; William, born 24th Jan.
1775 ; Joseph, born 14th May 1778 ; John,
born 7th Feb. 1782. Publication— Account
of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace., iii.).—
[Historical Memorials of Presbyterianism
in Neivcastie-upon-Tyne, 74.]
WILLIAM FAICHNEY, born 2nd Sept.
1764, son of William F., Mu thill ;
Keen, by Presb. of Auchterarder 1st
May 1792 ; assistant at Ednam 1794 ; pres.
by Mark Pringle of Clifton, and ord. 19th
Sept. 1805 ; died unmarr. 5th Dec. 1854.
1825, eldest son of Matthew L., D.D.,
min. of Govan, a collateral descend
ant of William L., Principal of Glasgow
University ; educated at High School and
Univ. of Glasgow; M.A. (1843); liccn. by
Presb. of Glasgow 7th Feb. 1847 ; assist
ant at Greenock ; ord. to Collace 1st
July 1852 ; pres. by Robert Kerr Elliot
of Harwood and Clifton; trans, and adm.
7th June 1855 ; D.D. (Glasgow 1871) ; one
of the founders of the Scottish Church
Society in 1892 ; Lecturer on Pastoral
Theology in the Scottish Universities,
1895-7 ; Robert Lee Lecturer in 1897 ;
Moderator of Assembly in 1898 ; res. 3rd
May 1904; died at Edinburgh, 13th July
1904. A. K. H. B. spoke of him as
" the ideal country parson, learned, devout,
peace-loving, pretty close to the first
meridian of clergyman and gentleman."
He marr. 25th March 1857, his cousin,
Christina Balmanno (died 25th June 1868,
aged 36), daugh. of Matthew Fleming, and
had issue — Matthew William Fleming,
in West Australia, born 8th June 1859 ;
Thomas Arthur, M.D., Brechin, born 8th
Sept. 1860 ; James Fleming, his successor ;
Robert Fleming, in South Australia, born
31st Oct. 1862 ; Jane Elizabeth Fleming,
born 1st June 1864 (marr. Charles James
Cowan, min. of Morebattle) ; Christina
Matilda Fleming, born 24th Dec. 1865
(marr. 10th Oct. 1893, John Robert Donald,
C.A., Glasgow) ; Charles Ross, in West Aus
tralia, born 19th Jan. 1868. Publications
— Joint editor (with George Washington
Sprott, D.D.) of Book of Common Order
and Westminster Director ;i (Edinburgh,
1868) ; A Critical Account of the Various
Theories of the Sacrament of Baptism
(Edinburgh, 1871); May the Kirk keep
Paschc and Yule ? (Edinburgh, 1875) ; The
Ritual of the Church of Scotland (vol. v.
of Robert Herbert Story's The Church
of Scotland Past and Present ; 1890) ;
Moulding of the Scottish Reformation (Lee
Lecture ; Edinburgh, 1897) ; The West-
muster Directory, new ed. (Edinburgh,
1901) ; The Church of Scotland as She Was,
and as She Is [Macleod Memorial Lecture]
(Edinburgh, 1903).— [Harder Magazine, iii. ;
Blacku'oods May., Nov. 1897 ; New Lit
urgies of the Scottish Kirk ; Sprott's
Funeral Sermon : Trans. Scot. Ecclcs. Soc.,
iii., 90 ; Diet. Nat. Bioy.]
12th Sept, 1861, third son of pre
ceding ; educated at Edinburgh
Academy and Univ. of Edinburgh ; M.A.
(1884); liccn. by Presb. of Edinburgh 3rd
June 1885 ; assistant at Moulin, West
Church of St Nicolas, Aberdeen ; army
chaplain at Colchester ; ord. (assistant and
successor) 7th March 1895. Marr. 7th Feb.
1900, his cousin, Jane, daugh. of William
Leishman, M.D., Professor of Midwifery,
Univ. of Glasgow, and has issue — Thomas
Linton, born 8th Dec. 1900 ; Augusta
Drevar Fleming, born llth Dec. 1903;
Christina Balmanno Michaelson, born 14th,
died 21st Nov. 1907. Publications—" His
torical Notes on Church and Barony of
Linton in Teviotdale :: (Hist, of ]>crwick-
shire Nat. Club, xviii.) ; A Son of Knox,
mid other Studies, Antiquarian and fiio-
graj)Jdcal (Glasgow, 1909); Re-union —
Adequate S<-cnriti/ for tlte Continual nee of
the Ministi't/, <i Necessary Requirement for
the Church of Scotland (Edinburgh, 1909) ;
" The Campanology of the Eastern Borders :;
(Hist. Bcr.Nat. Club, xxi., 1911).
[A church existed in the middle of the
twelfth century, when Walter Corbet, who
then possessed the barony, gave to the
monks of Kelso " the church of Malkariston
with the tithes thereof.'1 The present build
ing dates from 1807.]
1567 as min. in 1567. He died in 1584.
1574 min. from 10th June 1574 to 1578.
.JAMES IMTIlEIlFOi;!), min. in 1579
1579 to 1586.
WILLIAM PATOX, M.A,; min. in
1588 1588J trans, to -Orwell about 22nd
March 1592.— [Reg. Assig.}
JOHN SMYTH, mentioned as min. in
1607 1607.-[7J. C. Reg., vii.3 453.]
JAMES WILKIE, a native of Mid-
1612 lothian ; M.A. (St Andrews 1592) ;
pres. to the vicarage by James VI.
26th Dec. 1612 ; died in 1634. He had a
son, James.— O'CH.. Reg. Sas., Ivi., 104 ; Reg.
Assig. : Reg. Sec. Sig.]
1685 son of Thomas T. of Minto; M.A.
(Edinburgh, 29th July 1626); pres.
by Charles I. 15th Jan. 1635; was a
member of Assembly in 1645; appointed
chaplain to a regiment of horse in 1646;
died before Oct. 1667, aged about 61.
He marr., and had issue— William, min.
of Eckford ; Robert, apprenticed to James
Stewart, merchant, Edinburgh, 17th Sept.
1662.— [Reg. Sec. Sig.; Wodrow's Hint. : Acts
of AM. : Acts of Part., v.]
1667 bur£h 1641)-: was on the Exercise
at Kelso in 1645 ; adm. to Callander
24th June 1651 ; trans, and coll. before 8th,
and inst. and adm. 24th Oct. 1667 ; still
min. 4th April 1 682. He marr., and had issue
—John, entered burgess and guild-brother
of Edinburgh 8th Sept, 1680; Thomas,
recommended to the Archbishop 21st March
1676, for license.— [Edin. Guild Reg.}
GEORGE HOWIE, M.A. (Edinburgh
1682 16~1)^ formerly in a charge in
England; pres. by Robert, Earl of
Roxburghe, and inst. Sept. 1082. Fn 1088
lie was pres. to the Grammar School of
Tranent by George, Earl of Winton, but
because of complaints, the min. of that
parish refused consent till a certificate of
character should be received. This was
produced 30th Sept. 1088, "certifying to
all concerned that George Howie, late min.
at Makerstoun, removed from the diocese
of Glasgow free of any church censure, 17th
Sept. 1088. -Jo. GLASGOW." He is styled
indweller in Seton in 1092. He marr.
Christian Holywell.— [Edin. Sns., xlix.,423.]
1692 kurgh 1059); schoolmaster of Colin-
ton in 1601 ; licen. by George, Bishop
of Edinburgh, 18th Feb. 1003; min. of
Wamphray in 1003, of Athelstaneford in
1005 ; deprived for refusing the Test in
1681 ; restored to the ministry, and adm.
to this charge in 1692; dem. (on account
of age) Oth Sept. 1715; died in 1718, in
his 79th year. He marr. (cont. 13th July
1664), Janet, daugh. of John Johnstone of
Wamphray; and had issue— Janet (marr.
Archibald Douglas, min. at Saltoun.— [Reg.
of Deeds, Durie, 30th Jan. 1680 ; Tombst.}
SAMUEL BROWN, licen. by Presb. of
1715 Jedburgh 25th Jan 1710; chaplain
to Charles, sixth Earl of Lauderdale ;
pres. by John, Duke of Roxburghe, and
ord. 20th Dec. 1715; went to Perth to be
cut for stone 5th Oct. 1721 ; died between
3rd Aug. and 7th Sept. 1725. He marr.
(pro. 26th July 1724) Christian, daugh. of
James Marshall, writer, Edinburgh; she
survived him, and marr. secondly, 29th Aug.
1726, John Montgomery, min. of Stewarton.
WILLIAM WALKER, son of Alexander
W. of Slipperfield, min. of Kirkurd ;
M.A. (Edinburgh, 9th April 1713);
licen. by Presb. of Peebles 31st Aug. 1720 ;
pres. by John, Duke of Koxburghe, and
ord. 20th July 17 20; he was suspended by
the Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale sine
die 5th Nov. 1741 ; they authorised the
Presb. of Peebles, 5th Nov. 1744, to recall
the sentence if they should see cause, and
this was probably done. He died 1st Aug.
1759, aged about GG. He marr. Christian
Fiddes, who died s.p. 25th Jan. 1773.
THOMAS MACDOUGAL, licen. by the
Scots Presb. in London, and adm.
as a probationer by Presb. of Kelso
7th Nov. 1759 ; pres. by the Commissioner
for John, Duke of Roxburghe, and ord.
17th April 17GO; died 20th June 1784,
aged 52. He marr. 18th Jan. 1703, Ann
(died at Kelso, 5th Jan. 1810), daugh. of
Edward Inglis, druggist, Edinburgh, and
had issue — David Dundas, born 20th June
1704 ; Ann, born 9th Jan. 1700 ; Edward,
born 19th Dec. 1707 ; John, born 19th
Feb. 1771 ; Margaret, born 2nd May
1774 ; William, born 8th May 1777, died
at Antigua, llth Feb. 1825; Catherine,
born 18th June 1779: Inglis (a daugh.),
born 25th May 1783.
masters in George Watson's Hospital,
Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of Edin
burgh 30th July 1755 ; ord. by the North
umberland Classis 10th Aug. 1750 min. of
the Wall Knoll Meeting-house, Newcastle ;
pres. by John, Duke of Roxburghe, Gth
Nov. 1784 ; adm. 14th June 1785 ; died
15th May 1800. He marr. 5th Sept. 1780,
Janet Trotter, who died 4th April 1799, and
had issue — an only child, Betty, born 3rd
Aug. 1788. Publication— Account of the
Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace., in.).
DAVID HOGARTH, a native of Ber-
1807 wickshire ; licen. by Presb. of Duns
1st July 1800 ; pres. by the three
rival claimants to the dukedom of Rox
burghe, Sir James Norcliffe Innes, 30th
Aug., Walter Ker of Littledean, 7th, and
John Bellenden Ker, llth Oct. 1800; ord.
7th May 1807; died 14th Aug. 1844. He
was a good scholar, and even in the last
years of his life, though almost blind, was
deeply engaged in the study of the Greek
Septuagint, and in a version of the New
Testament in German. He marr. 13th
Dec. 1810, Janet (died 5th June 1838),
daugh. of Robert Nichol of Edenbank,
and had issue— Elizabeth Jean, born 13th
Oct. 1811 ; Margaret, born 1st Feb. 1814,
died 27th Nov. 1831 ; Christian, born 4th
Jan. 1810; George, born 9th April 1821,
died 17th Sept, 1825; George, born 14th
Sept. 1827, vicar of Barton-on-Humber,
Lincolnshire, 1858-79 ; rector of Harston,
Leicester, 1879-1889; died 4th July 1902.
Publication— Account of the Parish (Neio
Stat. Ace., iii.).
ANDREW MACKIE, born Bowton,
1844 Cumnock, 1806, son of John M.,
farmer, and Mary Kay; educated at
Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of
Ayr ; assistant at Hownam ; ord. 26th
Dec. 1844; died llth April 1809. .He
marr. 4th April 1848, Elizabeth Grace
(died 14th June 1876), daugh. of Richard
Hewat, farmer, Bassendean, and had issue
—John, surgeon, R.N., born 15th Feb.
1849, died at Bombay, 2nd March 1892;
Andrew, born 12th Feb. 1851 ; Hyndmer
Eleanor, born 22nd April 1854; George
Richard, born llth May 1860.
JOHN DAWSON, born Fife, 10th July
1833, son of James D., maltster ;
educated at Univ. of St Andrews ;
assistant at Greenside, Edinburgh ; ord. to
Stobhill 22nd Sept., and app. to a Bengal
chaplaincy 29th Dec. 1859; adm. min. of
Dunnichen, 6th Dec, 1866 ; pres. by James,
Duke of Roxburghe; trans, and adm. 9th
Sept. 1869 ; died 1st Dec. 1879. He marr.
14th Feb. 1800, Marion Milne (born Gth
Jan. 1834, died 30th April 1905), daugh. of
William Davidson, ironmonger, Edinburgh,
and had issue— Elizabeth Walker, born 10th
August 1805 ; Marion Milne, born 25th Feb.
1808; Agnes, born 25th June 1809; John,
born 22nd Dec. 1870; Margaret Noble,
born 22nd Nov. 1872; two sons and a
daugh., who died young.
kirk, Yorkshire, 17th March 1847, son
of William B. and Susannah Tarn ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by
Presb. of Linlithgow in 1878 ; assistant at
Dalserf; ord. 23rd June 1880: died 16th
April 1916. He marr. 1st July 1880, Eliza
beth, rlaugh. of Matthew M'Lintock, Sla-
mannan, and had issue — Marion, born 25th
July 1881 ; William, M.B., Cli.B., born llth
Oct. 1882 ; Matthew M'Lintock, L.R.C.P.E.,
born 21st Sept. 1884 ; Philip George, medical
student, born 12th May 1880: Susannah,
born 13th Xov. 1888, died 14th Sept. 1889.
W I L L I A M M < C A L L U M, born
1916 Monzievaird, 26th April 1871, son of
William M. and Jessie Patterson ;
educated at Univ. of St Andrews; M.A.
(1891) ; licen. by Presb. of Auchterarder
2nd May 1894 ; assistant at Muthill, and
at St Mary's, Dumfries; ord. to North
Parish, Kelso, llth May 1899 ; trans, and
adm. 19th Sept. 1916. Marr. 1st June
1900, Mary, daugh. of John Gillespie of
Beckfoot, Annan, and has issue— Elizabeth
Elliot Patterson.
[The church of Morebattle was dedicated
to St Lawrence, whose holy well is close
by. The Archdeacon of Teviotdale dwelt
of old at Morebattle, In the Inquest of |
Earl David (1115-24) there is mention of
the church of Morebattle with a carucate
of land belonging to the See of Glasgow.
At the north-west end of the parish, on a
height above the Kale Water, the founda
tions of the old church can be traced. A
new church was built in 1757: a chancel
and vestry were added in 1899. In the
seventh century a chapel at Clifton in
this parish was given to St Cuthbert by
King Oswy of Northumbria. There was
another chapel at Whitton.]
ROBERT KEB, removed from Mow and
1582 t0°k Up his residencc here about
1582. He was pres. to the vicarage
by James VI. 20th Feb. 1607 : dem. 30th
Nov. im.—[Jlooke of the Kirk- ; AV/. Assiy. ;
Calclerwood's Hist. : Wo<lron< MiscelL]
THOMAS MOIR, second son of William
1610 ^' of Abergeldie, Aberdeenshire :
pres. by Robert, Lord Roxburghe,
Nov. 1(509; adm. 15th Feb. 1610; pres. by
; James VI. (Mow being united) 16th Dec.
1611 ; died after 4th June 1633. He marr.
Isobel Ker, probably daugh. of his pre
decessor. She survived him, and had issue
—William, of Otterburn, who was served
heir 29th Oct. 1639 ; John, apprenticed to
John Binny, merchant, Edinburgh, 10th
Feb. 1630 ; Thomas, apprenticed to Patrick
Hepburn, apothecary, Edinburgh, 20th Feb.
1633 ; Isabel (marr. William Wemyss, min.
of Roxburgh).— [Key. AVc. 8i<j. : Kn<j. 7iV/.,
i., 290 ; JIKJ. Ret. (,'<>n., 2457 ; Acts 'of
Par!., iii.]
WILLIAM PENMAN, son of William
1634 P-' min> of Crichton: M.A. (Edin
burgh, 27th July 1622); licen. by
Presb. of Dalkeith 12th Aug. 1624: chap
lain to Lady Drummond ; pres. by Robert,
Earl of Roxburghe, Nov. 1633 ; adm. and
inst. 7th Sept, 1634; Avas a member of
the Glasgow Assembly in 1638, and of the
Commissions, 1646-8; died Feb. 1668, aged
about 66. He marr. about 29th May 1629,
Elizabeth, daugh. of Andrew Sturgeon of
Torrorie, and sister of Mrs Anna Aber-
crombie, servitrix to the Princess of
Orange. She survived her husband, and
was charged Avith dilapidating his estate,
and other misdemeanours. He had issue —
William, died s.p. in 1686 ; Elizabeth (marr.
12th Nov. 1685, Robert Ramsay, min. of
Prestonpans).— [Edin. Sas., i., 32; P. C.
Decreets, 14th Jan. 1686 ; Reg. Old Dec. ;
Dal/i-eith, Perth, and Jedhuryh Presb.
Re<js. ; Edin. (Marr.} and Test. Regs. ;
Wodrow's and Stevenson's 1 lists. : Acts of
Ass. ; Inq. Ret. Gen., 6798.]
cbaI)Pe11' M-A-; trans- from Chirn-
side ; pres. by William, Earl of Rox
burghe, 1st Sept., coll. before 3rd, and adm.
and inst. 24th Nov. 1668: trans, to Jed-
burgh 20th Sept. 1682.
ADAM PEACOCK, M.A. (Edinburgh,
18th July 1664); ord. to Ednam in
1609 ; trans, and coll. before 2nd,
and inst. llth Jan. 1683 ; dep. by the Com
mission of Assembly 1st Jan. 1695 for
negligence, neglect of family worship, etc.
He opened a meeting-house in Stirling
towards the end of Aug. 1703, where he
was interrupted in the course of preaching
by Bailie John Allan and others, and im
prisoned for " intruding upon their church.''''
On being liberated at the order of James,
Earl of Seafield, Lord High Chancellor, he
raised a process for wrongous imprison
ment before the Court of Session, who
assoilzied the magistrates 5th Jan. 1704.
He appealed to Parliament, but further
proceedings do not appear. He removed
to Edinburgh, where he was convicted
before the Lords of Justiciary, 22nd June
1717, of not praying for George I., in
terms of the Act of Toleration, and was
inhibited from any ministerial functions for
three years. He died 7th July 1721, aged
about 78. He marr., and had issue —
Margaret ; Jean (marr., cont. dated 15th
July 1731, Robert Smith, writer, Edin
burgh) ; Marion.— [AVf/. of Decreed, Dal-
rymple, 6th Feb. 1752 : Ednam ties.*. Ren. :
Edin. Re<j. (Bur.); Fountainhall's Dec.,
ii. ; Rule's Sec. Vindication; J/,s'. Ace. of
Min,, 1689.]
[WILLIAM VEITCH, M.A., Covenanter:
1688 having ned from Scotland, returned
at the Toleration. He was called
to this parish, and ministered at Whitton
Chapel from April 1688 to 1690, when he
was adm. to Peebles.]
JOHN SIMSON,a native of the county ;
169? M.A. (Edinburgh, llth July 1687) ;
licen. by Presb. of Kelso 3rd July
1694; ord. to Yetholm 27th Sept. 1694:
called 19th May, and adm. 24th Nov.
1697; died 2nd March 1723, in his 56th
year. His friend Thomas Boston, min. of
Ettrick, describes him as " a serious, good
man, pathetic, zealous, and popular as a
preacher, with substantial sermons, having
a ready gift, concerned to gain souls, blessed
with a great measure of his Master's coun
tenance, and most acceptable to the people."
He marr. 10th June 1696, Anna Baxter,
Liberton, who died 30th Oct. 1712, aged 52,
and had issue — James, min. of Wilton ;
Andrew; Jean. — [Libeyfon Sess. Rea. ;
Boston's Mem. : Tombst. : Brown's d'ospel
1725 1705) : licen. by Presb. of Kelso 27th
March 1712 : ord. to Simprin 19th
j March 1717: pros, by John, Duke of Rox-
burghe, Sept. 1723 : trans, and adm. (at
Linton, on account of opposition, mobbing
having taken place twice during the steps
towards his settlement) 4th March 1725.
His manse was destroyed by fire 8th Jan.
1727, when four volumes of the Synod
Register were burnt. He died 16th March
1739, in his 52nd year. He marr. 12th
Nov. 1719, Sarah, daugh. of Gilbert Laurie,
min. of Hutton, and had issue — Gilbert ;
Sarah ; Andrew ; James : Matthew; Helen.
— \_Ifnt1on .Vo'x. Rc<j. : Acts of Ass., 1725;
7'om/ixt. : Wodrow's L'o/'ilcsj>.'\
ANDREW CHATTO, licen. by Presb. of
174Q Kelso 6th Sept, 1737 ; pres. by John,
Duke of Roxburghc, Sept. 1739 :
ord. 20th March 1740; died 20th June
1770, in his 55th year. He marr. 29th Sept.
1747, Agnes Tennant of Handaxwood, who
died 6th March 1769, and had issue — John,
W.S. apprentice 1766, born 15th Nov. 1749 ;
Isobel, born 26th Jan. 1751 ; Alexander,
born 25th March 1752; Christian, born 7th
Aug. 1753; William, born 7th May 1757;
Agnes, born 8th Oct. 1760 (marr. John
Rutherford of Mossburnford) ; Margaret,
born 26th April 1762 ; Mary, born 1st Dec.
1763; Andrew, born 21st Aug. 1765, died
! 3rd March 1766.— [Carlyle's A-utob.]
WILLIAM SIMPSON, pres. by John,
| 1771 Duke of Roxburghe, llth July 1770 ;
ord. Ibth April 1771 ; pres. to Tol-
booth Parish, Edinburgh, July 1784. This
presentation was withdrawn, and he was
trans, to Lady Tester's Parish, Edinburgh,
9th June 1785.
JAMES RICHARDSON, licen. by Presb.
1786 of Kelso 1st April 1755 ; ord. by
it, 15th' April 1762, as assistant in
a Presbyterian congregation at Sunder-
land, whence he removed to Yorkshire ;
adm. to Oxnam 8th Nov. 1764; pros, by
John, Duke of Roxburghe, Aug. 1785;
trans, and adm. 6th July 1786; died 8th
Feb. 1807, in his 76th year. He marr.
26th Nov. 1764, Jean (died April 1823),
daugh. of Andrew Ker of Under Chatto,
and had issue — John, born 28th July
1765 ; Kerr, born 4th Feb. 1767 ; William,
born 20th Jan. 1768, died 25th July 1774 ;
Henry, born 16th Oct. 1769; Charles,
born 2nd Jan. 1773, died 3rd July 1775 ;
Cicely, born 22nd May 1774 ; Tsobel,
born 10th May 1776 (marr. 4th Oct. 1808,
William Middleton, lieut. Forfar Militia).—
180? Sir James Norcliffe Innes, Bart., 22nd
Dec. 1806, and by Walter Ker of
Littledean, 20th Jan. 1807 ; ord. (assistant
and successor) 8th Oct. following; trans,
to Cordon 5th May 1814.
WALTER MORISON, born 6th April
1778, son of David M., min. of the
Associate Antiburgher congregation
at Morebattle, and Margaret Inglis ; licen.
by Presb. of Edinburgh 29th Jan. 1806;
ord. to Cordon 24th Sept. 1807 ; pres. by
James, Duke of Roxburghe, and adm. 12th
May 1814; died 29th Jan. 1844. The
churches of father and son were within
a stone-cast. Both ministers respected
each other's opinions, though it is on
record that M.'s mother submitted to an
admonition from her husband's session for
having on one occasion heard her son
preach in the parish church. He marr.
Margaret Sutherland, who died 1865-6, and
had issue — David, born 4th Jan. 1806, died
23rd July 1842 ; John, born 18th Feb. 1808 ;
Walter, born 1st July 1809; William, born
9th Feb. 1811 ; James, born 21st Jan. 1815,
died 24th March 1815 ; James, born 14th
March 1816 ; Alexander, born 15th June
1818, died 3rd Oct. 1821 ; Thomas, born
29th Sept. 1820, died 13th Sept. 1821 ;
Alexander, born 26th Oct. 1823 ; Thomas,
min. of Methil, born 29th April 1825.
Publications — Account of the Parish (Neiu
Stat. Ace., iii.) ; Articles in the Edinburgh
JOSEPH THOMSON, born 18th Jan.
1844 1793' S°n °f J°lin T'' town'clerk
of Jedburgh; educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh; licen. by Presb. of Jedburgh
5th Oct. 1814 ; assistant at Caerlanrig ;
ord. to Ednam 3rd Aug. 1819; trans, and
adm. 30th May 1844 ; died 16th Aug. 1855.
He marr. (1) 29th July 1823, Margaret
Hunter (died s.p. 7th Aug. 1844, aged 43),
daugh. of Thomas Samuel Hardie, D.D.,
min. of Ashkirk : (2) 15th Aug. 1848, Eliza
beth Frances (died s.p. 28th July 1884),
daugh. of Charles Robson, Lurdenlaw,
Sprouston, and widow of Dr Maitland,
New Abbot, Devonshire. Publications—
Sermons (Kelso, 1856); Account of the
Parish of Ednam (New Stat. Ace., iii.).
JOHN CLEN, born Glasgow, 6th July
1856 1829' only son °f George G>> mcr"
chant, and Margaret Scales ; edu
cated at Univ. of Glasgow and at Halle ;
licen. by Presb. of Islay 29th Nov. 1854 ;
pres. by James, Duke of Roxburghe, 3rd
Nov. 1855; ord. 6th March 1856; died at
Portsmouth, 4th July 1876. He marr. 25th
March 1856, Jean (died 2nd April 1882),
only daugh. of James Napier, engineer,
Glasgow, and had issue — Ninian, M.A.,
C.A., Glasgow, born 8th Jan. 1857, died
29th July 1912; James, M.A., writer,
Glasgow, born 8th Oct. 1858 ; Mary, born
14th June 1860 ; Bowie, born 3rd Nov.
1861 (marr. William Stuart Pettigrew,
manufacturer, Glasgow) ; Lawrence, ship
owner, Glasgow, born 12th July 1863 ;
William, shipbroker, Glasgow, born 27th
Sept. 1866, died 21st Oct. 1911.
DAVID PAUL, M.A. ; ord. (assistant
and successor) 29th July 1869 ;
trans, to Roxburgh 8th Feb. 1876.
Dec. 1850, son of Samuel C., min. of
Kelton ; educated at Univs. of Glas
gow and Edinburgh ; M.A. (Glasgow 1869),
| B.D. (Edinburgh 1873) ; licen. by Presb. of
| Kirkcudbright 3rd Dec. 1873 ; assistant at
St Stephen's, Edinburgh ; ord. 19th July
1876. Marr. (1) 10th Jan. 1877, Margaret
Anne (died 25th Jan. 1881), daugh. of
William Welsh, C.E., Enrick, Kirkcud-
bright, and had issue — Samuel Hunter,
Major R.E., born 21st April 1878 : (2) 16th
Aug. 1899, Jane Elizabeth Fleming, daugh.
of Thomas Leishman, D.D., min. of Linton.
[As early as 1157 the church of Mow
belonged to the Abbey of Kelso. It is
said to have been dedicated to St Helen,
but on somewhat scanty evidence. Before
16th Dec. 1635 Morebattle and Mow were
ROBERT KER, trans, from Mertoun :
pres- '^ JRmes ^ I- -:}rd Jan- 1579.
In 1580 Linton, Hownam, and More-
battle were in the charge. He took up his
residence at Morebattle about 1582.— [AY'/.
ROBERT MARTIN, MA.: pres. by
James VI. 6th July, and adm. after
23rd Sept. 1617: trans, to Ettrick
in 1618.— [Re<j. Sec. ,SYf/.]
[Early in the twelfth century there was
at Nenthorn a chapel of the parish of
Ednam. There was another at Xewton
Don. The ancient parochical name, written
Nathansthyrne, was probably Xechtans-
thorn. About 1 160 Xenthorn and Xewton
Don both belonged to the Priory of Colcl-
ingham. In 1316 William of Lamberton,
Bishop of St Andrews, granted them to the
Abbey of Kelso, in exchange for Cranstoun
and Preston in Midlothian. Bishop David
de Bernham died here about 1252. The
foundations of the ancient church of Xen
thorn can still be traced in the centre of
the churchyard. A church was erected in
1802 a short distance from the original
site. The chapel of Xewton probably stood
where there is now the old burial-place of
the Dons of Xewton Don. The united
parish, disjoined from the Presb. of Lauder,
was annexed to the Presb. of Kelso, 28th
May 1776.]
WILLIAM ORMISTOX, called before
the Privy Council in 1569, appar
ently as a non conforming priest,
was reader in 1574. \_Rey. 8ec. Siy., ii., 40.]
1579 THOMAS DAVIDSOX, reader.
1580 THOMAS RAXDELSOX, reader.
DUNCAN WALKER, min. of Ednam ;
1594 Pres> to ^ie Vicara8e by James VI.
before 24th May 1594, but continued
to reside at Ednam.
15gg of David S. of that ilk : appears as
min. of Bolton in 1576, of Lesma-
hagow in 1578, of Cramond in 1580, of
Mordingtou in 1581 : was on the Exercise
at Edinburgh in 1596 ; pres. to the vicarage
by James VI. 17th May 1599 ; died before
30th Aug. 1611. His wife was a Haitlie
of Mellerstain. Shu survived him. — \_Re<j.
Assiy.'jEdin. and lladdimjton J'rcsli. Reys. ;
M'Crie's JAV/vYfr, ii.]
ANDREW KIXXEAR, from Presb. of
1611 ^eiSle : ^'--^ (St Andrews, 22nd
•July 1608) ; pres. by James VI. 30th
Aug. 1611 ; passed trials before the Presb.
of Melrose, and recommended to the Arch
bishop for ordination 5th Dec. 1611. He
was still min. 13th Feb. 1648. He marr.
Margaret Ker (alive 6th Aug. 1667, when
she petitioned the Synod for charity),
and had issue — James and Andrew. —
[Re<j. of Deeds, dlviii., 148, 1643; AY,'/.
Ass. ; tito'H' >sVs,s. Jlf<f. : /iannati/ne Miscell.,
JAMES FLETCHER, probably a native
1660 of Dundee ; M.A. (St Andrews, 20th
July 1650) : adm. 2nd Feb. 1660 ;
deprived by Act of Parliament llth June,
and Decreet of the Privy Council 1st Oct.
1662. He returned in 1669.— [Wod row's
I fist . ; Re<j. Old Dec.]
1664 ^aws>'^e' residing in Kelso ; passed
trials before this Presb., and was
recommended for license to the Archbishop,
17th March 1663. He was proposed for
Tundergarth, but preferred Xenthorn, and
was ord. and coll. 10th June 1664.— [Kelso
Presb. and Stow Sess. Regs. : Key. Coll at. .]
noticed ; indulged by the Privy
Council 2nd Sept. TGG9. On 31st
July 1673 he was fined for not observing
the anniversary of the Restoration ; de
prived at Circuit Court at Duns in 1684,
being then the only indulged min. in the
counties of Berwick, Roxburgh, Peebles,
and Selkirk. He died at St Leonard's
Hospital, Ednam, in 1690, aged about 60.
Besides other legacies, he left to the mins.
and sessions of Dundee, " for the poor of
the town, the fifth part of Provost Parker's
Land, with 1000 merks, and my whole
books to William Brown and Robert Stark,
preachers of the Gospel, and John Craig,
writer, Edinburgh, to be equally divided,
except my great Inglis Bible, with half
a dozen of practical pieces, to Thomas
Auchinleck, which he shall choose." He
marr. Margaret Bower, who survived him,
and had a claugh. (marr. Thomas Auch
inleck, apothecary in Duns). — [Wodrow's
Hist. ; Chirnside Presb. and Dundee Sess.
Regs. ; Tablet of Dundee Mortifications.]
ROBERT CALDER, bom in Moray-
shire, probably at Elgin, 1658. He
matriculated at the Univ. and King's
College, Aberdeen, 1674 ; graduated in 1678 ;
min. of this parish in 1689. Deprived by
the Privy Council, 3rd Sept. that year,
for not reading the Proclamation declaring
William and Mary king and queen, and
for praying for King James. From 2nd
March 1693 to 8th Jan. 1694, according to
his own account, he was imprisoned in Edin
burgh Tolbooth, for having exercised his
ministerial functions. On being liberated
he went to Aberdeen, where he officiated in
his own house, using the Book of Common
Prayer. On the order to shut up all Epis
copal chapels in Scotland he was compelled
to quit Aberdeen, and for a time resided
in Elgin, where he preached. On Good
Friday, 1707, he was summoned before the
Privy Council for a proposed observance
of the Lord's Supper on Easter Day. Not
complying, he was ordered to leave Elgin,
and threatened with banishment should he
return within twelve miles of the city. He
settled in Edinburgh, where he ministered
to a congregation in Toddrick's Wynd, and
died 28th May 1723. He marr. Grace
Toward, who after his deprivation sup
ported herself by conducting a school
in Edinburgh. Publications — He is the
reputed author of Scotch Presbyterian
Eloquence Displayed (London, 1693). His
other works comprise : — Three single Ser
mons (Aberdeen, 1701 ; Edinburgh, 1708) ;
Reasons for a Toleration of the Episcopal
Clergy (Edinburgh, 1703) ; The Divine
Right of Episcopacy (Edinburgh, 1705);
Tlie Lav'f ulness and Expediency of Set
Forms of Prayer (Edinburgh, 1706); The
Genuine Epistles of Ignatius, translated bi/
Dr Wake, with a Vindication of them by
Du J'in, and a Short Answer to Mr William
Jameson's Nazianzeni Querela, where he
Impugns the Authority of the foresaid
Epistles (Edinburgh, 1708) ; The Lawful
ness and, Necessity of Observing the Anni
versary Fasts and Festivals of the Church
(Edinburgh, 1710) ; A Letter to James
Hog of Carnock (Edinburgh, 1710) ; The
Countryman's Idea of a Gospel Minister
(Edinburgh, 1711) ; The Nail Struck on
the Head, or, An Indictment drawn vp
against Mr Anderson, Incumbent at Dum
barton (Edinburgh, 1712); Remarks on
Dialogue I. respecting the Oath of Abjura
tion (1712); Miscellany Numbers [forty in
all], relating to the Controversy about the
Book of Common Prayer, Episcopal Govern
ment, the Power of the Church in ordering
Rites and Ceremonies, etc. (Edinburgh,
1713); The Spirit of Slander exemplified
in a scandalous Pamphlet called the Jacobite
Cause (Edinburgh, 1714); The Priesthood
of the Old and New Testament by Suc
cession, two parts (Edinburgh, 1716-17) ;
"Verses on King James's Death" (Anal.
Scot., i.) ; " Roundell on the Death of Mr
Williamson, and Answer thereto " (Scottish
Pasquils, i.) ; The Anti Counter - Querist
Counter - queried (n.d.) ; Queries to the
Presbyterians (n.d.). — [J/*S'. Ace. of Min.,
1689 ; Edin. Reg. (Bur.} ; Kirkton's Hist. ;
Peterkin's Constitut. of the Church ; Diet.
Nat. Biog. ; Story's William Carstares ;
Craven's Episcopal Church in J/ora?/.]
WILLIAM BROWN, born 1642, son of
David B. of Park, Earlston ; edu
cated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; M.A.
(19th July 1661) ; called Dec. 1691 ; ord.
12th May 1692; died unmarr. 17th Nov.
that year. — [Tombst. on. ivall of Earlston
JAMES KER of Crookedshaws, born
1696 1671 ; M.A. (Edinburgh, 18th July
1692) ; licen. by Presb. of Kelso 23rd j
April 1695; ord. 30th April 1696; died
26th Jan. 1754. He marr. before 1714, |
Sophia (died 5th May 1759), daugh. of
John Veitch, min. of Westruther, and had
issue — Abraham, his successor ; William,
farmer, Clerkington ; Janet. — [ Westruther
Sess. Reg. ; Louder Tests. ; Tombst.]
ABRAHAM KER, born 1714, elder son
1754 °^ Preceding ', educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of
Kelso 3rd April 1739; pres. by George
III. 25th March, and ord. 10th Sept. 1754;
died unmarr. 24th March 1793. Publica
tion — Account of the Parish (Sinclair's
Stat. Ace.., vi.).
GAVIN WALLACE, born 25th Feb.
-,___ 1750, son of Archibald W., min. of
the Wester Meeting-house, Wooler ;
educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; M.A. (1768) ;
licen. by the Northumberland Classis, and j
ord. to Lowick 14th March 1781 ; pres. by
George III. 8th May, and adm. to this
charge 19th Sept. 1793 ; died 19th Jan.
1834. He marr. 5th Sept. 1781, Anne
Bradshaw, who died 26th June 1811, and
had issue — Jean, born 10th Aug. 1782;
Archibald, born 25th Aug. 1787, died
2nd Oct. 1794 ; Dorothy, born 27th May
1790 ; Ebenezer Bradshaw, min. of Barr,
born 19th June 1792; Gershoma Hannah,
born 19th Sept. 1793 (marr. her father's
JOHN GIFFORD, born Dunragit, Glen-
luce, 7th Jan. 1795, second son of
James G., farmer, and Jane Dal-
rymple ; educated at Univ. of Glasgow ;
licen. by Presb. of Stranraer 9th Aug. 1820 ;
pres. by William IV., and ord. (assistant
and successor) 2nd Oct. 1832 ; died 28th
June 1854. He marr. 1832, Gershoma
Hannah (died at Togher House, Holly-
mount, Co. Mayo, 1st July 1875), daugh.
of his predecessor, and had issue — Anne
Bradshaw, born 10th Feb. 1835, died un
marr. 16th Dec. 1911 ; Jane Dalrymple
Dorothy, born llth Sept. 1836 (marr. 27th
June 1865, Allan Kirkwood Algie of Togher
House), died 14th Oct. 1911 ; James Gavin,
farmer, born 25th July 1837, died at Ti
Awamutu, Auckland, N.Z., 27th May 1901.
Publication — Account of the Parish (ATew
Stat. Ace., ii.).
1855 GRAHAM, ord. 13th Feb. 1855;
trans, to Maxton 12th Oct. 1865.
JOHN BARCLAY, ord. 1st March 1866 ;
trans, to Old Kilpatrick 19th Sept.
above min. in 1855 ; ord. 12th March
1868 ; trans, to Hyndland Chapel-of-
Ease, Glasgow, 31st Oct. 1884.
DAVID ANDERSON, born Glasgow,
22nd April 1848, son of Alexander
A., manufacturer ; educated at
Univ. of Glasgow, and at Tubingen and
Bonn ; licen. by Presb. of Dumbarton 7th
June 1881 ; missionary at Guisachan ;
assistant at Longforgan and at Selkirk ;
ord. 21st April 1885 ; res. 21st May 1900.
He marr. 14th Sept. 1887, Emma Louisa,
daugh. of Robert Hutchison, merchant,
Kirkcaldy, and has issue — Alexander
Frederick Berenbruch, architect, lieut.
Royal Scots, born 22nd July 1888 ; Joanna,
born 29th Dec. 1890.
Sanquhar, 21st June 1863, son of
William Y., schoolmaster, and Cathe
rine Hume Finlay ; educated at High
School and Univ. of Edinburgh ; M.A.
(1884) ; licen. by Presb. of Dalkeith 1887 ;
assistant at Maxwelltown and at Peebles ;
ord. 20th Sept. 1900. Marr. 6th Feb. 1901,
Isabella Kennedy, daugh. of John Wilson
and Isabella Smith, and has issue — Isabella
Kennedy, born 19th March 1902.
[Between 1153 and 1160 Malcolm IV.
granted ''to the Church of St Mungo of
Glasgow and to Bishop Herbert and his
successors, the Church of Auld Roxburgh
with all its appurtenances in the chapels
and parishes, in lands and waters, in
meadows and pastures, as Ascellin the
Archdeacon held it in the time of King
David." A church erected in 1752 has
undergone various alterations. The old
church was dedicated to the Holy Sepulchre.
.) ust outside the royal burgh of Roxburgh
and in this parish, stood St Peter's Priory
of the Grey Friars. About a mile off,
also in this parish, was St Magdalene's
TH UXE] (primus), of Creich and
Nether Rires, Fife, second son of
Robert B. of Creich, Master of the House
hold to Mary, Queen of Scots, and Joanna
Ivenwall or Gryssoner, maid of honour to
the Queen Dowager, Mary of Lorraine
[his sister, Mary Beaton, was one of the
" four Marys "] ; became min. of this parish
about 1569, on the deprivation of Sir John
Ker (last of the Roman incumbents), who
did not conform. In 1579 he succeeded his
brother David in the family estates, clem.,
and retired to Creich. He died about 1618.
He marr. (1) 1573, Helen Leslie (died
June 1577), heiress of Kinnaird, widow
of James Barroun, merchant, Edinburgh,
by whom he had two daughs., who died
unmarr. : (2) cont. 5th April 1578, Mar
garet (died Sept. 1636), daugh. of David
Wemyss of Wemyss, and had issue — David,
seventh Laird of Creich ; John ; Robert ;
Archibald ; Margaret (marr., cont. 22nd
April 1598, William Fernie, younger, of
Wester Fernie) ; Elizabeth (marr., cont.
4th, 6th, and 10th Feb. 1604, David, Vis-
(•ount Stormont), died 21st Jan. 1658 :
Catherine (marr. James Forbes, portioner
of Kilmany) ; Helen. — [Reg. Assig. ; St
Andrew* Tests.; Reg. Mag. Sig., vi., 1998;
Reg. Sec. Sig., ii., 40 ; Hist. Berwick. Nat.
Club, xvi., 383 ; Macfarlane's Gen. Coll. :
Scots Peerage.]
JAMES BEATON (secundm), third son
1579 of JOHN B. of Balfour (nephew of
Cardinal Beaton), and Agnes An-
struther ; probably min. of Glencairn in
1574 ; pres. by James VI. 22nd Oct. 1579 :
member of Assembly in 1606, and then
styled "old." He died probably in 1607.
He marr. Isobel Gilray, who died 20th Jan.
1600, and had issue. — [Calderwood's Hist.,
vi., 626 ; Reg. Assig. ; Knox's Works, ii.;
Piooke of the Kirk ; Wood's East Neuk of
Fife : Hist. Berwick. Xat. C!i<b, xvi., 389.]
WILLIAM WEMYSS, was appointed by
the Presb. of Jedburgh to be ord. at
Eccles 3rd March 1607, but that was
not done, " be reason that the parochiners
withstood his admission." He was adm.
to this charge after 4th Oct. 1608. He
signed the Protestation for the Liberties
of the Kirk 27th June 1617 ; still min.
7th Oct. 1634. He marr. 29th May 1606,
Isobel Hewat. and had issue — William,
his successor, min. in 1641 ; Jean, bapt.
22nd Jan. 1607 ; Isobel.— [Jedburgh and
Melrose Presb. Regs. ; Edin. Reg. (Marr.
(nut Bapt.); Reg. Assig. ; Orig. Lett., ii.]
1635 burgh, 26th July 1634) ; dep. before
22nd Oct. 1639, and left the country
before 5th May 1640. He had £50 voted
by Parliament, 21st June 1661, " on account
of his loyalty." — [Acts of Parl .. vi.]
WILLIAM WEMYSS, born 1606, son of
william w-> min- in 1608; M-A.
(Edinburgh, 21st July 1632); pres.
by Robert, Earl of Roxburghe, and ord.
23rd March 1641 ; chaplain to the Earl of
Roxburghe's Regiment in England ; died
17th March 1658. He marr. Isobel, daugh.
of Thomas Moir, min. of Morebattle, who
survived him, and had issue — William, men
tioned as eldest son in 1655. — [Tombst.]
TON], son of Andrew H., smith,
burgess of Edinburgh ; M.A. (Edin
burgh, 15th July 1641); probably deprived
of his license, but restored by Presb. of
Edinburgh 14th June 1654; chaplain to I
William, Earl of Roxburghe ; called 22nd
Aug. 1658 ; adm. 13th June 1660. He peti
tioned Parliament to confirm the Presby
tery's resolution to allow ,him the stipend
from the date of his coll., which was granted
3rd April 1661. He conformed to Episco
pacy, and was inst. after 6th Dec. 1664 ;
died between 7th Nov. 1671 and 6th Feb.
1672. He marr. 2nd April 1663, Margaret
Haliburton, who was buried at Greyfriars,
Edinburgh, 23rd Feb. 1697, and had issue—
Marion.— [Acts and Dec., Dal., xxi., 10th
Nov. 1666 ; Acts of Parl,, vii. ; Edin. Reg.
JOHN DALGLEISH, pres. by William,
Earl of Roxburghe, March 1672 ; ord.
by Robert Leighton, Archbishop of
Glasgow (the Presb. concurring), 26th
March 1673. "The benefice being too
small, he was obliged to follow another
employment and leave his cure, much
regretted by the people." He went to
Queensferry, but returned in 1690.—
[Ing. Ret. den., 5933; Dunbar Pre&l).
JOHN KER, son of Alexander K.,
min. of Grange; M.A. (Marischal
College, Aberdeen, 1677); school
master of Grange, 1677-9 ; coll. before
3rd, and inst. 10th April 1683. He was
accused before the Privy Council, 26th
Sept. 1689, of only partly reading the
Royal Proclamation, and of praying for
James VII. He was acquitted, and prob
ably retired from the parish.— [MS. Ace.
of Min., 1689 ; Peterkin's Constitut. of the
noticed; trans, from Queensferry,
and adm. 4th Nov. 1690; trans, to
Old Machar in 1696, but not settled ; trans.
to Dundee 27th Aug. 1700.— [Acts of Ass.,
(Edinburgh 1677) ; ord. to Colvend
4th Oct. 1692; called in 1701;
trans, and adm. 23rd July 1702 ; deprived
for Jacobitism 14th Aug. 1717. The
charge of disloyalty is stated to have
arisen from his drinking the Chevalier's
health at Kelso, in company of the Jaco
bite troops, doing so from no bad inten
tion, but merely to please Mackintosh,
the commander, and to recover a horse
which the soldiers had stolen from him.
The Countess of Roxburghe gave him a
cottage at Cessford, where he resided for
a time. On 27th Aug. 1729 he was adm.
min. of Dawyck, where he died unmarr.
22nd Feb. 1742.— [Acts of Ass., 1717, 1723;
Sinclair's Stat. Ace., xix.]
JOHN POLLOCK, licen. by Presb. of
Glasgow 29th Jan. 1701 ; ord. to
Glencairn 26th May 1704. He
marched to Stirling in 1715 in support of
the Hanoverian cause ; pres. by John,
Duke of Roxburghe, and by the Presb.
jure devoluto 1st April, trans, and adm.
24th June 1718; died unmarr. 12th Aug.
1734. Publication— An Answer to the first
part of Humble Pleadings, or a Vindication
of the Church of Scotland from the Unjust
Aspertions of Mr Heplurn [min. of Urr]
ami his Party (Dumfries [Rae Press], 1717).
— [Nisbet's Heraldry, ii. ; Sinclair's Stat.
Ace., xix.]
ROBERT HOGG, a native of the
parish; licen. by Presb. of Kelso
5th Dec. 1732; pres. by John,
Duke of Roxburghe, and ord. llth June
1735; died 2nd Feb. 1781, in his 77th
year. He marr. 31st Dec. 1743, Mary
Home, who died 8th March 1810, and had
issue— Isobel, born 17th Oct. 1744 (marr.
26th Dec. 1765, Robert Mein, portioner of
Roxburgh); Alexander, born llth May
1746, died 14th June 1774; Elizabeth,
born 21st Oct. 1748 (marr. 1st July 1768,
Andrew Leadhouse, Roxburgh) ; Charlotte,
born 23rd July 1750 (marr. 12th Jan. 1773,
William Brown, merchant, London) ; Mary,
born 6th July 1752; Christian, born 19th
Jan. 1755, died 4th Aug. 1834 ; Veronica,
born 19th March 1757, died 1st Oct. 1821.
ANDREW BELL, born 1755: educated
1781 at Univ- of St Andrews; licen. by
Presb. of Jedburgh 23rd Aug. 1779 ;
pre.s. by John, ])uke of Hoxburghe. and
ord. 29th Xov. 1781 ; died 29th April 1819.
He man-. 3rd Sept. 1789, Janet Cairns,
who died 26th June 1818, aged 63. and
had issue— Alison, born 15th June 1790 :
George Cranstoun, born 18th Xov. 1791,
died 16th Feb. 1793: Isobel, born 3rd
Sept. 1793: George Cranstoun, born
13th Feb. 1795: William, born 24th July
1796; John, born 15th Oct. 1798; Agnes,
born 5th July 1800.— [Tomlxt.']
JAMES HOPE, born Dumfriesshire,
1819 l787-: licen- l)y presb. of Annan
4th May 1814; pres. by James.
Duke of Roxburghe, 4th June, and ord.
23rd Sept, 1819: died 7th March 1843.
He marr. 15th Dec. 1835, Marion (died at
Linlithgow, 8th July 1849), daugh. of James
Young, min. of Eckford, and had issue-
Marion, born 21st Jan. 1838 : John, born
21st Dec. 1839 : James, born 18th March
1841 ; Margaret, born 29th July 1842.
Publication— Account of the Parish LVw
Mat. Ace., iii.).—[Tombst.]
WILLIAM LEE, pres. by James, Duke
1843 of Roxburghe, 8th April, and ord.
29th June 1843 ; dem. on appoint
ment as Professor of Ecclesiastical His
tory in the Univ. of Glasgow, 1st June
DAVID PAUL, M.A. : trans, from
1876 M°rebattle, and adm. 8th Feb.
1876 ; trans, to Robertson Memorial
(Grange) Parish, Edinburgh, 15th July
1897 born Hillsborough, Co. Down, 23rd
May 1856, son of William Mathers ;
educated at Queen's College, Belfast'
B.A. (1877), LL.B. (1879), LL.D. (1880)
M.A. (1882), and Edinburgh Univ. ; licen'
by Presb. of Edinburgh 17th June 1884 ;
assistant at Newington and at St Cuth-
bert's, Edinburgh; ord. 25th Feb. 1897
Marr. 8th Dec. 1903, Annie, daugh. of
James Beveridge.
[Sproiiston. — The church of Sprou.ston,
dedicated to St Michael, was given by
King David I. to the monks of Kelso
early in the twelfth century. In 1781 the
church was rebuilt on the old site.
Lempitlaw \v&8 granted in 1122, with all
its lands and pertinents, to the House of
the Holy Trinity at Soltra. The date of
its union with Sprouston is unknown. No
trace now remains of a proprietary chapel
which once existed at Hadden.]
1574 ANDREW HATSTIE, reader.
ROBERT YOUNG, reader, 1576 to
1576 1580.
1605 of An(ll'ew S., min. of Dalkeith ;
M.A. (St Andrews 1602); pres. by
James VI. 16th March 1605 ; a member of
the Glasgow Assembly in 1638 ; died before
Oct. 1656, aged about 73. He marr. (name
unknown), and had issue — James, his
successor ; Robert, collector of Midlothian ;
Mary (marr. (1), cont. 17th May 1650,
Hugh Binning, min. of Covan; (2) James
Gordon, min. of Comber, Co. Down.)—
[_G. 7i'. Horning^ nth March 1674 ; TiV/.
Assif/. ; Reg. Olfl Dec. : Stevenson's Hist.,
Baillie's Lett.}
JAMES SIMSON, son of preceding:
1645 adni- (^league) Aug. 1645; trans!
to Airth 28th May 1648, but was not
settled there until 1650.
SAMUEL ROW, son of Archibald R.,
1655 min> of Stobo; M.A. (Edinburgh
1629) ; obtained a charge in Ireland ;
adm. to Second Charge, Dunfermline, in
1638 ; trans, to Kirkmabreck in 1640 ; adm.
irrespective of the Presb. by the Protesters
[Livingston of Ancrum, Somerville of
Ednam, Jamieson of Swinton, Ramsay of
Mordington, Douglas of Hilton, Rutherford
of Eccles, and Simson of Airth], all of whom
were either under censure or in process
before the Synod, 13th Dec. 1655. The
Presb. protested, and produced evidence of
undue influence by masters over servants,
" overawing and terrifying them ;; into
subscribing the call. R. was deprived by
the Synod, and the charge declared vacant.
He died at Edinburgh, June 1GG5, aged
about 56. He marr. (1) 28th Feb. 1639,
Margaret, claugh. of James Howburne [or
Cockburn], at the Common of Fossoway,
and had issue — Mary, born 16th Nov. 1639 ;
James, apprentice to William Ramsay,
merchant, Edinburgh, 18th May 1658 ;
Margaret : (2) Margaret (buried in Grey-
friars, Edinburgh, 13th Feb. 1673), daugh.
of William Row, min. of Forgandenny, and
had issue — Thomas. — [D unferml ine and
Torryburn Sess. Regs. : Edin. Reg. (Bur.) ;
Livingston's Characteristics ; Baillie's Lett. ;
Acts of Parl., vii. ; Wodrow's Hist. : Moray
Inventory J\
1642) ; licen. by Presb. of Lanark ;
ord. to Second Charge, Linlithgow,
26th April 1648 ; trans, to Whittinge-
hame May 1654 ; pros, by Charles II. 13th
July, and adm. between 18th and 25th
Sept. 1661 ; had confirmation of Thurston
with Thomas Dalrymple, apothecary, Edin
burgh, 10th Dec. 1672 ; died between 3rd
Oct. 1683 and 16th Oct. 1685. He marr.
Elizabeth Whyte, who survived him, and
had issue — Thomas, apothecary, Kelso ;
Jean ; Agnes. — [D unbar Presb. Key. ; Edin.
Sas., xxi. ; Guild, Counc., and Test. Regs.,
Peebles; Min.-book Rrg. Prit'i/ Seal, v. ;
Wodrow's Hist.]
College, Aberdeen, July 1673) ; licen.
by Presb. of Dalkeith ; mentioned
as min. here in 1689 ; deprived by the
Privy Council 3rd Sept. 1689, for not
reading the Proclamation of the Estates,
and for praying for James VII. The Edin
burgh Town Council passed Acts in his
favour 25th March 1691 and 3rd Feb.
1693. He died at Edinburgh, 13th Jan.
1712, aged about 58. He marr. (name un
known), and had issue— George, merchant,
Bath ; William, optician, Edinburgh. —
[Peterkin's Constitut. of the Church ; MS.
Ace. of Min., 1689 ; Edin. Tests. ; Edin.
Counc. Reg. ; Edin. Reg. Bur.}.}
appears as a witness to baptisms at
1691 .Tedburgh in 1673 and 1674, and as
master of Jedburgh Grammar School,
probably from 1672 to 1682. He held a
charge (unidentified) within the bounds
of Jedburgh Presb., from which he was
trans, and adm. to this parish, 28th May
1691. He was a member of Assembly in
1692, and got 100 merks from the Town
Council of Edinburgh 8th July 1692 ; died
between 19th Oct. and 3rd Dec. 1702. He
marr., and had issue — John, D.D., min. of
Earlston, Principal of the Univ. of Edin
burgh. — [Edin. Counc. Reg.; Reg. G'c/i.
Ass., 1692 ; Watson's JeJInirgJi Grammar
NINIAN HOME of Billie, born 5th
Dec. 1670, son of Abraham H.,
tenant of Billieshill (descended from
William H. of St Leonard's), and Isobel
Trotter. He graduated M.A. at Edinburgh
Univ., and became schoolmaster of Fogo
and of Preston. Licen. by Presb. of Duns
7th April 1696, he was min. of Bunkle in
the same year. In 1701 he Avas deputed
by the Synod to aid in forming a Society
for the improvement of the manners of the
people. He was called to this charge 4th
July, and adm. 29th Nov. 1704. Deposed
for various offences 9th July 1716, and
reponed in October following ; he was
again dep. for Jacobitism 14th March
1718. He died in Covenant Close, Edin
burgh, 17th Dec. 1744. In the matter of
finance he is said to have been most suc
cessful, and this is shown by a list of
debts due to him at the time of his death.
He acquired the estates of Billie and Lint-
hill, and to him was due a retrieval of
the fortunes of the Wedderburn family.
George Home of Wedderburn joined the
Rebellion of 1715, and was attainted, his
estates going to the Crown. Ninian Home
bought up the claims against George H.,
and in 1725 granted a disposition of the
lands in favour of his family. He marr. (1)
7th Nov. 1700, Margaret, daugh. of James
Daes, advocate, of Cowdenknowes, Earlston,
and had issue — James of Billie, born 1701,
died 4th April 1724 ; Abraham, born 1702 ;
Abraham, born 1704; Charles, born 1705,
all died young ; Margaret, born 12th July
1706 (marr. Alexander Home of Mander-
ston), and was dead by 1737; Alexander
of Jardinefield, born 20th June 1709, died
at Branxton, 20th March 1709; George,
born 8th Sept. 1714, was wounded at
Fontenoy, and died in England, 1745.
[Ninian Home wished his son Alexander
to marry the eldest daugh. of George Home
of Wedderburn, but he refused, and marr.
instead her younger sister Tsobel. His
father then gave him the estate of Jardine
field, and dismissed him from his presence.]
(2) (cont. 21st April 1725), Margaret Home,
the lady his son had previously refused to
marry. By her he had issue— Ninian, born
18th March 1724, died s.p. 13th April 1740;
Patrick of Billie and Wedderburn, M.P. for
Berwickshire, born 22nd May 1728, died
s.p. at London, 19th Dec. 1808; Isobel,
born 21st March 1730, died unmarr. at
London, 1753 ; Abraham, born 22nd March
1731, died s.p. at Edinburgh, April 1753;
General David of Caldra and Wedderburn,
born 30th Dec. 1732, died s.p. 30th Dec.
1809 ; Jean of Wedderburn, born 20th
May 1734, died at Paxton, 9th Dec. 1812;
Andrew, born 12th Sept. 1735, died 1st
June 1740; Thomas, captain Royal Scots
Fusiliers, born 24th Jan. 1737, died 6th
May 1802; Margaret, born 2nd March
1738, died young; Elizabeth, born 27th
March 1739, died April 1789; Abraham,
born 20th Feb. 1744, died young. Ninian
Home's widow was brutally attacked by her
butler, Norman Ross, at Linthill House,
near Eyemouth, 13th Aug. 1751, and died
within three days. She was buried in the
ancient Norman apse of Bunkle Church. —
[Oxnam Churchyard ; Chirnside Presb. and
Bunkle Sess. Regs. ; Lander Tests. ; Edin.
Re<j. (Bur.} ; Reg. Gen. Ass., 1718 ; Boston's
Memoirs ; Milne Home Papers, p. 10 ;
Thomson's Coldingham ; Hist. Berwickshire
Nat. Club ; Henderson's Popular Rhymes
of Berwickshire ; Memoirs of an Aristocrat.]
GEORGE LOGAN, M.A. ; trans, from
Lauder ; pres. by John, Duke of
Roxburghe, 16th Oct. 1718 ; adm.
22nd Jan. 1719 ; trans, to Dunbar 24th
Jan. 1722.
1722 1697) ; licen- bv Presb- °f Kelso 9th
April 1700; ord. to Ednam 12th
Feb. 1702 ; pres. by John, Duke of Rox
burghe, and adm. 2nd Aug. 1722 ; died
3rd Feb. 1735, aged about 58.
CHARLES BAXTER, parish school
master; licen. by Presb. of Kelso
1st June 1731 ; pres. by John, Duke
of Roxburghe, and ord. 9th Oct. 1735;
died 21st March 1742. He marr. Mar
garet (died 10th June 1771), daugh. of
William Erskine, and had issue — Eliza
beth ; Catherine (marr., pro. 12th July
1761, William Cheape, manufacturer, Edin
burgh) ; William ; Charles.
1742 ^a^ 1^14' son °^ George T., min.
of Tynninghame ; licen. by Presb.
of Dalkeith 6th July, pres. by Robert,
Duke of Roxburghe, and ord. 23rd Dec.
1742 ; died unmarr. 29th June 1801. Pub
lication — Account of the Parish (Sinclair's
Stat. Ace., i., xxi.). — [Tynninghame Sess.
ANDREW THOMSON, pres. by John,
1802 Duke of Roxburghe> 24th J^y 1801 >
ord. llth March 1802 ; trans, to East
Parish, Perth, 31st March 1808.
[DAVID (afterwards Sir DAVID,
LL.D.) BREWSTER, son of James B.,
rector of the Grammar School of Jed-
burgh ; M.A. (Edinburgh, 12th April
1800) ; was pres. by Sir James Norcliffe
Innes Ker, Bart., 20th Sept. 1808. A com
peting presentation was made by the
Duchess of Roxburghe and General Ker
in favour of Ninian Trotter, and Brewster
withdrew, " on account of the anxiety and
expense of asserting his rights, and the pain
and discomfort of keeping the parish so
long unsupplied " (Home Life of Sir David
Breivster, 68).]
NINIAN TROTTER, born 1777, son
180g of George T., Kerchesters; licen.
by Presb. of Kelso 22nd June 1802;
pres. by the Dowager Duchess of Rox
burghe, and her husband, John Tollemache,
12th Aug., and by General Walter Ker of
Littledean 1st Oct. 1808, and by Sir James
Norcliffe Innes Ker, Bart., Aug. 1809 ; ord.
28th Sept, 1809 : died (of Asiatic cholera)
12th Oct. 1832. He was unmarr.
JOHN SYM. pres. by Mary, Duchess
1833 ^owaoer °f Roxburghe, 26th Nov.
1832 ; ord. 6th June 1833 ; trans, to
Old Greyfriars, Edinburgh, 25th Sept. 1834.
GEORGE CRAIG, born Glasgow, 8th
July 1805, fifth son of John C.,
merchant, and Agnes Wright ; edu
cated at Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by Presb.
of Glasgow 8th Nov. 1832 ; pres. by Mary,
Duchess Dowager of Roxburghe, and her
husband, 24th Oct. 1834 ; ord. 15th Jan.
1835. Joined the Free Church ; min. of
Sprouston Free Church (now St John's
U.F. Church, Kelso) in 1843 ; lived much
abroad after 1861, on account of his health,
and died 10th Feb. 1866. He marr. 2nd
Oct. 1844, Margaret M'Culloch (died 19th
Nov. 1865), daugh. of James Morrison, and
had issue— Janet Harvey, born 6th Aug.
1845, died unmarr. 10th Jan. 1913 ; Agnes
Marion, born 6th Feb. 1847 (marr. as his
first wife, Andrew Harper, D.D., Principal
of St Andrew's College, Univ. of Sydney),
died 22nd July 1885 ; John Thomas, M.A.,
Principal of Toorak College, Melbourne,
born 13th Sept. 1848, died 1st Sept. 1902;
Margaret M'Culloch Morrison, born 13th
March 1850 ; James Morrison, born 9th
March 1852, died 25th Dec. 1871 ; Isabella
Christina, born 20th Jan. 1855, died
2nd Sept, 1872. Publications— The Pro
ceedings of the late General Assembly
regarding the Auchterarder Case, Con
sidered and Defended (Glasgow, 1839) ;
Sermon at opening of North Parish
Church [Kelso] (Edinburgh, 1838); Ac
count of the Parish (New Stat. Ace., iii.) ;
Memoir, prefixed to Sym's Discourses. —
[Vide Discourses and Letters to his Con
gregation, with Memoir, ed. by Andrew
Cunningham (Kelso, 1867).]
1843 k°rn Belford, Northumberland, 1806,
son of Robert B. and Mary Orange ;
educated at Univs. of St Andrews and
Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh
26th April 1832; ord. min. of Stamford-
I ham Presbyterian Congregation 21st Aug.
! 1833 ; adm. to Larkhall 26th July 1838 ;
'. trans, to Auldfield (now Pollokshaws) 24th
: Sept, 1840 ; trans, and adm. 21st Sept. 1843 ;
died at Strathpeffer, 27th Aug. 1880. He
was widely known as a pomologist, and as an
authority in horticultural matters generally.
He marr. 17th March 1845, Mary Weather-
stone, who died 20th Oct. 1849, and had
issue — Robert, sheep farmer, Queensland,
born 14th March 1846, died 30th Nov.
1899 ; William, sheep farmer, Queensland,
born 5th Sept. 1847, died 3rd Jan. 1888;
Thomas, sheep farmer, Queensland, born
20th Oct. 1849.— [Henderson's Folk-lore of
the Northern Comities, and J/y Life as an
Angler ; Hist, of BenvicTcshire Naturalists'
Club, 1880.]
endy Schoolhouse, Perthshire, 2nd
Feb. 1853, son of Charles R., school
master, and Mary Ann Dawson ; educated
at Madras College and Univ. of St Andrews,
and at Leipzig ; M.A. (St Andrews 1873) ;
tutor in the family of James Anthony
Froude, 1874-5 ; licen. by Presb. of Dunkeld
May 1877 ; assistant at Dunning ; B.D.
(St Andrews 1877); ord. (assistant) at
Arbroath ttth Jan. 1879; trans, and adm.
27th Jan. 1881 ; died unmarr. 21st Sept.
1890. Mr Froude spoke of him as one
who had " kept his head clear and steady
amidst the controversies of the age — as
one who was true in heart to the great
traditions of Scotland/'" Publication —
Essays and Sermons [with a Memoir by
his brother, James Robertson, D.D., min.
of Whittingehame] (Edinburgh, 1892).
19th March 1891 ; trans, to St Mary's
Parish, Edinburgh, 4th April 1901.
igol 23rd March 1871, younger son of
James F., min. of Blair- Atholl ; edu
cated at Edinburgh Univ. ; M.A. (1891) ;
licen. by Presb. of Dunkeld 26th April 1898 ;
assistant at Tron Parish, Edinburgh ; ord.
26th Sept. 1901. He marr. 4th June 1903,
Janet Helen, daugh. of John Alison, D.D.,
min. of Newington, Edinburgh, and has
issue — Margaret Jean Denholm, born 19th
Aug. 1905 ; Katlierine Mary, born 25th
.March 1911 ; Dora Denhohn, born Kith
Feb. 1913. Publication— Sweet Peas : How
to f,' r/n" the 1'erfect Wover (London, 1910).
[In the twelfth century the church of
Stiehill belonged to the Priory of Colding-
ham. Part of an old wall near the east
end of the present building is believed to
be the remains of an older church. The
bell, cast by Michael Burgerhuys, is dated
WILLIAM HUDE [HOOD], reader in
1567 1567 : deprived 1st May 1577.
JOHN FAIRBATRN, reader, 1578 to
1578 1591.
JAMES FRENCH, M.A. ; trans, from
16Q5 Hume ; pres. by James VI. 6th March
1605 [vide Hume].
DAVID COURTNEY, M.A. (Edinburgh,
1613 30th July 1601) ; pres. by James VI.
31st May 1613, and adm. shortly
afterwards ; died 29th April 1655, in his
84th year. He marr. (cont. 3rd Jan. 1609)
Margaret, daugh. of John M'Call, gardener
at Thirlestane Castle, and had issue — John,
min. of Bolton ; Sarah ; Elizabeth (marr. her
father's successor) : Francis, M.A. ; Thomas,
min. of Mertoun. — [Reg. of Deeds, clxxxi.,
179 ; Reg. of Deeds, Mack., 10th Jan. 1671 ;
Reg. Assig. ; Stat. Reports, 1627 ; Gunn's
Stichill, 11.]
DAVID STARK, M.A. (St Andrews
1648 1631) > ord- (Assistant and successor)
Sept. 1648. Conforming to Episco
pacy, he was pres. by Charles II. llth Sept.
1662; dem. 1st May 1683; died March
1685, aged about 74. He marr. 30th Jan.
1649, Elizabeth Courtney, daugh. of his
predecessor, " who with her husband had
sasine of an annual rent of £92 furth of
the kirk lands of Hume, llth Nov. 1661,
of which resignation was made 14th Nov.
1672." He had issue — Margaret, bapt. 1st
Jan. 1650 ; David, bapt. 16th Nov. 1651 ;
Robert, M.A., bapt. 5th Sept. 1654, prob-
1 ably the min. of Stenton who had property
in this parish. — [</. R. InJdb., 17th June
1667 : Xc>>' d< n. Reg. fixities, ii. ; Jfin-.-
loolc Reg. Privy Seal, v. ; Wodrow's Jfist.]
ANDREW DARLING, of the family of
1683 ^' °^ Appletreeleaves, Galashiels ;
M.A. (Edinburgh 1670); pres. by
Charles II. 10th April 1683, and ord. after
1st May same year ; deprived by the Privy
Council, 29th Aug. 1689, for not reading
the Proclamation of the Estates, nor pray
ing for William and Mary. He was dep.
by Presb. of Earlston for drunkenness
13th May 1692. He died 3rd August 1735,
aged 86. He marr. Agnes Inglis, who died
25th March 1721, aged ^.—[Earlston Presb.
Reg. ; Min.-book Reg. Privy Seal, v. ; Hall's
G'alasfiiels, 156.]
JOHN GLEN, ord. 30th June 1691;
I 16gi member of Assembly in 1692 ; died
May 1718.— [Reg. Gen. Ass., 1692.]
JOHN" GLEN, son of preceding; pres.
^7 the Presb. jure devoluto 2nd Dec.
1718; ord. 5th March 1719; trans.
to New Greyfriars, Edinburgh, 14th Dec.
ALEXANDER HOME, bapt. 17th Aug.
1707, eldest son of George H., min.
of Chirnside ; educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of Chirnside
27th July 1731 ; pres. by George II. 10th
April 1733, and by William, Earl of Home;
ord. 1st Jan. 1734 ; died in May 1742. He
marr. 17th Sept. 1736, Agnes, daugh. of John
Ewing of Craigton, W.S. (she marr. (2) Nov.
1756, Edward Inglis, druggist, Edinburgh),
and had issue— George, bapt. Sept. 1737,
died young; Margaret, bapt. 15th April
1739 (marr. 6th May 1759, William Camp
bell, min. of Lilliesleaf) ; George, bapt. 1st
Feb. 1741 ; John, bapt. 14th Feb. 1742.
[Lander Tests.]
GEORGE RIDPATH, born about 1717,
1743 eldest son of George R., min. of Lady-
kirk ; educated at Univ. of Edin
burgh; licen. by Presb. of Chirnside 27th
May 1740; pres. by George II. 20th July
1742, and by William, Earl of Home ; ord.
16th Feb. 1743 ; died 31st Jan. 1772. He
marr. 6th Sept. 1764, Wilhelmina [or Ann]
Dawson, Kelso, who died 10th April 1810,
and had issue— Christian, born 12th Dec.
1766; George, born 25th May 1769 ; Ann,
born 31st Dec. 1770. Publications— Chris
tian Liberty opposed to Popish Superstition
and Slavery, a sermon (Edinburgh, 1751). |
In 1764 he published proposals for printing j
by subscription the History and Antiquities
of Berwickshire and part of Roxburghshire,
as well as Northumberland and DurJiam,
as far as Bamborough and Alnwick. He
afterwards enlarged his plan, and left in
manuscript The Border History of England
and Scotland deduced from the earliest
Times to the Union of the two Crowns.
This appeared after his death (London,
1776), and was reissued in 1808, 1810, and
I818.—[Tomlst.; Carlyle's Autob. ; Diet.
Nat. Biog.}
ANDREW SCOTT, born 1743 : licen. by
177g Presb. of Chirnside 30th Sept, 1766 ;
assistant at Westruther ; pres. by
George III. 18th July 1772 ; ord. 4th Feb.
1773 ; died 12th Nov. 1826. He marr. 20th
Jan. 1779, Eleonora (died llth Xov. 1828),
daugh. of John Cranstoun, min. of Ancrum,
and had issue— John, born 23rd Oct. 1779 ;
Adam, born 12th Aug. 1781 ; Agnes, born
23rd April 1783 ; Ann, born 6th July 1784,
died 24th June 1821 ; Janet, born 30th Sept.
1785 (marr. David William Gordon, min.
of Earlston); Gilchrist, born 9th Sept.
1787 ; Andrew, born 27th May 1789 ;
Cranstoun, born 8th April, died 28th April
1793; Helen Cranstoun, born 4th Aug.
1795. Publication— Account of the Parish
(Sinclair's Stat. Ace., iii.).
JAMES PATERSON, pres. by George
IV., and ord. (assistant and successor)
26th Nov. 1822 ; trans, to Gordon 9th
Sept. 1824.
PETER BUCHANAN, born 1797, sixth
son of John B., farmer, Trean,
Callander, and brother of Professor
Robert B., Glasgow ; educated at Univ. of
Glasgow ; licen. by Presb. of Lauder 7th
May 1822 ; pres. by George IV., and ord.
2nd Aug. 1827 ; died 18th April 1848.
Having a strong sympathy with the
Jacobites and their traditions, he is said
to have evaded taking the Oath of Abjura
tion at his ordination. He marr. 12th Aug.
1830, Christian (died 4th Oct. 1884), daugh.
of John Gray, Heriotsh'eld, Kelso, and
sister of George Gray, D.I)., Professor of
Hebrew, Univ. of Glasgow, and had issue
—John, born 24th May 1831 ; George
Gray, born 28th Feb. 1833 ; Agnes Mary.
Publication — Account of the Parish (Sew
Stat. Ace., iii.).
farmer, and Isabella Duncan: edu
cated at Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by Presb.
of Dunoon 5th Nov. 1844 ; pres. by Queen
Victoria, and ord. (assistant and successor)
9th June 1846; died 28th Dec. 1877. He
marr. 6th Aug. 1851, Dorothy (died 12th
March 1898, aged 72), daugh. of George
Turnbull, Dunkirk Park, Perthshire, and
had issue — Robert Denoon, born llth
May 1852; Dora, born llth Jan. 1857
(marr. 22nd April 1885, George William
Constable, factor, Traquair); George
Norman, born 8th Oct. 1863, died 23rd
May 1915.
GEORGE GUNN, born Edinburgh, 3rd
June 1851, son of George G., sub
editor, Edinburgh Evening Courant,
and Margaret Bryce ; educated at High
School and Univ. of Edinburgh ; M.A.
(1872) ; licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh 1876 ;
assistant at St Stephen's, Edinburgh ; ord.
20th June 1878 ; chaplain of Grand Lodge
of Freemasons 1893-95 ; clerk of Presb.
1896-1900; secretary of the Berwickshire
Naturalists' Club 1896 - 1900 ; died un-
marr. 12th Jan. 1900. Publications— The
Early History of Stichill, The Church of
Hume, etc. (Alnwick, 1901); Records of
the Baron Court of Stitchill, 1655-1807
(Scottish Hist. Soc., 1905); contributions
to History of the Berwickshire Naturalists'
Club.— [Memoir by his brother, Clement
Bryce Gunn, M.D., in first - mentioned
TULLOCH, born Greenock, 23rd
1900 Dec. 1872, eldest son of William
Weir T., D.D., min. of North Parish,
Greenock, afterwards of Maxwell Parish,
Glasgow ; educated at Univ. of Glasgow ;
M.A. (1894), B.I). (1897) ; Keen, by Presb.
of Glasgow 1897 ; assistant at Barony
Parish, Glasgow; ord. 14th June 1900;
trans, to1 Second Charge, Hamilton, 1916.
Marr. llth June 1903, Janet Richmond,
eldest daugh. of David Macdonald, Glas
gow, and has issue — John Lancelot Hill,
born 23rd April 1904 ; Janet Margaret
llichmond, born 22nd March 1906; Mar
garet Hill and Elizabeth Anne (twins),
born 15th Feb. 1910.
[St Nicholas wa,s titular of the church
of Hume, which was dedicated by Bishop
Robert of St Andrews in 1147. The pro-
Reformation building belonged to the
monks of Kelso, and consisted of nave and
chancel about 78 feet long by 21 feet
broad. Humous in 1673, it is now repre
sented by little more than grass-grown
mounds. The parish was united to Stichill
in 1640. There was a chapel in this parish
at Wedderlie.]
CHARLES HOME, reader and chaplain
1567 at Halyburton, 1567 to 1585.
ROBERT FRENCH, trans, from Eccles
— Stichill, Gordon, Eccles, and Green-
law being also in the charge ; pres.
to Legerwood before 18th May 1591 ;
returned to Eccles in 1595. — [Rfj. Assiy. ;
Eooke of the Kirk.]
1595). In 1596 he was min. here,
and had charge also of Stichill and
Ednam ; pres. to the vicarage of Stichill
by James VI. 6th March 1605, and to the
parsonage and vicarage here 1st Aug. 1611.
He was still min. 8th July 1613, but
ordered to "cease from teaching at Hume
under pain of deposition." In the Records
of Lincoln's Inn, reference is made to "a
poor distressed Scottish minister, Mr
James French, who is lately fallen blind
and utterly disabled any longer to exercise
his office." He petitioned for relief, and
was given twenty shillings. — [Rfj. Assi<j.~\
[The earliest notice of a church at Yet-
holm is about the year 1233, when Nicholas
de Geynevim was rector. At that period
the cure belonged to the church of Glas
gow. In 1406 William de Haw din [Hadden],
" laird of Kirkyethame," gave to the monks
of Kelso the right of advowson. From them
it passed to Patrick, Earl of Both well, then
to the Buccleuch family, and finally to the
Wauchopes of Niddrie. A church, still
thatched with heather in 1836, was removed
when the present building was erected.
Its bell, cast by Michael Burgerhuys (1643),
is still in use. A chapel in this parish,
beside a burn which forms the march with
England, was dedicated to St Ethelreda.]
1567 JAMES WILLIAMSON, reader.
1574 THOMAS TURNER, reader.
WILLIAM TAIT, reader from 1576 to
1576 1579.
THOMAS AITKIN, reader at Ednam
1574; min. there in 1576; pres. by
1579 James VI. 8th Feb. 1577; adm.
1579 : deprived after 1585. — [Rty. Ass-iy.]
ADAM DOUGLAS, pres. in 1594. See
1594 Crailing.
M.A. ; trans, from Broughton, and
adm. about 1595.— [Reg. Assig.]
JOHN BALFOUR, M.A. (St Andrews
1591) ; one of the masters in the
High School of Edinburgh, 18th May
1597 to 7th Jan. 1598 ; pres. by James VI.
24th March 1604, also to Mow 2nd Jan.
1607 ; he signed a protestation to the King
and Parliament for the Liberties of the
Kirk, 24th June 1617 : died between 27th
Aug. 1633 and 18th Feb. 1634. He marr.
in 1618 (after some scandal) a lady whose
name is unknown. — [Steven's High School ;
Reg. Assig. ; Orig. Lett., ii. ; Morrison's
Dec., xvii.]
1619); adm. to Chanonry prior to
17th Jan. 1630; pres. by Charles I.
18th Feb. 1634, and adm. soon after. He
had a process raised against him in 1638,
for celebrating an irregular marriage be
tween a son of Patrick, Archbishop of
Glasgow, and a daugh. of William, Lord
Blantyre ; was dep. before 16th July 1639,
" for erecting an altar with rails, beating
violently one of his parishioners, con
tempt of the Presb., and declining the
Gen. Assembly 1638. :; He was ordered
by the Committee of Estates to remove out
of the kingdom, and asked "ane pass for
himself, wife, and children to that effect."
The Estates granted him, 13th Jan. 1645, a
pass " conform to the act of the Com
mittee, either by sea or land, as occasion
may best offer, without trouble or im
pediment to them thereanent." He marr.
Elspeth Lunane. — [Wodrow MSS. ; Acts of
Par/., vi., part L, 289 ; Stevenson's Hist. ;
Inverness Sasines, iv., 107.]
JOHN DOUGLAS, M.A. ; pres. by
Francis, Earl of Buccleuch, and his
trustees Feb. 1639, and by William,
Earl of Lothian, that month ; ord. 23rd
April following, and inst. end of May ;
was a member of Commission of Assembly
in 1649 ; trans, to Crailing 2nd April
1662; trans, to Yarrow after 13th
Feb. 1666.
burgh 1659); min. of Graitney in
1666 ; app. by Alexander, Archbishop
of Glasgow, 13th March, to exercise the
ministry till it be ascertained who is
patron (a dispute having arisen between
William, Earl of Lothian, and Wauchope
of Niddrie) ; coll. before 4th, and inst. 25th
Sept. following ; deprived by the Privy
Council, 12th Sept. 1689, for not reading
the Proclamation of the Estates, nor pray
ing for William and Mary, but for James
VIL, and not observing the Thanksgiving.
He was inst. to the curacy of Almvick in
1692; died 14th April 1694, aged about
56. — [Peterkin's Constitut. of the Church ;
MS. Ace. of Min., 1689 ; Hutchinson's
NortJiumberland, i. ; Toml>st.~\
JAMES NOBLE, M.A. ; adm. before
1690 16th Oct. 1690; trans, to Eckford
4th April 1694.
JOHN SIMSON, M.A.; called 31st
1694 ^n°-' anc* ord- 27th Sept. 1694 ;
trans, to Morebattle 24th Nov.
ROBERT COLVILLE, born 1677 ; M.A.
169Q (Edinburgh 1691) ; became school
master of Jedburgh ; licen. by that
Presb. 14th Aug. 1695 ; ord. to Annan prior
to 15th Dec. 1696 ; called 30th Jan., trans,
and adm. 26th Oct. 1699; suspended for
drinking in taverns in 1717, and again in
1727; died between 2nd Feb. and 2nd
March 1731. He marr. Agnes Scott, and
had issue — Margaret ; William ; Francis ;
Robert ; Walter.
JOSEPH LECK, M.A. (Edinburgh, 7th
April 1718) ; licen. by Presb. of Duns
4th Jan. 1726; called 17th June;
pres. by the Commissioners for Andrew
Wauchope of Niddrie, and ord. 23rd Sept.
1731 ; died 1st Sept, 1785, aged about 87.
He marr. 16th March 1733, Ann Scott,
Sprouston, who died 25th Dec. 1761, and
had issue— Henry, born 24th June 1736,
died 10th Aug. 1767 ; Susan, born 9th July
1742 (marr. 5th July 1770, Henry Ainslie,
Town-clerk of Jedburgh and Sheriff-clerk
of Roxburghshire) ; Jean ; William ;
Thomas. — [Tomhst. ; Blackwood1* Maga
zine, 1818.]
WILLIAM BLACKIE, tutor and chap-
lain at Niddrie ; pres. by Andrew
Wauchope of Niddrie llth Nov.
1785; ord. 4th May 1786; died 23rd Dec.
1828, in Ids 79th year. Among his books
was a manuscript copy of James Melville's
Sonnets, which he gifted to the Advocates'
Library in 18:2:2. He niarr. 2nd Sept. 1788,
Margaret Oliver, who died at Venchen, 5th
July 1* 12, aged 83, and had issue— William,
tenant in Iloselaw Mains, born 4th Feb.
179:5. died 2t!tli Sept. 1818: Betty, born
29th Nov. 1803 (marr. .Ian. 1827, John
Robertson), died Aug. 1831. Publication—
Account <>!' the Parish (Sinclair's Sfuf.
Ace., xix.).— [1'omtist.]
JOILX BAIRD, born 17th Feb. 1799,
eldest son of James B., min. of
Swinton ; educated at Whitsome
and Kelso schools, and Univ. of Edin
burgh : licen. by Presb. of Dalkeith 25th
March 1823. Tn 1825 he was a preacher in
Ireland under the auspices of the Irish
Evangelical Society. Pres. by the Trustees
of Andrew Wauchope of Niddrie, he was
ord. to this charge 18th June 1829; died
29th Nov. 18(51. He was well known as a
botanist and geologist, was one of the
founders of the Berwickshire Naturalists'
Club, and its President in 1837. He
laboured earnestly for the good of the
gypsies, who had long been settled at Kirk
Yetholm. The work was done in connec
tion with a society formed in Edinburgh
for the " Reformation of the Gypsies in
Scotland," and it met with a considerable
amount of success. He marr. (1) llth June
1833, Margaret (born 14th Feb. 1813, died
13th Sept. 1837), claugh. of Robert Oliver
of Blakelaw, and had issue — Margaret
Richardson, born llth Aug. 1834, died 10th
June 1845 ; Sarah Nichols, born 8th Oct.
1836, died 26th June 1846 : (2) 14th Nov.
1849, Elizabeth (died at Hanover, Ger-
many, 28th April 1872, aged 50), (laugh,
of Nathaniel Hughes, Wexford, and had
issue — Anna Margaret Elizabeth, born 31st
Jan. 1852, died 23rd Oct. 1868; James
Oliver, born 26th March 1853, died at
Hanover, Germany, 25th Jan. 1872 ;
Nathaniel Hughes John, born 20th Aug.
1855 ; Sarah Mary, born 4th Sept. 1860.
Publications — "On the Geology of the
Rock of Gibraltar and adjacent Country "
{Ed in-. I'hilox. Jouru., vii.) ; ''On the Rocks
in the Neighbourhood of St John's, New
foundland ;; (Memoirs of the Wernerian
| Society, iv. ; Philosophical Magazine, Ix. ;
trans, into French in Ferussac's Bulletin,
• xvi., 1829); "Sermon preached after the
death of the Rev. Robert Lundie " (Lundie's
Pastoral Addresses) ; 'Hie Scottish Gypsies'
Advocate (Edinburgh, 1839) ; Account of the
Parish, and General Observations on the
1 County (NfH' Stat. Ace., iii.). — [See Memoir
of John Jiaird, by his brother William
; Baird, M.D. (London, 1862) ; George Smith's
I've been a Gypsying ; Hist. Berwick, Nat.
Club, 1861; Kelso Chronicle, Dec. 1861;
Diet. Nat.
ADAM DAVIDSON, born Torbeckhill,
Middlebie, 30th March 1830, son of
Thomas D. and Janet Carlyle ; edu
cated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; M.A. (21st
April 1855); licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh
! 25th Jan. 1860 ; ord. 17th July 1862; died
4th Feb. 1908. He marr. 10th Feb. 1863,
I Mary Dobie (died 26th Nov. 1907), claugh.
! of James Little, farmer, Corriehill, and
| had issue — Janet Carlyle, bom 12th May
1864, (marr. 27th Aug. 1890, James Mill,
, M.A., lecturer on Latin, Univ. of Edin-
| burgh) ; James Little, M.A., M.D., D.S.O.,
i lieut. - colonel I. M.S., born 27th Nov.
1898 ("hisgow, nth April 1858, son of
Andrew M. and Margaret Carrick ;
educated at Church of Scotland Normal
School and Ujniv. of Glasgow ; licen. by
Presb. of Glasgow 16th March 1881 ; assist
ant at St George's Parish, Paisley ; ord. to
Howwood Chapel 13th May 1883; adm.
to Wellington Chapel (afterwards St Mar
garet's), Hawick, 3rd Nov. 1886; adm. first
min. of St Margaret's Parish, Hawick, llth
June 1896; trans, and adm. (assistant and
successor) 18th Feb. 1898 ; died at Millport,
27th Sept. 1915. He marr. (1) 10th March
1887, Margaret Walker (died s.p. 3rd May
1894), daugh. of Thomas M'Queen : (2)
llth Dec. 1901, Johanna, daugh. of John
Bonthron, and had issue — William Bon-
thron Carrick, born 23rd Jan. 1903 ; John
Bonthron, born 23rd July 1906.
ning, 6th Aug. 1868, son of James
Sarah Alexandrina Caldwell Bayne, and
has issue — Agnes Grant, born 17th Nov.
W., schoolmaster of Croy, and Eliza- 1901 ; Elizabeth Bayne, born 7th July 1903,
beth Bayne ; educated at Croy School, died 5th April 1904 ; James, born 2nd
Inverness-shire, and Univ. of Edinburgh ; March 1905 ; Ena Bayne, born 23rd Aug.
M.A. (1890), B.D. (1893) : licen. by Presb. 1907 ; Jeanie Westwood, born 8th Feb.
of Nairn 2nd May 1893 ; assistant at 1910 ; Catherine Welsh, born 5th Oct.
Auldearn and St Paul's Parish, Glasgow; 1913, died 5th Feb. 1914. Publications—
ord. to Newmill 28th Sept. 1896; trans, to Jacob's Ladder (a Masonic sermon) (Alex-
Alexandria 6th Sept. 1905 : trans, and adm. ; andria 1908) ; The Vision of Citizenship
7th March 1916. Marr. 12th Oct. 1900, , (Alexandria 1911).
[There was already a church at Ancrum
in 11 10. At Malta Walls on the farm of
Copland, in the parish, the Order of St
John of Jerusalem, called the Knights of
Malta, had a preceptory. A new church
was built at Ancrum village in 1889.]
JAMES THORNTON, received £238
(Scots) as his pension from Martin
mas 1559 to Whitsunday 1500, and
£90 for his duties during the four months
after the Queen Regent's death. He is
styled Chantor of Moray and parson of
Ancrum, 20th Sept. 1573. — [Treasurer's
Accounts, xi., 95 ; Wigtoivn Invent. Scot.
Hist. Soc., 812.]
WILLIAM JOHNSTON, a priest of the
Roman Church, conformed and be
came reader in 1509 ; dep. Nov. 1572.
brother of preceding; adm. to Foul-
den at Lammas 1572 ; trans, and
adm. here Nov. same year. In 1574 Rox
burgh, Eckford, Bedrule, and Abbotrule
were in the charge. He complained to
the Assembly, 1578, that Hector Douglas
had been collated to his benefice. At the
Assemblies of 1581 and 1580 he was ap
pointed one of those who were to arrange
Presbyteries. In 1585 he refused to sub
scribe the Articles drawn up by Secretary
Sir John Maitland. He was trans, to
Crailing before 1580, but returned here
after 28th May 1588. In 1589 he was one
of those appointed by the Privy Council
to see that the Bond against Papists was
signed by the people. In 1008 he declined
the authority of a Visitor appointed by the
Assembly 1002, and was deprived by the
Court of High Commission, 29th June
1022, for not conforming to the Articles
of Assembly 1018. He was then ordered
to go into ward in Annandale when in his
73rd year. He was alive in 1031. He
marr. Elizabeth Crichton, and had issue-
George, min. of Orphir; Robert. — [Key.
Mag. Sig.; Laing Charters, 1590; Reg.
Min. Assig. et Sec. Sig. ; Edin. Presb. Key. ;
Booke of the Kirk ; Wodrow Miscell. ;
CalderwoocFs Hist., iii., 404.]
HECTOR DOUGLAS, coll. by James,
Archbishop of Glasgow, before 24th
April 1578, when the above-noticed
complaint was made to the Assembly.
Deprived in October following as " unmeet
and unable for the office and function of
the ministry." He is mentioned as min.
12th April 1582. — {Booke of the Kirk;
Calderwood's Hist., iii., 431 ; Keg. Assig.']
(Edinburgh, 30th July 1014); pres.
by James VI. 25th July 1022. He
was a member of the Commission for main
taining Church Discipline 21st Oct. 1034.
As Laird of Grubet he took part in the
election of a commissioner from the county
to the Convention of Estates. The As
sembly, 10th Aug. 1043, found this to be
incompatible with the ministerial calling,
and recommended him to desist from all
civil courts and meetings. U e died between
3rd Feb. and 1st Sept. 1047, aged about 54.
He marr. after 29th Jan. 1041, Margaret,
eldest daugh. of William Eliott of Stobs,
and had issue — William of Grubet and
Wideopen. His widow marr. James Scott
of Bonnington.— [G. R. Sas., xliv., 420;
Keg. Sec. Sig. ; Stevenson's Hist. ; Banna-
MiscelL, iii. ; Mai-timid MiscelL, iii. ;
Baillie's Letters ; Inq. Ret. Rorbwgh, 195 —
de Tut., 58 ; Jeffrey's Hist, of Roxburgh
shire, iii., 305.]
1648 broch [Kilsyth], 21st June 1603.
He was the son of William L., min.
of Kilsyth, and afterwards of Lanark,
said to be a descendant of the fifth
Lord Livingston. His mother was Agnes,
daugh. of Alexander Livingston, portioner,
Falkirk, brother of the Laird of Belstane.
He was educated at the Grammar School
of Stirling, and graduated M.A. at the
Univ. of Glasgow in 1621. Against his
father's wish, he preferred to enter the
ministry rather than adopt the life of a
country gentleman. He studied theology
at St Andrews, and was licensed in 1625.
For a time he assisted the minister of
Torphichen, and was afterwards chaplain
to the Countess of Wigtown at Cumber-
nauld. While engaged in the latter capa
city he took part in the memorable revival
at the Kirk of Shotts. He declined pre
sentations to several parishes, chiefly on
account of his reluctance to obey the
Articles of Perth. In 1630 he went to
Ireland, on the invitation of Viscount
Clandeboye, and became minister oi> Kil-
linchy, Co. Down, being ordained by Andrew
Knox. Bishop of Kaphoe, and a company of
Scottish ministers who had taken up a
kind of middle position between Presby-
terianism and Prelacy. In 1631 he was
suspended for nonconformity, but was soon
reinstated through the friendly offices of
Archbishop Ussher. On 4th May 1632 he
was deposed and excommunicated for the
same cause. Having resolved to emigrate
to America, he left Ireland in Sept. 1636,
along with a number of his parishioners
and other Scottish and English Puritans —
140 in all. They sailed for New England
in the Eayle \Ving, but through contrary
winds were obliged to return home. In
1638 he signed the National Covenant, and
was commissioned to proceed to London
with copies of it for supporters of the Scot
tish cause at Court. On 5th July 1638 he
was admitted minister of Stranraer, where
he remained for ten years. It is recorded
that his half-yearly communions there were
attended by as many as five hundred of
his old parishioners of Killinchy. In 1640
he was chaplain of the Earl of Cassillis's
Regiment in England, and wrote an account
of the skirmish at Newburn, which he had
witnessed. When minister of Stranraer he
frequently crossed to Ulster, and officiated
i to the Scottish troops quartered there. In
| 1648 the Commission of Assembly sent him
! to dissuade those troops from joining with
the army of the "Engagement," but his
mission was a failure. On 13th July
1647, William, Earl of Lothian, presented
Livingston to this parish, and he was
adm. and inst. 25th April 1648. He was
a member of the Commission of Assembly
in 1649. Next year he was one of those
appointed to negotiate with Charles II.,
at Breda, as to the terms on which he
should receive the Crown. While the royal
ships were lying at anchor off Speymouth,
Livingston obtained the King's oath of
fidelity to the Covenants. He did not,
however, trust Charles, and soon after
wards he identified himself with those who
opposed the coronation and the conduct
of the government. He was asked by the
General Assembly of 1650 to write a His
tory of the Church of Scotland from 1638,
but this was never completed. In Oct.
1651 he was chosen Moderator of a general
meeting of the Protesters. He preached
before Cromwell in London in 1654, and
was authorised by the Protector to re
commend candidates for vacant parishes.
Between 1655 and 1659 he declined calls
to Antrim, to his former charge at Kil
linchy, and to Glasgow. He was summoned
before the Privy Council llth Dec. 1662,
and, refusing to take the Oath of Allegi
ance, was banished. He went to Rotterdam
in April 1663, where he .spent his last
years in almost constant study, and in the
preparation of a Latin version of the Scrip
tures which was never published. He died
9th Aug. 1672. He is described as having
been " modest in manner, sweet in temper,
of retired and contemplative habits ; so
that, though he joined the more extreme
Presbyterians, in his moderation he deeply
lamented the division that had torn the
Church asunder. He marr. (in St Cuthbert's
Church, Edinburgh) 23rd June 1635, Janet
(died at Rotterdam, 1693), eldest daugh.
of Bartholomew Fleming, an Edinburgh
merchant, and Marion Hamilton, and had
issue— John, born 30th June 1636, died 8th
Jan. 1639 ; William, merchant in Edin
burgh, born 7th Jan. 1638, buried 12th
June 1700; Bartholomew, born 3rd Sept.
1639, died 24th Sept, 1641 ; Agnes, born
20th Sept. 1640, died 17th Oct. 1641 ;
Marion, born 10th Oct. 1642 (marr. John
Scott, min. of Hawick) ; Janet, born 28th
Sept. 1643 (marr. Andrew Russell, merchant,
Rotterdam), died Aug. 1696 ; John, born
20th Aug. 1644, died Oct. 1645; Agnes,
born 18th Aug. 1645 (marr. David Cleland,
surgeon); James, merchant, Edinburgh, born
22d Sept, 1646, died 1700; Johanna, born
Sept, died Oct. 1647; Barbara, born 21st
June 1649 (marr. James Miller, merchant);
John, born 29th Jan., died 12th Oct. 1652 ;
Andrew, born Aug. 1653, died 7th Feb.
1655 ; Robert, ancestor of the Livingstons
of Livingston Manor, New York, born 13th
Dec. 1654, died April 1725 ; Elizabeth, born
7th Jan. 1 657, died 31st Oct. 1666. Original
portraits of John Livingston and his wife
are at Gosford, East Lothian, and Mony-
musk, Aberdeenshire, and others were in the
possession of Mrs Ralston Crosby, New
York. Publications — A Letter to his Paroch
(Leith, 1663); A Brief Historical Relation
of the Life of Mr John Livingston (Glasgow,
1754 ; Edinburgh, 1848 ; edited by Thomas
Houston) ; Memorable Characteristics and
Remarkable Passages of Divine Providence
exemplified in the Lives of a considerable
number of the most Eminent Divines and
Private Christians n.'ho lived in Scotland
during the first century after the Reforma
tion (Glasgow, 1754). These, with other
Letters and Papers of Livingston, were
edited by William King Tweedie for the
Wodrow Society (Select Biographies, vol. i.,
Edinburgh, 1845. — [Lament's, Brodie's, and
Nicoll's Diaries ; Kirkton's, Beattie's, and
Wodrow's Hists. ; Reg. Old Dec. ; Acts of
Parl., vi. ; Acts of Ass., 1649, 1704; Reid's
Ireland, i., 124; Blair's Autob. ; Fleming's
Fulfilling of Scripture ; Steven's Hist, of
the Scots Church, Rotterdam ; Edinburgh
Christian Instructor, xxiii. ; Anton's
Kilsyth ; The Border Magazine, 1907;
Diet. Nat. Biog. ; The Livingstons of
JAMES SCOTT, son of Walter S. in
Catslack; M.A. (Edinburgh, 22nd
665 July 1615); adm. to Kirkton in
1616 ; trans, to Tongland prior to 1634 ;
refusing to sign the Covenant, he was dep.
by a Committee of General Assembly in
1639 ; inst. to rectory of Ford, Northumber
land, llth Dec. 1660 ; his deposition was
annulled by James, Bishop of Galloway,
before 25th Oct. 1664 ; he was inst. to this
charge 6th Nov. 1665. A tumult arose at
his settlement, for which, by sentence of the
Court of High Commission, two brothers,
Turnbulls of Ashieburn, both fathers of
families, were transported to Virginia, their
sister, a married woman, being whipped
through the streets of Jedburgh, while four
boys were whipped through Edinburgh,
branded in the face, and sold as slaves to
Barbados. He died on Friday before Whit
sunday 1679. He marr. Margaret, daugh.
of Gavin Maxwell, min. of Borgue, and had
issue— James, apprenticed to John Scott,
senior, merchant, Edinburgh, 2nd Aug. 1648.
He was allowed half of the stipend, 1680.
—[Dumfries Sas., iii., 275 ; P. C. Reg., vi.,
422 ; Wodrow's Hist., i., 393 ; The Border
Magazine, 1908 ; Naphtali ; Reg. Old Dec. ;
Morrison's Diet., xviii.]
S., min. of Baldernock ; M.A. (Glas
gow7) ; adm. to Balfron in 1645 ;
trans, to Drymen in 1663; trans, to Tron
Parish, Glasgow, 1665 ; pres. by Arthur,
Archbishop of Glasgow, jure devoluto, coll.
27th April, and inst. 13th May 1680 ; died
Dec. 1685. He marr. Helenor Baillie, who
survived him. — \G. R. Homings, 14th Dec.
1689 ; Peebles Tests.]
ROBERT BENNET, M.A. (St Andrews,
20th July 1650) ; adm. (assistant and
1687 successor) at Colinton 28th Sept.
1659 ; deprived Nov. 1681. He entered on
this charge in 1687 ; died before 4th June
1709. He marr. Magdalen, daugh. of Adam
Cunningham, Commissary of Dumfries, and
had issue— Adam, M.D.; Alison (marr. 12th
Sept. 1706, Sir George Wardlaw of Pit-
reavie, Bart.); Mary,— [Wodrow's Hist.;
Inq. Ret. Fife, 101 ; Edin. Sas., xxvi., 303,
JOHN CRANSTOUN, probably of the
Crailing family ; M.A. (Edinburgh,
22nd May 1685); ord. to Crailing
20th Jan. 1692 ; called 25th Nov. 1703 ;
trans, and adm. 2nd March 1704; died
FATHER OF THE CHUKCH, 17th Oct. 1748,
aged 84. He marr. (1) a lady whose name
has not been ascertained, and had issue —
William, M.D., friend and correspondent
of James Thomson, author of The Seasons ;
John, his successor ; Andrew, an officer in
the Life Guards ; a daugh. (marr. Duniel
M'Kay, min. of Jedburgh) ; Anne (marr.
James Simpson, rnin. of Wilton) : (2) 29th
April 1714, Jean Turnbull, who died 30th
Oct. 1760, and had issue — Helen (marr.
1736, William Ker, Kelso). — [Scots Mag.,
lix. ; Sir Harris Nicolas's Memoir of
JOHN CRANSTOUN, born 1705, son
of preceding ; licen. by Presb. of
1783 Jedburgh 1st July 1730; pres. by
John Scott of Ancrum, Dec. 1732 ; ord.
(assistant and successor) 21st March 1733 ;
died 7th Jan. 1790. During the first fifty
years of his ministry he was never pre
vented by illness from performing his duty.
He marr. 9th March 1743, Anne (died
14th Oct. 1795, aged 78), only daugh. of
John Gilchrist, min. of Bedrule, and had
issue— Anne, born 5th Feb. 1744, died
unmarr. 22nd Dec. 1788 ; John, captain,
East Indian merchant service, born 19th
Feb. 1745, died 6th May 1788; Andrew,
born 28th June 1746, died 5th Sept. 1776 ;
William, born 26th June 1747 ; Robert,
born 10th April 1749, died 4th Feb. 1751 ;
Eleanora, born 21st Jan. 1751 (marr.
Andrew Scott, min. of Stichill) ; Gideon,
born 5th Jan. 1753, died 16th Feb. 1782 ;
James, born 12th Oct. 1754 ; George, born
29th Feb. 1756; Janet, born 7th May
1757 ; Daniel, born 13th April 1760, died
8th Nov. 1778.— [Tombst.]
JAMES OLIVER, pres. by Sir John
Scott of Ancrum, Bart., 6th May
1790; ord. 14th July 1791; trans,
to Corstorphine 5th July 1792.
THOMAS CAMPBELL, son of George
C. of Baltullo, Fife, and brother of
George C., D.D., min. of Cupar,
was uncle of Lord Chancellor Campbell ;
educated at Univ. of St Andrews ; licen.
by Presb. of Cupar 9th May 1786; ord.
by Presb. of Abertarff 2nd May 1787,
missionary at Glengarry ; assistant at St
Andrew's Parish, Edinburgh ; pres. by Sir
John Scott of Ancrum, Bart., 27th June,
and adm. 26th Sept. 1793 ; D.D. (Glasgow,
May 1810); died 12th Feb. 1832. He
marr. 22nd April 1795, Mary (died 9th
April 1810), daugh. of John Hunter, min.
of Stoneykirk, and had issue — Margaret,
born 7th Jan. 1797 ; George, born 26th
Oct. 1798, died 7th Aug. 1817 ; John, Chief
Registrar of Court of Bankruptcy, born
1st April 1801, died 2nd Oct. 1858 ; Archi
bald Blair, D.D., min. of Kilwinning, born
14th Nov. 1802 ; Madeline, born 19th April
1805 (marr. James Robb Grant, min. of
Buittle); Jane, born 16th Sept. 1807
(marr. Dr Dunlop, R.N.) ; Mary, born 15th
May 1809 (marr. Samuel Cowan, min. of
JOHN PATON, born 21st April 1804,
son of John P., min. of Lasswade ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh;
licen. by Presb. of Dalkeith 2nd Oct. 1827 ;
ord. to Lasswade 19th March 1830 ; pres.
by Sir William Scott of Ancrum, Bart. ;
trans, and adm. 7th Sept. 1832 ; died Cth
May 1870. He marr. 6th July 1830,
his cousin, Mary (died 17th Feb. 1879),
daugh. of James Paton of Crailing, and
had issue— John, banker, New York, born
26th May 1831, died 30th March 1908;
Christian Mary, born 22nd June 1833, died
3rd March 1915 ; Edward, merchant, Per-
nambuco, Brazil, born 5th Dec. 1834 ; James
Robert, in Canada, bom 1st June 1839.
JAMES PATTERSON, born Torthor-
wald, llth April 1840, son of
William P. and Jean Robertson;
educated at Edinburgh Univ.; M.A.
(1862), B.I). (1805): licen. by Presb. of
Jedburgh in 1805 ; assistant at Castleton ;
cml. 15th Dei-. IS70; died 28tli Dec. 1900.
lie inarr. (itli -Inly 1871, Susan Crow (died
6th July liSDO), daugb. of James Noble,
min. of St Madoes, and had issue— William,
architect, born 17th -July 1872; Margaret
Crow, born 3()th Jan. 1874 ; Norman, M.B.,
Ch.B., F.R.C.S., London, born 27th June
1877; James, Vice-Consul, Bordeaux, born
27th Feb. 1*79.
WILLIAM GRACIE, born Dundee, 4th
19Q7 Feb. 1800, son of William G. : edu
cated at Univ. College, Dundee, and
Univ. of Edinburgh; M.A. (1890); licen.
by Presb. of Dundee 6th May 1896 ; assist
ant at Fortingall, East Parish (Perth), and
West St Giles (Edinburgh) : ord. 20th June
[Previous to the Reformation the church
belonged to the Abbey of Jedburgh. The
parish was in the Presb. of Melrose, but
was annexed to Ancrum 6th Feb. 1684.]
1574 El ) WA 1 ! I ) 1 )ICKSOX, reader.
JAMES JOHNSTON, reader, 1576 to
1576 1580.
ROBERT HAMILTON, reader, 1585 to
1585 1586.
1593 in 1593, Lindean also being in the
charge ; trans, to Eckford in 1600.
WILLIAM HENRIESON, called " par-
1594 sou °^ I.angnewton," 19th May 1594.
His daugh. Agnes marr. James Wat
son, Dalkeith.— [Re;/, of Deeds, xlviii., 237 ;
ccccliv., 443.]
JOHN JOHNSTON, M.A. (Edinburgh,
1Q07 1st Aug. 1590); min. of Nisbet in
1593 ; adm. before 6th Jan. 1607 ;
died between 22nd and 29th Dec. that
year. He marr., and had issue— William,
apprenticed to Robert Keith, merchant,
Edinburgh, 8th Sept, 1624.
JAMES ROBERTSON, adm. 19th April
1609 1G09-: (lesilx'(l translation, 12th Nov.
1616, because of his " mean provision
and uncertaintie of the same." This the
Presb. could not give " without advyse of
the Synod, meantime they cannot refuse
ane testimonial of his honest and guid
behaviour amang them since he came :; ;
trans, to Cranstoun 27th Jan. 1617.
1617 (at Peebles) 29th April 1617 : trans.
to Jedburgh 24th June 1640.
JOHN COLT, adm. between 25th Jan.
1642 anc^ 8t^ k- 1642 conf°rme(l to
Episcopacy ; trans, to Roberton in
JAMES ADAMSON, M.A. : trans, from
Pettinain, and adm. in 1677 ; trans.
to Ettrick in or shortly after 1684.
[The parish of Abbotrule or Rule Hervey
was united to Bedrule, but in 1777 was
disjoined and divided between Hobkirk
and Southdean. In 1914 a handsome new
church was built here by Sir Robert Usher
of Wells, Bart.]
JOHN TURNBULL, reader, 1576 to
1576 1578.
GEORGE TURNBULL, reader, 1579
1579 to 1580.
ALEXANDER TAIT, vicar-pensioner
and reader at Traquair, 1567 to
lOOO 1 -.
1580 ; adm. about 1585 ; deprived,
and resided afterwards at Traquair ; was
ordered to demit this charge 6th April
1591, but is still mentioned 7th Oct. 1595.
— [Reg. Min. ; Reg, Assig. ; Edin. Presb.
Reg. ; PhilipJiawjli Writs.]
Penicuik } mentioned as min. in
1599 ; he had a son John. — [
Assig. : Edin. Reg. (Bapt.).}
JOSEPH TENNENT of Listonsliiells,
son of James T. of Cairns, Mid-
Calcler ; M.A. (Edinburgh, 10th Aug.
1595); adm. in 1599 to Traquair; adm.
here about 1601 ; removed to Abbotrule
in 1605, but returned in 1609 ; was again
settled at Abbotrule, and returned here a
second time ; " sett a tack of the teandes
to Mr James Lausone, of Cairnmuir, for
his lyff-time,;; 27th July 1632 (which was
ratified by Parliament 17th Nov. 1641);
probably died unmarr. before llth May
1633, aged about 58. His brother, John T.
of Cairns, was served heir to Listonshiells
and to a tenement in Edinburgh.— [Reg.
Assig. ; Inq. Ret. Edin,, 724, 817 ; Act* of
Part., v., 464.]
DAVID FOULIS, pres. by John, first
Earl of Traquair, and adm. 30th Oct.
1633 ; trans, to Oxnam in 1634.
1619) ; inst. Sept. 1635 ; dep. Jan.
1639; he petitioned the Assembly,
which, 29th Aug., remitted him to the
Synod. He died unmarr. before 26th Jan.
1654, aged about 54, his brother James
being executor.— [Edin. Tests. ; Peterkin's
William E., M.D., Provost of Peebles,
cadet of Stobs ; M.A. (Edinburgh,
23rd July 1631); pres. by the Presb. jure
devoluto llth Dec. 1639; adm. and inst.
3rd June 1640; died between 22nd June
and 10th Aug. 1653, aged about 42. He
marr. Elizabeth Douglas, who along with
seven children (of whom Adam was the
third son) survived him, and petitioned
Parliament in 1662, showing how he " suf
fered so much persecution and affliction for
maintaining and defending his Majesty's
interest and prerogatives in the pulpit
both at home and abroad, publickly pray
ing for and maintaining his Majesty's forces
at the expedition 1648, that he was driven
from his charge, and lived in a most de
jected, miserable, sad, and downcast con
dition, and that had it not been for the
charity of some faithful, loyal, and well
wishing Christians they had quite famished
and been never able to have subsisted. "
On the report of a committee, Parliament,
8th July, allowed £100 sterling out of the
vacant stipends.— [Nisbet's /ft/-., i. ; Acts of
Pat-I., vii., Api>. 87.]
HUGH SCOTT, M.A. (Edinburgh, 26th
July 1649) ; called 22nd Nov. 1657 ;
adm. 17th March 1658 ; deprived by
Act of Parliament llth June, and Decreet
of Privy Council 1st Oct. 1662 ; indulged at
Oxnam in 1672.— [Wod row's Hi*t. ; Connell
<n Tithes, iii.]
JAMES ADAMSON, M.A. (Edinburgh,
9th July 1656) ; became schoolmaster
of Colinton about 1656; ord. 24th
April 1663 to Carriden ; trans, and inst.
7th Sept. 1664; deprived by the Privy
Council 29th Aug. 1689, for neither reading
the Proclamation of the Estates nor pray
ing for William and Mary, but for King-
James. He marr. (1) before 1671, Helen
Hamilton: (2) 28th Dec. 1680, Esther
Scougall, and had issue— Janet (marr. 28th
Dec. 1705, Thomas Porteous). — \_Rey. of
Deeds, Mack., 10th June 1673 ; Edin. Reg.
(Marr.) ; MS. Ace. of Min., 1689 ; Peter-
kin's Constitution of the Church.'}
1670) ; schoolmaster and session-
clerk of Mauchline llth Nov. 1673,
which post he relinquished before 4th Jan.
1680 ; assistant at Galashiels ; adm. 23rd
July 1690 ; was a member of Assembly in
1692; died 2nd May 1713, aged 68. He
marr. Marianne Stevenson, who died aged
66, leaving £100 to the poor of the parish.
Their daugh. Margaret marr. 26th Dec.
1699, Benjamin Haistie, gardener, St
Ninians. — [Sess. and Mauchline Sess. Regs. ;
Edin, Reg. (Marr.); Tonibst. ; Reg. Gen.
Ass. ; Old Dec., i. ; Scot. Presb. Eloq.]
JOHN GILCHRIST, a native of Dum
fries ; pres. by John Ker of Cavers
Aug. 1713; ord. 3rd Feb. 1714;
he dissented from the Act of Assembly
15th May 1740, deposing the eight Seceders.
He died 8th May 1746. His only daugh.,
Anne, marr. John Cranstoun, min. of An-
crum.— [7?<v/. (Jen. Ass., 1740.]
GEORGE DICKSON, son of (Jeorge D.
1748 and Catherine Hamilton, Whitelrill,
Earlston ; called 27th May 1747 ; orcl.
16th March 1748 ; his right to cut down trees
on the glebe was questioned by the heritors,
but he obtained a decision in his favour
from Lord Ordinary Drummore, 30th July
1754 ; he strenuously opposed the severing
of Abbotrule from Bedrule in 1777 ; died
30th June 1787. He marr. (1) 20th June
1755, Agnes (died 18th Feb. 1760), daugh.
of Robert Howison of Orchard, and had
issue — William, born 15th April 1756;
Robert, born 6th March 1757, died 2nd
May 1759 ; Margaret, born 10th June 1758 ;
Catherine, born 2nd Feb. 1760 : (2) 17th
May 1762, Anne Buckholm, who died 15th
Dec. 1784, and had issue — Agnes, born
30th March 1763: John, born 24th July
1764, died 28th March 1771; George,
born 15th June 1766; Mary, born 14th
Nov 1768; John, born 26th Aug. 1771;
Anne, born 18th June 1775 ; Sir David
James Hamilton, M.D., Inspector of
Hospitals, born 20th Jan. 1780, died at
Plymouth, 2nd Jan. 1850. — [Tombst. •
"The Religious Experiences of Catherine
Hamilton'" (Trans. f la wick ArchcroL Soc ,
WILLIAM BROWN, was a teacher
1788 successively in France, in a school
near London, and in Geo. Watson's
Hospital, Edinburgh; licen. by Presb. of
Edinburgh 30th Jan. 1782 ; tutor in the
family of Sir John Steuart of Allanbank ;
pres. by Joseph Hume of Ninewells 19th
July 1787; ord. 7th May 1788; died 23rd
May 1836. He marr. 2nd June 1813,
Janet (died 1st Aug. 1839), eldest daugh.
of Archibald Henderson, Mackside, and
had issue— Janet, born 24th Feb. 1814;
Alison Cockburn, born 29th Feb. 1816;
Robert Rutherford, born 14th April 1818 ;
Archibald Henderson, born 3rd July 1820.
Publications— The Pronouncing Testament
(Edinburgh, 1796); Account of the Parish
(Sinclair's Stat. Ace., xv.).— [Trans, ffawick
l. Soc., 1864.]
ARCHIBALD CRAIG, born Colding-
1832 ham, 178], son of an agricultural
labourer (who as a boy was living on
I a farm near the battlefield of Prestonpans
the day the battle was fought in 1745);
| educated at Univ. of Edinburgh : MA.
: (7th Nov. 1810); licen. by Presb. of Chirn-
side 29th Dec. 1812 ; pres. by David Hume
of Ninewells, Baron of Exchequer, and
ord. (assistant and successor) 23rd Nov.
1832 ; died unmarr. 6th May 1876. Pub
lications — A Monody to the Memory of
Joseph Ihime, Advocate (1819) ; Introduc
tion to Greek Accentuation (Edinburgh,
1832) ; The Argonautics of Apollonius
Rhodius, translated, into English Verse,
2627 lines (Preface by John Thomson,
min. of St John's, Hawick : Kelso, 1876,
posthumous) ; Account of the Parish (New
Stat. Ace., iii.). He left in MS. "Notes
critical and explanatory on the first three
books of Apollonius " ; an Essay on the
"Argonautics"'; and emendations for a
proposed second edition of his work on
Greek Accentuation. — [Trans. Hawick
Archceol. Soc., 1877 ; Hist. JJer. Hat.
Chtb, xviii.]
JOHN STEVENSON, born Eccles,
1875 Berwickshire, 26tn Aug. 1846, son
of John 8., schoolmaster ; educated
at Eccles School and Univ. of Edinburgh ;
MA. (1865) ; licen. by Presb. of Duns in 1869;
assistant to preceding ; ord. (assistant and
successor) 23rd July 1875 ; clerk of Presb. in
1891. Marr. (1) 27th July 1881, Christina
(died 18th June 1891), daugh. of Walter
Laing, Denholmhill, and has issue— Mar
garet Scott, born 25th Sept. 1883 (marr.
9th June 1915, Thomas William Brockie) ;
Mary Farmer, born 15th Feb. 1886 (marr!
John B. Forsyth); John, M.B., Ch.B.,
captain R.A.M.C., born 1st March 1889 :
(2) 24th April 1894, Christina Govanlock,
daugh. of John Turnbull, Priestrig, and
Mary Scott.
[Mention of the church of Cavers is made
in the Inquisitio of David I. in 1116; it
was then the property of the church of
Glasgow. In 1358 William, first Earl of
Douglas, granted to the monks of Melrose
" the whole right of advowson of the
Church of Great Cavers," with all its
pertinents. A church erected in 1663 is
still standing. A new church was Imilt in
1822. Teviothead was disjoined from this
parish in 1850.]
1574 WILLIAM SLEWMAN, reader.
PATRICK DUNBAR, reader, 1576 to
1576 1578.
1679 reader. 1579 to 1580.
WILLIAM CLERK, M.A. ; min. in 1599 ;
pres. to the vicarage by James VI.
8th June 1601 ; trans, to Wilton that
year. — [Key. Assig.: Booke of the Kirk.]
WALTER M'GILL, M.A. (St Andrews
1593) ; min. in 1606, having in charge
also Kirk ton, to the parsonage and
vicarage of which he was pres. by James VI.
24th May that year ; pres. to the vicarage
of Cavers by James VI. 8th May 1609.
He was aged and infirm, and required
an assistant 15th June 1642, but preached
at the Presbyterial visitation of his parish
30th July 1645. He died 10th March 1651,
and was said to have reached his 107th
year. He marr. Lilias Barton, who died
July 1671, and had issue — James, men
tioned in 1642, died before 1651, when
Walter M'Gill, min. of Wigtown, was next
of kin : Samuel, min. of Trailflat. — [Prot.
Bk., James Logan, ii., 68 ; Edin. Tests. ;
Reg. Assifj. ; Reg. Sec. Sir/.]
JAMES DOUGLAS, M.A. (St Andrews,
11 th May 1637) ; adm. (assistant and
successor) 30th June 1647 ', still min.
6th April 1658.
JAMES GILLON, M.A. (Edinburgh,
15th July 1650); min. in 1658';
deprived by Act of Parliament llth
June, and Decreet of Privy Council 1st
Oct. 1662. He retired to Edinburgh, and
lived privately, but having gone to Currie
on account of his health, he was seized
by a party of soldiers and taken to Edin
burgh, 2nd Aug. 1668. Next day he was
summoned before the Privy Council and
dismissed, but the harsh treatment he had
received occasioned his death, 5th Aug.
1668, aged about 39. He was unmarr.—
[Edin. Tests. : Edin. Reg. (Bw\} : KirktoiVs
and Wodrow's Hists."\
from Douglas; inst. 22nd June 1664 ;
trans, to Newton 24th Sept. 1673.
second son of Sir James S. of Carn-
1674 busnethan ; M.A. (St Andrews, 28th
July 1666) ; pres. by Robert, Archbishop of
Glasgow, jure devoluto, 15th May, and ord.
17th Sept. 1674; inst. 18th Aug. 1675.
It is on record that when the Presb. went
to Cavers that day " they found the church
and churchyard doors fast shut, quhenvpon
they sent the Presb. officer to Sir William
Douglas his house to demand the keyes,
bot he could get accesse neither to Sir
William nor his lady, only mett with their
daughter, whose answer was that no keyes
was to be had there, so that the brethren
were necessitat, without preaching and
ordinar solemnities, to give Mr Thomas
institution at the kirk-stile, likeas they did
at the manse and gleib by delivering earth
and stone according to usual custome. It
was ordered that a letter should be written
to Archbishop Burnet to acquent his Grace
of this affront put on the Presb. in shutting
up the church and churchyard doors, and
when they came to execut his Grace's com
mands that a number of women were con-
veened in the churchyard with their laps
full of stons, as a guard to keep us out of
church and churchyard, and beside that
some women rail'd on us, calling us soul
murderers and the divel's servants, which
letter was drawn and subscribit to give to
the Archbishop." S. was deprived by the
Privy Council, 29th Aug. 1689, for neither
reading the Proclamation of the Estates
nor praying for William and Mary. He
continued in residence till 1693, when he
retired to Hawick, where he ministered
to Episcopalians in his own lodgings till
his death in the prime of life. He marr.
- Burnside, and had a son, William,
min. of Hawick, and two daughs., of whom
Dorothea marr. 8th Dec. 1710, William
Madden, one of the masters of the High
School. Edinburgh. — [J/.S'. Lett, of Dr
Somerville ; MS. Ace. of Min., 1689 ; Peter-
kin's Constitution of the Church ; Somer-
ville's Life : Memor/e of the Somervilles, ii.]
ROBERT BELL, M.A. ; ord. 14th Feb.
1694 ; trans, to Crailing 30th Nov.
1694 ,„„
HUGH KENNEDY, born 1698, in north
of Ireland, of Scottish parents ; M.A.
1723 (Glasgow, 9th March 1714) ; became
chaplain in family of Archibald Douglas of
Cavers ; licen. by Presb. of Jedburgh 5th
Oct. 1720; ord. to Torthorwald 7th Sept.
1721 ; pres. by Arch. Douglas of Cavers
in 1722; adm. 13th Nov. 1723; trans, to
Rotterdam 25th May 1737 ; D.D. (Marischal
College and Univ., Aberdeen, 1762); died
3rd Nov. 1764. The Consistory of Rotter
dam recorded this : "As a theologian Dr K.
stood high and was frequently consulted by
his brethren in the ministry, both Dutch as
well as English, and by private Christians ;
all of whom gave great deference to his
opinions."' He marr. 16th March 1722,
Margaret (died in 1746), second sister of
Walter Scott of Crumhaugh, and had issue
—William, M.A., Professor of Greek in
Marischal College, Aberdeen, died 14th
Nov. 1782 ; Walter, planter in Surinam,
died in London 1777 ; Anne (marr. Alex.
Livingston, Provost of Aberdeen, and
merchant in Rotterdam) ; Rachel (marr.
5th Jan. 1722, William Fraser of Fraser-
field) ; Beatrix (marr. Captain Bradshaw) ;
and a son who died young. Publications —
Sermon at opening of the Synod (Edinburgh,
1732); Discourse concerning the Nature,
Author, Means, and Manner of Conversion-
(1743) ; Sermons in the Dutch Language
(which have not appeared in English ; Rot
terdam, 1748) ; A Short Account of the Rise
and Progress of a remarkable Work of Grace
in the United Netherlands (London, 1752) ;
Essay in Dutch prefixed to the Translation
of Boston's Covenant of Grace (Leyden,
1741) ; Preface to Halyburton's Great Con
cern of Salvation. — [Steven's Scott. Ch.,
Rotterd., 196; Douglas's Peer., ii., 474;
Carlyle's Autob.]
CHARLES DOUGLAS, licen. by Presb.
1738 °f Jedkurgh lst ^Iarch 1738> Pres>
by Arch. Douglas of Cavers 1st May,
and ord. 16th Aug. 1738; died 1st Dec.
1745. He marr. Isobel (died at Dalkeith,
Jan. 1748), daugh. of Walter Douglas, min.
of Linton, and had issue— Andrew, born
10th Nov. 1735 ; Walter born 14th June
1737; Archibald, born 4th May 1739; Isa
bella, born 21st Sept. 1740 (marr. Jan.
1759, James Newbigging, writer, Edin
burgh); William, born 3rd March 1742;
Charles, born 5th Aug. lite— [Forfeited
Est. Papers, Grade. >i Ext.]
THOMAS SCOTT, M.A. ; pres. by
William Douglas of Cavers April
1746; ord. 17th April 1747; trans.
to Second Charge, South Leith, 12th Nov.
THOMAS ELLIOT, licen. by Presb. of
Jedburgh 3rd Aug. 1757; ord. to
Kirkton 12th May 1758; pres. by
Arch. Douglas of Cavers 2nd June, trans,
and adm. 23rd Nov. 1763 ; died 15th Feb.
1808, in his 77th year. He possessed con
siderable attainments as a mathematician
and astronomer. Thomas Chalmers, D.D.,
began his ministerial life as E.'s assistant
1799-1800. He marr. 4th June 1760, Anne
(died 17th Feb. 1761), daugh. of William
Elliot of Bewlie, and Isobel Scott of
Sin ton, and had issue — William, born
15th Feb. 1761. Publications— Account of
the Parish (Sinclair's St-at. Ace., xvii.) ;
"New and Improved Method of Taking
Observations at Sea" (Trans. Roy. Soc.,
Edinburgh).— [Hanna's Life of Chalmers ;
Somerville;s Life.]
JAMES STRACHAN, born 28th Feb.
1783, son of William S., min. of
Coulter ; educated at Univ. of Edin
burgh ; licen. by Presb. of Biggar 27th
Aug. 1805 ; assistant to preceding min. ;
pres. by George Douglas of Cavers 2nd
Jan., and ord. 28th April 1809 ; died 22nd
June 1840. He marr. 24th Aug. 1819,
Jean (died 13th March 1891, aged 93),
daugh. of David Brown, min. of Crailing,
and had issue— William, H.M. Stationery
Office, London, born 22nd June 1820, died
30th Sept. 1897 ; Janet Dawson, born 12th
Sept. 1821 ; David, born 23rd April 1823 ;
a daugh., horn 19th, died 22nd May 1825;
James, an officer in the army, born 5th
Sept. 1831 ; Elizabeth Howison, born 27th
Dec. 1833: Robert, born 20th Dec. 1835.—
[Stevenson's Fun. Serm.]
AVILLTAM GRANT, born Jedburgh,
14th May 1811, son of Lewis Grant
of the family of Auchernack, and
Isabella Veitch of Inchbonny ; educated
at George Watson's Hospital, Edinburgh,
and Edinburgh Univ. ; schoolmaster at
Minto ; licen. by Presb. of Jedburgh ; ord.
assistant 13th May 1840: died 26th Sept.
1853. He marr. 25th Aug. 1840, Jane
(died 15th Jan. 1880), daugh. of James
Dickson of Mauricewood, and had issue
—Isabella, born 4th Aug. 1841 (marr. llth
June 1879, William Robertson, D.D., min.
of Coltness), died 17th Aug. 1904; Lewis,
born 19th, died 30th Dec. 1842; Lewis,
engineer, Kirkcaldy, born 24th July 1844,
died 10th Jan. 1916 ; Jane Dickson, born
13th April 1846 (marr. 31st July 1866,
Robert Michael Ballantyne, author of The
Youn-fj Fur 7'raders, The Cornl Island,
and many other tales for boys): James,
M.E., C.M., born 21st Dec. 1847, died in
Tasmania, 13th Jan. 1872 ; William, timber
merchant, and Master of the Merchant
Company of Edinburgh, 1905-7. born 16th
Dec. 1849, died 5th Aug. 1911.
Liverpool, 5th Feb. 1831, only son
1854 of Alexander M., mariner, Greenock ;
educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; ord. 12th
May 1854 ; died 18th April 1866. He marr.
2nd Aug. 1859, Jane Carfin (died 22nd Jan.
1893), daugh. of William Elliot, Hawick.
She marr. (2) 1st Aug. 1868, David Duncan,
Aug. 1828, son of John D., wood-
forester, Mintlaw, and Ann Ross ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; sometime
teacher in the Royal Caledonian School,
London ; assistant at Melrose and at
Bedrule ; ord. 14th Nov. 1866 ; died un-
marr. 9th April 1876.
1876 WATSON, born Methven, 4th Sept.
1843, son of George Bruce W.,
formerly min. of the United Associate
Synod at Methven, afterwards min. of the
Church of Scotland, and chaplain to the
Forces at Chatham, and Jane Scoular ;
educated at High School and Univ. of
Edinburgh; M.A. (1874), B.D. (1874);
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh 1874 ; ord.
to Logic (Dundee) 19th March 1874 ; trans,
and adm. 30th Nov. 1876. Marr. 27th Aug.
1879, Elizabeth, daugh. of John Whitson
Fleming, and has issue — Dorothea Margaret
Fleming, born 30th May 1883 ; Mabel Jane,
born 13th May 1886 (marr. 18th Oct. 1916,
John James Scott Thomson, M.A.).
[Crailing belonged to the Abbey of Jed
burgh. Within the parish were two hos
pitals, Crailing Spital at Monteviot in the
south, and Spital Rule in the extreme
GEORGE JOHNSTON, trans, from
Ancrum and adm. in 1586, when
Nisbet and Ancrum also were in
the charge. He returned to Ancrum
after 28th May 1588. — [Reg. Assig. ;
E.fcheq. Buik : Bnoke of tJic Kirk ; Calder-
wood's Hist.]
ADAM DOUGLAS, son of William D. ;
M.A. (St Andrews 1582); min. in
1588, when Eckford also was under
his care ; pres. to Yetholin by James VI.
before 15th May 1594, but continued here
and died probably unmarr., Dec. 1604, aged
about 43. His heirs were his four sisters —
Janet ; Margaret ; Isobel ; Helen. — [0. R.
Inhib., viii., 12 ; Edin. Test*. ; Reg. Azsiy. ;
Kef/. Pres. (Cavt.).~\
ably adm. in 1605; trans, to Pen-
caitland 15th Dec. 1641.
THOMAS WILKIE, born about 1592,
son of Thomas W., min. of Lillies-
leaf ; M.A. (St Andrews 1614); pres.
by James VI. 30th Jan., and adm. before
28th Sept, 1621. He was a member of
Assembly, 1638, 1644, 1646, 1648, and was
appointed to attend the Earl of Lothian's
Regiment in 1645. He died between 14th
Oct. 1657 and 6th April 1658. He marr.
a lady who .survived him, and had issue
—John, served heir 3rd July 1666, and
15th Dec. 1674 ;. William, apprentice to
William Bruce, skinner, 12th Oct. 1664.
--[Test. Reg. (Gfasi/.') : Rey. Sec. Sig. ; Inq.
Ret. Edin., 1215— et den., 5006 ; Morrison's
Diet., xvii. ; Baillie's Letters : Acts of Ass.]
JOHN DOUGLAS, brother of George
D. of Bonjedward ; M.A. (Edin
burgh 1635) ; had a testimonial from
Fresb. of Jedburgh 22nd Aug. 1638; ord.
to Yetholm 23rd April 1639 : called in
Feb., and adm. after 2nd April 1661 ; he
conformed to Episcopacy, and died in
1671, aged about 56. — [Kelso Fresh. Re<j. :
Wodrow's Hist. : Reg. Sec. Sig.~\
16?2 burgh, 27th July 1663); licen. by
George, Bishop of Edinburgh, 22nd
June 1666 ; ord. to Edinburgh Castle 22nd
Oct. 1668 ; pres. by Charles II. 15th Aug.,
and inst. 18th Sept. 1672 ; died between
23rd April and 14th Aug. 1683, aged about
40. He marr. April 1673, Elizabeth Crans-
toun, probably of the Crailing family, and
had issue — William, served heir 26th March
1695.— [Reg. Sec. Si</. : Peebles, Tests. : Inq.
Ret, Gen,, 7572.]
CHARLES ROSS, probably of the family
of Ross of Insch (as he was witness
to the baptism of a child of Alex
ander R., Professor of Divinity in the
Univ. of Glasgow, along with Arthur, the
Archbishop, 4th Dec. 1683) ; studied at
Marischal College, Aberdeen, 1675-9 ; pres.
by Charles II. in March, and inst. 16th
April 1684 ; deprived by the Privy Council
Oct. 1689, for neither reading the Pro
clamation issued by the Estates nor pray
ing for William and Mary, and for not
observing the Fast. He died 6th Aug.
1711, in his 51st year.- — [Glasgow Rey.
(Bapt.); Edin. Reg. (Bur.); MS. Ace. 'of
Min., 1689; Peterkin's Constitution of the
Ch nrch .]
JOHN CRANSTOUN, M.A. ; ord. 1st
Jan. 1692 ; trans, to Ancrum 2nd
March 1704.
17Q8 13th May, and adm. 10th June 1708 ;
trans, to Tolbooth Parish, Edinburgh,
22nd Jan. 1721.
ROBERT BELL, born 1670, son of John
? . B., min. of Smailholm ; M.A. (Edin
burgh, 7th May 1689); licen. by
Presb. of Earlston 12th Oct. 1693; ord.
14th Feb. 1694 to Cavers ; called by the
Presb. jure devoluto 1st Sept. ; trans, and
adm. 30th Nov. 1721 ; one of His Majesty's
Chaplains in Ordinary for Scotland 20th
Dec. 1734, but deprived by a political
change in 1744. He died FATHER OP THE
CHURCH, 9th May 1755. He marr. Anne
Kennedy, and had issue — John, min. of
Gordon.— [Steven's Scott, Ck., Rotterd., 173.]
ROBERT DEANS, son of Alexander D.,
m*n- °^ Birse } licen- by Presb. of
Irvine llth Sept. 1750; pres. by
George II. 23rd Oct. 1755 ; ord. 18th March
1756 ; died 13th Dec. 1788. He marr. 15th
April 1765, Elizabeth (died 23rd Nov. 1801,
aged 84), daugh. of Archibald Smith, Glas
gow. — [Tomhst,]
DAVID BROWN, born 1st June 1757,
son of David B., Auchtertool ; licen.
by Presb. of Kirkcaldy 15th June
1785 ; pres. by George III. 6th April, and
ord. 24th Sept. 1789; died llth Oct. 1828.
He marr. 3rd Feb. 1795, Janet (died Edin
burgh, 4th June 1846, aged 78), daugh. of
William Dawson of Graden, an eminent
agriculturist, and had issue — Christian,
born 8th May 1796 ; Jean, born 29th
Nov. 1797 (marr. James Strachan, min. of
Cavers) ; David, W.S., born 8th May 1799 ;
Janet, born 7th July 1801 ; William Daw-
son, licentiate of the Church of Scotland,
born 19th Oct. 1802, died at Montreal, 1st
Sept, 1875 ; Elizabeth, born 23rd Dec. 1803
(marr. Robert Strachan, London) ; Mar
garet, born 30th Nov. 1805, died 7th May
1807 ; Mary, born 17th March 1807 ;
Peter, printer, Edinburgh, born 15th Sept.
1808; John, born 8th Oct. 1810. Publica-
tion — Account of the Parish (Sinclair's
Stat. Ace., ii.). — [Auchtertool Sess. Rey.~\
ANDREW MILROY of Forthsidc,
Stirling, born Edinburgh, 25th July
1801, son of David M. ; educated at
High School and Univ. of Edinburgh ;
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh 26th Aug.
1824; ord. 30th July 1829. Joined the
Free Church ; min. of Crailing Free Church
in 1843 ; trans, to Tron Free Church, Edin
burgh, llth April 1844 ; died 3rd May 1873.
He marr. 3rd Nov. 1829, Margaret (died
2nd Jan. 1877), daugh. of James Bryce of
Wcodhall, and had issue — David, M.D.,
surgeon, 30th Regiment, served in the
Crimea, 1854, born 16th Dec. 1831, died at
Bermuda, 3rd Sept. 1 864 ; Catherine Young,
born 19th Oct. 1833 (marr. Aug. 1867,
John Fleming, min. of Tron Free Church,
Edinburgh), died 4th July 1911: Janet
Wallace, born 18th Feb. 1837 (marr. 8th
Dec. 1863, William Richard Curie, C.E.,
Delhi, India), died Jan. 1892 ;. Andrew
Wallace of Forthside, M.A. (Oxon. 1869),
Professor of Latin, Queen's College, London
(1870-7), Reader of the Rolls Chapel
(1874-9), Professor of Church History,
Queen's College, London (1887-98), vicar of
Carisbrooke, I.W., born 29th Aug. 1841, died
at Marseilles, 3rd March 1902. Publication
— Account of the Parish (New Stat. Ace.,
iii.). — [Memorials of a Quiet Ministry: being
the Life and Letters of Andreiv Milroi/, by
his son, A. W. Milroy (London, 1876.)]
son of Charles C., and great-grandson
of Alexander C., min. of Ettrick ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by
Presb. of Selkirk 28th June 1831 ; ord. to
Eskdalemuir 12th May 1836; trans, and
adm. 28th Sept. 1843; died unmarr. llth
Sept. 1887.
TON, born Aberdeen, 7th Dec. 1858,
son of James M. and Isabella Moir ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh; M.A.
(1884) ; licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh 1887 ;
assistant at Dalbeattie ; ord. 22nd March
1888; chaplain to the British Forces i in
Crete, 1907-8.
[Previous to the Reformation the church
belonged to the Abbey of Jedburgh. The
parish was united to Crailing, 9th July 1606.
A petition of the parishioners to Parlia
ment, 28th June 1633, that the church of
the united parishes might be removed to
Nisbet, was remitted to the Lords Com
missioners of Teinds " to determine thairin
as they think fitt and expedient."]
JOHN KER, reader here and at Crailing
1574 in 1574,
HENRY LIVINGSTON, reader, 1576
1576 to 1578.
1579 reader. 1579 to 1580.
JOHN JOHNSTON, M.A. ; min. in
1593. In 1594 Wilton also was under
his care, but was removed from his
charge in 1595, when Abbotrule and Bed-
rule were added instead, which arrangement
remained till 1599 ; trans, to Langnewton
before 6th Jan. 1607.— [Key. Assicj.~\
HECTOR RAE, M.A. ; adm. 8th Sept.
1608 ; trans, to Hownam 30th Aug.
[This parish belonged to the Abbey of
Jedburgh. At Caverton, in the parish, was
a chapel founded by Walter Ker of Cess-
ford, and confirmed by a charter of James
IV. in 1500.]
Eckford in 1556 ; archdeacon of
Teviotdale in 1567 : died in 1571.
— [Knox, Hist., i., 373.]
1572 JOHN CLERK, reader, 1572 to 1591.
Jedburgh; pres. to the vicarage by
James VI. previous to 30th April
1593 ; trans, to Monilieth 16th June 1598.
1600 *rom Langnewton ; pres. to the
vicarage by James VI. 8th Feb.
1600; trans, to Lindean [Galashiels] before
13th March 1605.
JOHN BOYLE, M.A. (Eclin., 28th July
1596) Though afflicted with blind-
1608 ,.
ness, he was nom. for a proposed
Second Charge at Jedburgh in 1601 ; adin.
liere 5th May 1608 ; preached for the last
time in this charge 13th Sept. 160!) : dep.
for immoral conduct llth Jan. 1010.—
[Calderwood's /fist., vi., 24, 712.]
Thomas A. of Glencorse, and Jean
Straiten, was brother of John A., min.
of Jedburgh: M.A. (Edinburgh, 28th July
1596) ; Keen, by Fresh, of Edinburgh 31st
Dec. 1600 ; adm. to Durisdeer before 20th
May 1601 : trans, to Hawick that year ;
trans, and adm. 22nd Feb. 1010. He was
summoned before the Court of High Com
mission, 10th Jan. and 28th June 1622, for
not complying with the ordinances of the
Assembly in 1618. Through the inter
cession of his brother, who had become
Bishop of Caithness, the case was delayed
till 9th July following, when it was passed
over. He died after 28th Oct. 1640, aged
about 64. He niarr. 12th Oct. 1603,
Beatrix Criche ; Daniel A., his nephew,
was served heir 9th June lG4:l.--[Edin.
Rey. (Marr.) ; Re<j. Assiy. ; Calderwood's
Ih'xf., vii., 549 : Imj. Pet. Gen., 2576.]
ROBERT MARTIN, M.A. (St Andrews,
23rd Sept. 1617 ; trans, to Ettrick
5th May 1618; pres. by Charles I. 2nd
Jan., trans, and adm. 23rd June 1641. He
refused to conform to Episcopacy, and died
12th Aug. 1665, aged about 73. He marr.
(cont. 22nd May 1624) Marion, daugh. of
Walter Scott of Gamescleugh, and had
issue — Rachel (marr. Alexander Faterson).
— [Rey. of Deeds, ccclxxiii., 55 ; /'. R. <S'a,v.,
I'ccbles '. Rey. .Str. Siy. ; To
WILLIAM TURNBULL, son of William
T., min. of Makerstoun ; M.A. (Edin
burgh, 30th July 1646) ; passed trials
before the Presb. of Jedburgh, and had a
testimonial 4th July 1665 for license ;
pres. by Charles II. 9th Nov., coll. in Dec.
1665 : inst. 10th Jan. 1666 ; probably died
between 3rd Jan. and 4th April 1677, aged
about 50. He marr. (name unknown), and
had issue — John, M.A. — [G . R. Hominy*,
18th July 1670 ; Min. -book Key, I'/'iri/
burgh, 30th June 1658): chaplain
to John Mow of Mow; licen. by
Fresb. of Kelso 26th June 1660; adm. to
Borgue in 1664 ; trans, to Tarbolton in 1666;
pres. by Charles II. 18th Dec. 1677 ; trans,
and coll. in April, and inst. 8th May 1678 ;
deprived by the Privy Council, 4th Sept.
1689, for neither reading the Proclamation
of the Estates nor praying for William and
Mary, but for the restoration of James
VII. He died 8th April 1696, aged about
58, and was buried the following day in
Greyfriars. Edinburgh. — [Min.-book Rey.
Prii'tj Seal, Edin. AV;/. (lhn\) ; MS. Ace.
of Min., 1689; Peterkin's Constitution of
I In- C/itor/t.]
JAMES NOBLE, M.A, (Edinburgh, :>th
Aug. 1679; ord. in 1688 as min. of a
Presbyterian congregation at Bran-
ton ; adm. to Yetholm before 16th Oct. 1690;
called in Nov. 1693 ; trans, and adm. 4th
April 1694 ; died 17th Aug. 1739, in his
| 83rd year. He marr. 1694, Grace Hutton,
who died 12th Sept. 1772, aged 70, and had
issue — Agnes (marr. her father's successor) ;
William ; Gabriel ; Edward ; James ; Grace.
— [J\eho Presb. and Yf-tholm tiess. Rey. ;
JOHN JOHNSTON, schoolmaster at
Eyemouth : licen. by Presb. of
Chirnside 29th Sept. 1719; called
23rd Sept. 1730 : ord. (assistant and
successor) 25th Feb. 1731 : he dissented
from the Act deposing the eight Seceders,
15th May 1740; died 21st Oct. 1754, in his
64th year. He marr. 13th July 1731, Agnes
Noble, daugh. of his predecessor : she died
llth Sept. 1757, aged 62, leaving issue-
Jean, born 29th Oct. 1735 ; James.— [Kelso
Rec., 7th Oct. 1718 ; Tombst. ; Rey. Gen.
Ass., 1740; Morren's Ann.]
WILLIAM PATON, M.A. (Edinburgh,
18th March 1742) ; licen. by Presb.
of Dalkeith 30th April 1745 ; pres.
by George II. 17th Feb., and ord. 27th
Aug. 1755 ; died 6th May 1807, in his 87th
year. He rnarr. llth April 1759, Sarah
(died 19th Jan. 1819, aged 89), daugh. of
James Nasrnyth, min. of Dalmeny, and
had issue — an only daugh., Marion, born
27th Jan. 1760, died 3rd Dec. 1820. Publi
cation — Account of the Parish (Sinclair's
Stat. /Ice., viii.). — [Dalmeny * R<-<j. ;
JAMES YOUNG, born 1774, son of
Peter Y., Bedrule ; licen. by Presb.
807 of Jedburgh 7th April 1802 ; pres. by
(leorge III. 5th June, and ord. 24th Sept.
1807 ; died 9th March 1822. He marr. 21st
July 1809, Marion (died at Edinburgh, 7th
Aug. 1857, aged 75), eldest daugh. of James
Hume, schoolmaster of Lasswade, and had
issue — Margaret Simpson, born 19th Oct.
1811; Euphemia, born 15th Jan. 1813;
Peter, colonial surgeon, Hong-Kong, born
23rd March 1814 ; Marion, born 23rd Sept.
1815 (marr. James Hope, min. of Rox
burgh) ; Beatrix Laiirg, born 3rd March
1818 ; James Hume, M.D., first medical
missionary of the Presbyterian Church of
England, at Amoy, China, born llth Oct.
1819, died at Musselburgh, llth Feb. 1855 ;
Janet, born 28th Feb. 1821.— [Tomh*t.~\
GEORGE GRAY, pres. by George IV.,
and ord. 19th Sept. 1822 ; trans, to
Maybole 18th Sept. 1828.
JOSEPH YAIR, born 2nd Sept. 1798,
eldest son of David Y., writer,
Glasgow, and Janet Patterson ; edu
cated at Grammar School and Univ. of
Glasgow ; M.A. (1820) ; licen. by Presb. of
Glasgow 25th June 1824 ; pres. by George
IV., and ord. 7th May 1829; died 25th
April 1892. He marr. 12th Dec. 1836,
Helen Blair (born llth July 1819, died
27th Jan. 1889), daugh. of Archibald
M'Dougall, Cessford, and had issue —
Christian Archibald M'Dougall, born 16th
July 1838 (marr. William Lamb, min. of
Ednam) ; David William, min. of Firth,
born 28th Aug. 1840; Janet Elizabeth
Colquhoun, born 27th July 1842, died
24th May 1856 ; Archibald M'Dougall,
custom - house officer, New York, born
30th Dec. 1843, died 6th July 1909 ;
Helen Blair M'Dougall, born 2nd March
1846 (marr. Patrick, eldest son of James
Chrystal, D.D., LL.D., min. of Auchin-
leck) ; Elizabeth Colquhoun, born 25th
Jan. 1848, died unmarr. 18th Feb. 1890;
Joseph, accountant, Canada, born 20th
Jan. 1850 ; Agnes Archibald M'Dougall,
bora 27th Dec. 1851 : John Macltae, M.D.,
born 9th Dec. 1854, died 31st May 1903.
Publication— Account of the Parish (Xen<
M>if. Ace., iii.).
1892 Glassmount, Kinghorn, 7th Sept.
1862, son of John G. and Barbara
\V:uldell ; educated at Univ. of St
Andrews; M.A. (1882), B.D. (1885); licen.
by Presb. of Kirkcaldy 1890 ; assistant at
St M ungo's, Glasgow ; ord. 28th Sept. 1892 ;
died unmarr. 14th Nov. 1896.
18g7 5th Oct. 1867, son of Alexander
M., D.D., min. of Houston, Ren
frewshire ; educated at Houston School
and Univ. of Glasgow; licen. by Presb.
of Paisley 1890 ; assistant at St Mary's
Parish, Edinburgh; ord. 29th April 1897.
Marr. 2nd Sept. 1897, Isabella Blyth,
daugh. of Thomas Dall, C.A., Edinburgh,
and has issue — Aileen Mona Dall, born
9th Oct. 1898 ; Anne Catherine Louise,
born 29th Nov. 1903.
[A church was built at Edgerston in 1838.
The parish was disjoined from Jedburgh,
Southdean, and Oxnam in July 1855.]
JOHN FERGUSSON, born Wallace-
1855 town, Dumfries, 1824, son of David
F. and Mary Kerr; educated at
Hutton Hall Academy, and Univs. of
Edinburgh and St Andrews ; licen. by
Presb. of Edinburgh ; assistant at Green-
side Parish, Edinburgh ; ord. first min. of
this parish 13th Sept. 1855 ; clerk of
Prcsb., 1863-91 ; died 10th Dec. 1891. He
marr. 29th Aug. 1871, Margaret, daugh. of
Isaac Richardson, and widow of Joseph
Spence Smith, and had issue— David, M.A.,
B.L., solicitor, Dumfries, born 12th Sept.
187-2 ; Margaret Isabella lUchardson, born
23rd Feb. 1877 ; Maud Mary, born 12th
Oct. 1879 (inarr. 20th June 1906, Xonnan
Porteous, C.E., lieut. E.E.).
THOMAS CORDON, born 30th Nov.
1841, son of John C. of Thrcave
Mains, min. of Twynholm ; edu
cated at Kirkcudbright Academy and
Univ. of Glasgow: M.A. (1864), B.D.
(1879) : licen. by Presb. of Kirkcudbright
Aug. I860; assistant at Bothwell, Scone,
Twynholm, Balmaghie, Fenwick, 1866-77 ;
at Saughtree Mission, Castleton, Edgerston,
Kirkcolm, Paisley (Middle Parish), 1877-90 :
ord. to Demerara 22nd March 1888: adm.
to this charge 31st March 1892. Marr.
3rd Dec. 1895, Adelaide, daugh. of James
Dobie, surgeon-dentist, Paisley. Publica
tions — The Scottish Reformation Movement
in the Sixteenth Century (Edinburgh, 1883) ;
Ci-erd. (oaf. Civilisation— their Alliance in
(he Experience of Ifistori/ (London, 1905).
[There was a church here in 1183, when
" Henry the parson " was witness to a
charter of land in the territory of Hawick,
The names of parson, chaplain, and vicar
of the kirk of Hawick occur in documents
of the twelfth century. The church was
dedicated to St Mary, by Adam, Bishop
of Caithness, 29th May 1214. In 1844 a
new church for the parish was erected at
the expense of Walter Francis, Duke of
Buccleuch, the old building becoming the
church of the quoad sacra, parish of St
Mary erected in 1866.]
HENRY SCOTT, reader in 1574.— [£e</.
1574 Assiy.]
1574. when Cavers, Hassendean,
Kirkton, and Wilton were in the
charge. He was still min. in 1591.— [-Key.
Assig. ; ttookc of the Kirl- ; Wodrow's
"parson of Hawick," 1563: died at
Edinburgh, 21st May l583.—[Compt
of Sub-Collector of Thirds, Jut. Keg. : Edin.
WILLIAM FOWLER, born c. 1560, son
of Wm. F., merchant burgess of
Edinburgh : attended St Leonard's
College, St Andrews, 1573-4 and 1578;
M.A. : studied law at Paris in 1580, where
he suti'ered persecution from his Roman
Catholic countrymen. A similar fate befell
him at Rome. On his return to Scotland he
published An Ansicer to the Calumnious
Letter and Erroneous Propositimtns of an
A/toxtaf named M. Jo. Hammiltonn (Edin
burgh : Robert Lekprewick, 1581), dedicated
to Francis, Earl of Bothwell. During part
of 1583 and 1584 he was in London, where
he acted as a spy on Esme, Duke of Lennox,
and the French faction. To James VI.'s
Essaycs, of a Prentise (1584) he contributed
a commendatory sonnet. In 1585, as
" Minister of O :: (;; O " apparently = blank),
he was paid two-thirds of the parsonage of
i Hawick. the above William Auchmoutie
\ drawing the other third. In June 1586,
Fowler, described as "of Hawik," is men
tioned as being in the train of the Earl of
Bothwell, who is known to have presented
him to that rectory and vicarage. " William
Fowler, persoun of Hawik," accompanied the
ambassador, Sir Peter Young, to Denmark
in May 1589, and took part in the negotia
tions which led to the marriage of James
VI. and Princess Anne. He was appointed
Master of Requests and Secretary-Depute to
the Queen in Nov. 1589, and eventually her
secretary. In Feb. 1594 he received from the
Crown a grant of its third of the parsonage
of Hawick. He accompanied Queen Anne
to England in 1603, and died in May 1612.
His eldest son, Ludovic, was "Portioner of
liestalrig." Publications — Fowler was a
somewhat prolific writer, but little appeared
in print during his lifetime. Two MSS.,
containing his The Tarantula of Love and
a verse translation of Petrarch's Trionfi,
were presented by his nephew, William
Drummond of Hawthornden, to the Uni
versity of Edinburgli in 1627. The Haw
thornden MSS. in the Museum of Xational
Antiquities, Edinburgh, include, among
various pieces of his in prose and verse,
an almost complete translation of Machia-
vellrs Prince. Fowlers work illustrates
the literary influences, more particularly
Italian, which prevailed at the court of
James VI. — [Edin. Unir. Lain;/ J/,s>',, 494 ;
David Laing in ArcJtwolorjia Scotica, iv.,
70 ; T. Graves Law, Catholic Tractates, pp.
xlii.-iv. (Scot. Text Soc.) ; I fist. MSS. Com.
Rpts., /faf field MSS., xii., 450 ; Cal. Scot.
Paper*, vi,, passim ; Cal. Scot. Papers, viii.,
4:>2 ; /'. C. Reg., 2nd ser., iv., 520; Edin.
Burgh R<-<'o,\lx, iv., 543-4 ; Reg. Sec. Sit/.,
Ixvi., f. 78; ibid., Ixvii., f. 59; Fowler's
Works, ed. Henry \V. Meikle, D.Litt. (Scot,
Text Soc., 1914); A. F. Westcott's JTei»
Poems of James I. of England; Irving's
Hist, of Scot. Poetnj : Masson's Drummond
of Hawthornden ; E. T. Bradley's Arabella
1601 ^rom Durisdeer, and adm. 1001 ;
trans, to Eckford 22nd Feb. 1610.
ADAM SCOTT, son of Walter S., mer-
1612 chant burgess of Edinburgh; M.A.
(Edinburgh, 25th July 1607); min.
of Minto in 1608; pres. by Walter, Lord
Scott of Buccleuch 27th Aug. 1612 ; trans,
and adm. soon after ; still min. 7th Dec.
1623 ; died before 20th April 1625.— [Prof.
Bk. of John Hay, viii., 166 : Edin. Re<j.
(Bapt.) ; Reg. Assiy.]
11 0 B E 11 T C U N N I X ( i H A M E, M.A.
1625 (Glasgow 1608); on the recommenda
tion of the Principal and regents of
Edinburgh Univ. he was licen. by Presb.
of Haddington, 8th Sept. 1617; pres. by
Walter, Earl of Buccleuch, and adm. here
20th April 1625. He was a member of
Assembly in 1638, and of the Commission
in 1647; died after 8th Oct. 1656. His
signature is attached to the copy of the
National Covenant preserved at Cavers.
He marr. Margaret Shaw, and had issue
—Patrick, min. of Kirkton ; Thomas ;
James; Alexander; Francis, apprenticed
to John Rankine, merchant, Edinburgh,
25th Feb. 1663 ; Catherine ; Anna.— [Had-
dinyton Presb. Re<j. ; P. C. Raj., 2nd ser.,
iv., 520.]
JOHN SCOTT, M.A. (Edinburgh, 15th
July 1650); tutor in the family of
Gilbert Eliott of Stobs ; called 8th
Feb. and adm. 29th July 1657 ; deprived by
Act of Parliament llth June, and Deereet of
Privy Council 1st Oct. 1662. He frequently
officiated at conventicles, and was instru
mental in the escape to London, in 1681,
of Archibald, Earl of Argyll, who was
afterwards beheaded. " When the Earl
mounted a horse prepared for him, the
min. of Hawick advised him to ride on
without ever slackening bridle till he
should arrive at Torwoodlee, and gave him
a verbal token by which he would be
received/' He survived the Revolution, but
did not return to his parish. He marr. (!)
28th Sept. 1658, Marion (died July 1661,
aged 19), daugh. of John Livingston, min.
of Aucrum : (2) Elizabeth Anderson, who
was buried in Greyfriars, Edinburgh, 26th
March 1698. — [Edin.. Tests. ; Edin. Reg.
(Bur.); Wodrow's /list., i., 326; Living
ston's Life; Inq. Ret. (Jen., 7970; The
Covenanters of Teviotdale, 47.]
1663 ^U1'S^ I64") } schoolmaster of Lesma-
hagow 1653 : adm. (assistant) at
Roberton before 1st June 1655 ; trans.
1656 to Bathgate ; pres. in June, and inst.
before 2nd Aug. 1663 ; died between 20th
March and 10th May 1667, aged about 40.
He marr. llth Sept. 1666, Margaret Cun
ningham, who survived him, and marr. (2)
(pro. 24th Nov. 1670) Robert Richardson,
writer, Edinburgh. — [(/. R. Inhib., 28th
May 1675 ; Edin. Marr. Re</.'\
JOHN LANGLANDS, born 1633, said
1667 to be son of John L., miri. of Wilton ;
M.A. (Edinburgh, 31st July 1662);
licen. by George, Bishop of Edinburgh, 3rd
Oct. 1666; pres. in July, and inst. 23rd
Oct. 1667; deprived by the Privy Council,
4th Sept. 1689, for neither reading the Pro
clamation of the Estates nor praying for
William and Mary. He removed to Aln-
wick, where lie died 24th May 1707. He
marr. Margaret Kutherfurd, and had issue
— Robert; John; Margaret; Alison; Mar
garet.— [Rey. Collat. ; Edin. Reg. (Bur.} ;
MS. Ace. of Min., 1689 ; Peterkin's Con
stitution of the Church ; Paper by Sir J.
A. H. Murray, LL.D., in Trans. Hawick
Archaol. Soc., 1863].
ALEXANDER OllllOCK, born 1652, son
of Alexander O. of Orrock, Fife, by
his wife, Elizabeth, sister of Sir John
Wemyss of Bogie. On 15th Feb. 1665 he
entered St Salvator's College, St Andrews,
where he graduated M.A. 25th July 1668.
We do not know how or where he spent the
next nineteen years, but in 1687 he was
licen. by the Presb. of St Andrews. From
the first, Orrock was a determined opponent
of Episcopacy, conspicuously identifying
himself with the views and conduct of
Alexander Hamilton of Kinkel, St Andrews.
Both men were more than once arrested
and lodged in the Edinburgh Tolbooth, and
Orrock was inhibited from preaching. On
being liberated, he persisted in preach
ing at Dundee and St Andrews, but was
seized by order of Archbishop Ross : a
strong attempt at rescue was made, Orrock !s
friend Hamilton "beating off some who
laid violent hands" on him. After the
Revolution he was called to the Second
Charge of St Andrews, but the Synod, 7th
April 1691, refused to settle him there.
On 23rd Sept. of the same year he was
admitted to this charge. He was a member
of Assembly in 1692. He declined calls to
Peebles, Muthill, and Kelso. In 1705 he
complained to the Assembly of certain Acts
of Synod as being needlessly severe and
oppressive. Although not a member of the
Court, he attempted to speak, but was
refused a hearing. He was stopped by
the Moderator (Principal Carstares), and
by the Lord High Commissioner (William,
Marquess of Annandale), and left the As
sembly only on a peremptory command.
A protest against the Assembly's proceed
ings was made to Parliament by Fletcher
of Saltoun, but being coldly received, was
departed from. Fletcher pleaded for a re
conciliation, which was afterwards effected.
Orrock died unmarr., 23rd April 1711 [the
date 1st May 1711, on memorial tablets in
St Mary's and HaAvick Parish churches,
is an error]. He left 9000 merks for the
endowment of a grammar school, a be
quest still in use as the Orrock Bursary,
and worth about £60. For the poor of the
parish he left 1600 merks; and to the church,
four silver communion cups and a baptismal
basin ; while to his successors in office he
bequeathed his library. Publication-
Address to the General Assembly, 1705,
against the Tyrannical Imposition of the
8 i/nod of Merse and Teriotdale. — [A'. S.
Record and Baptismal Font Inscription ;
Kelso Presb. ; Reg. Syn, Fife ; Boston's
Memoirs ; Fountainhall's Diary ; Wodrow's
JfSS. \ Scot. Presb. Elo<j. ; Reg. Gen. Ass.,
1692 ; Charters' Sermons, ii. ; Wilson's
Hist, of Hawick ; Tombst. ; Murray's Hist.
of Hawick ; Vernon's " Alexander Orrock "
(Trans. Hawick Arch. Soc., 1909).]
son of Patrick C., min. of Kirkton ;
M.A. (Edinburgh, 30th May 1689);
licen. by Presb. of Selkirk 27th Sept. 1693 ;
ord. to Wilton 18th April 1694 ; called 8th
Nov. 1711 ; trans, and adm. 4th June 1712 ;
died 5th Aug. 1722. He marr. (cont. 18th
and 23rd Aug. 1699), Marjory, second
daugh. of William Ker of Sunderland Hall,
and had issue— Robert ; Alexander ; Janet
(marr. Henry Erskine, min. of Roberton).
—[Roxburgh Sas., vii., 94; Roberton Sess.
Reg. ; Vernon's "Alexander Orrock" (Trans.
Hawid- Arch. AV., 1909).]
CHARLES TELFER, born 1693, son of
Charles T., bailie of Edinburgh, and
captain of the Trained Band ; M.A.
(Edinburgh, 17th April 1712); licen. by
Presb. of Edinburgh (though at first un
willing to sign the Confession of Faith)
3rd June 1719 ; assistant to preceding min.,
10th Sept. 1721 ; pres. by Anne, Duchess of
Buccleuch and Monmouth, Nov. 1722; ord.
13th Jan. 1723. He preached before the
Lord High Commissioner, 24th May 1730
(from Eccl. vii. 10), and next day he was
called before the Committee on Overtures
for certain comparisons which he had used,
but was dismissed without censure. He died
between 24th June and 7th July 1731. He
marr. 8th July 1727, Katherine Elliot,
widow of David Laing of Westerkirk,
Hawick. She was alive in 1746. — [Wod-
row's Anal, and Corresp.]
son °^ Th°mas *">•) min- of Cavers :
M.A. (Edinburgh, 9th April 1707):
tutor in the family of Alexander, fourth
Lord Elibank ; licen. by Presb. of Duns
6th Oct. 1719, "and soon after became an
inmate in the family of James, Lord Somer-
ville, in whose house he remained, managing
his Lordship's business affairs till the time
of his ordination "j called 17th Nov. 1731 :
ord. 29th March 1732 ; died 8th Feb. 1757.
He marr. (1) 19th Oct. 1732, Janet (died
10th June 1749), daugh. of John Grierson,
min. of Queensferry, and had issue — Agnes,
born 26th June 1735: Helen, born 14th
Aug. 1736: Thomas, D.D., min. of Jed-
burgh : Janet, born 12th Nov. 1745 : (2)
16th July 1753, Isabel Scott of White-
haugh, who died 1st May 1759. — [Nisbet's
Heraldry, ii. ; Somerville's J/// Own Life
and Times ; Trans, Hawick Arch, Soc., 1862.]
JAMES LAURIE, M.A. (Edinburgh,
1757 19th March 1724); licen. by Presb.
of Duns 26th Sept, 1732; ord. to
Langton 8th Jan. 1734 ; pres. by the
trustees of Henry, Duke of Buccleuch,
llth May; trans, and adm. 7th Oct. 1757 :
died 23rd Dec. 1783, aged about 79. He
marr. 31st July 1743, Elizabeth Foggo, who
died 22nd March 1792, and had issue — John,
min. of Ewes, born 10th June 1744 ; Mary,
born 5th July 1748 ; Elizabeth, born 30th
Aug. 1751.— [Carlyle's Autob.]
THOMAS SHARP, trans, from Ettrick :
pres. by Henry, Duke of Buccleuch,
22nd April, and adm. 22nd Oct. 1784 ;
trans, to Corstorphine 15th Oct. 1789.
ROBERT GILLAN, born 7th June 1761,
1789 son °^ R°kert Cr., min- of Lessudden
[St Boswells] ; educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh : licen. by Presb. of Jedburgh ;
ord. to Ettrick llth May 1787; pres. by
Henry, Duke of Buccleuch, 23rd Oct. ;
trans, and adm. 30th Dec. 1789 : dem.
7th May 1800: died at Edinburgh, 7th
May 1824. He marr. 4th April 1798,
Marion (died at Abbotshall, 21st Nov.
1845), daugh. of William Campbell, min. of
Lilliesleaf, and had issue — Robert, D.D.,
min. of Inchinnan, born 1st Oct. 1799 ;
William, born 5th Oct. 1800; Margaret,
born 13th Feb. 1804; Joseph, born 20th
July 1805 ; Alexander Murray, born 20th
June 1807; Cauvin, born 14th May 1812;
Agnes Farquharson, born 16th Jan. 1815.
Publications — An Abridgement of the Acts
of the General Assemblies of the Church of
Scotland from the Year 1638 to 1802 in
clusive (Hawick, 1803); A Short View of
'Modern Astronomy, for the Use of Schools
ami Private Classes (Edinburgh, 1814). He
edited The Scottish Pulpit : A Collection of
Sermons by Eminent Clergymen of the Church
of Scotland (Edinburgh, 1823); Account of
the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace., viii.).
JAMES ARKLE, licen. by Presb. of St
1800 Andrews 3rd May 1786; ord. to
Castleton 26th April 1792 : pres. by
Henry, Duke of Buccleuch, 5th Sept., and
adm. 19th Dec. 1800; died unmarr. 16th
March 1823, in his 64th year. Publica
tions — Sermon preached in the Church of
Ilmi'li-k, Dec. 5, 1805, a Daij appointed
for National Thanksgiving (Hawick,
1806); Account of Castleton (Sinclair's
Stat. Ace., xvi.).
•JOHN COCHRANE, born 4th Jan.
1823 1789' son °^ '^m ^'' farmer> Easter
Lilliesleaf ; educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of Selkirk 6th
Aug. 1811; assistant at Lilliesleaf; min.
of a Presbyterian congregation at Falstone,
Northumberland ; adm. to the Scots Church,
North Shields (in succession to his uncle,
Walter Knox), 29th May 1817; pres. by
the trustees of Walter Francis, Duke of
Buccleuch and Queensberry, 4th June, and
adm. 12th Sept. 1823; died 12th Sept. 1832.
He marr. 30th July 1816, Jessie Elizabeth
(died llth Nov. 1868), daugh. of Thomas
Knox, farmer, Firth, Lilliesleaf, and Bar
bara Turnbull, and sister of William Knox,
the poet, and had issue — Barbara, born 8th
March 1817, died llth Jan. 1894 (marr.
14th Sept, 1836, Robert Laidlaw Lang,
writer, Edinburgh, and was mother of Peter
Redford Scott Lang, Professor of Mathe-
matics, Univ. of St Andrews); Jessie
Knox, born 1819, died 5th Feb. 1882 ; Jane
Ayres, born 20tli April 1820, died 6th Jan.
J 891. —[William Knox's Poems.]
1833 Edinburgh, 19th Jan. 1802, son of
James W., gumnaker, and Janet
Clapporton ; educated at Univ. of Edin
burgh ; licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh 20th
Oct. 1825 ; ord. (assistant and successor)
to Burntisland 25th Oct. 1827 ; pros, by
Walter Francis, Duke of Buccleuch and
Queensberry, in March, trans, and adm.
10th May 1833. He was pres. to Galashiels
Dec. 1840, but translation was refused by
the Presb. He joined the Free Church ;
min. of Hawick Free Church in 1844 ; died
9th Feb. 1870. He marr. 9th Sept. 1834,
Isabella (died 25th Oct. 1859), daugh. of
James Nisbet, bookseller, London, and had
issue — James Nisbet, born 17th Dec. 1835,
died 9th Jan. 1836 ; Jeanetta Nisbet, born
13th July 1838, died at Kelso, 28th Oct.
1852 ; Wilhelmina Hepburn, born 14th July
1840 (marr. John Macgregor, min. of the
Free Church, Hawick), died 25th Sept.
1869 ; James Nisbet, min. of the Presby
terian Church of England, Torquay, born
30th Jan. 1842 ; Isabella Duncan, born 23rd
March 1844 ; Catherine Nisbet, born 12th
May 1846, died 14th Dec. 1913 ; Hamilton
Gordon, captain African Mail S.S. Co.,
born 26th Sept. 1848 ; Alexander Duff
Leadbetter, bookseller, Edinburgh, born
22nd Aug. 1850 ; Amy Jeannetta, born
31st March 1853, died 2nd May 1907. Pub
lications — " The Death of the Righteous "
(Protestant Pulpit, Edinburgh, 1830) ; The
Church built by Human Agency (London,
1831) ; The Seven Churches of Asia (London,
1842) ; Reasons for Concurring in the
Resolutions of Convocation (London, 1843) ;
Pastoral Recollections (First Series, London,
1843 ; Second Series, Edinburgh, 1854 ;
Third Series, Edinburgh, 1864) ; Testimonies
in favour of the Principles and Procedure
of the Free Church of /Scotland (Edinburgh,
1844) ; The Chariot of Israel and the
Horsemen thereof (Edinburgh, 1847) ; The
Railway Guide (Edinburgh, 1849); Statis
tics having References to the Ravages of
Cholera in the Toivn and Neighbourhood of
Hawick in 1849 (Hawick, 1850) ; A Pastor's
Let/act/ [extracts from the MSS. of the Rev.
Robert Nichol, Galashiels], (Edinburgh,
' 1864); Jewels for the Crown of Glory (Edin
burgh, 1864); Attitudes and Aspects of the
! Divine Redeemer (Edinburgh, 1864) ; Com-
i munion Services according to the Presbyterian
I Form (Edinburgh, 1865) ; Wai/marks for the
Guiding of Little Feet (Edinburgh, 1866) ;
Lessons from the Life of the late James Nisbet
(Edinburgh, 1867); Farewell Addresses (Edin
burgh, 1870) ; Account of the Parish (New
Stat. Ace., in.). — [Jjorder Almanac, 1871 ;
Sinton;s Hawick Bibliography.]
JOHN MACRAE, born Glasgow, 25th
Jan. 1815, eldest son of James M.,
shoemaker, Glasgow- ; educated at
Univ. of Glasgow ; Keen, by Presb. of
Glasgow; ord. 28th Sept. 1843; D.D.
(Glasgow 1864); died 8th Jan. 1892. He
was Founder of the Church of Scotland
Mission at Blantyre, British Central Africa.
He marr. 24th Jan. 1844, Margaret (died s.j>.
14th March 1882), daugh. of Archibald Mac-
Lachlan, Seabank, Helensburgh. Publica
tions— Sermons (Hawick, 1851); Sermon
i for the National Fast (Edinburgh, 1854) ;
P The Scripture Law of Marriage (Hawick,
! 1861 ; 2nd ed., 1862) ; Sermon on the
Completion of the Fortieth Year of his
Ministry (Hawick, 1883) ; Sermon on the
Death of the Duke of JJuccleuch and
Queensberry (Hawick, 1884) ; Sermon on
the Death of H.R.H. Prince Leopold
(Hawick, 1884) ; Sermon on the Life and
Character of General Gordon (Hawick,
1885) ; Sermon on Disestablishment and Re
ligious Equality (Hawick, 1885) ; Funeral
Sermon on the Life and Character of the
Rev. James Steivart, Minister of Wilton
(Hawick, 1886) ; Sermon on the Life and
I Character of Her Gracious Majesty the
\ Queen [Victoria] (Hawick, 1887).— [Pulpit
Memorial of the Life and Character of
the late Rev. John MacRae, D.D., by
John Mair, D.D. (Hawick, 1892) ; Sinton's
Haivick Bibliography.]
DAVID CATHELS, born Arbroath, 24th
Dec. 1853, son of John C. and
Katharine Boath ; educated at
Dundee schools and Univ. of Edinburgh ;
M.A. (1878); licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh
in 1881 ; assistant at Hawick ; ord. to Kirk-
ton 22nd Feb. 1882 ; trans, and aclm. 18th
May 1892. In 1913-14 he visited the Church
of Scotland Mission at Ichang, China, as a
deputy of the Foreign Mission Committee.
Marr. (1) 25th Dec. 1879, Mildred Mar
garet (died 15th Oct. 1901), daugh. of Peter
Gardner, and has issue — Katherine Stewart,
born 18th Xov. 1880; Mildred Margaret
Lindsay, M.B., C.M., born 9th Oct. 1882 ;
John Howard Crawford, born 23rd March
1884 ; Jean Gardner, M.B., C.M., born llth
June 1885 ; Louis Patrick, born 8th April
1887 : (2) 1st Sept. 1904, Margaret Agnes,
daugh. of John Hewat, Edinburgh. Publi
cations — Ourselves and Our Times, a Guild
Sermon (Hawick, 1887); Christian J fan-
hood (Hawick, 1889) ; Landmarks : a
Common- Riding Sermon (Hawick, 1895);
Honour the King, a sermon (Hawick, 1897) ;
The Reformation and John Kno.c (Hawick,
[Disjoined from the parish of Hawick
and the quoad sacra parish of St Mary,
and erected into a parish quoad sacra by
Decreet of the Court of Teinds, 17th May
JOHN THOMSON, born Over-Rox-
issi bur§'n> 31st May 1823> son of William
T. and Margaret Shiel ; educated
at Ancrum School and Univ. of Edin
burgh ; licen. by Presb. of Kelso in 1854 ;
assistant at Selkirk ; ord. to St Mary's
Chapel-of-Ease, llth May 1860 ; res. 22nd
Oct. 1879 ; adm. to this charge 14th
March 1881 ; died 20th April 1889. He
marr. 17th March 1801, Mary Ann, daugh.
of James Scott of Allanshaws and Mary
Brown, and had issue — Margaret Shiel,
born 4th March 1863 (marr. 8th June
1882, Robert Grierson Laidlaw, Hazelwood,
Hawick) ; Mary Brown, born 12th Oct.
1864, died 31st May 1865 ; Mary Scott,
born 24th April 1868, died next day ; and
three others, who also died in infancy.
His widow marr. secondly, 21st July 1890,
William Ludovic Mair, Sheriff-Substitute
of Lanarkshire, and died 20th Feb.
1891. Publications— Address to Ploughmen
(Hawick, 1866); The Art of Weaving
Spiritualised (Hawick, 1869) ; Voices from
the Plough (Hawick, 1869); History of
Peter Plough (Hawick, 1872); Life of
William Thomson (Kelso, 1875; 2nd ed.,
1879); Alexander Hope, a Hawick Story,
2 parts (Hawick, 1878-9); Life, of James
Scott of Allanshaws (Kelso, 1879) ; The Art
of Plowing Spiritualised (Hawick, n.d.) ;
Sermon, Isaiah ii. 10 (Hawick, n.d.); [by
Mrs Thomson] Speeches delivered on Differ
ent Occasions (Hawick, 1882). — [Sinton's
Hawick Bibliography.
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh 1888
assistant at St Clement's, Dundee
ord. 15th Oct. 1889; res. 21st Feb. 1894
died unmarr., 28th Sept. 1897.
WILLIAM BROWN, M.A., B.D. ; ord.
21st Aug. 1894 ; trans, to Campsie
27th March 1902.
B.D. ; ord. 3rd Sept. 1902 ; trans, to
Lanark 17th Nov. 1905.
WILLIAM LINDSAY, M.A. ; ord. 3rd
May 1906; trans, to Newbattle 17th
June 1913.
25th Feb. 1882, son of William D.,
min. of Kilmarnock ; educated at
Kilinarnock Academy, Univs. of Glasgow
and Edinburgh; M.A. (Glasgow 1907),
B.D. (Edinburgh 1910) ; licen. by Presb. of
Irvine in 1910 ; assistant at Dalziel and at
St Mungo's, Glasgow ; ord. llth Nov. 1913.
Marr. 14th April 1914, Jessie Fletcher,
M.A., daugh. of John Lamb, min. of West
Kilbride, and has issue— Fiona, born 8th
Nov. 1915.
[The church built in 1763 was the parish
church of Hawick till 1844. Disjoined from
the parish of Hawick, and erected into a
parish by Decreet of the Court of Teinds,
14th March I860.]
JOHN THOMSON, ord. llth May
I860 186° '' FeS' 22ntl °Ct< 1879 > 1)ecamc
min. of St John's, Hawick, 14th
March 1881.
STEWART BURNS, born Dundee, 25th
May 1855, son of William B. and
Marjory (tray : educated at High
School, Dundee, and Univ. of St Andrews ;
M.A. (1874); licen. by Presb. of St
Andrews in 1878 ; assistant at Portmoak,
and at Lady Yester:s, Edinburgh : ord.
18th March 1880. Marr. 10th Feb. 1886,
Elizabeth Carruthers Murray, and has
issue — Jannet Murray Dow, born 19th Oct.
1888 ; Marjory Gray, born 30th Dec. 1889,
died 8th Jan. 1890.
[The church was built in 1886. The parish
was disjoined from Wilton, and erected by
Decreet of the Court of Teinds, 29th May
3rd Nov. 1886 ; became first min. of
the parish 29th May 1896 : trans, to
Yetholm 17th Feb. 1898.
1898 4th Nov. 1865, son of John B., en
gineer, and Agnes Dyer ; educated
at Univ. of Glasgow; licen. by Presb. of
Paisley 1893; ord. to Laurieston Chapel,
Falkirk, 24th June 1896; adm. here 3rd
May 1898; died 14th Sept. 1904. He
rnarr. 30th Aug. 1898, Mary Jackson, who
died s.j). 2nd Oct. 1904.
1905 k°rn Aghadoey, Co. Down, 26th
Aug. 1867 ; educated at Queen's and
Assembly's Colleges, Belfast; B.A. (1888),
LL.B. (Royal Univ. of Ireland 1890) ; licen.
by Presb. of Banb ridge in 1892 ; ord. to
Mullingar by Presb. of Athlone 25th Oct.
1895; trans, and adm. 15th Feb. 1905.
Marr. llth July 1899, Marion, daugh. of
Richard Jones, and has issue — William
Donald Hamilton, born 15th Aug. 1901 ;
Richard Denis Millar, born 5th May 1905.
[Ifobkirk, called of old Hopekirk, be
longed to the Abbey of Jedburgh. The
church was restored in 1914.
Abbot rule, joined for a time to Bedrule.
This parish was severed from it in 1777.
A large portion of Abbotrule was then
annexed to Southdean, and the remainder
was united to Hobkirk. Till the middle
of the twelfth century the name of the
parish was Rule Hervey. It was then
granted to the Abbey of Jedburgh, and
thenceforward called Abbotrule.]
JOHN DOUGLAS, pres. to the vicarage
1576 by James VI. 21st March 1576.
GEORGE DOUGLAS, M.A. (Edinburgh,
1608 25t'k >Tll^y 1599) '> preS- t0 ^1G v^cal'-
age by James VI. 29th May 1602 ;
min. of Southdean in 1607 ; trans, and adm.
in 1608 ; died between 4th Jan. and 1st
March 1609, aged about 30.— [Reg. Axsi'/.]
160Q Andrews 1597) ; adm. to Soutra 8th
Oct. 1605 ; pres. to the vicarage by
James VI. 1st March 1609 ; trans, and
inst. 28th April 1609; died between 18th
Jan. and 29th July 1626, aged about 49.
He marr. Janet Sinclair (buried in Grey-
friars, Edinburgh, 29th Aug. 1667), widow
of .James Bryden, and had issue — John,
apprentice to James Corsbie, tailor, Edin
burgh, 22nd July 1629. Thomas, min. of
Slamannan, was probably a son. — [Reg. Sec.
Sig. ; Reg. Assig. ; Edin. Reg. (Bur.).']
WILLIAM WEIR, nephew of John W.,
1626 indweller in Edinburgh ; M.A. (Edin
burgh, 30th July 1606); adm. to
Southdean 15th Jan. 1610; pres. to the
vicarage by Charles I. 29th July 1626 ;
trans, and adm. 25th Oct. 1626 ; died 26th
Sept. 1651. He marr., and had issue —
James; Margaret (marr. Thomas Wilson,
portioner of Dryburgh). — [Reg. of Deeds,
ccxv., 297 ; G. R. Sets., lii., 255 ; Kelso
Prfal. Reg. : Reg. Sec. Sig. : Tombst.}
JAMES DOUGLAS, born 1625, son of
William D. of Bonjedward ; M.A.
(Edinburgh, 15th April 1645); called
15th Feb., adm. and inst. 15th Dec. 1652 :
died 29th May 1665. He marr. Jean
Martin, who survived him, and had issue-
William of Plewlancls and Newhall, served
heir 16th Nov. 1669 ; Robert, apprentice to
James Brown, apothecary, Edinburgh, 1st
Jan. 1679.— [Edin. Guild Reg. ; Inq. Ret.
Roxburgh, 247 ; Wodrow's Hist. ; Tombst.]
JOHN AIXSLIE, M.A. ; pres. by
Charles II. ; coll. after 30th Aug.,
and inst. 2nd Nov. 1665; trans, to
Oxnam 21st Sept. 1682.
JOHN LIDDEL, M.A. (Glasgow, 16th
July 1674) ; got a testimonial for
license from the Presb. of Glasgow
23rd Feb. 1681 ; pres. by Charles II., 30th
Sept. 1682 ; inst. 3rd April 1683 ; deprived
by the Privy Council, 8th Sept. 1689, for
neither reading the Proclamation of the
Estates nor praying for William and Mary.
He was officiating as a min. at Brechin
26th Oct. 1698.— [Reg. Sec. Sir/. ; Glasgow
Presb. Reg.; MS. Ace. of Min., 1689;
Peterkin's Constitution of the Church.]
NICOL EDGAR, born 27th July 1658,
son of John E. of Wedderlie and
Elspeth Edgar; M.A. (Edinburgh,
1677) ; licen. by Presb. of Earlston 9th Feb.
1693 ; ord. 28th Sept. 1694 ; died 31st May
1724. He marr. Susanna (died 30th June
1713, aged 52), daugh. of John Veitch, min.
of Westruther, and had issue— Susanna ;
Elizabeth (marr., pro. 7th Jan. 1739, Robert
Blyth, wright, Calton, Edinburgh); John,
buried 16th Jan. 1715, aged 17.— [Genea
logical Collections concerning the Scottish
House of Edgar.]
haugh, parish of Jedburgh, 1691 ;
educated at the Grammar School of
Jedburgh and Univ. of Edinburgh, but
did not take the Divinity curriculum ;
licen. by Presb. of Kelso 5th March 1717 ;
called to Mertoun in 1718, but not settled ;
assistant at Bowden ; pres. by the Presb.
jure devoluto 19th Aug., and ord. 24th
Sept. 1725; died 17th Sept. 1769. He
marr. 4th Aug. 1724, Anne (died 4th Oct.
1764), daugh. of Henry Scott, farmer,
Palacehill, and had issue — John, his
successor; Margaret, born 1st Aug. 1731
(marr. llth Dec. 1759, William Armstrong,
schoolmaster of the parish ; she was mother
of Major-general Adam A., in the service
of the Czar of Russia, and grandmother of
Lieut. -general Robert Lindsay A., Master
of the Mint at St Petersburg) ; Anne ;
Helen (marr. 25th Dec. 1751, James
Murray, min. at Hailstone, Northum
berland); Elizabeth (marr. 12th Sept.
1767, Samuel Irvine, schoolmaster at
Wilton). Publications— 77<e Politick Dis-
putant (Edinburgh, 1722); A Sober Enquiry
into the Grounds of the present Differ
ences in the Church of Scotland (n.p.,
1723); "Letters to a Friend" (Edinburgh
Christian Instructor, vi.) ; An Enquiry
into the Spirit and Tendency of [Sande-
man's] Letters on [Hervey's] Theron and
Aspasio, with a View of the Law of
Nature and an Enquiry into [Sandeman's]
Letters on the Law of Nature (anon. ;
London, 1762); The Works of R. R., 3
vols. (Edinburgh, 1771-2). Of Riccaltoun's
poem, "A Winter's Day," printed in
Savage's Miscellany, 1726, and afterwards
in The Gentleman's Magazine, May 1740,
James Thomson, author of The Seasons,
said— "Nature delights me in every form :
I am just now painting her in her most
lugubrious dress. Mr Riccaltoun's poem
on ' Winter,' which I still have, first put
the design into my head. In it are some
masterly strokes that awakened me.''-
[Newton's Works, xii. ; Morel's James
Thomson, sa vie et ses oeuvres, 18 ; Somer-
ville's Life and Times ; Acts of Ass., 1718;
Diet. Nat. Biog. ; The Border Magazine,
JOHN RICCALTOUN, the only son
of preceding; licen. by the Presby
terian Classis in Northumberland
22nd Feb. 1749; ord. 17th May 1755
min. of a Presbyterian congregation at
North Shields; chaplain at Caerlanrig
[Teviothead] in 1765; pres. by George
III. 17th April, and adm. (assistant and
successor) 4th Dec. 1765 ; died 9th April
1800. He marr. 7th June 1780, Helen
Irvine (died 22nd March 1827), and had
issue — Janet, born 12th April 1781 : Robert,
Iiorn 17th Feb. 1783: Ann, born 26th
April 1785 : William, born ir.tli March
1787 : Patrick, born 10th July 1789 ; John,
licentiate of the Church of Scotland,
born 25th Sept. 1791 ; James Thomas,
born 30th March 1794: Adam, born 22nd
Sept. 1797. Publications — Edited Work*
of his father, 3 vols. (Edinburgh, 1771-2);
Account of the Parish (Sinclair's St«t.
Ace., iii.).
1800 I3resb- °f Kelso 7th Sept. 1779 :
ord. to Kirkton 21st March 1787 ;
pres. by George III. 20th May, trans, and
adm. 15th Oct. 1800; died 20th March
1833, in his 79th year. He marr. 3rd
April 1792, Jane (died .s.//. 24th March 1824,
aged 75), daugh. of William Scott of
Woll, advocate, and Jean Balfour of Broad-
meadows. Publication— Account of Kirk-
ton (Sinclair's Staf. Ace., x.).— [7
JOHN EWEN, born Hawick, 26th April
1834 1800' sou °f Andrew E. and Jane
Peddle ; educated at Univ. of Edin
burgh ; licen. by Presb. of Jedburgh 7th
Aug. 1822 ; assistant at Hawick, refusing
to accept of remuneration ; sometime a
private tutor in the county and on the
Continent ; pres. by William IV. Sept.
1833 ; ord. 27th June 1834 ; clerk of Presb. ;
died llth Dec. 1875. He marr. 2nd June
1846, Isabella Yeaman (died 22nd July
1898), daugh. of James Fitchie, manufac
turer, Deanfield, Meiglc, and had issue—
Anna Jane, born 21st July 1847 (marr.
George Watson, min. of Hownam) ; Eos-
andra, born 1st July 1849 (marr. Colonel
Joicey of Newton Hall, Northumberland),
died 6th Feb. 1912 ; John Sangster, stock
broker, born 29th May 1851, died 13th Aug.
1913 ; Charles Henry, engineer, born 7th
July 1855, died 31st March 1909. Publi
cation—Account of the Parish (New Stat.
Ace., iii.).
1876 1)0rn Southend, Campbeltown, 15th
March 1827, son of Dugald M.,
factor, and Margaret, daugh. of William
Connell, Lephenstrath ; educated at Dalin-
tobar School and Univ. of Edinburgh ;
licen. by Presb. of Kintyre : missionary at
Crofthead : ord. to Quarter Chapel 20th
Feb. 1862 : trans, to Beath, Fife, 20th Oct.
1870; trans, and adm. 15th June 1876;
died 15th Feb. 1907. He marr. 9th May
1.865, Mary Georgina (died 16th Nov. 1900),
daugh. of Dr George Welsh, medical mis
sionary, India, and widow of Captain
Robert Hoy, and had issue— an only child,
Georgina Louisa, born 13th July 1866
(marr. 2nd July 1896, Walter Turnbnll,
farmer, Ha r tshaugh ).
JOHN GORDON, born 24th Dec. 1878,
1907 son °^ ^°^ln *'•' min- °f Grlasserton ;
educated at Univ. of Glasgow : M.A.
(1902); licen. by Presb. of Wigtown 1905 :
assistant at Galston : ord. 25th July 1907.
[Previous to the Reformation the church
belonged to the Abbey of Jedburgh. Part
of the parish was annexed to Southdean
by the Commissioners of Teinds, 2nd May
1777. The remainder was then united to
Hobkirk. The bell of Abbotrule Church
is preserved at Wauchope. It has no
PATRICK BISHOP, M.A. ; trans, from
1591 Minto in 1591, having Beclrule, Hob-
kirk, and Minto also in charge.—
[/??;/. Assi</.]
JOHN BONAR, M.A. : min. in 1593,
1593 Cavers, Hassendean, Hawick, Hob-
kirk, Minto, and Wilton being also
in the charge, and he perhaps held at the
same time the benefice of North Ronald-
shay ; removed to Hassendean in 1594.
[TiV/. Assig.]
JOSEPH TENNANT, M.A. : trans, from
1605 Bedmle; Pres- by James VI. 31st
Oct. 1605 ; re-trans, to Bedrule 17th
May 1609 ; he returned here ; was deprived
before 24th July 1621, and returned again
to Bedrule.— [Reg. Sec. ,$%.]
1622 burgh' 2'")th July 1G18); preS> by
James VF. 21st July 16-21 : adm. \
after 21st Jan. 1022; clem, before 15th j
July 1023, "the brethren being informed
he had gone to London with the Prior of i
Coldingham's children."— [Reg. .S'tr. <S'?V/.]
JAMES KE1! of Grange, in the parish,
born 1001. younger son of Sir John
K. of Littledean, and Margaret
Whytlaw ; M.A. (Edinburgh, 14th July
1021) ; was on the Exercise in the Presb.
6th March 1623; pres. by James VI. 15th
July 1623; ord. 25th Aug. 1624: deprived
in 1062, and confined to the parish.
Having preached to a large congrega
tion assembled at (i range, 14th March
1080, he was libelled before the Privy
Council 6th May and imprisoned, but was
liberated 1st Sept., giving caution to
appear when called, and promising to hold
no further conventicles under a penalty of
5,000 merks. He survived the Revolution,
and was restored to his charge by Act of
Parliament 15th April 1090, but does not
appear to have resumed work. He died
in 1694 — a remarkable instance of a man
having been seventy years in the ministry.
During the days of persecution he was
abused and scoffed at by Adam Urqii-
hart of Meldrum, commanding a party of
soldiers, when he replied, " Sir, I was a
minister before you had a being, and will
be one when you are gone,''1 which came
true. His wife was accused of witchcraft
at the Presb., but the charge was shown to
be unfounded. He marr. Christian Airth,
and had issue — Tames of Grange ; Isabella
and Elizabeth, both dead before Dec. 1083 ;
Euphame ; Andrew. — [Roxburgh Sas., 1637,
iv., 365 ; Herald and Gen., vii., 516 ; Key.
Her, Si<j. ; Wodrow's Hist, iii., 195 ; Living
ston's Life ; Chambers's Edin. Journal, ii. ;
Stewart's Covenanters of Teviotdale, 159.]
WALTER MARTIN, M.A. (Edinburgh,
13t^ June 1651); schoolmaster of
Hawick, 1660-5 ; recommended for
license by Presb. of Jedburgh 8th March
1665 ; pres. by Charles II. 1st, coll. and
inst. 16th, May 1666; died between 1st
March and 13th June 1676, aged about 45.
A gift of his bastardy was bestowed on
Barbara Kinnear, his widow, 13th July
1070.— [Keg. Sec. ,SVf/., iii., 74 : Min. -book
Ri-(l. ZViV. Seal.']
THOMAS WILKIE, M.A. ; pres. by
Charles II. 13th June, and inst. 28th
Sept. 1076 ; trans, to Reith, Ayr
shire, before 15th June 1087.
gow 1054); ord. min. of Temple in
1663; trans, to Crichton 8th Sept.
1670 ; deprived for not taking the Test
in 1081; pres. by James VII. 15th June,
and inst, 20th July 1087; died in 1090,
aged about 62. He marr., and had issue
— Jean ; Elizabeth, buried in Greyfriars,
Edinburgh, 13th Dec. 1090. — [Re<j. Sec.
Si<j. : M hi. -book Key. Prh\ Sea? ; Edin. Key.
(Jhir,); Rule's Sec. Vindication-. MS. Ace.
of Min., 1689.]
1005); was a min. in Ireland for
thirteen years, and after living some
time in England attended the first meeting
of mins. in the Synod of Lothian after the
Toleration, Gth July 1687. He officiated in
the meeting house at Rulewater after the
Toleration. The date of his death is not
known. — [/'V/V; and Lothian Si/ns. ; Acts
of Pai'l., ix., 53.]
1690 JAMES KER, above mentioned.
MUNGO GIBSON, ord. 15th April
1698 1698; trans, to Sanquhar Dec. 1713.
GEORGE HALL, M.A. ; pres. by Queen
Anne 29th March, and ord. 23rd
Sept. 1714 ; pres. to Lochmaben in
1722, but not settled ; trans, to Linton in
Teviotdale 2nd Oct. 1728.
WILLIAM TURNBULL, bapt. 8th Aug.
1703, son of Adam T. Doorpool, and
Margaret Turnbull ; licen. by Presb.
of Jedburgh 7th May 1729 ; called by
Presb. jure devoluto 21st Jan., and ord. 10th
April 1730 ; died unmarr. Gth April 1704.
WILLIAM SCOTT, pres. by George III.
7th Sept. 1704 ; called 2nd Nov., and
adm. 26th Dec. 1764. He removed
to Southdean 5th Jan. 1785.
[The church belonged to the Abbey of
Jedburgh. The chapel of St Mary at Raw-
shaw, in the parish, belonged to the Abbey
of Melrose.]
JOHN DAVIDSON, reader, 1570 to
1576 1578.
1579 reader, 1579 and 1580.
burgh 1595); adm. to Southdean
loOo . i • f
in 1599 ; pres. to the vicarage of
Hownam by James VI. 21st June 1G05 ;
died between 19th June and 21st Oct. 1607.
HECTOR RAE, son of Hector R.,
merchant burgess of Edinburgh ;
M.A. (Edinburgh, 29th July 1603);
adm. to Nisbet 8th Sept. 1608 ; pres. to
the vicarage by James VI. in Feb., coll.
lath March, and adm. 30th Aug. 1609;
died after 3rd April 1639, aged about 56.
He signed the copy of the National
Covenant which is preserved at Cavers.
He marr. (cont. 15th Sept. 1610) Margaret,
daugh. of John Rutherford, Sheriff-depute
of Roxburghshire. — [fiey. of Deed*, cxciii.,
1640 son °^ J°hn A. of Glencorse, was
long a soldier in Germany, and was
admitted to the Roman communion by an
English Jesuit at Florence. He became
a priest and a member of the Society of
Jesus. After an absence of nine years he
returned to Scotland, and was employed
in Aberdeen, Elgin, and Banff, also in
Caithness , (where he resided with Lord
Berriedale, travelling in a disguised habit
as chamberlain and bailie of his lands).
He was six years "under the training of
a worthy minister/' and abjuring Popery
was received into communion in the Grey-
friars Church, Edinburgh. The Presb.
consulted the Synod as to their giving
him " imposition of hands," 24th Aug.
1638. He was adm. to this charge 29th
April 1640, and pres. by the Presb. jure
devoluto 30th Sept. following. He con
formed to Episcopacy, and was still min.
28th April 1669. He marr. Anna, fourth
daugh. of John Rutherford of Hunthill (by
Alison Ker, daugh. of the first Lord Jed-
burgh), and sister of the second, third, and
fourth Lords Rutherford. Lord Balmerino
records having walked to Leith with her
in 1717, when, he says, she was 104 ; but
this must be a mistake. Publications —
Abjuration of l^operie (Edinburgh, 1638);
Speech wherein is discovered the V ill any and
Hellish Plots wrought in the Pope's Court
against our Three Kingdoms (London, 1641);
Account of the Popish Government in Scot
land (Wodrow'a Hist., i.).— [Baillie's Lett. ;
Milne's Melrose ; Wodrow's Hist. ; Mackay's
House of Mackay ', Assembly Reports, 1911,
Case of the Rev. J. A. D. J. Macdonald,
p. 1195.]
JOHN STIRLING, M.A., formerly of
1669 Ijadv Yester's, Edinburgh ; indulged
by the Privy Council 30th Sept.
1669 ; removed to Irvine 3rd Aug. 1676.—
I [Wodrow's Hist. ; Reg. Sec. Sig.~\
JAMES KER of Grange, M.A., formerly
1672 °^ Abbotrule > indulged by the Privy
Council 3rd Sept. 1672 ; (it is
doubtful whether he accepted the charge).
— [Wodrow's Hist.]
loth July 1673); pres. by Charles
II. 23rd March; coll. 17th and inst.
23rd May 1677; deprived by the Privy
Council, 4th Sept. 1689, for neither reading
the Proclamation of the Estates nor pray
ing for William and Mary. — [Reg. Sec. Sig.;
Min.-book Reg. Priv. Seal; MS. Ace. of
Min., 1689 ; Peterkin's Constitution of the
1691 kurgh, 17th April 1639); min.
at Stannerton, Northumberland ;
ejected under the Act of Uniformity, 24th
Aug. 1662, after which he preached in his
own and other private houses. He was
severely fined for preaching at the house of
a Mr Horsley, and imprisoned at New
castle, but was released on his friends
tendering payment. He was probably ad
mitted here about 1691, but as he was now
old and frail, he had an assistant and suc
cessor appointed in 1695, and soon after
he retired again to England, where he
died after 6th April 1698. He marr.
Mary Harbottle, who survived him. — [P.
('. Decreta, 28th July 1702 ; Calamy's Arc.,
v., and Continiwttion, ii. ; Covenanters of
Tcviottlnle, 188.]
ROBERT LIVER, M.A. ; ord. (assistant
and successor) 14th Nov. 1695 ;
trans, to Mertoun 21st April 1697.
JOHN STORIE, M.A. (Edinburgh, 13th
1698 ^y 1695) -: ^cen- ky r"resk- °f Kelso
3rd June 1697 ; ord. (assistant and
successor) 6th April 1698 : died unmarr.
13th Aug. 1699, in his 29th year. —
JAMES MACMICHEN, licen. by Presb.
of Earlston 14th July 1692 ; ord. 30th
Aug. 1693 to Ettrick ; called 25th
Nov. 1702 : adm. 27th Jan. following; died
5th March 1712. He marr. Janet Shaw,
who survived him, and marr. (2) 1712,
Patrick Home of Foulshotlaw. — [Edrn. AV/.
(Bur.) \ Boston's Memoirs^
GEORGE ELLIOT, M.A. (Edinburgh,
29th April 1701) ; called 21st March
and 13th May, and ord. (assistant
and successor) 19th Sept. 1711 ; died 16th
Oct. 1748, in his 72nd year. He marr.
19th Jan. 1710, Sarah (died in London,
1766), daugh. of Hugh Lind, bailie of
Edinburgh, and had issue — John ; George
Augustus ; Robert ; James ; Margaret ;
Sarah : Jane ; Janet. — \Tombst,'\
JOHN ROGERS, assistant at Tranent
1749 and at Selkirk '> Pres- ky ^*r WiUiam
Scott of Ancrum, Bart., and ord. 29th
June 1749 ; died unmarr. 30th July 1774.—
[Morren's Annals, i.]
son of Thomas R. of Chatto ; licen.
by Presb. of Lauder 8th May 1770;
took charge of the Presbyterian congrega
tion at Deal Mav 1773 ; ord. to Deal by the
Scots Presb. in London 22nd Sept. 1773 :
pres. by John, Duke of Roxburghe, 12th
Jan., and adm. 30th March 1775 ; died 9th
Nov. 1830. He marr. (1) 10th Jan. 1778,
Eleanor Bell, who died 28th Oct. 1782,
and had issue— Margaret, born 2nd July
1779 (marr. - - Burns, London), and died
there; Jean, born 23rd Nov. 1780 (marr.
Joseph Brown, banker, London), died in
Guernsey 1850 ; Grisell, born 17th March
1782, died 25th March 1784 : (2) 5th April
1785, Agnes (died 4th Jan. 1843), daugh. of
James Barclay, rector of the Grammar School
of Dalkeith, and had issue — Elizabeth, born
1st Feb. 1786 (marr. 19th Nov. 1810, Lieut.
Thomson, 26th Foot), died at Kelso ;
Hyndmer, born 21st July 1787 (marr. 14th
Dec. 1812, Richard Hewat, farmer, Bassen-
dean), died at Selkirk, 4th March 1856 ;
Grisell, born 23rd Nov. 1788, died unmarr.
1868; James, lieut. 94th Foot, captain
Dumfries Militia, born 5th Dec. 1789, died
at Aberdeen, 2nd Feb. 1875 ; Agnes, born
6th May 1791 ; George Baillie, his succes
sor ; John, barrack-master, born 3rd Oct.
1793, died in Wales ; Eleanor, born 7th
May 1795, died at Selkirk, 25th Jan. 1875 ;
David Alexander, merchant, born 30th Dec.
1796, died 1823. Publication— Account of
the Parish (Sinclair's Slat. Ace., i., xxi.).
born 15th June 1792, son of preced
ing ; licen. by Presb. of Jedburgh
2nd Oct. 1816 ; pres. by the Ladies Essex
and Mary Ker 23rd Dec. 1817 ; ord. (assist
ant and successor) 10th Sept. 1818; died
unmarr. 30th Oct. 1864. Publication-
Account of the Parish (New fitat. Ace., iii.).
GEORGE WATSON, born Byrewalls,
5 Gordon, 5th April 1832, son of
George W. and Margaret Macdougal ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by
Presb. of Kelso ; assistant at Dumbarton,
Langton, Bunkle ; ord. 10th April 1865 ;
died 8th June 1913. He marr. 7th Aug.
1877, Anna Jane, daugh. of John Ewen,
min. of Hobkirk, and had issue — Isabella
Yeaman Ewen, born 25th Sept. 1878;
George John Ewen, W.S., born 15th March
18g7 born Tain, 3rd Nov. 1809, .son of
William Drunnnoml M., Seaforth
Highlanders; educated at Tain Academy
and Univ. of Aberdeen ; M..\. (1891), B.D.
(1894); licen. by of Aberdeen in
189") : assistant at Forfar : ord. (assistant
and successor) 18th Nov. 1897. Marr.
29th April 1898, Marianne Fyfe, who died
•20th April 1904, and had issue— William
Drummond, born 3rd June 1899; Ian
George, born 13th Feb. 1901 ; Margharita
Harriet Blount. born 27th Au£. 1903.
[Called also Jedworth or Jedart. In 854,
Ecgred, Bishop of Lindisfarne, built here a
church of St Mary. A chapel with the
same dedication was built by him at
Old Jedart. There was another chapel at
Scraesburgh, near Hunthill. St Mary's
Augustinian Abbey of Jedburgh, founded
in 1118, is in the parish. After the Refor
mation a portion of the Abbey was used as
the parish church. In 1875 a handsome
new church was built, mainly by the ninth
Marquess of Lothian. A proposal in 1001
to form a Second Charge in Jedburgh was
not carried out. (See John Boyle, p. 110.)]
1560 originally a baker in Dundee, was
an early convert to the Reformed
religion. Though but imperfectly edu
cated, he began to instruct the people in
the Scriptures, and spoke so eloquently as
to become obnoxious to the Bishops and
the Secret Council, who issued an order
for his arrest, and forbade the people to
listen to him or give him shelter in their
houses. He was, however, protected by
Provost Haliburton, who refused to hand
him over to the Council even at the royal
command. He was called before the
Justiciary Court at Stirling, 10th May
1559, accused of usurping the ministerial
office, and of performing functions for
which he had never had any legal status.
Being found guilty, he was declared
fugitive. M. was nominated by the Lords
of the Congregation to this parish about
19th July 1500, and was a member of
Assembly that same year and the year
after. In 1502 he was deposed and ex
communicated for adultery, John Knox
having personally investigated the charge
made against him. He fled to England
and resumed preaching. On the 25th June
1506 he was permitted to appear before the
General Assembly, and falling on his knees
he burst into tears and desired them, for
the love of God, to receive him to the open
expression of his repentance. The form of
his declaration of repentance enjoined by
the Assembly, on the recommendation of
certain of the brethren appointed to con
sider the matter, was, as related in Knox's
Ifi'story : — " That he should present him
self bare-foot and bare-head, arrayed in
sackcloth, at the principall entry of Saint
Gyles Kirk, in Edinburgh, at seven hours
in the morning upon the next Wednesday,
and there to remain the space of an hour,
the whole people beholding him, till the
prayer was made, the psalmes sung, and the
text of Scripture was read, and then to
| come into the place appointed for the
expression of repentance, and tarry the
time of sermon ; and to do likewise
the next Friday following, and also upon
the Sunday ; and then in the face of the
whole church to declare his repentance
with his owne mouth. The same forme and
manner he should use in Jedwart and
| Dundie ; and that being done, to present
| himself again at the next General Assembly
i following in winter, Avhere he should be
| received to the Communion of the Church."
, It is further related : — " When the said
\ Paul had received the said ordnance he
1 took it very grievously, alleadging that
! they had used over-great severity. Never-
1 theless being counselled and persuaded by
divers notable personages he began well
; in Edinburgh to proceed, whereby a great
| number were moved with compassion of
his state ; and likewise in Jedwart ; but
he left his duty in Dundie, and passing
again into England the matter, not without
offence to many, ceased " (History, ii., p.
531). Randolph relating the scandal to
Cecil, says, " He has escaped into England,
or was drowned in crossing the ford thither-
ward." — [Knox's Work*, i., ii. ; Bookc of the
Kirk ; Buchanani Opera ; Keith's, Spottis-
wood's, and Calderwood's Hists. ; Knox's
History, ii. ; Scott's Reformers ; Hailes:
Ann., ii., 531 ; Jervise's Memorials of Angus
and the Mearns; Athenaeum, 26th Dec. 1863,
p. 884; Watson's Jedburgh Abbey; Diet.
Nat. Biog. ; Calendar of State Papers.]
from Liberton, and adm. in 1566 ;
trans, to Tranent Feb. 1568.- [/iV/.
JOHN YOUNG, trans, from Duns 2nd
1569 Aug. 1569 ; trans, to Irvine May 1570.
erly of North Berwick (q.v.): adm. at
Lammas in 1572, but probably only
as a temporary appointment. — \_Reg. Min.\
Monifieth about 1574, when Crail-
ing, Nisbet, Oxnam, and Southdean
were all in the charge : trans, to Eckford
in 1593.
JOHN ABERNETHY, son of Thomas
A. of Glencorse, and Jean Straiton,
one of the original students at the
Univ. of Edinburgh under Rollock ; M.A.
(1587) ; reader in 1588 ; adm. min. 7th
Aug. 1593. He was a member of Assembly
in 1601, 1602, 1608, and 1616. He signed
the Protest against the introduction of
Episcopacy 1st July 1606, yet when
Constant Moderators were set up he
accepted office for the Presb. of Jedburgh,
though for two years his brethren refused
to acknowledge him. In 1615 he solicited
appointment to the Archbishopric of Glas
gow ; was made D.D., a member of the
Court of High Commission, and promoted
to the See of Caithness, 7th Dec. 1616. It
does not appear that he ever relinquished
his charge at Jedburgh (Dr Hew Scott says
he demittecl before 15th Sept. 1635), for in
the articles given in to the Presb. against
James Burnet in 1639, the parishioners
complain of his [Burnet's] "informal
entrie," he having procured " a presentation
to a place which was not vacant, but served
at the time by a worthier man, Mr John
Abernethie, who had neither demitted the
same, nor was deposed therefrom." By the
Glasgow Assembly, 1638, A. was deprived
of his bishopric, and he died in 1639.
He marr. (1) (cont. dated 27th April 1600),
Alison, daugh. of Sir David Home of Fish-
wick, governor of Dumbarton Castle, and
had issue — John, M.D. ; Andrew, depute-
governor of Edinburgh Castle ; Margaret
(marr. - - Wauchope of Cakemuir ; (2)
Sir William Maxwell of Gribton) : (2) (cont.
dated 21st Aug. 1606), Isabella, daugh. of
of Patrick Murray of Philiphaugh, who
survived him, and had issue— William, min.
of Thurso ; Anna (marr. James Murray of
Overtoun) ; Agnes (marr. William Ker of
Newtown) ; Barbara (marr. John Ruther
ford of Edgerston) ; Elizabeth (marr.
William Ker of Thankles) ; Katharine, died
before 17th March 1640. Publications — A
Christian and ILeavenly Treatise containing
Phi/sickc for the Son1 re/'i/ necessary for
all that would enjoy true Soundness of
Mind and Peace of Conscience (London,
1615, 1622); The Duty and Dignity of a
Christian (London, 1620).— [Reg. of Deeds,
cccclxi. 272, dxxxiv. 375, viii. 713, 14th
Nov. 1663 ; Reg. Mag. Sig., ix., 1436 ;
Rutherfurd Charters, xi., 23rd Nov. 1638 ;
| Acts and Dec., cccxxxii., 311; Re<j. Assig. ;
Reg. Sec. Sig. ; Booke of the Kirk ; Row's
Hist., 425 ; Calderwood's Hist., vii., 282 ;
Keith's Catalogue ; Craven's Diocese of
Caithness, pp. 82-93.]
son of William B. of Barns, parish
of Manor, and Margaret, daugh. of
• James Stuart of Shillinglaw, parish of
Traquair ; M.A. (Edinburgh, 27th July
1609) ; adm. min. of Lauder 17th Feb.
1615 ; pres. by Charles I. 15th Sept. 1635 ;
trans., coll., and inst. 4th Feb. 1636, when
Robert Simson, treasurer of the burgh,
protested on behalf of the parishioners,
"against any entrant minister being im
posed upon them without their consent."
He was dep. in April 1639. He marr.
Katherine, daugh. of George Dundas of
of that ilk by Katherine, eldest daugh. of
Lawrence, third Lord Oliphant, and had
issue-— Alexander, D.D., Archbishop of St
Andrews (7.''.); John ; Robert, M.I)., Edin
burgh, died 28th Sept. 16G3 ; James.— \_Rc<j.
of Deeds, cccclxii. 102, dxxxv. 333; lie<j. Sec.
SI;/.-, Edin. Key. ( )\ Peterkin's Records',
The Burnetts of Burns, 20-21.]
1)U1on> 31st Jul>r 1G13).: aclm. to
Langnewton 29th April 1017 : trans.
and adin. 2 1th June 1040; pres. by the
Presb. jure, deroJulo 28th Oct. 1010. lie
was a member of six assemblies before
1(549, and that of 1051. Owing to failing-
health he was given an assistant, 10th
March 1058. He died before 8th July 1001,
aged about 08. lie marr., and had issue —
•I ohn, inin. of Eccles. — [AV/. Sec. Si<j.: Acts of
/ : Baillie's Letter* ; Peterkin's Records.]
PETER EL All I., son of Peter B. (said to
1661 be M'D-)-: NLA- (St Andrews 1040);
adm. to Second Charge, St Cuth-
bert's, Edinburgh, 22nd June 1053; pres.
by Charles II. 8th July, trans, and adm.
Oct. 1001 ; died 7th May 1073. He marr.
l!)th Jan. 1054, Mary Hamilton (alive in
1090), and had issue — Jean (marr. John
Hamilton, min. of Old Grey friars, Edin
burgh); Margaret. — [A'. S. Minute-. Re<j.
Sec. Sig. ; Edin. Reg. (Marr.} ; Wodrow's
I list. \ Sime's West Kirk.']
WILLIAM HUME, M.A. (Edinburgh,
19th July 1661): Keen, by George,
Bishop of Edinburgh, 25th Oct.
1004 ; adm. to Tinwald about 1005 ; pres.
by Charles II. 20th June, trans, and inst.
5th Aug. 1074 ; deprived after 9th Oct.
1681, for refusing the Test. — LAV/. Sec. A'?V/.;
Fountainhall's Dec.]
chapel ; M.A. (Glasgow 1047) ;
called to Bothkennar before 21st
July 1054 ; coll. to Chirnside 25th Nov.
1062 ; trans, to Morebattle 24th Nov. 1668 ;
pres. by Charles II. 22nd July, and inst.
20th Sept. 1682 ; deprived by the Privy
Council, 29th Aug. 1689, for neither read
ing the Proclamation of the Estates nor
praying for William and Mary, but for
James VII. He carried off the Kirk
Session and Presb. Records, the latter of
which were recovered from his grandson
sixty years afterwards. He marr. 6th
\ Oct. 1672, Dorothea Ker, widow of William
Moir of Otterburn. She purchased the
estate of Corbethouse. — [AV,'/. Sec. S /'</.;
MS. Ace. of Mi)i., 1089 ; Rule's Sec. Vindi
cation- \ Morrison's Diet., xviii. ; Peterkin's
Constitution of the ChurchJ]
GABRIEL SEMPLE:born 1032, second
son °^ ^V Bryce S. of Cathcart,
Sheriff of Renfrew : educated at
Hamilton and Univ. of GlasgOAv : M.A.
(1053) ; licen. by Presb. of Glasgow in 1057 ;
ord. to Kirkpatrick-Durham 20th May
1057; deprived by Act of Parliament llth
June, and Decreet of Privy Council 1st Oct.
1002. It is said he offered, if his people
would stand by him, to remain and brave
the terrors of the Privy Council, but that
the people had not sufficient courage. He
became one of the most noted of the field-
preachers, took part in the Pentland Rising,
and went on itinerating missions to Ireland
and the north of England. He officiated
at Ford, Northumberland, during the ill-
: health of the incumbent, and dispensed the
Communion to great multitudes of people,
many of whom resorted to his ministrations
even from Scotland. On Oth Feb. 1079 he
was declared traitor, and a reward of 3000
merks was offered for his capture, and the
proclamation added that if any one in
pursuit should hurt or slay him, he should
not be called in question for the deed, but
should be considered to have done his
country "good and acceptable service."
In June 1081, after numerous escapes, he
was seized in the house of his nephew, Sir
Patrick Hepburn, at Blackcastle, near
Cockburnspath, and committed to the
Canongate Tolbooth, but was liberated
three months later, on giving bond to the
amount of 10,000 merks. He withdrew to
England, where he remained till the death
of Charles II. After the Revolution, though
restored by the Act of Parliament, he did
not return to his former charge, but ac
cepted a call to this parish, and was adm.
29th Oct. 1690. He wished Thomas Boston
to be his colleague. Boston paid him a
visit, heard him preach, and sums up his
impressions of the old man : " The things
he insisted on were common and ordinary,
but were delivered in such a manner, and
such power accompanied them, that I was
amazed, and they went out through me
and in through me, so that I said in my
heart—' Happy are those that hear thy
wisdom.'" He died 8th Aug. 1700. Two
years' stipend, due to him by the heritors
of Kirkpatrick-Durham during his exile,
he devoted to the maintenance of a school
master in the parish, but this was never
fully paid. He marr. (1) Margaret, daugh.
of Sir Patrick Murray of Blackcastle, and
had issue — Samuel, min. of Liberton : (2)
Alison (died at Ford), daugh. of Sir Walter
Riddell of that ilk, and had issue— Janet
(marr., cont. 23rd April 1697, Walter Home
of Bassendean) : (3) Margaret, daugh. of
Sir Robert Carr of Etal. — [Wodrow's Hist.,
ii. 234, iii. 267-9 ; Douglas's Baronage, 468 ;
Boston's Memoirs ; Act* of Parl., ix. ;
Memoir of William Veitch ; Lee's Memorial ;
Book of Kirkpn.t rick- Durham ; Stewart's
Covenanters of Teviotdale, 77.]
DANIEL MACKAY, a cadet of the
Reay family ; educated at Glasgow
Univ. ; licen. by Presb. of Glasgow
4th March, and ord. to Fort William
20th Dec. 1692 ; trans, to Second Charge,
Inveraray, 4th June 1699 ; called 3rd, and
adm. 25th Sept. 1707 ; died 10th Sept. 1731.
He gave two silver Communion cups to
the parish. He marr. a daugh. of John
Cranstoun, min. of Ancrum, and had issue
— Anne (marr. as his second wife, 31st
July 1743, John Rutherford, M.D., Professor
of Medicine in the Univ. of Edinburgh).
ravock ; licen. by Presb. of Inverness 25th
July 1715; ord. to Rafford 19th April
1716 ; trans, to Auldearn 12th May 1726 ;
trans, to Elgin 5th May 1730; called
5th Dec. 1733; trans, and adm. 20th
June 1734; died 18th Sept, 1755. He
marr. 3rd Dec. 1724, Mary (died 15th July
1750), sister of David Dunbar of Dunphail,
and had issue — Christian, born 1726 ;
I James, born 5th May 1728 ; William, born
' 30th Jan. 1731 : Margaret, born 16th Sept,
| 1734 ; John, born 7th March 1738. Publi-
i cations — Great Britain's Joy in Cod's
Salvation, a sermon (Edinburgh, 1749);
Sacramental Sermons (Edinburgh, 1771).—
[Morrison's Ann. ; Somerville's My Own
Life and Times ; Tart's Two Centuries of
Border Church Life.}
JOHN DOUGLAS, licen. by Presb. of
175g Perth 25th June 1740 ; adm. to Ken-
more 23rd March 1743 ; pres. by
George II. 2nd June 1756 ; trans, but not
adm. till 28th July 1758; died 16th Nov.
1768. A vigorous opposition to his settle
ment gave rise to the Relief Church at
Jedburgh. He marr. 26th April 1745,
Beatrix (died 20th May 1754), daugh. of
! Walter Ainslie, min. of Lundie and Fowlis,
and had issue — Robert, D.D., min. of
Galashiels ; Beatrix, born 8th Dec. 1749 ;
Arabella, born 23rd Feb. 1751 (marr. James
Hay, min. of Roberton) ; Walter, Deputy
| Adjutant-General, born 20th Feb. 1753,
died in India. — [Scots Mag., xviii.-xx. ;
Morren's Annals, ii., 82 ; Somerville's My
Own Life and Times, 170.]
JAMES ROWAT [RUAT], M.A. ; licen.
1732 ky ^res1jl °f Arbroath 8th Nov. 1704 ; ;
ord. to Dunlop May 1709; pres. by ;
George II. 25th Feb., trans, and adm. 20th '.
Sept. 1732; died 23rd June 1733. He ;
marr., and had issue — William, Professor j
of Oriental Languages (1751-2) and of
Ecclesiastical Hist. (1752-62) in the Univ. \
of Glasgow ; Jane.
Marischal College, Aberdeen, 1704-
1708 ; schoolmaster of Alves 1707-
1709; chaplain to Hugh Rose of Kil-
1769 ^rom ^avbole ; pres. by George III.
25th Jan., and adm. 30th Nov. 1769 ;
trans, to Lady Yester's Parish, Edinburgh,
21st July 1772.
Feb. 1741, son of William S., inin.
of Hawick ; educated at Hawick and
at the school of Duns, where he was under
the care of his relative, Adam Dickson,
min. of the parish, and at Edinburgh Univ.,
tutor to the son of Commissioner George
Burges, of the Excise, Edinburgh, 1759-67 ;
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh 28th Nov.
1764 ; pres. by Sir Gilbert Elliot of Minto,
Bart., to the parish of Minto, and ord. 24th
April 1767. He was pres. to this charge
by George HI. 27th .July 1772; adm.
1st July 1773; D.D. (St Andrews, 17th
July 178!)); chaplain to the King in Scot
land in 1703: declined Chair of Church
History in Univ. of Edinburgh in 1798 ;
received a yearly pension of ,£100 out
of the royal exchequer : died FATHER
OF THE CHURCH, 16th May 1830. He
marr. 5th -June 1770, Martha (died 17th
Dec. 180!)), daugh. of Samuel Charters,
Solicitor of Customs, and had issue —
William, M.D., F.R.S., traveller, Principal
Inspector of the Army Medical Board in
England, physician to Chelsea Hospital,
born 22nd April 1771 (marr., 18th May 1812,
his cousin. Alary Fairfax [or Greig], the
celebrated scientific writer [vide Personal
Recollection*, by her daugh. Martha : Lon
don, 1873]), died at Florence, 26th June
1860; Christian, born 13th Dec. 1772 (marr.
Walter Riddell, Friar's Glen), died 20th
Sept. 1864; Samuel Charters, W.S., born
27th May 1776, died 18th June 1825;
Janet, born 13th April 1780 (marr. (1) 8th
Dec. 1812 Joseph Pringle of Ferney Green,
Westmoreland : (2) Major-General Henry
Elliot of Rosebank), died 14th May 1863;
Margaret, born 5th Dec. 1783 ; Martha,
born 16th June 1785 (marr. William Ruther
ford, writer, Jedburgh); James Burges,
born 24th May 1787, died 8th Aug. 1787.
Publications — Candid Thoughts on Ameri
can Independence (London, 1780) [which
called forth a reply from Tod of Kirklands,
entitled Consolatory Thoughts on American
Independence]; The History of Political
Transaction* and of Parties from the
Restoration of King Charles II. to the
Death of Kiwi William III. (London,
1792) ; The History of Great Britain
during the Reign of Queen Anne (London,
1798); Observations on the Constitution
and Present State of Britain (Edinburgh,
1793); The Effects of the French Re
volution with Respect to the Interest* of
Humanity, Liberty, Religion, and Morality
(Edinburgh, 1793) ; Five single Sermons
(Kelso, 1792 : Hawick, 1825) ; Sermons
(Edinburgh, 1813): My Own Life and
Times, edited by William Lee, min. of
Roxburgh (Edinburgh, 1861); Sermon V.
(Scotch Prearher, ii., iii.) ; Accounts of Jed-
burgh and of Ancrum (Sinclair's Stat. Ace.,
\., x.) ; Sermon TIL (Gillan's Scot. Pulpit);
article "Jedburgh" (Edinburgh Encylo-
p«jdia). — [J/// Own Life and Times ; Annual
Biography and Obituary, 1831, pp. 374-85 ;
Anderson's - The Scottish Nation, iii., 49<i;
The At/tension, 1861, 657; Diet. X<it.
JOHN PURVES, born Rawburn, Long-
f°rmacus> 9tu JUty 1800> Son °f l'ete1'
P., farmer, and Margaret, daugh. of
John Fairbairn, Halyburton ; educated at
the parish schools of Ayton, Yarrow, and
Lauder, and at the I 'niv. of Edinburgh ;
licen. by Presb. of Lauder in 1823;
assistant at Logie (Dunblane), and at
Lady Glenorchy's Chapel, Edinburgh; ord.
(assistant and successor) at Lady Glen
orchy's, Edinburgh, 14th April 1826 ; pres.
by William I\7. in Oct., trans, and adm.
8th Dec. 1830. Joined the Free Church ;
min. of Jedburgh Free Church in 1843 ;
LL.D. (Edin. 1875); died 18th Oct. 1877.
He marr. 13th March 1827, Elizabeth (died
6th June 1867), daugh. of Archibald Bonar,
min. of Cramond, and had tssue — Peter
Charles, min. of St James' U.F. Church,
Edinburgh, born 4th March 1828, died. 14th
Feb. 1914 ; Anne Bonar, born 26th May
1829, died 6th April 1839 ; Archibald Bonar,
born 24th March 1831, died 14th April
1832; John Archibald, born 23rd Jan.
1833, died Oct. 1876 ; Margaret, born
26th Feb., and died 2nd March 1835 ;
William, born 9th June 1836, died 4th
May 1849; Margaret Elizabeth, born 8th
May 1837, died Sept. 1851. Publications
— Sermon preached before S.P.C.A'. (Edin
burgh, 1832) ; Our Danger and Duty,
two sermons (Edinburgh, 1832) ; Sermons
touching some Points much Controverted at
Present (Edinburgh, 1846) ; Happiness, its
Elements and Means (Edinburgh, 1852) ;
The Sustentation Fund, a speech (Edin
burgh, 1855) ; No Condemnation (Kelso,
2nd ed., 1876); Account of the Parish
(Net'' Stat. Ace., iii.). — [Walker's The
Border Pulpit, 64 : The Border Almanac,
1878 : Tait's Border Church Life, i., 329.]
GEORGE RITCHIE, born 22nd Sept,
Tarbolton : educated at Univ. of
Glasgow : M.A. (1827) ; licen. by Presb. of
Jedburgh loth Feb. 1832 : ord. to St
Boswells 7th Aug. 1834; trans, and acini.
21st Sept. 1843 ; D.D. (Edinburgh 1870) :
Moderator of the General Assembly, 19th
May 1870 : dem. 8th Nov. 1876 : died at
Edinburgh, 29th May 1888. He marr. 20th
March 1845, Elizabeth Bradfute (died 8th
Dec. 1904), daugh. of John Dudgeon, Almond-
hill, Kirkliston, and had issue — Margaret
Elizabeth, born 3rd Oct. 1846 (marr. (1)
Thomas Rogers, inin. of the West Parish,
Fraserburgh : (2) Robert Tenison Braith-
waite) ; David George, M.A., LL.D., tutor of
Balliol College, Oxford, Professor of Logic
and Metaphysics, St Andrews Univ. (1894),
editor of Early Letters of Jane Welsh
Carli/le, born 26th Oct. 1853, died 3rd
Feb. 1903 ; Elizabeth Christian, born 22nd
March 1856 (marr. llth June 1884, David
Scott, D.D., min. of Dakiel).
DONALD MACLEOD, trans, from
1877 Maxwell Parish, Glasgow, and adm.
3rd May 1877 ; trans, to Crown
Court Church, London, 17th May 1881.
1881 trans- from North Leith, and adm.
15th Dec. 1881 ; trans, to New Grey-
friars, Edinburgh, 8th May 1890.
18go B.D. ; trans, from Skermorlie, and
adm. 20th Nov. 1890 ; trans, to West
Parish, Aberdeen, 19th May 1896.
1896 PATRICK, M.A., B.D. ; trans, from
Dalbeattie, and adm. 22nd Oct.
1896; trans, to Covan 29th June 1899.
1899 korn 15t^ ^e^- 1866> son °f Thomas
D., min. of Bolton; educated at
George Watson's College and Univ. of
Edinburgh; M.A. (1887), B.D. (1890);
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh in 1890 ; ord.
to Longformacus 12th July 1891 ; trans, to
St Bernard's Parish, Edinburgh, 22nd Oct.
1897 ; trans, and adm. 7th Dec. 1899.
Marr. 24th May 1898, Lilian Louise, daugh.
of Walter Landale, Bhangalpore, Bengal,
India, and has issue — Andrew Alastair
Landale, born 4th Feb. 1902; Margaret
Louise, born 4th Jan. 1905 ; Ronald
Thomas, born 16th Oct. 1909.
[Before the Reformation the Parish of
Kirkton was a Rectory.]
GEORGE DOUGLAS, M.A. : pros, to
156g the parsonage and vicarage by James
VF. 21st Jan. 1569: reader in 1574;
min. in 1585 ; died before 2nd Dec. 1615
[his name does not appear after 1585 in the
Books of Assignation].— [Rey. Assi'j.: Wod-
ron' M^iscdl., i., 376.]
JOHN WATSON, son of Peter W., min.
°^ '^sk> and Christian Stanehouse ;
adm. before 14th Jan. 1588.— [AV/.
f Deeds, xxx., 282/>.]
JAMES SCOTT, M.A. ; pres. by James
1616 ^ ^ 2nc^ ^ec> 1615 > ac^m- probably in
1616 : trans, to Tongland prior to
1620 rews 1G1°).: Pres- ljy James VI. in
May 1619. The Presb., 29th March
1620, referred his collation and admission
to the Bishop and Synod. He was a
member of Assembly in 1638. He was
murdered in his manse a day or two after
the battle of Philiphaugh, 13th Sept, 1645,
by some followers of Montrose, headed by
William Murray, brother of Patrick, Earl
of Tullibardinc. He was aged about 56.
He marr. Margaret Lumsden, who survived
him, with several children. They were
under the necessity of several times petition
ing Parliament for assistance. A daugh.
marr. Thomas Turnbull of Tofts. — [Acts
Parl. ; Peterkin's Records.]
ANDREW PRINGLE, M.A. : pros, by
1646 ^le ^res^- J(n'e devoluio 29th July,
and acini. 19th Aug. 1646 ; trans, to
Castleton 3rd April 1650.
GAVIN ELLIOT, M.A, (Edinburgh,
1652 15th April 164r>) : adin. 3rd March
1652 ; deprived by Act of Parliament
llth June, and Decreet of Privy Council
1st Oct. 1662- died before 23rd May
1678. He marr., and had issue — Robert
and William, both in Borthwickbrae.
1664 anc^er F-> mm- °f Hassendean ;
M.A. (Edinburgh, July 1642); pres.
by Charles II. llth Nov., and inst. 22nd
Dec. 1664 ; died in April 1683, aged about
61. He marr. Anna Douglas, who died
in Aug. 1681, and had issue— Archibald ;
Richard ; William, apprenticed to John
Pringle, tailor, Edinburgh, in 1691 ; Mar
garet (marr. 30th April 1702, James Merri-
lees, writer, Edinburgh) ; Anna. — [Reg. /See.
Sig. ; Min.-look Key. Priv. Seal ; Edin.
Guild Reg. ; Peebles Tests.]
1684 Crossmichael ; pres. by Charles II.
3rd Oct. 1683, and inst. 17th April
1684 ; trans, to Second Charge, Canongate,
13th Aug. 1685.
son of Robert C., min. of Hawick ;
M.A. (Edinburgh 1666); licen. by
Presb. of Jedburgh 4th Feb. 1684 ; orcl. to
Lochrutton 25th April 1684 ; pres. by James
VII. 16th Sept. 1686; trans, and inst. llth
April 1687 ; probably outed at the Revolu
tion. He marr. Marion Turnbull, and
had issue — Robert, min. of Hawick ; John ;
William. — [Roxburgh #as., vii., 392 ; Min.-
look Reg. Priv. Seal ; Hawick Sess. Reg. ;
MS. Ace. of Min., 1689.]
JOHN DOUGLAS, M.A. (Edinburgh,
1707 26th June 1699) ; licen. by Presb. of
Jedburgh 7th March 1705; called
20th July 1706; ord. 1st Jan. 1707; died
unmarr. 17th Dec. 1750, aged about 71.
ALEXANDER GLEN, pres. by George
1751 II. 6th June, called 19th July, and
ord. 25th Sept. 1751 ; trans, to
Galashiels 7th Dec. 1757.
THOMAS ELLIOT, pres. by George III.
1758 31st Dec. 1757 ; ord. 12th May 1758 ;
trans, to Cavers 23rd Nov. 1763.
JAMES ERSKINE, pres. by George
1764 III. 28th June 1763; ord. 2nd May
1764 ; trans, to Roberton 29th July
ander G. of Blairtown ; educated at
Marischal College, Aberdeen, 1748-
52 ; licen. by Presb. of Jedburgh 7th Sept.
1768 ; pres. by George III. 20th Oct. 1774 ;
ord. 1st March 1775; died 19th Jan. 1785.
He marr. 27th Jan. 1758, Joan Pirrie [or
Perrie], who died s.^>. 1st April 1793.
JAMES HAY, trans, from Ettrick ;
1785 pres. by George III. 19th March,
and adm. 23rd Sept. 1785; trans, to
Roberton 22nd Sept. 1786.
1787 George III. 1st Nov. 1786; ord.
21st March 1787 ; trans, to Hobkirk
15th Oct. 1800.
JOHN ELLIOT, nephew of Thomas
lgol E., min. of Cavers ; licen. by Presb.
of Jedburgh 26th July 1793 ; assistant
at Cavers ; pres. by George III. 4th Nov.
1800; ord. 28th Jan. 1801 ; died 1st Sept.
1817, in his 68th year. He marr. 16th June
1786, Jean Armstrong, who died 26th Feb.
1828, and had issue — Elizabeth, born 18th
June 1792 ; Adam and Mary (twins), born
22nd April 1794; Isobel, born 2nd Nov.
1797.— [Tombst.]
ADAM LAIDLAW, licen. by Presb. of
1818 Selkirk 13th Nov. 1778; ord. by
Presbyterian Classis of Newcastle,
15th Nov. 1782. as min. of a congregation
at South Shields ; trans, to St James's,
Silver Street, Newcastle, Feb. 1784; pres.
to Southdean by George III. 18th July
1809, but not settled owing to a com
peting presentation ; pres. to this parish by
George, Prince Regent, 6th Jan., and adra.
28th Aug. 1818 ; died 1st April 1834, in his
81st year. He inarr. 8th May 1780, Mary
Laidlaw, who died 27th June 1849, and had
issue— William, born llth Feb. 1787 ; Adam,
born 5th May 1788; Thomas, born 12th
Nov. 1789; John Whitfield, born 16th
July 1791; Robert, born 22nd June 1793;
David, born 6th July 1798.
cated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen.
by Presb. of Jedburgh 1st Oct. 1823 ;
pres. by William IV. ; ord. 2nd Sept. 1834 ;
died unmarr. 6th May 1857, in his 64th
year. Publication — Account of the Parish
(Neiv Slat. Ace., iii.).
GEORGE HUNTER, born Earlston,
1857 24th July 1829, son of James H.
and Margaret AVaugh ; educated at
Earlston School and Univ. of Edinburgh ;
licen. by Presb. of Earlston 3rd Feb. 1852 ;
assistant at Linton, and at St Mary's,
Hawick; ord. 14th Aug. 1857; died 23rd
June 1881. He marr. 2nd June 1858, Ann
Elizabeth (died s.j>. 21st Dec. 1875), sister
of William Favey, Earlston, a native of
DAVID CATHELS, M.A. ; ord. 22nd
Feb. 1882 ; trans, to Hawick 18th
May 1892.
JOHN STUART, born Fife-Keith, 5th
Oct. 1865, son of John Macpherson
S. and Elizabeth Wright ; educated
at Old Aberdeen Grammar School and
Univ. of Aberdeen: M.A. (1887), B.D.
(1890): licen. by Presb. of Aberdeen 6th May
1890 ; assistant at St Clement's Parish, Aber
deen, and at Selkirk ; ord. 27th Sept. 1892 ;
chaplain at Stobs Military Camp, 1903-12.
[These parishes were united in 1690.
Minto— K church built close to Minto
House survived till 1831. Its bell is pre
served at Minto. In 1831 a new church
was erected on another site at the village
of Minto.]
WILLIAM M'GOWAN held the parson
age and vicarage in 1575, but did not
reside here, being also Commissary
of Wigtown. He was ordered to remove
to Minto, which he seems to have done
in 1585.
EDAVARD DICKSON, reader, 1576 to
1576 1578.
1579 ROBERT HAMILTON, reader.
PATRICK BISHOP, M.A., min. in 1589 ;
1589 trans, to Abbotrule about 1590.
min. in 1601 : trans, to Hassendean
in 1602.
JAMES JOHNSTON, M.A. ; pres. by
the Presb. jure dcvoluto 8th April
1607 : suspended 19th Oct. 1607, for
having been absent from two meetings of
Synod ; dep. 21st Dec. 1608. He became
min. of AVesterkirk in 1611.— [/'. C. Reg.,
viii., 678 : Melrose I'resb. Keg.}
ADAM SCOTT, M.A., min. in 1608;
trans, to Hawick in 1612.— [Reg.
. .,
burgl1' 29th July 160°)-; adm" to
Kirkmichael, Banffshire, 1601 ; trans.
and adm. in 1609 ; died before 5th Aug. 1624.
He marr., and had issue— Andrew ; Helen.
— [Reg. Assig. ; Peebles Presb. Reg.}
from Fettercairn, and adm. (assistant
and successor) after 6th Oct. 1613 ;
retrans. to Fettercairn after 10th March
M.A. (St Andrews 1620): pres. in
Dec. 1624; adm. 20th April 1625;
pres. to St Mary of the Lowes by Charles
I. 13th Feb. 1641, but was not settled ; died
8th Jan. 1651. He marr. Anna Inglis, who
survived him with four children, "who
lament his loss, and desire to follow his
virtues."— [Reg. Sec. Sig. ; Tombst.}
JAMES AIXSLIE, MA. (Edinburgh,
1652 17th April 1039); called llth Jan.,
and inst. 9th Dec. 1052. Objection
was taken against him that he was a Free
mason, but the Assembly decided in his
favour. The Presb. of Kelso, 24th Feb.
1052, declared " that in their judgment
there is neither sin nor scandal in that
word, because in the purest times of this
kirk, masons having that word have been
ministers, that masons and men having that
word have been and are day lie in our
sessions, and many professors having that
word are daylie admitted to the ordinances."
He was deprived by Act of Parliament 1 1 th
June, and Decreet of the Privy Council 1st
Oct. 1002, and was min. again in 1090. —
[AWso l}resb. Reg. ; Wodrow's Hist., i., 320.]
FRANCIS SCOTT, M.A. ; pros, by John
1664 Turnbull of Minto, and inst. 21st
Dec. 1004 ; trans, to Hassenclean
25th Dec. 1078.
JAMES KIRKWOOD, born near Dun-
bar about 1050 ; educated at Dunbar
Grammar School and Univ. of Edin
burgh ; M.A. (1070) ; recommended for
license by Presb. of Haddington 13th July
1070 ; chaplain to Sir John Campbell of
Glenorchy, afterwards first Earl of Bread-
albane ; assistant at Wemyss ; pres. by
Walter Riddell of Minto 25th Feb. ; coll.
5th, and inst. 12th May 1079 ; deprived
for not taking the Test after 1st Nov. 1081.
He was probably indiilged at Colmonell,
1082-3. In 1084, through his friendship with
Gilbert Burnet, D.D., Bishop of Salisbury,
he was inst. to the rectory of Astwick,
Bedfordshire, from which he wTas ejected
7th Jan. 1702, "for neglect in not abjuring
according to the statute 13 & 14 William
III.;; He died about 1708, bequeathing his
books and manuscripts to the Presb. of
Dunbar. These (through the generosity of
James Curdie Russell, D.D., min. of Camp-
beltown) are now deposited in the Library
of the General Assembly. Along with the
Hon. Robert Boyle he circulated many
copies of the Gaelic Scriptures throughout
the Highlands, and spent much of his time
in the promotion of parish libraries.
Publications — A Discourse of the Right
Way of Improving our Time (London,
1092) • An Overture for Founding and
Maintaining Bibliothecks in every Paroch
throughout the Kingdom (Edinburgh, 1099 ;
reprinted 1889) ; A Copy of a Letter anent
a Project for erecting a Library in every
Presbytery ) or at least every County in the
Highlands (n.d.) : A New Family Jtook, or
the True Interest of families (1090 ; 2nd
ed., 1093).— [Birch's Life of Bogle ; Library
Chronicle, 1888, p. 110; Notes and Queries,
3rd ser., v., 29 ; Life and Work, Dec. 1915 ;
Assembly Reports (1910), p. 802.]
1682 1)U1"8'11 16"r;) j I)res- ky Thomas
Rutherford of Minto, and inst. 2nd
June 1082: he had a gift of the forfeited
estate of Alexander Wishart, merchant
burgess of Glasgow, from Charles II., Gth
March 1085. He was pres. by James VII.
to Sprouston 25th Feb. 1080, but was not
settled ; deprived by Act of Parliament
25th April 1090. He marr. Elizabeth
Wishart, who died before 1709, and had
issue — Catherine (marr., cont. 10th March
1709, Ninian Wishart, in Major-Gen. George
Hamilton's Regiment). — {Reg. of Deeds,
Mack., 15th April 1710; Reg. Sec. 8ig.;
MS. Ace. of Min., 1089.]
JAMES AIXSLIE, M.A., above noticed ;
1690 restored by Act of Parliament 25th
April 1090 ; died 10th July 1702, in
his 95th year. He marr., and had issue —
a daugh. (marr. John Scott of Weens);
Barbara (marr. John Ritchie, min. in 1703).
— [Tombst.]
WALTER AIXSLIE, M.A., nephew of
1698 Precedmg ; called in Nov. 1097 ;
ord. (assistant and successor) 2nd
March 1098 ; trans, to Lundie and Fowlis
8th May 1701.
JOHN RITCHIE, M.A. (Edinburgh,
17Q3 28th June 1097); licen. by Presb.
of Jedburgh 23rd July 1701 ; called
by the Prosb.jure devoluto 10th Feb., and
ord. 10th May 1703; died llth Nov.
1744, in his 75th year. He marr. Barbara,
daugh. of James Ainslie, min. of this parish
in 1690. She died 16th March 1715, aged
45.— To
GEORGE KAY, M.A. ; trans, from Col-
lessie ; pres. by Sir Gilbert Elliot of
Minto, Bart., 1st Aug., and adm.
(assistant and successor) 23rd Oct. 1741 ;
trans, to Second Charge, Dysart, 8th
Dec. 1743.
GEORGE BRUCE, M.A. ; pres. by Sir-
Gilbert Elliot of Minto, Bart., Oct.
1744 ; ord. 6th Feb. 1745 : trans, to
Dunbar 4th July 1766.
Gilbert Elliot of Minto, Bart,, in
Dec. 1766 ; ord. 24th April 1767 ;
trans, to Jedburgh 1st July 1773.
native of Northumberland ; some
time a clergyman of the Church of
England ; adm. min. of Pottergate Presby
terian Church, Almvick, 1769 ; pres. by Sir
Gilbert Elliot of Minto, Bart., 6th Nov.
1773 ; adm. 6th April 1774 ; D.D. (Glasgow
1786): died 9th Dec. 1826, in his 82nd
year. He marr. 3rd June 1771, Margaret
Ogle, who died 22nd Feb. 1836, and had
issue — Anne Lockhart, born 17th April
1772 ; George Percy, born 10th Nov. 1773,
died in Dominica, 1800; Margaret, born
2nd April 1775; Isabella, born 29th Nov.
1776; Anna Maria, born 1st July 1778;
John, born 3rd June 1780, died 5th Aug.
1781 ; John, born 24th Dec. 1781 ; Robert,
born 30th Aug. 1783. Publication— Ac
count of the Parish (Sinclair's Mat. Ace.,
xix.).—[Tombst. ; 'Bl&ir'aHist.Presb.Church,
Almvick; The Border Magazine, Feb. 1904.]
DAVID AITKEN, born 17th Aug. 1796,
son of Allan A. ; educated at Univ.
of Edinburgh; licen. by Presb. of
Edinburgh 28th March 1821 ; spent some
time in study on the Continent ; pres. by
Gilbert, Earl of Minto; ord. 14th Sept.
1827 ; D.D. (Edinburgh, 8th July 1843).
He declined the Chair of Divinity and
Ecclesiastical History in the Univ. of
Edinburgh in 1843 ; dem. 16th Nov. 1864 ;
died 27th March 1875. He marr. 13th
July 1836, Elizabeth (died s.p. 5th Oct.
1869), daugh. of David Stodart of Easton.
Publication— Account of the Parish (New
Stat. Ace., iii.).
14th Dec. 1839, son of Peter M.,
LL.D., min. of North Berwick ; edu
cated at Edinburgh Academy and Univ. of
Edinburgh ; M.A. (1864), B.D. (1865) ; licen.
by Presb. of Dunbar ; ord. 12th April 1865 ;
died at Davos Platz, Switzerland, 3rd Jan.
1893. He marr. 26th April 1865, Elizabeth
Macdonald, daugh. of Eaglesfield Bradshaw
Smith of Blackwood House, Dumfriesshire,
and had issue— an only daugh., Elizabeth
Philadelphia Macdonald Lockhart, born
8th Aug. 1866 (marr. 13th April 1893,
William Higgin, Belfast).
1878 Tillicoultry, 18th Feb. 1847, son of
AVilliam G. and Isabella Dawson ;
educated at Kinross Public School and
Univ. of Edinburgh; M.A. (1869), B.D.
(1872) ; licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh in
1872; assistant at Bowden, Lasswade, and
St Mary's, Partick ; ord. to Milton of
Balgonie 28th Dec. 1876 ; trans, and adm.
(assistant and successor) 19th June 1878 ;
Lecturer on Church Music to the Divinity
students of the Scottish Univs., 1912-14.
Marr. 17th June 1885, Margaret Rankin
Smith, and has issue — William, B.A.
(Cantab.), merchant, Japan, born 2nd April
1886 ; Isabella Dawson, born 30th Sept.
1887 ; Elizabeth Eleanor, born 14th April
1889 ; Alexander, lieut. K.O.S.B., born 3rd
Nov. 1895. Publications — One of the com
pilers of the Scottish Hymnal (1885) ; of
The Scottish Anthem Book (1892); of
the Church Hymnary (1898) ; of the Scot
tish Mission Hymnbook (1912) ; assisted
in the selection of Hymns, Ancient and
Modern, ed. by Prof. William Henry Monk
[The church, dedicated to St Mungo,
belonged to the Abbey of Melrose. In
1658 this parish was joined to Roberton,
but was disjoined 5th July 1666. About
1690 part of Hassenclean was annexed to
Wilton, and the rest united to Minto. ]
1574 JOHN SCOTT, reader.
THOMAS NEWBIE, reader, 6th Dec.
1576 1576 to 1580.
JOHN BONAR, M.A. ; trans, from
1594 Abbotrule, and adm. in 1594, Cavers,
Kirkton, and Southdean being in the
the charge. Perhaps he held also the bene
fice of North Ronaldshay ; trans, to Qirthon
about 1595.— \_Reg. Assig.]
William M. of Langtown : M.A.
(Edinburgh 1598); adm. to Minto
in 1601 ; pres. to the vicarage by James
VI. 10th July 1602 ; dep. for various mis
demeanours llth Jan. 1609. His widow
was in a condition of poverty 15th Nov.
1642. — [Reg. Assig. ; Keho Presb. Re<j.~\
ALLAN LUNDIE, M.A. • trans, from
1610 Lessudden [St Boswells] ; pres. by
James VI. 26th May, and adm.
before 19th Dec. 1610 ; trans, to Channel-
kirk after llth June 1611.
1611 ^onn M. °f Currie ; pres. by James
VI. 8th April 1611, and adm. soon
after ; trans, to St Bathans [Tester] in
1613. — [Edin. Sas., viii., 104: Dalkeith
Presb. Reg.]
1Q18 in the parish; M.A. (St Andrews
1603); adm. to Kailzie in 1613;
pres. by James VI. in March, and adm.
prior to 21st Oct. 1613. He signed a protest
to Parliament in favour of the Liberties of
the Kirk 27th June 1617. He died before
13th Jan. 1665, when the Presb. met to value
the church and manse, in order that the
son of the deceased min. might have pay
ment of what should be found due. He
marr. Margaret Clark, and had issue-
William of Huntlaw, served heir 9th May
1665 ; Alexander, min. of Kirkton.— [G. R.
fnhib., 16th Feb. 1624; Reg. Assig.; Mel-
rose Presb. Reg. ; Orig. Paroch. Scot., i. ;
Inif. Ret. Roxburgh, 257.]
WILLIAM MUSCHET, min. of Slains
1664 'm 163"' > Pres' ky Charles II., and
hist. 30th Dec. 1664; died between
8th May and 4th June 1678. He marr.
(cont. 20th Dec. 1648) Christian, daugh. of
William Hay, min. of Crimond, and had
issue— Gilbert, min. of Cumbernauld ; Mar
garet ; William (lame of his right hand,
of good and pious disposition, and much
inclined to follow his studies), Presb. bursar
7th Sept. 1670. — \8lains Charters ; Min.-
book Reg. Prir. Seal ; Stair's Dec. ; Morri
son's Diet., vi. ; Reg. Sec. SigJ]
FRANCIS SCOTT, probably son of
1678 Francis S., schoolmaster of the
parish ; M.A. (Edinburgh, 14th July
1659) ; inst. to Minto 21st Dec. 1664 ; pres.
by Charles II. 1st Nov., and inst. 25th Dec
1678 ; deprived by Privy Council, 29th Aug.
1689, for not reading the Proclamation of
the Estates, and for continuing to pray for
James VII. after his abdication. He went
to Hawick, where he died. A fragment of
his tombstone was extant in 1879. He
marr. Elspeth Buckholm, and had issue-
James ; Francis, merchant, Hawick ; Mar
garet ; Isobel.— [Reg. Old Dec., iii. ; Reg. Sec.
Sig.; Min. -book Reg. Priv. Seal ; Peterkin's
Constitution of the Church ; Vernon's The
Parish and Kirk of ffassendean.]
[From 1165 to 1560 Oxnam belonged to
the Abbey of Jedburgh. There were
chapels in the parish at Plenderleith and
JAMES AINSLIE, reader from 1574 to
1574 1580.
159g 10th Aug. 1595); min. in 1599; dep.
in 1604.— [Reg. Assig.]
1Q10 burgh, 30th July 1597) ; adm. to
Soutra in 1599 ; trans, to Aberdour
in 1602; adm. (at Jedburgh) 25th March
1610; pres. by James VI. 24th Oct. 1612;
died before 10th Sept. 1623. He marr.
Elspeth Borthwick (alive 19th Jan. 1656),
and had issue — David, apprenticed to
Patrick Forbes, merchant, Edinburgh,
1,3th Aug. W23.—[Reg-A8sig.; Kirkcaldy
and Dalkeith Presb. Regs. ; Stow Sess. Reg.]
burgh, 30th June 1617); pres. by
James VI. 19th Sept. 1623; adm.
(at Jedburgh) 19th May 1624 ; died between
30th April and 15th Dec. 1634, aged about
37. He marr. Elizabeth Knox, who sur
vived him, and had issue— John ; Thomas.
-[Roxburgh ,*««., iv., 332; Reg. Sec.
DAVID FOULIS, adm. to Bedrule 20th
Oct. 1633; pres. by Charles I. 15th
1634 Dec. 1634; trans, and adm. soon
after; dep. April 1639 for contumacy in
refusing to acknowledge the Glasgow As
sembly of 1638. In 1662 he and his son
John petitioned Parliament, showing how
he had been " forced to abandon Scotland
merely for his affection to the Royal
authority, and for not taking the Covenant,
leaving behind seven children to the charity
of friends : being necessitate thereafter to
depart the three kingdoms because of some
expressions in a sermon at Hamburg in
1654, against Cromwell, he was forced to
retire to a private corner in England, where
he has lived in a most miserable condition,
being incapacitated to do anything either
for his own or his children's livelihood.11
On the report of a committee, Parliament
allowed him £100 sterling out of "the readiest
of the vacant stipends." He is described
as in Paddington, co. Middlesex, 1663. He
marr. (name unknown), and had issue-
James, apprenticed to Thomas Fleming,
merchant, Edinburgh, 5th July 1648;
John : and five others. — [Reg. of Deeds,
Mack., vii., 524 ; Peterkin's Records ; Acts
of Part., vii.]
burgh, 1617; M.A. (St Andrews,
llth May 1637); licen. by Presb. of
Haddington 25th Sept. 1639; adm. and
inst. 1st July 1640; pres. by the Presb.
jure devoluto 28th Oct. following ; died be
tween 1st May and 18th Sept. 1644. He
marr. (cont. 18th Aug. 1643) Margaret,
daugh. of Andrew Riddell of that ilk ; she
survived him. His four sisters were served
heirs 3rd June 1662. Publication— " Ane
edifying narration of the sad, sweet exercise
of soul, and of the blessed death of Dame
Mary Rutherford, Lady Hundalie, and Mary
M'Kennell, cusin to the said lady, and her
attender " (Wodrow's Anal., ii.).— [Inq. Ret.
(Jen., 4583 : Roxburgh Sas., ii., i. 110.]
JOHN SCOTT, M.A. (Edinburgh, 25th
July 1635) ; chaplain in England to
the regiment of William, Earl of
Lothian, 15th July 1642 ; pres. by Charles
I. 13th Jan. 1645; adm. and inst. 23rd
April following. He was a member of the
Commission of Assembly in 1649 ; joined
the Protesters in 1651 ; app. by the English
Privy Council, 8th Aug. 1654, a commis
sioner to authorise admissions to the
ministry ; visited Ireland in 1656, and was
one of ten ministers who congratulated
Charles II. at the Restoration. Immedi
ately afterwards (23rd Aug. 1660) he was
imprisoned in Edinburgh Castle, and
having subscribed the Remonstrance, had
his stipend sequestrated by the Committee
of Estates. He was released in 1661, but
refused to conform to Episcopacy, and
was deprived in 1662. In 1664 he was
summoned before the Court of High
Commission for taking part in a com
munion service. He was granted indulg
ence in his own charge, 3rd Aug. 1669, and
was afterwards fined heavily, 31st July
1673, for failing to observe the anniversary
of the Restoration. He died 22nd Nov.
1681, in his 66th year. He' marr. Elizabeth
Rae,' who was buried in Greyfriars, Edin
burgh, 12th Jan. 1687, and had issue— Jean ;
Margaret (marr. John Doull, writer, Edin
burgh) ; Elizabeth; Barbara; all served
heirs 31st March 1698— [Reg. Peebles Tests. ;
Reg. Sec. Sig. ; South Leith Session Reg. ;
Nicoll's and Lament's Diaries ; Wodrow's
Hist., i., 222, 394; Livingston's Life;
Reid's Ireland, ii., 305 (where he is errone
ously called Smith) ; /w/. Set. Gen., 7962.]
ROBERT HUME, M.A. (Edinburgh,
Keen, by Prcsb.
of Lanark 17th April 1651 : adm. to
son of Nmian H., min. of Sprouston)
lubhcations-Joint author of preface to
Boston's Crook />,, the Lot (Edinburgh
" '
* »!/* n *.\ju I , civ I ill. LU
Crawfordjohn in 1652 : pros, by Charles I]. 1737) : "Address to 'th
8th March ; col . and inst. 14th May 1666 : foi,l s Dying T>
still mm. 30th Dec 1668.— [AV//. ,SV. "
Min.-book Re<i. 1',-ir. Seal 1
Reader" (Craw-
t.: Boston's
1669 JOHN SCOTT, M.A. (see above).
HUGH SCOTT, M.A., formerly of Bed-
1672 rule > indulged by the Privy Council
3rd Sept. 1672 : trans, to Galashiels
1st Dec. that year.— [Brown's ffixt. of t/te
JOHN AIXSLIE, M.A. (Edinburgh
1682 1659) > Passed trials before the Presb.
1st Feb. 1665 ; inst, to Hobkirk 2nd
Aov. 1665; pres. 22nd July 1682: trans
and inst, 21st Sept. 1682 ; dem. in 1690 •
died in 1693, aged about 54. -[J//.,, -book
Reg. Priv. Sea/ : MX. Arr. nf MH., 1689.]
GEORGE GUTHRIE, called to Ban-
1691 Oct- 1689; trans, and adm. after
4th Aug. 1691 ; member of Assembly
in 1692 ; died after 23rd March 1698. He
marr. Elizabeth Tait, who survived him and
had issue-an only son, William ; Margaret
(marr., pro. 16th Feb, 1718, William Brown
of Lmdsaylands).— [Gen. Rfr,. ,SV,,s> cvii
187; EtUn. R«j. (Marr.).]
1700 son of Robert C., min. of Bunkle •
M.A. (Edinburgh 1675) ; min. of the
Iresbytenan Church at Enniscorthy, Ire
land ; adm. to Bunkle 7th Aug. 1690 •
trans, to Duns in 1693 ; called Sept 1699 •
trans, and adm. 8th May 1700; died 29th
June 1738 He marr. 1687, Janet Hughes,
who died June 1731, aged 69, and had issue
-Cadwallader [vide Cadwallader Golden,
by Alice Mapelsden Keys, New York 1906]
M.D., botanist, author, Lieut-Governor of
New York, born 17th Feb. 1688, died 28th
Sept. 1776; [his son was a distinguished
mathematician and natural philosopher
I his grandson was sometime senator
for the State of New York in the U S
Congress]; Ebenezer; William, died in
America ; James, min. of Whitsome ; Eliza-
3th (marr. James Home of Billie, eldest
1740 Pr^b. of Jedburgh 3rd Jan. 1733 •
assistant at Bowden : pros by
William, Marquess of Lothian, Dec 1738 •
orcl 7th May 1740; died 14th April 174s'
in his 45th year. He marr. 8th Dec 1744'
Elizabeth (died 13th May 1787), daugh. of
John Fisher, Housebyres, and had issue-
James : 36hn.—[Tombst.]
THOMAS BOSTON, the younger, born
1749 3ra April 1713, youngest son of
Thomas B., min. of Ettrick- edu
cated at home by his father and' elder
brother, afterwards at the Grammar School
of Hawick and Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen
by Presb. of Selkirk 1st Aug. 1732,' when
he was a little over nineteen years of
age: orcl. to Ettrick 4th April 1733 at
the age of twenty: pres. by William
Marquess of Lothian; trans, and adm
10th May 1749. On a vacancy at Jed
burgh m 1755, the Town Council, the
elders, and a great majority of the people
petitioned the Crown to appoint Boston
liis was refused. A secession followed
and a meeting-house was erected, of which
)ston was inducted first min. 9th Dec
1757. The Assembly, 30th May 1758 de
clared him " incapable of receiving or ac
cepting a presentation, and all ministers of
the Church were prohibited from employ
ing ^him to preach or perform any mini
sterial office, or from being employed by
him." The bulk of the parishioners of
Jedburgh nocked to the new church, and
in 1761 there was formed the Presb. of Re
lief by Boston, Thomas Gillespie (formerly
mm. of Carnock), and Thomas Colier of
Colmsburgh, Boston being the first Modera
tor. He died 13th Feb. 1767, and was
buried within the tower of Jedburgh
Abbey. He marr. 26th April 1738
Elizabeth (died at Dysart, 21st June 1787)'
daugh. of Michael Anderson of Tushielaw
and of Carter-hope, Tweedsmuir, and had
issue— Henrietta, born 3rd May 1739, died
young; Thomas, born 8th May 1740, died
young; Katherine, born 15th March 1741,
died young; Henrietta, born 10th Aug.
1742; Thomas, born 1st March 1744, died
young ; Michael, min. of the belief Church,
Falkirk, born 14th Oct. 1745, died 5th Feb.
1785; John, born 27th June 1747, died
young; Katherine, born 27th March 1749
(marr. Alexander Simpson, M.D., licentiate
of the Church of Scotland, min. successively
of the Relief congregations at Bellshill,
Duns, Pittenweem), died llth Aug. 1823 ;
Christian, born 31st March 1750 (marr.
Tucker Harris, M.D., Charleston, South
Carolina), died 10th March 1818 ; Eliza
beth, born 23rd Aug. 1751, died young;
Elizabeth, born 7th Aug. 1752 ; Jane, born
19th July 1753 (marr. Robert Paterson, min.
of the Relief Church, Largo, afterwards of
Biggar), died 8th Jan. 1821 ; Thomas, born
3rd Nov. 1754 ; John, born 13th May
1756 ; Margaret, born 31st Jan. 1758 (marr.
William Campbell, licentiate of the Church
of Scotland, min. of the Relief Church,
Dysart), died 16th May 1830. Publications
—Four single Sermons (Edinburgh, 1745-62);
Select Discourses on a Variety of Practical
Subjects (Glasgow, 1768); Essays on Theo
logical Subjects (1773); Select Sermons by
Thomas Boston ami James Baine, Jf.A., with
introductory essay by N. M'Michael, D.D.
(Edinburgh, 1850). — [Boston's Memoirs ;
Boston's A General Account of J/?/ Life (ed.
George D. Low, 1908); Scots Mag., xix.,
xx. ; Somerville's Life ; Small's Hist, of
U.P. Congregations, ii., 259 ; Tait's Border
Church Life, i., 262; Craig-Brown's Sel
kirkshire ; Grub's Eccles. Hist, of Scotland,
iv., 79 ; Centenary of Boston Church, Jed-
burgh ; Diet. Nat. BiogJ]
1758 M.A. ; pres. by George II. 30th June
1758; adm. 21st Sept. 1758; trans.
to South Parish, Dundee, 3rd Aug. 1 763.
17Q4 Presbyterian congregation in York
shire ; pres. by George III. 25th
Aug. 1763, and by William, Marquess of
Lothian, 9th Dec. 1763 ; adm. 8th Feb.
1764 : trans, to Morebattle 6th July 178(5.
JOHN HUNTER, licen. by Presb. of
1787 Selkirk 6th March 1781 ; pres. by
George III. 19th July, and by
William John, Marquess of Lothian, 2nd
Sept. 1786 ; ord. 28th Feb. 1787 ; died
unmarr. 15th Jan. 1830, in his 76th year.
Publication — Account of the Parish (Sin
clair's Stat. Ace., xi.).
JAMES AVIGHT, born Midlem, Bowden.
1830 1^8r>> son °f George \V. ; educated
at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by
Presb. of Forfar 15th June 1814 : pres.
by George IV., and ord. llth June 1830;
died 3rd June 1859. He marr. 9th March
1826, Mary Leslie, Jedburgh, who died 3rd
Nov. 1867, and had issue — George, min. of
Wamphray : Mary Ann Leslie, born 21st
Nov. 1827 (marr. 1855, Thomas Robson
Scott of Newton), died 16th Sept. 1897 :
John Rutherfurd, architect, Edinburgh,
born 17th June 1829. Publication— Ac
count of the Parish (Ifetf Stat. Ace., in.).
I WILLIAM BURNIE, born Corric,
1859 Dumfriesshire, 12th Aug. 1834, third
son of William B., farmer ; educated
at Corrie School, and Univs. of Glasgow,
Edinburgh, and St Andrews ; licen. by
Presb. of Lochmaben ; ord. 5th Oct. 1859 ;
died 25th July 1884. He marr. 14th April
1874, Margaret Anne, daugh. of William
Riddick, Strandside, Colvend, and had
issue— Samuel Riddick, university tutor,
born 7th Feb. 1875 ; Isabella Johnstone,
born 26th Dec. 1876 (marr. 2nd Sept. 1895,
Arthur Francis, M.D.); Annie Forrest,
born 2nd Sept. 1878; William, engineer,
born 20th April 1880; Margaret Helen,
born 20th Nov. 1881 (marr. 1st Oct. 1902,
Douglas Wall, M.D.); Charles Riddick,
Shanghai Constabulary, born 4th March
1885 burgh, 29th April 1859, son of George
G., assistant-editor Edinburgh Even
ing Courant, and Margaret Bryce ; educated
at schools in Edinburgh and Univ. there ;
M.A. (1880) ; licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh
in 1883 ; assistant at Inveresk ; ord. 12th
Feb. 1885. Marr. (1) 6th Sept. 1887, Mary
Turner (died 20th Dec. 1888), daugh. of
•lames Simson, Viewfield, Melrose : (2) 28th
April 1891, Jessie, daugh. of George Turn-
bull, Hawick, and has issue — ( 'onstance
Mary, born 5th Feb. 1892 ; Hilda Agnes,
born 20th Nov. 189:? : Peter Bryce, born
2oth Sept, 1905.
[In this parish are the remains of three
ancient churches : (1) the original church
of the parish, built in the twelfth century,
in which the Scottish chiefs met before the
battle of Otterburn (1388); (2) a church
erected in 1690 ; and (3) a chapel at Letham.
A new church, of early Gothic design, was
opened in 1876. It contains a window to
the memory of James Thomson, author of
The Seasons, who spent his boyhood here.
In 1777 a part of Abbotrule was added to
this parish.]
1567 1567.
LYLE, M.A., exhorter in
JOHN DOUGLAS, reader from 1574 to
1574 1587.
JOHN SCOTT, reader from 1579 to
1579 1580.
1580) : mentioned as min. in 1585. —
[Jier/. Assig.j
1599 ; trans, to Hownam in 1605.
— [Rey. Assig.]
GEORGE DOUGLAS, M.A. ; pres. by
later, " to provide another kirk for him."—
Keg. Assi'ff.]
WILLIAM WEIR, M.A. ; pres. in July,
and coll. Dec. 1609; adm. 18th
Jan. 1610 ; trans, to Hobkirk in
1626.— [Reg. Astir/.]
JAMES FISHER, adm. 6th Sept. 1626 ;
trans, to St Mary of the Lowes in
1628) ; pres. in April, and adm. after
21st July 1635 ; deprived for noncon
formity to Episcopacy 4th July 1666. He
marr. Agnes Mitchell, who died 4th July
1640, aged 30.— [Wodrow's Hist]
JOHN DARNGAVEL, M.A. ; pres. by
1667 James> Marquess of Douglas, in
Aug. 1667, and adm. soon after;
trans, to Prestonkirk 24th March 1670.
GEORGE BAPTIE, M.A. (Edinburgh,
19th July 1661); licen. by George,
Bishop of Edinburgh, 21st- Sept.
1665 ; ord. by Robert Leighton, Bishop of
Dunblane, 7th Nov. 1670, and inst. soon
after. In Aug. 1676 he complained to the
Privy Council of a riot directed against
him, when letters were issued for the
arrest of those engaged therein. He died
March 1688, aged about 47. He marr., and
had issue — Magdalene (marr. 25th Jan.
1709, Benjamin M'Ewan, apothecary, Edin
burgh) ; Elizabeth (marr. 26th Nov. 1718,
David Crockat, wright, burgess of Edin
burgh).— [7?<?f/. Coll at. ; Peebles Tests.]
(Edinburgh, 1st Aug. 1683); de
prived by the Privy Council, 4th
Sept. 1689, for neither reading the Pro
clamation of the Estates nor praying for
, Earl of Angus, Dec. 1607, William and Mary.— [MS. Ace. of Min.,
having also charge of Hobkirk, to 1689 ; Peterkin's Constitution 'of the
which he removed in 1608.
[JAMES LOGAN, M.A. (Edinburgh,
1Qog 22nd Feb. 1602) ; pres. by the Presb.
jure devoluto 5th July 1609, but was
not settled, the Presb. resolving, a week
1690 ; pres. to Oxnam 1st June 1699,
but not settled there ; trans, to
Dundee 6th Sept. 1699.
17 about 1666, son of Andrew T.
(descended from the family of
Rousland, near Kinneil), gardener to
Andrew Edmondstoune of Ednam ; edu
cated at Univ. of Edinburgh; M.A.
(Aug. 1686); licen. by Presb. of Kelso
17th June 1691 ; ord. to Ednam 12th
July 1692 ; trans, and adm. 6th Xov.
1700; died 9th Feb. 1716. He marr. (pro.
6th Oct. 1693) Beatrix (died at Edinburgh,
12th May 1725), of Widehope or Wideopen
(a small property on Kale Water), daugh. of
Alexander Trotter of Fogo, and Margaret,
daugh. of William Home, progenitor of the
Bassendean branch of that family, and had
issue — Andrew, born 1695; Alexander, born
1697 ; Isobel, born 1699 ; James, bursar of
the Presb., student in arts and divinity at
Edinburgh Univ., 1715-24, author of The
Reasons, born 7th or llth Sept. 1700, died
27th Aug. 1748 ; Margaret ; Mary (marr.
William Craig, merchant, Edinburgh), died
1790 [her son, James Craig, architect,
planned the New Town of Edinburgh] ;
Elizabeth (marr. 16th Dec. 1740, Robert
Bell, min. of Avendale) ; Jean (marr. Robert
Thomson, master of the Grammar School
of Lanark), died 3rd Sept. 1781 ; John,
amanuensis to his brother, the poet, died
23rd Sept. 1735.— [Edin. Reg. (Bur.); Kirk-
wood's Plea before the Kirk ; Burleigh's
Ednam and its Indu'ellers ; G. C. Macaulay's
James Thomson ; M. Leon Morel's James
Thomson, sa Vie et ses (Euvres (Paris,
1895) ; Diet. Nat. Biog. ; Letter in The
Times, 26th March 1894 ; The Border Maga
zine, 1903 ; Hist. Ber. Nat. Club, xxii., 401.]
[THOMAS LAIK [LECK], licen. by
Presb. of Jedburgh 7th Feb. 1711; pres.
by Archibald, Duke of Douglas, July 1716.
The parishioners refused to sign his call,
and the settlement was not effected. He
became min. of a Presbyterian congregation,
Longf ramlington , Northumberland . ]
JOHN INGLIS, licen. by Presb. of
1718 Selkirk 2nd Aug. 1711 ; pres. by
Archibald, Duke of Douglas, and
ord. 21st Aug. 1718; died unmarr. after
6th April 1743. He left to his successors
in the parish a library of 119 volumes.
JOHN OLIVER, born 1707, youngest
„ son of Thomas O., tenant in South-
dean Mill ; licen. by Presb. of Jed-
burgh 3rd Jan. 1733; assistant to preced
ing min.: pres. by Archibald, Duke of
Douglas, and ord. (assistant and successor)
24th Nov. 1736 ; died 25th Nov. 1755.
He marr. 29th Oct. 1740, Isobel (died in
London, 21st Nov. 1774), daugh. of Edward
Hall, of Whitelee, Redesdale, and had issue
—Elizabeth, born 25th Oct. 1741 ; Thomas,
born 8th Sept, 1743 : Janet, born 29th
March 1746 ; Edward, born 1st July 1754.
— [Ifist. Ber. Nat. did, (Ehdon Lairds),
xxii., 221.]
ROBERT MUIRHEAD, pros, by Archi-
1756 bald, Duke of Douglas, and ord. 25th
Aug. 1756 ; died 16th Dec. 1784, in
his 78th year. He marr. 22nd Sept. 1779,
Elizabeth Ainslie, who died 20th April 1800.
WILLIAM SCOTT, born 23rd July 1735,
1*785 son °^ ^Ta^er S- of Nether Bonchester,
and Helen Turnbull ; licen. by Presb.
of Dalkeith 2nd Dec. 1760 ; ord. by the
Presbyterian Classis, Newcastle, 6th Oct.
1762, to Ravingstondale ; adm. 26th Dec.
1764 to Abbotrule, and to this charge 5th
Jan. 1785 ; died 14th May 1809. He marr.
2nd July 1766, Sybil (died at Edinburgh,
7th Feb. 1822), daugh. of John Henderson
of Lockholm, Westmoreland, and had issue
— AValter, born 15th April 1767 ; John, born
8th March 1769; Thomas, born 29th May
1773; Adam, insurance broker, London,
born 29th June 1775, assumed the name of
Elliot [Scott-Elliot] on succeeding, through
his wife, to the estate of Arkleton, died
in Edinburgh, in Dec. 1821 ; Anne Nancy,
born 15th July 1771 (marr. (1) - - Reid :
(2) Charles Baxter, Edinburgh) ; William,
born 27th Sept. 1779 ; Robert Hewitson,
born 13th March 1785, died young. Publi
cation — Account of the Parish (Sinclair's
Stat. Ace., xii.). — [Anna/s of a Border
Club, 231.]
JOHN RICHMOND, born 21st Aug.
1784, son of James R., D.D., min. of
Irvine ; educated at Univ. of Glas
gow ; Snell Exhibitioner, 1804 ; licen. by
Presb. of Irvine 1st Aug. 1809; pres. by
Archibald, Lord Douglas (in whose family
at Douglas Castle he had been tutor), 3rd
Aug. 1809 ; ord. 19th April 1«10. He
retired to St Andre \vs in 1847, and sub
sequently to Edinburgh, where he died
21st Jan. 1854. He inarr. 28th April 1825,
Catherine (died 25th May 1887, aged 89),
daugh. of Captain George Mitchell of
Lord Macdonald's Fencibles, and had issue
— Isabella Georgina, born 24th Oct. 1828,
died unniarr. IGth' April 1894; Margaret
Cunningham, born 4th April 1831, died
unmarr. 19th July 1894; James, Kippenross,
Dunblane, sheep farmer and proprietor,
Australia, born 1st Nov. 1834; John, born
17th May 183G, died 25th Feb. 1838;
George Mitchell, lieut. 12th Native In
fantry, India, born 20th Xov. 1839, killed
in action near Peshawar, 26th Oct. 1863;
Catherine, died in infancy. Publications —
()'/(• t<> th<- ^[cm'l|•i/ of Thomson [author of
Tin Seasons], in- the- Temple of the Jfuses
at Dri/burt/h Ahbei/ (Edinburgh, 1818); A
Sermon on fie/jufar Attendance, on Divine
Worship, in Connexion with the Spirit of
the Times (Jedburgh, 1820); Account of
the Parish (New Sta-t. Ace., Hi.). He left
numerous poems in a MS. book, possessed
by his son James. — [AddisoiVs The Snell
Exhibit-io-M, Glasgow, 1901].
JOHN MATE, born Paisley, 31st March
1847 1^22, third son of John M. ; edu
cated at Paisley Grammar School
and Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by Presb.
of Paisley in 1845 ; ord. (assistant and
successor) 18th March 1847; D.D. (Glas
gow 1887) : died 27th Jan. 1902. He marr.
19th July 1871, Agnes (died s.p. 27th Nov.
1900), daugh. of George Grant, Glasgow.
She founded in 1885 the George Grant,
Junior, Bursary in the Univ. of Glasgow.
Publications — Memorial Sermon preached
in the Old Parish Church of Southdean
(1876) ; Sermon on the. Life and Character
of Jane Grant (Hawick, 1883); Sermon on
the Life and Character of James Steu*art,
Min. of Wilton (Hawick, 1886) ; Pulpit
Memorial of the Life and Character of the
late Rev. John MacRae, D.D., Min. of
Ha wick (Hawick, 1892). — [The Border
Magazine, April 1897.]
19°2 ' trans- to
Charge, Haddington, 4th Oct. 1906.
JOHN RYRTK S PENCE, born Helens-
1907 burgh 29th Feb. 1880, son of James
S. and Jane Ryrie ; educated at
Univ. of Glasgow; M.A. (1902), B.D.
(1905) ; licen. by Presb. of Glasgow in
1905 ; assistant at South Leith ; ord. 22nd
March 1907. Marr. 9th June 1901), Janet,
daugh. of James Currie, and has issue —
James, born 13th Aug. 1911.
[There was a chapel at Caerlanrig from
1715, supplied by licentiates. The parish
of Teviothead was erected quoad omnia,
20th Feb. 1850, consisting of the southern
part of Cavers. It includes the sites of
three ancient chapels : St Mary's at Caer
lanrig, St Cuthbert's on the Slitrig Water,
and the Chapel of the Cross.]
JOHN LAURIE, M.A. (afterwards of
1738 Middlebie.
ANDREW WALKER (afterwards of
1745 Ettrick).
1750 Oct. 1750 (afterwards of Castleton).
PATRICK KERR (after - history un-
1757 known).
JAMES ERSKINE (afterwards of St
1763 Boswells).
JOHN RICCALTOUN (afterwards of
1764 Hobkirk).
CHARLES PATON (afterwards of
1780 Ettrick).
JAMES SANSON (afterwards of Lead-
1785 hills).
THOMAS DYCE, son of William D.,
1792 rector °f tne Grammar School of
Hawick ; educated at St Andrews
Univ. ; app. in 1792. He is described as
having been "a man of some learning,
talent, and a vast amount of eccentricity."
He became insane, and retired to Hawick,
where he died. His wife, a Roman Catholic
lady, died in 1859, aged 90. — [Trans.
Hawick Archajol. Soc., 1868.]
ROBERT S H A W, app. July 1804 ;
ord. 10th June 1807 ; (afterwards of
1804 Ewes).
JOSEPH THOMSON (afterwards of
1817 Ednam).
GAWIN TURNBULL, born Brieryhill,
Hawick, 1800 ; died at Hawick, 1st
March 1832. Publication— A Sermon
on Meekness (Hawick, 1832).
Sorbie, Ewes, Dumfriesshire, 23rd
Sept. 1797, son of Robert R.,
shepherd, and Agnes Scott. He was a
shepherd until his 19th year, when he
resolved to study for the ministry ; edu
cated at Biggar School and Univs. of Edin
burgh and St Andrews ; licen. by Presb. of
Biggar in 1830 ; app. to Caerlanrig Chapel
in 1832. In 1842 he suffered from mental
trouble, and relinquished his pastoral work.
He died at Teviothead Cottage, 30th July
1870. As author of "Scotland Yet," and
other lyrics, Riddell occupies a notable
place among Scottish minor poets. He
marr. 1833, Eliza (born 18th July 1796, died
29th May 1875), daugh. of William Clark,
merchant, Biggar, and had issue— Walter
Francis Montagu Douglas Scott, Hongkong
and Shanghai Bank, born llth July 1834,
died in London, 4th April 1877 ; Robert,
sheep farmer, Australia, born in 1836, died
in 1887 ; William Brown Clark, student,
and a poet of some promise, born 16th Dec.
1836, died 6th July 1856 [vide Rogers'
Modern Scottish Minstrel]. Publications
— Stanzas on the Death of Lord Byron
(Edinburgh, 1825) ; Sonys of the Ark (Edin
burgh, 1831) ; The Christian Politician, or
the Ri(jht Way of Thinking (Edinburgh,
1844) ; Poems, Songs, and Miscellaneoiis
Pieces (Edinburgh, 1847); "Biography of
the Ettrick Shepherd" (Hogg's Weekly
Instructor, 1847); "Store-Farming in the
South of Scotland" (Scottish Agricultural.
Journal, 1848-9); "Foot-Rot in Sheep"
(Highland Soc. Proc.) ; translations of the
Gospel of St Matthew and the Book of
Psalms into Lowland Scottish for Prince
Louis Lucien Bonaparte (printed privately,
1855 and 1857) ; contributions to Trans
actions of Hawick Archaeological Society:
"Account of Cavers''' (Sinclair's Stat. Ace.),
He left in MS. " Malcolm of Wharden ;: (a
poem), "Melvina of Eller," "The Dutiful
Daughter " (a drama, in five acts), and
many other papers. — [Autobiography and
Memoir, by James Brydon, M.D., prefixed
to Poetical Works ; Memoir, by W. S.
Crockett, in Scotland Yet, and, Other J>m-,s
(Centenary edition) ; Nodes Ambrosiana'
(March 1825); Goodfellow's Border Biog
raphy ; Centenary Celebration ; Masonic
Celebration', The Poets of Dumfriesshire
230; Trans. Jlawick Ardia-il. Soc., 1«0« :
Diet. Nat. Biog.]
WILLIAM LAMB (afterwards of
1843 Ednam).
DANIEL M'NEE (afterwards of Hamil-
1847 ^On' Canada ; returned to Scotland,
and died in Edinburgh about 1860.)
JAMES DUNCAN, born Denholm, 23rd
185Q Jan. 1805, son of James D., min. of
the Cameronian Church there, and
Isabella Scott ; educated at Univ. of Edin
burgh ; ord. first min. of the parish 24th
July 1850; dep. 27th May 1853; died un-
marr. at Denholm, 29th Nov. 1861. Publi
cations — Catalogue of Coleoptcra in Ento-
/nologia Edinensis (Edin. 1834); vols. i. to
vii. of Entomology in Jardine's Naturalists'
Librarn ; Letter to Members of the Church,
and Inhabitants of the Parish of Teviot
head (Hawick, 1853). He assisted Alex
ander Jeffrey in the preparation of The
History and Antiquities of Roxburghshire,
writing the chapters on Geology, Botany,
and Natural History. He indexed the
Encyclopaedia Britannica, and at his
death had in preparation a Life of John
Leyden. — [Hist. Her. Nat. Club, 1863-
ROBERT YOUNG, born Covington,
Lanarkshire, son of James Y., school
master, and Margaret Ferguson ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen.
by Presb. of Lanark ; assistant at Selkirk ;
ord. 20th Jan. 1854 ; died unmarr., 26th
May 1884. Publications -Episcopal Ten
dencies (Edinburgh, 1864) ; Henry Scott
Rid dell : Notes and Reminiscences (Hawick,
1875) ; On the, History of Education in
Scotland (Hawick, 1879) ; The BuccleucJi,
ISook, with special reference, to Allanhaugh
(Hawick, n.d.).
30th Nov. 1827, youngest son of
Robert C., D.D., min. of Johnstone
in Annandale ; educated at Univ. of
Glasgow ; ord. to Johnstone 19th March
1852; res. 2nd Oct. 1854; chaplain at
Bombay, 1854-8: adm. to Kirkpatrick-
Juxta 13th Oct. 1865 ; res. 26th Oct. 1876 ;
resident in Edinburgh without a charge,
1876-84 ; adm. to this parish 5th Sept.
1884; res. 6th Jan. 1887; died in Edin
burgh, 5th Jan. 1888. He marr. 16th Sept.
1859, Helen (died 26th Sept. 1873), second
daugh. of James Brown, C.A., Edinburgh,
and Ann M'Kerrell, and had issue — Alice
Mary, born 23rd Aug. 1860 ; Annie Edith,
sometime missionary of the Free Church
at Calcutta, born 18th Dec. 1862; Robert
Francis, born 23rd June 1864, died 22nd
May 1902; Constance Helen, born 29th
July 1865, died unmarr. 25th Aug. 1884;
Marion, born 4th Nov. 1867 (marr. 15th
April 1891, Colonel Charles Robert Dyer,
Middlesex Regt.) ; William, born 14th
Nov. 1868, died 12th May 1899.
1887 WIDDIE, born Woodhead, Penpont,
31st Jan. 1855, son of John D.,
farmer, and Agnes Gordon; educated at
Morton School, and at Bathgate, and
Univ. of Edinburgh; M.A. (1878); licen.
by Presb. of Edinburgh in 1882 ; assistant
at Dalziel and at Hawick ; ord. 10th May
1887. Marr. 14th June 1892, Sophie
Antoinette, daugh. of Frederick Henry
Thorold, Priestfield, Hawick, and has issue
— Sophie Agnes, born 22nd June 1893;
John Frederick, born 4th May 1895, killed
in action in Flanders, 9th May 1915; Janet
Crow, born 28th July 1896, died 12th Feb.
1912; Archibald Hutton, born 24th July
1898: Dorothy Mary, born 14th Sept.
1900: Henry Thorold, born 28th Nov.
1902 ; Frances Margaret, born 7th July
[Previous to the Reformation the Rectory
of Wilton belonged to the Archbishop of
Glasgow. It was proposed to remove the
kirk to Borthwick Water, 19th June 1650.
A new church was opened 24th Nov. 1861.
In 1908 this was wholly remodelled and
enlarged by the building of two transepts
and a chancel. (Vide Trans. Scot. Ecclesiol.
>S'or., 1910-11).]
JOHN LANGLANDS, reader from 1574
to 1585 ; dep. from the parsonage
and vicarage before 1590. He marr.,
and had issue — William, served heir 14th
July 1612 ; Bessie (marr. Adam, brother
of William Scott of Burnhead).— [d. R.
Inhib., 24th July 1624 ; Reg. Assig. ; In<j.
Ret. Roxburgh, 336 ; j\"eu> Stat. Ace., iii.]
WILLIAM CLERK, M.A. (Edinburgh
1602 1595) j Pres- to Cavers 8th June 1601 ;
pres. to this charge by Sir Walter
Scott of Buccleuch 30th Dec. 1601 ; trans,
and adm. in 1602; declined a call to
Castleton April 1607. He was pres. to
Kirk Borthwick, and was desired to give
half of the stipend to Francis Makgill [a
licentiate of the Presb., afterwards min.
of Kirkmichael], 10th June 1612 ; died
before 30th April 1641. He marr. a lady
who survived him, and had issue — Andrew ;
William, admitted burgess of Hawick, 1640.
— [Reg. Assig. ; Bannat-t/ne Misccll., iii. ;
Memories of Hawick, 145.]
JOHN LANGLANDS, brother of Lang-
164 lands of that ilk ; M.A. (Edinburgh,
26th July 1634) ; one of the masters
of Edinburgh High School 13th April 1638 ;
pres. by Francis, Earl of Buccleuch, and
adm. 30th April 1641. He desired, 6th July
1642, either to be relieved of Kirk Borth-
wick, or that he might have a stipend out
of it. Refusing to conform to Episcopacy,
he was confined to the parish in 1662 ;
had sasine of the lands of Haining 10th
Jan. 1664. He is still referred to as min.
28th April 1669 ; was probably deprived
on account of the Test, and died before
1690. The extent of Wilton Globe is said
to be owing to the fact that his brother
granted to the parish eighty acres of the
land known as Wilton Mains. He marr.,
and had issue — George, died March 1689 ;
James; Anna (marr. Henry Haswell, Crail-
ing) ; Esther (marr. Adam Scott in Gala-
law) ; Elizabeth (marr. William Mackie,
Dunbar) : Margaret (marr. William Elphin-
stone, Hartshaugh) ; Marion (marr. Walter
Leathead, portioner of Lilliesleaf) ; Agnes
(marr. Robert Elliot of Rig) : Rebecca ;
Janet ; Walter ; Robert, died between 1665
and 1668 ; and probably John, min. of
Hawick. — [(,'. R. Horning s, 31st Dec.
1668 ; Peebles Tests. ; New <len. Rerj, Sets.,
vii. ; Steven's Higli, School Edinburgh;
Wodrow's Hist. \ Inq. Ret. (Jen., 7156,
7574 ; The Family of Langlands of that
Ilk (Hawick ArchseoL Soc., 1901).]
JOHN STEWART, M.A. (St Andrews,
1683 26th July 1670); pres. by Arthur,
Archbishop of Glasgow jure devoluto
in Jan., and inst. 28th Feb. 1683, and also
to Kirk Borthwick 28th Feb. 1688 ; deprived
by the Privy Council, 17th Sept. 1689, for
neither reading the Proclamation of the
Estates nor praying for William and Mary.
He marr. Margaret Forbes, alive 24th Feb.
1706, recommended for charity by the Kirk
Sessions of Jedburgh and Arngask.— [Arn-
gask Sess. Reg. ; Peterkin's Constitution of
the Church ; MS. Ace. of Min., 1689.]
1694 orc*' 18tk April 1694; trans, to
Hawick 4th June 1712.
1713 1682 ; M.A. (Edinburgh, 30th April
1700) ; licen. by Presb. of Dalkeith ;
called Nov. 1712; ord. 13th May 1713;
died 15th May 1737. He marr. 4th March
1716, Helen (died 14th Feb. 1751), daugh.
of John Riddell of Muselee, and had issue
— David, died 1720, aged 2. Publications
— Christ the Power of God and' the Wisdom
of G'od, a sermon (Edinburgh, 1731) ; .1
Short Manual against the Infidelity of
this Age (Edinburgh, 1734); Zioris Trav
eller, or the Soul's J'rogress to Heaven
(Edinburgh, 1743); Works of [W. C.], 2
vols. (Edinburgh, 1748); Dying Thong Ids
(Hawick, 1814). - - [Stark 's IHog. Diet.-,
Tombst. ; Sinton's Hawick Bibliography.]
JAMES SIMPSON, born 1708, son of
1738 J°nn S., min. of Morebattlc ; edu
cated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen.
by Presb. of Jedburgh 4th May 1737 ; pres.
by Francis, Duke of Buccleuch, 28th June
1737 ; ord. 22nd Feb. 1738 ; died 21st Aug.
1771. He marr. 1st April 1743, Anne (died
14th Aug. 1782), second daugh. of John
Cranstoun, min. of Ancrum, and had issue
—William, min. of the Tron Parish, Edin
burgh ; John, born 12th Sept. 1745, died
16th June 1747; David of Teviotbank,
born 24th June 1747; James, born 14th
June 1748; Anne, born 27th Nov. 1749,
died 24th March 1751 ; Andrew, born 3rd
May 1751, died 8th Nov. 1752 ; John, born
29th Sept. 1752.— [Tombst.]
SAMUEL CHARTERS of Luscar, born
1742, eldest son of Thomas C., min.
of Inverkeithing, and Christian,
daugh. of James Wardlaw of Luscar ; suc
ceeded his grandmother, Jean Morris or
Wardlaw, in the estate of Luscar about
1756 ; educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; licen.
by Presb. of Edinburgh 28th Nov. 1764;
resided in Rotterdam for some time ; ord.
to Kincardine-in-Menteith 12th Jan. 1769 ;
pres. by Henry, Duke of Buccleuch, Nov.
1771 ; trans, and adm. 19th Feb. 1772 ;
declined the Chair of Moral Philosophy at
Glasgow, in succession to Adam Smith ;
D.D. (Glasgow, 4th Dec. 1789); died 18th
June 1825. " Slow, grave, and solemn in his
manner, though delightful and instructive
as a companion, and warm-hearted as a
friend, he was a noble specimen of an
ecclesiastic of the ancient days, whose
chief pleasure was to instruct and elevate
the mind of his hearers." He marr. 25th
Aug. 1786, Margaret, claugh. of Robert
Scott of Burnhead. She was proprietrix
of the estate of Crawhill (now Burngrove),
and at her death, s.p., 17th Nov. 1815,
she left her husband an annuity of
£300. Publications — Sermon preached lie-
fore t/te S.P.C.K. (Edinburgh, 1779): A
Senixm on Iiiteri'a^inii, «nd an Instruction
concerning Oaths (Hawick, 1785; 2nd ed.,
that year ; 3rd edition, 1786) ; A Sermon
on Af-m-s (Edinburgh, 1788 ; 3rd ed., 1795);
Sermon • -preached before the Society for the
Sons <>f the Cler</>/ (Edinburgh, 1798);
Sermons and Meditations stilted to the
Lord'* Supper (Hawick, 1807) ; Sermons,
a new edition (Hawick, 1807); Sermons,
2 vols. (Hawick, 1809; new edition, 1816);
An Historical /Sermon on the Revolution,
1688 (Hawick, 1812); Sermon on Uack-
sUdiny (Hawick, 1812); Sermon on- the
Duty of Makimj a Testament ; to which ts
added the Form of a, Testament, with Direc
tion?, for makimj it valid, according to the
Lav of Scotland (Hawick, 1812) ; An Essay
on JiasJifulness, anon. (HaAvick, 1815); A
Sermon on Devout Retirement (Hawick,
1825) ; Sermon II. (Gillan's Scottish
Pulpit) ; Account of the Parish (Sinclair's
titat.Acc., xv.).— [Somerville's My Own Life
and Times, and Funeral Sermon ; AYilson's
//'/ trick ; Conolly's Eminent Jfen of Fife ;
The Border Treasury, 1874; Hunter's
Miscellany ; Works of Dr Chalmers, xii.,
564; Trans. Hawick Archceol. Soc., 1864;
Sinton's Hawick Bibliography]
DAVID STEVENSON, born Glasgow,
1826 14tl1 Sept> 1784' son of David S< and
Jean Renton ; educated at Univ. of
Glasgow ; schoolmaster of West Linton in
1810 ; licen. by Presb. of Peebles 6th Aug.
1817 ; pres. by Walter Francis, Duke
of Buccleuch and Queensberry, and his
trustees, 4th Nov. 1825; orcl. 12th May
1826 ; died 18th April 1851. He marr. 5th
April 1809, Christian (died 4th Feb. 1875),
daugh. of William Taylor, farmer, Lass-
wade, and had issue — William, merchant,
born 4th April 1810, died at Fort Wayne,
U.S.A., March 1857; Archibald Forrester,
surgeon, born 25th Aug. 1811, died 29th
July 1847: Jane, born 6th April 1813
(marr. 1840, James Farish. merchant, Mon
treal), died 12th Sept, 1843: Alexander,
surgeon, born 19th Feb. 1815, died 18th
Jan. 1841 ; Thomas, H.M. Customs, born
16th June 1817, died 4th Feb. 1878 ; James,
merchant, born 24th May 1819, died 23rd
Sept. 1844 ; Catherine, died in infancy ;
Anne, born 26th April 1821, died 26th
April 1891 ; Christian Buchanan, born 7th
Oct. 1823. died 25th June 1887: Robert
Dundas, surgeon, born 23rd May 1827, died
21st Feb. 1858: Catherine Forrester, born
31st Jan. 1829, died 19th Dec. 1837 ;
Charles Findlater, min. of Barry, born
23rd April 1831 : Ellen, born 13th March
1833, died 10th Jan. 1852. Publications—
Two Sermons preached on the Death of
the Rev. James StracJian [min. of Cavers]
(Edinburgh, 1840); Sermons on Important
Subjects, Doct i- in-«l «nd- Practical (Edin
burgh, 1841); Account of the Parish (Xev
Stat. Ace., iii.).
JAMES STEWART, born Stirling, 30th
Jan. 1821, second son of David S.
and Janet Galloway ; educated at
Stirling schools and Univ. of Glasgow ;
licen. by Presb. of Stirling ; assistant at
Largs ; ord. to St Mary's, Dumfries, 22nd
March 1849 ; trans, and adm. 25th Sept.
1851; died 17th Oct. 1886. He marr.
22nd May 1855, Isabella (died 28th Oct.
1908), daugh. of James Reid, Wellfield,
and had issue — Elizabeth Whiteman, born
29th March 1856; Isabella Reid, born
16th June 1857 ; David Charles, born 17th
Jan. 1859 ; James Reid, born 6th Sept,
1861 ; Catherine, born llth April 1863 ;
John, born Dec. 1865 ; Eleanora, born
Sept. 1869. Publications— Wilton Sabbath
School Hymnal (Hawick, 1877) ; Last
Sermon preached in Wilton Church, 12th
Sept. 1886 (Hawick, 1886). — [Funend
Sermon by John Mair, D.D.]
gow, 26th Nov. 1856, son of Thomas
W. and Catherine Mary Relton ; edu
cated at Academy and Univ. of Glasgow ;
M.A. (1876) ; licen. by Presb. of Glasgow in
1878 ; assistant at Barony Parish, Glasgow ;
ord. to Morton 1st July 18*79 ; trans, to
Greenside Parish, Edinburgh, 10th July
1884 ; trans, and adm. 18th May 1887.
Served as chaplain to the Forces in the
South African War, 1900 ; mentioned in
Lord Roberts's despatches, 1901 ; took
charge of St Andrew's Church. Simla,
1905 ; chaplain K.O.S.B. (T.I).), 1912 : D.D.
(Glasgow 1913). Marr. 8th Sept. 1903,
Georgina Underwood Fiddes, daugh. of
John Fiddes Wilson. Publications —
Prophecy and Poetry: a Sermon on the
Death of Lord Tennyson, (Hawick, 1892);
Spiritual Weapons of War (Hawick, 1895) ;
The Foundation JKock of the Church, Synod
sermon (Hawick, 1896); Patriotism, a
sermon (Hawick, 1897); Not Peace, but a
Sivord, a sermon (Hawick, 1899) ; Hardship
and Character, a sermon (Hawick, 1904);
The Soldiers of the Cross, a sermon
(Hawick, 1907).
[Disjoined from the Presbytery of Melrose or Selkirk, and, along with Gordon and
Smailholm from the Presbytery of Kclso, erected by George, Archbishop of St Andrews,
in 1613 The Presbytery of Melrose sent two of its number, 29th Aug. 1615, to wait on
the succeeding bishop, "that they may suit for the returning of their brother of Ersilton
to our Presb a-ain," but without effect. The seat of Presbytery was transferred to
Lauder by the General Assembly, 31st May 1768, but was restored to Earlston in 1876.
The Kegister begins 5th March 1691.]
[The original church is believed to have
been built between the seventh century and
the ninth. The monks of Dryburgh (circa
1248) claimed that it was the mother and
parish church of the whole of Lauderdale.
It was built in honour of St Cuthbert, and
named Childeschirche, or the Child's Kirk.
Cuthbert spent part of his boyhood "on
the southern slopes of the Lammermoors
which surround the upper part of the vale
of the Leader." He became a monk of
Melrose. Hugh de Moreville of Lauder
dale gave the church to the Abbey of
Dryburgh in the twelfth century, and it
continued under that Abbey till the Refor
mation. It was consecrated by Bishop
David de Bernham, 23rd March 1241.
There were chapels in the parish at Glen-
gelt and Carfrae.]
NINIAN BORTHWICK, reader.— {Reg.
1567 Min.]
JOHN GIBSON, reader from 1576 to
1576 1584.
of Lauder, which charge he also
held ; pres. to this vicarage by
James VI. 15th April 1586.
ALLAN LUNDIE, M.A. ; trans, from
Lessudden [St Boswells], and adm.
after llth June 1611 ; trans, to
Hutton and Fishwick in 1614.
FRANCIS COLLAGE, M.A. : pres. to
the vicarage by James VI. 10th Dec.
1614 ; adm. 17th Sept. 1615 ; trans,
to Gordon in 1625.
drews, 26th July 1613); pres. by
Charles I. 4th July 1625. He was
a member of Assembly in 1638 ; suspended
July 1648, and dep. in 1650 " for approving
and praying in public for the army in
England under the Duke of Hamilton."
He suffered "great miserie ;) afterwards;
was restored to the ministry in 1659, acted
as locum tenens at Earlston for fifteen
months, and had an Act of Parliament in
his favour 2nd July 1661. He returned to
this charge in 1662.
DAVID LIDDELL, M.A.; ord. 30th
May 1650 ; trans, to Barony Parish,
Glasgow, after 25th Sept. 1662.
noticed ; returned in 1662, and died
probably in 1663. He marr. Isobel
Hutton, and had issue— Laurence, appren
ticed to Andrew Walker, surgeon, Edin
burgh, 28th July 1641 ; Henry, probably
Provost of Haddington ; James, min. of
Pencaitland. — [Stow Sess. Rey. ; Edin. Reg.
(Bapt.) ; Acts of Par/., vii. ; Allan's Hist.
of Channelkirk, 144-58.]
WALTER KEITH, M.A. (St Andrews,
1663 9t^ ^U^ 1655) '• Pres> by David, Lord
Cardross, 14th Oct., ord. and coll.
20th Nov. 1663; died March 1682, aged
about 47. He inarr. 26th Jan. 1666,
Margaret Muschet, and had issue — William,
Presb. bursar in 1684, and afterwards a
probationer. — [(}. R. In/rib., 5th May 1676 ;
Arbroath J'resb. Raj. ; d'ordon and Lander
Sess. Rcys. ; Laudei* Tests. ; Rc'j. Coll at. 1
WILLIAM ARROTT, M.A. ; pres. by
1682 J°uu I'eter of Chapel, W.S., and
adm. 31st Aug. 1682 ; received into
communion by the Presb. 12th Oct. 1691 ;
trans, to Montrose 6th Jan. 1697.
[In Dec. 1697 Patrick Hume, Earl of
Marchmont, Lord High Chancellor of Scot
land, wrote the Presbytery about Charles
Lindsay, to whom a call had been signed,
but the Presbytery took no further action
at that time. The parish continued vacant
for five years.]
HENRY HOME of Kelphope, in the
1702 Pai'isn? born 1675, brother of George
H.j dyer, Duns ; educated at LTniv.
of Edinburgh; M.A. (13th July 1695);
assistant at Chirnside ; called 21st Aug.
1701; ord. 23rd Sept. 1702; died 19th
June 1751. He marr. 2nd Dec. 1703, Jean
Henryson or Henderson of Kirktonhill, and
had issue— Jean (marr., pro. 3rd Nov.
1734, Archibald Campbell, merchant, Edin
burgh) ; Marion (marr. 3rd Sept. 1740,
William Eckford) ; Anne ; Catherine ;
Helen; George; Robert. — [Lander Tests.;
Allan's Channelkirk,]
DAVID SCOTT, born 1710; educated
1752 at ^ Andrews Univ. ; licen. by
Presb. of St Andrews 21st Dec.
1737; assistant at North Leith ; pres. by
James Peter of Chapel ; called 30th Jan.,
and ord. 7th May 1752 ; died 16th April
1792. He marr. 4th March 1772, Elizabeth
Borthwick, Newcastle, who died 30th Aug.
THOMAS MURRAY of Heriotshall,
1793 *n ^ie Par*sn' born 31st May 1759,
son of Adam M., min. of Eccles ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; app.
teacher in George Heriot's Hospital, Edin
burgh, 4th Nov. 1783 ; licen. by Presb. of
Chirnside 27th May 1784; ord. min. of
Cheviot Street Presb. congregation, Wooler,
2nd Feb. 1785 ; res., and became assistant
to James Scott, min. of Perth, July 1789 ;
pres. by Hugh, Earl of Marchmont, 18th
Aug. 1792; adm. to this charge 26th Feb.
1793 ; died at Edinburgh, 26th Oct. 1808.
He marr. a lady who died before 26th Feb.
1793, and had issue — Adam, merchant,
Greenock, born 27th June 1783; Anne,
born 6th May 1785 (marr. 7th March 1813,
Captain O'Docherty, 25th Foot) ; Jean
(twin), born 6th May 1785 (marr. 4th Aug.
1810, Thomas Megget, W.S.). Publication-
Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace.,
xiii.). — [Steven's Memoir of George Ileriot ;
Abbey St Bathans /Sess. Rey. ; Epitaphs in
(J i 'ey friars ' Ch to ~cJi >/ai ~d, Edinb m v/A. ]
JOHN BROWN, born 1769; ord. (by
1809 ^res^- °f Edinburgh) min. of the
Low Meeting, Berwick-upon-Tweed,
9th Nov. 1808 ; pres. by John Wauchope,
trustee on the Marchmont Estate, and adm.
26th July 1809; died 15th June 1828. He
marr. Philis Moscrop, who died 4th April
1854, aged 86. and had issue — Isabella, born
25th Feb. 1806, died 5th Dec. 1869.
1828 Presb- of Duns 31st Mav 181G > ord-
(by Presb. of Kelso) min. of a
Presb. congregation at Whitby, Yorkshire,
14th March 1820 ; pres. by Sir William
Purves Hume Campbell, Bart., of March
mont, and adm. 16th Dec. 1828 ; died 2nd
Aug. 1862. He marr. 20th Dec. 1827,
Margaret Clark, who died 30th June 1837,
aged 44, and had issue — an only son, Cor
nelius Clark, born 22nd April 1830, died
1905. Publication — Account of the Parish
(Neio Stat. Ace., ii.).
JAMES WALKER, born 9th Aug. 1838,
son of John Hunter W., min. of
Legerwood ; educated at Greenlaw
School and Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by
Presb. of Duns 10th June 1862 ; pres. by
Sir Hugh Hume Campbell, Bart., of March-
mont, 22nd Sept., and ord. 27th Nov.
1862 ; res. 6th Jan. 1885 ; emigrated to
British Columbia and engaged in farming.
He marr. 24th April 1867, Mary Keddie,
daugh. of John Rutherford, Rumbleton
Law ; she died 1900, and had issue— Mary
Louisa Robertson, born 21st Jan. 1870 ;
Elizabeth Frances Gordon, born 21st Dec.
1872 ; Margaret Maud Robertson, born 27th
Feb. 1874.
JOSEPH LOWE [LOW], born in the
parish of Lundie, 1849; educated
at Univ. of St Andrews; licen. by
Presb. of Dundee 3rd July 1878 ; assistant
at West Parish, Perth, Loanhead, Green-
side, and St Cuthbert's, Edinburgh ; ord.
7th May 1885 ; res. 10th July 1891 ; died
21st Feb. 1894. He marr. 28th Aug. 1891,
Agnes Blair, who died s.p. 5th March
ARCHIBALD ALLAN, born Donibristle
village, Aberdour, Fife, 14th Feb.
1852, son of Alexander A. and Jean
Bowman ; educated at Donibristle School
and Univ. of St Andrews; M.A. (April
1889) ; licen. by Presb. of Dunfermline 1st
May 1889 ; in charge of St Ninian's Mission
Church, Arbroath, Oct. 1889 ; assistant at
Ladhope Parish, Galashiels ; ord. 23rd Dec.
1891. Marr. 6th Oct. 1897, Jean [author
of Poems of the Hearth (Dundee, 1889);
Staff and &m?> (Dundee, 1912) ; Lost and
Found : A Tale of the Lammermoors (Edin
burgh, n.d.)], eldest daugh. of Sinclair
Christie and Mary Key Mackay, Dundee,
and has issue— Jean Mary, born 27th Sept.
1899. Publications— The Pool, and other
Poem* (Dumfermline, 1873) ; Relation of
Tone to Character (Arbroath, 1891); The
History of Channelkirk (Edinburgh, 1900);
The Advent of the Father (Glasgow, 1907) ;
Space and Personality (Edinburgh, 1913).—
[Modern Scottish Poets, vol. ii.]
[The church was originally a chapel under
Edrom. Walter de Lindsay granted it to
the monks of Kelso, who, in 1171, exchanged
it with the Priory of Coldingham for the
church of Gordon. It was dedicated by
Bishop David de Bernham, 20th March
1242. A handsome new church, was opened
6th July 1892. A hospital existed here in
very early times, but is meagrely mentioned
in ancient records. In Earlston a yearly
fair is held on St Peter's Day, 29th June,]
1573 reader from 1st Feb. 1573 to 1586.
says erroneously that Daes was min.
of St Cuthbert's, Edinburgh) ; adm.
29th March 1586 ; was proposed for Kenno-
way 9th Aug. same year ; officiated for a
time at Anstruther in 1588 ; was a member
of Assembly, 1595 and 1602; pres. by
James VI. 20th Aug. 1611 ; called before
the Court of High Commission 2nd March
1620 ; dem. before 4th Jan. 1633 ; died
before 20th June 1643. He marr. Isabel
Young, and had issue — John, his heir;
James, his successor; Andrew; Margaret
(marr., cont. llth Feb. 1624, William, son
of William Home in Home ; Anna (marr.
(1) John Trotter; (2) Robert Golden, min.
of Bunkle).— [Berwick Sas., ii., 81 ; ibid.,
ill, 221; G. R. Sas., xliii., 42; G. R.
Inhib., 17th March 1637; Reg. of Deeds,
dxviii., 318 ; Reg. Assig. ; Reg. Sec. Sig. ;
Edin. Presb. Reg. ; Anstruther Sess. Reg. ;
Booke of the Kirk, 503; Ing. Ret. Gen.,
JAMES DAES [DEAS], second son of
preceding; M.A. (Edinburgh, 29th
July 1626) ; pres. by Charles I. 4th
Jan. 1633; dep. about 1659, when Henry
Cockburn, min. of Channelkirk, took charge
as locum tenens for fifteen months by ap
pointment of Presb. He was reponed
before 22nd March 1661, and an Act of
Parliament was passed in his favour. He
died before 6th June 1673. He marr.
Mary Home, and had issue — James of
Cowdenknowes, advocate; Alexander, ap
prenticed to James M'Lurg, merchant,
Edinburgh, 18th Dec. 1661 ; John, appren
tice merchant, Edinburgh, 1663.— [Reg. of
Deeds, dxviii., 318; G. R. Inhil., 29th
Nov. 1676 ; Peterkin's Records ; Acts of
Par/., vii. ; Stow Hess. Reg. ; Rerj. Sec. Siy. ;
Rey. Coll at. 1
JOHN HEPBURN, M.A. (St Andrews,
1673 14th July 1660); Keen, by George,
Bishop of Edinburgh, 25th June
1663 ; ord. to Hilton 28th Oct. 1664 ; pres.
by Charles II. 6th June 1673: deprived
by the Privy Council, 27th Aug. 1689, for
neither reading the Proclamation of the
Estates nor praying for William and Mary.
He was probably the John Hepburn who
died at Craigsford, Earlston, in 1695,
aged about 55. He marr., and had issue
—Roger, advocate, 1692. — [It eg. Sec. Siy. ;
Min.-book Rey. Privy Seal ; Oldhamstocks
Sess. Rey. ; Edin. Rey. (Bur.) ; Morrison's
Diet., xxviii. ; Tombst. ; Peterkin's Con
stitution of the Church ; MS. Ace. of Min.,
JOHN ANDERSON, M.A.; ord. 4th
1687 ^ct' 1G8>7 > declared nrin. by the
Presb. 19th May 1691 ; trans, to St
Cuthbert's, Edinburgh, 1691.
GEORGE JOHNSTON, born 1671, son
of Patrick J. ; educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh ; M.A. (15th June 1691) ;
called 16th Nov. 1693; ord. 12th March
1694; died at Edinburgh, 9th Dec. 1701.
He marr. a lady who predeceased him, and
had issue — Patrick ; James ; George ; Mar
garet, bapt. 2nd Feb. 1698 (marr. James
Stewart of Kincraigie) ; Janet ; Anna. —
[Lauder Tests. ; Edin. Rey. (Bur.) ; Rey.
Old Dec.]
1704 0>r?'wlM6') °f Whitmuir Hall, called
6th April, and ord. 9th Aug. 1704 ;
trans, to Lady Yester's Parish, Edinburgh,
23rd July 1730.
JOHN GOWDIE (secund-us) of Maison-
1730 -Dieu' Kelso, son of preceding, bapt.
27th July 1707 ; educated at Univ.
of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of Earlston
23rd Oct. 1728 ; pres. by George II. 13th
July, and ord. 15th Oct. 1730 ; died in
London, 6th June 1777. He marr. 16th
Sept. 1737, Katherine Scott, who died 5th
Feb. 1780, and had issue — John, born 4th
March 1739, licen. by Presb. of Earlston 5th
Aug. 1760, died 16th May 1762 ; Walter,
surgeon on the Bengal Staff, born 4th Dec.
1740, died in India ; Sophia, born 26th June
1742 (marr. Andrew Smith, min. of Lang-
ton) ; Francis, major-general H.E.I.C.S.,
Madras Establishment, born 7th Aug. 1747,
died 12th Sept. 1813 ; Jean, born 16th May
1750, died 9th April 1757.— [Vide Infor
mation for Mr J. G. (re Maison-Dieu
succession), 1749-57.]
1778 STONE], a native of Dumfriesshire,
said to be descended from the John-
stones of Annandale; M.A. (St Andrews
1760); sometime teacher in Banffshire ;
licen. by Presb. of Turriff 26th Nov. 1766;
tutor at Mellerstain ; pres. by George III.
24th June 1777 ; ord. 5th May 1778 ; died
13th Sept. 1813. For the last seven years of
his life he was incapable of performing any
of the duties of his office, and only with
great difficulty was an assistant and suc
cessor appointed in 1813. He marr. 3rd
Nov. 1770, Esther Lauriston, who died 15th
March 1821, and had issue— Pringle, born
16th March 1774, died 5th July 1798;
Elizabeth, born 12th April 1775, died 14th
May 1784; Robert, born 13th June 1779,
died 1813 ; George, staff-surgeon Connaught
Rangers, served in the Peninsular War, born
2nd Nov. 1780, died at Corfu, Ionian
Islands, 1833 ; Andrew, died about 1840.
Publication — Account of the Parish (Sin
clair's Stat. Ace., iv.).
1813 Haddington, 4th Oct. 1752, son of
John S. and Elizabeth Aitchison ;
educated at Lauder School, and Univs. of
Edinburgh and St Andrews ; M.A. (St An
drews 1775) ; licen. by Presb. of Lauder
5th April 1775; tutor at Mellerstain;
assistant at Tron Parish, Edinburgh ; ord.
to Westruther 29th Aug. 1782; pres. by
George, Prince Regent, July 1812 ; trans,
and adm. (assistant and successor) 1st July
1813 (after appeal to the General As
sembly) ; died 15th March 1824. He marr.
28th Aug. 1786, Katherine (died 12th Nov.
1835), daugli. of James Barclay, rector of
the Grammar School of Dalkeith, and had
issue — Jean, born 9th July 1787, died Feb.
1872: John, min. of Westruther; James,
born 1st Nov. 1790, died 18th July 1813;
William ( Julian, born 23rd June 1792 : Eliza,
born 29th Oct. 1794 ; George Andrew,
licentiate of the Church of Scotland, born
5th Oct. 1797, died 5th Oct. 1820. Publi
cations — Sermons (Edinburgh, 1825) ; Ac
count of Westruther (Sinclair's Stat. Ace.,
vi.). — [Introduction to Sermons.']
1824 Montrose, 1st April 1786, son of
Charles G., collector of excise for
Teviotdale ; educated at High School and
Univ. of Edinburgh, and at the Selkirk
Theological Hall under Professor Lawson ;
Keen, by Presb. of Edinburgh ; ord. to
Morebattle 8th Oct. 1807 ; trans, to Gordon
5th May 1814 ; pres. by George IV. ; trans,
and adm. 15th July 1824; died 31st Aug.
1868. His person was handsome, his voice
winning and commanding, his whole bearing
solemn and earnest. He was said to be the
most popular preacher in the south of Scot
land. He niarr. 24th July 1809, Janet
(died 22nd March 1865, aged 79), daugh.
of Andrew Scott, min. of Stichill, and had
issue— Margaret Warwick, born 19th Sept.
1810, died unmarr. 29th Aug. 1867 ; Charles,
excise officer, born 16th Jan. 1814, died 16th
Feb. 1891 ; Andrew, writer, Earlston, born
16th July 1815, died 30th March 1841 ;
Ellen Cranstoun, born 20th Oct. 1818, died
unmarr. 30th Dec. 1890; David, born llth
Aug. 1820, died abroad ; Annie, born 9th
Oct. 1822 (marr. Henry [afterwards Sir
Henry] Mitchell, Mayor of Bradford), died
at Edinburgh, 6th May 1886 ; Samuel Mor
ton, born 4th Nov. 1827, died 12th Aug. j
1836. Publications— Christian Benevolence:
a sermon (Leith, 1818) ; Sermons (Leith.
1823); Account of the Parish (New Stat.
Ace., ii.).—[Tombst. ; The fiorder Almanac,
WILLIAM MAIR, born Savoch, Aber-
1869 deenshire, lst APril 1830, son of
James M., M.A., schoolmaster there,
a licentiate of the Church of Scotland, and
Christian Johnston ; educated at Savoch
Parish School, Aberdeen Grammar School,
Marischal College and Univ., Aberdeen ;
| M.A. (6th April 1849): licen. by Presb.
of Aberdeen 5th July 1853 ; assistant at
Montrose: was for seven years compelled to
relinquish work owing to ill-health : ord. to
Lochgelly 24th Oct. 1861 : trans, to Ardoch
6th April 1865; pres. by Queen Victoria
26th Oct. 1868 ; trans, and adm. 18th Feb.
1869; D.D. (Aberdeen 1885); Moderator
of the General Assembly 20th May 1897;
res. 9th June 1903. By his ability and
energy the General Assembly Hall and
Library were enlarged, and adjoining pro.
perty purchased 1893-4. He marr. 21st Aug.
1866, Isabella, daugh. of David Edward of
Balruddery. Publications— Our Banners,
a sermon (Earlston, 1871) : An A^y////v/ into
Certain Questions affecting the Administra
tion, of the Act (1874) on the Appointment
of Ministers to Parishes 'in Scotland (Edin
burgh, 1877); The Elders' Formula, in the
Church of Scotland (Edinburgh, 1880) ; A
Digest of Lairs and Decisions, Ecclesi
astical and Civil, relating to the Constitu
tion, Practice, and Ajt'airs of the Church
of Scotland (Edinburgh, 1887 ; 2nd ed.,
1875; 3rd ed., 1904; 4th ed., 1914); The
Truth about the Church of Scotland (Edin
burgh, 1891) ; Jurisdiction, in Matters
Ecclesiastical (Edinburgh, 1896) : Loyal t ti
the Christ our King, closing address to
General Assembly (Edinburgh, 1897);
Truth- Seeking, sermon preached at opening
of General Assembly (Edinburgh, 1898) ;
A New Year's Message, being a Letter to
a Friend (Edinburgh, 1901): Speaking
(Edinburgh, 1900; 2nd ed., 1900; 3rd ed.,
1901; 4th ed., 1908); Churches and the
Laid (Edinburgh. 1904); My Young Com
municant (Edinburgh, 1906 ; frequently re
printed) ; Biographical Sketch of Alexander
Gray, D.D., min. of Avhterless [in Talks
with, our Farm-sen ant.' (Edinburgh, 1906)] ;
The Scottish Chmchts, two papers (Edin
burgh, 1907); The Scottish Churches:
National Religion (^Edinburgh, 1907) ; The
Scottish Churches : The Hope of Union
(Edinburgh, 1909); My Life (London,
1911); The Scottish Churches: External
Relations (Edinburgh. 1912) : The Scottish
Churches : January 1914 (Edinburgh,
1914); The, Scottish Churches: Januar;/
1915 (Edinburgh, 1915).— [My Life.]
1903 Drumgeith Schoolhouse, Dundee,
25th Dec. 1875, son of James K.
and Margaret Yeaman ; educated at
Morgan Academy, Dundee, and Univ. of
St Andrews ; M.A. (1897) ; licen. by Presb.
of Dundee 2nd May 1900; assistant at
Burntisland and at St Mary's Parish,
Edinburgh ; ord. 16th Oct. 1903 ; trans, and
adm. to Dirleton 17th May 1915. Marr.
29th Aug. 1912, Nellie Findlay, daugh.
of William Bathie, and has issue — Norman
William, born 25th Aug. 1913; Mary
Margaret, born 24th Oct. 1915.
WALTER DAVIDSON, born Sunnyside,
parish of Cavers, 29th Jan. 1875, son
of William D. and Mary Douglas ;
educated at the parish schools of Kirkton,
Pleasants (Oxnam), and Smailholm, and at
Univ. of Edinburgh; M.A. (1913); as
a certificated teacher taught in various
schools ; licen. by Presb. of Jedburgh in
1914 ; assistant at Tron Parish, Edinburgh ;
ord. 22nd Sept. 1915. Marr. 14th April
1906, Rosetta Ann, daugh. of Lorenzo
Padgett and Frances Beaumont, and has
issue — Lorenzo Douglas, born 17th Sept.
1907 ; Frances Mary, born 17th July 1910;
William Leslie Beaumont, born 30th July
[The church was dedicated to St Michael
by Bishop David de Bernham 28th March
1242. It belonged to the Abbey of Kelso.
Near the church is the Hare Well. In a
charter of Thomas of Gordon, who died in
1258, it is called the Hare Well of St
Oswald, who was perhaps the earlier patron
of the parish. The church was restored in
1897. There was a chapel at Huntlywood.]
from 1574 to 1585. He claimed pos
session of the vicarage for several
years previous to 1573. — [Acts and Dec.,
1, 74.]
THOMAS STORIE, removed from
Bassendean in 1609 ; was a member
of Assembly in 1610 ; dem. in 1625.
— \_Reg. Sec. Sig. ; Reg. Assig. ; Old Dec., i.]
FRANCIS COLLAGE, "brother to Mr
1625 Thomas C-;!; M-A- (Edinburgh,
28th July 1610); adm. to Channel-
kirk 17th Sept. 1615 ; signed Protestation
for the Liberties of the Kirk 27th June
1617 ; pres. by Charles I. 4th July 1625 ;
trans, and adm. soon afterwards ; died in
1647, aged about 57. He marr. (cont. 15th
May 1618) Marion, daugh. of William
Muirhead, burgess of Edinburgh, and had
issue — Agnes. — [G. R. InJiib., 1st Aug.
1620 ; Reg. of Deeds, cccix., 91 ; Reg. Sec.
Sig.; Kelso Presb. Reg.; Edin. Reg. (Bapt.) ;
Sed.-book of Teinds.~\
NORMAN LESLIE, fourth son
of John L. of Kininvie ; M.A.
(King's College, Aberdeen, 1631);
schoolmaster of Cullen, 1631-7 ; was on
the Exercise, Presb. of St Andrews, 18th
Jan. 1643, and having testimonials from
that Presb. and the Univ., desired to enter
the Exercise at Haddington llth Sept.
1644. The parishioners of Saltoun, 12th
March 1645, wished to hear him with a
view to a call, but the Presb. delayed
their request. He obtained a testimonial
to the Presb. of Kirkcaldy 30th Sept. 1646,
and was on the Exercise there 14th of the
following month. He was pres. to Cumnock
by William, Earl of Dumfries, Jan. 1647,
but the Presb. of Ayr refused concurrence.
He was pres. to this parish by Charles I.
17th Aug. 1647 ; died unmarr., 22nd July
1657, aged about 46. He left his library
to the ministers of Saltoun.— [$£ Andrews,
Iladdington, Kirkcaldy, Ayr, and Syn.
(Kelso Presb.) Regs. ; Reg. Sec. Sig. ; Old
Dec., ii.]
JOHN HARDIE, son of Robert H.,
burgess and guild-brother of Edin
burgh ; M.A. (Edinburgh, May 1653);
adm. 19th May 1659 ; deprived by Act of
Parliament llth June, and Decreet of Privy
Council 1st Oct. 1662. He was summoned
before the Privy Council, 30th July 1663,
for having preached after deprivation, and
ordered to remove within fourteen days
with his family, twenty miles distant from
the parish, and was prohibited from residing
within six miles of a cathedral church,
or three of a royal burgh. He studied
medicine and took the degree of M.D.
Preaching against Popery after the Tolera
tion in 1687, he was tried for treason 13th
Feb. 1688, but the Lords found "the
speeches libelled did not infer the pains
in the indictment." He was min. again
in 1690.— [Wodrow's I fist., i., 372; iv.,
M.A. (Edinburgh 1637) ; pres. to
Eyemouth 8th Nov. 1647 ; coll. 13th
Oct. 1662, and pres. by Charles II. 4th
June 1663; dem. after 25th April 1682.—
[Syn. (Dalkeith Presb.) Reg. ; Lander Tests. ;
Min.-look Reg. Priv. Heal ; Raj. Sec. Sig. :
Reg. Collat.]
JOHN FINDLAY, pres. by Charles II.
8th Sept., and adm. 30th Oct.
1682 ; died in 1685. He marr. 14th
Nov. 1683, Alison Hume, and had issue
—Margaret. — [Reg. Sec. Sig.]
THOMAS MABON, M.A. (Edinburgh
168g 1675); pres. by James VII. 12th
June, and ord. 25th Sept. 1685 ;
deprived by the Privy Council, 29th Aug.
1689, for failing to read the Proclamation
of the Estates, and praying for King James
instead of William and Mary. He became
schoolmaster of Lander, and died 12th Feb.
1711, aged 58. He marr. 1st Nov. 1685,
Isobel (died 1st April 1708, aged 54), sister
of Alison Hume, wife of Alexander Nicol-
son, min. of Bunkle and Preston, and had
issue — John ; Thomas, licentiate of the
Church of Scotland ; Margaret ; Grisell ;
Alice (marr. 1724, Andrew Baxter, philo
sophical writer, author of An Enquiry into
the Nature of the Human Soul), died 1760.
—[Reg. Sec. Sig. ; Tombst.; MS. Ace. of
3 fin., 1689 ; Peterkin's Constitution of the
Church ; Edin. Reg. (Marr.).]
JOHN HARDIE, M.D., noticed above ;
1690 restored by Act of Parliament 25th
April 1690; was a member of As
sembly in 1692 ; died unmarr. 29th Nov.
1707, aged about 75. "Though a staunch
Presbyterian, he corresponded with Episco
palian ministers, and pressed moderation
towards them." — [Loth-inn Syn. Reg.; Ediu.
Tests. ; Reg. Gen. Ass., 1692 ; Old Dec., ii. ;
I fist, of Gen. Ass., 1690.]
DAVID BROWN, M.A. ; trans, from
1708 Grreenlaw ; called 23rd Sept., and
adm. 25th Nov. 1708 ; trans, to
Selkirk 5th May 1726.— [Acts of Ass., 1726.]
JOHN BELL, son of Robert B., min. of
17 7 Crailing; licen. by Presb. of Jed-
burgh 19th Sept. 1722 ; pres. by
George II. 31st Aug. 1726; ord. 13th
April 1727; died 10th Dec. 1767. He
marr. 20th June 1733, Elizabeth (died
March 1788), daugh. of John Ewing of
Craigton, W.S., and had issue — Robert,
born 6th May 1734, licen. by Presb. of
Earlston 6th Sept. 1757, took orders in the
Church of England, thereby acquiring a
property in terms of the will of his
paternal grandfather, and afterwards be
came a chaplain in the II. N. ; John, born
24th Nov. 1735 ; Margaret, born 29th Dec.
1737 (marr. John Bradfute, min. of Dun-
syre).— [New St«t. Ace., ii.]
177Q April 1745, son of Alex. D., D.D.,
min. of Smailholm ; M.A. (St An
drews 1766); licen. by Presb. of Earlston
14th July, and pres. by George III. 31st
Dec. 1767 [Alex., Earl of Home, having
pres. Thomas Spankie, afterwards of Falk
land, 9th April 1768, and raised a process
of declarator, the settlement was delayed
till the Court of Session, llth July 1769,
assoilzied the Crown]; ord. 5th July 1770.
Returning from the communion at Channel-
kirk he was thrown from his horse, and
found dead on the road about six miles
from his manse, 21st July 1800. He was
unmarr. Publication — Account of the
Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace., v.). — [Tombst.]
ROBERT LUNDIE, pres. by George
l III. 12th Aug. 1800; ord. 26th
March 1801 ; trans, to Kelso (his
native parish) 26th March 1807.
WALTER MORISON, pres. by George
18Q7 III. 1st April, and ord. 24th Sept,
1807 ; trans, (an exchange having
been arranged) to Morebattle 12th May
from Morebattle ; pres, by George,
Prince Regent, 26th Feb., and adm.
5th May 1814 ; trans, to Earlston 15th
July 1824.
JAMES PATERSON, bapt. 9th Oct.
1785, son of William P., Ochiltree ;
licen. by Presb. of Lander 3rd Feb.
1818; ord. to Stichill 26th Nov. 1822;
pres. by George IV. 10th Aug., trans, and
adm. 9th Sept. 1824 ; died 23rd Feb. 1855.
He marr. 4th Oct. 1824, Sarah Purves, who
died s.j>. 25th July 1837. Publication -
Account of the Parish (New Stat. Ace., ii.).
WILLIAM STOBBS, born Lothian
1855 Bridge, Dalkeith, 9th May 1827,
eldest son of John S. and Agnes
Ormiston ; educated at Lasswade School
and Univ. of Edinburgh; M.A. (1849);
licen. by Presb. of Dalkeith llth Feb.
1851 ; assistant at Penicuik and at Abbots-
hall ; pres. by Queen Victoria 6th June,
and ord. 16th Aug. 1855 ; died unmarr. 30th
April 1885. Publications — Contributions
to History of Benoickshire Naturalists*
Chtb. — [Obituary notice, Hist. JJer. Nat.
Club, 1886.]
1885 °rd' 24tl1 Sept< 188° ' Clerk °f
Presb., 1891-9 ; trans, to St James's
Parish, Edinburgh, 30th March 1899.
JOHN RITCHIE, born Balinlass, Gal-
way, Ireland, 4th Oct. 1869, son of
James R. and Amelia Moncrieff,
daugh. of William Berry Shaw Paterson,
min. of Kilinaronock ; educated at High
School, Stirling, and Univs. of Glasgow
and Edinburgh ; M.A. (Glasgow 1891) ;
B.D. (Edinburgh 1894); licen. by Presb.
of Dunfermline 8th May 1894 ; assistant
at St Andrew's Parish, Dunfermline ; ord.
16th Aug. 1899. Publication— "Gordon'1
(Hist. BPT. Nat. Chtb, 1915).
[The church, dedicated to St Mary,
belonged to the Abbey of Dryburgh, as
did also St Leonard's Hospital and the
Chapel of Kedslie, both in the parish. At
Thirlestane there was a priory of St Martin.
In Lauder fairs were held on St Luke's
and St Martin's Days.]
ANDREW HOME, vicar in 1536, when
he had a charter from the Abbot
of Dryburgh of the kirklands of
Lauder ; min. 1560-7 ; died in 1568. He
was one of the Seven Spears of Wedder-
bnrn who with their father, Sir David
Home, fought at Flodden. He had three
natural children — William of St Leonard's ;
Andrew, died 1562 ; Margaret (marr. James
Home of Prenderguest). — [Wedderburn
J/XS'. ; Reg. May. Siff., iii., 2332].
NINIAN BORTHWICK, min. in 1567,
7 Channelkirk also being in the charge ;
trans, to Bassendean prior to 1574.
WILLIAM FRANK, adm. to Soutra
1567 : min. here in 1574.— [Reg.
. -.
JOHN KNOX, M.A. ; min. in 1576;
1576 trans, to Melrose about 1582.
Andrews 1581) ; min. here in 1584 ;
pres. to the vicarage of Channelkirk
by James VI. 15th April 1586; was still
min. 20th July 1613. He marr., and had
issue— Andrew ; Elizabeth. — [Reg. Assig. ;
G. R. Inh-ib., 7th Aug. 1666.]
JAMES BURNET, M.A. ; adm. 17th
Sept. 1615 ; trans, to Jedburgh in
JAMES GUTHRIE, M.A. ; ord. in 1642 ;
1642 trans, to Stirling Nov. 1650.
1652 ; trans, to Lennel [Coldstream]
in 1659.
. OF
1659 ^59- trans, to Longf organ before
12th Aug. 1684. He returned and
preached his farewell sermon 26th Oct.
1685 M.A. (St Andrews, 26th July 1670) ;
min. of St Mungo about 1676 ; trans,
to Dalgety in 1680; trans, to Second
Charge, Canongate, in 1682; trans, and
inst. 16th April 1685 ; deprived by the
Privy Council, 9th Aug. 1689, for neither
reading the Proclamation of the Estates
nor praying for William and Mary, but for
the late King, that God "would give him
the necks of his enemies and the hearts of
his subjects." In 1701 he lived at the head
of Patrick StielFs Close, Edinburgh. He
marr. Marion, daugh. of James Scott of
Bonnington, and had issue — Charles.—
[Edin. Presb. Retj. ; St Ctithbert's Sess.
Jte</.; MS. Ace. of Min., 1689: Peterkin's
Constitution of the Church.']
1693 (Edinburgh, 2nd Aug. 1678); licen.
by Presb. of Dumfries ; ord. 10th
Aug. 1693; dep. 23rd Dec. 1697, "for false
accusation, drunkenness, and obscene con
versation, of which he had been guilty
when in the North/' He was Presbytery
clerk. He marr. 14th July 1712, Elizabeth,
daugh. of Andrew Ker, surgeon, Edinburgh.
—[Edin. Refj. ; MS. Ace. of Min., 1689.]
1700 burgh, 1681); licen. by Presb. of
Earlston 2nd March, and called 13th
July 1699; ord. 23rd Jan. 1700; relin
quished his pastoral duties " on account of
distress," about 1706. The date of his
death is unknown.
GEORGE LOGAN, M.A. ; called 6th
1707 Feb., and ord. 8th May 1707; trans,
to Sprouston 22nd Jan. 1719.
THOMAS PITCAIRN, called 19th
172Q Nov. 1719 ; pres. by Presb. jure
devoluto and ord. 29th March 1720 ;
trans, to St Cuthbert's, Edinburgh, 16th
Oct. 1735.
JAMES LINDSAY, called 25th March,
1736 and ord. 19th Aug. 1736; trans, to
Dunbarney 20th June 1746.
ROBERT FISHER, called 24th March,
1747 and ord. 22nd Sept. 1747; trans, to
Colinton 3rd March 1753.
JAMES FORD [FOORD], born 1723;
1753 M.A. (Edinburgh, 14th April 1743);
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh 26th
Nov. 1746 ; ord. by the Northumberland
Presbyterian 'Classis 31st July 1751, min.
at Warnford, Northumberland ; pres. by
James, Earl of Lauderdale, and adm. 27th
Sept, 1753; D.D. (Edinburgh, 25th Oct.
1785) ; died 23rd Sept. 1810. He marr. 23rd
June 1759, Isobel Kirkland, Livingston,
who died 30th Nov. 1792, and had issue
—Isobel, born 3rd April 1760, died 16th
Nov. 1828. Publications— The Certain
Damjer of Pervertiny Divine Truth and
Disregardiiuj the Jndyments of Heaven
(Edinburgh, 1778) ; Account of the Parish
(Sinclair's Stat. Ace., i.).—[Tombst.]
PETER COSENS, born Forfarshire,
1811 1780' son of Peter ^- > educated at
Univ. of Edinburgh; licen. by
Presb. of Edinburgh 24th Sept. 1806 ;
ord. to Torryburn 9th May 1809; pres.
by James, Earl of Lauderdale ; trans, and
adm. 27th June 1811 ; died 20th Aug.
1845. He marr. 24th Feb. 1819, Catherine
(died 23rd July 1877), only daugh. of Alex
ander Thomson, min. of Carnock, and had
issue— Susanna Christian Geddes, born 8th
Oct. 1821, died unmarr. 20th April 1898 ;
Peter, born 4th June 1823, died 24th
March 1824 ; Alexander Thomson, min.
of Broughton ; John, W.S., born 15th April
1827, died 26th Nov. 1857; Anne, born
10th April 1829 (marr. Robert Romanes of
Harryburn), died 24th Nov. 1902 ; Peter,
advocate, born 26th April 1831, died 16th
July 1881. Publication — Account of the
Parish (New Stat. Ace., ii.).— [Tombst.]
WILLIAM SMITH, pres. by James,
184g Earl of Lauderdale, and ord. 25th
Dec. 1845 ; trans, to Trinity Parish,
Edinburgh, 25th Dec. 1857.
DONALD MACLEOD, B.A. ; prcs. by
James, Earl of Lauderdale, and
ord. 18th March 1858; trans, to
Linlithgow 10th July 1862.
JAMES MIDDLETON, born Aberdeen,
20th July 1834, son of James M. and
Eliza Renny ; educated at Grammar
School and King's College, Aberdeen, and
Univ. of Edinburgh ; M.A. (Aberdeen 1856) ;
licen. by Presb. of Linlithgow 27th July
1858 ; assistant at Old Greyfriars, Edin
burgh, Xewton-on-Ayr, Coldstream, Burnt-
island, Linlithgow ; pres. by Anthony, Earl
of Lauderdale, 14th July, and ord. 25th
Sept. 1862; died 26th Dec. 1874. He
marr. 14th July 1863, Isabella (died 6th
Feb. 1884). daugh. of William Clyne, Aber
deen, and had issue — James, factor, born
12th July 1864; Mary Clyne, born 17th
March 1866 (marr. 18th Oct. 1911, Neil
M'Michael, solicitor) ; Margaret, born 27th
Oct. 1867 (marr. 27th March 1896, David
Guthrie, C.A.); Melville Walker, engineer,
born llth Nov. 1869 ; William Renny
Watson, engineer, born 5th March 1872 ;
Arthur Stanley, min. of West Parish,
Cambuslang, born 15th April 1875.
born Methven, 4th July 1841, son of
George Bruce W., formerly min. of
the United Associate Synod at Methven,
afterwards min. of the Church of Scotland,
and chaplain to the Forces at Chatham, and
Jane Secular ; educated at High School and
Univ. of Edinburgh; M.A. (1874), B.D.
(1874). During his university course he
was class tutor to John Stuart Blackie,
Professor of Greek ; licen. by Presb. of
Edinburgh ; assistant at Lasswade, St
Giles, Edinburgh, and the Park Parish,
Glasgow ; ord. to New Rothesay Parish,
Bute, 8th May 1874; trans, and adm.
29th July 1875; died unmarr. 12th July
THOMAS MARTIN, born Ponfeigh,
1876 Carmichael, Lanarkshire, 8th April
1845, son of Thomas M. and Agnes
Hamilton ; educated at Glasgow Univ. and
Tubingen ; M.A. (1868) ; licen. by Presb. of
Hamilton in 1871 ; assistant at St Cuth-
bert:s, Edinburgh ; ord. to New Rothesay
14th May 1872 ; trans, to St Paul's Parish,
Dundee, 26th Feb. 1874 ; trans, and adm.
21st Dec. 1876 ; President of the Berwick
shire Naturalists' Club in 1893; died
unmarr. 20th Sept. 1904. Publications—
" Social and Church Life in Lander " [vide
Latvtei; n Series of /'H/XTX by Robert
Romanes (privately printed, 1903)] ; Con
tributions to History of the Berwickshire
^Ydtimdi'sts' t'/ub. — {The llorder J/«;/<T-./V,
March 1905.]
WALTER LAMB, born 15th Feb. 1871,
son of William L., min. of Ednam ;
educated at Dollar Academy, Univs.
of St Andrews and Edinburgh ; M.A. (1894),
B.D. (1898) ; licen. by Presb. of Cairston in
1898 ; assistant at First Charge, Ayr, 1898-
1900 ; missionary at Dalwhinnie, 1900-2 ;
assistant at Galashiels, 1902-4; ord. to
Kirkwall 12th May 1904 ; trans, and adm.
10th March 1905 ; died unmarr. 15th June
19Q6 lour, 8th May 1864, son of Charles
M. and Penuel Richardson ; educated
at Aberlour and Keith schools, and Univ.
of Aberdeen ; M.A. (1885) ; headmaster
of Guisachan Public School, Inverness-
shire, 1885-6, of Glenlivet Public School,
1886-90; B.D. (Aberdeen 1893); licen. by
Presb. of Abernethy in 1893; assistant at
John Knox's Parish, Aberdeen ; ord. to
Guthrie 28th Nov. 1893; trans, and adm.
16th Nov. 1906. Marr. 31st Oct. 1906,
Ellen Mitchell, daugh. of Andrew Douglas,
manufacturer, Dundee. Publications —
Close to Nature's Heart (Edinburgh, 1904);
In the Lap of the Lamtnermoors (Edinburgh,
1912) ; " Birds of Lauderdale " (Hist. Jler.
Nat. Club, xx., 316).]
[A church existed here in the early part
of the twelfth century, when mention is
made of John, "priest of Ledgaresude."
About the same period the church passed
into the possession of the Abbey of Paisley,
and was held by it till tbe Reformation.
Part of the old church remains, of which a
finely-moulded Xorman arch is the most
prominent feature. The church was restored
in 1898. There was a hospital of St Mary
Magdalen at Morriston.]
1564 1564.
ROBERT PATERSON, reader, 1574 to
1574 1591.
DAVID FORSYTH, trans, from Pol-
1592 warth j Pres. to the vicarage before
22nd Oct. 1592 : trans, to St Boswells
in 1593.
GEORGE BYRES, son of Robert B.,
1592 I)ur8'es-s °f Haddington ; M.A. (St
Andrews 1587); ord. to Bara 10th
Sept. 1589; trans, and adm. after 4th Oct.
1592; died in May 1640, aged about 73.
He had issue — Thomas, min. here in 1634.
Robert.— [Berwick Sas., iii., 50 ; Reg. Asm/. ;
Stat. Reports, 1627 ; Lander Tests. ; New
8tat. Ace., ii.]
M.A., son of William C. of Morriston,
and Sarah, claugh. of Sir John C.
of that ilk ; brother of the first Lord
Cranstoun ; styled vicar in 1601. He died
in 1607, leaving issue — Alexander of
THOMAS BYRES, son of above George
1634 P>': MlA> (Edinblu'gQ. 29tn July l62^);
coll. in 1634 (probably assistant and
successor) ; on 23rd March 1653, a process
against him was pending before the Synod.
He was probably suspended, but was min.
again in 1666.
of David C., the Church historian ;
was clerk to Sir Adam Hepburn,
Senator of the College of Justice, from
1648; M.A. (Edinburgh, 26th July 1649);
licen. by Presb. of Haddington 10th Xov.
1652; adm. 12th June 1655; deprived
by Act of Parliament llth June, and
Decreet of Privy Council 1st Oct. 1662.
He frequently, though privately, revisited
the parish, and was rnin. again in 1689.
THOMAS BYRES, M.A., noticed above ;
16Q6 min. in 1666; died Feb. 1682, aged
about 76. He had issue — George
min. of Lessudden [St Boswells] ; Thomas ;
James ; Robert ; Joseph ; Alexander, bapt.
at Melrose, 28th Jan. 1670 ; Margaret, bapt.
at Melrose, 1st Sept. 1672.— {Melrose Par.
Re<j. ; Reg. Coll at. ; Lander Tests.'}
GIDEOX BROWX, M.A. ; ord. and coll.
; (assistant and successor) 8th March
1666 : trans, to Smailholm in 1676.
WILLIAM LAIXG, M.A. (Edinburgh
1669) ; licen. by Alexander, Bishop of
Edinburgh, 9th Sept. 1673 ; pres. by
Andrew Ker of Morriston, with consent of
his trustees, llth Sept. 1676 ; coll. llth, and
inst. (colleague and successor) 25th Jan.
Ki77 ; deprived by Privy Council 29th Aug.
1689, for neither reading the Proclamation
of the Estates nor praying for William and
Mary, but for King James.— [Reg. Collat. ;
MS. Ace. of Min., 1689 ; Peterkin's Constitu
tion of the Church.~\
lg noticed above ; returned 8th Sept.
1689 ; restored by Act of Parliament
25th April 1690. He was a member of
Assembly in 1692 ; died 19th June 1709,
in his 81st year. He marr. Jean, sister of
Robert Trotter, M.D., Edinburgh. She
was alive in 1712. — {Milne Home MSS.,
242 ; Haddington Presb. Reg. ; Tombst. ;
Reg. Gen. Ass., 1692.]
JAMES CAMPBELL, M.A. (Edinburgh,
1711 30th April 1700) ; ord. by the Presby
terian Classis in Cumberland, 10th
Aug. 1709, min. of a congregation at
Branton, Xorthumberland ; called 31st
July, and adm. 8th Nov. 1711 ; dep. 30th
March 1714 for various offences. He was
probably reponed, but dem. 21st Oct. that
year. He was again dep. 1st Aug. 1718, for
drunkenness, etc. — [Acts of Ass., 1714.]
THOMAS OLD, M.A. (Edinburgh, 27th
April 1705) ; chaplain to Archibald
Douglas of Cavers ; licen. by Presb.
of Selkirk 15th Sept. 1715 ; pres. by Andrew
Ker of Morriston in Oct., and by the Presb.
jure devoluto 25th Dec. 1716; ord. 17th
Jan. 1717 ; died 1st Sept. 1737, in his
54th year. He marr. 6th June 1720,
Margaret, second daugh. of John Fullarton
of Auchenhay (who survived him, and marr.
secondly, Alexander Donaldson, writer,
Edinburgh), and had issue— an only child,
Jane (marr. Alexander Fall, carpenter on
board the Somerset). — [ Lander Test*. ;
burgh, 27th Jan. 1722); licen. by
Presb. of Chirnside 25th Feb. 1735 ;
pres. by Andrew Ker of Morriston, and ord.
27th July 1738: died unmarr. 3rd April
WILLIAM GULL AN, son of Gabriel
G., min. of Dryfesdale ; had gift of a
bursary at the Univ. of Edinburgh
from the Exchequer 26th Feb. 1743 ; licen.
by Presb. of Lochmaben : pres. by James
Ker of Morriston Oct. 1752 ; ord. 17th
May 1753; died unmarr. llth April 1792.—
[Carlyle's Autob.]
ROBERT SCOTT, pres. by James Ker
of Morriston 16th Sept. 1792; ord.
9th May 1793 ; trans, to Coldstream
3rd July 1795.
JAMES BAIRD, pres. by George Ker of
Morriston 24th July, and ord. 17th
Sept. 1795; trans, to Eccles 20th
July 1797.
JAMES YOUNG, licen. by the Nor
thumberland Presbyterian Classis
14th May, and ord. min. of Kirkley,
near Morpeth, 28th Aug. 1782; adm. to
Glanton 12th June 1786 ; pres. by George
Ker of Morriston, and adm. 6th Dec. 1797 ;
his settlement was rescinded by the General
Assembly 25th May 1798, according to the
law of the Church, owing to his not being
qualified. This decision so affected his
spirits that he died at Coldstream, 23rd
Jan. 1799, in his 43rd year.— [Northumber
land Presb. Reg.; Acts o/ Ass., 1798;
Tombst. ; Hill's Constitution of the
Church ; Hill's Practice ; Scot* May., lx.,
HENRY GARNOCK, pres. by George
Ker of Morriston 12th Sept. 1798 ;
ord. 14th March 1799; trans, to
Canongate. Edinburgh, 25th July 1811.
GEORGE CUPPLES, pres. by Miss
Ker of Morriston Dec. 1.811 ; ord.
26th March 1812 ; clerk of Presb.
1st Sept. 1825 ; trans, to Second Charge,
Stirling, 19th Jan. 1834.
Henry Ker Seyiner of Morriston ;
ord. 17th April 1834; trans, to
Greenlaw 2nd Aug. 1844.
JAMES MACNAIR, pres. by Henry Ker
Seymer of Morriston, and ord. 19th
Dec. 1844 : trans, to Auchtermuchty
1st July 1853.
JAMES LANGWILL, pres. by Henry
Ker Seymer of Morriston, and ord.
8th Sept. 1853 ; trans, to Curric
21st Jan. 1859.
(now Lawhead), Carnwath, 29th July
1830, son of Archibald B., farmer,
and Margaret Brown ; educated at Auchen-
gray and Quothquan Schools, and Univ. of
Edinburgh; licen. by Presb. of Lanark
30th Aug. 1854; assistant at Channelkirk
1854-7 ; ord. missionary at Braemar 6th
July 1858 ; pres. by Henry Ker Seymer
of Morriston 5th Feb., and adm. 31st
March 1859 ; clerk of Presb., 1864-79. He
marr. 13th June 1860, Helen (died s.p. 24th
May 1864), daugh. of William White, Black-
castle, Carnwath. Publications— The Need
of Patience, a sermon (private circulation,
1867); The Sacred Dramas of George
Buchanan, translated into English Verse
(Edinburgh, 1906).
WILLIAM RANKIN, born New Carn-
broe, Lanarkshire, 6th Oct. 1864, son
of William R. and Anne Steel ; edu
cated at schools of Carnbroe and Coat-
bridge, High School, Glasgow, and Univs.
of Glasgow and St Andrews ; M.A. (Glasgow
1887), B.D. (St Andrews 1890); licen. by
Presb. of Hamilton in 1890 : assistant at
Airdrie ; ord. (assistant and successor)
29th Oct. 1891; died unmarr. 1st Feb.
1899 Culsalmond Schoolhouse,Insch, Aber-
deenshire, 10th Jan. 1871, son of
William C. and Elizabeth Walker ; educated
at Culsalmond School, Grammar School,
and Univ. of Aberdeen ; M.A. (1892),
B.D. (1895); Keen, by Presb. of Aberdeen
7th May 1895 ; assistant at North Parish,
Aberdeen ; ord. (assistant and successor)
3rd Aug. 1899; clerk of Presb. in 1904;
chaplain to the Forces in France 1916.
Marr. llth April 1900, Elizabeth Farquhar,
daugh. of William Marshall Philip, min.
of Skene, and has issue — William Philip
Legerwood, born 16th Jan. 1901 ; Winifred
Mary Elizabeth, born 16th Nov. 1903 ; John
Austen Percival, born 22nd Nov. 1905;
Ruth Evelyn Philip, born 1st Aug. 1909.
[Previous to the Reformation the church,
which was dedicated to St Ninian in 1241,
belonged to the Premonstratensian Abbey
of Dryburgh, in the parish. It was re
built in 1658, and has been restored of
recent years. In 1296 there was a hospital
at Mertoun.]
ANDREW HEGY [HAIG], probably of
1560 the Bemersyde family, in the parish,
vicar in 1560.
ROBERT MYLNE, reader in 1574.-
1574 [Reg. Sec. Sig. ii. 40.]
ROBERT KER, reader at Bowden in
1676 1574 ; Maxton, Lessudden, and Smail-
holm also were under his care ; trans,
to Mow about 23rd Jan. 1579.
1580 from Ednam in 1580; trans, to
Foulis-Easter in 1581.— [Reg. Assig.]
JAMES MENZIES, mentioned as min.
1585 in 1585.— [Rtg. Assig.}
JOHN SMYTH, M.A. : trans, from Sel-
1586 kirk in 1586 '> trans, to Maxton about
JOHN HEPBURN, M.A. ; trans, from
1594 Glenholm ; pros, to the vicarage by
James VI. before 25th Jan. 1594;
trans, to Cranshaws in 1596.
1597 S., min. of Dalkeith; studied at
Univ. of Glasgow; M.A. (1590);
adm. to Muckhart in 1591 ; trans, to Alva
and Tillicoultry in 1592; trans, and adm.
to this charge in 1597; it was proposed
in 1602 to translate him to Tillicoultry,
part of his former charge, but the Presb.
refused concurrence. When preaching in
Edinburgh, 22nd July 1621, "he spared
neither king, bishop, nor minister." He
was apprehended the following day, carried
before the Privy Council, and ordered to be
confined to Dumbarton, and to live there
at his own expense. He was released 2nd
Oct. following, and confined to his own
parish 10th of the same month. He dem.
before May 1632, and died 17th July 1639,
aged about 69. " He knew and cared little
about earthly things, was unwearied in
prayer, and constantly occupied with the
Bible." He marr., and had a son Andrew,
who though apparently a min. never occu
pied a pulpit in Scotland. (He was the
father of Andrew S., min. of Kirkinner.)
Publication — The Destruction of Inbred
Corruption, or the Christian's Warfare
against the fiosome Enemy (London, 1644).
— [Reg. Assig. ; Stirling Presb. Reg. ; Calder-
wood's Hist., vii., 470, 511 ; Tambst. within
St Modem's Chapel, Dri/burgh. Abbey ;
Livingston's Charac.]
JAMES URQUHART, M.A. ; pres. by
1632 Cliarles I- 20th May 1632; trans,
to Lindean [Galashiels] 13th May
1Q40 C., min. of Stichill ; M.A. (Edin
burgh, 23rd July 1636); adm. 18th
June 1640. He was min. at Kirkandrews,
in England, in 1661. He returned to this
parish later. — [Gunn's Stichill ; Reg. Kelso
Presb. ; Neiv Gen. Reg. Sas,, ii.]
JAMES KIRKTON, M.A. ; trans, from
Second Charge, Lanark ; adm. after
25th June 1657 ; deprived by Act
of Parliament llth June, and Decreet of
Privy Council 1st Oct. 1662 ; restored in
above, returned, probably only as a
tolerated min. He was elected to
one of the churches by the Town Council
of Edinburgh, 9th Jan. 1663, but did not
accept. He was min. of Ashkirk in 1667.
He had sasine of the kirklands of Hume
Nov. 1668.— [Edin.. Counc. Reg. ; Peebles
Presb. and S>/n. (Jedburgh Presb.) Regs. ;
New Gen. Reg. Sas., xx.]
JAMES D UNBAR, M.A. ; trans, from
1667 ^atten j Pres> by Charles II. 17th
Nov. 1666; coll. 21st Jan. 1667;
trans, to Abbey St Bathans 12th Jan.
ANDREW MELDRUM, son of Joshua
^'' m*n' °^ Trinity Parish, Edin
burgh ; M.A. (Edinburgh 1668) ;
licen. by George, Bishop of Edinburgh,
15th March 1670 ; pres. by Charles II.
16th Sept., and ord. and coll. Nov. 1674 ;
deprived by the Act of Parliament, 25th
April 1690, restoring the Presbyterian
ministers ; entered burgess and guild-
brother of Edinburgh 5th Nov. following ;
died there, 20th Dee. 1696, aged about 49.
He marr. 24th Aug. 1675, Anna Gladstanes,
who died 23rd May 1722, and had issue —
Walter, buried in Greyfriars, Edinburgh,
16th Oct. 1695 ; and Joshua, buried there,
22nd Dec. 1697.— [Reg. Collat. ; Edin. Guild
Reg. ; Edin, Reg. (Marr. and JJur.) ; Min.-
book Reg. Priv. Seal; MS. Ace. of Min.,
1689 ; Scot. Presb. Eloq. ; Kirkton's Hist.]
JAMES KIRKTON, M.A., noticed above ;
16 restored by Act of Parliament 25th
April 1690, but preached only two
Sundays, and was translated to Tolbooth
Parish, Edinburgh. The church was de
clared vacant March 1691.
JOHN WALLACE of Monkcastle, born
about 1629 ; eldest son of Col. James
W. of Achans ; educ. at Univ. of
Glasgow ; M.A. (1649) ; adm. to Largs in-
1658, but deprived llth June 1662; in
dulged in 1672, but again deprived 15th
Feb. 1679 ; returned in 1687 ; trans, and adm.
to this charge 13th May 1692; died 14th
Feb. 1693. He marr. Jane Hutchison.
ROBERT LIVER, M.A. (Edinburgh,
1697 3rd July 1693); ord. to Hownam
14th Nov. 1695 ; called Dec. 1696 ;
trans, and adm. 4th May 1697 ; dem. 20th
June 1717.
JAMES INNES, son of Robert I., wine
171g merchant, Leith ; M.A. (Edinburgh,
llth May 1704) ; first rector of the
Grammar School of Hawick, 1710-18 ; licen.
by Presb. of Jedburgh 5th June 1717 ;
pres. by Thomas Haliburton of Newmains
that year; ord. 18th Sept. 1718; died 1st
July 1767. He marr. 20th July 1726,
Christian (died at Edinburgh, 4th Dec.
1770), daugh. of Robert Munro of Coul,
advocate, and had issue — Mary ; Robert,
M.D., born 24th April 1730 ; Captain
Albert, born 4th Feb. 1732 ; James, min.
of Yester, born 17th June 1733 ; Anne,
born 6th Dec. 1734, died 4th Dec. 1762.—
[Hau'ick Sess. Reg.]
JOHN MARTIN, pres. by AValter Scott
1768 °^ Harden, and ord. 28th Sept. 1768 ;
trans, to Spott 4th March 1790.
JAMES DUNCAN, licen. by Presb. of
7 Auchterarder 22nd April, pres. by
Walter Scott of Harden 3rd July,
and ord. 28th Sept. 1790; died 27th Jan.
1845, in his 82nd year. He marr. 10th
Feb. 1795, Elizabeth Laurie, in the parish
of Smailholm, who died at Edinburgh, 8th
Sept. 1868, aged 95, and had issue — James,
licentiate of the Church of Scotland, born
9th Oct. 1796, died 7th Jan. 1822 ; Isabella,
born 9th April 1798, died 18th May 1830 ;
Sarah Elizabeth, born 4th July 1799, died
27th Dec. 1819 ; Barbara, born 27th June
1800, died 15th March 1819 ; Thomas, born
9th Oct. 1802, died 26th Jan. 1821 ; Mary,
born 4th June 1806; Elizabeth, born 30th
Dec. 1807, died 1st Aug. 1831 ; Harriet,
[I'liESB. OF
born 31st Dec. 1811, died 16th May 1813.
Publications — Account of the Parish (Sin
clair's, xiv., and Xciv Stat. Ace., ii.)
JOHN GRIEVE, a native of Roxburgh
shire ; pres. by Hugh, Lord Polwarth,
27th June, and adm. 4th Sept. 1845 ;
dep. 21st May 1860. He became a school
master at Greenhill, Shotts, and died 19th
June 1884. He marr. 7th July 1861, Agnes
Dinwoodie, who died 29th Aug. 1902, leav
ing issue.
WILLIAM M'LEAN, trans, from Ash-
kirk, and adm. 1st Nov. I860; clerk
of Presb., 1863-4; trans, to Pen-
ninghame 7th April 1864.
burgh, 3rd July 1827, son of David
M., tailor, Dunkeld, and Isabella
Purves ; educated at High School and
Univ. of Edinburgh ; served sometime in
the office of a W.S. ; licen. by Presb. of
Edinburgh in 1854 : ord. to Leslie, Fife,
1st March 1855 ; pres. by Hugh, Lord Pol
warth ; trans, and adm. 16th June 1864 ;
clerk of Presb., 1879-91 ; died 24th Oct.
1891. He marr. 3rd June 1891, Agnes,
daugh. of George Frederick Jones, Kel-
burne, Fairlie. Publication — edited (with
biographical sketch) Under the Shadoiv,
sermons by William M'Lean [his predeces
sor] (Edinburgh, 1881). He left in manu
script a Commentary on the Book of the
born Dyce, Aberdeenshire, 29th Nov.
1843, son of Alexander D. : educated
at Univ. of Glasgow ; student missionary,
Barony Parish, Glasgow ; licen. by Presb.
of Glasgow ; ord. to the Chapel-of-Ease
(now South Parish), Girvan, 20th Feb.
1873 ; trans, to St Vincent's Parish, Glas
gow, 21st Dec. 1881 ; trans, and adm. 17th
May 1892 ; convener of Life and W^ork Sub
committee on Mission - weeks ; died llth
Jan. 1908. He marr. 9th July 1874, Anna-
bella Gordon (died 5th Dec. 1909), daugh.
of James Robertson, and had issue — Mary
Gordon, born 5th April 1875 (marr. 19th
Sept. 1907, John Donaldson M'Callum,
min. of Larkhall) : George Henry, min.
of the West Parish, Aberdeen; Elizabeth
Gray, born 26th Jan. 1878 (marr. 4th Aug.
1904, James Chrystal, Bombay) ; Edith
Armstrong, born 7th May 1885.
19Q8 Muirhead, Shotts, 21st May 1858,
son of James Manuel of Treesbanks ;
educated at Wilson's Endowed School,
Shotts, and Univ. of Glasgow ; M.A. (1880),
B.D. (1883); licen. by Presb. of Hamilton
in 1883; assistant at Larbert and Duni-
pace ; ord. to St Stephen's Chapel. Perth,
13th May 1885; adm. to St Andrew's
Parish, Perth, on the closing of Old St
Stephen's Chapel, 30th Sept. that year ;
trans, and adm. llth June 1908. Marr. (1)
7th Aug. 1889, Mary Somerville (died s.p.
14th June 1891), daugh. of Robert Lindsay,
merchant, Coatbridge : (2) 7th Dec. 1898,
Agnes Manuel, youngest daugh. of Joseph
Stenhouse, shipbuilder, Dumbarton, and
has issue — Agnes Gilmour, born 17th July
1901 ; James, born 10th Jan. 1903 ; Marian
Gilmour, born 3rd Aug. 1906 ; Dora Grisell
Baillie, born 9th Nov. 1910. Publications
— Eastern Impressions (Perth, 1907) ; A
Gladdening River: Twenty - Five Years'
Guild Influence amon<j the Himolayas
(London, 1914).
[The church, previous to the Reformation,
belonged to the Abbey of Jedburgh. There
was here a hospital called Smailholm
Spital. In the church is a window to the
memory of Sir Walter Scott, who spent
part of his boyhood in this parish.]
THOMAS M'KENNA, reader from 1574
1574 to 1576.
JOHN MAKENNOCH, reader from 1578
1578 to 1580.
GEORGE HOME, styled vicar in 1578.
-[Feu Charters of Kirklands, ii.,
JOHN KENNEDY, probably the above
1586 John Makennoch, reader in 1586.
DAVID FOKSYTH, min. of St Bos-
wells, had this parish also in his
charge in 1593 ; pres. to the vicarage
by James VI. before July 1593 [ride St
from Hutton, and adm. in 1595 ;
trans, to Tranent that year.
JAMES HUNTER, M.A. (Edinburgh,
12th Aug. 1591) ; adm. to Borthwick
in 1593 : trans, to Skirling in 1594 ;
pres. to the vicarage by James VI. 1st May
1598 : died before 30th Sept. 1629. He
marr. 30th Aug. 1598, Marion Aikman
(who survived him, and marr. (2) Thomas
M'Dowall in Stodrig), and had issue— Alex
ander in Wranghame, in the parish, who
was served heir 20th July 1030: Cleorge.
— [fay. May. Sly. •. Re<j. Assiy. ; Key. Sec.
Siy. ; Edin. Reg. (Mu,rr.)'j /»'/• Rft- ^'f«.,
1751 ; Key. of Deeds, cccxcvi.]
JAMES LOGAN, M.A. (Edinburgh. 27th
July 1616) : classical master in the
High School, Edinburgh, 12th March
1617: pres. by Charles I. 30th Sept. 1629;
was a member of the Court of High Com
mission 21st Oct. 1634 ; dep. before 21st
Sept. 1641. He had £100 sterling allowed
by Parliament, 5th July 1661, as some
compensation for his sufferings. — [Rey. Sec.
Siy. '. Baillie:s Letter* : Maitland Mi well.,
ii. ; Acts of P<irL, vii. ; Steven's Edin.
Ili'jli School, 83.]
164Q burgh, 23rd July 1631) ; tutor to the
Master of Cranstoun ; licen. by Presb.
of Dalkeith 20th Dec. 1638 ; adm. 26th May
1640 : pres. by Charles I. 21st Sept. 1641 ;
he was appointed by the Assembly, 4th
June 1644, to accompany the Master of
Cranstoun's Regiment to England ; was
a member of Assemblies 1645-9 ; confined
to his parish on the re-establishment of
Episcopacy in 1662 ; died before 8th March
1671. He marr., and had issue — William,
eldest son, served heir 1673. — [Edin. Sas.,
xviii., 367 ; Old Dec., iii. ; Key. Sec. Siy. ;
Jedburyh Presb. Re<j. ; Wodrow's Hist., \.,
326 ; Baillie's Letters ; Livingston's Life ;
Bannatyne Miscdl., ii. ; Acts of Ass. ; In<[.
Ret. Gen., 5653, 7904.]
1671 from Dalserf; pres. by Charles II.
4th July 1671 ; trans, to Liberton
14th Oct. 1674.
GIDEON BROWN, M.A. (Edinburgh,
1676 19th July 1661); licen. by George,
Bishop of Edinburgh, 2nd April
1664: ord. to Legerwood 8th March 1666;
pres. by Charles II. 2nd Jan. 1676, and adm.
soon after ; deprived by the Privy Council,
26th Sept. 1689, for neither reading the Pro
clamation of the Estates nor praying for
William and Mary, and for absenting him
self from church on the day appointed for
reading the Proclamation. He is spoken
of as a " violent persecutor ;: of the Presby
terians. He had a son, Alexander, periwig-
maker and barber, afterwards servitor to
the Duke of Queensberry. — [Consistorial
J'rocessex, Scot. Rec. Soc., No. 140;
Min.-book A'ey. 1'rir. Seal ; MS. Ace. of
Min., 1689 : Scot. Presb. Eloq. ; Rule's Sec.
Vindication ; Peterkin's Constitution of the
JOHN BELL, son of Robert B., min. of
to Ardrossan after 1655 ; deprived by
Act of Parliament llth June, and Decreet
of Privy Council 1st Oct. 1662; indulged
27th July 1669 ; returned to Ardrossan
in 1687 ; clem, after 3rd April 1688 ;
restored 25th April 1690; adm. to this
parish 12th Oct. 1691 ; died Jan. 1702,
aged 68, leaving a son, Robert, min. of
Cavers.— [Wodrow MSS.]
M.A. (Edinburgh, 13th July 1695);
called 19th Jan., and ord. 6th May
1703; died June 1709, aged about 36. He
marr. Mary, daugh. of George Bell of Bel-
ford, and his wife, a daugh. of Sir Thomas
Carre of Cavers, and stepsister of the first
Countess of Marchmont. She was alive
in 1730, and had issue— Mary, bapt. 28th
Feb. 1705 (marr. Patrick Hepburn, min. of
Ayton) ; Isobel, born 15th Dec. 1706 (marr.
William Home, min. of Fogo) : George
bapt. 2nd Feb. 1709.— \_Fogo tiess. Reg. ;
1710 kurgh, 29th APril 1701); licen- by
Presb. of Lauder 22nd March 1709 ;
called 12th Jan., and ord. 20th July 1710 ;
died unmarr. 12th May 1743, aged 62.
deen 1708, son of Alexander D.,
weaver and burgess ; educated at
Marischal College and Univ. ; licen. by
Presb. of Earlston 7th Jan. 1735; tutor in
the family of Alexander, second Earl of
Marchmont ; ord. to Traquair 12th Sept.
1738; pros, by Grisell, Lady Murray of
Stanhope, with consent of her mother,
Lady Grisell Baillie, 1st Aug., trans, and
adm. 24th Nov. 1743 ; D.D. (Aberdeen
1773); died 29th Sept, 1795. He was Sir
Walter Scott's minister during his Smail-
holm boyhood. He is described in the
Introduction to the third canto of Marmion,
as *
" The venerable priest,
Our frequent and familiar guest,
Whoso life and manners well could paint
Alike the student and the saint,"
and is thought to be the prototype of " Josiah
Cargill" in tit Ronan's Well. He marr.
2nd Feb. 1744, Helen (died 10th Jan. 1748,
aged 36), daugh. of William Home of
Greenlaw Castle, factor on the Mellerstain
estate, and Anne, daugh. of Sir Alexander
Purves of that ilk, and had issue— Alex
ander, min. of Gordon ; Agnes, born ISth
Aug. 1746 (marr., pro. 19th Oct. 1766,
Thomas Cleghorn, Inspector-General of Im
ports and Exports, and Dean of Guild of
Edinburgh), died 4th Dec. 1785 ; William,
colonel H.E.I.C.S., born 31st Dec. 1747,
died in London, 1st March 1830; George
(twin), born 31st Dec. 1747, died 22nd
March 1748. Publications — A Preventa-
tive against the Principles of Infidelity, or
the Nature and Design of the Christian
Religion and the Evidences of its Truth
and Divine Origin (Edinburgh, 1774) ; The
Devout Communicant's Assistant (Edin
burgh, 1777; Berwick, 1792); The Evidence
of the Resurrection of Jesus as recorded in
the New Testament, a sermon preached
before the S.P.C.K. (Edinburgh, 1783) ; The
History of the Revolution, 1688 (Edinburgh,
1790); Account of the Parish (Sinclair's
Stat. Ace., iii.). He left in manuscript a
Journal of the Rebellion, 1745, which was
not published. — [Tomlst. ; Scots Magazine,
1796; Lockhart's Life of Scott; W. S.
Crockett's 77/6 ticott Originals (portrait).
1796 burgh, 5th Jan. 1777, son of Thomas
C., Inspector - General of Imports
and Exports for Scotland, and grandson
of preceding min. ; educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of Dalkeith 5th
July, pres. by George Baillie of Mellerstain
4th Aug., and ord. 28th Sept, 1796; dem.
1st April 1845 ; died unmarr. 12th April
1847 ; interred in St Cuthbert's Churchyard,
Edinburgh. Publication — Account of the
Parish (New Stat. Ace., iii.).
DAVID SWAN, born Banbeith, Leven,
1843 ^6' 1St ^U*y 18°8' S°n °^ '^°^n ^''
farmer ; educated at Univ. of Edin
burgh ; assistant at Smailholm ; pres. by
George Baillie of Mellerstain 9th Aug., and
ord. (assistant and successor) 28th Sept.
1843; clerk of Presb., 1843-63; died un
marr. 12th Sept. 1886.
12th Feb. 1855, son of James S.
and Annie Bain ; educated at Elgin
Academy, Milne's Institution, Fochabers,
Univs. of Aberdeen and Edinburgh, and
at Marburg ; M.A. (Aberdeen 1876) ; licen.
by Presb. of Elgin 14th May 1879 ; assistant
at Huntly, Newbattle, and Smailholm ;
ord. 16th June 1887. Publication— Scott,
tit Cuthbert, Smailholm Church, and Tower
[book of the Bazaar] (Edinburgh, 1896).
[The church was dedicated to St Mary.
Here was the southern seat of the Arch
bishop of St Andrews, called the Stow
of Wedalc. It had a right of sanctuary.
Beside the ruin of the old church is Our
Lady's Well.]
WILLIAM HESLOP, reader from 1574
1574 to 1578.
JAMES MITCHELL, brother of George
158g M., flour-miller, burgess of Edin
burgh: mentioned as min. in 1585;
died between 7th Jan. and 19th July 1626.
He marr. (1) Marion, daugh. of James
M'Cartney, who died before 1615, and had
issue— John, who was at ( 'ourt in London
in 1621 : (2) Elizabeth Wright, who sur
vived him.— |Y/. R. In-hil., xvi., 43 ; ihld.,
19th Nov. 1624; !l,i<Lt 20th May 1625 :
Key. Assiij. ; Ed in. Tests. ; Inq. Ret. de
Tut., 1306-10.]
1628 1628 : trans, to Dunbar in 1635.
1635 ljm'y'h> 27th July 1022); employed
by the Town Council of Edinburgh
to preach in the vacant pulpits of the city
previous to 28th Nov. 1634 ; adrn. 23rd
Aug. 1635 ; suspended by Presb. 7th April
1639: dep. 22nd April 1639, for not
acknowledging the General Assembly in
1638, and desertion of his charge. He
marr. (cont. 18th and 25th Feb. 1636)
Margaret, youngest daugh. of Sir James
Pringle of Galashiels, and had issue —
Thomas. — [Jtey. of Deeds, dxxiv., 133 ; Ediii.
Coun<\ and Ness. Keys. ; }Vodron' J/.SX]
JOHN CLELAND, son of George C.,
min. of Durisdeer ; educated at
Univ. of Edinburgh ; M.A. (22nd
June 1633); having resided within its
bounds for eleven months, he got a testi
monial from the Presb. of Dalkeith 26th
July 1638; ord. 10th Dec. 1640; joined
the Protesters in 1651 ; died Aug. 1665,
aged about 52. He marr. Janet, sister of
Archibald Porteous, min. of Oxnam, and
had issue — James ; John ; Robert ; Archi
bald ; Janet ; Margaret ; Jean ; Christian ;
Elizabeth. — {Dalkeith and Jedburyh Presl.
Regs. ; Edin. Tests. ; Wodrow;s Hist. ; Acts
of Par!., vii.]
ROBERT KAY, on the Exercise at
1666 Stirling 26th July 1627; adm. to
Second Charge, Dumbarton, 1636;
left in 1643; adm. to Dunfermline 16th
Jan. 1645 ; dem. in 1665 ; adm. to this
charge in 1666 ; died 15th May 1680. He
marr. Barbara Lindsay, and had issue —
Robert ; Charles, inin. of Second Charge,
South Leith. — [Dtotfermline Sess. 7iV/.]
ANDREW NAUGHLEY, adm. to Kirk-
168Q mabreck about 1674 ; trans, and adm.
llth Aug. 1680; deprived by the
Privy Council, 29th Aug. 1689, for neither
reading the Proclamation of the Estates
nor praying for William and Mary, but
for King James. He became curate of
Threlkeld, Penrith, 4th April 1698 ; died
there, 17th April 1705. He marr. Mary,
daugh. of William Burnett of Barns, and
Christian Whitford, and had issue — Alex
ander, his successor in the curacy, ord.
priest 19th May 1706, died 30th April
1756; William; James; Margaret. — [J/X
Ace. of Jfin., 1689; Peterkin's Constitution
of the Church: Hutchinson's Cumberland^
i. ; ThrdM<l
HUGH SCOTT, M.A. (Edinburgh 1649) ;
168g adrn. to Bedrule 17th March 1657;
deprived by Parliament and Privy
Council llth June and 1st Oct. 1662 ; adm.
j to Oxnam in 1672 : trans, to Galashiels 1st
| Dec. 1672 ; trans, and adm. to this charge
; in 1689. He was a member of Assembly in
\ 1690, and died before 4th Nov. that year.
He marr. Jean Pringle, who died at Edin
burgh 19th July 1709, aged 65, and had
issue — David, born 1676 ; Hugh ; James of
Blackwater, St Fergus ; Helen (marr. 23rd
Nov. 1708, Thomas Waldie, merchant, Edin
burgh). — \_Edin. Tests. ; Banff Sas., 28th
Dec. 1697.]
JAMES DOUGLAS, son of Robert D.,
1693 soaP-boiler. Edinburgh ; called 25th
Oct. 1692 ; ord. 9th Aug. 1693 ; died
22nd March 1732. He marr. Jean Allan,
who died at Edinburgh, 19th April 1741.
She presented two silver communion cups
to the parish 27th June 1736. — [Edin. Re<j.
(Bw.}; Edin. Tests.]
DAVID DUNCAN, born Aberdeen 1702,
1733 son °^ Alexander D., weaver and
burgess, brother of Alexander D.,
D.D., min. of Smailholm ; educated at
Marischal College and Univ. of Aberdeen ;
licen. by Presb. of Biggar 18th Feb. 1731 ;
tutor in the family of Sir William Baillie |
of Lamington ; prcs. by George II. 5th
Sept, 1732; ord. 2nd Aug. 1733; pros, to
Gladsmuir, but died on the eve of his in
duction, 22nd Oct. 1758. He marr. (1)
Nov. 1734, Elizabeth, daugh. of John Ful-
larton of Auchinhay : (2) pro. 17th June !
1739, Margaret (died before llth Jan. 1749),
daugh. of James Pringle, brother of Sir
John P. of Stichill, Bart. : (3) 29th Jan.
1752, Janet Buchanan, who died 30th April
1763.— [Edin. Tests. ; Acts of Ass., 1733 :
EGBERT DAWSON, had gift of a
bursary at the Univ. of Edinburgh
from the Exchequer 27th Nov. 1747 :
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh 29th Nov.
1752 ; assistant at Saltoun ; pres. by George
II. 9th March, and ord. 25th Sept. 1759;
died 23rd March 1809, in his 82nd year.
He marr. 17th Nov. 1767, Mary Aber-
cromby, who died 1st Feb. 1814, and had
issue_William, born 31st Aug. 17G8 ; Helen,
born 10th March 1770; Jean, born 19th
June 1772 ; Kebecca, born 2nd Feb. 1773,
died 15th July 1776 ; Alexander, surgeon,
born 8th May 1777. Publication— Account
of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace., vii.).
JOHN CORMACK, born 1776, son of
William G., blacksmith, Edinburgh,
which occupation he also followed
for a time ; educated at Univ. of Edinburgh
(where he was prizeman for the best essay) ;
M.A. (28th Jan. 1803); licen. by Presb. of
Edinburgh 29th Feb. 1804 ; pres. by George
III. 15th May, and ord. (assistant and suc
cessor) 17th Sept. 1807 ; D.D. (St Andrews,
12th April 1828); died 20th Dec. 1840.
He took much interest in the condition
of the farm servants in his parish, and
formed an association for their improve
ment and welfare. He marr. 7th April
1814, Helen (died at Nairn, 28th Sept.
1848), daugh. of John Rose of Holme, and
had issue— Sir John Rose, M.D., medical
writer, distinguished himself at the Siege
of Paris in 1871 [vide Dirt. Nat. Biog.\
born 5th Dec. 1815, died 13th May 1882;
William, born 30th April 1817, died 27th
June 1818; Jane Ann, born 16th Feb.
1819, died 28th Sept. 1836. Publications
— Sermon at opening the Synod (Edinburgh,
1810); Account of the Abolition of Female
Infanticide in dvzentt (London, 1815);
Pastoral Hints to the Parishioners (Edin
burgh, 1823) ; Inquiry into the Doctrine of
Original Sin (Edinburgh, 1824); Review of lai the Clleadite (Edinburgh, 1827);
Association for the Improvement and En
couragement of Servants in the Border
Districts (Edinburgh, 1827); Illustrations
of Faith (Edinburgh, 1839) ; Memoir of the
Rev. William Stark [min. of Dirleton]
(Stark's Sermons) ; contributions to the
Edinburgh Christian Instructor; trans
lated Fenelon's Lives of the Ancient Philos
ophers, 2 vols. (London, 1803), and The
Church of Home, by Cesar Malan, D.D.
(London, 1840) ; On Voluntari/ Church
Association-, Account of the Parish (New
Stat. Ace., i.).
DAVID WADDELL, born Gavinton,
Berwickshire, 27th June 1794, son
of William W. and Isobel Trotter ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; tutor at
Monte Video to the family of the British
Consul ; licen. by Presb. of Duns ; mission
ary at New North Parish, Edinburgh, and
at Stobhill ; pres. by Queen Victoria, and
ord. 14th Sept. 1841 ; died unmarr. 5th Jan.
1873. Publications — Articles in Chamlers's
Journal, and other publications, on his
foreign experiences and impressions. — [The
Border Almanac, 1874.]
1873 M.A. ; pres. by Queen Victoria 4th
April 1873; trans, from Second
Charge, Montrose, and adin. 17th July
1873; trans, to Tron Parish, Edinburgh,
22nd Sept. 1881.
land, 13th Aug. 1844, son of William
W. and Jane Clark ; educated at
Beith School and Univ. of Glasgow ; licen.
by Presb. of Irvine ; took charge of Sandy-
ford Parish Mission (now St Clement's
Parish), Glasgow ; ord. to Fullarton, Irvine,
28th Jan. 1875 ; trans, to Second Charge,
Montrose, 28th Jan. 1876; trans, and ad in.
20th April 1882 ; died 8th June 1910. He
marr. 19th Aug. 1875, Margaret, daugh. of
George Burrell, shipowner, Glasgow.
Blairhall, Scone, 5th June 1870, son
of John W. and Euphemia Wilkie ;
educated at Perth Academy and Univ. of
Edinburgh, M.A. (1893), B.D. (llth April
1890), and at Halle, Berlin, Paris ; licen. by
Presb. of Dalkeith in 1897 ; assistant at
Morningside, Edinburgh : ord. to Greenlaw,
Paisley, 24th April 1902 ; trans, to Rose-
mount, Aberdeen, 2nd April 1907 ; trans,
and ad in. 27th Jan. 1911 ; Hastic Lecturer,
Univ. of Glasgow, 19ir>. Marr. 29th July
1902, Marion Miller, daugh. of Thomas
Grainger Taylor. Publications — The Quebec
Tercentenary (Aberdeen, 1909) ; In His
Name (London, 1914).
[Previous to the Reformation the church,
dedicated to St Mary, belonged to the
nunnery of Coldstream. The parish was
united to Gordon in 1617, but again dis
joined. Afterwards the Presb. found it
expedient that the kirk of Bassendean
should be disunited and separated from
Gordon. This being recommended by the
Synod also, and advised by the General
Assembly, 16th June 1646, the parish was
disjoined by the Commissioners for Planta
tion of Kirks, 30th June 1647, and "the
parishioners, or some of the best affected,
bigged a kirk instead of that which was
altogether ruinous and fallen down." By
Act of Parliament, 2nd March 1649, the
kirk was ordered to be transported from
Bassendean to Westruther. In the parish
were the chapel of Wedderlie and the
White Chapel of Spottiswood, vide The
Border Magazine, Jan. 1903.]
ANDREW CURRIE, styled "vicar of
1669 Bassendean ;; in 1569 and in 1574.
Lauder in 1574, having Legerwood
and Earlston also under his care.
He was still min. in 1578.— \_Rey. Assig.}
THOMAS STORIE, adm. to Foulden in
1576; trans, to Hutton about 1596,
when Gordon also was under his
charge ; pres. to the vicarage by James VI.
20th Dec. 1598 ; removed to Gordon in
1609.— \_Reg. Assig. ]
JOHN VEITCH, born 2nd March 1620,
son of John V., min. of Roberton,
Lanarkshire ; educated at Univ. of
Glasgow ; M.A. (1639) ; pres. by Charles
II. 29th Dec. 1647 ; adm. 8th May 1648.
An Act of Parliament was passed in his
favour 2nd July 1661, but its terms are not
known. Refusing to conform to Episco
pacy, he was deprived in 1662. He returned
in 1680 under the Act of Indulgence, but
failing to compear before the Privy Council,
he was declared outlaw, 5th Oct. of that
year. He was arrested, and suffered great
privations in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh.
He was again deprived in 1682, and
sentenced to a further term of imprison
ment. 2nd Aug. 1683. He was released
10th Dec. following, and returned to his
I charge, but on 4th Sept. 1685 he was
seized by order of the Lord Chancellor
[James Drummond, Earl of Perth], and
kept in prison for twenty weeks. In 1690
he was restored, and was a member of
Assembly in 1690 and 1692. He died at
Dalkeith, on his return from the Commis
sion of Assembly, 16th Dec. 1702, and was
buried there. He marr. (1) 7th Sept. 1652,
Agnes, daugh. of Alexander Home, third
of Bassendean, and Sybilla, daugh. of
George Broun of Colstoun ; they had
sasine of lands in Bassendean llth July
1659 : (2) Susanna Dundas, who survived
him, and had issue— George, writer, Edin
burgh ; Susanna (marr. Nicol Edgar, min.
i of Hobkirk) ; Sophia (marr. James Ker,
I min. of Nenthorn). Publication— A De
scription of Berwickshire, or the Mers
(Sibbald MSS., Advocates' Library; vide
Macfarlane's Geographical Selections, iii.,
169-185, Scot. Hist. Soc., 1908).— [Wod-
row's Hist., iii., 196 ; Memoir of William
Veitch [his brother]; Acts of Part., vii. ;
Livingston's Life; Reg. Gen. Ass., 1690,
1692 ; Reg. Old Dec., i., ii., iii. ; Monteith's
Theater of Mortality, ii. ; Edin. and Lander
Test* ; Scot. Fred). Eloq. ; Hist. Berwick.
Nat. Club, xviii.; inscription in Veitch's
Latin Bible, formerly in the possession of
the Rev. Walter Wood.]
GEORGE WILSON, adm. to Killellan
before 31st Aug. 1065 ; trans, to
Simprin 12th Sept. 1072 ; adm. in
1683; pres. by Charles II. 26th March
1684 ; deprived by Act of Parliament 25th
April 1690, restoring the Presbyterian
mins. — \_Kffj. Sec. Sig. ', Min.-book Reg.
Friv. Seal ; MS. Ace. of Min., 1689.]
1690 JOHN VEITCH, M.A. (see above).
WALTER SCOTT, M.A. (Edinburgh,
28th June 1697); licen. by Presb.
of Dunbar 27th Jan. 1703; called
15th June, and ord. 21st Sept. 1704 ; died
May 1737, aged about 60. He marr. 28th
Feb. 1707, Sophia (died 1st April 1771),
claugh. of George Home of Bassendean,
and Katherine Pringle of Greenknowe,
and had issue — Francis, his successor ;
Catherine ; Agnes (marr. 19th Oct. 1730,
Andrew Gray, wigmaker, Edinburgh) ;
Barbara (marr. 6th July 1746, James
Anderson, one of the masters of the
High School, Edinburgh). — [Lander Tests. ;
FRANCIS SCOTT, bapt. 28th Dec.
1738 1"°^' son °f preceding; licen. by
Presb. of Earlston 5th Sept. 1732;
pres. by George II. 30th Sept. 1737 ; ord.
8th May 1738; died 12th Nov. 1781. He
marr. 13th Oct. 1743, Barbara Ker, who
died at Dalkeith, s.j>. 6th May 1782.
WILLIAM SHIELS, M.A. ; pres. by
1782 George HI" 23r(i N°v- 1781 > ord-
29th Aug. 1782 ; trans, to Earlston
1st July 1813.
JOHN SHIELS, born 14th April 1789,
son of preceding ; educated at Univ.
of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of
Lauder 6th Sept. 1811 ; pres. by George,
Prince Regent, and ord. 23rd Sept. 1813 ;
died unmarr. at Nice, where he had gone
for the recovery of his health, llth Feb.
JOHN BIRRELL, M.A. ; pres. by
1819 ^eoi'8e> Prince Regent, and ord.
23rd Sept. 1819 ; trans, to Second
Charge, Cupar-Fife, 28th Sept. 1825.
WILLIAM FLEMING, pres. by George
IV-: ord- llth May 1826; D-D-
(Glasgow, April 1829) : trans, to
Old Kilpatrick 4th Aug. 182!).
ROBERT J A MIES ON, pros, by
George IV. Oct. 1829; ord. 22nd
April 1830 ; clerk to the Presb. 19th
Dec. 1833 ; trans, to Carrie 14th Dec. 1837.
WALTER WOOD of Grangehill, born
Dundee 31st Oct. 1812, son of James
W., M.D., afterwards of Edinburgh,
and Mary, daugh. of Alexander Wood of
Grangehill, merchant in Elie ; educated at
Edinburgh Academy and Univ. of Edin
burgh; M.A. (7th April 1832); licen. by
Presb. of St Andrews loth June 1836;
assistant at St Mary's Parish, Edinburgh,
and at Kilbride ; pres. by Queen Victoria,
and ord. 3rd May 1838. Joined the Free
Church ; min. of Westruther Free Church
1843-45 ; of the Free Church, Elie, 20th
March 1845; died 6th March 1882. He
marr. (1) 25th Feb. 1845, Agnes (died
s.p. 14th April 1876), daugh. of George
Scott of Boundary Bank, Jedburgh : (2)
20th Sept. 1877, Margaret, daugh. of Alex
ander Broadfoot, New Zealand. Publica
tions — Present Diity, a Pastoral Address
to the Parishioners (Edinburgh, 1843) ;
What is Tradition, Worth ? a sermon
(Edinburgh, 1844) ; A Vast Difference
(Edinburgh, 1845) ; Memoir of Walter
Pringle of Greenknowe (Edinburgh, 1847) ;
The Last Things, an Examination of the
Doctrine of Scripture concerning the Re
surrection, the Second Coming of Christ,
and the Millennium (London, 1851) ; Letter
to the Rev. William Blatch on Baptismal
Regeneration (Pittenweem, 1851) ; The East
Neuk of Fife, its History and Antiquities
(Edinburgh, 1862 ; 2nd ed., 1887 [edited by
his nephew, James Wood Brown, M.A.,
min. of the Free Church at Gordon]) ;
Reply to Bishop Wordsworth's Charges
for 1865 and 1866 (Edinburgh, 1866). He
left in MS. commentaries on the Apoca-
lypse and the Prophecies of Zechariah. —
[Conolly's Eminent Men of Fife ; The
Harder Almanac, 1883 ; East Neuk of
Fife [Memoir].]
HENRY TAYLOR, born Slamannan,
31st Dec. 1809, son of Robert T.
and Elizabeth Robertson ; educated
at Univs. of Glasgow and Edinburgh ; licen.
by Presb. of Edinburgh 26th June 1839 ;
assistant at Polmont and Greenock ; ord.
by Presb. of Greenock for service in Canada
20th Oct. 1841 ; min. at Missisquoi Bay and
at La Prairie 1841-4 ; adm. to this charge
16th Feb. 1844 ; D.D. (Middleburg College,
Vermont, U.S.A., 15th Sept. 1866); died
llth Jan. 1896. He marr. 21st Oct. 1841,
Marion (died 8th Nov. 1885), daugh. of
John Gilchrist and Janet Gray, and had
issue — Janet Gray, born 22nd July 1842
(marr. (1) George Nisbet, farmer, Flass ;
(2) William Taylor, Glasgow); Elizabeth
Robertson, born 20th Jan. 1845, died 16th
Nov. 1845 ; Elizabeth Robertson, born 16th
Oct. 1846 ; Marion Gilchrist, born 10th
Jan. 1849, died 10th May 1855 ; Henrietta
Jane, born 4th Aug. 1851, died 14th
Sept. 1867. Publication — A Letter on
Revivals (1860). — [The Horder Almanac,
JOHN MUIRHEAD, M.A., B.D. ; ord.
1896 24th June 1896; clerk of Presb.
1899-1904; trans, to Avendale llth
Feb. 1904.
DAVID SILVER, born Portlethen
Schoolhouse, Banchory - Devenick,
7th April 1864, son of David S.
and Margaret Davidson Allan ; educated
at schools of St Fillans, Crieff, and
Comrie, and Univ. of Aberdeen ; M.A.
(1890); Royal Bounty Missionary at
Struan ; licen. by Presb. of Auchterarder
in 1891 ; ord. (at Struan) to St George's,
Grenada, West Indies, 2nd Feb. 1897 ;
res. in 1902 ; assistant at Selkirk in 1903 ;
adm. 19th May 1904. Marr. 16th Feb.
1897, Georgina, daugh. of George Stephen
and Elizabeth Thorn, and has issue —
George James, born 14th Nov. 1897 ;
Loveday Murray (twin), born 14th Nov.
1897, died 2nd March 1898.
[The erection of this Presbytery was undertaken by the General Assembly in April
1581. In 1613 a number of its parishes were incorporated in the new Presbytery of
Earlston then formed. Melrose was made the Presbytery seat, and so remained till
1640, when it was again changed to Selkirk. The only remaining Record of Melrose
Presbytery begins 6th Jan. 1607, and terminates 12th Jan. 1619; another, beginning
1639 and ending 1652, has been lost. Those of Selkirk commence 10th Feb. 1691.]
[The church was dedicated to St Xinian,
whose holy well was near.]
JOHN HAMILTON, pres. by James VI.
1570 14th Oct. 1570.
1574 JOHN SCOTT, reader.
Liberton ; pres. by James VI. 6th
Jan. 1579. Complaint was made in
the Assembly, Oct. 1580, that he adminis
tered the sacraments without examination
and outside his own parish, committing
the examination of the people to readers,
baptizing privately, celebrating the Com
munion at Innerleithen on Easter Day,
etc. He was retrans. to Liberton after
12th April 1582. — [Reg. Assig. ; Calder-
wood's Hist., iii., 476]
ROBERT SCOTT, son of Walter S. of
15Q6 Headshaw ; pres. by James VI. 15th
April 1586.— [Reg. Assif?.]
1604 before 24th May 1593 ; pres. by
James VI. 5th May 1604. By 7th
May 1611, he was "under disease, and
content to tak order anent providing his
kirk at the sight of the mins. of Melrose,
Earlston, and Stow." He died before 20th
July 1611. He marr., and had issue — an
only son, Patrick. — [Reg. Assig. ; Reg. of
Deeds, cxciii., 439.]
1611 (^ Andrews 1601) ; produced testi
monials from the Presb. of Hadding-
ton ; was pres. by John, Archbishop of
Glasgow, after 18th June, and adm. 31st
July 1611 ; died before 9th March 1620.
He marr. Agnes Scott (who survived him,
and marr. (2) James Scott, called of Whits-
lade), and had issue— Jean ; Elizabeth. —
[Roxburgh Inhih., 6th Feb. 1633; Ediii.
Com. Dec., 28th March 1620.]
ALEXANDER REID, adm. before 6th
^ec' !619; c^ec^ between llth May
1645 and Nov. 1649. He marr. Janet
Shaw, and had issue — John ; William.
apprenticed to George Reid, merchant,
Edinburgh, 12th April 1648.— [Jfelrose.
Sess. Reg. ; Bannatyne Mucell. : Edin.
App. Reg. ; Reg. of Dee/fs, ccccxlvi. 251,
dxxxv. 105.]
1649 burgh, July 1642); adm. between
19th Aug. and 2nd Nov. 1649 ;
deprived by Act of Parliament llth June,
and Decreet of Privy Council 1st Oct.
1662. He was indulged in 1679 and 1689.
THOMAS COURTNEY, formerly min.
of Mertoun and Kirkandrews-upon-
Esk in England; min. in 1007. —
. R. Iiiliib., 17th June 1667.]
1675 from Lochmaben, and adtn. before
30th Nov. 1675 ; trans, to St
Mungo's, Glasgow, after 16th Oct. 1685. -
[AV.V. ,SVv. SI [I.]
1679 noticec* • granted an indulgence by
the Privy Council 18th Dec. 1671).
[Wodrow's /fist., iii., 156.]
niCHARD SCOTT, third son of George
1685 ^' °^ Sinton and Mary Gladstanes
of Dod; M.A. (Edinburgh, 30th
June 1658) ; adm. to Kirkbean in 1675 ;
trans, and adm. after 16th Oct. 1685;
deprived by the Privy Council, 10th Sept.
1689, for neither reading the Proclamation
of the Estates nor praying for William and
Mary. He died at Edinburgh, 25th May
1722, aged 81. He marr. Katherine
Crichton, and had issue — Jean (marr.
(1) 28th March 1706, Alexander Leslie,
advocate in Aberdeen ; (2) 22nd Nov. 1725,
Alexander, son of Alexander Abercrombie
of Fetterneir).— [J/tf. Ace. of J/m., 1689 ;
Eflin. Re(j. (Bur.} ; Lain;/ Charters, 2783.]
1689 mentioned; returned in 1689; died
before 30th July 1691. He marr.,
and had issue — Mary, only daugh. (marr.
13th May 1691, Gideon Elliot, surgeon
apothecary, burgess of Edinburgh). — [/'. C.
Deer eta.]
ROBERT WYLLIE, M.A. ; trans, from
1691 Yarrow ; called in 1690 ; adm. 3rd
April 1691 ; trans, to Hamilton
13th May 1692.
CHARLES GORDON, a native of
1695 Aberdeenshire ; M.A. (Aberdeen,
llth July 1676); adm. to Campvere
in 1686; trans, to Dalmeny 23rd Sept.
1691 ; called Nov. 1694 ; trans, and adm.
8th Aug. 1695 ; offered the Chair of
Divinity in King's College, Aberdeen, 20th
Jan. 1698, but declined ; died 19th April
1710, aged about 54. He marr. 12th June
1690, Rosina, daugh. of George Campbell,
min. of Dumfries, who survived him, and
had issue — George; James; Christian. —
[Dumfries Jfarr. Re<j. ; Edin. Re<j. (l>a/>t.);
Boston's Mem.-, Wodrow's Ann!.; Arts of
Ass., 1698 ; Tombst.]
ROBERT LITHGOW, born 1680,
1711 y°unoest son of Alexander L. of
Drygrange, and Margaret, daugh. of
Gavin Elliot of Grange ; M.A. (Edinburgh,
29th April 1701) ; chaplain to his uncle,
Sir Gilbert Elliot of Minto, Bart., senator
of the College of Justice ; licen. by Presb.
of Edinburgh 17th Sept. 1707; called 23rd
Aug. 1710 ; ord. 7th March 1711 ; died
15th Nov. 1729. He marr. Isabella (died
at Edinburgh, Jan. 1740), eldest daugh. of
Robert Langlands of that ilk, and had
issue — Robert. — \Edin. Tests. ; Boston's
Mem. : Brown's Gospel Truth.]
WALTER STEWART of Barnhill, son
of Bailie Matthew S., Newton of
Mearns ; educated at Univs. of
Edinburgh and Leyden ; pros, by Sir
Gilbert Elliot of Minto, Bart. ; ord. 16th
Oct. 1730; died 15th April 1762. He
marr. (pro. 9th Sept. 1750), Mary (died at
Edinburgh, 2nd March 1793), daugh. of
James Duncanson of Garshake, and had
issue — Mary, born 4th July 1751, died
Dec. 1802; Matthew, born 10th Oct. 1752;
Helen, born 22nd March 1754, died 13th
May 1815 ; Margaret, born 25th Sept. 1755,
died 22nd Nov. 1755; James, born llth
Dec. 1756; Isabella, born 9th May 1759.
— [Wodrow's Anal. ; Edin. Chr. Inst.,
xxv. ; Tombst.]
1763 Howcleuch and Borthwickmains,
born 5th May 1720, second son of
John H., M.D., Jedburgh, and Christian,
daugh. of Simeon Elliot of Swinsyde ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by
Presb. of Dalkeith llth Oct. 1745; ord.
to Castleton 23rd Jan. 1751 ; pres. by Sir
Gilbert Elliot of Minto, trans, and adm.
31st March 1763; died 28th April 1797.
He marr. 19th May 1749, Elizabeth (died
5th April 1784), second daugh. of Robert
Elliot of Midlem Mill, and probably widow
of Charles Paterson of Drygrange, and had
issue — Kathcrine, born 15th Nov. 1752;
John, captain H.E.I.C.S., born 17th Sept.
1754, died in India, last male representative
of the family of Newmains and Mertoun ;
Robert, born 8th Feb. 1757, died 10th Feb.
1776; Thomas, born 22nd Nov. 1760, died
27th July 1765. Publication — Account of
the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace., iii.). — \0riy.
Paroch. Scot., i. ; Hist, of the Ifaliburtons ;
1798 James H., customhouse officer,
Leith, and nephew of Samuel
Charters, D.D., min. of Wilton ; educated
at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb.
of Edinburgh 26th Nov. 1794 ; orcl. by said
Presb., 27th July 1796, chaplain to the
7th Fencibles ; pres. by Sir Gilbert Elliot
of Minto, Bart., 27th Sept. 1797; adm.
21st March 1798; D.D. (Edinburgh, 9th
April 1805); died 22nd Sept, 1810. He
marr. 17th April 1800, Jean (died at Edin
burgh, 10th June 1816), daugh. of Alexander
Colvill, min. of Ormiston, and had issue —
Margaret Hunter, born 7th April 1801
(marr. Joseph Thomson, min. of Ednam) ;
James, born 23rd Feb. 1803 ; Jean Charters,
born 15th May 1805, died 17th March 1821 ;
Thomas Samuel, born 5th Sept. 1810. — Pub
lications — Extracts for the Use of Parish
Schools (Hawick, 1805 ; 2nd ed., that year) ;
Sermon* (Hawick, 1811). — [Eraser's Life
of Ralpli Erskine ; Edinburgh Christian
Instructor, i. ; Shaw's Fnn. Serm.; Hunter's
isil Sept. 1777, son of Gavin H., tenant
in Black wood, Douglas ; licen. by
Presb. of Lanark 2nd Oct. 1799 ; ord. min.
of a Presb. congregation at Harbottle,
Northumberland, 15th Nov. 1809; pres. by
the Commissioners for Gilbert, Lord Minto,
Oct. 1810 ; adm. 7th Aug. 1811 ; clerk
of the Presb. ; died 5th Jan. 1837. He
prepared for publication, at the request
of the Board of Agriculture, a volume
of Essays on Agriculture, etc., but the
work was never issued. He marr. 3rd
Aug. 1809, Mary Hamilton (died 20th
Aug. 1831), only daugh. of James Walker,
Antigua, and had issue — Joanna, born 1st
April 1810, died 24th June 1829; Janet,
born 30th Dec. 1811, died 23rd April 1814 ;
Gavin William, born 25th June 1823.
JOHN EDMONDSTON, born 1st Jan.
1801, son of Thomas E., ironmonger,
Edinburgh, and Isobel Howden ;
educated at High School (dux 1815) and
Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of
Edinburgh 26th Jan. 1825; pres. by
Gilbert, Earl of Minto; ord. 21st July
1837. Joined the Free Church ; min. of
Ashkirk Free Church in 1843; died at
Edinburgh, 8th Dec. 1865. He marr. 4th
Dec. 1842, Janet (died 17th Sept. 1895),
fourth daugh. of William Waddell, Gavin-
ton, and had issue — Jessie Trail], born 2nd
June 1844, died 13th Nov. 1870; Thomas
William, farmer, born 10th Jan. 1846, died
5th Aug. 1876 ; Isabella Howden, bom 14th
Aug. 1847 (marr. William Ross), died 30th
May 1905 ; WilhelminaEuphemia, born 9th
Feb. 1850, died unmarr. 29th Jan. 1893 ;
Elizabeth, born 20th Dec. 1851 ; Mary
Margaret, born 12th Nov. 1853 (marr. Dec.
1893, William Ebenezer White), died 24th
March 1905. Publication — Edited a school
edition of Paradise Lost and Paradise
Regained (London, 1854) ; assistant editor
of Works of John Owen, D.D. (Edinburgh,
1843 as a probationer for many years
within the bounds of the Presb. of
Perth ; pres. by Gilbert, Earl of Minto, 15th
July, and ord. 22nd Sept. 1843 ; dep. 10th
Oct. 1854 ; died unmarr. 12th Sept. 1869.
WILLIAM M'LEAN, pres. by Gilbert,
1855 Earl of Minto, 5th Dec. 1854 ; ord.
29th March 1855 ; trans, to Mertoun
1st Nov. 1860.
Edinburgh, eldest son of James S. ;
educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; ord.
to Fintry 1st October 1840 : pres. by
Gilbert John, Earl of Minto ; trans, and
adm. llth April 1861 ; died 27th Oct. 1870.
He marr. 3rd June 1841, Hannah Grierson,
Bridgenorth, who died x.p. 1st July 1891.
JOHN CHALMERS, born Coltranie,
1871 Auchtergaven, Perthshire, 14th Oct.
1826, son of James C.. farmer, and
Jane Gray ;„ educated at Auchtergaven
School and Univ. of St Andrews ; M.A.
(1852); licen. by Presb. of St Andrews in
1857: ord. to Newtyle 25th March 1863;
trans, and adm. 31st May 1871 ; died 30th
April 1894. He marr. (1) 30th April 1863,
Emily Rose (died 27th March 1864), daugh.
of Thomas Mason, vicar of Culpho, Ipswich,
and had issue — Walter James Mason, born
23rd Feb. 1864, died Jan. 1910: (2) 5th
Dec. 1866, Margaret, daugh. of James
Steele, Ingliston, Forfar, and had issue —
Rose Margaret, born 10th Dec. 1867
(marr. 18th April 1911, John Watson
Oastler, min. of Forteviot) ; Henry William,
marine engineer, born 20th March 1869,
died 30th April 1910 ; Louisa Jane, born
19th Aug. 1870 (marr. 3rd Aug. 1898,
Henry Gibson Anderson, bank manager,
Buenos Ayres) ; Edward Ernest, rancher,
Argentine, born 22nd March 1872 ; Richard
Mason, architectural draughtsman, born
25th March 1874 ; John Steele, in South
Africa, born 1st Jan. 1876 ; Mary Eliza
beth, born 30th July 1877 ; Susan Agnes,
born 8th Aug. 1879 ; Edith, born 12th
April 1881.
JAMES DAUN, born Whitehouse,
1892 Aberlour, 13th Aug. 1853, son of
George D., farmer ; educated at
Edinkillie School, Elgin Academy, and
Univ. of Edinburgh ; sometime teacher in
Comrie Public School, in Merchant Com
pany Schools, Edinburgh, and tutor at
Floors Castle, Kelso ; licen. by Presb. of
Edinburgh in 1887 ; assistant at St Aidan's,
Edinburgh ; ord. (assistant and successor)
1st Nov. 1892.
[The parish was called Bothenden in
1124. The church, founded by the monks
of Kelso, was probably dedicated to St
Bathan. At Holydean, called also Ringan's
Dean, there was a chapel of St Ninian.
The church of Bowden was very success
fully restored in 1909.]
1568 probably son or grandson of Thomas
D. of Maxpoffle, in the parish, and
Janet Oliphant ; pres. to the vicarage by
James VI. 10th Jan. 1567 ; adm. 2nd Feb.
1568 ; pres. to the parsonage of Lilliesleaf
by the King 22nd Nov. 1571. In 1574
Lilliesleaf, Langnewton, and Melrose were
also under his care, with the help of two
readers. He died FATHER OF THE CHURCH
in 1621. He marr. and had issue — Andrew,
his successor. — [If eg. Assiy.]
1617 ceding, served heir to his father 5th
Dec. 1 629 ; adm. (assistant and suc
cessor) after 28th Oct. 1617 ; trans, to St
Boswells 5th May 1618.— [Inq. Ret. Rox
burgh, 144.]
JOHN KNOX, probably son of John
1621 ^'' m*n- °^ ^e^rose ,; ^t-A. (St An
drews 1613 or 1614) ; pres. by James
VI. 22nd Nov. 1621, and was then Synod
clerk. He was a member of Assembly in
1638, of Commissions in 1646, 1648, and
was still min. 26th July 1654. He marr.
Margaret Douglas, and had issue — Henry,
M.A., a preacher (who attended Charles II.
while in exile, and showed promise of
ability ; a sum was put on his head by
the English ; he died in the house of a
friend in Edinburgh while Cromwell was
in Scotland) ; John, min. of North Leith.
—[Wodrow MS8., Advoc. Lib.]
165g 1644); died 26th Oct. 1659, aged
about 36.— [Tombst.]
JAMES KNOX, born 1630, son of
1662 William K., bookbinder, Edinburgh,
a grand-nephew of the Reformer ;
M.A. (Edinburgh, 15th July 1650) ; min.
in 1662; died 24th Aug. 1680. He marr.,
and had issue — Mary, died 7th March
1686, aged 7. — [Crawford's Knox Genealogy ;
Edin. Reg. (Bapt.) : Tombst. ; Inq. Ret,
Gen., 7021.]
HENRY KNOX, bapt. 9th May 1641,
1681 y°unSer brother of preceding ; M.A.
(Edinburgh, 18th July 1664) ; adm.
to Dunscore about 1673, and to this charge
about 1681. In 1689 he was deprived for
neither reading the Proclamation of the
Estates nor praying for William and Mary.
He had become a burgess and guild-brother
of Edinburgh in 1678, and retired to that
city, where he became a bookseller, and
died 27th Dec. 1716. He marr.. and had
issue — Robert, buried in Greyfriars, Edin
burgh, 1st June 1691; Catherine (marr.
12th Sept. 1717, David Thomson, barber,
Edinburgh) ; Agnes, buried in Greyfriars,
llth Oct. 1692; a son, who was a min. in
the island of St Christopher in the West
Indies. — \_Knox Genealogy ; MS. Ace. of
Min., 1689 ; Edin. Reg. (Bur.) ; Peterkin's
Constitution of the Church.]
1692 1^1 > Orc^ ^ ^an" 1(>92; trans, to
Moffat after 24th April 1695.
ARCHIBALD DEANS, born 1668, son
1697 of Henry D., schoolmaster, reader,
and session-clerk of Spott, whom he
succeeded in these offices, 27th Jan. 1689 ;
M.A. (Edinburgh, 28th June 1690); licen.
by Presb. of Dunbar 30th Sept. 1696;
assistant at North Leith ; ord. 23rd Sept.
1697; died 4th Feb. 1739. He marr. Mary
Stirling. Publication — An account of the
last words of Christian Kerr, who dyed at
Edinburgh on the 4th of Feb. 1702, in the
eleventh year of her age (Edinburgh, 1702).
— \Spott Sess. Reg. ; Tombst. ; Roxburgh
Sas., vii., 470.]
JAMES HUME, born 1712; licen. by
1742 P1'68^- of Kelso 4th Nov. 1735 ;
pres. by John. Duke of Roxburghe,
July 1739 ; ord. by the Synod at Kelso
20th April 1742. His settlement was
delayed for nearly three years by opposi
tion from the parishioners, and subsequent
proceedings in the Presb. and Synod. He
died 22nd Jan. 1792. He marr. 2nd Nov.
1742, Marion Ormiston, who died 7th Nov.
1781, and had issue— Andrew, born 18th
Aug. 1743, died 31st Oct. 1778; William,
born 14th April 1745; James, born 7th
May 1746; Agnes, born 4th April 1747;
John, born 16th June 1748; Thomas, born
29th Dec. 1749, died 8th Sept. 1756;
George, born 5th Jan. 1751, died 20th July
1781 ; .Alexander, born 12th Aug. 1752,
died 15th April 1753; Patrick, born 28th
April 1754; Joseph, born 2nd Dec. 1755,
died 26th Jan. 1757. — [Tombst.; Acts of
Ass., 1740-2 ; Morren's Ann., i.j
1792 Dumfriesshire ; licen. by Presb. of
Kelso 1st April 1781 ; pres. by John,
Duke of Roxburghe ; ord. 20th Sept. 1792 ;
died unniarr. 20th May 1797, aged 39.—
[Tombst .]
WILLIAM BALFOUR, born 1767, prob-
1795 ably son of John B., Perth ; educated
at Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by
Presb. of Jedburgh 9th Sept. 1791 ; called
1st Oct., and ord. (assistant and successor)
26th Nov. 1795; died 29th Dec. 1828.
He marr. 17th Sept. 1798, Mary Mein, who
died 31st May 1852, and had issue — John,
born 25th June 1799, died at Boston, U.S.A.,
15th Aug. 1844; Isabella, born 20th Jan.
1801 ; Robert, born 2nd Feb. 1803 ; Mary
Ann, born 20th May 1807 (marr. John
Fotheringham, writer, Peebles) ; Harriet,
born 22nd June 1812 (marr. James Scott,
M.D., Gilmerton, died 12th June 1867).
THOMAS JOLLY, born 1st Dec. 1795,
1829 son °^ Thomas J., min. of Dunnet ;
became schoolmaster of Thurso in
1816 ; educated at Univs. of Edinburgh
and Aberdeen ; licen. by Presb. of Caith
ness 27th Nov. 1822; ord. to Keiss 31st
Dec. 1827 ; pres. by the Trustees of James
Henry Robert, Duke of Roxburghe, 23rd
Jan. and 18th Feb., and adm. 4th Aug.
1829. Joined Free Church, and became
Free Church min. at Bowden in 1843 ;
died 30th May 1859. He marr. (1) 30th
July 1828, Anna M'Kidd, who died 28th
Sept. 1836, and had issue — Sophia Forsyth,
born 6th Oct. 1829, died 19th July 1842 ;
Christian, bora 2nd Jan. 1831 ; Anna, born
24th May 1832, died 23rd March 1849;
Catherine and Mary (twins), born 21st July
1833 ; Thomas, born llth March 1836 :
(2) 30th April 1839, Elizabeth Robertson,
who died 30th Nov. 1859, and had issue
— Archibald, born 22nd April 1840, min.
of Dunnet. Publication — Account of the
Parish (Neiv Stat. Ace., iii.). — [Tombst. ;
Beaton's Ecclesiastical Hist, of Caithness.]
born Inverness, 5th Sept. 1814, son
of William A., min. of llhynie ;
educated at Pihynie School, Grammar
School, and Univ. of Aberdeen ; M.A.
(King's College 1834) ; schoolmaster at
Gartly, 1834-40; licen. by Presb. of
Alford 16th Sept. 1840 ; pres. by James
Henry Robert, Duke of Roxburghe, and
ord. 16th Feb. 1844 ; D.D. (Aberdeen 1873) ;
died 14th Jan. 1893. He marr. 30th July
1845, Jane Christian Barbour (died llth
Aug. 1897, aged 75), daugh. of Alexander
Campbell, min. of Croy and Dalcross, and
had issue — an only child, Francis Patrick
Fleetwood, born 5th Aug. 1846, died 19th
June 1856.
Stirlingshire, 28th Oct. 1867, son of
William M., schoolmaster : educated
at Univ. of St Andrews ; M.A. (1887), B.D.
(1890) ; assistant at Bowden ; ord. (assistant
and successor) 9th Sept. 1891 ; dem. 18th
May 1899, and settled in Canada. Marr.
14th March 1894, Marie, daugh. of Morris
Forsyth Stuart, army and navy contractor,
Edinburgh, and has issue — William Car-
gill Stuart, lieut. A. and S. Highlanders,
born 9th May 1897, killed in action in
France 27th Aug. 1916; Sheena Margaret
Stuart, born 27th May 1899.
JOHN BURR, born 25th April 1869, son
of Peter Lorimer B., D.D., min. of
Lundie and Fowlis ; educated at
Dundee High School and Univ. of Edin
burgh ; M.A. (1891); licen. by Presb. of
Edinburgh May 1894 ; assistant at Oat-
lands Parish, Glasgow, 1894-7, and at
Hamilton, 1897-9; ord. 27th Sept. 1899;
chaplain Mediterranean Expeditionary
Force, 1915-16. Marr. 26th Sept. 1901,
Catherine Mary, second daugh. of Robert
Knox. Cambus, Clackmannanshire, and
Agnes Sime, and has issue — Susan Agnes,
born 17th Dec. 1902 ; Robert Knox
Lorimer, born 23rd May 1904. Publica
tion — Bowden Ckurck Restoration (1909).
[A chapel was opened here in 1863. The
parish was disjoined tjuoad s'icra from
Galashiels, Innerleithen, Selkirk, Stow, and
Yarrow in 1867.]
11OBEHT SMALL, born 1825, second
1867 son of Peter S., Coupar - Angus ;
educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; licen.
by Presb. of Glasgow in 1854; app. by
Alexander Pringle of Whytbank in 1863 ;
ord. first min. of the parish llth April
1867; died unmarr. 25th Nov. 1909. He
left £600 for the improvement of Caddon-
foot Church.
lglo 25th March 1875, son of John
Scrimger, D.D., Principal of the
Presbyterian College, Montreal ; educated
at M'Gill Univ., Montreal; B.A. (1896);
licen. by Presb. of Montreal in 1899 ;
assistant at St Cuthbert's, Edinburgh ;
ord. 27th April 1910.
[Ettrick. — The church, dedicated to St
Mary, belonged to the Abbey of Melrose.
There was a chapel at the Chapelhope.
/jKcdeiich, or Rankilburn. — This parish
was united for a time to Yarrow, but
severed in 1621. It was joined to Ettrick
in 1650.]
JOHN SCOTT, exhorter at Selkirk, had
also Ettrick and Rankilburn in his
charge in 1568.
ROBERT MARTIN, M.A. ; trans, from
1618 -M°w -; adm. (at Peebles) 5th May
1618 ; was a member of Assembly
in 1638 ; trans, to Eckford 23rd June
1641 Hyndhope (descended from the
Earls of Glencairn) ; MA. (St An
drews 1631) : pros, by Charles I. 16th April
1641. He refused to conform to Episcopacy,
and retired to his estate. The date of his
death is unknown. He marr. (name un
known), and had issue — James of Hynd-
hope, born in 1651, County Commissioner in
170-1, died in 1709 : Alexander, diplomatist
and historian, British Envoy at Venice
(1715-20), author of TTistori/ of (treat
Jh'itahi from tJie Revolution of 1688 to
the Accession of f,'eor;/e J. (translated from
the Latin manuscript by William Thomson,
LL.D. ; 2 vols., London, 1787), born 1654,
died at London, 1737. — [JRf'J. Sec. tiiy. ;
Wodrow's Anal. : Baillie's Letters ; Irving's
Scottish Writers, ii., 234 . Craig-Brown;s
Selkirkshire ; Tancred's Annals of a Border
Ciulj ; Diet. Nat. Jliotj.]
JAMES ADAMSON, M.A. (Edinburgh,
27th July 1663) ; said to have been
a native of Falkirk ; licen. by Presb.
of Peebles 14th Xov. 1667 ; adm. to Pettinain
after 14th May 1668; trans. toLangnewton
in 1677; trans, and adm. about 1684. He
was accused before the Privy Council, 19th
Sept. 1689, of neither reading the Proclama
tion of the Estates nor praying for William
and Mary, but for the restoration of James
VII. ; of not observing the Fast, but allow
ing his servants to work on that day ; and
of harbouring disaffected persons. These
charges were found not proven, and he was
acquitted. He left the parish in 1690,
dem. in 1693, and died in 1694, aged about
51. He marr. Margaret Colt, who survived
him, and had issue — Anne (marr. 14th Oct.
1712, John Dove, tailor, Edinburgh). — [J//V.
Ace. of Min., 1689 ; Ing. Ret. de Tut., 1122 ;
Charity Roll, 1700.]
JAMES MACMICHEX, ord. 30th Aug.
1693 ; trans, to Hownam 27th Jan.
THOMAS BOSTOX, born Duns, 17th
March 1676, son of John B. (who
suffered imprisonment in the cause
of nonconformity) and Alison Trotter;
educated at the Grammar School of Duns ;
was employed by Alexander Cockburn,
notary: M.A. (Edinburgh, 9th July 1694),
his whole expenses at college being
£10, 14s. 7;id. sterling; became school
master of Gleiicairn in 1695 ; res. 8th Feb.
1696 ; was thereafter tutor to young
Andrew Fletcher of Aberlady, and chaplain
to his stepfather, Colonel James Bruce of
Kennet; licen. by Presb. of Duns and
Chirnside 15th June 1697: officiated in
vacant parishes in the Presb. of Stirling
in 1698: ord. to Simprin 21st Sept, ](',!>!):
clerk of Synod in 1701 ; called by the
Presb, jure decoluto 24th Jan. 1706; adm.
1st May 1707, the day of the Union of
Scotland and Kngland : died 20th May
1732. He and eleven others gave in a
Representation and Petition to the General
Assembly of 1721 against an Act passed
in the previous year condemning The
Marrow of Modern Divinity, The As
sembly of 1722 directed that the ministers
who had signed the Representation should
be rebuked by the Moderator. That was
done, and a protest prepared by Boston
was not received, but was subsequently
printed by the protesters. Boston's own
writings, together with his devout life and
exemplary pastoral labours, contributed
greatly to the popularity of the doctrines
contained in the Marrow. His com
munions were attended by crowds from
all parts, and he was one of the most
influential figures in the Church life of
his time. His theology was essentially
Calvinistic. A narrow literalism domin
ated his interpretation of the Scriptures,
and he regarded even the Hebrew accents
as divinely inspired. He marr. 17th July
1700, Katherine (died 4th March 1737),
fifth daugh. of Robert Brown of Barhill,
Culross, a medical practitioner, and had
issue — Katharine, born 24th May 1701, died
in 1702 ; John, chamberlain to the Duke
of Buccleuch at Langholm, born 29th
April 1702, died in 1757 [his son became
an admiral of the British Xavy ; for an
interesting notice of him, vide Memoir of
Caroline Jlerschet]; Robert, born 21st
March 1704, died 26th Jan. 1705 ; Jane,
born 1st Xov. 1705 (marr. 2nd Dec. 1736,
James Russell of Ashiestiel), died in
1765 ; Ebenezer, born 23rd April 1707, !
died 8th Sept. 1707 ; Ebenezer, born 4th
Aug. 1708, died 10th Oct. 1708 ; Thomas, I
born 9th Feb. 1710, died 30th April
1712; Alison, born 8th June 1711 (marr.
James Anderson, farmer, Altrive), died
in I76o ; Thomas, his successor in the
parish ; Katharine, born loth July 1715,
died 12th March 1716. Publications—
The Everlasting Espousals [sermon on
Hosea ii. 19] (1715 ; frequently reprinted) ;
Reasons for .Refusing the Abjuration Oath
in its latest Form (1719) : Human Nature
in its Fourfo!<l State (Edinburgh, 1720;
2nd ed., 1729 ; numerous reprints) ; Q-ueru-s
to n Friend/ 1/ Advise)' (1722); Marrof of
Modern Divinity, with Notes (1726) ;
The Mi/steri/ of Christ in the Form of n
Servant (1727). Published after Boston's
death — A View of the Covenant of Grace
(Edinburgh, 1734 ; often reprinted) ; The
Crook in. the Lot, or The Sovereignty and
Wisdom of (rod displayed in the Afflictions of
Men ; preface, biographical and apprecia
tive, by Alexander Golden, Gabriel Wilson,
and Henry Davidson (Edinburgh, 1737 ;
many editions ; trans, into Welsh and
Gaelic) ; Tractatus Stigmologicus, Ilebra'o-
Biblicus (Amsterdam, 1738) ; Sermons and
Discourses, 2 vols. (Edinburgh, 1753-76);
An Explication of the first part of the As
sembly's Shorter Catechism (Edinburgh,
1755); Whole Work* (Edinburgh, 1767);
A Collection of Sermons (Edinburgh, 1772) ;
A Viet" of the Covenant of Works (1772);
The Distinguishing Characters of True
Believers (Edinburgh, 1773); An Illustra
tion of the Doctrines of the Christian
Religion, 3 vols. (Edinburgh, 1773); Ten.
Fast Sermons (1773) ; Whole Works (Dun
dee, 1773); Sermons, 3 vols. (Edinburgh,
1775) ; Memoirs of the Life, Time, and
Writings of the Reverend and Learned
Thomas Boston, A.M. (Edinburgh, 1776;
Berwick, 1805 ; Glasgow, 1899 ; Edinburgh,
1899 [edited by George H. Morrison]); The
Complete Works, edited by Samuel M'Millan,
12 vols. (London, 1854). — [Memoirs ; Acts
of Ass., 1720, 1722 ; Scots May., xviii. ;
Brown's Gospel Truth ; Middleton's Bio-
graphia Evangelica, iv., 254 ; Irving's Scot.
Writers, ii. ; Jean L. Watson's The Pastor
of Et trick ; Dr Andrew Thomson's Thomas
Boston ; Barnett's Makers of the Kirk ;
Henderson's Religious Controversies of
Scotland ; Morrison's Introduction ; Diet.
Nat. Biog. ; A General Account of Mi/
Life, lnj Thomas Boston, A.M., Minister
at Simprin, and at Ettrick (London, 1908),
edited by George D. Low, M.A., has a
lengthy bibliography of Boston's writings,
and of works on the Marrow controversy.]
THOMAS BOSTON, son of preceding :
1733 Pres- by Francis, Lord Napier ; ord.
4th April 1733 ; trans, to Oxnam
10th May 1749.
AND11EW WALKER, preacher at Caer-
7 lanrig Chapel [Teviothead] : called
18th Jan., and ord. 30th May 1750 ;
trans, to Canonbie 28th March 1765.
JOHN ADAMS, pres. by Francis, Lord
Napier, 19th July, and ord. 25th
Sept, 1765; died 21st May 1772.
He marr. 23rd May 1768, Margaret Burns,
Falkirk (an alliance which led to an extra
ordinary protest from his congregation, the
details of which cover five pages of the
kirk-session minute-book). She died at
Falkirk, 3rd May 1814, and had issue —
Mary Johnston, born llth Feb. 1769 ;
Hester [or Esther], born 26th April 1771.
HUBERT POTTS, a native of Roxburgh-
shire ; licen. by Presb. of Jedburgh
2nd Oct. 1754 ; ord. min. of a
Presbyterian congregation at Brampton,
Cumberland, 16th Oct. 1759 ; pres. by
Francis, Lord Napier ; adm. 9th Dec. 1772 ;
dem. 9th May 1780 ; he became min. of
a Presbyterian congregation at Penrud-
dock, Cumberland ; died 1st Jan. 1806,
aged 86. He marr. 13th May 1779, Eliza
beth Mennon, who died 3rd Dec. 1831, and
had issue — John, born 20th March 1780 ;
George, born 8th Sept. 1781 ; Robert, born
31st Dec. 1783; James, born llth Jan.
1786; Adam, born llth Aug. 1787.
THOMAS SHARP, pres. by Francis,
7 Lord Napier, Sept. 1780; ord. 20th
April 1781 ; trans, to Hawick 22nd
Oct. 1784.
JAMES HAY, ord. 6th May 178r, : trans.
1785 to Kirkton 23rd Sept. that year.
DAVID GRANT, min. of the Presby-
7 terian Meeting-house, Groat Market,
Newcastle, 14th Nov. 1781 ; pres. by
Francis, Lord Napier, and adm. 4th May
1786; trans, to Ochiltree 14th Dec. that year.
ROBERT GILL AN, pres. by Francis,
Lord Napier; ord. llth May 1787;
trans, to Hawick 30th Dec. 1789.
ROBERT .RUSSELL, M.A. ; pres. by
Francis, Lord Napier, 5th Feb., and
ord. (5th -May 1790 : trans, to Yarrow
1st Sept. 1791.
CHARLES PATON, M.A., teacher of
a school at Callander, Perthshire ;
licen. by Presb. of Deer 15th Sept.
1779 ; preacher at Caerlanrig Chapel
[Teviothead] ; pres. by Francis, Lord
Napier; ord. (late at night in a bedroom
at Selkirk manse, in presence of three
members of the Presb., a severe snow
storm having prevented all access to
Ettrick) 8th Dec. 1791 ; died unmarr.
18th Feb. 1818, in his 64th year.
JOHN BENNET, bom 10th Aug. 1793,
son of William B., min. of Dudding-
ston ; educated at Univ. of Edin
burgh : licen by Presb. of Brechin 3rd
April 1816 ; pres. by Francis, Lord Napier,
6th April, and ord. 7th Aug. 1818; died
(of typhus fever, caught when visiting one
of his people) 10th Oct. 1822. He marr.
6th Feb. 1821, Elizabeth (died 13th Oct.
1884, aged 89), eldest daugh. of William
Singer, D.D., min. of Kirkpatrick-Juxta,
and had issue — William, licentiate of the
Free Church, poet, editor of Lays from
Annandale [vide Echoes of the Past (Edin
burgh, 1899)], born 8th Jan. 1822, died 16th
May 1899. — [Edward's Modern Scottish
Poets, xii.]
JAMES SMITH, born 1787 ; licen. by
Presb. of Dumfries 4th Dec. 1816 ;
pres. by Francis, Lord Napier, 30th
Dec. 1822 ; ord. 28th Aug. 1823 ; died while
preparing to attend a meeting of Presb.
at Selkirk 16th March 1858. He marr.
3rd June 1828, Barbara (died at Callander,
24th Oct. 1866). daugh. of Walter Paterson,
stone engraver, Holm of Balmaclellan, and
Mary Locke, and had issue — Mary, born
10th Oct. 1829 ; John, born 10th June 1831.
Publication — Account of the Parish (N<'n>
8tat. Ace., iii.). — [Tombst.]
HENRY DUNCAN, ord. 9th Sept. 1858 ;
1858 trans, to Crichton 19th Feb. 1864.
JOHN FALCONER, born Bogendollo,
Fettercairn, 20th July 1831, eldest
son of Alexander F., farmer : edu
cated at parish school, Fettercairn, Univs. of
( llasgow and St Andrews ; licen. by Presb.
of Fordoun in 1857 ; missionary at Arden-
tinny ; ord. to North Esk 24th Nov. 1 8.')!) ;
trans, and adm. 16th June 1864; died at
Edinburgh, 18th April 1911. He marr.
15th Oct. 1878, Agnes Davidson, who died
.s./>. 5th June 1906, aged 64.
ord. (assistant and successor) 20th
Dec. 1894; trans, to Coats 10th
Jan. 1907.
ALEXANDER HORN, born Kippen,
19Q7 Stirlingshire, 10th Feb. 1858, son
of David H., railway engineer ;
educated at Dollar Academy and Univ.
of Edinburgh ; M.A. (1878), B.D. (1882) ;
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh 18th May
1882 ; assistant at Greenside, Edinburgh,
etc. ; Examiner in Theology and assistant
to Professor of Divinity, Edinburgh ; ord.
(assistant and successor) 22nd Oct. 1907.
[These parishes were united about the
13th century. The church was removed
from Lindean to Galashiels in 1622. Until
the Reformation Lindean belonged to the
Abbey of Kelso. At Galashiels the princi
pal services are conducted in the handsome
modern church of St Paul (opened 23rd
Nov. 1881), instead of in the less convenient
parish church. There was a fair of St John
the Baptist at Galashiels.]
WILLIAM KER, son of George K. of
1569 Ijinton ; pres. to the vicarage by
James VI. 18th Aug. 1569. He was
deprived before llth Nov. 1599, but is
mentioned as Vicar of Lindean 7th May
1606. He was ordered by the Presb. 8th
Sept. 1607 to be " summoned next day,"
that he might transfer a contract betwixt
him and William Hogg into the hands of
Patrick Urquliart. He probably became
Bishop of Lismore in Ireland. He marr.
Marion Steill, and had issue — James, M.A.
— [Re<j. Assiy. ; Exchequer Built ; \Vodi-ow
Miscell. ; Melrose Reyal. Rec., i., 9 (Scot.
Hist. Sue.) : <;. R. Inhib., 2nd Jan. 1618.]
WILLIAM HOGG, M.A. ; pres. to the
1599 vicaraSe by James VI. 1 1th Xov. 1 599;
trans, to Ayton in 1601. — [Raj. Assig.]
1601 burgh, 12th Aug. 1591); aclm. to
Langnewton in 1593 ; min. in 1601 ;
pres. to the vicarage by James VI. llth
Sept. 1617; he was still min. 20th April
1627.— [AV/. ,SVr. ,fy/."J
JAMES URQUHART, probably son of
1635 Preceding ; M.A . (Edinburgh, 26th
July 1623); pres. to Mertoun 20th
May 1632 ; trans, and adm. (at Glasgow)
13th May 1635; died in 1(550, aged about
47. He had "ane tenement of land in
Canongate," for the infeftment of which
he compounded with the city of Edinburgh,
9th March 1642. He marr. Elizabeth,
sister of John Pringle of Cortilferrie, and
had issue — George, writer, Edinburgh ;
Patrick and James, apprentices to James
Pollok, merchant, Edinburgh, 2nd Aug.
1654, and 24th July 1661.— [Wodtw J/.SX;
Edin. Counc. Re<j. ; Lain;/ Charter*, 3058 ;
-Edin. Apprentice
1Q48 M.A. (Edinburgh, July 1642); adm.
(colleague) 27th Jan. 1648 ; died 15th
Nov. 1651, aged 27. — [Jedburgh Presb. Re;/. ;
THOMAS LOWIS, M.A. ; min. in 1654;
1654 deprived by Act of Parliament llth
June, and Decreet of Privy Council
1st Oct. 1662. He returned in 1690.
THOMAS WILKIE of Bewlie, M.A. ;
-__.. min. in 1665; trans, to North Leith
4th Jan. 1672.
HUGH SCOTT, M.A., formerly of Ox-
1672 nam ; adm. 1st Dec. 1672 ; was min.
of Stow in 1688.
JAMES SCOTT, M.A. (Edinburgh,
1689 "fck April 1675 ; min. in 1689 ; de
prived by Act of Parliament 25th
April 1690, restoring Presbyterian rains. ;
died at Edinburgh, 17th June 1715, aged
about 60.— [IAS'. Ace. of Min., 1689.]
THOMAS LOWIS, M.A., min. in 1654,
1690 restored by Act of Parliament 25th
April 1690; dem. 4th March 1691;
adm. to Innerleithen 3rd March 1697.
HUGH CRAIG, son of John C., merchant
burgess of Edinburgh and a noted
Covenanter; became a merchant
burgess of Edinburgh ; studied at Univ.
of Glasgow, and was ord. 15th Dec. 1692 ;
died Feb. 1711. He marr. (pro. 28th April
1687) Christian Galloway, and had issue —
Hugh ; Robert, born 1689, died Nov. 1701 ;
John, born 19th Sept. 1690, died 22nd Sept.
1698; Jean; Francis, licentiate of Presb.
of Selkirk; Margaret (marr. June 1715,
Thomas Thomson, min. of Auchtermuchty).
A notebook in Craig's handwriting is in
the General Register House, Edinburgh. —
[Liidithgow Presb. and Fife tit/nod Re<js. ;
Wodrow's Anal.; Acts of Ass., 1730;
Boston's Jfem.]
HENRY DAVIDSON, born 1687, son of
1714 a oai'dener or farmer in the parish
of Eckford ; M.A. (Edinburgh, 27th
April 1705) ; Keen, by Presb. of Jedburgh
5th March 1712; called 10th Aug., and
ord. 21st Dec. 1714. He was the last
survivor of the Twelve who petitioned the
Assembly, llth May 1721, against the
Act condemning the Marrow of Modern
Divinity. About 1735, he discontinued the
observance of the Communion in his parish,
and frequently went down to Maxton on
Sunday nights to join in the Communion
of a small body of Glassites there. He
expressed a willingness to resign his charge,
but his people would not hear of it, and
the Presb. being equally solicitous that he
should remain, attending only to those
parts of his office he felt himself at liberty
to perform, he remained min. till his death,
24th Oct. 1756. He marr. 23rd Feb. 1727,
Katherine (died in childbed, 6th Feb.
1728), daugh. of Sir James Scott of Gala
and Eupliam Douglas of Cavers. Publica
tions — The fulness of the Godhead dwelling
in Christ, a sermon ; Dark Providences to
le admired, not curiously pry'd into, two
sermons ; Letters to Christian Friends
[with memoir, probably by Robert Douglas,
D.D.] (Edinburgh, 1811).— [Boston's Mem. ;
Scots Mag., xviii. ; Harder Counties Maga
zine, 1881 : Hall's Galashiels, 197.]
ALEXANDER GLEN, trans, from
Kirkton ; pres. by Hugh Scott of
Gala 8th March, and adm. 7th Dec.
1757 ; trans, to Dirleton 19th Oct. 1769.
ROBERT DOUGLAS, born Kenmore,
19th July 1747, son of John D.,
min. of Kenmore, afterwards of
Jedburgh ; educated at Marischal College
and Univ. of Aberdeen; licen. by Presb.
of Haddington 5th Sept. 1769; pres. by
Hugh Scott of Gala 5th March, and ord.
19th July 1770; D.D. (King's College,
Aberdeen, 1797) ; died 15th Nov. 1820. By
his efforts and by his becoming security for
the capital required, the manufactures of
the then small village of Galashiels were
largely founded and extended. His share
in thus promoting the prosperity of Gala
shiels and the grateful recognition of his
people, form an interesting feature in the
history of the town. He has been termed
the Father of Galashiels. It was from him
Sir Walter Scott purchased the small estate
on which Abbotsford was built, and he
was the minister to whom the thirteenth of
Paul's Letters to his Kimfolk is addressed,
in which are several allusions to his
intimacy with Sir Walter. He marr. 4th
June 1784, Robina (died 1st Oct. 1837,
aged 82), daugh. of Edward Lothian,
jeweller, Edinburgh, and had issue — John,
born 4th April 1786, died llth Oct. 1787;
Edward Lothian, born 6th July 1787, died
1st Jan. 1789; Helen, born 18th Sept. 1788
(marr. John Thomson, min. of Maxton) ;
Beatrice, born 18th Oct. 1790, died 28th
Dec. 1850; Robert, born 27th Feb. 1793.
died 15th Sept. 1809 ; George, merchant,
Glasgow, born 21st Nov. 1794, died llth
June 1846 ; Arabella, born 2nd March 1798,
died 27th Jan. 1876. Publications — On
Oaths and the Danger of Multiplying them
(1783); A General View of the Agriculture
of the Counties of Roxburgh, and Selkirk
(Edinburgh, 1798) ; Account of the Parish
(Sinclair's Stat. Ace., ii.). — [Lockhart's Life
of Scott ; The Border Treasury ; Craig -
Brown's Selkirkshire and Letters and
Memoir of Mrs Alison Rutherford ; Hall's
Hist, of Galashiels, 200 et seq. ; Butler's
Lindean and Galashiels.^
1821 J°nn Scott of Gala 21st Feb., and
ord. 30th Aug. 1821 ; trans, to St
Andrew's Parish, Glasgow, 20th Feb. 1834.
JAMES VEITCH, pres. by John Scott
of Gala, and ord. 6th Aug. 1834 ;
trans, to Newbattle 2nd Oct. 1840.
1841 23rc^ April 1816, son of Robert P.,
min. of Wick ; educated at Univ.
of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of Caith
ness 28th Nov. 1837 ; pres. by Hugh Scott
of Gala ; ord. 14th May 1841 ; convener
of Army and Navy Chaplains Committee
1863-88; D.D. (Edinburgh 1869) ; convener
of Home Mission Committee, 1869-88 ; dem.
17th Nov. 1870 ; Moderator of Assembly
in 1877; convener of Business Committee of
the General Assembly, 1879-87 ; died 12th
Jan. 1888. As a young minister he took a
prominent part in the measures then taken
for defending, strengthening, and encourag
ing the Church of Scotland, which had
been greatly weakened by the Secession of
1843. He was successful in obtaining from
Government the recognition of the claims
of Presbyterian soldiers and sailors to the
benefits of the ministry of the Church of
Scotland. He brought to the Convenership
of the Home Mission Scheme administra
tive talents of a high order, and gave his
services with a power, courtesy, and tact
which were universally acknowledged. He
was a learned Church lawyer, a debater
of remarkable readiness and vigour, and
leader of the Assembly for many years.
A fund of £1000 raised in his memory,
provides a grant of " net less than £12 and
not more than £20 as an extra allow
ance towards the support of licentiates
or ministers of the Church of Scotland
labouring as missionaries, but not as parish
ministers, within defined districts contain
ing populations of at least 1000, and chiefly
composed of the poorer classes.''1 His por
trait is in the offices of the Church. He
marr. 9th March 1852, Margaret Thomson
(died 3rd June 1905, s.p.), daugh. of James
Pitcairn, M.D., Edinburgh. Publications
- -The Church and her Accuser in the Far
North [a severe criticism of Sir George
Sinclair's Six Letters on the Position and
Projects of the Established Church of Scot
land, especially in the Northern Counties]
by " Investigator :; (Glasgow, 1850); Fanati
cism in tin- North (Edinburgh, 1882).— [The
Scotsman, 13th Jan. 1888: The. Border
Almana^ 1889; Hall's Galaskiels.]
1871 born Perth, 17th May 1823, son of
William (!., banker, and Jessie
Burn ; educated at Perth Academy, and
Univs. of Edinburgh and St Andrews ;
licen. by Presb. of Perth 10th June 1846;
assistant at Dunning ; ord. (assistant and
successor) at Dunning 27th Sept. 1848 ;
trans, to Blantyre 27th Sept. I860: D.D.
(St Andrews 1867) : pres. by Hugh Scott
of Gala ; trans, and adm. 20th April 1871 ;
Baird Lecturer in 1879 ; Moderator of As
sembly 23rd May 1889 : dem. 28th June
1892; interim Professor of Biblical Criticism,
Univ. of Aberdeen, 1896-7 : LL.D. (Aber
deen 1897); died at Edinburgh, 7th Jan.
1906. He attained much distinction as a
commentator and New Testament scholar.
He marr. 23rd Jan. 1867, Elizabeth (died
21st July 1914, s.p.\ daugh. of Gavin Lang,
min. of Glasford. Publications -.4 Treatise
on, the Assurance of Salvation (Edinburgh,
1853 : 2nd ed.) ; A Treatise on Justifi
cation by Faith (Edinburgh, 1856); The
Primeval World: a Treatise on the Re
lations of Geology to Theologi/ (Edinburgh,
1859) ; A Treatise on the Resurrection
(London, 1862); translation of Lechler
and Gerok's Apostelgeschichte (Edinburgh,
1865) ; Practical Christianity (Glasgow,
1866); Commentari/ on the Acts of the
Aj)ost!es,2 vols. (Edinburgh, 1870); Intro
duction to the Pauline Epistles (Edinburgh,
1874) ; The Messianic Prophecies (Baird
Lecture, 1879) ; translation of Liinemann's
Thessalonicker (Edinburgh, 1880) ; edited
Sermons of James Veitch, D.D. (Edin
burgh, 1880) ; translation of Huther's
James and Jude (Edinburgh, 1881); Life
of St Paul (Bible Primer Series ; Edin
burgh, 1881): "Commentary on Epistle of
James ;: (Schafi's Popular Bible Com-
ntentary, 1883) ; Exegetical Studies (Edin
burgh, 1884); Introduction to the CatJtoli<-
Epistles (Edinburgh, 1887); "Com
mentary on the Thessalonians ;; (Pulpit
Commentari/; London, 1887); translation
of Meyer's Apostelijeschichte (Edinburgh,
1887); Closing Address of Genera? As
sembly (Edinburgh, 1889) ; Introduction
to the Johannine Writings (Edinburgh,
1891); Subjects and, Mode of JJaptisiu
(Edinburgh, 1891); Life of St John (Bible
Primer Series ; Edinburgh, 1892) ; Intro
duction to the Synoptic Gospels (Edinburgh,
1895) ; Evening Thoughts (Edinburgh, 1900).
— [Paton J. Gloag, a memoir, by Elizabeth
; S. Gloag; Life and Work, July 1889 and
Feb. 1906 ; The Scotsman, 10th Jan. 1906 ;
Diet. Nat. Bio;/.]
DAVID HUNTER, born Ayr, 1st April
1892 1851> son °f Hugh H. ; educated at
Ayr Academy and Univ. of Glas-
i gow, and at Tubingen and Leipzig; M.A.
(Glasgow 1873), B.D. (Glasgow 1876) ; licen.
by Presb. of Ayr 2nd May 1877 ; assistant at
St Cuthbert's, Edinburgh ; ord. (assistant
j and successor) at Kelso 23rd Jan. 1878 ;
trans, to St Mary's, Partick, 5th Oct. 1882 ;
1 D.D. (Glasgow 1892); trans, and adm. 8th
Dec. 1892 ; Convener of Committee on
Probationers, 18961903; died 20th Feb.
i 1907. He marr. 6th Feb. 1878, Mary Anne
(died 7th March 1901), daugh. of Edmund
William Jones, and had issue— Hugh Black-
: burn, W.S., major A.S.C., British Expedi-
: tionary Force, France, 1914-16, born 3rd July
j 1880. Publications — Translated Meyer's
' Pastoral Epistles (Edinburgh, 1881); Reuss's
| TTistor;/ 'of the Canon of Holy Scripture
(Edinburgh, 1884); Meyer's Second Epistle
to the Corinthians (Edinburgh, 1891) ; The
Fiars in Scotland (Church Law Society
Paper; Edinburgh, 1905).
DUGALD BUTLER, born Glasgow,
19Q7 18th Nov. 1862, son of Dugald B. ;
educated at High School and Univ.
of Glasgow ; M.A. (1883) ; licen. by Presb.
of Dunoon in 1886; assistant at New
Kilpatrick ; orcl. to Abernethy, Perthshire,
23rd Sept. 1890; trans, to Tron Parish,
Edinburgh, 10th July 1902; trans, and
adrn. 7th Aug. 1907 ; D.D. (Glasgow 1907).
Marr. 13th April 1893, Catherine Barrie,
eldest daugh. of Sir James Marwick, LL.D.,
town-clerk of Glasgow. Publications— The
Teaching of Emerson (Newburgh-on-Tay,
1892) ; The Ancient Church and Parish
of Abernethy (Edinburgh, 1897); John
Wesley and George Whitefield in Scotland
(Edinburgh, 1898); Henri/ Scougal and
the Oxford Methodists (Edinburgh, 1899);
Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys (Guild
Library ; Edinburgh, 1900) ; Life and
Letters of Archbishop Leiyhton (London,
1903); Eternal Elements in the Christian
Faith (Edinburgh, 1905) ; The Tron Kirk
of Edinburgh (Edinburgh, 1906) ; Thomas
a Kempis, a religious study (Edinburgh,
1908) ; Gothic Architecture : its Christian
Origin and Inspiration (Edinburgh, 1910) ;
Archbishop Leighton's Practice of the
Presence of God, with introduction (Edin
burgh, 1911) ; Unity, Peace, and Charity :
a Tercentenary Lecture on Archbishop
Leighton (Edinburgh, 1912); Woman and
the Church in Scottish Histori/ (Edinburgh,
1912) ; George Fox in Scotland (Edinburgh,
1913); St Cuthbert (lona Books Series;
Edinburgh, 1913) ; St Giles (same series ;
Edinburgh, 1914) ; Lindean and Galashiels
(Galashiels, 1915).
[This parish was disjoined from Gala
shiels 9th Feb. 1874. A church was built
in 1868 and enlarged in 1888.]
second son of John S., writer, Glas
gow ; ord. 15th Dec. 1870 ; adm.
first min. oi the parish 24th March 1874;
dem. 17th July 1883. Joined the Church of
Rome. He marr., and had issue. Publica
tion — TheChurch of Scotland [from a Roman
Catholic Point of View] (Paisley 1892).
ord. 27th Dec. 1883 ; trans, to
Falkirk 2nd Feb. 1899.
ANDREW MUTCH, M.A. : ord. 12th
: trans- t0
Dec. 1902.
FRANCIS M'HARDY, M.A., B.D. ; ord.
15th April 1903 ; trans, to Midmar
12th Nov. 1908.
WILLIAM DICKSON, born Glenburn
1909 ^Of Antrim, Ireland, 12th March
1867, son of Paul D. ; educated at
Queen's College, Belfast ; B.A. (Royal
University, Ireland, 26th Oct. 1894) ; licen.
by Presb. of Ahoghill 12th May 1896;
adm. to this charge 14th April 1909 ; res.
7th June 1915; died at Dundonald, Ire
land, 7th May 1916. Marr. 18th June 1902,
Edith Jane Hanna, and has issue — Edna
Jane Caldwell, born 4th Aug. 1903, died
1904; William Stewart, born 21st June
1906; John Hanna, born 15th Sept. 1909;
died 5th Jan. 1910 ; Edith Moyra, born
8th May 1911.
born 28th Feb. 1888, son of Henry
Ritchie Buchan, min. of Kilbirnie ;
educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; M.A. (1910),
B.D. (1913); licen. by Presb. of Glasgow
7th May 1913; assistant at St Matthew's
Parish, Edinburgh; ord. 15th Sept. 1915;
marr. 7th Aug. 1916, Janet Pearson, daugh.
of James Cunningham, Edinburgh.
[A church was built here in 1877. The
parish was disjoined from Selkirk, 12th
Jan. 1885.]
Jan. 1878 ; trans, to Bunkle and
Preston 8th Jan. 1880.
JOHN SHARPE, born Falkland, Fife,
17th Jan. 1848, son of Robert S.,
manufacturing agent; educated at
Falkland Parish School and Univ. of St
Andrews ; licen. by Presb. of Cupar June
1878 ; assistant at St Cyrus ; ord. 6th
May 1880 ; adm. first min. of the parish
12th Jan. 1885 ; clerk of Presb. 1898-1916 ;
died unmarr. 13th July 1916. Publica
tion — Selkirk : Its Clum-h, It* tic/tool, and
ItK Presbyter;/ (Selkirk, 1914).
1916 born ArmaSn> Ireland, 8th July 1873,
son of John B. ; educated at Armagh
Academy and Univ. of Belfast ; ord. min.
of the Congregational Church, Cleland,
Lanarkshire, 4th Sept, 1904 ; adm. to Bath
Street Congregational Church, Dunfermline,
10th Nov. 1906. Joined the Church of
Scotland May 1914 ; assistant at Sandbank,
Callander, High Church, Inverness ; ord.
interim min. of St Stephen's Parish, Inver
ness, 4th May 1916 ; adm. to this charge
12th Dec. 1916. Marr. 27th April 1905,
Elizabeth Young, daugh. of James Brash,
[There was an ancient chapel here. The
parish was disjoined quoad omnia from
Yarrow, 25th June 1851.]
Shaws, in the parish, 9th Nov. 1816,
son of Thomas G. and Jane Sharpe,
great-granddaughter of Thomas Boston ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by
Presb. of Selkirk 2nd March 1841 ; pres.
by Queen Victoria; ord. 30th Dec. 1851;
died 13th Nov. 1879. He marr. 27th Aug.
1853, Gertrude Bertha Allison, who died
s.p. 26th Oct. 1872.
William, Wigtownshire, 23rd March
1842, son of John M., shipmaster,
and Rosanna M'Guffie ; educated at Port
AVilliam Parish School and Univ. of Glas
gow ; licen. by Presb. of Wigtown in 1868 ;
ord. (assistant and successor) 25th July
1876. Marr. 4th June 1884, Emily Jane,
daugh. of Thomas Mitchell, Kirkhope, and
has issue — Rosanna Elizabeth, M.B., Ch.B.,
born 1st Oct. 1888; Hugh Agnew, M.B.,
Ch.B., born 25th May 1890.
[A chapel was opened here 16th July
1838. The parish was disjoined from
Melrose, llth July 1855.]
1839 b°rn °ld Monkland> 22nd Dec- 1810'
son of John F., merchant ; educated
at Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by Presb. of
Hamilton ; assistant at Kilmarnock ; ord.
13th Sept. 1839. Joined the Free Church ;
min. of Ladhope Free Church 1843-45 ; of
the Free Church, Ferry-Port-on-Craig, in
1845 ; died 9th July 1886. He marr. 1«41,
Christina (born 12th Sept. 1817, died 5th
July 1896), daugh. of William Meek, D.D.,
min. of Hamilton, and had issue— John
Meek, born 1842, died 1843; Christina
Croil, born 29th Oct. 1844 (marr. 1872,
Robert Paul, min. of Free Church, Dollar),
died 30th Jan. 1906 ; William Meek, min.
of St Paul's United Free Church, Edin
burgh, born 4th Sept. 1846, killed by a fall
from his bicycle, 4th May 1913 ; John
Meek, born 1848, died 1850; Alexander
Croil, merchant, London, born 1850, died
1903; Elisabeth Jane, born 1852; Jessie
Hetherington, born 1854, died 1864; Robert
Hill. min. of Carnbee United Free Church,
1884-1907, secretary of the National Bible
Society of Scotland, 1907 : born 1856.—
[Hall's Hist, of Ladhope Free Church.}
JAMES SMITH, authorised by Presb.
to take charge of the district of
Ladhope, 17th March 1846 ; adm.
first min. of the parish 7th Feb. 1856 ; trans.
to Greyfriars, Aberdeen, 17th Dec. 1857.
June 1858 ; trans, to Lilliesleaf 4th
Aug. 1881.
ROBERT BORLAND, ord. 2nd March
1882 1882; trans, to Yarrow 14th June 1883.
born Caldow, Balmaclellan, 13th
Aug. 1847, son of Adam C. and
Margaret Corson ; educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh; M.A. (1869); ord. toLochrutton
20th Nov. 1879 ; trans, and adm. 21st Jan.
1884 ; dem. 26th June 1900 ; died 21st July
1914. He marr. llth Jan. 1881, Jane Mary
Mason, daugh. of Thomas Patterson, Kirk-
caldy, and had issue -Edith Mary, horn
31st Dec. 1881 ; Frances Maud Marguerite,
born 4th July 1885 (marr. 1st Oct. 1908,
Konrad Gerhardt) ; Elizabeth Beveridge,
born 28th Jan. 1887: William Ramsay
( 'orson, I.C.S., born 7th Oct. 1889.
5th Dec. 1900 ; trans, to Rosemount
Parish, Aberdeen, 18th Feb. 1914.
1914 ley' 26th ^arcu 188f!' son °f ^avid
R. and Grace Hunter : educated
at Univ. of Glasgow : M.A. (1907), B.D.
(1911); Keen, by Presb. of Paisley in 1911 :
assistant at St Michael's Parish, Dumfries,
and Dean Parish, Edinburgh : ord. 16th
July 1914 ; chaplain British Expeditionary
Force, France, 1914-16 : res. 1916.
[The church of Lilliesleaf is mentioned
in the Inquisition of David, 1116 ; Walter,
"chaplain of Lillesclive," attested in 1174
at Lin ton, a grant of land from William the
Lion to William de Somerville. In 1190
the parson of " Lyllesclif " claimed part of
the lands of Botheldene (Bowden) ; and in
1296 John of Rutherford, "parson" here, did
fealty to Edward I. Up to the Reformation
the church belonged to the See of Glasgow.
There was a chapel at Riddell. An apse
was added to the church in 1910 by the
Rev. Arthur Pollok Sym.]
1571 m*n< °^ Bowden (tf.v.) : had Lilliesleaf
under his care, 1571-74.
1574 1574-80.
THOMAS WILKIE, a relative of John
8 Row the Reformer ; M.A. (St An
drews 1583); reader in 1586; min.
in 1588 ; pres. to the parsonage and vicarage
by Robert, Lord Roxburghe, before 2nd
Feb. 1609. He admitted the gudewife of
Sinton, Ashkirk, to the communion, " she
being a contemner of her awin min. and
of her awin kirk." The Presb., 19th Sept.
1615, was greatly offended and rebuked him
for so doing, declaring " if he do so again
he will be suspended from his office/'' He
was still min. 28th Oct. 1638. He was
probably the father of Thomas, min. of
Crailing, and of William his own successor.
— [Key. of Detnh, ccxv., 3 ; ftf<j. Ansiy. ;
Wodrow:s St-lti-t /!<<></., i., 423.]
WILLIAM WILKIE, probably son of
1640 Preceding : M.A. (St Andrews 1614).
He was interrupted while preaching
at Melrose, 30th Aug. 1640, by the entry of
English soldiers into the village. Not con
forming to Episcopacy, he was confined to
his parish in 1662. — [Melrose tiess. and Jed-
Imryh Prefdi. h'et/s. ; Wodrow:s Hist., i. 326.]
JOHN CHISHOLME, M.A. (Edinburgh,
1674 27th July 1663): licen. by George,
Bishop of Edinburgh, 2nd Oct. 1667 ;
min. in 1674 : he was cited before the Privy
Council, 10th Nov. 1681, for dissuading the
magistrates of Selkirk from taking the Test.
Deprived by the Privy Council, 3rd Sept.
1689, for neither reading the Proclamation
of the Estates nor praying for William and
Mary, but for James VII., and for not observ
ing the thanksgiving. He died at Edin
burgh, 12th Feb. 1701, aged about 58. He
marr., and had issue — Robert, schoolmaster
of Selkirk ; Eupham (marr. 4th Dec. 1716,
James Pringle, writing-master, Edinburgh ;
Esther (marr. (1) 19th Sept. 1725, Francis
Toward, merchant, Edinburgh : (2) 10th
Jan. 1731, Thomas Wilkie, Edinburgh). —
[Kirkton's and Wodrow's Hists. ; MS. Ace.
of Min., 1689 ; Rule's .SVc. Vindication. ;
Edin. Reg. (Marr.).}
MATTHEW COUPER, ord. 29th Oct.
lggi 1691 ; trans, to Ochiltree, but not
adm. till 21st Aug. 1695.
16y5 [now Linthill], born 1657 ; M.A.
(Edinburgh, 3rd July 1693) ; licen.
by Presb. of Kelso 28th Aug. 1694 ; ord.
2nd May 1695 ; he was one of the Twelve
who gave in a representation to the General
Assembly, llth May 1721, against the Act
which condemned the Marrow of Modern
Divinity. He died 13th Nov. 1736. He
marr. (1) Alison, daugh. of James Hog,
min. of Carnock, and had issue — Alison
(marr. Adam Milne, min. of Melrose) : (2)
Margaret Potts, and had issue — William^
a physician ; Margaret of Courthill (marr.
23rd April 1740, Thomas Riddell of Camie-
ston). — [$«>£s Mag., xxviii. ; Tombst. ;
Boston's Mem. ; Wodrow's Anal. ; Roxburgh
Sas., 1710, vii., 393.]
ROBERT RIDDELL, youngest son of
Sir Walter R- of tliat ilk' Bart> and
Mary Watt of Rosehill ; licen. by
Presb. of Selkirk 1st Feb. 1732 : pres. by
John, Duke of Roxburghe, and ord. 23rd
Sept. 1737; died 12th March 1760. He marr.
12th Feb. 1755, Esther (died 2nd March
1803), daugh. of John Riddell, M.D.,
Granton, son of Archibald R., min. of Trinity
Parish, Edinburgh, but had no issue. —
[Douglas's Bar. ; Playfair's Fam.Antiq.,iii.]
WILLIAM CAMPBELL, born 10th Jan.
176O I" 37, son °^ ^ i^'am C-> surveyor of
H.M. Customs, Kirkcaldy ; educated
at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb.
of Edinburgh 25th Oct. 1758 ; ord. 4th July
1759 min. of the Low Meeting, Benvick-on-
Tweed ; pres. by John, Duke of Roxburghe,
and adm. IGth Oct. 1760 ; died 28th Sept.
1804. He marr. 6th May 1759, Margaret
(died at Edinburgh, 18th Nov. 1813), only
daugh. of Alexander Home, min. of Stichill,
and had issue — Agnes, born 1st Feb. 1760
(marr. 5th June 1779, William Scott,
solicitor, Edinburgh) ;. William, born 13th
March 1762, W.S. apprentice 1777, died
31st May 1781 ; Alexander, born 13th Dec.
1763 ; Edward, born 6th July 1765, died in
the East Indies, 1789 ; Jean, born 30th
April 1767 (marr. 14th May 1803, Thomas
Tod); Robert, captain R.N., born 16th
June 1768, died 1815 ; Margaret, born 16th
Jan. 1770 (marr. 14th Aug. 1793, William
Farquharson, M.D., Edinburgh); David,
born 24th Dec. 1771, died 23rd Aug. 1794;
Elizabeth, born 14th Oct. 1773, died 3rd
Sept. 1792 ; George, born 17th April 1775,
died 14th Feb. 1776; Marion, born 20th
Dec. 1776 (marr. 6th April 1798, Robert
Gillan, min. of Hawick) ; John, min. of
Selkirk ; Jessie, born 20th Nov. 1779, died
27th Feb. 1783; William Scott, born 22nd
Dec. 1781, died 4th April 1799. Publica
tion — Account of the Parish (Sinclair's
Stat. Ace., mil.).— [Tombst.]
JAMES STALKER, son of John S., Edin-
killie: M. A. (King's College, Aberdeen,
1777) ; licen. by Presb. of Clmnonry
6th Jan. 1784 ; ord. 18th Oct. 1785, assistant
to the chaplain of Fort George ; pres. by
William, Duke of Roxburghe, 4th Oct. 1804;
adm. 8th May 1805 ; died unmarr. 23rd
March 1816.— [Tombst.]
DAVID BAXTER, a native of Leslie,
Fife : licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh
28th Nov. 1798 ; ord. to Birnie 27th
July 1809; pres. by James, Duke of Rox
burghe, in Aug., trans, and adm. 10th Oct.
1816; died 6th May 1842. He marr. 19th
Oct. 1812, Ann (died 14th May 1848), daugh.
of James Campbell, Edinburgh, and had
issue — Margaret Campbell, born llth July
1813 (marr. Adam Gourlay, her father's suc
cessor) ; Jemima Xicolina, born 20th July
1814 (marr. William King, min. of the
Presbyterian Church at Nelson, Ontario,
Canada), died 1887 ; Maria Anne, born 13th
Oct. 1815 (marr. Alexander Fraser, banker,
Edinburgh), died 3rd Feb. 1897 ; Harriet,
born 27th Nov. 1816 (marr. Joseph French,
chemist, Australia), died 15th July 1890 ;
John David, born 27th Nov. 1819, died 6th
Oct. 1820 ; Helen Frances, born 2nd April
1821 (marr. E. N. Houston, surgeon, Aus
tralia), died 17th Oct. 1902. Publication-
Account of the Parish (Neiv Stat. Ace., iii.).
ADAM GOURLAY, born Chesters,
1842 Ancrum' 24th DeC' 1800' S0n °f
James G. and Margaret Redford ;
educated at Ancrum School and Univ. of
Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of Jedburgh
1825 ; assistant at Bedrule and Lilliesleaf ;
pres. by James Henry Robert, Duke of
Roxburghe, and ord. 1st Sept. 1842 ; clerk
of Presb. 1st Aug. 1843; clerk of Synod
25th Oct. 1853 ; died 12th April 1881. He
marr. 20th Nov. 1834, Margaret Campbell
Baxter (born llth July 1813, died 16th March
1900), daugh. of his predecessor, and had
issue — James, insurance clerk, born 4th Feb.
1836, died 29th Aug. 1899 ; Anne Campbell,
born 6th Nov. 1837 (marr. George Alex
ander, farmer), died 30th Dec. 1885 ; David
Baxter, farmer, born 4th April 1839, died
25th Nov. 1913 ; Margaret Redford, born
12th May 1846; Maria Nicolina, born
14th July 1848, died 3rd June 1893;
Adamina Harriet, born 29th June 1852 ;
Adam, banker, born 10th Nov. 1854, died
21st Jan. 1888; Jane Charles Russell Currie,
born 22nd Xov. 18D6 (marr. Walter Robert
1881 michael, Dumfriesshire, 27th April
1827, son of Peter B. and Margaret
Oughterson; educated at Kirkmichael
School and Univ. of Edinburgh : sometime
schoolmaster at Brydekirk : licen. byPresb.
of Lochmaben 18th Aug. 1853; ord. to
Ladhope 25th June 1858; trans, and adm.
4th Aug. 1881 ; died 24th Jan. 1888. He
marr. 26th June 1866, Joanna (died 12th
July 1916), daugh. of Robert Hall, builder,
Galashiels, and Flora Sanderson, and had
issue— Flora Agnes, born 20th April 1867 :
Margaret Josephine Oughterson, born 8th
Feb. 1869 (marr. Thomas Ovens, Gala-
shiels) ; Joanna Hall, born 16th Feb. 1871 ;
Christian Patricia, born 9th Feb. 1873
(marr. John Crawford, M.B., C.M.), died
5th April 1904 ; Agnes Catherine Hall, born
2nd March 1875; Robert Patrick Hall,
L.R.C.P., Eskbank, born 3rd May 1878.
Publications — Sermon Against Swearing
(1872) ; The Principles and Advantages of a
National Church (1879) ; Voluntaryism and
Establishment (1879); Memorial Sermon
for William Roberts of Netherby (1879).
1888 bank) near Edinburgh, 14th Aug.
1862, fifth son of William S. and Mary j
Thomson, daugh. of James Pitcairn, M.D. : i
educated at Mr Baillie's School, Morning- i
side, Craigmount House School, and Univ. ''
of Edinburgh ; M.A. (1881), B.D. (1884) ; i
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh June 1884; |
assistant at St George's Parish, Edinburgh ;
ord. 12th July 1888 ; examiner foi* degrees
in Univ. of Edinburgh 1895-9 ; secretary of
Ministers' Pension Fund Committee 1907 :
Clerk of Presb. 1916. Marr. llth Sept.
1900, Caroline Georgina, youngest daugh. of
William Simson, secretary of the Bank of
Scotland. Publications— Sermon on Tem
perance (Edinburgh, 1890) ; St Paul's Last i
Letter (Scottish Women's Bible Study Asso
ciation, 1900); A Border Synod (Hawick,
1902) ; Suggestions for a Pension Scheme
(Hawick, 1906) ; The Parish of Lilliesleaf
(Selkirk, 1913); Studies in the Period
of Elijah ami Elishn (Scottish Women's
Bible Study Association, 1915). Contributor
to Hastings' Dictionari/ of Christ and tin-
Vosjids ; editor of T/ic Chit >•<•// of Scot/and
Year Hook from 1914.
[Maxton.—The church of Maxton was
dedicated to St Cuthbert. Tt belonged to
the Abbey of Dryburgh.
Rutherford.— There was here a hospital
| of St Magdalene.]
Sri: WILLIAM AINSLTE, adm. 7th
1561 ^ePt- ]561 to the vicarage in place
of Sir William Tailfeir. — [Laing
Charters, 727 ; Keg. Sec. Sig., ii., 40.]
WILLIAM AINSLIE, possibly same as
1569 above, reader 1569 to 1579.
JOHN SMYTH, M.A. (St Andrews, 3rd
1593 Dec. 1584) ; adm. to Selkirk in 1585 ;
trans, to Mertoun about 12th Oct.
1586; adm. to this charge in 1593; a
member of Assembly in 1602 : was app.
with two others for visiting the kirks
of Nithsdale and Annandale. In 1607 he
was called before the Privy Council for
acting as clerk to the Synod which dis
obeyed the Acts of Assembly 1606 regard
ing a constant Moderator, and was charged
to enter into ward at Blackness within forty-
eight hours. He signed the Protest for the
Liberties of the Kirk 27th June 1617 ; was
cited before the Court of High Commission
in 1622, but through the intercession of a
friend, he was not called. He died before
26th May 1634, aged about 70. He be
queathed £72 for the use of the parish.
He marr., and had issue— John.— [Pjooke of
the Kirk, 503: Reg. Sec. Sig.; Melville's
Antob.; Livingston's Charac. : G. R. Sns.,
xix., 169.]
1634 drews 1627) ; pres. by Charles I. 26th
May 1634. He was probably dep. in
1639 for heresy.— [Reg. Sec. Sig. ; Peterkin's
Records ; Stevenson's Hist.]
Andrew D., min. of St Boswells ;
M.A. (Edinburgh, 23rd July 1631):
he was on the Exercise at Hacldington
21st Sept. 1636: adm. 16th July 1640;
was on the Commission of Assembly,
1642, 1645, 1648, and 1649. Xot conform
ing to Episcopacy, he was confined to his
parish in 1662, where he died before 1672.
He marr., and had issue — John; Elizabeth:
Anna ; Mary ; Janet. — [Haddington, Jed-
burgli, and Chirmide Presb. Regs. : Acts of
Ass. : Wodrow's Hist., i., 326 ; Privy Seal
Enfj. Reg., iv., 155 ; <!. R. Inhib., 8th Jan.
1668, 15th May 1671, and 14th Dec. 1676.]
weaver and burgess. Aberdeen ; M.A .
(Marischal College 1673) : sometime
clerk to the Kirk -session of Foveran ; min.
in 1683; deprived by the Privy Council in
1689 for neither reading the Proclamation
of the Estates nor praying for William
and Mary. He marr. Barbara Abernethy,
who survived him, and had issue — five
children, of whom Isabel marr. 16th Dec.
1722, Henry Laing, in parish of Scoonie.
— [J/,S'. Ace. of Min., 1689; Peterkin's
Constitution of the Church : Linlithgcno
Burgh Reg.']
ROBERT EDGAR, was a min. at the
general meeting of Presbyterians after
the Toleration 6th July 1687 : called
Nov., and adm. 10th Dec. 1690 ; died 13th
Dec. 1713, aged 88. He marr. (1), and
had issue— Gabriel, bapt. 16th July 1660;
James, bapt. 26th Dec. 1661 : (2) 25th Oct.
1692, Jean Stephenson, sister-in-law of
James Borland, min. of Bedrule. — [Dum
fries Bapt. and Bur. Regs. ; Tombst.~\
GABRIEL WILSON, M.A. (Edinburgh,
1709 28tl1 June 1697^ licen> by Presb.
of Kirkcudbright llth Xov. 1706;
assistant to Gabriel Semple, min. of Jed-
burgh, and in this parish : called 5th Nov.
1708 ; ord. (assistant and successor) 23rd
Feb. 1709; died llth Feb. 1750. He was
a close friend of Thomas Boston the elder,
whose funeral sermon he preached. Next
to Boston himself, no man did more to
disseminate the doctrines of the Marrou'
of Modern Divinity. He was one of the
Twelve who signed the representation to
the Assembly against the Act condemning
the Marrow, and in 1733 he protested
against the sentence passed on the four
Seceders. In later life he adopted the
views of the Glassite Church, but the
Presb. declined to interfere with his teach
ing. He marr. Oct. 1709, Rachel Carson,
who survived him, and had issue — Andrew,
M.D., London ; Jean (marr. George Byres,
min. of St Boswells) ; Ann (marr. George
Ogilvie, min. in Newcastle), died 19th May
1801 ; Rachel ; Marion. Publications — New
Mode of Swearing (1719) ; " Epistle Recom
mendatory ;: (Monrd's Lett. ; Edinburgh,
1719) ; Letter to <t Gentleman at Edinburgh
concerning the Proceedings of the Assembly
1720, with Reference unto Doctrines chiefly
(1721) ; The Trust, a Sermon at the opening
of the Synod (1723 ; Hawick, 1785) ; A Speech
without Doors (Hawick, 1785); preface to
Divine Meditations by a Person of Honour.
— [Acts of Ass., 1723 ; Boston's Memoirs :
Wodrow's Corresp. and Anal. ; Eraser's Life
of Ralplt. Erskine ; Scots Mag., xii.]
WILLIAM BROWX, son of David B,
min. of Selkirk ; licen. by Presb. of
Selkirk 5th April 1737 ; pres. by Sir
Alexander Don of Xewton-Don, Bart., Aug.
1750 : ord. 10th April 1751 : died 22nd Jan.
1770. He marr. 14th June 1753, Isabel
Kirkwood, Lessudden, who died 25th July
1768, and had issue — David, born 24th
March 1754; James, born 2nd Feb. 1756;
William, surgeon, Edinburgh, born 14th
Nov. 1757 ; Andrew, born 20th Aug. 1760 ;
Jean, born 22nd Jan. 1764 ; John, born
20th July 1768. [Tombst.]
DAVID CLERK, pres. by Sir Alexander
Don of Newton -Don, Bart. ; ord. 26th
Sept. 1770 ; "a man of lively manners
and of great wit :; : died unmarr. 13th Jan.
STEPHEN OLIVER, licen. by Presb. of
Selkirk 1st Oct. 1751 ; ord. to Inner-
leithen llth Sept. 1755; pres. by
Sir Alexander Don of Newton-Don, Bart.,
10th May, and adm. 15th Aug. 1776; died
24th July 1803, aged 89. He marr. 28th
Oct. 1755, Jean (died 6th Jan. 1802), daugh.
of John Douglas of Catchahill, and had
issue— Mary, born 27th Aug. 1756 (marr.
30th Jan. 1788, William Purvis, Broom-
house) ; James, born 16th June 1758 ;
Katharine, born 4th Feb. 17GO (marr. 4th
June 1788, Alexander Wight, baker, Edin
burgh) ; John, born 4th Sept. 1761 ; Anne,
born 26th Nov. 1763 (marr. llth Dec. 1799,
George Hambley, merchant, Kelso) ; Eliza
beth, born 4th June 1776. Publication —
Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace.,
in.). — [Tombst.]
JOHN HAINING, Keen, by Presb. of
1804 Edinburgh, 27th Feb. 1793; ord. to
Dunsyre 19th Sept. 1799; pres. by
Sir Alexander Don of Newton-Don, Bart.,
9th Dec. 1803 : trans, and adm. 16th Aug.
1804 ; died 26th April 1809. He marr. 2nd
Oct. 1801, Wilhelmina Wilson, who died
12th Jan. 1841, and had issue — Robert, born
14th Aug. 1802 ; James, born 6th May 1804 ;
John, born 20th Feb. 1807 : Alexander, born
12th April 1809.
JOHN THOMSON, licen. by Presb. of
181Q Dalkeith 2nd July 1799; ord. 19th
July 1810; joint Presb. clerk 10th May
1831, and afterwards Synod clerk ; died 6th
June 1865, aged 89. He marr. 22nd Feb.
1816, Helen (died 14th Feb. 1831), eldest
daugh. of Robert Douglas, D.D., min. of
Galashiels, and had issue — David, engineer,
London, born 15th Nov. 1816; Robert
Douglas, wine merchant, Edinburgh, born
22nd Oct. 1817, died 26th Nov. 1910) ;
Beatrix, born 21st Sept. 1818; John, born
20th Sept. 1821, died 21st Feb. 1832;
George, born 4th Dec. 1822, died 17th Feb.
1824 ; Barbara, born 20th March 1828,
died 6th Aug. 1896; Edward, died 1st
March 1861. Publication— Account of the
Parish (New Stat. Ace., iii.).
1865 GRAHAM, born 30th June 1830,
son of Robert Balfour G., D.D.,
min. of North Berwick ; educated at Univ.
of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of Hadding-
ton in 1854; assistant at Channelkirk ;
pres. by Charles Balfour of Newton-Don ;
ord. to Nenthorn 13th Feb. 1855; trans,
and adm. 12th Oct. 1865; died at Edin
burgh, 3rd March 1911. He had fine
musical gifts, composed several psalm
tunes, and was the first min. in Roxburgh
shire to introduce an organ into his church.
He marr. 17th July 1855, Margaret Jane
(died 22nd Dec. 1891), daugh. of James
Ritchie, wholesale stationer, Edinburgh,
and had issue — Janet, born 29th May
1856 (marr. 27th April 1880, James Bain,
merchant, nephew of Sir Andrew Lusk,
Bart.) ; Christina Laurie, born 9th May
1858 (marr. 4th May 1881, James Mackay,
M.D); Robert Balfour, M.D., Leven, born
25th Aug. 1859 ; James Ritchie, born 16th
Feb. 1861 ; Margaret Jane, born 15th Feb.
1863 ; Manners Hamilton, fruit rancher,
U.S.A., born 3rd Aug. 1866, died 6th Aug.
1902 ; Agnes Tod, born 23rd Oct. 1867
(marr. Francis, son of Sir William Turner,
K.C.B., Principal of Edinburgh University),
died 15th March 1903 ; William Archibald
George, printer, Edinburgh, born 25th Oct.
1870 ; Helen Robertson, born 2nd Aug.
1872, died 6th Nov. 1904; Henry Grey,
min. of Avendale, born 8th March 1874.
Publication — Sermon on the Death of Mrs
Half our of Newton -Don (1862).
1905 Carberry, Inveresk, 16th June 1863,
son of Peter M'K., min. of North
Parish, Kelso ; educated at Kelso High
School and Univ. of Edinburgh ; M.A.
(1885); licen. by Presb. of Kelso; ord.
(assistant and successor) 27th Sept. 1905.
[The church of Melrose, dedicated to St
Cuthbert, belonged to Melrose Abbey. In
the parish, between two and three miles
down the Tweed from the parish church,
stood the ancient abbey of Old Melrose,
founded about 650. It was at first a cell
of St Aidan's Monastery of Lindisfarne.
St yEth (or Eata) was its first abbot.
Following him were St Bosel and St
Cuthbert. The later Cistercian Abbey of
St Mary at Melrose is also in the parish,
and near the church. It was founded by
David I. in 1136, its site being then called
Fordel. There was a chapel in the parish
of Melrose at Gattonside, and another near j
Blainslic, dedicated to St Cuthbert, and
known as Childhills Chapel. There were
also the chapels of St Cuthbert at Old
Melrose, St Columba at Columslie, and St
Mary of the Park at Blain.slie. At Melrose :
there were the Holy Wells of St Mary, St
William, and St Dunstan. St Helen's Well
is at Darnick. At Columslie (now Colmslie)
was St Colum's Well. In the Tweed at Old |
Melrose is a rapid of the stream called the j
Holy Wheel. A fair was held on St Martin's i
PONT], younger son of John P. of |
Shyresmill, and Catherine Murray of
Tullibardine, and brother of Robert P., min. !
of St Cuthbert's ; educated at St Leonard's i
College, St Andrews, 1550-4 ; app. by the i
General Assembly, 2nd July 1562, " to ;
minister the word and sacraments till j
next Assembly "' ; he became, 30th Dec. i
that year, chaplain to John, Lord Erskine,
afterwards Earl of Mar, and Regent. The !
brethren appointed in Oct. 1581 for
establishing Presbyteries were enjoined to i
co-operate with him in the setting up of \
such within the diocese of Dunblane. He '
was commissary of Dunblane from llth i
July 1598 to 2nd July 1602, and died on i
or shortly after the latter date. He marr. |
Abigail Strang, who survived him, but left no |
issue.— [Calderwood's Hist., ii., 186 ; Inq.
Ret. d'en., 113; Hey. of Deed*, cix.]
JOHN WATSON, min. in 1568.— [Acts
1568 and Dec., xlv., 168.]
JOHN WILSON, min. in 1569.— [Reg. of
1569 Deeds, ix., 373.]
THOMAS HOLY WELL, reader, 1574
1574 to 1586.
JOHN KNOX, born about 1555, said to
have been son of William K., min. of
Cockpen, and a grand-nephew of the
Reformer ; M.A. (St Andrews 1575) ; ord.
to Lauder in 1576 ; trans, and adm. in
1584. He was a member of at least four
teen General Assemblies. He declined to
subscribe the Articles of Religion pro
mulgated by Maitland of Letlrington ; was
Moderator of Synod Oct. 1586 ; a com
missioner app. by the Privy Council, 6th
March 1589, for the preservation of religion
within the sheriffdom of Edinburgh. In
1596 he was one of the commissioners for
the South, who were directed to meet daily
with the Presb. of Edinburgh to consult
as to the means to be taken for resisting
the measures of the excommunicated earls
and their adherents. In the Assembly of
1601 he refused to vote for the transla
tion of ministers recommended by the
King, and having declined the office of
constant Moderator of Presb. he was out
lawed. By 1608 he was once more in
favour, and was app. Visitor of the kirks
throughout Dumfriesshire. He was a
member of the Falkland Conference 4th
May 1609. He led the resistance to the re-
establishment of Episcopacy, and vigorously
opposed the Articles of Perth. He died in
1623. He marr. Christian Paterson, who
survived him, and had issue — Margaret
(marr. Thomas Ker, ancestor of Kippi-
law). — {.Reg. Assig. ; Calderwood's Hist., iv.,
v., vi., vii. (see General Index) ; Reg. Sec.
Sig. ; Knox Genealogy ; Smith's Icon, ticot. ;
Melville's Autob. ; Livingston's Character
istics ; Wade's Hist, of Me? rose ; Diet. Nat.
]>iog. ; Roxburghe Sas., iii., 211.]
drews, 22nd July 1608). He was
recommended for Ayr by the Arch
bishop of Glasgow 10th March 1623, but a
week later the session of that parish agreed,
" after they had convocated the haill body
of the town," to send a commissioner to the
archbishop showing " that he was not meet
to be minister among them." Nevertheless
he was pres. by James VI. 10th April, but
further proceedings are not on record. He
became min. here about 1627. In 1634
the parish consisted of an area of seven
miles by four, with about two thousand
communicants ; a proposal was made for
a collegiate min., but this was not carried
out. He was dep. llth Dec. 1638, probably
on account of his prelatic tendencies. He
died in 1642, aged about 54. He marr.
Agnes Kennedy, who died 19th Dec. 1666,
and had issue — Marjory (marr. James
Alison, tailor, Canongate) ; Jean (marr.
Gilzean). Publication — A Satire,
in two parts, relating to Public Affairs,
1638-9, is assigned to him (Scots May.,
Ixix., 117: Maidment's Scottish Pasquils,
Hi.); "Epitaph on the Earl of Strafford ;;
(Cleveland's Poems ; Milne's Description of
M rfl 'rose). — [Ayr Sess. ; Canongate Bur.;
Acts of Parl., vii. ; Bannatyne Miscell.,
iii. ; Stevenson's Hist. ; Wodrov MS. ;
Diet. Fat. Biog. ; Roxburghe Sas., iv.,
407 ; P. C. Deer eta, 18th Sept. 1672.]
ALEXANDER SCOTT, probably of the
1640 Scotts of Bahvearie ; M.A. (St An
drews, 16th July 1620); adm. 20th
Feb. 1640; died before 23rd Aug. that
year, aged about 40. He marr., and had
issue — Elizabeth (marr. John Luckly, bailie
of Cupar-Fife).— [Milne's Descrip.}
DAVID FLETCHER, M.A. ; trans, from
1641 '^ Giles, Edinburgh ; adm. 4th Feb.
1641 ; became Bishop of Argyll in
1662 (q.v.\
1665 drews, 28th July 1656); licen. by
Presb. of St Andrews 5th June
1661; ord. to Tynninghame 20th Nov.
1 663 ; pres. by John, Earl of Haddington ;
adm. before 14th Dec. 1665 ; died in 1689,
aged about 53. He marr. (cont. 20th Jan.
and 10th Feb. 1664), Margaret, daugh. of
Robert Lauder, min. of Whitekirk, and
had issue— Christian, bapt. 23rd Feb. 1666;
Robert, bapt, 28th May 1668; Agnes,
bapt. llth June 1670; Alexander, bapt.
27th Feb. 1674; George, bapt, 10th Sept.
1676 ; Marion, bapt. 2nd May 1678 ; James,
bapt. 29th July 1681 ; Giles, bapt. 8th May
1685.— [Reg. of Deeds, Mack., Ixxxiv., 10th
Feb. 1669 ; Tynninghame and Selkirk
Regs?. ; Milne's Descrip. : Mel rose. Par.
ROBERT WILSON, M.A. (Edinburgh,
16go 13th June 1651); attended the
General Meeting of Presbyterians
6th July 1687; adm. 9th Sept. 1690;
member of Assembly in 1692 ; died 5th
March 1713, aged 79. — [Lothian Synod
Reg. ; Reg. den. Ass., 1692.]
ADAM MILNE, M.A. (Edinburgh, 7th
1?11 July 1698); schoolmaster at Cold-
stream in 1698; licen. by Presb. of
Chirnside 24th Sept. 1706; had a compet
ing call from Legerwood, which was set
aside by the Assembly 5th May 1710 ; called
26th Jan., and ord. (assistant and successor)
8th May 1711 ; died 8th June 1747, aged
about 67. He marr. March 1725, Alison
(died Dec. 1771), daugh. of William Hunter,
min. of Lilliesleaf, and had issue — Margaret,
bapt. 4th May 1726, died young ; Elizabeth,
bapt. llth July 1727, died young; William,
bapt. 13th July 1729. Publication — A
Description of the Parish of Mel rose in
Answer to Mr Maitland's Queries (Edin
burgh, 1743). — [Tombst. ; Acts of Ass.;
Wade's Jlfelrose.]
JAMES BROWN, M.A. ; pres. by Lady
1748 Isabella Scott July 1747; ord. 10th
Feb. 1748. He got a bleachfield
established for encouraging linen manu
facture in the parish ; trans, to New
Greyfriars, Edinburgh, 9th July 1767.
1768 May 1738, son of Alexander M.,
min. of Little Dunkeld ; licen. by
Presb. of Dunkeld 2nd Sept. 1760 ; assist
ant at Alloa ; pres. by Henry, Duke of
Buccleuch, Oct. 1767 ; ord. 2nd March 1768.
About 1785 he was charged with adultery,
but assoilzied by the Presbytery. He ob
tained an assistant and successor in 1788.
He died at Hayfield, Stirlingshire, 12th Aug.
1818. He marr. 1st Nov. 1763, Christian
Turnbull, who died 1st Feb. 1787, and had
issue— Alexander, born 10th April 1765,
died 24th Nov. 1791 ; John Blackwood,
born 29th Dec. 1766, died 22nd Nov. 1804 ;
Hector, born 26th June 1768, died in
Jamaica, llth Sept. 1808; Janet, born 1st
March 1770 (marr. 29th Feb. 1792, Alex
ander Lauder), died 3rd Oct. 1809 ; Jean,
born 7th Oct. 1771 ; George, born 29th
July 1773, died 25th May 1775; Frederick,
baker, Edinburgh, born 23rd Dec. 1774;
William, born 23rd June 1776, died llth
March 1779; George, born 20th April
1778, died 18th June 1818 ; Mary, born
8th Feb. 1780, died 19th March 178G ;
AVilliam, born 24th March 1782, died June
1783; Christian, born 31st Dec. 1783.
Publication— Narrative of the Rise, Pro
gress, and Conclusion of the Process against
Mr M., with Remarks (Hawick, 1785).—
[Stirling Presb. Reg. ; Scots Mag., xlvi.,
xlvii. ; Tombst.]
GEORGE THOMSON, born 1758 : Keen.
1788 by Pre'sb- uf 1)un1jlane 4th Ju]y 1786 >
called 27th March, and ord. (assist
ant and successor) 23rd Oct. 1788. An
augmentation of stipend having been asked
by the senior min., T. put in a claim
stating that as he performed the whole of
the pastoral work, his case should be con
sidered by the Court in granting any aug
mentation. The Court granted him the
whole augmentation, 6th Dec. 1797. Not
withstanding this his income was small,
and the hardship of his case being a sub
ject of public comment, the Rev. Dr John
ston of North Leith raised a subscription
for him, which, however, T. declined with
grateful thanks and requested that the
money might be returned to the donors.
He died 22nd Nov. 1835. He marr. 8th
June 1791, Margaret (died llth June 1813),
daugh. of Robert Gillan, min. of St Bos-
wells, and had issue — George, born 7th
March 1792, licen. by Presb. of Selkirk 2nd
April 1816, died at Edinburgh, 7th Jan.
1838— (he was tutor to the children of Sir
Walter Scott, and is the reputed Original
of Dominie Sampson) ; Mary Anna, born
16th Sept. 1793 (marr. 23rd Feb. 1821,
Alexander Burnet, rector of the United
Schools, Jedburgh) ; Robert Gillan, writer,
Melrose, born 27th March 1795, died 23rd
April 1844; Joseph, born 17th Jan. 1797;
Thomas, student of divinity, born 2nd Jan.
1800, died 6th July 1824 ; Margaret, born
25th Sept. 1801, died at the Nest, Jedburgh,
25th Sept. 1847 ; Jean, born 14th Feb. 1804,
died unmarr. 14th May 1842. Publication
—Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat.
Ace., ix.).— [Bower's Description of Melrose
Abbey; Lockhart's Life of Scott; W. S.
Crockett's The Scott Originals.]
WILLIAM MURRAY, born 1797, a
native of Selkirkshire ; educated at
Univ. of Edinburgh ; tutor in family
of Major Hope Johnstone ; licen. by Presb.
of Langholm ; pres. by Walter Francis,
Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry ; ord.
10th June 1836 ; died 13th Sept. 1865. He
marr. (1) 30th Dec. 1836, Agnes (died 6th
June 1841), sister of Adam Cunningham,
min. of Crailing, and had issue — Andrew,
born llth May 1839, died at Burwood,
N.S.W., 8th Feb. 1895 : (2) 17th Oct. 1848,
Jessie llussel (died 3rd June 1907), second
daugh. of John Easton, merchant, Edin
llth Jan. 1826. son of William H.,
min. of Rattray ; educated at Univ.
of St Andrews; M.A. (1843); licen. by
Presb. of St Andrews ; ord. 22nd Aug.
1845 (the General Assembly having sus
tained his being ordained when under age)
as a missionary to Calcutta ; app. chaplain
H.E.I. C. in 1849, and was min. of St
Andrew's Church, Calcutta ; adm. to this
parish 8th Feb. 1866 ; convener of the
Foreign Mission Committee 1872-82 ; D.D.
(St Andrews 1865); dem. 17th May 1898;
died llth Sept. 1899. He marr. 10th Nov.
1846, Mary (died 20th April 1884), daugh. of
Captain Alexander Knox, and had issue-
Mary Sophia Sarah, born 21st Oct. 1853
(marr. 30th Jan. 1890, Alexander Ferrier,
M.A., Presidency chaplain at Calcutta),
died at Calcutta, 26th April 1894. Publica
tions — The Unchangeable Saviour (Edin.
1869). He edited for some years a Bengali
paper connected with missions.
Alloa, 20th Feb. 1867, son of George
T., supervisor of Inland Revenue ;
educated at Alloa Academy, Brechin High
School, Old Aberdeen Grammar School, and
Univ. of Edinburgh ; M.A. (1887) ; licen.
by Presb. of Stirling 6th May 1890 ; assist
ant at Melrose; ord. 27th Sept. 1898.
Marr. 28th June 1899, Isabella, daugh. of
George Gray, artist, and Anne Scott, and
has issue— Dorothy Anne Scott, born 24th
Oct. 1900; Cyril George Kay, born 7th
[I'liESB. OF
Jan. 1902 ; Edith Elizabeth Mary, born
13th Sept. 1904; Robert Edward Gray,
born 16th May 1900.
[The church was removed to Roberton
in the seventeenth century. There was
a chapel at Borthwick Brae.]
.JOHN COLT, second son of Adam C.,
inin. of Inveresk ; Keen, by Presb. of
Dalkeith 22nd Oct. 1635; adm. to
Langnewton between 25th Jan. and 8th
Feb. 1642 ; adm. to this parish about 1663.
The date of his death is unknown. He
marr. Margaret Douglas, who survived
him, and had issue— John ; Rebecca (marr.
George Cleland, min. of Morton) ; Margaret.
— [Charity Roll, 1693.]
168g the T. S. who was min. at Kirkbride,
and afterwards at Sanquhar ; min. of
this parish in 1689.
ROBERT SCOTT, brother of William S.
1700 °^ Whitenaugh ; M.A. (Edinburgh,
3rd July 1693): licen. by Presb. of
Selkirk 8th Sept, 1698 ; called 24th Dec.
1699; ord. 24th April 1700; died 21st
Aug. 1727, aged 53. He marr. Janet
Scott, Hawick, and had issue— Walter :
Elizabeth; Marion. Publication— Twelve
tiermous preached before ami after the
Celebration of the Lord's tiiqiper (Edin
burgh, 1729).— [Tombst. ; Boston's Mem.']
HENRY ERSKINE, son of James E. of
1728 ShielfieM, and Elizabeth, daugh. of
Sir John Scott of Ancrum ; licen.
by Presb. of Kelso 3rd April 1722; pres.
by George II. 29th Dec. 1727 ; called 29th
Feb., and ord. 3rd May 1728 : died 5th Dec.
1773, aged 80. He marr. 21st Aug. 1730,
Janet (died 1st June 1766, aged 64), daugh.
of Robert Cunninghame, min. of Hawick,
and had issue — James, his successor ;
Marjory, born 24th Feb. 1734; Robert,
born 25th March 1740. — [Tombst. \
JAMES ERSKINE of Shielfield, son of
1774 preceding ; trans, from Kirkton ;
pres. by George III. 14th Jan., and
! adm. 29th July 1774; trans, to Lessudden
[St. Hoswells] llth May 17S6.
JAMES HAY, a native of Banffshire ;
1786 -^•^' (King's College, Aberdeen,
1772) ; ord. to Ettrick 6th May, and
trans, to Kirkton 23rd Sept. 1785 ; pres. by
George III. 1st July, trans, and adm. 22nd
Sept. 1786 ; he retired in 1801 in ill-
health, but recovered, and resumed duty
in 1812, when his assistant and successor
was trans, to Langholm: died 17th May
1825, aged 73. He marr. 26th July 1785,
Arabella (died 6th Feb. 1793), daugh. of
John Douglas, min. of Jedburgh, and had
issue— Beatrix, born 28th April 1786 (marr.
John Jamieson), died 24th Feb. 1845 ;
William, born 31st May 1787; Janet,
born 10th March 1790; John, born 24th
June 1791, died 6th April 1806. Publica
tion — Account of the Parish (Sinclair's
8tat. Ace., xi.). — [Tombst.]
1801 ^eor8'e HI- ; ord. (assistant and
successor) 25th Nov. 1801 ; trans,
to Langholm 6th Nov. 1812.
1826 April 1786, son of Abraham N., min.
of Middlebie : educated at LTniv. of
Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of Dalkeith
26th March 1811 ; became a teacher of
Oriental languages; pres. by George IV.
14th June 1825; ord. 21st April 1826;
dem. 30th Oct. 1844; died 7th Nov. 1861.
He marr. 6th Sept. 1825, Christina Thom
son, Montrose (died 30th Oct. 1849), and
had issue— Elizabeth Broun, born 17th Oct.
1826 (marr. 27th June 1856, James Ogilvie,
D.D., missionary of the Church of Scot
land at Calcutta), died at Portobello, 15th
Feb. 1911 ; Alexander, born 17th July 1828,
died at Melbourne, 1861 ; Abraham, S.S.C.,
Edinburgh, born 25th Dec. 1830, died 7th
Feb. 1897; David Thomson, born 5th Jan.
1834, died at Calcutta, 20th Aug. 1867 ;
Christina, born 18th Dec. 1835, died 6th
July 1851 ; Euphemia Duncan, born llth
May 1838 (marr. 12th June 1862, William
Stuart Sutherland, writer, Edinburgh).
born Cash, Strathmiglo, Fife, llth
Oct. 1817, son of Charles Kinnear
G. and Christian Baxter; M.A. (St Andrews
1840) ; ord. to Garelochhead 25th Oct. 1844;
trans, and adm. 15th Aug. 1845 : died 30th
June 1886. He marr. 20th June 1877,
Isabella (died 3rd June 1907), daugh. of
Horatius Blair, writer, Glasgow. Publica
tion- -XermoH [OH the Death of Allan Eliott
Lockhartof Borthwickbrae] (Hawick 1878).
MERCER HALL, born Galashiels, 13th
Aug. 1855, fifth .son of John H.,
builder, and Isabella Matthew ; edu
cated at Galashiels Academy, Abbey Park
School, Univs. of St Andrews and Edin
burgh ; licen. by Presb. of Selkirk ; assistant
at St Mark's, Dundee ; ord. to Careston,
Forfarshire, 18th March 1886; trans, and
adm. 24th Feb. 1887.
Caithness, 15th Jan. 1861, son of
Angus M., schoolmaster, and Char
lotte Brown : educated at Bower School
and Univ. of Edinburgh; M.A. (1884);
licen. by Presb. of Caithness June 1887 ;
assistant at Selkirk ; ord. (assistant and
successor) 16th May 1894. Marr. 22nd June
1904, Kate, daugh. of George Spackman.
[The church of Lessudden, dedicated to
St Mary, belonged to the Abbey of Dry-
burgh. In it was an altar of St Margaret
the Virgin, and near the church was St
Margaret's Croft. In 1652 the parish
church was removed from Lessudden to St
Bosel's village, where it took the place of
an earlier chapel of that saint. Near this
village are St Boswell's Well, St Boswell's
Burn, St Boswell's Lands, and St Boswell's
Green. There was also St Cuthbert's Well.
On the Green St Boswell's Fair is held in
summer. The spelling Boswell is quite
JOHN TURNBULL, reader in 1576;
1576 died in 1585.
THOMAS MOFFAT, perhaps reader
at Linton in 1571 ; pres. to the
vicarage by James VI. llth Sept.
1585 ; deprived prior to 7th April 1596
for non-residence.
DAVID FORSYTH, reader at Coldin^-
ham, 1571 ; adm. to Bolton in 1580 ;
trans, to Polwarth before 1585 ; trans.
to Legerwood in 1592 ; trans, and adm. in
1593, when Smailholm also was under his
charge; died llth May 1594. He marr.
Mary Sanderson, who survived him. — [Jtey.
ALLAN LUX DIE, M.A. : pres. to the
vicarage by James VI. 7th April
1596; trans, to Hassendean in 1610.
DAVID UNIS [UNES, UNS], adm. (by
1Q13 the Synod at Peebles) April 1613 ;
pres. by James VI. 14th June 1614 ;
died in 1618.— [Re<j. 8ec. Si<j. ; Tombst.~\
Thomas D., min. of Bowden ; adm.
to Bowden after 28th Oct. 1617 :
trans, and adm. (at Peebles) 5th May
1618 ; still min. 14th June 1654. He marr.
Margaret (died between 5th Jan. 1630 and
6th July 1631), sister of William Riddell
of Graitlaws, and had issue — Andrew, min.
of Maxton ; Thomas, apprentice to James
Johnston, wright, Edinburgh, 17th Dec. 1628.
JOHN SOMERVILLE, said to have
been descended from the Somer-
villes of Cambusnethan ; M.A. (Edin
burgh) ; min. in 1662 ; died after 7th Feb.
1674. He marr. Esther Scougall, who sur
vived him, and had issue — Janet.— [Afernorie
of the Somervil/es ; Mel rose Regality Records
(Scot. Hist. Soc.), ii., 361 ; G. R. .S'as.,
xxix., 11.]
ROBERT ELLIOT, M.A. (Edinburgh
1676 1668); min. in 1676; cited before
Privy Council, 10th Nov. 1681, for
dissuading the magistrates of Selkirk from
taking the Test ; dep. 27th Aug. 1690 for
contumacy.— [MS. Ace. of Min., 1689 ; P. C.
Reg., 3rd ser., iv., 667.]
(Edinburgh 1070) : called 6th, and
ord. 30th Oct. 1691 ; died llth Feb.
1696, aged about 46. He inarr. Janet
(Jorsan, who died 8th March 1702. —
[Dumfries Sens. Rec."\
GEORGE BYRES, son of Thomas B.,
„ min. of Legerwood ; educated at
Tniv. of Glasgow: licen. by Presb.
of Selkirk 10th March, and ord. llth Aug.
1697 : died 16th Feb. 1730. He marr. 26th
April 1698, Catherine [or Lilias], daugh. of
Mark Gordon in Cabertie, and had issue-
George, his successor ; Lilias (marr. in 1724,
James Golden, min. of Whitsojae).— [Edin.
Rey. (J/arr.) : Boston's Mem. ; Tombst.]
GEORGE BYRES, son of preceding:
licen. by Presb. of Selkirk 1st Dec.
1724 : pres. by Anne. Duchess of
Buccleuch, with consent of John Scott,
younger, of Ancrum ; ord. 24th Sept. 1730.
Having identified himself with the principles
and opinions held by John Glas, founder
of the sect called Glassites in Scotland and
Sandemanians in England, he dem. 7th
Nov. 1738. He went to Edinburgh, but
afterwards removed to Kippilaw in the
parish of Bowden, where he ministered to
a small body of Glassites. He marr. 16th
Nov. 1732, Jean, daugh. of Gabriel Wilson,
min. of Maxton. and had issue— Helen.
Publication — Pamphlet in Defence of
Sandeman's Letters on Theron and Aspasia.
— [Maii-ton Sess. Rey. : Davidson's Letters ;
JAMES MASON, pres. by Francis,
7 Duke of Buccleuch, and ord. 20th
Sept. 1739 ; trans, to Yarrow 6th
Nov. 1753.
ROBERT GILL AN, ord. by Presb. of
Stirling, 5th July 1753, collegiate
min. of the High Meeting, Berwick -
on-Tweed ; called 10th, and adm. 22nd
April 1754 ; died 5th Aug. 1785. He marr.
llth Oct. 1757, Mary Ellies, who died 21st
Jan. 1807, and had issue — Thomas, born
24th Dec. 1758 ; Mary Anne, born 22nd
Dec. 1759 ; Robert, min. of Hawick ;
Margaret, born 4th Oct. 1763 (marr.
George Thomson, min. of Melrose) ; John,
born 22nd Oct. 1767 : Joseph, born 20th
Aug. 1769.
•JAMES ERSKINE, seventh of Shiel-
1786 field, parish of Channelkirk, bapt.
28th July 1731, son of Henry E.,
min. of Roberton : educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of Selkirk 20th
May 1757 ; preacher at Caerlanrig Chapel
[Teviothead] ; ord. to Kirkton 2nd May
1764 ; trans, to Roberton 29th July 1774 ;
pres. by Henry, Duke of Buccleuch, 23rd
Jan., trans, and adm. llth May 1786 : died
27th Oct. 1788. He marr. 2nd Sept. 1768,
Henrietta (died 9th Aug. 1818, aged 79),
daugh. of Charles Scott of Goldielands, and
had issue— Henry, lieut.-colonel, eighth of
Shielfield, born 6th Oct. 1769, died 9th
Nov. 1812 ; Charles, writer, Melrose, ninth
of Shielfield, born 12th Aug. 1770, died
26th Jan. 1825 : Patrick, surgeon, Edin
burgh, born 12th March 1772 ; Christian,
born 20th Aug. 1773 ; Janet, born 13th Nov.
1778, died 5th Jan. 1785 : William Ogilvy
(twin), licentiate of the Church, afterwards
surveyor of taxes at Haddington.
JOHN SCADE, ord. 7th May 1789 ; died
2nd Feb. 1810, aged 60. He marr.
20th March 1809, his housekeeper,
Helen Marjoribanks, out of gratitude for
her kindness and in order that she might
get the benefit of the Widows' Fund. She
died without issue, 6th March 1853, aged
75. Publication — Account of the Parish
(Sinclair's Stat. Ace., x.). — [Tombst.]
PETER CRAW, tutor in the family of
Robert Veitch of Hawthornbank ;
licen. by Presb. of Haddington 7th
Sept. 1802; pres. by Henry, Duke of
Buccleuch, 19th June, and ord. 20th Sept.
1810 ; died 21st March 1834, aged 59. He
marr. (1) 28th Aug. 1811, Margaret (died
13th May 1813), second daugh. of Richard
Brown of Wylam : (2) 8th Nov. 1825,
Elizabeth (died 10th Jan. 1835), youngest
daugh. of William Dunbar, Forres, and
had issue — James, born 15th Jan. 1827.
Publication — Account of the Parish (New
Stat. Ace., iii.).
GEORGE RITCHIE, M.A. ; pres. by
1834 Walter Francis, Duke of Buccleuch ;
ord. 7th Aug. 1834 ; trans, to Jed-
burgh 21st Sept. 1843.
1844 tmain' 1800, son of James 8. ; edu
cated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen.
by of Peebles ; pres. by Walter,
Duke of Buccleuch, and ord. 21st June
1844: died 20th Feb. 1865. He marr. 1st
Dec. 1847, Constantia (died 8th July 1875),
daugh. of Joseph Williamson, Clerk of
Teinds, and had issue — James, born 21st
June 1849, went to Buenos Ayres ; Joseph
Williamson, iron merchant, Glasgow, born
29th Oct. 1850.
1865 M.A. ; ord. 20th July 1865 ; trans.
to St Paul's Parish, Greenock, 24th
Dec. 1878.
ROBERT FISHER, born Dundee, 1st
•79 March 1834, son of George F. and
Mary Davidson ; educated at Univ.
of St Andrews ; licen. by Presb. of Dundee
in 1859 ; tutor at Madras College, St An
drews, and headmaster of Meadowside
Academy, Dundee : ord. to-Carnoustie 26th
Jan. 1860 ; trans, and adm. 17th June 1879 ;
died at \rentnor, Isle of Wight, 18th Feb.
1901. He marr. 1st July 1857, Penelope
Matthew (died 5th Nov. 1884), daugh. of
William White, St Andrews, and had issue
— William White, B.A., rector of Balling-
hatn-eum-Bolstone, Herefordshire, born 18th
April 1858 ; Mary Jane, born 21st April
1859, died 4th April 1879 ; Robert George,
teacher of music, born 7th Jan. 1861, died
17th Nov. 1916 ; Frederick Alexander, rail
way engineer, Argentina, born 18th July
1863 ; Annie Adamson Forsyth, born 20th
Aug. 1864, died at Cannes 8th Dec. 1905;
Eliza Adamson, born 10th Jan. 1866 ;
Thomas Knox, min. of the Presbyterian
Church of America, born 20th Jan. 1867,
died 25th Nov. 1910.
B.D. ; trans, from Slamannan ; adm.
16th July 1891 : trans, to Titwood
Parish, Glasgow, 2nd March 1897.
18g7 born Glasgow, 3rd April 1856, son
of William W. ; educated at High
School and Univ. of Glasgow : M.A. (1879),
B.D. (1882): licen. by Presb. of Glasgow
14th June 1882 ; ord. missionary to Madras
(by Presb. of Dumbarton) 21st Aug.
1883 : adm. to Renton 18th Oct. 1887 ;
trans, and adm. 15th July 1897. Marr.
12th July 1888. Elizabeth Robertson Steel,
daugh. of Alexander Fisher, and has issue
—William, born 2nd Oct. 1889, died 17th
March 1891 ; Alexander Fisher, B.Sc.,
trooper Lothians and Border Horse, born
18th Feb. 1892 ; Henry Steel, born 23rd
Sept. 1896; Mary Elizabeth Cockburn,
born 7th March 1901.
[Called of old Shielkirk or Scheleskirk.
The church, dedicated to St Mary, belonged
to the Abbey of Kelso.
In the twelfth century the parish church
was known as the Abbot's Kirk, to distin
guish it from the King's Kirk, this being
the name given to the new Tironensian
Monastery of St John founded here by
David I. This latter foundation was
suppressed in 1128, and its revenues given
to the Abbey of Kelso then founded.
Near the town, and within the parish,
were St Helen's Loch and St Helen's
Shaw. Selkirk had a fair of St Laurence.]
JOHN SCOTT, M.A. ; exhorter here,
1568 and at Ettrick and Rankilburn.
1574 1574 to 1580.
JOHN SCOTT, M.A. above noticed,
is mentioned as " min. at Selkirk :>
in 1576.
, cor. as min. in 1580 ; trans, to Liberton
prior to 1585.
JOHN SMYTH, M.A., : min. in 1585 ;
St Mary of the Lowes, Ettrick, and
Rankilburn were also under his
care in 1685 ; trans, to Mertoun about
12th Oct. 1586.
JOHN WELCH, M.A. ; min. in 1589 ;
1589 trans, to Kirkcudbright in 1594.
PATRICK SHAW, son of John S. and
grandson of Sir James S. of Sauchie ;
M.A. (Edinburgh, 12th Aug. 1591);
was on the Exercise, Presb. of Edinburgh,
24th July 1593 ; pres. by James VI. to
the vicarage of Greenock Nov. 1593 ; min.
of this charge in 1596. He signed the
Protestation for the Liberties of the Kirk
27th June 1617 ; was a member of Assembly
in 1618 ; dem. before 4th April 1634 ; died
before 25th July 1646. He marr., and had
issue — John, min. here in 1624 ; Adam,
died 1648 ; James, merchant and burgess
of Edinburgh, apprenticed to David M'Call,
merchant, Edinburgh, 14th Oct. 1629 ;
Marion ; Grizel (marr., cont. 21st May
1640, John, son of John Fletcher ; mer
chant and burgess of Edinburgh; a
daugh. (marr. James Elliot). — [Douglas's
Baronage ; Reg. Assig. ; Reg. Sec. Sig. ;
Edin. Tests. ; Inq. Ret. Gen., 3162 ;
Wodroiv MSS. ; Bannatyne MisceU., iii. ;
Reg. of Deeds, dxlii., 26.]
THOMAS WILKIE, reader, probably
1627 afterwards min. of Lilliesleaf.
JOHN SHAW, eldest son of Patrick S.,
min. in 1596; M.A. (Edinburgh,
23rd July 1631); pres. by Charles
I. 4th April 1634. He was confined to
the parish in 1662, and accused before
the Privy Council, 14th July 1663, "of
turbulent and seditious carriage." The
parish was vacant from 12th Nov. 1664
to 2nd Feb. 1666. He marr. (cont. llth
Aug. 1636), Anna, daugh. of Sir John
Murray of Philiphaugh, who had sasine with
him of the lands of Eastmains of Selkirk,
called St Helen's Shaw, 13th Sept. 1661 ;
and had issue — Patrick, M.D.; Gideon,
apprentice to David French, bookseller,
Edinburgh, 5th Sept. 1660 ; John ; James ;
Jean (marr. John Pringle, min. of Fogo).—
[Douglas's Baronage, 212 ; Reg. Sec. Sig. ;
Wodrow MSS. ; New Gen. Reg. of Sas., ii. ;
Inq. Ret. Gen., 3162, 3457, 7958.]
JAMES CRAIG, M.A. ; trans, from
Hoddam ; adm. after 2nd Feb. 1666 ;
trans, to Tranent 6th Oct. 1676.
Andrews 1645) ; adm. to Sorbie
before 17th May 1665 ; trans, in
1678 ; was still min. 3rd Sept. 1682, but the
date of his death is unknown. He marr.
(name unknown), and had issue — Robert ;
Alexander, served heir 25th July 1688 ;
Jean (marr. Andrew Mitchell, min. of
Newbattle). — [Kelso Sess. Reg. ; Inq. Ret.
Gen., 6927.]
ANRIAS], son of Thomas C., min.
of Kinnaird ; was a distinguished
student at the Univ. of St Andrews
previous to 1659, and entered on trials for
license before the Presb. of Perth 14th Jan.
1671, but went to Rome, where he entered
the Roman Church. On his return to
Scotland he was employed as a teacher in
the Presb. of St Andrews in 1681, and
petitioned to be again received into com
munion with the Reformed Church. The
Presb. admitted him, 15th Jan 1682, after
he had discoursed at great length on the
temptations he was under to make defec
tion, and the motives, convictions, and
inducements that made him "nauseat"
Romanism. He was licen. 24th Oct. 1683 ;
pres. by James VII. 20th Feb., and adm.
before 29th May 1685 ; D.D. (St Andrews
1686). He was accused before the Privy
Council, 17th Sept. 1689, of not reading
the Proclamation of the Estates and pray
ing that God would restore James VII.
These charges were found not proven, and
he was acquitted ; but later he abandoned
his pastoral work, and the parish was de
clared vacant 23rd Oct. 1691. In Jan.
1692 he was one of a considerable number
who petitioned the General Assembly to
be received into communion, but without
i effect. He went to England and became
; rector of Abington, Cambridgeshire, where
I he died. He marr. Anne Erskine, second
I daugh. of James, Earl of Buchan. Publi
cations — A Discourse representing the suf
ficient Manifestation of the Will of God
to His Church in all its several Periods
and Dispensations (Edinburgh, 1684) ;
Rome's Additions to Christianity shoivn
to be Inconsistent with the True Design of
so Spiritual a Religion (Edinburgh, 1686) ;
A tiermon preached at Edinbwyh on the
Anniversary of the Martyrdom of King
Charley I. (Edinburgh, 1689); A Scourge
for the Presbyter's Back. — [Wodrow's
Anal, and Corresp. ; FountainhaU's Diary ;
Keith's Catal. ; J//V. Ace. of Min., 1689 ;
Shaw's Moray : Doivjlas Peerage, {.]
GEORGE HOME, M.A. : called 3rd
1Q94 Aug., and ord. 25th Sept. 1694;
trans, to Abbey St Bathans 28th
Feb. 1699.
WILLIAM M'GHIE, brother of James
17oo M., merchant, Edinburgh : M.A.
(Edinburgh, 26th Aug. 1693) ; called
25th Oct. 1699; ord. 12th Jan. 1700; died
30th April 1725, aged about 52. He raarr.
Aug. 1708, Rachel Dunbar, who died at
Edinburgh, Xov. 1737, and had issue-
William ; Margaret ; Elizabeth (marr., pro.
4th March 1739, Adolphus Hay, writer,
Edinburgh).— [Edin. Texts.; Boston's J/ew.]
DAVID BROWX, M.A. (Edinburgh
1726 7th July 1698) ; licen. by Presb. of
Chirnside 31st Oct. 1704 : ord. to
Greenlaw 4th June 1707 ; trans, to Gordon
25th Nov. 1708; pres. by John, Duke of
Roxburghe, Oct. 1725; trans, and adm. 5th
May 1726. He was the bearer of a message
from the Presb. to the General Assembly
of 1733 that the four brethren [the founders
of the Secession Church] should be reponed
to their charges. He died 12th March 1753.
He marr. (1) (pro. 8th Feb. 1708), Christian
Henderson, widow of William Archibald,
writer, Edinburgh, and had issue— William,
min. of Maxton : (2) 24th Nov. 1738, Janet
Scott, and had issue— Mary, born 24th Sept.
1 739 (raarr. Dec. 1 758, Andrew Wight, far
mer, Ormiston) ; David.— [Boston's Mem.]
WILLIAM TROTTER, licen. by Presb.
1754 of Earlston 4th Nov. 1735 ; assistant
at Kelso ; pres. to Second Charge,
Culross, 1st May 1747, but the Presb.
refused to appoint him. An appeal
followed to the Court of Session, who
sustained the Patron's right to the stipend,
26th June 1751. He was ord., 15th Sept.
1749, to a Presbyterian congregation at
South Shields : was pres. to this parish by
Robert, Duke of Roxburghe, Aug. 1753;
adm. 23rd July 1754; died 4th Sept. 1771.
He marr. (1) 27th Jan. 1755, Elizabeth
Mackill, who died 24th Nov. 1763 : (2)
28th Sept. 1764, Janet (died at Kelso, 19th
Feb. 1804), daugh. of John Thomson, feuar,
Kelso.— [Acts of Ass., 1748; Scots May.,
xiii. ; Morren's Ann., i., 52.]
1772 brother of James R., min. of Ratho ;
licen. by Presb. of Dalkeith ; pres.
by John, Duke of Roxburghe, 18th Nov.
1771 • ord. 8th May 1772 ; died 5th Sept.
1805. He marr. 18th Jan. 1776, Robina
Lang, Broomhill, who died at Edinburgh,
.?./;., 16th Nov. 1812. Publication— Account
of the Parish (Sinclair's Sfat. Ace., ii.).—
JOHN CAMPBELL, born 4th June
1806 1"^8' son °^ William C., min. of
Lilliesleaf ; licen. by Presb. of Sel
kirk 1st April 1800 ; pres. by James, Duke
of Roxburghe, 1st Oct. 1805 ; ord. 18th April
1806; died at Bridge of Allan, 23rd April
1857. I To marr. 15th Dec. 1809, Jane
(died 22nd Nov. 1873), daugh. of Richard
SherrifF, farmer, Lugate, Stow. Publica
tion — Account of the Parish (Xew Stat,
Ace., iii.).
1857 Dec. 1832, son of James F., LL.D.,
min. of Alford ; educated at Clatt
School, Grammar School and Marischal
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (1850) : taught
Natural History Class in Aberdeen Univ.
in 1852 ; licen. by Presb. of Aberdeen May
1854 ; assistant at West Parish, Aberdeen,
and at St Luke's, Edinburgh ; pres. by
James Henry Robert, Duke of Roxburghe ;
ord. 17th Sept. 1857 ; president of Berwick
shire Naturalists' Club in 1882; clerk of
Presb. 1887-1899; D.D. (Aberdeen 1887);
clerk of Synod 1889-1899 ; died at Corstor-
phine, 25th April 1906. He marr. llth
Sept. 1860, Martha, daugh. of Alexander
Hector, writer, Edinburgh, and had issue-
Margaret, born 29th June 1862; Helen
Taylor, born 13th July 1863, died 9th
Oct. 1863 ; Agnes, born 17th June 1865 ;
Mary Helen, born 22nd July 1866, died
3rd Dec. 1876. Publications — Contribu
tions to History of Eenvickshire Naturalists'
Club, vols. viii., ix. ; Presidential Address,
vol. x. — [Obituary notice, Hist. Ber. Nat.
Club, vol. xix.]
GEORGE LAWSON, born Kintore,
Aberdeenshire, 19th Aug. 1859, son
of Francis L. ; educated at parish
schools of Kintore, Echt, Skene, and Kin-
nellar, Grammar School and Univ. of
Aberdeen; MA. (1882); licen. by Presb.
of Aberdeen 5th May 1885; assistant at
West Parish, Aberdeen ; ord. to Forglen
20th Sept. 1888 ; trans, and adm. (assistant
and successor) 12th Oct. 1899. Marr. 12th
Feb. 1890, Annie Strahan, daugh. of John
Black, LL.D., Professor of Humanity in
Uriiv. of Aberdeen.
[Called of old St Mary of the Lowes
and St Mary of the Forest. The church,
dedicated to St Mary, belonged to the
Abbey of Dryburgh. In 1640 it was re
moved eight miles down the water of
Yarrow to the place now known as Yarrow
There were ancient chapels at Deuchar
and Kirkhope, also the Chapel and Well of
St Philip at the Catslacknowe. The church
of Yarrow was restored in 1906.]
James VI. to the vicarage pension
ary 12th Feb. 1577 ; still vicar 28th
Dec. 1594.— [Reg. of Deeds, xlviii., 280.]
JAMES SCOTT, MA. (Edinburgh, 28th
July 1599) ; he was suspected by the
Presb., 4th Oct. 1608, " of being our
guid an companion in drinking and beir-
ing company both in Edinburgh and at
home, as negligent in discipline, and in
using of his buik, and preparing of his
pepil. The brethern commends he be not
offensive in tym coming or else they will
proceed against him." He was also
admonished 2nd Sept. 1610, having
" never administered the communion, and
that he be grave in his behaviour." He
was non-resident 13th Nov. 1618, and as
"it cannot be mendit, he is exhorted to
use diligence, and to find the nearest
roume for remaining among his people/'
He died in 1634, aged about 55. He
marr. and had issue — William. — [Reg.
Assvj. ; Reg. Sec. Si<j. ; Rey. of Deeds,
ccccxxxviii., 56.]
.JAMES FISHER, adm. to Southdean
26th Sept. 1626; pres. by Charles
I. 7th Jan. 1635; died in 1640.—
[Reg. Sec. Sig. ; Old Dec., ii., iii.]
WILLIAM ELLIOT, brother of Thomas
E. in Borthwickshiels ; MA. (St An
drews, llth May 1637) ; pres. by
Charles I. 20th Jan., and adm. 16th June
1641 ; not conforming to Episcopacy, he
was confined to his parish in 1662, and
j was granted indulgence in 1679 ; died Nov.
1685, aged about 68. — [Reg. Sec. Sig. ;
Jedburgh Presb. Reg. ; Wodrow's Hist.,
iii., 156 ; Livingston's Life ; Peebles Tests.]
JOHN CLAPPERTON, son of John C.,
min. of Ednam ; M.A. (Edinburgh,
July 1642) ; adm. to Yetholm in
1662 ; pres. by Charles II. 21st Nov. 1665 ;
trans, and adm. after 13th Feb. 1666 ; died
in 1679, aged about 57. He marr. Margaret
Learrnonth, and had issue — Samuel, dead
in 1674 ; John ; Richard ; Thomas ; James ;
Jean ; Margaret ; Elizabeth. — [Min.-book
Reg. Sec. Sig. ; Kelso and Peebles Presb.
Regs.; Inq. Ret. Gen., 8103, 8104; G. R.
Inhib., 1st Dec. 1674.]
JAMES MURRAY, M.A. (Glasgow 1665) ;
adm. to Borgue before 5th Oct. 1669 ;
pres. by Charles II. 28th June 1679 ;
adm. in 1680. He was accused before the
Privy Council, 17th Sept. 1689, of neither
reading the Proclamation of the Estates
nor praying for William and Mary, but
was acquitted. He was afterwards outed
by the rabble 3rd July 1691. He marr.,
and had issue — Anne (marr. 17th Nov.
1732, James Wight, dyer, Edinburgh).—
Reg. Sec. Sig.]
ROBERT WYLLIE, M.A. ; ord. (at
1690 Whitehope) 5th Feb., and trans, to
Ashkirk 3rd April 1690.
JOHN RUTHERFORD, born 1641, son
of John R,, tacksman of Grundis-
nock, and Isabella Ker (descended
from the Ferniherst family); licen. by
Presb. of Selkirk ; master of the Grammar
School of Selkirk about 1680; ord. 30th
Sept. 1691 ; died 8th May 1710. He marr.
Christian, grand -daugli. of John Shaw,
min. of Selkirk, and had issue — Robert,
died aged 4 ; John, M.D., Professor of
the Practice of Medicine in Univ. of
Edinburgh (maternal grandfather of Sir
Walter Scott), born 1st Aug. 1695, died 8th
March 1779 ; Jean, bapt. 5th Sept. 1693 ;
died unmarr. ; Anne (marr. William Scott
of Whythaugh). — [Jlannatyne Jfiscell. ;
Tombst. ; Boston's Memoirs ; Lockhart's
Life of Scott ; Chambers^ Journal, 1902.]
1711 ^f°rning Lecturers in Edinburgh ;
called 4th Oct. 1710; ord. 25th
April 1711 ; died 17th Jan. 1753. He
marr. (1) Dec. 1717, Euphan, daugh. of
James Mure of Roddans, Co. Down :
(2) 4th Nov. 1742, Isobel (died at Glasgow,
22nd Jan. 1789, aged 69), daugh. of Archi
bald Lundie, min. of Saltoun, and had
issue — Archibald, born 15th March 1745 ;
Jean, born 16th March 1746 (marr. pro.
13th June 1788, John Agur, brickmaker,
Glasgow) ; Robina. born 16th Oct. 1749.
JAMES MASON, licen. by Presb. of
Kelso 2nd March 1736; ord. to
St Boswells 20th Sept. 1739 ; called
27th June, pres. by George II. 13th Feb.,
trans, and adm. 6th Nov. 1753 ; died 12th
Jan. 1764. He marr. 26th June 1744,
Elizabeth Kirkwood, who died 2nd April
1801, and had issue — George, born 10th
April 1745 ; Jean and Isabel (twins), born
10th Jan. 1747 ; James, born 16th Nov. 1748.
JAMES LORIMER, licen. by Presb. of
17Q5 Lanark 20th Sept. 1738; ord. to
Mouswald 2nd May 1748 ; pres. by
George III. 23rd Feb. 1764 ; trans, and
adm. 6th Feb. 1765 ; D.D. (Edinburgh,
18th July 1771); died 21st Nov. 1775.
He marr. (1) 30th June 1741, Elizabeth
Oswald, who died 19th Oct. 1752, and had
issue— Janet, born 23rd Nov. 1743, died
20th Sept. 1746; Helen, born 3rd Oct.
1745, died 24th Sept. 1746 ; Elizabeth, born
1st Nov. 1746 (marr., pro. 29th May 1768,
William Hunter, merchant, Dumfries) ;
Oswald, born 5th Feb. 1748 : (2) 21st June
1757, Jean (died 20th Jan. 1781), daugh. of
John Sibbald, writer, and widow of Stephen
Paton, min. of Newlands, and had issue
—James, born 3rd Sept. 1758. Publication
— The Duty of Hohliwj the Faith, a sermon
(Edinburgh, 1773).
ROBERT CRAMOND, born 1741 ; edu
cated at Univ. of Aberdeen ; licen.
by Presb. of Kelso; ord. min. of a
Presbyterian congregation at Etal, North
umberland, 22nd May 1765; D.D. (Mari-
schal College, Aberdeen, 8th Sept. 1774);
pres. by George III. 26th Jan., and adm.
12th June 1776 ; died 14th Feb. 1791. He
marr. (1) 4th June 1765, Ann Wood, who
died 7th April 1767, and had issue — Ann
Alison, born 17th April 1766 : (2) 6th
Sept. 1769, Isabella Young, and had issue-
Margaret, born 6th Aug. 1770 ; Jean, born
15th June 1772 ; Isabella Liddel, born 22nd
Sept. 1775 (marr. 23rd July 1802, Richard
Young, brewer, Edinburgh). — [Tombst. ;
M'Guffie's The Priests of Etal.]
ROBERT RUSSELL, born West Den-
muir, Fife, 1766, son of James R.,
farmer, and Isabella Meldrum,
brought up by an uncle, James Dall,
farmer, Priestfield, Cults ; educated
privately, and at Univs. of Edinburgh
and St Andrews ; M.A. (St Andrews
1785); tutor in the families of Spottis-
wood of Dunipace, and the Hon. Charles
Napier of Merchiston Hall, Falkirk ; licen.
by Presb. of Linlithgow 18th June 1788;
pres. by Francis, Lord Napier, 5th Feb.,
and ord. to Ettrick 6th May 1790; pres.
by George III. ; trans, and adm. 1st Sept.
1791 ; chaplain to the Lord High Com
missioner to the General Assembly 1805-41 ;
D.D. (Edinburgh, 3rd April 1811); died
FATHER OF THE SYNOD, 18th March 1847.
During his incumbency he was never con
fined to bed for an entire day ; he was
only two Sundays out of church, and no
doctor ever prescribed for him till three
days before his death. From his robust
and handsome appearance he was jocularly
known in his youth as " the beauty of holi
ness.'' He bequeathed £100 for religious
instruction of the young in the parish.
He marr. 30th Nov. 1803, Agnes (born
30th July 1771, died 2nd Oct. 1843),
seventh daugh. of Walter Turnbull, Firth,
Roxburghshire, and had issue— Dorothea,
born 31st Aug. 1804 (marr. George Ballan-
tyne. farmer, Whitehope), died 15th Nov.
1834 ; James, D.D., his successor ; Walter,
born 12th May 1811, died 23rd May 1842.
Publications — Accounts of Ettrick and of
Yarrow (Sinclair's Stat. Ace., iii., vii.). —
[Conolly's Eminent Ifen of Fife-, James
Russell's Reminiscences of Yarrow ; Mrs
Garden's Memoir of James IJoyg : Craig-
Brown's Selkirkshire.'}
JAMES RUSSELL, born 1st Dec.
1841 1809, son of preceding ; educated at
Yarrow School and Univ. of Edin
burgh ; licen. by Presb. of Selkirk 28th
June 1831 ; assistant to his father 1831-41 ;
ord. (assistant and successor) 6th July 1841 ;
chaplain to the Lord High Commissioner,
1847-51, 1853-57, 1860-83; D.D. (Edin
burgh 1878) ; died 9th Jan. 1883. He marr.
4th March 1851, Janet Margaret, daugh. of
John Shand, W.S., Edinburgh, and had
issue — Robert, born 26th Feb. 1852 ; Isa
bella Lister, born 10th Sept. 1853, died
25th Dec. 1859 : John Harvey Shand,
divinity student, born 3rd March 1861,
died at Lewinshope, 3rd July 1884. Pub
lications — The Sleep of the Believer, a
sermon (1857) ; Reminiscences of Yarrow
(Edinburgh, 1886 ; 2nd ed., Selkirk, 1894) ;
Account of the Parish (New Stat. Ace. of
Scotland, iii.). — [In Memoriam, private
circulation, 1883 ; supplementary chapters
in Reminiscences, 1894.]
ROBERT BORLAND, born Dalserf,
188S 20th March 1849, son of Robert B.
and Margaret Kissock ; educated at
Stonehouse Parish School and Univ. of
Glasgow : ord. min. of the Evangelical
Union congregation, Langholm, 16th Oct.
I 1873 ; min. of the Evangelical Union con-
1 gregation, Kilmarnock, 1877. Joined the
Church of Scotland and adm. to the status
of a licentiate in 1880 ; ord. to Ladhope
2nd March 1882 ; trans, and adm. 14th
June 1883: D.D. (Glasgow 1909): died
19th June 1912. He marr. 13th June 1882,
Annie, daugh. of Andrew Haddon, Honey-
burn. Publications — Ten Days in Xoriraii
(Kilmarnock, 1887); Yarrow: it* Poetx
ami Poetry (Dalbeattie, 1890; 2nd ed.,
Galashiels, 1908); A Word in .SV« .so/? (private
circulation, Selkirk, 1895); Border Raich
and Reivers (Dalbeattie, 1898 ; 2nd ed.,
1910) ; edited James Hoyy, the Ettrick
Shepherd (Memorial vol. ; Selkirk, 1898) :
"The Ecclesiology of Yarrow" (Trans.
Scot. Eccles. Soc., 1906); "The Religious
i Significance of Yarrow" (The Guide, Feb.
1906). — [ The Bonier Magazine, May
1912 PATRICK, born Hamilton, 18th
March 1859, son of Roger K. of
| Lagganlees (grandson of Sir James Kirk-
patrick of Closeburn, fourth baronet), and
Isabella Margaret, daugh. of Joseph
i Kirkpatrick of St Cross, Newport, Isle
of Wight ; educated at Academy and
Gilbertfiekl House, Hamilton, and Univ.
of Edinburgh; M.A. (1878), B.D. (1881);
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh; assistant
at Langholm and Govan ; ord. to Dal
beattie 18th Feb. 1886; trans, to Jed-
burgh 22nd Oct. 1896 ; trans, to Govan
29th June 1899 ; trans, and adm. 22nd
Nov. 1912. Publication — The Ministry of
Dr John Macleod in the Parish of Govan
[Macleod Memorial Lecture] (Edinburgh,
[THE RECORDS begin 14th April 1691.]
[The General Assembly resolved to erect this Court in April 1581, but the Presbytery
does not appear till 26th Sept. 1638, when commissioners were elected for the coming
Assembly. The Presbytery Register commences 23rd June 1701. The first volume
which was recovered out of a snuff-shop, is very imperfect, only a hundred and
eighteen leaves remaining out of a hundred and eighty-seven. Blanks occur after
wards from 26th May 1706 to 17th March 1708, from 30th March 1718 to 4th Nov.
1730, from 1st July 1746 to 26th Oct. 1747, from 13th April to 3rd Aug. 1773, and
from 7th Aug. 1781 to 1st Oct. 1782.]
[These parishes were united in 1609. On
the 7th of July 1300, Edward I. of England,
on his way to the siege of Caerlaverock
Castle, made offerings at the altars of St
Nicholas and St Thomas the Martyr in the
church of Applegarth. St Thomas was
the Saint of the day, and St Nicholas may
have been the patron of the church. There
was a chapel at Dinwiddie, in the parish of
Applegarth, also a Well of St Michael. The
church of Sibbaldbie belonged to the Abbey
of Jedburgh.]
reader and
Parson in 1585' w^
Tundergarth also in the
[Reg. Assig.]
HUMPHREY JARDINE, min. in 1607.
1607 He had issue~ George.— [P. C. Reg.,
viii., 14 ; Reg. of Deeds, ccccvii.,
23rd June 1628.]
JOHN YOUNG, brother of James Y.,
"baxter at the West Port of Edin
burgh1'; MA. (St Andrews 1604);
min. in. 1608; still min. 25th Jan. 1644.
He marr. (name unknown), and had issue
— John, apprenticed to Thomas Stainhouse,
baker, Edinburgh, 19th Feb. 1623 ; Grizell
(marr., cont. 7th Sept. 1646, John Fareis
in Sibbilbiesyde) ; Elizabeth (marr. George
Johnston of Girthhead).— [Reg. of Deeds,
cccxxix., 274 ; Reg. Assig. ; Mid-Colder Sess.
Reg. ; Edin. Apprentice Reg. ; Dumfries
Sas., 15th Feb. 1639, and 22nd Aug. 1648.]
1647 drews 1628) ; min. in 1647 ; he con
formed to Episcopacy ; died 12th
Dec. 1678, in his 82nd year. He marr.
Mary Cockburn, who died Jan. 1679, and
had issue — Alexander ; Thomas, his suc
cessor.— [Dumfries Presb. Reg. ; Dumfries
Tests. ; Commis. to Ass., 1648 ; Tombst. ;
Wodrow's Hist.}
THOMAS THOMSON, born 1653,
younger son of preceding; M.A.
(Edinburgh 1673); became school
master of Alloa; passed trials before the
Presb. of Stirling, and was recommended
for license 6th March 1678; pres. by
Arthur, Archbishop of Glasgow, jure
devoluto in 1682. He was outed in 1689;
(Hi-rl 24th March 1698. He marr. June
1697, Marion, daugh. of John Malcolm,
min. of Holywood, and had issue — Thomas.
— [Dumfries Tests. ; Tomhst. ; Rule's Sec.
Vindication: MS. A<'<\ of Min., 1689:
Morrison's Dec., xii.]
DUGALD SIMPSON, was a student at
16g4 the Univ. of Glasgow in 1682 ; adm.
Sept. 1694 ; died between 25th April
and 23rd May 1704. He marr. Jan. 1698,
Jean, daugh. of Alex. Hutchison, min. of
the Canongate, Edinburgh, and had issue-
Janet (marr. 12th April 1739, John Wallace,
surgeon, Edinburgh).— [Edin. Re<j. (Marr,).]
DAVID WIGHTMAN, born 1680, prob-
17Q6 ably son of Matthew W., merchant
burgess of Dumfries, and Elizabeth
Irvine ; MA. (Edinburgh, 17th May 1699);
ord. to Terregles 23rd Sept. 1702 ; called
27th Feb., also on 5th March, and adm.
18th April 1706 ; died 1st Feb. 1748. He
marr. 20th Aug. 1706, Marian (died llth
Oct. 1762), daugh. of John Cannon of
Formiston. Publication — Mr Taylor's Case
Stated, or a Just Reply to a book entitled
A Vindication of Mr John Taylor, Minister
of Wamfray (Dumfries, 1718). — [Dumfries
Reg. (Marr.} ; Wodrow's Corresp., iii.]
Presb. of Lochmaben, 5th April 1737;
pres. by the commissioner for Sir
Alexander Jardine of Applegarth 9th and
21st June, and ord. (assistant and successor)
20th Nov. 1746; died 6th Jan. 1776. He
marr. 7th Aug. 1751, Jean Bell, who died
30th March 1799, and had issue— William,
born 15th May, died 1st July 1752 ; Janet,
born 4th Jan. 1754 ; Richard, born 1st
June 1756 ; Jean, born 15th May 1758, died
23rd Aug. 1767 ; John, born 27th April 1760,
died 31st Aug. 1767; Sibella, born 17th
May 1764 ; Margaret, born 15th June 1766 ;
Jane, born 9th June 1768.
ROBERT LITTLE, pres. by the curator
for George, Marquess of Annandale,
June 1776 ; ord. 27th March 1777 :
died 5th Jan. 1803, aged 58. He marr. 9th
Dec. 1783, Barbara Anne (died at Edin
burgh, 15th July 1823), daugh. of Matthew
Cleghorn, min. of Dryfesdale, and had issue
—Margaret, born 7th Oct. 1784 ; Matthew
William, born 2nd Aug. 1786; William
Maxwell, born 24th July 1788; Anne, born
15th, died 24th July 1790 ; Eupham, born
19th Jan. 1792.— [Tvtnbst.]
1804 ^res' ky ^ir WiUiam Jardine of
Applegarth, Bart,, 29th Dec. 1803 ;
ord. 12th April 1804 ; trans, to Dumfries
(New Church), 27th Nov. 1806.
WILLIAM DUNBAR, tutor in the
1807 family of John M'Neill of Colonsay ;
licen. by Presb. of Dumfries 3rd
Jan. 1804; pres. by James, Earl of Hope-
toun, and by Sir William Jardine of
Applegarth, Bart., in Jan., and ord. 7th
May 1807; D.D. (St Andrews, 12th Jan.
1839) ; died 6th Dec. 1861, in his 82nd year.
He marr. 15th Jan. 1810, Anne (died 18th
Dec. 1839), fourth daugh. of William Burn-
side, D.D., min. of Dumfries, and had issue
— Anne Hutton, born 25th Nov. 1810 ;
Thomas, student of medicine, born 27th
Nov. 1811, died at Edinburgh, 17th Jan.
1829; Janet, born 23rd May 1813; William
Burnside, min. of Glencairn, born 5th April
1815 ; Mary Taylor, born 30th March 1818 ;
Robert, born 14th Sept. 1822. Publica
tions — The Natural History of Bees in
Jardine's Naturalists' Library, xxxviii.
(Edinburgh, 1840); Account of the Parish
(New Stat. Ace., iv.).
DAVID LANDALE, born Lindifferon,
1862 ^onimail) Fife, 20th Jan. 1831, son
of David L. of Pittachope, Fife, and
Isobel Russell ; educated at High School
and Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb.
of Cupar 8th May 1855 ; ord. to Auchter-
gaven 10th July 1856 ; trans, and adm.
19th June 1862; died 28th March 1900.
He marr. llth Dec. 1862, Margaret Helen
Hassels (died 1898), daugh. of Sir William
Jardine of Applegarth, Bart., the naturalist,
and Jane Home, daugh. of Daniel Lizars,
Edinburgh, and had issue— Jane Jardine,
born 16th Dec. 1865; David, partner in
Jardine, Matheson, & Co., born 6th Aug.
1868; Wellwood Maxwell, nun. of Straiton,
born 24th June 1870.
GILCHKIST, bora Arthur's Crag,
Lanark, 19th Feb. 1871, son of
Andrew G. and Janet Graham ; educated
at Lanark School and Univ. of Glasgow ;
M.A. (1894), B.D. (1896); licen. by Presb.
of Lanark May 1896 ; assistant at St Paul's,
Glasgow, and at Riccarton, Kilmarnock ;
ord. 24th Aug. 1900 : chaplain, British Ex
peditionary Force, France, 1914-16 (Military
Cross). Marr. 19th Dec. 1900, Agnes Wilson,
daugh. of Thomas Mitchell and Agnes
Wilson, and has issue — Andrew James
Graham, born 16th Dec. 1901 ; Agnes
Wilson, born 2nd Feb. 1903, died 19th Aug.
1914 : Janet Graham, born llth Dec. 1905 ;
Thomas Mitchell, born 13th Nov. 1907 ;
Mary Minto Mitchell (twin), born 13th
Nov. 1907.
[The parishes of Meikle and Little Dalt-on
were finally united in 1633.]
1567 1567.
HALBERT WELSH, reader from 1576
1676 to 1585.
1Q37 1617) ; min. in 1637 ; died before
8th July 1674. He marr. Elizabeth
Rome, who died 4th Jan. 1708, and had
issue — James. — [Commis. to Ass., 1638 ;
Mouswald Sess. ; Priv. Seal Eng. Reg., i.,
185 ; Dumfries Reg. (Deaths) ; P. C. Regs.,
3rd series, iv., 612.]
WILLIAM BO YD, M.A. (Glasgow 1632) ;
. -? min. in 1657 ; deprived by Act of
Parliament llth June, and Decreet
of Privy Council 1st Oct. 1662. He marr.,
and had issue — Hugh, bapt. 24th Dec. 1657.
— [Wodrow's Hist., i., 326 ; Dumfries Reg,
JOHN ROWAT, held a bursary in the
1665 Univ. of Glasgow in 1657 ; was a
student of theology in 1664 ; probably
adm. about 1665 ; dem. prior to the Revolu
tion.— [J/S. Ace. of Min., 1689.]
WILLIAM MILNE, M.A. (King's Col-
^e&e' Aberdeen, 1650) ; min. in Oct.
HUGH M'HENDRIE, adm. before llth
Oct. 1694 : dep. in 1696 " for irregu
larities." He was reponed 30th Jan.
1699, upon his undertaking to be subject
to the judicatories of the Church ; app. 3rd
Feb. following to supply parishes in Angus
or Perth. Again dep. by the Commission
of Assembly in 1700, for irregular and
divisive courses. The Assembly, 15th
March 1703, refused to annul the sentence
of the Commission, but recommended all
Presbyteries south of the Tay to collect
for his "present necessity." He went to
England and took orders there. Returning
to Scotland, he was apprehended in Glasgow
for celebrating an irregular marriage, when
he declared himself to belong to the Episco
pal Communion. — [Acts of Ass., 1695-1703 ;
Wight man's Just Reply. ~\
JOHN CARLYLE, M.A. (Edinburgh,
17og 28th June 1697; called Oct. 1702;
ord. 29th April 1703 : dem. after
1710. He was curator to Alexander, eldest
son of James Carlyle, merchant, Glasgow,
1729 and 1730.— [Glasgow Tests.]
ROBERT KIRKLAND, educated at
Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by Presb.
of Glasgow 1st June 1709 ; ord. by
Presb. of London before 16th April 1712;
adm. before llth Oct. 1715; dem. 5th
Aug. 1740. He had issue— Robert, buried
28th May 1716.
DAVID IMRIE, M.A. ; pres. by the
trustees of John Carruthers of
Holmains 16th and 26th Jan., and
ord. 7th May 1741 ; trans, to St Mungo
20th June 1751.
JOHN MARSHALL, called 1st. Feb.,
and ord. 10th May 1753; trans, to
Tinwald 18th March 1762.
WILLIAM BRYDEN, born 1735, fifth
son of Thomas B., merchant, Glas
gow ; educated at Univ. of Glasgow ;
licen. lay Presb. of Annan 3rd Feb., and
pres. by John Carruthers of Holmains 30th
July 1762; ord. 24th March 1763; D.D.
(Edinburgh, 19th March 1778). In 1782
a libel embodying various charges was
raised against him by the heritors, elders,
and heads of families, which caused a long
litigation. After B. had made certain
admissions in regard to his having used
irreverent language, the Assembly ordered
him to be admonished. The case against
him " charged with abandoned profligacy "
was published in two vols. 2nd Nov. 1782.
He died llth Aug. 1793. He marr. 7th Aug.
1 788, Margaret (died 1 7th July 1828), daugh.
of Thomas Carmichael, writer, Biggar, and
had issue— Thomas, born 8th May 1790.
Publications — The Cause between Patronage
and Popular Election, decided in the Presb.
of Friesburgh (Edinburgh, 1769) [a squib
on the appointment of William Wright to
New Abbey] ; Piety to God, and Loyalty
to the King, illustrated and enforced, a
discourse (Edinburgh, 1778). — [Scots Mag.,
1794 Presb- of Lanark 30th March 1785;
pres. by the commissioner for Charles
Buncombe, younger, of Buncombe Park,
Yorkshire, Roger Pettiward, and John
Gustavus Le Maitre, proprietors of Hoi-
mains, llth Bee. 1793 ; ord. 8th May 1794 ;
died 31st Oct. 1800, aged 43. He marr.
(1) 4th Bee. 1794, Jean (died 29th March
1795), eldest daugh. of John Newall of
Barskeoch : (2) 25th Bee. 1798, Nicolas
(died 23rd Aug. 1847), daugh. of Captain
William Benholm of Gullyhill, but had no
JAMES CRIRIE, M.A., born Newabbey,
1801 April 1^52. After the death of his
father he was employed as a cattle
herd, and being fond of reading, was
encouraged by William Clarke, min. of
Kirkgunzeon, who gave him books and
taught him. He became a schoolmaster
in the parish of Lochrutton ; master of
the Grammar School of Wigtown May
1777 ; master of the Grammar School of
Kirkcudbright Nov. 1781 ; rector of the
High School of Leith Nov. 1787 (where he
introduced the Monitorial system) ; and
one of the masters in the High School of
Edinburgh 18th March 1795. He gradu
ated M.A. at Edinburgh Univ. 16th March
1790, and was licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh
30th March 1791. He was pres. to this
parish by the commissioner for the pro
prietors of Holmains 22nd April, and ord.
17th Sept. 1801 ; B.B. (Edinburgh, llth
March 1802); died 5th Jan. 1835. Being
an able linguist and a keen antiquary,
he was Latin secretary to the Society of
Antiquaries of Scotland from Bee. 1799
to Nov. 1815. He marr. Janet (died s.p.
20th June 1844), daugh. of James Lennox,
shoemaker, Kirkcudbright. Publication —
Scottish Scenery, or Sketches in Verse
descriptive of Scenes chiefly in the Highlands
(London, 1803). — [Steven's High School, Ap
pendix, p. 100 ; Archceol. Scot., iii.]
1823 ^ Presk- of Annan 7th Bee. 1815;
pres. by James Charles Macrae of
Holmains 4th Bee. 1822 ; ord. (assistant
and successor) 31st July 1823; died 13th
June 1853. He marr. 13th Oct. 1823,
Elizabeth Ramsay, who died 24th March
1848, and had issue — John, born 13th
Nov. 1824, died 10th Bee. 1843. Publica
tion — Account of the Parish (New Stat.
Ace., iv.).
1853 deen, 5th ^an- 181^> son °f William
S. and Sophia Bavidson ; educated
at Grammar School and Marischal College,
and Univ. of Aberdeen ; M.A. (1835) ;
licen. by Presb. of Beer 25th Aug. 1841 ;
ord. to the New Church, Annan [now
Greenknowe], 24th Bee. 1845 ; res. 7th
April 1847, to become assistant in the
New Church, Bumfries [now Greyfriars] ;
adm. to this parish 4th Nov. 1853 ; died
12th Sept. 1867. He marr. (1) 3rd March
1856, Anne Ellen M'Clellan, who died 20th
Feb. 1861 : (2) 30th April 1863, Annie
Pringle (died 6th Nov. 1900), daugh. of
William Mackay, Edinburgh, and Alison
Kay, and had issue — William Alexander,
min. of Bron, born 12th July 1865. Publi
cation — The Doctrinal Declaration of the
Conference of the Evangelical Union re
viewed and brought to the Test of Scripture
(Edinburgh, 1862).
born 29th Oct. 1882, killed at the Darda
nelles, 1st Aug. 1915 ; Netta Forrest, born
3rd Dec. 1885 ; Rita Mary, born 28th Nov.
1888 (marr. 4th Nov. 1909, Cecil Ernest
1868 Pen°ray, Muthill, Perthshire, 15th
May 1836, second son of Donald
B., farmer, and Janet Clow ; educated at
Innerpetfray School and Univ. of Glasgow ;
licen. by Presb. of Irvine in 1839 ; ord. to
Kelvinhaugh Parish, Glasgow, 18th Oct.
1860 ; trans, to Johnstone, Dumfriesshire,
26th Dec. 1861 ; trans, and adm. 13th Feb.
1868 ; died 26th Nov. 1869. He marr. 30th
April 1867, Agnes Smith, daugh. of John
Campbell Bryce, min. of Ardrossan, and
had issue — Marianne Douglas Johnstone,
born 2nd Feb. 1868 : Janet, born 20th
March 1869.
1870 born Ayr> 30th Jllly 1843) S0n °f
James P., M.D., surgeon Black
Watch, and Jemima, daugh. of Colonel
George Aitken of Todhall, Fife ; educated
at Edinburgh Academy and Univ. ; M.A.
(1862), B.D. (1865); licen. by Presb. of
Edinburgh in 1865 ; assistant at Stow,
Tron Parish and St Giles, Edinburgh ;
ord. 12th May 1870 ; dem. 18th May 1875,
on appointment as chaplain at Paris ; died
at Paris, 29th April 1880. He marr. 24th
Feb. 1873, Alison Barbara, daugh. of
George John Lyon Cruickshank of Trail-
flat, Dumfries, and had issue — Mary, born
8th Aug. 1876 (marr. the Rev. James
Alexander Corry Vully de Candole, M.A.,
master in Ipswich High School); Charles
Edward, M.A., vicar of St James, Alperton,
Middlesex, 1909-12, organising secretary,
Colonial and Continental Church Society,
1916, born 16th April 1878. Publication—
An Exposition of the Lord's Prayer (Edin
burgh, 1875).
1875 wall, Orkney, 12th March 1849, son
of James D. and Jessie Forrest ; edu
cated at Univ. of Aberdeen ; M.A. (1869) ;
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh in 1873 ;
assistant at St Mary's Parish, Edinburgh ;
ord. 24th Sept. 1875. He marr. 7th Feb.
1876, Rosa Emma, daugh. of Henry Thomas
Coventry and Mary Ann Walbourne, and
has issue — Gertrude Mary, born 2nd Oct.
1880, died 4th Nov. 1888 ; Robert Coventry,
[Meikle and Little Dalton were first
united by Parliament in 1609, but this
parish was joined to Mouswald by letter
of James VI. to the Privy Council, 27th
May 1615. It was again united to Meikle
Dalton, 28th June 1633.]
JOHN CARRUTHERS, reader from
1567 1567 to 1585.
1611 ^rom Rutnerglen about 1611 ; trans, to
Mouswald in terms of His Majesty's
letter to the Privy Council in 1615. — [Reg.
Assig. 1
[The church of Dryfesdale was dedicated
to St Cuthbert, In 1116 it belonged to the
See of Glasgow. The old church at the
Kirkhill was carried away by a flood of the
river Dryfe. A new church, built in 1671,
was swept off also, with a great part of the
churchyard. The church was then built in
Lockerbie, and has since been rebuilt there.
At Beckton, in the parish, the Knights
Templars had a chapel of St Mary, with
chapel lands. There was also a chapel
of St Michael at Hillside of Quaas.]
1576 1576 to 1580.
ALEXANDER POWRIE, son of William
P., min. of Abercorn ; M.A. (St
Andrews 1603) ; pres. by James VI.
28th May 1612; died before 26th Dec.
1616, aged about 33. He marr. Marion
Crawford, who survived him, and had
issue— William.— {Reg. 8ec. 8ig. and Assig.;
Linlithgoiv Sher. Court Book, 24th Feb.
and 8th June 1632.]
ROBERT HERRIES of Hartwoocl and
Halldykes, born 1582, only son of
William H., merchant burgess of
Edinburgh, and Katharine Banks ; M.A.
(Edinburgh, 22nd Feb. 1602); was a
preacher in 1615 ; pres. to the vicarage
by James VI. 24th Dec. 1616. He signed
the protest in favour of the Liberties of
the Kirk 27th June 1617 ; entered burgess
of Edinburgh 17th June 1629 ; was still
in the charge 4th July 1661 ; died 10th
May 1662. He marr. 10th Sept. 1618,
Janet Mackison, of the parish of South
Leith, and had issue — William of Hart-
wood ; Robert of Halldykes ; Margaret
(marr. circa 1658, William Herries of Cory-
toun). — [Hey. Xec. Siy. ; Edin. Bapt. and
fr'iitlcl ; S. Leitk Mar.; Dumfries Tests.;
Tomlst. ; Dumfries Sets., vii., 159.]
GEORGE BROWN, M.A. (St Andrews,
12th June 1652) ; licen. by George,
Bishop of Edinburgh, 25th March
1666 ; adm. before 1678 ; having made him
self obnoxious by his zeal in prosecuting
the Presbyterians, he was outed at the
Revolution. He marr. (1) Mary (died before
Jan. 1688), daugh. of John Brown, min. of
Westerkirk : (2) Elizabeth Brown, widow
of Robert Scott, writer, Edinburgh, who
survived him, and had issue — Anne. Pub
lication — Toleration Defended (Edinburgh,
1703).— \_R eg. Coilat. ; Rule's Sec. Vin/lica-
tion; Apology for the Clergy J\
from Dunscore ; called in March, and
adm. 1st June 1691 ; trans, to New
North Parish, Edinburgh, Nov. 1693.
JAMES SHORT, M.A. (Edinburgh, 2nd
July 1684); ord. before llth Oct.
1698 ; died July 1730. He marr.,
and had issue — Elizabeth, his executrix ;
Janet (marr. 5th June 1727. John Colville,
glover, Edinburgh).
GABRIEL GULLAN, born 1693, son of
William G., min. of Ladykirk ; ord.
to Wamphray 19th Sept. 1717;
called 19th Jan., and adm. 16th March
1731; died llth April 1764. He marr.
21st Nov. 1717, Elizabeth Milligan, who
died 19th June 1780, and had issue —
Grizell (marr. William Scott, min. of
Kirkpatrick - Juxta) ; William, min. of
Legerwood ; Margaret ; Janet ; George,
died 4th June 1748; Thomas. — [Toml>st.~\
son of John C.. min. of Wemyss ;
licen. by Presb. of Kirkcaldy 17th
March 1737 ; ord. to Rousay 16th Sept.
1747; trans, to St Andrew's, Orkney, 18th
Aug. 1752; pres. by George III. 7th Sept.
1764; adm. 18th July 1765: died 17th
June 1781. He marr. (1) 1726 (name un
known) : (2) 1749, Euphemia (died at
Edinburgh, 27th Oct. 1809, aged 83),
daugh. of Robert Graham, great-grandson
of Bishop Graham of Orkney, and had
issue — John, born 14th Nov. 1749 ;
Euphemia, born 15th Feb. 1751 (marr.
Bryce Little, min. of Covington) ; Janet,
born 15th July 1752, died 24th May
1770; Elizabeth, born 13th Oct. 1753
(marr., pro. 20th March 1782, Alexander
Keay, brewer, Edinburgh) ; Jean, born
10th June 1755, died 14th Nov. 1776;
James, born 31st Aug. 1756 ; Charlotte,
born 25th Dec. 1757, died 4th Feb. 1758;
Barbara Ann, born 19th March 1759 (marr.
Robert Little, min. of Applegarth) ; Robert,
born 10th Jan. 1764; Margaret, born 2nd
July 1765; George, born 20th Sept. 1768.
— [Tombst.]
_ Presb. of Lochmaben 7th Oct. 1777;
pres. by George III. 28th Aug. 1781 ;
ord. 28th March 1782 ; dep. for drunken
ness 4th April 1799, which sentence was
confirmed by the Synod 17th April, and by
the General Assembly 4th June 1799 ; died
1st Nov. 1824. He marr. 9th March 1795,
Helen Graham, Dryfesdale, and had issue
— John, born 4th July 1796, died before
4th June 1799. Publication— Account of
the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace., iv.).
JOHN HENDERSON, licen. by Presb.
I7gg of Haddington 2nd Sept. 1777 ; ord.
min. at Monkwearmouth ; became
chaplain to the miners at Wanlockhead in
1794 ; pres. by George III. 7th Sept. ; adm.
7th Nov. 1799 ; died 16th March 1833. He
marr. (1) 22nd July 1789, Mary (died llth
April 1793), daugh. of John Haly, min. of
Clackmannan : (2) 14th March 1794, Martha
Wilkin, who died 16th Dec. 1846, and had
issue — Catherine, born 29th April 1795
(marr. 16th Dec. 1821, Alexander Brown,
teacher, Applegarth) ; Mary, born 6th May
1797 ; James, lieut. 46th Regt. Native
Infantry, born 14th May 1799, died at Tala-
verine, Madras, 10th May 1828 ; Charles
Douglas, born 16th Aug. 1801 ; George,
born 16th Dec. 1803 ; John, born 7th Oct.
1806 ; Isabella Caldwell (twin), born 7th
Oct. 1806 (marr. 21st Aug. 1827, William
Alexander Smith, merchant, Liverpool) ;
William Dunbar Wilkin, born 23rd Aug.
1809. Publication — Account of the Parish
(New fitat. Ace., iv.).
Stirling, eldest son of Robert D.,
master of High School, Glasgow ;
educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; M.A. (1823);
licen. by Presb. of Glasgow 6th Aug. 1827 ;
ord. to Maxwelltown 21st April 1831 ; pres.
by William IV. in July ; adm. 7th Nov.
1833. Joined the Free Church: min. of
Largs Free Church 1843-1863 ; deserted his
charge 19th Oct. 1863, and died in 1864.
He marr. (1) 1st Sept. 1831, Helen Graham,
daugh. of Robert Hill, W.S., and had issue
—Robert Hill, born 3rd Oct. 1832; David
Laurence, born 5th March 1834; Laurence
Hill, born 26th Jan., died 4th Feb. 1836 ;
James Buchanan (twin), born 26th Jan., died
7th Feb. 1836 ; Thomas James, born 6th
Feb. 1837 ; John William, born 7th Dec.
1838 : (2) 12th Feb. 1850, Jane M'Crone
(died 2nd Nov. 1903), and had issue— Sir
James M'Crone, K.C.S.I., officiating Lieut.-
Governor of the Panjab, 1911, born 8th
March 1854.
Balyett, Inch, Wigtownshire, 1810,
second son of James W., farmer, and
Agnes Hill ; educated at Univ. of Glasgow ;
licen. by Presb. of Stranraer 24th Aug.
1831 ; assistant at Kirkoswald ; ord. 2nd
Nov. 1843 ; clerk of Presb. ; clerk of Synod;
died unmarr. 1st Sept. 1887.
1882 k°rn Falkirk, 21st May 1848, son of
Archibald J. and Barbara Gibson ;
educated at Falkirk Grammar School and
Univs. of Glasgow and Edinburgh ; licen.
by Presb. of Linlithgow 14th Feb. 1876;
assistant at St Stephen's Parish, Glasgow,
and at St Giles, Edinburgh ; ord. (assistant
and successor) 4th July 1882; dem. 2nd
Dec. 1913. Marr. (1) 16th Aug. 1882, Isa
bella (died s.p. 15th Jan. 1891), daugh. of
William Swanson and Janet Brown : (2)
29th March 1899, Agnes, daugh. of Robert
Anderson and Janet Mackenzie.
1914 Glasgow, 21st Nov. 1888, son of
Robert P. and Lucinda Crawford ;
educated at Hutcheson's Grammar School
and Univ. of Glasgow; M.A. (1909), B.I).
(1912) ; licen. by Presb. of Hamilton in
1912 ; assistant at Cambuslang and St
Mungo's, Glasgow ; ord. 5th May 1914.
Marr. 20th July 1914, Elizabeth Murray
Peebles. Publications — The Presence of
Christ : A Stud;/ of the Lord's Supper
(Hamilton, 1913); The Four Recruits
[Verses] (Dumfries, 1914).
[Until 1193 Hutton was a chapel of
Sibbaldbie. These parishes were united in
1609. There are still remains of the old
church of Corrie.]
1576 Corrie from 1576 to 1579.
RAYNING, pres. by James VI.
4th March 1586.
GEORGE PRYDE, M.A. (1600) ; min.
1615 in 1615; deprived "as unqualified
and not worthie to exercise such
an calling." The Privy Council, 4th Nov.
1624, being informed by James, Archbishop
of Glasgow, " that he doth notwithstand
ing to the offence of God, contempt of the
ordouris of the Kirke, and scandall of the
ministrie, still preach and minister the
sacraments at the said kirk, ordanis and
commandis James Johnestoun of that ilk,
that he on nawayes sutler nor permit the
said George to preach nor to minister the
sacramentis at the said kirk at ony time
heirafter, quhilk the said James promeist
to do." He was restored to this charge
previous to 12th Aug. 1632, but on 5th
Feb. 1645 the General Assembly authorised
the Presb. to resume the process against
him. His son, George, was served heir to
certain lands near St Andrews, 6th Feb.
1655. — [Orig. Lett., ii. ; Rey. Assig. ; Corn-
miss, fo Ass., 1638; Mid -Colder Sess.
Reg.; Acts of 'Ass., 145; Peterkin's
Records ; Stevenson's Hist. ; Inq. Ret.
File, 843.]
.JOHN LAURIE, M.A., probably previ-
ously min. of Monkland ; was
recommended by the Assembly
28th Aug. 1647 ; adm. previous to 25th
June 1650 ; conformed to Episcopacy in
1662. He marr. Janet Burnet, who sur
vived him. — [Peterkin's Records; Wodrow's
Hist., i., 326; <Y. R. Homings, 16th Dec.
THOMAS KNIGHT, mentioned in 1679.
1679 —[.Vuldlebie 1'resb. Reg.]
of Fawside, Berwickshire ; descended
from the family of Struan ; min. of
this parish in 1686, and outed at the
Revolution. In 1693 he was servitor to
the Earl of Annandale, and a merchant
burgess and guild brother of Edinburgh.
He marr. (cont. dated 6th Aug. 1686)
Margaret, sixth daugh. of Major William
Lyle of Bassendean, and had issue —
William of Hillhousefield, writer, Edin
burgh, ancestor of the Ladykirk family,
born 1688, died April 1783; Sophia, born
1689 (marr. 16th Oct. 1705, John Philip,
indweller in Edinburgh). — [Reg. of Deeds,
Mack., 21st Sept. 1698 ; G. R. Sas., Ixxxiii.,
436; Edin. Counc. Reg.; Ladykirk Papers.]
1692 1668) ; ord< before 12th APril 1692 >
dep. for immorality April 1697 ;
died at Edinburgh, 17th March 1699, aged
about 51. — \Penpont Presb. Reg. ; Grey-
friars Bur.; Acts of /!.«., 1698.]
GEORGE YOUNG, born 1674, son of
1702 I^trick Y. of Auchenskeoch ; M.A.
(St Andrews, 6th March 1696) ; licen.
by Presb. of Linlithgow 22nd May 1700 ;
ord. 7th May 1702 : died 14th Feb. 1749.
He marr. 16th June 1704, Sophia (died
30th Nov. 1760), daugh. of John Mein,
min. of Westerkirk, and had issue — John,
died 23rd Nov. 1746 ; George ; William,
his successor ; Christian ; Mary ; Henry ;
Elizabeth ; Sophia ; Margaret ; Alison. —
[Dumfries Tests. ; Tomhst. ; Murray's (lalln-
WILLIAM YOUNG, born 29th Oct.
1736 1710, son of preceding; pres. by
George, Marquess of Annandale,
and ord. (assistant and successor) 29th Dec.
1736; died 29th June 1761. He marr. 1st
June 1750, Agnes (born 9th Nov. 1722,
died llth June 1809), daugh. of Alexander
Orr of Hazelside, min. of Hoddam, and
had issue — George, born 6th July 1752,
died llth Sept. 1753; Agnes, born 3rd
Sept, 1755 (marr. Thomas Hardy, D.D.,
min. of New North Parish, Edinburgh) ;
Alexander of Harburn, W.S., born 19th
June 1757, died 3rd Dec. 1842, ancestor
of the family of Young-Herries of Spottes,
parish of Urr.— [Tombst. ; M'Call's Some
Old Families.]
GEORGE BARCLAY, trans, from
Wamphray ; pres. by the curator
for George, Marquess of Annandale,
12th Nov. 1761 ; adm. 24th March 1762 ;
trans, to Second Charge, Haddington, 17th
July 1766.
PATRICK NISBET, son of James N.,
min. of Old Kirk Parish, Edin
burgh ; was originally a merchant
in Glasgow ; pres. by the curator for
George, Marquess of Annandale, Dec.
1766; ord. 14th May 1767; D.D. (King's
College, Aberdeen, 24th Feb. 1776); died
2nd Jan. 1803, aged 81. He marr. Janet
(died 13th April 1795, aged 72), daugh.
of William Stirling, surgeon, Glasgow, and
had issue — Mary, born 22nd July 1754
(rnarr. Laurence Dinwoodie, Glasgow) ;
James, born 5th Aug. 1755, died young;
Elizabeth, born 9th Jan. 1757 (marr. pro. 4th
Nov. 1783, John Fisher, wright, Edinburgh);
Margaret, born 6th Dec. 1762. Publications
— Seasonable Address to the Citizens of
Glasgow upon the present important question,
Whether the Churches of that City shall
continue Free, or he enslaved with Patronage
(1762); An Abridgement of Ecclesiastical
History (Edinburgh, 1776).
JACOB WRIGHT, pros, by James, Earl
1799 °^ Hopetoun, 19th April, and ord.
(assistant and successor) 12th July
1799 ; died in London, 4th Nov. 1845, aged
75. He marr. 30th April 1804, Jane (died
28th April 1842), daugh. of Robert Hood,
M.D., Newcastle-on-Tyne, and had issue —
John Armstrong, M.D.,born 7th Feb. 1805 ;
Robert, surgeon, born 4th March 1806 ;
Margaret, born 6th Jan. 1808 (marr. 17th
March 1840, William Elliot, surgeon) ;
Elizabeth, born 29th Nov. 1810. Publica
tion — Account of the Parish (J^ew Stat.
Ace., iv.).
1844 IJumplaburn, Wamphray, 18th Nov.
1820, son of Hopetoun C., farmer ;
educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; B.A. (1841) ;
Keen, by Presb. of Lochmaben in 1843;
ord. (assistant and successor) 18th Oct.
1844; died unmarr. 2nd May 1875.
THOMAS RAIN, born Gaily Mains,
1875 Gatehouse-of-Fleet, 26th Oct. 1845,
son of John R. and Agnes Martin ;
educated at Hutton Hall, Caerlaverock,
and Univ. of Edinburgh; M.A. (1868);
licen. by Presb. of Linlithgow in 1872 ;
assistant at Trinity Parish, Edinburgh,
Carluke, and Anderston Parish, Glasgow ;
ord. 26th Oct. 1875; died 1st May 1905.
He marr. 31st Oct. 1876, Margaret, daugh.
of Mathew Morton and Helen Muir
M'llwraith. Publications — Two Sermons in
Scotch Sermons (Edinburgh, 1880) ; Broivn-
ing for Beginners (London, 1904).
1903 bank, 21st Aug. 1872, son of Alexander
Watson M. and Anne Macdonald ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; M.A.
(1895); licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh in
1899 ; assistant at Bothwell and Greenside,
Edinburgh ; ord. (assistant and successor)
5th June 1903. Marr. 22nd Sept. 1903,
Agnes Laurie, daugh. of David Pentland
and Elizabeth Ogilvie White, and has
issue — Agnes Pentland, born 28th Feb.
1905 ; Elizabeth Ogilvie, born 30th April
1906; Alastair Macdonald, born 31st Aug.
1907; Margaret Muir, born 29th Oct.
1908 ; David White, born 6th Sept, 1910 ;
Isobel Nichol, born llth March 1912.
[In 1674 part of Garrel was annexed to
Johnstone. Part of Dungree also was
added in the seventeenth century.]
ADAM WILKIE, reader from 1576 to
1576 1580.
WILLIAM STRANG, son of William S.,
min. of Irvine ; M.A. (St Andrews,
28th July 1610) ; min. in 1615 ; died
before 12th Feb. 1647, when his brother
John, Principal of Glasgow Univ., was
served heir. He marr. 20th Aug. 1622,
Catherine (died 10th June 1623), daugh.
of John Henderson, merchant burgess of
Edinburgh. — \_lteg. Assig. ; Commiss. to Ass.,
1638 ; Edin. Tests. ; Inq. Ret. Gen,, 3234.]
JOHN MENZIES, M.A., brother of the
Laird of Culterallers ; min. in 1658.
He conformed to Episcopacy in 1662,
and was trans, to Caerlaverock in 1670.
— [-Biyffw Presb. Reg.; Fountainhall's
Journal (Scot. Hist. Soc., 231).]
THOMAS WOOD, M.A., son of Thomas
W., bailie of Maybole ; min. about
1670; trans, to Cockpen 8th Aug.
l^]\.—[Keg. of Deeds, Mack., 20th March
min. in 1673 ; trans, to Kirkpatrick-
Juxta about 1682.
JOSEPH VALLANCE, born Boghall,
Biggar, son of William V. ; educated
at Biggar School ; M.A. (Edinburgh,
18th July 1664) ; min. in 1682. The parish
was vacant in 1689.— [/w/- ^et- ae Tnt->
1087 ; MS. A'-<: of Min.. 1689 : Rule's Sec.
SAMUEL TELFER, M.A. : called 6th
°r(i' Before 13tl1 Oct-
1702 : trans, to Kirkintilloch 17th
Nov. 1709.— [Acts, of Ass., 1704-9.]
171O "*(^1 April 1700) ; became chaplain
to Carmichael of Mauldslie ; licen.
by Presb. of Lanark 19th May 1708; ord.
about 10th Oct. 1710; still in the charge
13th Feb. 1733. He marr., and had issue
— Margaret (marr. 8th Dec. 1777, James
Clark, glazier, Canongate) ; Anne (marr.
17th July 1743, William M'Ghie, writer,
JAMES M'EWEN, having supplied Loch-
,„„ maben during a vacancy, had a
half-year's stipend allowed from the
Exchequer 27th Nov. 1732; pres. by the
tutrix for George, Marquess of Annandale,
and ord. 26th Sept. 1733 ; trans, to Moffat
25th April 1734.
JOHN NIMMO, M.A. (Edinburgh 29th
George, Marquess of Annandale,
June, and ord. 12th Sept. 1734; he was
pres. to Moffat by the commissioner for
George, Marquess of Annandale, 19th and
26th May 1742, but difficulties occurred, and
the parishioners objecting to his removal,
translation was refused by Commission of
Assembly 9th March 1743. He died 29th
Sept. 1784, in his 79th year. He marr.
20th Dec. 1743, Marjory (died s.p. 4th Nov.
1787), daugh. and co-heiress of William
Johnston of Bearholm. — [Tomlst. ; Morren's
Ann., i.]
WILLIAM SIBBALD, pres. by the
curator for George, Marquess of
Annandale, 16th June, and ord.
22nd Dec. 1785 ; trans, to Second Charge,
Haddington, 4th Aug. 1808.
ROBERT COLVIN, a native of San-
quhar, tutor in the family of Admiral
Sir W7illiam Johnstone Hope of
Annandale ; licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh
25th Sept. 1805; D.I). (King's College,
Aberdeen, 13th May 1808) ; pres. by James,
Earl of Hopetoun, 1st Sept. 1808 ; ord.
27th April 1809 ; died 4th Sept. 1851, aged
73. He marr. 30th Nov. 1809, Marion
(died 2nd Sept. 185S, aged 75), daugh. of
Walter Laidlaw, Glenrath, parish of Manor,
and Mary Welsh of Mossfennan, Peebles-
shire, and had issue — Robert, born 19th
Nov. 1810. died 20th Nov. 1824: Walter
Laidlaw, D.D.. min. of Cramond : Mary
Caroline, born and died 26th April 1814;
Anne Hope Johnstone, born 31st March
1815, died 20th March 1820: Elizabeth
Goldie, born 26th March 1817 (marr. 5th
June 1843, James M'Naught Fisher, min.
of Swallow Street Church, London) ; Mary
Hope Johnstone, born 9th Feb. 1818 (marr.
4th June 1839, Alexander Vivian Buttery,
Monkland Iron and Steel Co.) ; Anne, born
22nd Sept, 1820 (marr. William Hanson) :
\Villiam of Craigielands, merchant, Glasgow,
born 21st Feb. 1823, died 20th Sept. 1880;
Jessie Hunter, born 30th Jan. 1825; Robert
Francis, his successor. Publications —
Sermon IX. (Church of Scotland Pulpit,
ii.) ; Account of the Parish (New Stat.
Ace., iv.).
19th March 1852; dem. 2nd Oct.
. 11*
1854, on appointment as a chaplain
at Bombay ; [min. of Kirkpa trick- Juxta
in 1865].
ord. 22nd Feb. 1855 : trans, to
Ormiston 19th Sept. 1861.
JAMES CLOW BRYCE, ord. 26th Dec.
1861 : trans, to Dalton 13th Feb.
gow, 4th Nov. 1834, seventh son of
Alexander M. (who was on board
the Bellerophon when Napoleon surrendered
to the British after Waterloo) and Anne
Palmer ; educated at Glasgow schools and
Univ. ; licen. by Presb. of Glasgow 9th
May 1860 ; assistant at Middle Parish,
Paisley ; ord. to St David;s, Kirkintilloch,
12th April 1861 : trans, and adm. 2,9th
June 1868 ; died unmarr. 19th Nov. 1897.
18gg stem, Peeblesshire, 19th June 1863,
son of Thomas H. and Elizabeth
Bertram ; educated at Peebles Academy
and Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb.
of Peebles 12th Nov. 1890: assistant at
Middlebie ; ord. 26th April 1898. He marr.
4th Oct. 1899, Mary Alice 1 )ormer, daugh.
of Xathan M'Cleary, Lockerbie, and Mary
Ann Galloway.
[The church of Kirkmichael in Annan-
dale, dedicated to St Michael, belonged
to the Abbey of Kil winning.]